What does the sun in the palm mean? Line of the Sun on the hand: signs

The line of the Sun on the hand indicates talent, the embodiment of which can lift the owner of the palm to the pinnacle of success, wealth, fame and popularity. Most often, these abilities relate to the field of art and creativity, but not necessarily. In addition, it should be remembered that the presence of the line of the Sun on the hand is not a complete guarantee of brilliant success, but only speaks of the possibilities of such and indicates innate inclinations.

Much depends not only on the signs on the line of the Sun and the general pattern of the hand, but also on the person himself - his hard work, willpower, motivation and life priorities.

General value

The line of the Sun or Apollo is also called the line of Talent, Success, Happiness, Luck. These names well illustrate its essence and meaning - the possession of certain abilities, inclinations or a happy destiny to achieve the most brilliant future. Depending on the location and additional signs, the line of the Sun on the hand may correspond to different types success. She often speaks of talent in the arts and predicts the future for her owner. famous artist, artist, writer, musician, sculptor, etc.

In addition, the Sun in palmistry serves as a sign of luck and wealth. In essence, its presence can correspond not only to creative talents, but also to any abilities that will lead you to success in a certain field. Thus, the line of the Sun can be a sign of any successful career: scientific, commercial, sports and even criminal. Sometimes she says that the owner of the hand is unusually lucky - no matter what he undertakes, good luck will certainly accompany him. And sometimes the presence of a pronounced Sun in the palms testifies to the “sunny” nature of an incorrigible optimist who knows how to enjoy life and energizes everyone around him.


Ideally, the line of the Sun on the palm is clearly drawn and stretches continuously - from the very wrist to the tubercle of Apollo. (This hill is located under ring finger- it is considered pronounced if it has sufficient width, convexity and elasticity.) A long and continuous line of the Sun is an excellent, but extremely rare case. Much more often, the line starts from half of the palm or consists of several different lines, and sometimes is completely absent.

Palmistry does not associate the absence of the Sun line with a lack of abilities or talents. A palm without the Sun is devoid of predestination - with sufficient hard work and determination, a person can achieve success in any other way, and not just through the development of a certain gift.

Many palmists attach special importance to the beginning of the Apollo trait. So, if it starts from the Life line, a person is endowed with creative abilities that he can realize in any way. If it moves away from the Saturn line, it is very important for the owner of the hand to choose the right profession in order to achieve success in life and fulfill his destiny. The origin of the Apollo trait on the Mount of the Moon is often an indicator of widespread fame and talent associated with acting or social activities.


The straight line of the Sun indicates a person’s determination on the path to success, as well as the ability to do without any problems right choice. The talent seems to lie on the surface - the owner of the hand clearly understands what it consists of and what needs to be done to realize it. The winding line of the Sun speaks of a more complex path and constant creative throwing with falls, ups and frequent changes in direction.

If the line is interrupted for some time and then restored, this indicates periods of life devoted to outside affairs and other important issues requiring an urgent solution. Sometimes such gaps are accompanied by an additional line running next to it - you can use it to determine specific meaning and the nature of the distracting circumstances. In the photo of some hands you can see how the Saturn line, running parallel, intensifies in those places where the Apollo line has breaks - thus hard work and self-discipline helps to overcome unforeseen difficulties and unfortunate circumstances.

Good signs

A well-drawn star on the line of the Sun in most cases has a positive meaning and promises great success to its owner. Often the talent of a person who has such a star in his palm gains great fame, popularity, and the ability to influence the worldview and lives of other people. The star at the end of the Apollo line has a very inspiring decoding - this means that a person’s abilities are fully realized, and his life will be extremely fruitful. However, with many negative signs, a star can promise ambiguous popularity - its owner runs the risk of becoming an important figure in an area that has little consistency with legality and morality.

A triangle on the Apollo line speaks of stable success and material wealth. This means that art brings good income and moral satisfaction, and good luck invariably accompanies new ideas and projects. It is very good if there is a square in this place of the palm. Palmistry interprets this sign, as protection from envy and ill-wishers, as well as from one’s own mental instability, which often accompanies a creative nature.

Bad signs

An island on the line of Apollo means that at this time a person is experiencing a creative crisis. Islands can indicate illness or depression, which negatively affect the development of talent. The dots indicate the same obstacles, but on a slightly smaller scale. Transverse lines crossing the line of the Sun indicate professional difficulties that require extra effort, but quite surmountable (if there is no gap after the dash).

Palmistry Lesson-20. Sun line

Line of happiness, good luck, success, creative gift, talents... Line of the Sun.. Lecture No. 6. Palmistry

Lines talking about luck, prosperity, happiness, love, material stability

Line of Fate, Line of the Sun. Palmistry as an example

The cross is bad sign warning of sudden illness or negative external influence. Sometimes it means deceit and betrayal on the part of those close to you. In any case, people who have crosses or hash marks in this place on their palms should not be frivolous in choosing friends and close acquaintances. If the lattice completes the line of Apollo or extends onto the mound itself, then the reputation of the owner of the hand is in great danger - from large-scale slander to real problems with the law.

Additional transcripts

  1. The line of the Sun on the left hand may differ slightly from the same line on the right palm. In the first case, the hand drawing reflects the destined state of affairs, and in the second - what we have already achieved. It should be remembered that in most cases the plan of fate is not fatal and can be changed for the better.
  2. If the Apollo line is very short (starts on the Mount of the Moon and quickly ends before reaching the Mount of the Sun), this means that the owner of the palm is endowed with a certain talent, but does not develop it. Such a person should make an effort and try to realize his abilities, because his success, moral satisfaction and quality of life depend on them.
  3. If the line of Success bifurcates, this is a sign that a person is interested in two directions in creativity at once. IN in this case it is necessary to determine whether energy dissipation is occurring and whether one direction should be chosen as a priority.
  4. Apollo's double trait also speaks of two talents and diversified development. Here too, care must be taken to avoid spraying and unnecessary waste energy. However, when positive signs and good hand drawing, both talents can be fully realized.
  5. If Apollo’s line ends in a triple fork on the hill itself, as if propping up his ring finger, this speaks of enormous success and complete self-realization. Of course, this sign must be considered in the context of the overall design of the hand, but in itself it promises brilliant prospects for the owner of the palm.
  6. When examining your ring finger, pay attention to the length of each phalanx. The first phalanx corresponds to the spiritual sphere, the third – to the material, and the middle – combines the spiritual and material. The longest phalanx on Apollo's finger will show which area your abilities and talents belong to.

The desire to look behind the veil of reality and try to unravel the signs of fate was born with man. Whether it’s fortune telling or palm reading, the main question asked remains “Who am I?” Where is my place in this life? Desire to understand true purpose often leads a person to the art of palmistry, as evidenced by the unabated centuries-old interest in this area of ​​super-knowledge.

Apollo was famous in Ancient Greece as a patron of the arts, his name was given to the ring finger and the tubercle on the palm located directly below it; it was not by chance that they were given loud names: it is these parts of the hand that will tell whether a person will become famous, whether he should choose the field of art as his life’s work.

The Sun and Apollo are associated with luck, talents, success in life, kindness, generosity, inspiration and moral qualities of a person. By carefully examining this area of ​​the palm, you can understand whether a person manages his internal energy resources wisely and in which area of ​​life he will achieve great success.

Passion and attention to one’s own person, harmonious development - everything is concentrated on a small area of ​​the hand. Also, the pronounced sublimity of the pink color will indicate the presence of a genius in its owner; such a person will certainly achieve great heights in life. At the same time, these people are generous and friendly.

The secret meaning of the line of the Sun.

The Sun Line is one of the most underrated areas of the palm by chiropractors. It comes out, as a rule, from the upper part of the Mount of the Moon towards the Mount of Apollo, but it can originate much higher. The line of the Sun is located close to the line of fate, most often parallel to it.

This trait is often associated with success in life and the presence of talents, and this is partly true: but a long and clear line of the Sun often characterizes a person as relying too much on his talents. They often lack the perseverance and hard work to realize their ambitions. But if talent is combined with energy, a person’s success will be guaranteed.

Likewise, the absence of the Sun line does not mean that the doors of self-realization are closed for a person. He will just need to put in a lot more effort to achieve his goal. The expressive trait of the Sun makes the path to success easier, but does not guarantee it.

The line of the Sun, like the line of Saturn, has no indication of human health. In exceptional cases, it may reflect heavy mental illness. However, the importance of this line for characterizing a person is difficult to overestimate.

The line of the Sun, clearly expressed on the left hand of a right-handed person and on right hand left-handed, indicates that the person was given talent higher powers, while its manifestation on the working hand will indicate that the person has made a lot of effort for his own development.

Characteristics of the Sun's traits and their influence on fate.

The line of the Sun does not appear immediately: often it appears only in mature age When a person has already taken some steps to develop internal inclinations and talents, children extremely rarely possess it. The exception is the so-called child prodigies, endowed with genius from birth - in them this trait is clearly visible from the first years of life.

  • A clear, even feature of the Sun, the location of which corresponds to the reference pattern, can be found extremely rarely in nature. Its owners are real darlings of fate, who easily succeed in everything they would not undertake. Success follows on their heels;
  • The short, intermittent feature of the Sun, originating from the line of the head, belongs to successful people who have realized themselves in life. But a dizzying rise up the career ladder can be followed by an equally rapid fall; such people should be on guard to avoid mistakes;
  • The line of the Sun is interrupted, with many islands, characteristic of shocking personalities, prone to scandalousness and playing with fire. They often end up in prison or become involved with the criminal sphere;
  • Multiple line of the Sun – accompanying lines of the Sun vertical lines greatly enhance its impact on fate. Such people, as a rule, are not only famous, but also rich. Success may not be quick, but it will definitely happen;
  • The wavy line of the Sun, branches from the line - success on the career front will be changeable, the feeling of a swing in life will haunt the owner all his life;
  • A blurry, unclear or intermittent line of the Sun speaks of a person’s tossing and turning; talent will either intensify or disappear completely throughout life, which will not bring stability to life.

Signs on the line of the Sun: how they influence fate.

When analyzing the mark of the Sun on the palm key role Not only the type of line can play a role, but also the symbols located on it:

  • Fish - lucky sign, which is worn on the palms of successful people who have realized themselves both in creativity and in the financial aspect of life;
  • A trident or fork - if the line of the Sun ends in triple lines, reminiscent of the magical attribute of Poseidon, the person will definitely achieve recognition, but let it not be easy;
  • Pentagram - promises success and wealth, often found on the palms of practicing magicians;
  • Butterfly - similar to hourglass the symbol can be found on the hands of talented, original people who are unlike anyone else. The sign promises great success in the field of art;
  • Rhombus, square or rectangle - sign strong defense, fate protects the wearer from all sorts of misadventures and problems.

Hill of Apollo: secrets of interpretation.

The Hill of Apollo is responsible for inner harmony a person, his ability to focus his energy on significant things and the degree of talent. People with a developed Mount of Apollo are more likely to have a tendency to various types arts, they are successfully realized in this field, showing themselves as talented creators capable of illuminating the world with their genius.

Dimensions of the hill.

When analyzing the Mount of Apollo, first of all, it is necessary to evaluate its size - its size relative to the entire palm and the degree of elevation above its surface play a vital role in reading any drawing in palmistry. The Mount of Apollo or the Sun is the only part of the hand whose excessive size will not have an unnecessarily negative impact on the individual. Its size is directly related to creative potential; the larger the size, the greater the person’s capabilities.

  • A complete lack of elevation in the palm - such palms can be found among people without creativity; healthy pragmatism is much more valuable to them. A person whose Mount of Apollo is poorly developed is not inclined to rely on intuition - he does not have it, he cannot be found thinking about the meaning of life. In work, such people give preference to professions associated with monotonous physical or mental activity that do not require effort or the use of specific skills;
  • Medium development - the elevation does not stand out in relation to the rest of the palm, but is clearly noticeable. The owner of such a hand is an open and friendly person, he knows how to empathize and understand others from the first word, he is a pleasant conversationalist and good friend. The owner of a medium-sized hillock of Apollo has a rich inner world, good intuition and a lot of untapped talents. He puts all his strength into personal relationships, sometimes trusting his partners too much. They like to do handicrafts and create comfort at home, but they are not too interested in the financial side of life; as a rule, they have enough money;
  • A large hill that stands out in the palm is found on the palms of people who love art; they often associate their entire lives with this area. A bright, gifted personality, such people are always in the center of attention and admired. the main objective in life - glory and fame, which will be fulfilled if a person puts in enough effort;
  • Excessively developed convexity - if the size of the elevation exceeds all other parts of the palm, the owner of the hand is an exaggeratedly artistic, often shocking person. Such people strive to achieve fame by any means, regardless of moral standards. The high development of the Mount of Apollo also reveals a selfish personality, dependent on material wealth and values.

Shift of the Apollo eminence.

A normally located hill is the point directly under the ring finger. If the hillock is displaced relative to this point or even merged with another hill, this will certainly affect the interpretation of the lines on the hand, and, consequently, the character of the person.

A shift towards exaltation, whose patron is Saturn, characterizes a person as a creator who is not alien to philosophy and psychoanalysis. Such people make excellent detective and fantasy writers, talented musicians and artists. But to achieve true inner harmony, they do not need self-realization in the profession, but a strong, happy family. They value love and warmth much more than money. The complete merger of the hills of Apollo and Saturn characterizes people who are talented, but withdrawn, prone to depression and dissatisfaction with themselves.

A shift to the Mount of Mercury characterizes the exact opposite personality: art is important for them, but not as an act of creativity and self-expression, but as a way to earn large sums. These are pragmatists to the core; they best realize their talents in a field close to show business: they make excellent directors and producers, actors and musicians. Obligations and restrictions on their own freedom are abhorrent to such people, so they enter into marriages rarely and reluctantly, rather to please the standards of society. The closer the hill of Apollo is to the hill of Mercury, the more important money is to a person.

Decoding the symbols on the Hill of Apollo.

Lines and signs are often found on the Patron of the Arts Hill. They are extremely important for interpretation: good and bad, symbols will tell about a person, more than himself. The following pattern is often observed: symbols of a negative nature are found on an undeveloped hill, while favorable signs are distinctive feature people with a large hill of Apollo. Negative signs indicate that a person cannot direct energy towards himself or for good purposes. It is subject to the pressure of more developed mounts and lines - as a rule, this is Jupiter and the trait of the mind.

  • Lattice – first of all, you should pay attention to the size of the sign. Thus, a wide, large lattice, occupying almost the entire hill, may indicate that the owner of the hand is a vain person, with a huge ego that will push him to thoughtless actions. The desire to look better in the eyes of others than they really are forces people with this type of sign to destroy family and friendly ties in favor of the opinion of the majority. In an attempt to achieve fame, a person will sacrifice too much, spending all his energy without a trace, which will ultimately lead to either nervous breakdown, or even loss of mind. A narrow lattice is most often found on the palms of people prone to congenital mental illnesses;
  • The cross often indicates the religiosity of the owner. This is the most ambiguous symbol, which will be largely influenced by the rest of the mounts of the palm. Cross bearers risk experiencing a lot of grief and disappointment in life due to unfulfilled expectations and hopes, but at the same time, they can easily achieve wealth and even fame, provided that the mounts of Mercury and Saturn are well developed. The degree of influence of the cross can vary throughout life, appearing brighter, this sign will bring financial problems into life. Owners of the sign need to find a strong patron who will help in a difficult situation;
  • The star is one of the most favorable signs on this part of the hand. Its owners can become rich overnight, money will come from the most unexpected places - an inheritance, a lottery, a sudden contract for a round sum. People marked with a star were in excellent health, and their family life turns out to be similar to fairy tale. The most favorable field of activity for owners of such palms is art - here they will be able to reveal their potential in highest degree having achieved fame and recognition. This sign has only one nuance - when the lucky star plays its key role - it is unknown what fame and fortune a person can expect long years, and receive only at the end of life;
  • Ring - auspicious sign. A person who wears a circle on the hill of Apollo will have good luck in the field of art. Their path to success lies through difficulties and dangers, but ultimately they will achieve the desired fame and popularity;
  • Square - vanity and the desire for success are alien to the bearers of the sign. Everything comes to them naturally: financial well-being is achieved easily, literally effortlessly. Under certain circumstances, people with a square can gain popularity, but they are not naturally endowed with outstanding talents;
  • The triangle is the best area for self-realization for people with this sign – science. Possessors of a non-trivial analytical mind, they can do truly amazing things. scientific discovery. On the other hand, a career in the arts will also be more than successful for them. Whatever the bearer of the triangle chooses - science or creativity - recognition awaits him. Testing with copper pipes will not affect such a person: fame and success will not spoil him;
  • A single line or grooves that do not form a pattern means that a person has the potential to achieve success in the field of art, but he is still very far from fame and success. He needs to set a goal for himself and move towards its implementation, otherwise hidden talent risks remaining so;
  • A mole on the Mount of Apollo is not a good sign. Most often, such people are unlucky in personal relationships: families break up, and friends simply do not exist. He has a bad reputation in society, but he goes long and hard towards his goals.

How to change your destiny?

It is important for both a novice fan of palmistry and experienced specialists to remember: the pattern on the palms changes throughout life. Each person can correct their destiny by discovering the location of a negative sign or line in time. Every step aimed at improving your own inner world and relationships with your family will find a response in the palm of your hand, changing your destiny for the better.

Today there is even a surgical service called “corrective palmistry”: in a few sessions, doctors will correct hand drawings, bringing them closer to the desired ideal. Of course, you shouldn’t expect that a one-time procedure will turn a beggar into a prince in a couple of days: but many assure that life really does change for the better.

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The line of Success, Luck, Talent, the line of Apollo - this is all the line of the Sun on the hand, which indicates the success, glory of a person, his aspirations and victories, both in work and in creativity.

A good, clear line of the Sun on the hand is a very favorable sign. Such a person is successful, happy, satisfied with life and his place in the world. His business is going well, everything works out for him, he is talented in his field and active. Such people have a cheerful, easy-going character, they are always “positive”, and often have artistic talent.

How to find the line of the Sun on your hand? It rises from the top of the Mount of the Moon to the base of the ring finger. It often happens that this line originates on the hill of Mars or the hill of Venus, which also has its significance. If there is no line, this indicates a monotonous, somewhat monotonous, gray life, to the frequent disappointments of man. But this does not mean at all that he is devoid of talent, luck, it’s just that for him success will be associated with long actions and multiple efforts.

What is your Sun line?

  • Clear, direct, clearly expressed - indicates a successful person, an optimist, talented in his field. He will achieve happiness, glory in creativity, self-realization and prosperity in life.
  • Winding, thin/fuzzy - indicates good abilities, but indecision, vicissitudes of fate on the path to success.
  • The broken line of the Sun - like the impulses in a person’s life, he wants to realize his talents in different industries and areas. It also indicates obstacles on the path to success, the “dispersion” of one’s strength, the search for purpose, the craving for many things in life.
  • It starts on the Life line - indicates great success and a lot of energy, talents and recognition.
  • It begins on the line of the Mind - indicates intelligence and one’s own efforts; success will come to such a person in middle age.
  • It begins on the line of the Heart - a good reputation, a good-natured character, recognition of talents and prosperity closer to old age.
  • It begins on the mount of Mars - you need perseverance, courage, perseverance to achieve great fame and consolidate success in life.
  • It begins on the Mount of the Moon - writing talent, good imagination, attractive and attractive personality, but also dependence on the opinions of others.
  • It begins on the Mount of Venus - indicates artistic talent and its implementation in life.

Also, when determining the line of the Sun on the hand, it is important to look at where its branches are located. If they are ascending, going upward, then a person can build happiness and achieve success in life on his own. If the branches go down, descending, then he needs help, patronage, support for achievements and the realization of talents.

Line of the Sun on the hand: signs

On the line of the Sun can be located different signs, which are also important to take into account.

  • A cross on the line indicates numerous disappointments in life.
  • The square is a protection that improves the qualities of the Sun line.
  • The island is a favorable material sign that promises prosperity.
  • A star means fame and recognition in art, and if on the hill of the Sun, then world fame and fame outside of one's own country.

Be sure to determine if you have a line of the Sun and develop your talents, don’t “bury them in the ground”! Be persistent, open, and success will definitely come to you.

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There are lines in palmistry that are extremely rare on the palms. And one of these lines is the line of the Sun. If you have such a line on your hand, it means you are truly lucky. We will tell you where this line is, what it looks like and what it means in this article.

Line location and meaning

The line of the Sun is one of the transverse lines on the palm and, speaking in general outline, starts from the wrist and goes towards the ring finger.

The sun line is often called the line of success, since it is it that indicates that a person was born under a lucky star, and throughout life path he will be successful. It is often called the Apollo line, which is due to the direction of this line - it stretches to the ring finger, another name for which is the Apollo finger. A greek god Apollo is known to be identified with the Roman god Helios, the god of the Sun.

The sun line is one of the most favorable in palmistry. In most cases, it manifests itself in a person over the years, because it is in adulthood that a person most often achieves success, recognition and self-realization.

But it also happens that this line can be distinguished in a child with early age. In this case, this is evidence that a person will show special talents or unusual mental abilities from childhood.

If a person’s success line begins to appear with age, then it will be short and start from the middle of the palm or higher. Well, if she is present with early childhood, it will be longer and start closer to the wrist.

Beginning of the line of the Sun

Depending on the area from which the Apollo line originates, one can judge the characteristics of a person and his fate that it reveals.

  1. If the sun line originates from the life line, this means that the person has a sense of beauty, he has an exquisite taste, and he has every chance to succeed in the field of creativity.
  2. If the line of success starts from the Mount of the Moon, then this indicates that a person’s success will be greatly influenced by the opinions of others. This sign is enhanced if the line of fate begins with the Mount of the Moon.
  3. The line of the Sun emanating from the region of the plain of Mars guarantees a person a happy life, but on the path to happiness he will have to go through many difficulties.
  4. The beginning of the Apollo line from the line of fate says that from the moment that corresponds to the point of intersection of these lines, a person will experience improvement in all areas of his life.
  5. If the line of success starts from the line of the mind, then this is evidence that it is thanks to one’s own work that a person will achieve prosperity and recognition.
  6. If the Apollo line begins with the line of the heart, then this means that a person will have a passionately beloved business into which he will invest his soul, which, of course, will bring him rich fruits.

Signs on the hill of the sun

No less interesting information carry the characteristics not of the line of the Sun itself, but of the hill of the Sun. This is a convex area, a tubercle located under the Apollo (index) finger, and is also called the hill of Apollo.

If it is flat and poorly developed, then this is a sign of a good-natured, sympathetic person. Such people are very sensitive - both in relation to other people (that is, they are able to feel their interlocutor well, they perfectly separate lies from the truth), and in relation to everything that happens. They have good intuition, and, in general, they are very interesting, talented people.


The average size of the hill indicates that the person does not stand out in anything remarkable. Doesn't strive for spiritual development, indifferent to creativity, does not set high goals.

A strongly developed Mount of the Sun is a sign of a bright person striving for publicity. Such people are very charismatic, they are always lucky, and all this allows them to achieve considerable success. But they should be wary of overestimating themselves and their capabilities, not looking down on others, that is, not inflating their sense of self-importance.

The Mount of the Sun can gravitate towards both the Mount of Mercury (under the little finger) and the Mount of Saturn (under the middle finger). In the first case, this is a sign that the person will achieve considerable heights in creative activity. In the second case, this location of the Mount of Apollo indicates that the person has a gentle character, he loves children and animals. Such people are excellent friends, they are loyal, will never betray and will always help in a difficult situation.

Sometimes on the Hill of Apollo you can see various signs, each of which has a special meaning. A cross in this place is an unfavorable sign. He says that a person has many desires, he dreams a lot, but these dreams, alas, are unfulfilled. He should set realistic goals and act to achieve them.

A square is a sign of a respectable person who will never transgress his moral principles in order to achieve your goal. However, they should be less categorical in their judgments and be more open to new ideas.

The lattice on the hill of the Sun tells that a person is prone to infidelity in love relationships. A flighty and superficial attitude towards one’s partners ultimately leads to the fact that a person is left alone.

The triangle is a sign that a person can not only achieve success, but also maintain this level for quite a long time, even throughout his life. Usually their success is associated with some quiet activity.

A star on the Mount of Apollo is an excellent sign. It is often found among world stars. Such people are rich and successful, look great, and arouse admiration and envy among others.

An island in this place suggests that a person will have to go through a difficult thorny path, but this will definitely reward him. They will always find a way out, even from seemingly hopeless situations, since they view every difficulty as a lesson and as a necessary step to new heights.

A circle on the Mount of Apollo is a sign that a person does not know how to cope with the difficulties that inevitably arise on the way to big goals. Therefore, he prefers to be content with little.

Signs on the line of the Sun

Various signs are also often found on the line of the Sun itself.

The star sign on it is a sign of the refined nature of a person who can find his calling in the field of art and achieve success in this field great success. But such people need to learn to show their feelings, and not constantly hide them within themselves.

A square on the Apollo line is a favorable sign, a sign that a person succeeds in everything he undertakes. Due to his straightforwardness and honesty, he has an excellent reputation in society.

An island on the Apollo line indicates that a person is inclined to create illusions about those he loves. He often puts on rose-colored glasses when looking at his partner, and this can lead to bitter disappointment and the collapse of illusions. This, of course, will be a heavy blow for a person.

If there is a line on the line of success that crosses it, this is a sign that a rather serious obstacle will be encountered along the way. How a person copes with it will determine the further development of events.

If the line of the Sun ends with a trident, this is a sure sign of success in financial affairs. People with such a line of success know how to “make money out of nothing,” and a lot of money.

The double line of success warns a person against squandering, since it is the inability to handle money wisely and wastefulness that can lead him to complete collapse.


A straight line of the Sun is evidence that a person is quite powerful and likes to do things his own way. Doesn't tolerate being bossed around.

The curved line of the Sun is characteristic of people with a fine mental organization. They are charming and popular with the opposite sex. But such people need to learn to look at the world more positively, to enjoy the present moment, and not spend all their time worrying about the future.

If the Apollo line is intermittent, this indicates that there are many unresolved problems in a person’s life; this burden weighs him down and prevents him from moving on.

The branches coming from the line of the Sun favor a person in matters that involve risk. He should not be afraid to take risks, because luck is always on his side.

It is considered a favorable sign if the success line stretches to the ring finger, and at the same time the marriage line is directed to the Mount of the Sun. This is a guarantee of a happy married life.

Thus, we have seen that the line of the Sun carries in most cases favorable predictions for a person. He has enormous potential that should be revealed and developed, and then success in all areas of life is guaranteed.

The ring finger on the hand is called the Apollo finger. Palmistry says that he is responsible for how a person expresses himself, attracts attention through his manner of dressing, taste, talents, etc.

By the lines on your hand you can find out about your chances of success

Directly below the ring finger is the Mount of Apollo, which is also called the “Mound of the Sun.” Using it, you can easily determine whether this person has a chance to succeed in life.

Palmistry says that excessive development of the hill is an unfavorable sign. But not in this case. The better developed it is, the better. This hill endows the owner of the palm with talent and enthusiasm; such people have a very strong desire for self-expression. He also shows a talented person who has a sense of beauty.

Carefully study the hand, its lines, pay attention to the Hill of Apollo.

Not pronounced hill

A person is not interested in understanding the world, is indifferent to contemplation, culture, art, and never shows initiative. He has no imagination. He is sure that painting is “daub,” and poetry is ordinary “rhyme weaving.” He is a realist, with a practical approach to life. Often he has to perform mechanical work that does not require mental abilities. Sometimes the absence of the Mount of Apollo speaks of heartlessness and cruelty.

Palmistry pays great importance hills - small hills on the hand

Not very developed, but noticeable

Here is an open, friendly and trusting person. He knows how to empathize and immediately understands other people. Usually he has well-developed intuition. He often has rich inner world, capable of strong affection. Such people love to do something with their own hands, to make things, and are so carried away by their work that they do not see anything around them.

They also enthusiastically furnish their home. The walls of their home are decorated with handmade paintings and embroideries; the house is decorated with sculptures and stone crafts. However, in life self-realization he may have problems, achieving success will be difficult. They do not strive to conquer the world, but simply enjoy their creativity and go about their business with passion. These are “unmercenary” people who are not interested in money.

Well developed

Here is a man who loves art and admires beauty. He has a rich imagination. Such people dream of fame. An elastic and high hill can be seen in the hands of people of creative professions who have been able to achieve great success. It is also a sign of intelligence and developed intuition. Usually in the dreams of people with a developed Mount of Apollo, a house full of luxury. They have a good, peaceful character, they are charming and can be interesting conversationalists, often beautiful, with good manners.

The hill is too big

This is a shocking person who wants to be in the spotlight and strive for publicity. For him, his whole life is a holiday. However, he can be too proud, vain, and likes to exaggerate everything. If the Mount of the Sun stands out on the hand, then he has a great love for money. He can be a spendthrift, not just wanting fame and praise, but craving it like no one else.

Hill location

Palmistry pays attention not only to appearance hill, lines on it, but also draws attention to its location. The Mount of the Sun is not always where it should be; sometimes it can move a little to the side.

Located on the hand closer to the Mount of Saturn

If the Mount of the Sun has shifted to the Mount of Saturn, then this person is passionate about philosophy and psychology. A writer with such a sign will definitely engage in psychoanalysis, a composer will write music that will make you think.
The artist will also create unusual paintings that will cause a storm of feelings. He prefers to write rather than perform on stage. This person is also patient and calm, does not like gossip and slander, but spends pleasant time in the company of children and animals. He is a devoted friend.

Located on the hand closer to the Mount of Mercury

Such a place on the hill of Apollo indicates that a person is not indifferent to money. He even perceives art as a source of money. He loves to be in public and craves fame. Great success awaits him in the field of art. Also, these people do not like restrictions on their freedom, including personal freedom. If the Mount of Mercury and Apollo merge, then this person directed all his creativity to increase capital.

Signs on the hill

When reading the signs on the hand, deciphering the lines, it is worth taking a closer look at the Mount of Apollo, which also influence the fate of the owner of the palm.

Cross. If a cross is clearly visible on the Mount of the Sun, these lines indicate some serious obstacle that will interfere professional activity. This could be some serious mistake in business or a wrong decision that will hinder career growth. This sign may disappear over time if a person is able to bring order to his thoughts and find inner harmony. He also shows that he himself is complicating his life with wrong relationships.

A cross on the Mount of the Sun predicts obstacles

Triangle. If the lines form a triangle sign, it is good for the owner of the palm. This person knows how to combine the incompatible – science and art. It is possible that someday he will make a great scientific discovery. Success awaits him in any activity, because he combines a tenacious mind, love for people and a balanced character. It can be recognized calm person with a gentle character, who has an aptitude for science.

Triangle and square on the Hill of the Sun

Square. If the lines form a square (see photo above), then the owner of the hand is waiting for financial success. Circumstances will be in his favor, and without much effort he will be able to achieve success and fame. The square also reveals character traits - straightforwardness and openness. These are very decent and energetic people who are against hypocrisy and gossip.

Trident. Sometimes the lines on the palm take the shape of a trident. This is also an auspicious sign that promises good luck to a person and the ability to earn big money. This will not require any effort on his part; wealth will fall into his hands. Such people have an analytical mind and should study the exact sciences.

A trident and a star on the Mount of the Sun are auspicious signs

Star. If small lines cross at one point, then this is a star sign (see photo above). On the Mount of the Sun it signifies good fortune, fame and prestige if one chooses creative profession. In addition, it promises big money. He will be able to fully reveal himself in the form of art that he chooses. Some palmists believe that with a star on this hill, you must definitely go on stage - to the theater or cinema, because these people have the ability to charm everyone using their wonderful voice. Such people are inimitable, both gentle and independent. They also know how to manage their own money. This is a sign of success and wealth.

Sometimes the sign of the Sun appears on the palm, which indicates that this person will not only become popular, but will become world famous. This is a talented and hard-working person who will achieve a lot, despite failures and enemies.

The Sun sign speaks of great talent

Lattice. If the lines on the Mount of Apollo form a lattice, this indicates the insane pride of that person, due to which he will have a bad reputation. It can also end in madness. There may also be difficulties in his personal life, because having many fans, he risks losing everyone and being left alone.