Relieving exacerbation of psoriasis. Exacerbation of psoriasis: what to do in case of acute relapse

The course of most diseases is wave-like. With successful treatment, periods of remission occur. For a number of reasons, they can be replaced by relapses. Exacerbation of psoriasis occurs in patients who do not know what to do to avoid this condition. They do not take good care of their own health, so again and again they are faced with the intensification of skin disease.

Doctors give different answers to the question of why psoriasis worsens. Most often it occurs due to the fact that the patient receives incorrect treatment. There are other factors that can provoke a painful condition. Experts have still not been able to prove a direct connection between them and psoriasis. Therefore, their conclusions are still speculation.

Relapse of psoriasis can happen for the following reasons:

  • Hormonal disorder;
  • Poor nutrition;
  • Emotional overload and strong feelings;
  • Decreased protective functions of the body;
  • Taking inappropriate medications;
  • Skin exposure to chemicals and other irritants;
  • Unsuitable climatic conditions.

The doctor is not always able to identify the true causes of exacerbation of psoriasis. He may assume that the relapse occurred due to the patient’s failure to comply with recommendations for disease prevention.

It is not always possible to determine what triggered the exacerbation

Symptoms of exacerbation

Every person who has been diagnosed with a skin pathology should know how to quickly relieve an exacerbation of psoriasis. It is also important to learn how to determine the development of a painful condition in order to take timely measures to stop it.

The first sign of psoriasis relapse is the appearance of red spots on dry skin on different parts of the body. Psoriatic plaques can form on the head, legs, arms, feet and other areas. These spots are more like a small rash with clear boundaries. On top they will certainly be covered with gray or white scales. As the disease progresses, the spots increase in size. The patient will begin to experience itching. There is often a burning sensation. All these symptoms make themselves felt when psoriasis worsens.

Exacerbation during pregnancy and after childbirth

Women who have already had to deal with psoriasis quite rarely suffer from its relapse during pregnancy. However, during pregnancy, initial signs of the disease may occur.

Symptoms of exacerbation of psoriatic skin lesions depend on the form in which it occurs. The most dangerous are the pustular generalized type and psoriatic erythroderma. Towards the end of pregnancy and after childbirth, women are often diagnosed with impetigo herpetiformis.

Pustular psoriasis is a dangerous form

In pregnant women, several pustules form in the skin folds. They can also be localized in a circle. As the disease worsens, the skin becomes very swollen and inflamed. The rash may well spread to the mucous membrane, which is why a pregnant woman risks losing her baby.

In women prone to psoriatic lesions of the body, the disease worsened for the following reasons:

  • Experiencing stress;
  • Weakening of the immune system;
  • Hormonal disbalance.
  • Women who may experience a flare-up of psoriasis at any time should plan their pregnancy carefully. They should strictly follow all doctor’s recommendations to minimize the risk of relapse.

    If a woman begins to neglect the advice of a specialist, she may lose her child due to premature birth or fetal death. The advanced stage of psoriasis is a threat to the life of the expectant mother.

    If a pregnant woman’s psoriasis worsens and there is a real threat to her life, the doctor is obliged to raise the issue of terminating the pregnancy.

    Treatment for exacerbations

    Since there are many reasons why the chronic course of the disease develops into an acute one, this problem should be solved comprehensively. To recover, the patient will have to take medications prescribed by the doctor, undergo physical therapy procedures, and regularly treat the affected areas with topical medications.

    Local treatment must be prescribed along with taking pills

    Ointments and creams

    People who have already tried to fight psoriatic plaques know how to relieve an exacerbation of psoriasis at home. Local medications cope best with this task. Ointments and creams for psoriasis are quite popular and effective. Doctors will recommend treating the skin with the following medications:

    • Ointments containing salicylic acid and zinc;
    • Creams based on grease;
    • Ointments with natural tar;
    • Sulfur ointments.

    The ointment, like the cream, perfectly relieves inflammation, has an antiallergic effect and helps reduce rashes.


    In case of relapse of psoriasis, medications in the form of tablets must be prescribed. The active substances they contain affect the human body from the inside.

    Drug treatment of psoriasis during exacerbation includes taking drugs from the following groups:

  • Sedatives. To reduce the manifestation of the disease, a person needs to relax and calm down as much as possible. This is because relapses usually occur due to emotional overstrain and stress. Dermatologists recommend taking Novo-pasit and Fitosed in tablet form;
  • Sorbents. The appearance of the skin is greatly influenced by the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. It is very important to free them from toxins and other harmful substances. Smecta, Sorbex and activated carbon can help complete this task;
  • Antihistamines. They relieve discomfort and itching. For psoriasis, Claritin, Suprastin and Diazolin are usually prescribed.
  • Psoriasis relapse can also be treated with other tablet medications. The main thing is that they are approved by a doctor.

    There are many medications for the treatment of psoriasis, and only a doctor can determine the best option.


    When the exacerbation of the skin disease subsides a little, doctors prescribe patients to undergo a series of physiotherapeutic procedures. With this diagnosis, the following will be useful:

    • Exposure to UV rays. Ultraviolet light has a positive effect on the skin. It promotes its regeneration. During periods of exacerbation, patients are offered photochemotherapy, which combines the use of radiation and treatment of the skin with a special drug;
    • Hydrotherapy. Salt baths perfectly cleanse and disinfect the skin. It is recommended to supplement Dead Sea salts with coniferous components to obtain a more pronounced treatment effect;
    • Selective phototherapy. During the procedure, a pulse effect occurs on the inflamed areas. The efficiency of this method is quite high. It helps eliminate about 80% of rashes on the body;
    • Cryotherapy. The procedure is prescribed if there is a relapse of psoriasis. Its essence lies in the effect of low temperatures on the affected skin. Hypothermic shock has a positive effect on the immune system and radically changes the course of the disease.

    If possible, patients should go to the resorts of the Black or Dead Sea. Swimming in their waters and breathing sea air will help stop psoriasis and improve your overall health. If you believe the statistics, about 60% of patients, after relaxing at such resorts, partially got rid of the unpleasant symptoms of a progressive disease.

    Proper nutrition

    The basis of any treatment is the normalization of nutrition. For psoriasis, it is recommended to follow a hypoallergenic or plant-based diet. They both help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cleanse the body of toxins.

    Diet during exacerbation of psoriasis is mandatory!

    During periods of exacerbation, dermatologists and nutritionists advise introducing into the daily diet:

  • Dairy products;
  • Fruits and vegetables;
  • Low-fat fish varieties;
  • Bran.
  • Semi-finished products;
  • Fast food;
  • Carbonated drinks;
  • Marinades;
  • Fatty, fried and canned foods.
  • You should also reduce your consumption of alcoholic beverages to a minimum, as they can worsen your health.


    To prevent exacerbation of a chronic disease, patients should adhere to the preventive measures that dermatologists will tell them about. The following activities will help increase the duration of remission:

    • Timely treatment of infectious diseases (caries, otitis, sinusitis and others);
    • Preventing skin injuries;
    • Improving working conditions;
    • Following the doctor’s recommendations regarding work and rest schedules, as well as nutrition;
    • Avoiding contact with people who are carriers of infectious diseases;
    • Rejection of bad habits;
    • Avoiding stressful situations.

    A dermatologist may suggest taking special products that keep the body in good condition and prevent relapses of psoriasis. In such situations, lecithin in granules is prescribed. It normalizes fat metabolism and improves the appearance of the skin.

    Befungin gives a positive result. This is a drug based on an extract from birch mushroom. It has a beneficial effect on the process of hematopoiesis and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. If used correctly, you can achieve long-term remission.

    It is impossible to recover completely from psoriasis. Pharmaceutical companies have not yet been able to come up with a remedy that would solve this problem. Therefore, patients should do their best to maintain the period of remission and avoid factors that can trigger the activation of the disease.

    Who said that getting rid of psoriasis is difficult?

    Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against psoriasis is not yet on your side...

    Have you already thought about radical treatment methods? This is understandable, because psoriasis can progress, resulting in the rash covering 70-80% of the body surface. Which leads to a chronic form.

    Red blistering blisters on the skin, itching, cracked heels, peeling skin... All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand. But perhaps it would be more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause? We recommend reading the secret of cure from a dermatologist at the Russian Dermatology Center.

    Dear friends, hello. Today I will tell you about the treatment of exacerbation. With this form of the disease, plaques usually affect a large surface of the body and cause severe discomfort to the patient.

    Alas, it is still unknown what exactly causes relapses and exacerbations, and the patient himself is at a loss. The problem may appear after taking antibiotics or severe stress. We will talk about the reasons for this development in another article, but now let’s move directly to the treatment itself.

    I will say this: a dermatologist will prescribe a comprehensive treatment, which is based on:

    • Taking medications;
    • The use of external agents;
    • Physiotherapeutic therapy;
    • Folk remedies;
    • Taking homeopathy;
    • Proper diet.

    I will now describe each of these points in more detail.

    Treatment of exacerbation of psoriasis Drug treatment of psoriasis

    Do not prescribe treatment for yourself under any circumstances. This should only be done by a doctor after a thorough diagnosis. Otherwise, you may cause your condition to worsen.

    Since during an exacerbation a person feels depressed, irritated, and nervous, it is important to take sedatives such as Novopassit, Persen, Valerian and others.

    To get rid of hyperemia, edema, terrible itching, antihistamines will be prescribed (Loratadine, Suprastin, Claritin, Erius, Zodak, etc.)

    To quickly remove toxins from the body that can cause relapses, you need to drink enterosorbents (Smecta, Sorbex, Polysorb, Enterosgel, Activated carbon).

    In order to restore the intestinal microflora, Linex, Bifiform and others are taken.

    The doctor may also prescribe vitamins, as well as lipoic or folic acid, which will help faster regeneration of the epidermis.

    Effective external treatment

    What to do? Initially, you can try to treat the disease with proven remedies that relieve the inflammatory process, soften the affected skin layer, eliminating peeling. These are local medications containing salicylic acid and zinc (zinc ointment, salicylic-zinc paste, salicylic ointment, cream or aerosol Zinocap).

    Zinocap's active ingredient is zinc pyrithione, which has anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antibacterial effects. This cream is often prescribed to children over the age of one year. It is necessary to treat the affected areas with it 2-3 times a day for a month and a half.

    Modern drugs Psorkutan and Daivonex, in which the active substance is an analogue of vitamin D (calcipotriol), are also prescribed. Its action is to deactivate T-lymphocytes, which slows down the increase in the keratinocyte layer. According to reviews from doctors and patients, the visible effect occurs within a couple of weeks after use.

    However, these two remedies should not be used together with salicylic drugs, as this may cause the development of an allergic reaction. But they combine very well with hormonal medications.

    Good remedies are ointments with the addition of tar (coal tar, juniper, birch, pine). This is a solution of Berestin, Anthramin, Colloidin, Anthrasulfonic ointment. First, a small area of ​​skin is treated. If there is no irritation, then large areas can be treated. In summer, these products must be used with great caution, as they are very phototoxic.

    Ointments with (Kartalin, Cytospor cream-balm) can also be prescribed. They soften the stratum corneum of the epidermis, removing peeling.

    Kartalin contains the following ingredients:

    • Eucalyptus oil, lavender;
    • retinol;
    • salicylic acid;
    • grease;
    • chamomile extract, string;
    • Bee Honey;
    • lysozyme;
    • vitamin D.

    If you regularly apply this ointment to the skin, you can get rid of the symptoms of psoriasis and gradually clear the skin of psoriatic plaques. The full course is approximately a month. When starting treatment, it is important to combine this ointment with antihistamines.

    Oil preparations can also be prescribed to treat exacerbations.

    Hormonal medications

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    They are prescribed only by a doctor in severe cases of the disease. These drugs have a large list of contraindications and side effects. The most powerful glucocorticosteroid is Dermovate. You can use it for no more than a month. Apply a thin layer to the skin up to two times a day.

    Such drugs have a quick, strong effect, but at the same time they are addictive. It is very difficult to refuse them, so you need to treat such treatment with caution and think a thousand times whether you need a short-term but quick effect or a long stage of remission.


    If local therapy does not give the desired effect, then you will be prescribed physiotherapeutic treatment. This is usually using a medium or long range wave and Psoralen, which increases sensitivity to radiation. The drug comes in the form of oral tablets and a skin solution.

    Physiotherapy procedures such as:

    • PUVA;
    • laser irradiation of blood;
    • magnetic therapy;
    • phonophoresis;
    • electrophoresis.

    Even if such measures do not lead to an improvement in the patient’s condition, then systemic therapy will be prescribed using vitamins D, A, immunosuppressants, and hormonal medications. This is an extreme measure that has many negative consequences.

    The use of folk remedies

    This alternative therapy is not always combined with medications, so consultation with your doctor is required.

    In fact, there are a lot of methods for treating the disease at home. The best proven method is “balneotherapy” - taking baths with medicinal ingredients:

  • With the addition of essential oils: chamomile, rose, bergamot, lavender;
  • A decoction of a mixture of herbs: yarrow, string, medicinal soapwort.
  • The herbal decoction is prepared as follows: take a handful of herbal mixture, add warm water (2 liters), leave for an hour. Then put on fire, boil, cook in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool, squeeze, add Bolotov vinegar N 19, pour into a bath (water no more than 38 degrees) and lie in it for 15 minutes. In total, you need to do 10-12 procedures every other day.

    Look video about how to take baths with celandine:

    You can try lotions with. You will need 50 ml of red wine, 300 grams of celandine herb (preferably fresh), pass the herb through a meat grinder, squeeze out the juice, add 25 ml of wine, soak a cotton pad in it, wipe the problem areas. Afterwards, lubricate the same places with the remaining wine.

    You can make lotions without wine, using celandine tincture. Take 4 large spoons of grass roots, pour in half a liter of alcohol, close and leave for a couple of hours. Treat plaques twice a day.


    This treatment is prescribed by a homeopath. There are about 30 drugs, each of which is used for a specific type of disease (on the face, hands, head, etc.). Self-medication is impossible!

    Here are the most commonly used drugs:

    • Aquifolium - when plaques affect the scalp, face, neck;
    • Arsenicum Album - when the scales are small and very itchy. Prescribed for patients who experience a relapse in winter, as well as for children with damage to the scalp;
    • Crotalus gorridus - in case of lesions with an unpleasant odor of the palms;
    • Arsenicum iodatum - for elderly patients with large plaques.

    If there is no homeopathic doctor in your city, you can purchase a pharmaceutical preparation made according to this principle. This is Psoriaten ointment. It can be used for mild forms of the disease by pregnant and lactating women under the supervision of a doctor, as well as children after 1 year.

    Proper diet

    If you want to quickly get rid of a severe exacerbation of the disease, then it is extremely important to follow. As such, there is no clear list of foods, because different bodies react differently to one or another food.

    With psoriasis, it is necessary to maintain the acid-base balance of the body. Your diet should contain a lot of alkaline-forming foods (up to 80%). These are juicy fruits, excluding blueberries, plums, currants, cranberries, all types of cabbage, carrots, beets, salads, celery, spinach, onions, sweet potatoes, freshly squeezed juices.

    It is better to exclude potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes, hot peppers from the diet. Exacerbation can be triggered by alcohol, nuts, sweets, spicy, smoked, salty, spices, citrus fruits, blue cheese.

    It is important to eat protein foods: seafood, vegetable and animal oils, grains, cereals (especially buckwheat, spelt, rolled oats).

    Look video about how to eat with psoriasis:


    It is not prescribed so often - only if it is detected. In this case, pathological tissue is removed from the joint to restore its function. Prosthetics are also performed on large joints to fix them in the desired position.

    Look video about treating psoriasis without drugs:

    This, dear readers, is where I end the article. I hope you have received all the answers to your questions about treating psoriasis flare-ups. If you found the article useful, share it with your friends on social networks. I say goodbye to you. Good luck with your treatment!

    Exacerbation of psoriasis most often occurs in the autumn-winter period, sometimes in the spring. This is due to a decrease in solar activity and a decrease in the effect of ultraviolet radiation on the skin, as well as deterioration of immunity due to colds. The remission period ends spontaneously, for no apparent reason. The relapse can last from several days to weeks and affects the most vulnerable areas on the patient’s body.

    Signs of exacerbation

    Most often, repeated psoriatic plaques form in areas of the body with dry and thin skin due to mechanical or chemical effects. New papules measuring 1-2 mm are reddish in color and are localized in the lumbar region, head, upper or lower extremities (elbows and knees). The formations are covered with scales and tend to increase in area to 1 cm or more. When the top layer peels off, slight bleeding of plaques and the formation of a moist terminal film are possible. In this case, the rashes are accompanied by itching and peeling, the patient feels a constant feeling of tightness and general discomfort. At the site of damage to the skin, cracks, scratches, and pustules may appear.

    If the initial stage of exacerbation of psoriasis is detected, it is necessary to seek medical advice and follow preventive measures.

    Conditions for the development of relapse

    For each person suffering from psoriasis, the disease progresses individually. This also applies to periods of exacerbation. Factors that cause relapse in some patients are well tolerated by other patients. Researchers have so far been unable to identify the true causes of the reappearance of the rash, but they have identified several provoking conditions:

    • Stress and emotional instability. Strong experiences can cause the formation of new plaques on the skin.
    • Hormonal disorders.
    • Mechanical damage to the epidermis.
    • Weakened immunity due to infectious diseases.
    • A sharp change in climatic conditions and seasons.
    • Careless use of household chemicals. Patients with psoriasis are advised to wear household gloves to avoid direct contact with active ingredients.
    • Unhealthy diet with a predominance of fatty, spicy, salty, sweet foods.
    • Smoking, drinking alcohol.
    • Using new cosmetic or perfume products. Often patients try to disguise the affected areas of the skin with decorative products. However, exposure of untested components to the inflamed area worsens the condition of psoriatic plaques.
    • Taking medications (antibiotics, immunomodulators, antidepressants) can provoke an exacerbation of the disease. Vaccinations, vitamin complexes, and ointments pose some danger because they can trigger the resumption of pathology.

    Basic principles of treatment for relapse

    Pathology refers to dermatoses that appear as a result of internal malfunctions in the body. Since it is not possible to completely get rid of psoriasis, therapy is aimed at increasing periods of remission, as well as relieving external signs that cause physical and psychological discomfort to the patient. The disease is treated by adjusting the diet and cleansing the body. Additionally, physiotherapeutic procedures are carried out in combination with taking medications to reduce itching and restore the skin.

    Drug therapy

    Treatment with pharmaceutical products is prescribed by a dermatologist. At the initial stages of exacerbation of psoriasis, non-hormonal drugs for external use are prescribed, which have drying, antibacterial, and softening properties. Such medications include salicylic, zinc, and sulfur ointments. The drugs “Zinocap”, “Davonex”, “Psorkutan” have proven themselves well.

    With regular use of medications, the symptoms of the disease disappear within 1.5-2 months. Creams and ointments based on:

    Medicines relieve inflammation, remove keratinized scales and flaking, and eliminate itching. Additionally, the processes of restoration and healing of affected tissues are accelerated. The products are used according to the instructions.

    With systemic therapy, it is possible to prescribe antidepressants, sedatives and hypnotics, injections of calcium, sodium, and magnesium. The following means are used:

    • potent medications (Methotrexate, Cyclosporine, retinoids);
    • antihistamines (“Suprastin”, “Loratadine”);
    • They cleanse the body using sorbents (“Polysorb”, “Smecta”, “Enterosgel”, activated carbon);
    • To normalize the intestinal microflora, enzymes are prescribed (Bifiform, Bifidumbacterin, Linex).

    In the case of a complicated form of the disease, the doctor may prescribe therapy with hormonal drugs (glucocorticosteroids). These include external ointments “Dermovate”, “Advantan”, “Sinaflan”. These drugs can quickly and effectively relieve exacerbation of psoriasis, eliminate discomfort, and regenerate tissue. However, long-term use of steroid ointments causes addiction and a decrease in the resulting effect. Adverse reactions from the body are also possible. The withdrawal of drugs is carried out in stages. Due to these features of treatment, it is necessary to monitor the effectiveness of therapy by a dermatologist.


    Taking medications is supplemented with physiotherapeutic procedures that have a beneficial effect on psoriatic formations: laser irradiation of blood, magnetotherapy, electro- and phonophoresis, physical therapy. The following methods of influencing the patient’s skin are widely used:

    Treatment at the resorts of the Black and Dead Seas in specialized sanatoriums has proven itself well. In these places, procedures are performed using natural marine substances, in addition the skin receives a sufficient amount of sunlight. Spa therapy helps reduce the symptoms of psoriasis and evens out the patient’s emotional background.

    Healthy eating and vitamin therapy Folk remedies

    To treat exacerbations of psoriasis at home, lotions and compresses soaked in herbal infusions are most often applied to the affected areas, medicinal decoctions are added to the bath, and ointments are prepared:

    Propolis helps well with relapses of the disease. You need to chew the bee product 2-3 times a day, just take a pea-sized amount. Consuming propolis relieves inflammation, eliminates the symptoms of psoriasis and improves immunity.

    Psoriasis is a chronic disease that is not yet curable, but goes into remission, periodically manifesting itself in relapses. Many patients do not always understand why a new exacerbation of psoriasis has occurred. It is important to know the main factors of acute symptoms in order to be able to eliminate or avoid them.

    Sometimes psoriasis occurs in relapses

    Causes of exacerbation of psoriasis

    Each patient's skin disease occurs individually, but there are certain common provoking factors and risk areas, which we will consider in more detail.

    The main causes and provoking factors of relapses The sources of exacerbation of psoriasis or scaly lichen remain not fully understood.
    • sudden emotional stress or breakdown;
    • prolonged and excessive physical activity;
    • viral, infectious and colds;
    • changes in climatic conditions;
    • skin injuries - insect bites, abrasions, wounds, burns, abrasions;
    • negative reaction to medications (psoriasis relapse can occur after long-term use of antibiotics).

    Some medications can trigger psoriasis

    Seasonal changes in the direction of cold weather have a great influence on the occurrence of relapses of lichen planus. Ultraviolet light can suppress inflammatory processes in the epidermis during psoriasis. Therefore, lack of sunlight and tight clothing are provoking factors for exacerbation.

    Usually, in the spring, symptoms become acutely noticeable, and as summer approaches, the pathology subsides.

    A sharp deterioration in the course of a skin disease in women may be associated with hormonal imbalances. This happens during menstruation, pregnancy, lactation or menopause.

    Risk factors

    In addition to the provoking causes of exacerbation of psoriasis, there are certain groups at risk of relapses. This may be a hereditary predisposition to the disease (loosening of capillaries, their significant expansion). In addition, people with disorders in the functioning of internal organs (diabetes mellitus, failure in fat and carbohydrate metabolism, liver disease) are prone to sudden and acute manifestations of scaly disease.

    Constant stressful situations, ignoring sleep and rest patterns, using aggressive cosmetics for skin care and frequent contact with household chemicals, bad habits and poor diet (chocolate, coffee, spicy and salty foods) can provoke severe forms of lichen planus.

    Stressful situations cause relapse of the disease

    Symptoms and clinical manifestations

    • Relapses of psoriasis begin acutely. The areas with the driest skin are the first to be affected - feet, palms, scalp, sacral area. At this time, the main clinical manifestations of the disease can be observed:
    • the formation of small red or pale pink papules with clear, rough borders;
    • transformation of the rash into rough plaques of various sizes (from 1 to 10 cm or more);
    • intensive formation of scales that easily peel off from the affected areas;
    • the appearance of itching, pain in places where the rash is localized;
    When scraping off dead epidermal cells, blood may appear on psoriatic plaques, forming small specks. These are manifestations of guttate psoriasis.

    Psoriasis is characterized by scaly formations on the skin

    Exacerbation during pregnancy

    While carrying a child, a woman's hormonal levels completely change. Sometimes this serves as an impetus for long-term remission of psoriasis, and sometimes causes sudden relapses.

    The symptoms of psoriasis during pregnancy are varied. Hormonal imbalance and, as a consequence, impaired synthesis of vitamin D, can cause a severe form of generalized pustular psoriasis. The symptoms of such an exacerbation are mixed, and are more reminiscent of intoxication or an allergic reaction:

    • the appearance of a severe rash in the form of red plaques in the groin and abdomen, face and head, which hurt and itch;
    • increased body temperature;
    • nausea, vomiting;
    • lack of appetite.

    The provoking factor for such symptoms is an increase in the blood of cortisol, the stress hormone.

    Exacerbation of psoriasis in pregnant women can lead to premature birth, miscarriage, or the birth of a low-birth-weight baby. Therefore, at the first symptoms, it is important to immediately go to the hospital.

    Sometimes the disease can appear during pregnancy

    Which doctor should I contact during an exacerbation?

    During an exacerbation, you should contact a dermatologist directly. There are not always highly specialized doctors in all hospitals, so if such a doctor is not available, you need to go to a therapist.

    Squamous lichen not only affects the skin, but can affect internal organs and the musculoskeletal system.
    • immunologist (with a significant decrease in the body’s defenses);
    • rheumatologist (joint damage);
    • urologist, nephrologist (kidney pathologies);
    • gastroenterologist (liver diseases).

    These specialized doctors help in the complex treatment of the disease. The main therapy is prescribed by a dermatologist based on the characteristics and causes of relapse.

    If the disease worsens, consult a dermatologist

    How long does a psoriasis flare-up last?

    Psoriasis cannot be cured, but its symptoms disappear only for a certain period of time. The main thing that the doctor and the patient himself must do is to achieve the longest possible remission, during which the skin disease practically does not make itself felt.

    If you neglect lichen planus, or ignore the factors and signs of its reoccurrence, then exacerbations can occur 5 to 10 times a year and last at least 15–20 days. What to do if psoriasis worsens?

    With the next relapse of lichen planus, it is important not to self-medicate.

    You should immediately contact a dermatologist who will help you choose treatment taking into account the provoking factors of exacerbation.

    • Complex treatment includes the following methods:
    • medications (ointments, injections, tablets);
    • physiotherapy and diet;

    folk remedies.

    The use of the Hungarian scheme helps well in the fight against scaly lichen.

    Drug treatment

    The basis of therapy with pharmaceutical drugs is a combination of external and internal remedies for psoriasis. First of all, the patient is prescribed ointments, lotions, creams that will help relieve the main symptoms and improve the condition of the skin.

    The most effective medications for external use are Friederm, Viprosal, Anthramin ointment, Kartalin. These substances inhibit the rapid division of epidermal cells, eliminate itching, peeling, and redness of the skin.

    Recedil dematotropic ointment is actively used for exacerbations. Its active components prevent hyperkeratosis. The product has a regenerating, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and anabolic effect, which makes it possible to quickly suppress recurrent manifestations.

    Among the external drugs that calm the immune system are Donelvin and Psorkutan. In addition, severe forms of scaly lichen are eliminated with the help of Advantan and Derovate.

    Derovate - an effective remedy for psoriasis

    If the use of external agents is ineffective, the therapy should be supported with tablets and injections. Mostly immunosuppressive and immunomodulatory drugs are used - Apremilast, Cyclosporine, Methotrexate.

    In addition to medications that relieve the main symptoms of psoriasis, you need to take care of the condition of the body as a whole. A specialist knows what is best to do for this. Usually sorbents (Polysorb, Enterosgel) are added to the above medications. They help rid the body of intoxication with harmful substances. It is important to support the human nervous system. Sedative medications and antidepressants (Imizin, Parasidol) will help with this.

    The duration of treatment and dose are determined by a specialist, taking into account the characteristics of the patient’s body, the nuances of the course of the disease and the factors that provoked a relapse.

    Hungarian scientists have hypothesized that the development and further exacerbation of psoriasis occurs due to a lack of bile acid in the body, which protects it from endotoxins. Experts suggest that the causes of scaly lichen may be harmful substances that are formed as a result of the breakdown of dead pathogenic microbes. The function of bile acid is to prevent the absorption of toxins into the blood.

    The essence of the method is to remove pathogenic microflora from the body using a choleretic and disinfectant - dehydrocholic acid. The substance has the following mechanism of action:

    • enhances the secretion of bile and promotes the conversion of bile acids;
    • creatinine, electrolyte and fluid are filtered in the liver cells;
    • regulation of glucose levels and increased blood flow in the liver.

    The medicine also acts as a laxative and diuretic, which has a positive effect on the general condition of the body.

    Dehydrocholic acid removes harmful substances from the body

    Dehydrocholic acid can be prescribed in powder and capsules. The method of application and dose are the same for any course of psoriasis, its exacerbation and neglect. It is necessary to take 1 capsule of the drug with meals 2 times a day. It is best to do this in the morning and evening. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the exacerbation of the disease and takes from 1 to 6 months.

    To normalize the acidity of gastric juice and prevent bloating in the evening, you can use the powder form of the medicine. Diet during exacerbation

    Nutrition plays a big role during the development of psoriasis. We will consider below what you can eat and what you should avoid. The presence of any food allergens provokes exacerbation and new rashes.

    Therefore, to stop relapses, it is important to adhere to a special diet.

    • The diet should be balanced and consist mainly of baked, boiled or stewed food. You can eat everything except the following products:
    • chicken eggs;
    • cow's milk (whole);
    • everything spicy, fatty, salted, smoked, fried;
    • mushrooms in any form (soups, sauces, fried, boiled);
    • vegetables and fruits with red pigment (tomatoes, red peppers, strawberries, cherries) without heat treatment;

    harmful additives - mayonnaise, ketchup, sauces, mustard.

    Quitting smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages is an important component in the treatment of psoriasis.

    Physiotherapy The fight against scaly lichen is not complete without physiotherapy methods. They help enhance the effect of medications and quickly relieve symptoms.

    Among the most popular procedures are PUVA therapy, electrosleep, x-ray therapy, laser therapy, and cryotherapy. These methods are used to reduce psoriatic plaques, eliminate inflammation, itching and pain. Thanks to this treatment, the duration of remission ranges from several months to 2-3 years.

    The procedures are carried out in a hospital using special equipment.

    In case of exacerbation of the disease in the form of psoriatic arthritis, diadynamic therapy and magnetic therapy help well. Using such methods, you can eliminate pain and relieve inflammation in the affected joints. Treatment duration is 10–12 sessions.

    Physiotherapy is important in the treatment process

    Folk remedies

    Many patients often wonder how to quickly reduce rashes and other negative manifestations of lichen planus at home. There is no immediate result with this disease, but relief can be achieved in a short time with the help of traditional medicine. The main thing is to consult a doctor before using this or that product.

    Birch tar ointment

    You need to take equal parts of birch tar, sea buckthorn oil and salicylic alcohol (15 ml of each ingredient). Mix everything and apply a thick layer to the affected areas. It is recommended to wrap the top with polyethylene and leave for 1–1.5 hours, then rinse the treated areas with warm water.

    The medicine is effective specifically for new rashes during an exacerbation.

    Birch tar has healing properties

    Celandine oil

    Pour chopped fresh celandine herb (5 tablespoons) into a glass of unrefined oil and simmer over low heat for 5–10 minutes. Leave the prepared liquid to steep for 5 days.

    Celandine is a natural remedy for the treatment of psoriasis


    The duration of remission of the disease largely depends on compliance with the rules of prevention.

  • Skin care. Regular water treatments, use of gentle hygiene products, soft sponges and specially selected cosmetics.
  • Nutrition and diet. It is important to follow the recommendations of a diet specialist, eliminating all harmful foods.
  • Quitting smoking and alcohol.
  • Active lifestyle. Moderate physical activity, swimming, and fitness help strengthen the immune system and have a calming effect on the nervous system.
  • Alternation of work and rest. You shouldn’t overwork and exhaust your body with sleepless nights. It is important to maintain a sleep schedule (at least 8 hours) and work.
  • It is necessary to avoid stressful situations as much as possible, not to be nervous, and to support the body with vitamins. Compliance with prevention allows you to forget about relapses for a long time and prolong remission.

    Exacerbation of lichen planus can be triggered by many factors (poor diet, excessive exercise, antibiotic treatment, bad habits, non-compliance with skin care rules). In addition, infectious diseases and injuries to the epidermis can cause new rashes. At the first symptoms of an exacerbation, consult a doctor; only a specialist will know how to quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms without harming the patient.

    Psoriasis - how to get rid of a deadly autoimmune disease? Judging by the fact that you are reading these lines now, victory in the fight against psoriasis is not yet on your side... And have you already thought about radical treatment methods? This is understandable, because psoriasis can progress, resulting in the rash covering 70-80% of the body surface. Which leads to a chronic form. Red blistering blisters on the skin, itching, cracked heels, peeling skin... All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand. But perhaps it would be more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause? We found an interesting interview with a dermatologist at the Russian Dermatology Center.

    ? is a question that is very often asked by users of online communities. Before answering it, you should understand what this pathology is. Psoriasis is a chronic disease that affects the skin, as well as nails and hair.

    Psoriasis, or scaly lichen, accounts for about 5−10% of all patients suffering from dermatological pathologies.

    Until now, in medical practice it has not been precisely established why the disease worsens. In many cases, patients note that the relapse occurs without apparent reason. Scientific studies that were aimed at identifying the main reasons for the deterioration of the general condition of a patient with psoriasis did not lead to the desired results.

    In most cases, the exacerbation of pathology was determined by reasons that did not have any effect on other people. However, dermatologists were able to identify a specific list of factors that cause psoriasis:

  • Stress;
  • Serious physical strain;
  • Moving from one climate zone to another, as well as changing the seasons;
  • Bad habits;
  • Using new skin care products or household chemicals without proper skin protection;
  • Infectious diseases, including ARVI;
  • Skin damage.
  • How to relieve an exacerbation of psoriasis

    The answer to this question - how to relieve an exacerbation of psoriasis - should be answered by the attending physician specializing in dermatology. This will allow you to select the appropriate treatment while observing the individual indicators of the patient’s condition and the course of psoriasis.

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    • Bring your nervous system into order, protect yourself from factors that cause stress. This will reduce the exacerbation of psoriasis and also alleviate the patient’s general condition.
    • Change your diet. Treatment of the pathological condition should include. Food should be aimed at maintaining the acid-base balance. The main emphasis for psoriasis should be on alkali-forming foods (approximately 65-75% of the total diet).
    • Relieving the exacerbation of the disease is also possible if the patient takes medications that normalize the microflora and intestinal function.
    • Treatment of the pathology also involves antihistamine therapy. Thanks to this, psoriasis goes into remission, which alleviates the patient’s condition.
    • Exacerbation of psoriasis can also be relieved by increasing immunity. Treatment in this case should be prescribed by a doctor who will select the drug in accordance with the immunogram.
    Effective treatment of psoriasis

    Psoriasis in most cases recurs due to stress. To relieve inflammation, the emotional background should be restored. A measured lifestyle will reduce the manifestations of scaly lichen. The patient should do relaxing exercises, normalize sleep and diet. You shouldn’t give up walking in the fresh air either.

    If there are no positive changes during the treatment of psoriasis, it is recommended to consult a psychologist who will help restore peace of mind.

    If the disease is in the acute stage, then the attending physician must decide what the patient should do, what medications to take and what procedures to undergo. This is due to the fact that there is no specific regimen for relieving an exacerbation, since medications are selected individually for each patient.

    In most cases, psoriasis is treated through the use of creams, masks and gels that contain salicylic acid. If the inflammatory process is severe, the patient may be prescribed ointments based on glucocorticosteroids.

    Very often, if psoriasis is in the relapse stage, the doctor decides to carry out therapy aimed at stopping the exacerbation.

    • Phototherapy. Areas of skin affected by psoriasis are exposed to ultraviolet light. Thanks to this, the activity of the immune system increases, which forces the body to fight the disease.
    • Cryotherapy for this pathology is based on the targeted impact of cold on the affected epidermis. Therapy is carried out both locally (on inflamed areas) and when prescribing cryosauna sessions to the patient.
    • Hirudotherapy (the use of leeches) helps relieve the inflammatory process, especially if the joints were affected by psoriatic arthritis.

    Watch the video “Relieving exacerbation of psoriasis”:

    Psoriasis is a serious pathology that causes a lot of inconvenience to patients. Therefore, it is important to choose the right treatment that will eliminate the relapse and put the disease into remission. That's all for today. Share the article with your friends on social networks - perhaps some of them right now need information on how to relieve an exacerbation of psoriasis.