Salt heating pad instructions for use for children. Salt heating pad - beneficial warmth for children and adults: instructions for use

What is a salt heating pad

There are often situations in life when dry heat is required for treatment. Physiotherapy procedures are carried out with him at home and in a hospital setting. A universal device for generating dry heat is a salt heating pad. This is a self-heating, reusable salt applicator, the basis of which is the principle of heat generation in the process of changing the phase state of certain materials.

Devices used for both heating and cooling can easily replace mustard plaster and are suitable for treating joints and the nasopharynx. Heating your feet with them has a positive effect on acupuncture points, which has a positive effect on the body as a whole.


The modern salt heating pad comes in various types and shapes. When chilled, it is excellent for insect bites, migraines, and bruises. To do this, just place the inactivated heating pad in the refrigerator for half an hour, but not in the freezer. A heating pad is most often used as a source of dry heat in the following cases:

  • Warming up the nose and ears;
  • Colic in children in the stomach;
  • Warming up the joint for arthritis;
  • Exacerbation of osteochondrosis;
  • Warming your feet and hands in winter - such heating pads are produced in the form of inserts in mittens and insoles;
  • Heating a baby's stroller or crib during the cold season;
  • Muscle relaxation after physical activity.

It should be rightly noted that a salt heating pad is an indispensable assistant in solving a large list of problems, but we must also remember the contraindications that will be given below.

Indications for use

As has already become clear, most often salt applicators are purchased for the purpose of heating various parts of the body, as well as equipment during the cold season. They can serve as a warming mattress for a baby or an elderly person. If you open the instructions, you will see about 200 indications for using the heating pad. It is safe and convenient to use. Among the main indications are the following:

  1. ENT diseases - the device warms up the maxillary sinuses well;
  2. Colds are a practical replacement for mustard plaster;
  3. Problems with muscles and joints - used for arthritis, radiculitis, myalgia, after physical activity;
  4. Cervical osteochondrosis, stress, migraine - for this they recommend a heating pad in the form of a collar;
  5. Warming the feet - used for feet with diabetes, after a long stay in the cold, with vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Instructions for use

A salt warmer is a container that holds a supersaturated saline solution, such as sodium acetate. He is in a state of balance. The solution inside contains a stick - a trigger or “starter”. When it is bent, the equilibrium state disappears, and the trigger begins to act as a crystallization center, triggering the transition of the solution to the solid state.

This process is accompanied by intense heat release, which leads to heating of the device. The final temperature ranges from 50-54 degrees. The period of action in this case is 0.5-4 hours, which is influenced by the external temperature and the size of the applicator.

After turning on, the heating pad kneads in your hands, thanks to which it becomes soft and quickly takes the shape of the surface that needs to be heated.

The recovery process occurs in the reverse order, that is, the heating pad is wrapped in cloth and placed in boiling water for 5-20 minutes. As the crystals dissolve, heat is absorbed, making the heating pad usable again.

Salt heating pad for children

The applicator is also an indispensable thing for mothers if the baby has colic. The heating pad can be easily placed in the stroller before a walk in winter. At an older age, an unpretentious and effective device will help warm your hands on a winter walk.

Children often develop respiratory diseases. To treat tracheitis or bronchitis in children, mustard plaster cannot always be used. And in this case, a salt heating pad will be an excellent alternative, which can maintain a certain temperature for a long time, providing deep heating.

When using a heating pad instead of mustard plaster for children under 3 years of age, it should be wrapped in a thin cloth to avoid burns to delicate skin.

This salt device is often used to treat childhood ENT diseases. In its instructions for use you can read that salt for dysplasia is the best alternative to paraffin. For bruises in children, the device can be used in a cool state.

Contraindications for use

If you turn again to the instructions for using the salt heating pad, you can read there not only about the indications, but also about the contraindications. Heat, for example, is prohibited in case of open wounds, inflammatory processes in the acute period, or the presence of ulcers. If the temperature rises due to colds and ENT diseases, then do not use a heating pad. The main contraindications include acute pain caused by appendicitis, cholecystitis or ovarian cyst. For bleeding while warm, it is also prohibited. Dry heat should not be used for diseases of the thyroid gland, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases in the acute phase.

Its physiotherapeutic effect accelerates recovery from respiratory diseases and alleviates their symptoms, helps to cope with inflammatory processes in the ENT organs. If precautions are taken, the device can be used in childhood.

Principle of operation

The operation of salt heating pads is based on a chemical process. The device's PVC shell is filled with sodium acetate crystals, which are activated by a special trigger rod.

After its activation, the salt filler changes from a liquid gel state to a solid one. The reaction is accompanied by the release of heat, due to which the surface of the heating pad heats up to 54°.

The warming effect lasts up to 30 minutes. To use a salt heating pad as a cooling compress, place it in the freezer for 30-40 minutes. There is no need to activate the trigger.

Indications and contraindications

An ENT saline heating pad can be used for the following conditions:

  • inflammatory processes of the ear;
  • colds accompanied by;
  • pain in joints and muscles;
  • migraine;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • bruises, injuries (like a cooling compress).

The device is suitable for warming extremities during the cold season. A salt heating pad also relieves intestinal colic in children.

Contraindications for use:

  • acute inflammatory processes accompanied by suppuration;
  • heat;
  • open wounds and bleeding;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • sharp pain in the abdomen;
  • thyroid diseases.

During pregnancy, you can use a salt heating pad for warming only as prescribed by a doctor.


To activate the heating pad, bend the trigger inside until it clicks. The heat generation process will begin immediately. After heating, it is recommended to knead the heating pad a little, giving it the optimal shape, and apply it to the selected area.

Before re-use, the device must be wrapped in a cloth and placed in boiling water for 15 minutes so that the crystals return to their original state. After cooling to room temperature, the salt heating pad can be activated again. The maximum service life of the product is about 2000 thermal hours.

The salt heating pad must not be heated in a microwave oven. If the shell is damaged, further operation is impossible.

For adults

It can be used both at home and outdoors, for example, to warm your hands in cold weather. The product is not intended to be used as warm insoles while walking.

For children

A salt heating pad can be used to treat ENT diseases in children, replace paraffin applications for dysplasia and mustard plasters for coughs, and heat a stroller during walks. If the child is under 3 years old, the product should be wrapped in cloth before heating, as children's skin is more sensitive to temperatures. The time for using such a heating pad in children should be determined by an ENT doctor.

A salt heating pad is a modern alternative to mustard plasters and compresses. It is compact, safe, and does not require water or a power source, which makes the device indispensable both on trips and at home.

Useful video about salt heating pads

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Every day people face various diseases, which can result in health problems and all sorts of complications in the functioning of internal organs. To avoid this, it is necessary to take appropriate measures and resort to treatment in a timely manner.

It’s so easy to get lost among all the variety of medicines that exist today, so many people prefer traditional methods of treatment, one of which is the use of a salt heating pad, which has proven its effectiveness for many years.

Modern salt heating pads are significantly different from those used several decades ago. Let's look at what salt heating pads are needed for, and how exactly they should be used at home.

What is a salt heating pad

A salt heating pad is a fairly easy-to-use parting that will be useful in every home. This is a universal heat source that does not require power or other auxiliary heating devices to heat it up.

The principle of operation of a salt heating pad is quite simple, so anyone can handle it. Thanks to its versatility and portability, a salt heating pad can be an excellent way to keep warm while hiking or on the road.

A salt heating pad is a container filled with a saline solution, which, in fact, is a source of heat.

How does a salt heating pad work?

In order for the solution to begin to heat up, it is enough to simply bend the starter located inside the container and made in the form of a small stick. In some models of heating pads, instead of a starter, there is a button inside the container that needs to be pressed to warm up the heating pad.

After this, the process of crystallization of the solution begins, during which heat is released. The saline solution changes from a liquid to a solid state, and the heating pad heats up to 50 degrees Celsius in just a few seconds.

Before using it, to avoid burns, it is recommended to wrap the heating pad in a towel or scarf. A regular salt heating pad retains heat for 3-4 hours and can take the shape of the body, depending on where it is applied.

Types of salt warmers

Thanks to the popularity and effectiveness of salt heating pads, several varieties have appeared, each of which has its own characteristics and advantages. Classic salt heating pad has the appearance of a bag, which can be of different sizes, depending on the purpose of the heating pad.

Another fairly popular type of salt heating pad is collar warmer, which allows you to warm up the cervical region, relieve pain and tension from the muscles of the collar area.

With help lumbar heating pad eliminate back and lower back pain. During the cold season, as well as for some diseases, they will be very useful. salt foot warmers. They are made in the form of insoles and are placed in shoes, perfectly warming the soles and retaining heat for a long time.

Popular in cosmetology salt warmers made into face masks. They work on the same principle as regular heating pads, however, they have a non-standard shape, thanks to which they are ideally applied to the face and warm it up in the right places, allowing cosmetics applied to the skin to better penetrate into it and be absorbed faster.

Areas of application of salt heating pads

One of the most common areas of use for a salt heating pad is ENT diseases. If you are worried about a runny nose or cough, you can simply undergo treatment with a salt heating pad, applying it to your nose or throat every day until complete recovery. It effectively copes with such a complex disease as sinusitis and helps well with ear diseases.

Sometimes salt heating pads are used as a means to warm bruises and joints. In some cases, such heating pads are recommended for the treatment of osteochondrosis, rheumatism and seizures.

During the cold season, a salt heating pad can be placed in the stroller with the child, as it is environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic.

Ekaterina Makhnonosova

There are situations in life in which the use of dry heat is necessary. It can be used for physiotherapeutic procedures at home and in the hospital, if necessary, to warm up when it is cold. A universal device for generating dry heat is a salt heating pad. What is the mechanism of its operation and in what cases can it be used?

Salt heating pad: instructions

The design and principle of operation of a salt heating pad

A heating pad is a sealed container made of hypoallergenic material that contains a strong saline solution. It is equipped with a trigger mechanism - a kind of catalyst for a chemical reaction, which is accompanied by the release of a large amount of heat. The trigger can be a button or a special stick. When the trigger mechanism is activated, crystallization of the working fluid begins. That is, the process of transition of the solution into a solid state and the release of heat occurs. The maximum temperature to which the heating pad heats up is 54°. Warmth can be maintained for up to 4 hours. It depends on the functional purpose of the device.

The heating pad can be used up to 50 times. Following the instructions, in order for the salt heating pad to return to its original state after use, you need to immerse it in very hot water for 10-15 minutes. The working solution will become liquid again.

Salt heating pads: application

Heating pads are manufactured in a variety of shapes for different uses. By the way, they can be used not only as a source of dry heat, but also as a cold compress on the site of a bruise, after insect bites, or during a migraine attack. To do this, you need to place a non-activated heating pad (without activating the trigger) for 30 minutes. in the refrigerator (but not in the freezer!).

Heating pads are used as a source of dry heat in the following cases:

To warm up the nose and ears;

For abdominal colic in young children;

To warm joints with arthritis;

To relieve exacerbation of osteochondrosis;

To warm the extremities in the cold season (such heating pads are available in the form of insoles and liners for mittens);

For heating a baby's crib or stroller;

To relieve muscle tension after heavy physical activity.

These are just the main areas of application - the list goes on.

A salt heating pad is an indispensable assistant in solving many problems. But we must not forget that it also has contraindications for use. These include inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity, gynecological diseases, and bleeding of various origins.

A salt heating pad is an indispensable item with a wide range of applications. It is heated by the sodium acetate contained in the heating pad, which releases heat during the crystallization process. It is used during illness, when you need to warm up the chest, sinuses or ears. Salt heating pads are safe to give to children. The PVC shell is hygienic and harmless, and it is impossible to bite into it. The internal content, sodium acetate, is a safe solution used in medicine.

Operating principle of a self-heating salt heating pad

A reusable salt heating pad is a hermetically sealed polyethylene container with a saline solution inside. This is usually sodium acetate, which begins to crystallize when you press a button or after bending the activator stick inside the heating pad. The stick or button becomes the center of crystallization, and the liquid solution begins to gradually harden because the equilibrium of the brine is shifted.

When transitioning from a liquid to a solid state, a catalytic process occurs, accompanied by the release of heat. Soon the sodium acetate will completely crystallize, the heating pad should be kneaded with your hands, and it will take any shape. The heating pad heats up to a maximum of +54C, so it is impossible to get burned by it. The heat is retained for 40 minutes to 4 hours. It depends on the model of the heating pad.

The salt heating pad is designed for reusable use. After use, the contents should be returned to a liquid state. To do this, wrap the heating pad in a piece of cloth (towel) and lower it into a saucepan with boiling water for 5-15 minutes. The crystals gradually dissolve until they take on a liquid state. After this, the heating pad can be used again. One heating pad is designed for 50 operating cycles. Service life up to 3 years.

Can a salt heating pad be used as a cooling compress?
For bruises, insect bites, and headaches, a salt heating pad can be used as a cooling compress, because it retains the cold 3 times better than ice. To do this, you need to put the unactivated heating pad in the refrigerator for half an hour. Do not touch the activator mechanism under any circumstances! Also, do not place the salt heating pad in the freezer, otherwise the saline solution will begin to self-crystallize. After 30-40 minutes, remove the heating pad from the refrigerator. It is ready for use.

When should you use a salt heating pad?

  • For the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, for warming up the sinuses, for bronchitis.
  • Apply to the child’s ear for otitis media without fear of burns or overheating.
  • For colic and bloating in a baby.
  • During sinusitis.
  • Place on the chest for mastitis.
  • Warming the back for radiculitis or arthritis.
  • Warming up the muscles of athletes before competitions.
  • To warm extremities during frostbite.
  • For cervical osteochondrosis or neuralgia.
  • For insomnia or vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • You can put your baby in the stroller while walking.
  • For knee pain.
  • On a camping trip or fishing, when you need to warm up.

  1. Do not heat the heating pad in the microwave, and when placing the heating pad in boiling water, be sure to wrap it in a cloth so that the plastic shell is not damaged by the walls of the hot pan.
  2. If the crystallized heating pad does not fit completely into the pan, do not try to bend it. Boil one side first, then turn the heater over. Once softened, it will fit completely into the pan.
  3. Do not touch the heating pad with sharp objects. If it leaks, throw it away.
  4. If the heating pad was placed in the freezer and self-crystallized, first warm it to room temperature and only then boil it.
  5. The salt heating pad may accidentally self-crystallize if hit or dropped.
  6. For infants or children with skin diseases, place a heated heating pad wrapped in a layer of cloth.
  7. If the heating pad has the shape of an insole, then it has a medicinal purpose and is not intended for walking.

When not to use a salt heating pad

Despite its excellent consumer properties, the heating pad has some contraindications:

  1. Do not use a salt heating pad during menstrual periods or other types of bleeding.
  2. It cannot be used for gynecological diseases (uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, endometrial polyps).
  3. Do not use heating for inflammatory processes (cystitis, pancreatitis, appendicitis).
  4. Do not apply a heating pad to areas of damaged or inflamed skin, as well as in case of infectious skin diseases.

Review of self-heating reusable salt heating pads

Delta-Therm salt heating pad. It is intended for children and has the shape of a bear cub. It is a hypoallergenic PVF film and sodium acetate inside. The salt crystals heat up in a matter of seconds, the heating pad does not harden. Does not cause skin irritation. Can be applied to the baby's tummy or ear.

Salt heating pad “ENT” Lintub. Shaped like human lungs. Can be used by a child. It warms up the sinuses of an adult well. It has a convenient anatomical shape.

Salt reusable self-heating heating pad “Belka and K” in the shape of a Christmas tree. It can be used both for warming up (sinusitis, radiculitis, otitis media) and for cooling tissues (bruises, migraines, bites). Sodium acetate begins to crystallize after pressing the activator membrane. Heats up to +54C. An indispensable thing on hiking trips.

Orlett salt warmer. Keeps warm for up to 4 hours, cold for up to 2 hours. It has the shape of a mattress. Can be used to treat back pain.

Salt heating collar “Novomed”. It has an anatomical shape, convenient for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis. The heat is enough for exactly one session – 45 minutes. You can move around and do everyday things in a heating pad.

Video: reviews and tests of salt heating pads