The content of erythrocytes in children of different ages. Useful information about red blood cells

The level of red blood cells is one of the main indicators that parents and doctors pay attention to after receiving test results. On the laboratory test form, red blood cells are referred to as RBC.

Deviation of the number of RBCs from the norm in any direction indicates problems in operation child's body. To reveal possible pathologies in the early stages and prevent serious consequences, it is necessary to donate blood for testing annually (for frequently ill children - at least once every six months).

Red blood cells are the most common component of blood, representing deep red blood cells. This color is caused by hemoglobin (or rather, the iron included in its composition), which penetrates the oxygen atoms delivered by red blood cells from the alveoli to all tissues and organs.

Red blood cells are responsible not only for the transport of oxygen - the removal of carbon dioxide from the cells into the lungs is also carried out with the help of red blood cells. blood cells.

Functions of red blood cells in a child’s body:

  • maintaining optimal acid-base balance;
  • connection with enzymes and participation in their transformation;
  • ensuring the processes of cellular and tissue respiration ( most important function erythrocytes);
  • transportation of amino acids for the regeneration of protein components;
  • formation of an immune response due to the attachment of toxins and antigens.

Externally, red blood cells look like round plates with thickened edges and a concave middle. The lifespan of mature red blood cells is 120 days, after which they age and disintegrate, accumulating in the liver (a significant part) and spleen (about 15-30%).

Red blood cells in children - what is considered normal?

To understand whether the child’s red blood cell level corresponds to the norm, or whether there are any deviations, you should know exactly what numbers are acceptable limits for children of different ages.

In adolescents over 12 years of age, the level of red blood cells in the blood is equal to the number of red blood cells of an adult.

The numbers depend on the gender of the child:

  • for girls - 3.7-4.9*10 12 /l;
  • for boys - 3.5-5.6*10 12 /l.

Blood test: How to find out RBC level?

In order to find out the content of red blood cells, it is enough to take general analysis blood. For the study, capillary blood is usually taken (from the fingertip), but in some cases it may be necessary to collect venous material.

The RBC level is not calculated in the entire blood volume, but only in 1 mm 3 - it is this unit that is recognized as the control unit for such studies.

A blood test should be taken according to indications (for example, before receiving a vaccine), as well as in case of suspicion of an infectious or other disease accompanied by complaints from the child and a deterioration in his well-being. WITH preventive purpose It is necessary to donate blood at least once a year.

Red blood cells are low


A condition in which the child's blood levels decrease intermediate level red blood cells is called erythropenia.

This is a pathological condition in which there is insufficient supply of oxygen molecules to organs and tissues (due to a decrease in hemoglobin and the development of anemia).

With prolonged erythropenia, a disorder may develop cerebral circulation and other unpleasant ones small organism consequences.

Pathology can be suspected based on characteristic signs:

  • distortion of taste (the child can use chalk, paper, etc.);
  • pale skin;
  • fragility and fragility of hair;
  • blueness and pallor of lips;
  • stunting and physical development(compared to children of the same age category);
  • poor appetite;
  • weakness and increased fatigue.


Several reasons can contribute to the development of erythropenia. Let's describe each of them in detail.

Fluid retention in organs and tissues

Edema (accumulation of fluid in the subcutaneous fat) and dropsy internal organs often cause a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood (especially in children aged 8-12 years).


It is the destruction of red blood cells that occurs as a result of a genetic or acquired membrane defect. With this pathology, hemoglobin is released into the environment.

The most common membrane defects are:

  • change in the shape of blood cells;
  • toxic damage (for example, from the bite of a poisonous animal);
  • mechanical deformations (this can happen during installation artificial valve in the heart).


The main danger of bleeding is iron loss and development iron deficiency anemia. Dangerous as acute bleeding(uterine, gastric, etc.), and chronic (for example, with constant bleeding of the gums).


There can be many causes of anemia. IN childhood pathology is often caused by unbalanced nutrition and deficiency useful elements(primarily B vitamins and folic acid). Insufficient iron intake also provokes the development of anemia, so it is important that the children's diet contains a sufficient amount of meat, fish, vegetables, fruits (especially apples and pomegranates).

In some cases, anemia may indicate developing pathologies bone marrow, therefore, if there are any signs of such a condition, you must contact the clinic to undergo the necessary tests.

Erythropenia in newborns

A decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood of newborn babies is quite common. This applies mainly to premature babies, because compared to children born at term, their body will not receive about 200 g of iron, which accumulates during intrauterine development.

Another reason why RBC levels in a newborn may be low is the use of infant formula.

Early transfer to artificial feeding may negatively affect iron absorption because the bioavailability of iron contained in mother's milk, is 100%. The percentage of absorption of iron, which is included in vitamin and mineral premixes for the production of infant formula, is only 60%.

Red blood cells above average

Erythrocytosis (or erythremia) - excess acceptable values erythrocytes in blood parameters. Erythrocytosis in children is much less common than erythropenia.

The condition is caused primarily by physiological factors. For example, an increase in RBC during the newborn period is considered normal, since during intrauterine development the baby needed increased amount oxygen (especially for children with chronic hypoxia).

Another reason constant increase RBC - living in mountainous areas with dense air. The red blood cells in such children almost always remain at the level of 5.5. This does not pose a danger and is absolutely normal if the baby otherwise develops and grows according to established standards.

Other physiological factors that can cause an increase in red blood cells in a child:

  • playing sports;
  • period increased activity(for example, washing floors);
  • being in the same room with people who smoke;
  • loss of fluid.

Pathological causes of erythrocytosis

Erythrocytosis is not always caused by harmless causes. In some cases, increased red cells may indicate serious illnesses and pathologies, for example:

  • congenital heart defects;
  • various forms of heart failure;
  • increased pressure in the lungs (pulmonary hypertension);
  • pathologies of the hematopoietic system;
  • bone marrow defects;
  • dysfunction of the adrenal glands;
  • obesity;
  • respiratory tract diseases.

The most dangerous reason for which a child develops erythrocytosis is cancerous tumor kidneys or liver. At the same time serious illness the number of red blood cells exceeds the norm several times. This is why it is important to donate blood every year, even if nothing bothers the baby, because at the initial stage of cancer, the symptoms and clinical picture of the pathology are practically not determined.

How to achieve the norm of red blood cells?

Prevention is the best remedy to prevent many pathologies, including deviations in the content of red blood cells.

To ensure that this indicator always remains in order, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • give the child a lot drinking water(without gas and sugar);
  • ensure that the duration of walks is maximum (at least 2 hours in winter and 4 hours in summer);
  • enter into children's menu more vegetables and fruits, and also calculate the balance of the child’s diet based on the content of nutritional components and vitamins;
  • limit the time spent at the computer and watching TV;
  • do not expose the child to stress and emotional turmoil (for example, do not swear or scream in front of the baby).

Red blood cell count - important characteristic health of the child, so you should not refuse to undergo testing, even if outwardly the child looks active and cheerful. Parents should remember that many diseases do not manifest themselves in any way. initial stages and they can only be identified through laboratory testing.

Red blood cells are cells responsible for the normal saturation of cells and tissues with oxygen. At each stage of life, their number may vary depending on both physiological characteristics body, and as a result of the development of certain pathological conditions.

In this article we will look at the normal rate of red blood cells in a child’s blood and the reasons for its change.

Norm of red blood cells in children

In a newborn baby, the norm of red blood cells is from 5.5 to 7 x 10 12. Such a high rate is due to the fact that the baby switches to pulmonary breathing from placental breathing (in which he received oxygen from the mother’s blood). In addition, their red blood cells contain somewhat modified - fetal (meaning - present in the fetus), hemoglobin, capable of carrying more oxygen.

During the first three days their number decreases. The baby's body adapts to pulmonary breathing, and in red blood cells, fetal hemoglobin is replaced with normal hemoglobin. Their norm in this period decreases to 4.0-6.6 x 10 12.

During the first 12 months of life, the number of red blood cells becomes even smaller. Their norm for an infant of the first year of life is 3.0-5.4 x 10 12. The main reasons for this change are the depletion of red bone marrow and a decrease in its activity.

Until the age of 12, fluctuations in the number of red blood cells are possible due to various hormonal changes body. The average number of red blood cells is about 3.6-5.0 x 10 12.

After 12 years, the number of red blood cells should not change significantly, and its norm, as in an adult, is from 3.6 to 5 x 10 12 cells.

What does an increase in the number of red blood cells indicate?

As has already been said, for normal development In a child's body, the red cell count should be constant. Only in in this case Adequate blood supply to tissues and organs is achieved, which allows them to function normally. If there is any increase in their number, then one can suspect the development of some disease or pathological condition.

Most often, an increase in the number of red blood cells is the debut symptom of certain diseases.

What are the main ones in the blood and why does their content increase?

When are red blood cells elevated?

An increased level of red blood cells in the blood is called erythrocytosis. It can be observed, as already mentioned, at various pathological conditions. However, in some cases, the level of red blood cells may increase as a result of natural, physiological reasons. It is necessary to understand in more detail the mechanisms of their increase, both normally and in pathology.

Natural causes

Basic physiological reasons increasing the number of red blood cells - intense exercise, as well as constant exposure to rarefied air.

An increased content of red blood cells is often observed in children involved in sports clubs or who are interested in tourism. In this case, the increase in their number is due to the fact that the child’s body experiences increased stress, and in order to adequately respond to and withstand them, the organs need more oxygen. Quite often, their increase is accompanied by an increase in the amount of hemoglobin to the upper limit of normal - up to 160 g/l. There is a significant increase in them among swimmers, as well as children who are interested in extreme species sports

The second, most common reason that red blood cells are elevated is living in the mountains. Due to rarefied air and reduced pressure in the body, the content of red blood cells compensatory increases. Its increase is due to the fact that some restructuring of the bone marrow occurs, which means red blood cells of a reduced size are produced. Due to this, an adequate level of blood supply to tissues and organs is achieved. If this does not happen, it may develop severe violations internal organs.

Pathological causes

What diseases begin with changes in the level of red blood cells and why does this happen?

First of all, the child should be suspected of developing hereditary diseases blood. It is in childhood that their diagnosis is carried out, based on measuring the number of blood cells. The main causes of the development of pathological erythrocytosis are cancer and radiation exposure to bone marrow cells. It is with them that they observe high levels erythrocytes and reticulocytes.

In many newborns, immediately after birth, the level of red blood cells may exceed normal for a given age (7x10 12).

Severe erythrocytosis is observed as a result of intrauterine hypoxia - a condition oxygen starvation fetus The main reasons for its development are oligohydramnios, some infections, and long labor.

In most cases, erythrocytosis resolves on its own and does not require specialized assistance. If the baby has symptoms of severe hypoxia, resuscitation measures are necessary.

Another, most common reason that red blood cells are elevated is severe dehydration of the body. In this case, their increase is relative, since theoretically, no changes leading to an increase in their synthesis are observed. The red blood cells in a child's blood are increased due to a decrease in the content of intravascular fluid, and the percentage of cells and body fluid changes.

As is known, many bad habits children are still studying at school. One such habit is smoking. It doesn’t matter whether the child smokes himself or whether he inhales cigarette smoke passively, the essence is this: if he comes into contact with cigarette smoke, then a change in the normal structure occurs lung tissue, as a result of which increased synthesis of erythropoietin may be observed, which leads to an increase in red cells.


What can be done to prevent the number of red cells from increasing?

First of all, during pregnancy, the mother must follow all the doctor’s instructions. After birth and as they grow older, the child should follow correct mode day and nutrition. If possible, the child's parents should stop smoking.

As for hereditary diseases, the subsequent development of erythrocytosis can be prevented by: timely diagnosis hereditary pathology (determined increased level cells in the analysis) and the necessary medications and procedures.

Every child will have to undergo blood tests, whether for the diagnosis of a disease or a routine routine medical examination. Why are there sometimes deviations in the blood formula? Every parent is worried about the condition of their baby and rushes to find out the reasons for such tests.

An increased number of red blood cells does not always indicate the presence of pathology. We need to look into this issue in more detail.

What are red blood cells?

The main components that form human blood are disc-shaped blood cells - red blood cells. They are formed in the bone marrow thanks to erythropoietin (a hormone of the endocrine system).

The structural protein of red blood cells is hemoglobin. The streamlined shape and elasticity help blood cells penetrate fairly small capillaries and blood vessels throughout the body, enriching organs with oxygen.

The lifespan of red blood cells varies within 3 months. Cells are destroyed in the spleen and liver. After which they are evacuated by the immune system.

At in good condition The child’s body produces red blood cells continuously. A failure in the production of blood cells may affect test results and indicate the presence of pathological processes.

Functions of red blood cells

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Red blood cells are an important part of the circulatory system. The cells are responsible for several functions in the child’s body: they deliver oxygen to all organs and muscles, clean blood vessels from carbon dioxide, and give the blood a bright scarlet color due to the iron contained in adrenaline.

The main processes of the functioning of red blood cells in the body include the following:

  • carbon dioxide utilization;
  • maintaining sufficient oxygen levels in tissues and organs;
  • transportation of amino acids necessary for the restoration of tissue proteins;
  • interaction with enzymes;
  • maintaining the functioning of the immune system;
  • regulation of acid-base balance.

Normal values

The red blood cell count varies depending on the age of the child. At the time of birth, the red blood cells in the baby’s blood are increased, therefore, the hemoglobin level is also higher.

After a few tens of days, the cells die, triggering the release of bilirubin. This can lead to “neonatal jaundice.” Table of norms of erythrocysrary parameters in children:

The blood cell count differs between girls and boys. In male patients over 13 years of age, the level of rbc blood cells is 4.0 - 5.1 x10¹²/l, in girls of the same age - 3.7 - 4.9 x10²/l.

Reasons for the increase in the number of red blood cells in the blood of a child

Erythrocytosis, or an increase in the number of red blood cells, can occur for several reasons. Exhaustive exercise, dehydration, or staying in mountainous areas affect the number of red blood cells in the blood - they increase significantly.

Except physiological factors, erythrocytosis can occur as a result of the manifestation of any diseases. Pathological factors for increasing the level of blood cells are:

To install correct diagnosis, it is necessary to examine the shape of red blood cells. If it does not correspond to the norm, we can talk about the presence congenital diseases or damage to the body and liver toxic substances. Doctors identify several reasons for increased red blood cell counts in children:

HypernephromaNeoplasm on the kidneys. Rarely, tumor cells take over the ability to produce erythropoietin.
Ebstein's anomaly, Tetralogy of FallotCongenital defects of the heart muscle. Insufficient oxygen supply to organs leads to hypoxia (blue skin).
Vaquez diseaseErythremia. Red blood cells and platelets are released in large numbers, which leads to the formation of blood clots even in childhood.
Itsenko-Cushing's diseaseThe pathology causes increased work of the adrenal glands, which produce large amounts of corticosteroids.

The most dangerous disease Associated with erythrocytosis is bone marrow cancer. Pathology affects blood viscosity, which increases blood pressure higher than normal and causes headaches.

A common occurrence in children is a condition where red blood cells, on the contrary, are low. This means that the child does not have enough iron in the body, that is, anemia develops.

Consequences of erythrocytosis for children

A high level of hemoglobin in the blood poses a danger to the child's body. Red blood cells begin to function intensively and therefore die faster than expected (120 days). At the same time, the production of disc-shaped cells occurs more intensely to compensate for the lack of blood cells.

Or, conversely, red blood cells do not die in the required time frame, but continue to function together with young cells. The blood begins to thicken greatly due to the excess number of red blood cells. The functioning of the baby’s internal organs gradually fails.

The liver, along with the kidneys and spleen, increase in size, the proper functioning of the respiratory organs and cerebral hemispheres is disrupted. This means that the blood becomes more viscous and thicker.

The condition of erythrocytosis can cause muscle pain, discomfort in the lower and upper limbs due to the high load on the smallest capillaries. The baby may be bothered by headaches and surges in blood pressure. General condition the child is getting worse. Associated symptoms include lack of vitamins and dehydration.

In the spleen, the process of breakdown of non-functional red blood cells occurs. It is significantly loaded due to the increased content of red blood cells in the body. In this regard, a characteristic indicator of erythrocytosis in children is an increase in the size of the spleen. The skin also takes on a scarlet tint.

Sometimes children are diagnosed with a chronic increase in hemoglobin. In this case, the body adapts to the constant synthesis of red blood cells and replenishes negative manifestations erythrocytosis. This state cannot last forever, since the body’s capabilities sooner or later dry up.

On initial stages erythrocytosis may not manifest itself in any way, only the red blood cells are slightly increased. A blood test helps identify pathology. As the disease progresses, the following are possible:

Treatment and prevention

If the child’s tests periodically show erythrocytosis, the doctor may prescribe additional laboratory and instrumental tests. These include:

  • tests for hemoglobin content in the blood;
  • examination for platelet and leukocyte counts;
  • ultrasound examination of the heart and blood vessels;
  • radiography of the kidneys;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • determining the presence of monocytes and neutrophils (the number of these cells increases with inflammation in the body).

Critical levels of red blood cells and platelets in the blood can cause the baby to be hospitalized (we recommend reading:). Normalization of blood cell levels is performed using:

If the baby’s red blood cells are too high, this directly affects the condition of his blood, which becomes much thicker. Doctors recommend eating foods that affect blood viscosity. The child’s diet should include fruits and vegetables, cereals, chocolate, legumes, ginger, and almonds. These products help thin the blood and saturate the body. essential vitamins and microelements, contribute to the formation of red blood cells of the correct shape.

In addition, the child needs to drink plenty of fluids (up to 2 liters of water per day). It is necessary that the water be purified harmful substances, especially from chlorine, since it increases the content of red blood cells. It is also useful for your baby to consume compotes, teas and herbal infusions. Fatty, spicy foods, fast carbohydrates and sweets should be excluded from the diet.

TO preventive measures, besides proper nutrition, also include frequent walks and sports. It is important to maintain vitamin balance in the body and eat folic acid to avoid the occurrence of anemia when red blood cells are low. Prevention of erythrocytosis, including proper diet And healthy image life, as well as early diagnosis will help you avoid serious problems with the child's health.

The bulk of the formed elements are made up of red blood cells - it is their presence that gives the blood a rich red tint. No wonder that increased content of this fraction can significantly affect the properties and functional activity circulatory system, which in children is not yet fully formed.

What does an elevated level of red blood cells in the blood indicate in children? Let's talk about this in this article.

What are red blood cells?

Contrary to popular belief, red blood cells are not full-fledged cells. It would be more correct to call them postcellular structures, which during the process of maturation have lost most of the organelles, and most importantly, all nuclear elements. All this is aimed at providing the most effective main function red blood cells - transport of oxygen. In each of them it is necessary to fit as much hemoglobin as possible, which attaches molecules of vital gas.

The biconcave shape of blood cells also contributes to this process, maximizing the area of ​​interaction. It is also necessary to reduce the diameter of the postcellular structure and increase its elasticity for free passage through the smallest vessels. In addition to providing respiratory function By carrying oxygen, red blood cells transport other substances:

  • immune complexes;
  • complement components;
  • immunoglobulins;
  • various biologically active substances.

This plays an important role in the protective and regulatory mechanisms that may suffer when various pathologies of these formed elements occur.

Normal values ​​for red blood cell levels in children

Depending on age, changes in the generally accepted norms for red blood cell concentrations are observed. They are calculated in units per liter - they display the absolute content of blood cells in one liter of blood. According to modern ideas, when distributing children by age, the following picture should be observed in clinical analysis blood when counting red blood cells:

  • newborns – 5.4-7.2*1012 U/l;
  • the first few days - 4.0-6.6*1012 U/l;
  • first year of life – 3.0-5.4*1012 U/l;
  • up to 12 years – 3.6-4.9*1012 U/l;
  • after 12 years – 3.6-5.6*1012 U/l.

The latter values ​​correspond to adult norms and remain at this level throughout subsequent life.

Elevated red blood cells in a child’s blood: reasons

Negative consequences of increased red blood cell content in the blood, based on their functional responsibilities, unfortunately, do not lie on the surface. They are associated with changes in the properties of blood, in particular its viscosity, as well as increased pressure on the walls of blood vessels.

True erythrocytosis is a condition in which the absolute concentration of red blood cells increases, usually due to increased production by the red bone marrow. However, there is such a change as a relative increase in the concentration of red blood cells, which is most often associated with a decrease in the amount of liquid part of the blood, dehydration. The reasons for the development of these two conditions are different and are not always due to the presence of any pathology.

Physiological erythrocytosis

A child's body is constantly in the process of growth and development, so the composition of its blood is subject to large fluctuations. Which is also due hypersensitivity organs and systems of the child to various external influences.

Thus, the following factors can serve as the causes of physiological erythrocytosis in childhood:

1. In the first days of a newborn’s life, the body adapts to new conditions. Including the restructuring of the processes of external and tissue respiration: if in the womb the child received oxygen only from the mother’s blood, and he needed a large number of red blood cells for sufficient supply, then with the first breath, the mechanisms of disintegration of the excess number of blood cells and a decrease in their production are activated.

2. Intense physical activity increase the body's need for oxygen, so regulatory mechanisms adapt the red bone marrow to new conditions, stimulating increased production of red blood cells.

3. Accommodation in mountainous areas leaves its mark on the blood test in the form of an increased concentration of blood cells and hemoglobin.

4. Passive smoking may also lead to similar changes in laboratory tests, which are associated with compensatory adaptation to reduced oxygen concentrations in the air.

So, before looking for any diseases that cause erythrocytosis, you should think about whether the child is susceptible to any of the above factors. Although even if it is present, a visit to the pediatrician with a persistent increase in the concentration of red blood cells is mandatory. When it comes to the health of little ones, it's better to be safe than sorry.

Causes associated with pathologies

Among the diseases that may be trigger factor In the development of erythrocytosis in children, the following most often appear:

  • dehydration due to prolonged vomiting or diarrhea;
  • the presence of various heart defects;
  • spicy respiratory diseases;
  • increased body reactivity - allergic reactions;
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases;
  • diseases of the kidneys and other organs with increased production of erythropoietin, including hereditary primary erythrocytosis;
  • third or fourth degree obesity;
  • pathologies of the adrenal cortex;
  • high blood pressure in the pulmonary circulation.

Also, among the causes of true erythrocytosis, various pathologies of the red bone marrow should be separately identified, including malignant origin when tissue growth occurs. Oncological diseases and other organs can lead to an increase in the concentration of red blood cells in the blood, primarily in the kidneys and liver.

Signs of increased red blood cells in the blood

As a rule, a change in the concentration of formed elements in a clinical blood test is only a manifestation of the underlying disease, which can be difficult to diagnose. However, this is necessary, since diagnosis is the starting point in prescribing competent therapy.

Moreover, the presence of erythrocytosis can add certain signs to clinical picture diseases:

  • plethoric coloration of the skin, with a red tint or, on the contrary, manifestations of cyanosis, cyanosis - in children, as a rule, a combined variant is observed;
  • persistent increase in blood pressure;
  • enlarged spleen;
  • general manifestations hypoxia (oxygen starvation): dizziness, increased fatigue, headaches.

As already noted, with increased blood viscosity there is an increased risk of blood clots, which can significantly affect the patient’s well-being and worsen the prognosis.

Treatment of erythrocytosis

For the above complaints, it may be prescribed additional therapy. However, the application medicines When treating children, it should be considered and only when necessary. A doctor must find for every little patient individual approach. On the part of parents, to improve the child’s condition and prevent erythrocytosis, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • monitor the child's compliance drinking regime;
  • ensure complete and rational nutrition;
  • introduce into the diet foods that have a beneficial effect on blood composition: beets, various berries, oatmeal, green apples, olive oil and tomatoes.

In order to be calm about the baby’s health, it is important to find a competent pediatrician so that medical issues you could trust him completely and follow all his recommendations.

Erythrocytes, or red blood cells, play one of the most important roles in the functioning of the body in childhood.

Their main task is to provide oxygen to all vital important organs and systems, as well as in the removal of carbon dioxide. However, there are situations when test results show elevated red blood cells in the child's blood.

In most cases, exceeding the level of the indicator indicates the development of a disease.

The role and functions of red blood cells in childhood

The formation of these elements occurs in the bone marrow, which is significantly influenced by hemopoietin (kidney hormone).

The main material necessary for the structure is hemoglobin, which is a structural protein that binds oxygen to carbon dioxide. The concentration of erythrocytes is several times higher than that of other cells.

By appearance red blood cells are like a disc with hardened edges. Thanks to this structure, red blood cells easily move around circulatory system . Such cells live on average up to four months. Then they are destroyed in the spleen or liver.

Red blood cells perform the following main functions:

  • support acid-base balance;
  • provide tissues with oxygen;
  • participate in the work protective functions child's body;
  • deliver carbon dioxide to the lungs;
  • transport amino acids to tissues from the organs of the digestive system.

Erythrocytosis can be relative and true.

It is also worth noting that high content red blood cells does not always indicate pathology.

Normal values

The concentration of red blood cells in plasma depends on the age of the child. In addition, after the age of 13, boys have slightly lower rates than girls. In newborns, the values ​​are the same for both sexes. To understand whether the red blood cell count is normal, you need to know what the acceptable limit is in children.

The average values ​​are presented in the table below.

The concentration of red blood cells in the blood of a child who has reached the age of twelve is the same as that of an adult. For boys, the indicator will be 3.5-5.6*10^12/l, and for girls - 3.7-4.9*10^12/l.

Symptoms and manifestations of elevated red blood cells

Most often in childhood, the relative form of erythrocytosis is asymptomatic. In the event that the provoking factor is a viral or intestinal type infection, the symptoms will correspond to the main pathological process.

True erythrocytosis is accompanied by the following characteristic symptoms:

  1. Redness skin. Initially, the skin acquires a pinkish tint, and as the disease progresses it becomes darker. In this case, all parts of the body and mucous membranes undergo changes.
  2. Frequent headaches as a result of impaired blood flow through the vessels of the brain.
  3. The spleen increases in size. The functioning of the organ is directly affected by the utilization of blood cells. In the case when their concentration exceeds acceptable standards, the spleen receives an additional load that it cannot cope with, which leads to its enlargement.
  4. Painful sensations in the upper fingers and lower limbs. This sign may be caused by impaired blood flow in small vessels, since an increase in red blood cells provokes an increase in the viscosity of the blood fluid. Due to the lack of oxygen in the tissues, the pain becomes burning and paroxysmal.
  5. Blood pressure increases. This condition is caused by erythrocytosis, provoked by kidney disease, and is accompanied by decreased vision, increased fatigue and other clinical signs.

If at least one of the symptoms appears, the child must be shown to a specialist.

What analysis allows you to determine the erythrocyte level

To determine how many red blood cells are in a child's blood, it is necessary to do a blood test.

To obtain the most reliable results, the study is carried out on an empty stomach in the morning. In this case, the last meal should be no later than eight hours before the procedure. It is allowed to give water to children.

This rule does not apply to infants, since they cannot long time remain without food. In such situations, when decoding data, laboratory technicians take into account this factor and correct the interpretation.

Blood is drawn from a finger. In newborns, blood fluid is taken from the heel. After this, the material is sent for microscopic examination.

Causes of high red blood cells

Experts identify many provoking factors that cause increased levels of red blood cells in childhood.

In newborns and infants

Among the main causes of erythrocytosis in babies at birth are the following:

  • hypoxia;
  • accommodation in mountain areas;
  • congenital heart defect;
  • bone marrow abnormalities;
  • woman smoking during pregnancy.

In addition, deviations from the norm can be observed in blood diseases.

In older children

In most cases high performance are diagnosed when they are influenced by physiological factors. Thus, a constant excess of erythrocytes can be observed with intense mobility of the child, which in this case is not a deviation.

Other reasons include:

  • visit sports sections;
  • motor activity, for example, while washing floors;
  • visiting smoking areas;
  • Excessive fluid loss, which may occur with diarrhea or vomiting.

However, it is worth noting that erythrocytosis is not always manifested by harmless factors. Sometimes red blood cells can be exceeded as a result of the development of certain pathological processes:

  • heart failure;
  • increase pulmonary pressure;
  • adrenal gland diseases;
  • excess body weight;
  • pathologies of the respiratory system.

One of the most dangerous reasons is considered a tumor in the kidneys or liver.

With the development of this pathology, the excess of the erythrocyte value increases up to several times. Therefore, it is recommended to perform blood tests regularly, every 12 months. This will allow you to identify deviations at early stages and begin timely implementation. therapeutic measures acceptance.

How to normalize indicators

If laboratory test showed that the red blood cells in the blood are increased, then it is necessary to take measures to eliminate this state.

The treatment regimen for each case will be individual. It all depends on the reasons why erythrocytosis was provoked.

When a blood test shows a high content of red cells, the doctor prescribes an additional diagnostic examination.

In the absence characteristic features it can be concluded that increased concentration the corpuscle arose due to a number of physiological factors. Later certain time indicators are independently accepted normal values, which does not require medical intervention.

If the signs make themselves felt, then the disease is first identified, and treatment is prescribed accordingly.

Often, a technique such as bloodletting is used to normalize red blood cells. Its use is advisable in the presence of a large volume of blood, against which there is an increase in pressure in the vessels.

Also appointed medications, whose action is aimed at diluting blood fluid, and vitamin complexes.

During the period of therapeutic measures, it is important to maintain a proper diet. From children's diet you need to remove fatty foods, include a large amount of fruits and vegetables, cereals, dairy products and fish.

What could be the consequences?

If measures are not taken in a timely manner to bring the number of red blood cells to normal, this can lead to increased blood viscosity and the formation of blood clots.

Against the background of this condition, such serious complications like heart attack and stroke. Also, problems with respiratory system and brain function.

Preventive measures

To ensure that red blood cells always remain normal, experts recommend following some simple preventive rules:

  • monitor the child’s nutrition (the diet should be complete and balanced);
  • relatives should not smoke in the presence of children;
  • treat all diseases in a timely manner;
  • Provide an active and healthy lifestyle for your child.

Red blood cells must be constantly monitored. This will allow you to detect any pathology on early stage development and prevent dangerous consequences.