Spasokukotsky. City Clinical Hospital named after

Urban state-financed organization Moscow City Health Department "Children's City Hospital No. 21" of the Moscow City Health Department is located in the picturesque Sviblovo district. The hospital has been operating since 1938 - Children's United Hospital No. 1 in Babushkin.

Since 1961, due to the expansion of the boundaries of the city of Moscow, the hospital was transformed into a Children's city ​​hospital №21.

Currently the hospital is the only hospital in the city of Moscow with a somatic profile, in which children with gastroenterological, nephrological pathologies, etc. are treated and examined. Since January 2002, specialized departments have been organized for homeless and neglected minors (80 beds), in which they receive medical, medical-pedagogical , psychological assistance. After examination and treatment, this category of children is sent to social rehabilitation centers in the city.

The hospital has 4 departments with 165 beds:
- 80 beds infectious profile(for street and neglected children under 18 years of age);
- 40 gastroenterological beds;
- 20 beds pediatric profile;
- 15 nephrology beds;
- 10 therapeutic beds (for mothers);

Somatic departments are headed by doctors highest category, have academic degree candidate medical sciences.

In accordance with the city program, the hospital is equipped with modern clinical and diagnostic equipment.

The departments are equipped with offices ultrasound diagnostics, functional diagnostics, endoscopy ( modern devices with video system), physiotherapy, physical therapy, X-ray room (digital machine, kidney studies are carried out - urography, cystography, intestinal studies - irrigography); clinical diagnostic laboratory.

In October 1998, the District Consultative and Diagnostic Center was opened at the hospital. At the OKDC, consultations are conducted by specialist doctors of the highest and first category, candidates of medical sciences: gastroenterologist, neurologist, cardiologist, allergist-immunologist, nephrologist, otolaryngologist, endocrinologist, pediatrician, ophthalmologist. The following rooms operate: ultrasound diagnostics (carry out ultrasonography abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space, pelvic organs), functional diagnostics, endoscopy, x-ray room, clinical diagnostic laboratory.

Dear parents, you can get the necessary highly qualified help for your children from our specialists. On the basis of the hospital there are:
- consultative and diagnostic center,
- 1st and 2nd infectious diseases departments for homeless and neglected minors,
- departments for examination and treatment of children with diseases gastrointestinal tract, children with nephrological and therapeutic diseases - for the treatment of mothers.

Clinical departments:
- 1st Gastroenterological (35 beds + 10 beds for infants + 5 therapeutic beds)
- 2nd Gastroenterological (35 beds + 5 therapeutic beds)
- Nephrology (35 beds + 5 therapeutic beds)

Other departments and services :

  • District Consultative and Diagnostic Center. Total number of beds: 120
  • Hospitalequipped with 2-3 local comfortable rooms, where children with kidney diseases, gastrointestinal tract, and bronchopulmonary pathologies are examined and treated.
Moderndiagnostic methods
  • including endoscopy of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • Ultrasound diagnostics,
  • biochemical and immunological studies,
  • functional tests,
  • function definition external respiration, of cardio-vascular system and other research methods.
You can be examined and get advice
  • cardiologist,
  • pulmonologist,
  • allergist,
  • gastroenterologist,
  • nephrologist,
  • endocrinologist,
  • ENT doctor,
  • ophthalmologist,
  • neurologist,
  • pediatric gynecologist,
  • nutritionist, etc.
The center provides all necessary additional examinations, including
  • endoscopy,
  • Ultrasound diagnostics,
  • allergy tests,
  • electroneuro diagnostics,
  • ECG and other functional studies.

The hospital has 4 departments with 165 beds: - 80 beds for infectious diseases (for homeless and neglected children under 18 years of age); - 40 gastroenterological beds; - 20 pediatric beds; - 15 nephrology beds; - 10 therapeutic beds (for mothers); Somatic departments are headed by doctors of the highest category who have an academic degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences. In accordance with the city program, the hospital is equipped with modern clinical and diagnostic equipment. The departments are equipped with rooms for ultrasound diagnostics, functional diagnostics, endoscopy (modern devices with a video system), physiotherapy, exercise therapy, an X-ray room (digital machine, kidney studies are carried out - urography, cystography,...

The hospital has 4 departments with 165 beds:
- 80 beds for infectious diseases (for homeless and neglected children under 18 years of age);
- 40 gastroenterological beds;
- 20 pediatric beds;
- 15 nephrology beds;
- 10 therapeutic beds (for mothers);
Somatic departments are headed by doctors of the highest category who have an academic degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences.
In accordance with the city program, the hospital is equipped with modern clinical and diagnostic equipment.
The departments are equipped with rooms for ultrasound diagnostics, functional diagnostics, endoscopy (modern devices with a video system), physiotherapy, exercise therapy, an X-ray room (digital apparatus, kidney studies are carried out - urography, cystography, intestinal studies - irrigography); clinical diagnostic laboratory.
In October 1998, the District Consultative and Diagnostic Center was opened at the hospital. At the OKDC, consultations are conducted by specialist doctors of the highest and first category, candidates of medical sciences: gastroenterologist, neurologist, cardiologist, allergist-immunologist, nephrologist, otolaryngologist, endocrinologist, pediatrician, ophthalmologist. There are rooms for: ultrasound diagnostics (ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space, pelvic organs), functional diagnostics, endoscopy, X-ray room, clinical diagnostic laboratory.

Clinical departments:
- 1st Gastroenterological (35 beds + 10 beds for infants + 5 therapeutic beds)
- 2nd Gastroenterological (35 beds + 5 therapeutic beds)
- Nephrology (35 beds + 5 therapeutic beds)

Other departments and services:

  • District Consultative and Diagnostic Center. Total number of beds: 120

The hospital is equipped with 2-3 local comfortable rooms, where children with kidney diseases, gastrointestinal tract, and bronchopulmonary pathologies are examined and treated.

Are used modern methods diagnostics

  • including endoscopy of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • Ultrasound diagnostics,
  • biochemical and immunological studies,
  • functional tests,
  • determination of the function of external respiration, cardiovascular system and other research methods.

You can be examined and receive advice:

  • cardiologist,
  • pulmonologist,
  • allergist,
  • gastroenterologist,
  • nephrologist,
  • endocrinologist,
  • ENT doctor,
  • ophthalmologist,
  • neurologist,
  • pediatric gynecologist,
  • nutritionist, etc.

The center carries out all necessary additional examinations, including:

  • endoscopy,
  • Ultrasound diagnostics,
  • allergy tests,
  • electroneuro diagnostics,
  • ECG and other functional studies.