The sleepy kingdom is bookish or colloquial. Slavic mythology

Sleepy Kingdom. Once upon a time there was a king, and he had a daughter. Fairy tale!!


AND Once upon a time there was a king, and he had a daughter, and such a beauty that she could not be told in a fairy tale or described with a pen.

MMany suitors came to the thresholds of the palace, but everyone left with nothing, and they also thanked God that they left alive.

CArevna loved to dance more than anything else in the world and set the following condition:

- Zand I’ll marry the one who out-dances me!

ANDso, as soon as a new groom appeared, the princess carried him away into a couple and rushed around all the chambers of the palace.

WITHThe best dancers tried to compete with her, but she was tireless, she was ready to rush back and forth to music all day long, and no one could out-dance her.

Nsome, the weaker ones, fell lifeless, those who were stronger, barely walked away on weak legs, forever swearing off to start dancing.

ANDThen one day a new guest appeared in the palace. The music started playing, and the princess stood up with him. And what? An hour passed, and two, and three, and the guest was still tireless.

TOAt the end of the day, the princess could barely move her legs, and the groom danced and danced as if he had just begun. In the end, the girl fainted without finishing the dance, overcome by fatigue, and the guest laughed:

- CAr, I could demand my reward, but I don't need your daughter. From this crazy fun I will calm you down forever. You, and the princess, and your capital city, and the whole kingdom, all of you will finally rest. You will fall into a deep sleep, and you will sleep until someone who can overcome me appears.

Ait must be said that this was not an ordinary person, but the god of winter and mortal torpor Karachun himself, a hater of all kinds of fun.

TOAs he promised, he did so: everyone in this kingdom fell asleep - the king, the dancing princess, the courtiers, the servants, and all the inhabitants, both people and animals.

WITHSoon the paths and roads were so overgrown that no one could walk or drive through, and only in fairy tales and legends was the memory of the Sleepy Kingdom kept.

INOnce upon a time, a young prince from a distant kingdom heard one such tale, and uncontrollable curiosity took possession of his soul. At any cost, he decided to find the Sleepy Kingdom and hit the road.

EHe walked for a long time or for a short time, and now he found himself among impenetrable thickets. He cut into them with his sword, and finally the gates of the capital city appeared. People, dogs, horses, birds were sleeping on all corners. It was the same in the palace: the king was sleeping on the throne, and next to him was a beautiful girl, the princess.

LJust looking at her, the young man fell in love and, grabbing the princess in his arms, began to kiss her. In vain! His hot lips could not break the sleepy stupor.

INa voice came from behind:

- EOnly the one who can overpower me will wake her up!

CArevich turned around and saw the formidable Karachun.

- Bshall we fight with swords or fight with fists? - Asked the brave young man.

- INfrom yet! - Karachun grinned. - I suggest we see who can drink more.

ANDimmediately in front of them there were two barrels of green wine - so huge that you could drown in each one.

YUNosha understood that he would never drink this wine in his life, and decided to get his way by cunning.

ABOUTHe raised his leg over the edge of the barrel, as if he was about to throw himself into it.

- Hthen is this what you do, mortal? - Karachun was surprised.

- D“I don’t want to drink too much,” the young man grinned. - The barrel is heavy, can you lift it? I’d rather plunge into the barrel and slowly drink all the wine.

- AND“I want to try,” Karachun was delighted, plopped into the barrel and disappeared into it headlong.

INAt the same moment, the prince grabbed the lid and pushed it back, and hammered it tighter to be sure.

Ux, how Karachun howled! He instantly lost all his magical power.

- IN“let me go, and I will fulfill your every desire,” he shouted, gurgling and gasping. - What do you want?

- R“Wake up the sleeping people and never appear here again,” the prince demanded, and Karachun had to swear that he would do so.

CArevich opened the lid - and at that same moment the Sleepy Kingdom awakened.

AThe princess's heart finally awakened to love, and she willingly gave her hand to the savior.

INFrom just dancing while she slept, she completely forgot how to dance.

NNo one really grieved about that!


Russians sleep on average 7 hours. The same number as residents of the USA and Western Europe. Both we and the citizens of the so-called civilized world have dreams with approximately similar plots and color renditions. However, the meanings and interpretations of these dreams can vary significantly.

The English diplomat Jerome Horsey, who arrived in Muscovy at the end of the 16th century, was amazed at how much Russians slept. They sleep during the day, after a hearty lunch, sleep in the service, sleep on the streets... Foreign emissaries often complained that important business meetings, Russian clerks (clerks) could easily doze off, and the meeting participants were forced to speak more quietly so as not to wake up those sleeping.

The stereotype of Europeans that Russians are naturally lazy appeared precisely because of this peculiarity of ours. A Russian could easily fend off these accusations with the help of proverbs and sayings:

    How one lives (maybe), so one sleeps

    Sleep is dearer than father and mother. Cute girlfriend pillow

    If you get enough sleep, you will become younger.

    Sleep is better than any medicine. Dream of the doctor's path

    A sleepy man doesn't ask for bread.

    Bread sleeps in man. A prophetic dream will not deceive. Like a dream in your hand.

Only Peter I broke the idyll of the Sleepy Russian Kingdom. People began to sleep less. And problems began on Russian Earth...

A dream will tell the truth, but not to everyone

From time immemorial in Rus', sleep and dreams were serious attitude. Sometimes even more thorough than waking. It is not for nothing that there was a tradition of giving feather beds and down pillows as a dowry.

Vigil is perceived as a routine, “human” state, which is in no way connected with the “Divine”. Sleep is a sacred state, where a person can receive Revelation from angels.

The Russians were a significantly more devout people than the more “humanitarian” Europeans. From the Holy Scriptures they remembered the significance a dream can have. Yes, from Old Testament The Russians knew that Abraham, when concluding a covenant with the Lord, “between the cut parts” fell into deep sleep, in which God revealed to him the fate of his descendants. They remembered the dreams and wise interpretations of the dreams of Joseph and Daniel, and the wonderful visions of the prophet Ezekiel. And, of course, how the Lord put Adam into a state of sleep in order to remove the rib to create Eve. From the New Testament, the Russians knew about the appearance of an angel to the sleeping Joachim, who informed him of the unexpected conception of a child by his wife Anna, the Virgin Mary.

All this influenced the attitude of the Russian people towards sleep. It is interesting that in the Russian tradition, unlike the Western one, there are very few treatises that explain dreams. Those that exist are usually adaptations of Western “black books”. Interpreting dreams according to patterns was considered a demonic activity. In other words: the Russians were sure that if the dream was from an angel (hence the “angel’s dream”), then the person himself would understand everything, without warlocks. If it is from a demon, then attempts to explain it will lead you into delusion. By the way, this is precisely why, in order not to fall into the snare of the evil one, one should certainly read prayers before going to sleep.

In drunkenness and in sleep, a person is involuntarily in himself

It is known that modern psychologists dreams are associated either with manifestations of libido or with some psychological problems. This, of course, has nothing to do with the “Russian sleep tradition.” By the way, the behavior of a Russian person in a dream is significantly different from other peoples. For example, Americans try to control the plot of a dream, Italians behave more carelessly in dreams, the Japanese are attentive to details, the behavior of the Germans and the British differs little from the behavior in ordinary life. The Russian behaves in the “sleepy kingdom” like an enchanted wanderer, since sleep is a “sacred state” for him.

The nature of sleep is more natural for a Russian person. When you are traveling in public transport, say on the first train, you will probably find three-quarters of the car asleep. You will never see this in Europe. Europeans will try to look alert, no matter how much sleep they get.

People who do not sleep at night were shunned in Rus' and called “connecting rods.” It was believed that the “vigorous”, wittingly or unwittingly, made friends with demons. There was the same prejudice against excessive activity in winter - the time of dozing. In winter a person sleeps more than in summer. And Russian people, due to the fact that our winter is harsher and longer, sleep more soundly and longer. It was believed that on frosty winter days the line between sleep and wakefulness is practically erased and the danger of falling into delusion and becoming a connecting rod grows. It is no coincidence that it was during the winter period that the Russian revolutions took place...

(foreigner) - where is everyone sleeping, Not moves(hint of boredom)

Wed. And the horses, one after another, soon calmed down, dropped their heads and dozed off. It became all around sleepy kingdom .

Leskov. Soboryans.

  • - in biology, the highest taxonomic. a category in the system of organisms officially recognized by the current International Codes of Botanical and Zoological Nomenclature, as well as the International...

    Biological encyclopedic dictionary

  • - higher taxonomy, category. Since the time of Aristotle, everything has been organic. the world was divided into 2 centers: districts and housing estates. In modern organic system in the world, 4-5 Cs are more often taken: bacteria, fungi, regions and food...

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  • - The highest taxonomic unit, rank above...

    Physical Anthropology. Illustrated explanatory dictionary

  • - see List of anat. terms...

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  • - in biogeography - the highest rank in the zoning of land and the World Ocean; in biology - the highest taxonomy, a category in a system of organisms...

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  • - refers to the number of circumstances that eliminate sanity, as a condition characterized by loss of consciousness. The name has the same meaning...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - 1) one of the highest taxonomic categories in the system of the organic world. Since the time of Aristotle, it has been accepted to divide all living organisms into two groups: plants and animals...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - in biology - the highest taxonomic category. Since the time of Aristotle, all organic world divided into two kingdoms: plants and animals...

    Large encyclopedic dictionary

  • - ignorance...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - where everyone is sleeping, - doesn’t move. Wed. And the horses, one after another, soon calmed down, dropped their heads and dozed off. All around was a sleepy kingdom. Leskov. Cathedral...

    Michelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

  • - Sleepy kingdom...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - 1. Unlock Joking. About peace, silence, when everyone is sleeping. FSRY, 512; DP, 518; Podyukov 1989, 225. 2. Zharg. school Joking-iron. About a situation when no one in the class is ready for the lesson. ...

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  • - vision, dream,...

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  • - sleeping pills, sleeping powder, soporific...

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  • - noun, number of synonyms: 2 dormouse hibernation...

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"sleepy kingdom" in books


author Sergeev Boris Fedorovich


author Sergeev Boris Fedorovich

SLEEPY KINGDOM Protective coloring, no matter how perfect it is, is not capable of camouflaging an animal when it moves. To become invisible, you need to remain completely still. However, everything in the world is relative. Who has seen how grass grows? But this

"Sleepy intoxication"

author Vein Alexander Moiseevich


From the book World of Forest Wilds author Sergeev Boris Fedorovich

SLEEPY KINGDOM Protective coloring, no matter how perfect it is, is not capable of camouflaging an animal when it moves. To become invisible, you need to remain completely still. However, everything in the world is relative. Who has seen how grass grows? But this


From the book Life of the Forest Wilds author Sergeev Boris Fedorovich

SLEEPY KINGDOM Protective coloring, no matter how perfect it is, is not capable of camouflaging an animal when it moves. To become invisible, you need to remain completely still. However, everything in the world is relative. Who has seen how grass grows? But this

"Sleepy intoxication"

From the book Dream - secrets and paradoxes author Vein Alexander Moiseevich

“Sleepy intoxication” A few words about awakening. In many ways, this is the opposite process of falling asleep. Towards the end of the night, sleep becomes restless and shallow: the proportion of REM sleep accompanied by dreams; the flow of impulses from the crowded area increases

81. “Why on the sleepy porch...”

From the book of Poems. 1915-1940 Prose. Letters Collected Works author Bart Solomon Venyaminovich

81. “Why on the sleepy porch...” Why on the sleepy porch Do you go out alone? The moon will light up your face and you will become pale again. How dewy grass attracts Hot fingers... How they sway with thirst for foamy minutes

Sleepy breathing

From book Autogenic training by Vladimir Levi author Bach B.

Sleepy breathing B deep sleep breathing is always very even and rhythmic. Compared to the waking state, it is noticeably less frequent and deeper. For some it is barely audible, for others it is quite noisy... So, if in reverse order imitate the breathing of a sleeping person, namely exactly the same as that of


From the book The Art of Being Yourself author Levi Vladimir Lvovich

SLEEPY BREATHING “...It seems like he’s sleeping... Yes, he’s breathing evenly...” In deep sleep, breathing is always very even and rhythmic. Compared to the waking state, it is noticeably less frequent and deeper. For some it is barely audible, for others it is quite noisy... So, if you imitate breathing in the reverse order


From the book Psychology of Literary Creativity author Arnaudov Mikhail

7. SLEEPY STATE As proof of the unconscious nature of poetic creativity, a spontaneous imaginary sleepy state is given, in which the poet finds himself when his imagination works intensely. Turning his gaze inward, turning away from the external,

Ether. Sleepy kingdom

From the book Great Medicines. In the fight for life author Pichugina Ekaterina

Ether. Sleepy kingdom Turning off consciousness, general anesthesia protects the patient not only from pain and stress. Thanks to anesthesia, all the body's biochemical reactions to pain slow down, the patient's muscles relax, allowing the surgeon to carry out the procedure as efficiently as possible.

Kingdom of God, Kingdom of Heaven, Kingdom of Christ

From the book Theological Encyclopedic Dictionary by Elwell Walter

Kingdom of God, Kingdom of Heaven, Kingdom of Christ (Kingdom of Christ, God, Heaven). Terminology "Kingdom of God" is mentioned four times in Matthew (12:28; 19:24; 21:31; 21:43), 14 times in Mark, 32 times in Luke, twice in John (3:3, 5) , six times in Acts, eight times in the epistles of St. Paul, once in Rev.

36. Jesus answered: My kingdom is not of this world; If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would fight for Me, so that I would not be betrayed to the Jews; but now my kingdom is not from here.

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 10 author Lopukhin Alexander

36. Jesus answered: My kingdom is not of this world; If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would fight for Me, so that I would not be betrayed to the Jews; but now my kingdom is not from here. Christ answers Pilate that he, as a representative of the Roman government, has the authority to

Sleepy kingdom

From the book Training according to the Joseph Murphy system. The power of the subconscious to attract money author Bronstein Alexander

Sleepy Kingdom Do you remember who is your main assistant on the path to success, prosperity, happiness and wealth? Of course, SUBCONSCIOUS! It is it that helps you, gives advice, sends your thoughts and requests to the Universe, protects and guides you. And it is this that controls all life

Sleepy kingdom

From the book Inventions of Daedalus by David Jones

Sleepy kingdom Daedalus - “late bird”. He begins to consciously perceive the surrounding reality only around ten in the morning, although the “internal autopilot” (a kind of special department spinal cord) allows Daedalus to create the appearance of activity in earlier

We asked the director of the somnology center, Dr. medical sciences, Professor Yakov LEVIN.

Yakov Iosifovich, question of questions: to believe or not to believe the interpretation of dreams?

Any interpretations, dream books are a reflection of the experience of a particular people, a group of people, a specific region. IN middle lane- some interpretations, in Dagestan - others, the Yakuts have their own... Dreams are a symbolic structure or system, and symbols can be different. This is very big problem, which does not yet have a solution. Therefore, it is hardly worth trusting dream books, which interpret everyone and everything directly: if you saw mushrooms in a dream, get ready for a long life, and if you are building a house, joy, consolation, wealth awaits you... Let's take blood. For some people, this is a divine sign from above; for an African, perhaps, it means happiness, but for Europeans, blood promises misfortune... This is a cultural problem. As far as I know, in this area of ​​in-depth and generalizing scientific research no one did.

However, there is another side to the coin - almost mystical. As we know from history, people - and humanity in general - have received a lot of benefits from dreams. And there are a lot of such examples! Let's say, Albert Einstein in a dream established the relationship between space and time, Niels Bohr - the structure of the atom, Gregor Johann Mendel - the laws of heredity, Alexander Fleming - penicillin, A. Reynolds - a fountain pen, Dmitry Mendeleev - "The Periodic Table of Elements" ...

There is nothing mystical or miraculous about it. Let's turn to specific example. A certain Elias Howe, wanting to help women who sewed by hand, set out to construct a sewing machine. But this is for him for a long time It didn't work out at all. One morning Elias recalled a strange dream. He dreamed of cannibals raising spears with a hole in the tip. And then a brilliant idea struck him. He decided to use a needle with a hole at the tip in his design. Thus the sewing machine was born. And Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, before seeing a table in a dream, spent many years persistently thinking about it, about Nature, its laws. These classic examples are significant primarily because the periodic table came to him, and, say, not to his wife, his janitor or anyone else.

Sleep, if you like, is an ideal state of self-knowledge, when parts of the brain work for themselves. Sleep is a period of self-disconnection, self-isolation. During REM sleep - and this is the very phase in which we observe dreams - our subconscious is activated, and dreams are a window: through it we observe ourselves, and, perhaps, much more correctly than during wakefulness. Freud spoke very well on this subject, calling dreams the royal road to the unconscious. So, if prophetic dreams are explained from a material point of view, then they are very good program analysis and construction of a behavior program, and it will be close to reality, and on the basis of even some insignificant facts and phenomena.

And yet: can prophetic dreams be trusted?

To be honest, I don’t know. Prophetic dreams very few people dream about it. They, as a rule, have excellent analytical capabilities and are able to draw the correct conclusion based on even a very small number of facts. To believe or not to know them? Where is the line between a dream that anticipates some events, and the dream of a restless person, to whom everything seems alarming? I dreamed of a cucumber - alarm, a cow appeared - alarm, dreamed of Professor Levin - double alarm... Such a line is very difficult to draw. And here it is extremely important to know which person the “thing” appeared to.

We usually say: I saw a dream. How can you see with your eyes closed?

Yes, this is an incorrect expression. The eyes have nothing to do with it, of course. If you touch with your finger some areas of the exposed brain, for example, in the back of the head, then the person immediately experiences certain visions and visual pictures. But we caused this activation of the zone by mechanical touch. The same thing happens in a dream, but we do not know what is triggered here, what forces - divine or some other - activate the brain and its zones. However, we know for sure: dreams reflect our everyday emotional and mental life in the waking state. - What do colored dreams say? - Colored dreams most often occur in emotional people, with very mobile nervous system. If a person is in a bad mood, depressed, then most often these are discolored dreams in gray tones.

What do people dream about most often - nightmares, love? ..

No one has registered the thought yet. It is known that it is produced by the brain, but we do not know its material basis, where exactly the thought originates and how it develops. Thought is immaterial. And dreams cannot be registered. How do we study them? The man woke up, and we ask: what did you dream about? In this case, the story about what he saw in a dream is very often not a characteristic of the dream, but a characteristic of the person’s personality, because, upon waking up, he immediately finds himself in a state of wakefulness, which one way or another affects the quality of the story. And this is the biggest scientific difficulty. There is another, more objective, approach. Having seen from the instruments that REM sleep has ended, we immediately wake up the person and get the most approximate version of the dream. And people dream of all different things - there are no unambiguous plots.

As a rule, a dream is a reflection of a person’s individual experience, his fantasies, his personality. Therefore, if you dream of something seemingly outlandish, then this unusual thing is constructed on the basis of ordinary things and familiar events. Well, let's say you dreamed of an exotic city. But, you must admit, you could somehow imagine it in reality. I assure you: I don’t dream of anything that would be completely new. Here is the same periodic table of Mendeleev - the scientist is already famous chemical elements put it in the right order...

No one knows this, since it is impossible to determine how many dreams are observed in one night. When we awaken a person, he reports for one dream, but this does not mean at all that during a single episode of REM sleep the person had one dream, and not five or ten. But he “reported” only for the last one. Moreover: in some cases we are not sure that the person had a dream at all. Meanwhile, we can calculate something else: a person who lived 100 years spent 30 in sleep, a quarter of which was spent on fast phase, and, in other words, such a person saw dreams for 7.5 years of his life. At the same time, 85% of dreams arise from the REM sleep phase, 14% from slow sleep, and 1% are suspended, that is, we do not receive reports of dreams.

Are there external physiological signs dreams?

No, but there are classic signs of REM sleep. For men it's an erection...

I suppose it’s not news to you that your foreign colleagues are thinking about the seemingly unthinkable - they are developing ways to use special devices to see dreams... to order!

Yes, for example, the American scientist Luberg, who practices induced dreams, is quite seriously interested in this. He has certainly achieved some success, but his system so far allows us to see something close to what was ordered. Well, let's say you want to fly in a dream, but there is no guarantee that you will definitely fly...

Personally, as a professional, this method is very, very alarming. You see, here we are invading an area completely unknown to us. When in a dream we see a window, a bucket, a road or something else, this is a certain sacred need of our psyche, subconscious. And even though we don’t know why we need this - why do we need a bucket in a dream, but there is no doubt about its expediency. A dream is only a superficial reflection of that deepest mental process passing through our subconscious. And then we blindly begin to infiltrate there! But, excuse me, on what basis? For what? There is so much mystery here that, by introducing ourselves into these processes, we can do quite a lot of harm to ourselves. Personally, as a doctor, I would refrain from these dubious experiments. Very important function REM sleep is a mental adaptation, and disrupting it without knowing the fundamental laws is, in my opinion, a very risky undertaking.

Every scientific field has its sacred secrets. It seems like there are enough such mysteries in somnology?

Not that word. We have already talked about some. I can add: sleep is perhaps the most unknown natural object, with which we are dealing. The questions are endless. It is still unclear: why and for what purpose does a person sleep? What causes dreams? What are they needed for? ..

Don't you think that this is the very case when it is necessary to turn to another world, another experience? Thus, some scientists are convinced of the existence of the energy-information field of the Earth - Space. Who knows, maybe a person is in contact with him in a dream?

Sorry, I have nothing to say here, because I am not an expert on transcendental issues. But I do not deny the so-called energy-information field of the Earth, although, to be honest, I have absolutely no idea how one can contact it - have a connection! What is not given is not given. What can you do, I’ve been in sleep medicine for decades, but I still haven’t seen souls flying away during sleep... No luck, no luck.

Sleepy kingdom of Razg. Joking. Peace, silence, when everyone is immersed in sleep, sleeping. After dinner, mother retired to the bedroom, and Mogiltsev went to her room, and a sleepy kingdom set in in the house.(Saltykov-Shchedrin. Poshekhon antiquity).

Russian phraseological dictionary literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST.

A. I. Fedorov.

    2008. See what “Sleepy Kingdom” is in other dictionaries: Sleepy kingdom

    - (foreign language) where everyone is sleeping, not moving (a hint of boredom). Wed. And the horses, one after another, soon calmed down, dropped their heads and dozed off. All around was a sleepy kingdom. Leskov. Soboryans... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling) Sleepy kingdom.

    - (i.e. everyone is sleeping). See DREAM... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people sleepy kingdom

    2008.- (foreign language) where everyone sleeps, does not move (a hint of boredom) Wed. And the horses, one after another, soon calmed down, dropped their heads and dozed off. All around was a sleepy kingdom. Leskov. Soboryans...

    Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary- 1. Unlock Joking. About peace, silence, when everyone is sleeping. FSRY, 512; DP, 518; Podyukov 1989, 225. 2. Zharg. school Joking. iron. About a situation when no one in the class is ready for the lesson. (Recorded 2001) ... sleep has fallen, sleepy kingdom

    - Cm … Synonym dictionary KINGDOM- KINGDOM, kingdoms, cf. 1. A state ruled by a king. Moscow kingdom. “Past Buyan Island to the kingdom of the glorious Saltan.” Pushkin. 2. only units. The reign of some king, reign. To the kingdom of Catherine II. “Jupiter sent to them on... ...

    - Cm …- KINGDOM, ah, cf. 1. The state headed by the king (obsolete and special). 2. Board of which no. king, reign. Select on c. whom n. Get married on the c. 3. transfer, what. This or that area of ​​reality, the focus of which n. phenomena, objects. Ts... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    kingdom- See power, state, circle, region, sleepy kingdom... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. kingdom power, state, circle, region; monarchy, reign, rule, ... ... sleep has fallen, sleepy kingdom

    - Cm …- Live in the kingdom. Sib. Approved To have wealth, to be well provided for. SPS, 72; SBO D1, 139; WWTP, 70; FSS, 71. In the distant (thirtieth) kingdom. People's Very far. /i> The turnover is found in Russian folk tales. BMS 1998, 609. Sit down/… … Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    - Cm …- (1) kingdom; 2) reign) 1) a state headed by a king; 2) the time of the reign of some king, reign; 3) a certain area of ​​reality, the focus of certain objects and phenomena (for example, nature, dark color, sleepy color) ... Power. Policy. Civil service. Dictionary


  • Sleepy kingdom: the influence of sleep on life and health, Vsevolod Ivanovich Tarasov. Sleep is absolutely necessary for a person both for rest and for recuperation. How sleep mechanisms work, about the quirks and mysteries of the Sleepy Kingdom, about the dangers of insomnia and how to deal with it... Buy for 80 rubles
  • Sleepy kingdom, the influence of sleep on life and health, Tarasov V.. Sleep is absolutely necessary for a person both for rest and for recuperation. How sleep mechanisms work, about the quirks and mysteries of the sleepy kingdom, about the dangers of insomnia and how to deal with it...