Spastic colitis and urticaria are effective treatment. What can you eat if you have spasmodic colitis? Spastic colitis causes

IN present time The development of diseases is greatly affected by constant stressful situations. One of the unpleasant phenomena is considered spastic colitis intestines.

It occurs equally in adults and children. This causes an uncomfortable feeling in the abdominal area and is characterized by diarrhea or constipation.

Concept of spastic colitis

Spastic colitis is a modern problem due to Not proper nutrition and regular stress. The phenomenon occurs quite often, and age does not matter.

This pathological process means a work disorder digestive system. That is why it is called irritable bowel syndrome.

This type of disease can be accompanied by both constipation and diarrhea. But cure it with medications it is forbidden.

According to statistics, the disease of a spastic nature is more common in women aged twenty to thirty years against the background of menstruation and premenstrual syndrome. The disease is also observed in the male half of the population, but between the ages of forty and fifty years.

According to the course, the disease is divided into:

Often, poorly treated acute colitis becomes chronic. It is this that is identified during the examination, since the patient for a long time ignores symptoms.

Reasons for the development of the disease

With spastic colitis, the patient periodically feels pain in the abdominal area. It is commonly called irritable bowel syndrome, which is diagnosed in approximately twenty percent of people.

Before you start healing process, you need to find out what are the causes of the disease.

These are just a number of reasons that can lead to the development of unpleasant sensations. If you find out the reason for initial stage and eliminate it, then after a certain period of time everything will return to normal.

If the problem is advanced, complications may develop. Then drug therapy will be required.


The signs of a spasmodic disease are similar to many diseases. It is quite difficult to diagnose the disease on your own.

The most common symptoms of irritable bowel include:

  • the development of spasms, as a result of which the patient experiences severe pain in the abdominal area;
  • abnormal stool in the form of diarrhea, constipation or their alternation;
  • feeling of incomplete cleansing of the intestines after visiting the toilet;
  • development of flatulence and bloating;
  • nausea and loss of appetite;
  • severe tension in the muscle structures in the abdomen.

Often, against the background of spastic colitis, the patient exhibits a reaction to some type of food.

For example, if milk was previously well absorbed, then over the years lactose deficiency may develop. But fatty foods can lead to... But after treatment, all signs subside.

Also, symptoms depend on the form of the disease.

The acute type of the disease is characterized by:

  • the development of diarrhea, the appearance of mucous stool streaked with blood. At the beginning of bowel movement, a fecal plug comes out;
  • strong rumbling in the abdomen and excess gases in the intestinal canal;
  • increase temperature indicators;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • lack of appetite;
  • weakness, development of pain in the abdomen, dizziness;
  • false urge to defecate.

Chronic spastic colitis is accompanied by:

  • alternating constipation and diarrhea. The shape of feces resembles small fragments and is called sheep feces;
  • belching, accumulation of gases, mucus discharge;
  • bitterness in oral cavity, heavy coating on the tongue, unpleasant smell from the oral cavity;
  • frequent painful sensations in the lower abdomen;
  • nausea, refusal to eat, weight loss;
  • insomnia, fatigue;
  • false urge to defecate with pain.

During an exacerbation, pain does not appear at night. Often, an uncomfortable feeling is associated with the use of junk food or overexertion.

Approximately thirty percent of patients experience nervous disorders in the form of anxiety, tension, apathy, development depressive state, panic attacks, exacerbation of phobias.

Diagnosed and autonomic disorders in the form of a painful feeling in the head, weakness, cold extremities, a lump in the throat.

Spastic colitis is divided into three types depending on the main symptom:

  • with pain and bloating;
  • with diarrhea;
  • with constipation.

Treatment and diet therapy depend on this.

In childhood

Spastic colitis in children most often occurs against the background of infectious diseases that occur in the digestive system.

The disease leads to increased temperature, diarrhea, painful sensations and presence in feces ah veins.

It begins to appear most clearly only on the third day. In this case, the disease occurs simultaneously with enterocolitis or gastritis.

At severe defeat severe dehydration is observed.

If poor nutrition or stress becomes an irritating factor for a child, then other signs appear in the form of:

  • increased fatigue;
  • decrease in hemoglobin;
  • weight loss;
  • dull pain in the abdomen;
  • stool disorders;
  • bloating.

If not treated promptly, this phenomenon can lead to adverse consequences as intestinal obstruction, anemia, adhesions in the intestinal canal.


If a patient has spastic colitis, symptoms and treatment should be determined as quickly as possible. When the first signs occur, you need to contact a specialist. He will listen to the patient’s complaints and take an anamnesis.

After this, he will order an examination, which includes:

  • palpation abdominal cavity;
  • submitting stool for analysis;
  • donating blood for general analysis;
  • performing an x-ray examination;
  • performing anorectal manometry.

These diagnostic methods make it possible to identify the form and course of the disease. Depending on the cause, treatment is prescribed.

Therapeutic measures

Many patients are interested in the question of how to treat spastic colitis. Therapeutic measures are based on three stages.

Drug treatment consists of the use of certain groups of drugs in the form of:

If the cause of the illness is nervous disorders, then the patient is prescribed antidepressants to stabilize the general condition.

If colitis with constipation is observed, the patient is advised to give enemas or take laxatives. Can be used every morning linseed oil. Application medicines should not be carried out without the consent of the doctor. If symptoms and treatment are ignored, the patient risks complications.

Diet therapy

If a patient has spastic colitis, treatment involves diet therapy.

With this disease, the patient must adhere to several rules:

  1. Meals for colitis should be fractional and divided into five to six meals.
  2. Avoid foods that increase gas formation.
  3. Completely avoid spicy, fatty and fried foods.
  4. Exclude flour products and sweets.

Nutrition should be based on products that are high in fiber and protein. The patient is allowed to eat chicken, vegetables, fruits, rice, soups, pasta, White bread, crackers.

If diagnosed, then during the period of remission the patient should exclude foods in the form of:

  • flour;
  • cheeses;
  • milk;
  • fried foods;
  • seasonings;
  • sausages;
  • unripe fruits;
  • meat with fiber;
  • dried fruits;
  • carbonated drinks, alcohol and coffee;
  • legumes

Meals should always be fractional, regardless of exacerbation and remission.

Traditional methods

Symptoms and treatment of colitis should be detected immediately, since early stages it is much easier to cure the disease. Tablets do not always have the desired effect, so treatment of spastic intestinal colitis often involves the use of traditional methods.

This method allows you to maintain the patient’s condition long time. However, they have no restrictions and rarely cause side effects.

Treatment folk remedies implies:

  • the use of infusions based on dill, fennel, mint, and anise. This will remove gases from the intestinal canal;
  • the use of infusions of chamomile, sage or viburnum. They have a good anti-inflammatory effect;
  • taking decoctions of buckthorn, rowan, aloe and prunes. Such recipes help facilitate bowel movements;
  • using infusions based on lemon balm, fireweed and peony. They calm the nervous system.

Flax seeds and oil have an excellent effect on the intestinal canal. These medications should be taken every morning in courses.


To prevent yourself from developing spastic colitis, you need to follow a number of recommendations:

  1. Reduce the risk of stressful situations.
  2. Study exercise and do exercises every morning.
  3. Avoid alcoholic and caffeinated drinks. Avoid smoking.
  4. To improve intestinal motility, massages are recommended.

If the above rules are followed, the patient will be able to forget about spastic colitis for a long time.

When the first signs appear, you should consult a specialist.

A functional disorder of the colon, an inflammatory process occurring in the intestinal mucosa, is called spastic colitis or irritable bowel syndrome.

The disease is not classified as severe and does not lead to dystrophic changes inside the colon. Mainly occurs in a chronic form in the form of spasms (quite painful contractions) against the background of overwork, stress, fear, hormonal imbalance. The disease is more common in women due to fluctuations hormonal levels V critical days, during pregnancy and childbirth. Men suffer from digestive disorders after the age of 40. Children with colic infancy, also for helminthic infestations, dysbacteriosis, and improper diet.

Most adults have chronic spastic colitis, which means they suffered from it in childhood.

1 Causes of the disease

In the intestines, motor activity and its functions are disrupted. As a result:

  • soreness;
  • stagnation of feces;
  • constipation, difficulty passing stool with concomitant hemorrhoids;
  • discharge with blood particles.

The causes of the disease are extensive. Inflammation in the mucous membrane develops against the background of:

  • frequent stress;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • violation of diet;
  • polyp growth;
  • allergies;
  • appearance helminthic infestations in the intestines;
  • hormonal imbalance, disorders menstrual cycle among women;
  • obstruction in the intestines;
  • trauma to the peritoneal organs after surgery;
  • long-term use of antibiotics, laxatives;
  • settlement of pathogenic microorganisms in the intestines.

All of these factors lead to strong ones. Patients are plagued by constant discomfort, alternating diarrhea with constipation. The quality of life is deteriorating. The occurrence of spasms in any part of the intestines leads to severe pain, abdominal twisting, and involuntary convulsions.

Irritable bowel syndrome is difficult to treat in children about the reason for the difficulty of administering medications parenterally. The immune system imperfect and medications may have side effects. Pediatricians prescribe oral medications to children in gentle doses, avoiding simultaneous administration large quantities of drugs. Preference is given to drugs for plant based. Combined yoghurts for, bifidolactoforms for populating live bacteria in the intestinal flora, abomin with rennet, if necessary, reduce acidity, are successful in treatment. To get rid of vitamin deficiency and dysbiosis - drugs for assimilation of food, improving digestion.

Following a diet for spastic colitis is extremely important. For diarrhea, it is recommended to consume vegetables, fruit jelly, mousses, purees, lean meat, boiled or baked fish, whole grain bread.

Spastic colitis (irritable bowel syndrome) is actively common among gastroenterologist patients. The disease relates not so much to somatic as to psychosocial pathology.

European researchers have revealed that the causes of the disease are not organic dysfunctions of the organ, but the pathology of the innervation. At clinical studies against the background of the disease, doctors do not find biochemical changes in tissues, inflammatory or pathological foci. Because of these features, the disease is difficult to diagnose.

What is irritable bowel syndrome

Spastic colitis is a biopsychosocial disorder based on changes in sensorimotor activity gastrointestinal tract. They lead to disruption of the functioning of organs and the formation of negative consequences.

Therefore, there is no cure for irritable bowel syndrome medicines. Psychotherapists are involved in working with such patients to correct the mental and emotional status of the individual.

Spastic colitis: symptoms and treatment

Spastic colitis is a common nosological form, and the symptoms and treatment of the disease are individual. It is important to identify it in a timely manner in order to begin adequate therapy. In most cases, even with severe forms Doctors cannot correctly diagnose the disease.

To eliminate erroneous interpretation and identify pathology in a timely manner, the Rome criteria for the diagnosis of intestinal inflammation were formed in 2006, taking into account all the symptoms of the disease.

Rome criteria for irritable bowel syndrome:

  1. Nonspecific gastrointestinal disorder;
  2. Diarrhea;
  3. Constipation;
  4. Flatulence.
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Dysuric states;
  • Increased urination.

Even with the established unification of pathology, doctors find it difficult to make a diagnosis, despite the Rome criteria. There is no obvious connection between diarrhea, constipation and flatulence against the background of spastic colitis. Even experts do not classify them as one disease.

Diarrhea is a manifestation of renal disorders. Constipation is often observed with indigestion or the presence of organic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Flatulence is a sign of liver or pancreas dysfunction. Only with irritable bowel can these symptoms appear together.

Causes of spastic colitis:

  • Changes in secretion;
  • Pathology of motor skills;
  • Impact of psychosocial trauma;
  • Pathology of visceral sensitivity.

Spastic colitis is an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the large intestine. The disease has no restrictions regarding gender and age. But, according to official statistics, most often the disease is diagnosed in people young. Women get sick more often than men.


The most common causes of spastic colitis are the following factors:

  • poor nutrition for a long time;
  • abuse of laxatives;
  • surgical intervention in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • long-term treatment with antibiotics;
  • development of pathogenic organisms in the intestines.

Most favorable for development pathological process, the following factors can be named:

As shown medical practice, most often spastic colitis develops due to systematic poor nutrition. The main risk group includes people in the following categories:

  • people working in chemical production;
  • suffering from chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract;
  • allergy sufferers;
  • undergoing long-term drug treatment.

General symptoms

At the initial stage of development of the pathological process, signs of the disease may be completely absent or insignificant. As it develops, the following symptoms of spastic colitis can be observed:

  • sharp abdominal pain that intensifies after eating;
  • nausea, occasional vomiting;
  • increased gas formation;
  • unstable stool;
  • Sometimes the stool may contain mucus.

It should also be noted that with such an illness a person may suffer from long-term.

Due to the fact that initial symptoms illnesses indicate food poisoning, the majority of people do not apply for timely medical care. The disease can lead to significant weight loss. Ultimately, this negatively affects human life. Please note that symptoms may vary depending on the cause of the pathological process.


There are two forms of development of spastic colitis - acute and chronic. Acute form accompanied by short clinical picture and is much more treatable.

As for the chronic form of the disease, symptoms may not appear immediately, which significantly complicates diagnosis. Chronic spastic colitis is very difficult to completely cure. But, with proper nutrition and lifestyle, you can significantly reduce the manifestations of the disease and extend the period of remission.


Diagnosis is based on laboratory and instrumental methods research, personal examination and medical history.

The standard research program includes the following activities:

  • retromanoscopy;
  • coprogram;
  • studies of intestinal microflora.

If it is impossible to accurately establish a diagnosis using the above research methods, then differential diagnosis is carried out.

Diagnostics is needed not only for precise definition illness, but also to identify the cause of the development of the pathological process. Without knowing the cause of the disease, it is impossible to prescribe the correct treatment.


The treatment plan for spastic colitis depends on the cause of the development of the pathological process.

Treatment is based on drug therapy and diet. Drug therapy includes the following drugs:

  • antiseptics;
  • painkillers (for severe pain);
  • adrenergic blockers;
  • regulators of intestinal motility;
  • Cholinergics.

It should be noted that drug therapy is carried out in combination with diet. It is strongly not recommended to treat such a disease on your own, without a doctor’s recommendation.


A diet for this pathological process involves excluding the following foods from the diet:

  • spicy, salty;
  • fat;
  • fried and smoked.

You should also completely eliminate alcohol and limit smoking.

At the same time, a diet for spastic colitis implies the inclusion of the following products in the diet:

  • whole wheat bread;
  • dried fruits (as they are rich in fiber);
  • legumes;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • dairy products.

Meals should be fractional, small portions. Preference is given to boiled or steamed food. All foods that the patient consumes should be easily digestible by the intestines.

Drug treatment together with diet gives positive results even with a chronic form of the disease. In most cases this pathological condition requires constant dieting.

Treatment with folk remedies

Such diseases can be treated with folk remedies only as prescribed by a doctor.

Folk remedies for the treatment of spastic colitis involve the use of the following recipes:

  • decoction of coltsfoot;
  • anise tea;
  • infusion of chamomile and oregano flowers;
  • viburnum berry tea.

These same recipes can also be used for preventive purposes.


It is quite difficult to completely cure this disease. But if you follow a proper diet and preventive measures, then the development of a pathological process in the body can be excluded.

Prevention of spastic colitis involves the practical application of the following rules:

  • avoid stressful situations and nervous tension;
  • do not abuse junk food;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • eliminate smoking and overconsumption alcohol;
  • promptly and correctly treat all inflammatory and infectious diseases.

Especially preventive measures should be taken by those who suffer from gastrointestinal disorders. At the first symptoms, you should seek medical help and not self-medicate.

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Diseases with similar symptoms:

Intestinal colic - severe painful sensations in the intestines, having a paroxysmal and cramping nature and arising against the background of disturbances in the tone and peristalsis of the organ. Often this pathology develops when the intestinal loops become overstretched, leading to irritation nerve endings, which are adjacent to its walls. According to ICD-10, code intestinal colic is not noted, since it is a consequence of other disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. However, according to ICD-10, this symptom refers to the coding K59.9, which sounds like “unspecified functional bowel disorder.”

Spastic colitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the large intestine, accompanied by insufficiency of peristalsis. It is often diagnosed as irritable bowel syndrome. It is not considered a severe pathology and occurs in approximately 50% of patients who complain of disruption of the digestive tract. It is more often diagnosed in women aged 35–50 years.

Types of spastic colitis

Spastic intestinal colitis is classified according to several parameters.

According to the nature of the flow.

  1. Acute form - the symptoms of the disease develop quickly and differ in their intensity.
  2. Chronic form - characterized by alternating periods of exacerbations with increased symptoms and remission, during which the disease does not manifest itself.

According to etiology.

  1. Nutritional colitis – develops when the diet is disrupted.
  2. Allergic colitis - occurs due to long-term exposure allergens to the intestinal mucosa.
  3. Mechanical colitis - appears due to chronic constipation.

The main cause of the development of spastic colitis is a violation of the diet. Eating large amounts of spicy and salty foods and seasonings contributes to irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

The development of spastic colitis can lead to frequent constipation. Impaired fecal movement provokes a decrease in intestinal motility. The disease can be caused by chronic infections digestive tract and related treatment. Many drugs have an irritating effect on the intestinal mucosa, causing inflammation.

Spastic intestinal colitis can be caused by chronic stress. In this case, the diet is often disrupted, which helps to reduce the peristalsis of the large intestine.

Also, the occurrence of the disease can be caused by a sharp change in hormonal levels (in particular, during pregnancy and menopause) and allergies to food. A pathological reaction to an allergen is not limited to skin rashes. Irritation of the mucous membrane of the entire digestive tract is possible, which often becomes the cause of the development of chronic diseases.


There are several stages of development of the disease.

  1. The appearance of discomfort in the abdomen, flatulence. Unpleasant sensations more pronounced after eating.
  2. Decreased peristalsis, patients complain of chronic constipation. Pain appears in the left side.
  3. Abnormal bowel movements become more pronounced, constipation is replaced by diarrhea, general state the patient is deteriorating.

Spastic colitis is milder than other forms of the disease. The first place goes to stool disorders, flatulence, bloating, discomfort after eating. There may be pain in the left side or lower abdomen. Depending on the severity of the process and the main symptoms, the course of colitis can manifest itself in different ways.

In acute spastic colitis, diarrhea is noted, and impurities of pus and blood are found in the stool. Tenesmus (false urge to defecate) and severe flatulence. Diarrhea leads to dehydration. Patients complain of dizziness, headache, severe weakness. Due to lack of appetite there is sudden loss body weight.

Prevention of spastic colitis involves management healthy image life and observance correct mode nutrition. You should limit your consumption of fatty, fried and spicy foods.

In case of absence necessary treatment the disease becomes chronic. Diarrhea begins to alternate with constipation. Stool retention can last from 3 to 7 days, and the intestines are emptied only after an enema or taking a laxative. After defecation, there is no feeling of complete bowel movement.

Pain with spastic colitis is localized in the lower left part of the abdomen. It worsens with constipation and is accompanied by a feeling of tension in the abdominal muscles. Unpleasant sensations subside after bowel movement. But relief only comes when a short time. After the next meal, the discomfort returns.

Flatulence is accompanied by the release of gases and mucus. A bitter taste appears in the mouth, belching with an unpleasant odor, and nausea appear. Constant discomfort causes insomnia and increased irritability.


When the first symptoms of spastic colitis appear, you should consult a gastroenterologist. The specialist interviews and examines the patient. When palpating the abdomen, spasmodic areas are revealed. After the examination, an additional examination is prescribed.

Spastic colitis is differentiated from inflammation small intestine And functional disorder abdominal motility. To confirm the diagnosis, additional examination is carried out.

Treatment of spastic colitis

If spastic colitis develops against the background chronic stress, apply sedatives. In order to normalize the intestinal microflora, probiotics are indicated.

In the chronic form of the disease, treatment is aimed at eliminating constipation. In this case, cleansing enemas are performed. They are aimed at cleansing the intestines of excess feces and developing a specific bowel movement schedule. The use of laxatives in this case is undesirable. They irritate the intestinal mucosa, which can become an additional factor in irritation of the intestinal mucosa.

Treatment of spastic colitis includes adherence to diet and nutrition. Products that irritate the mucous membrane of the intestinal tract are excluded from the diet. This applies, first of all, to seasonings, marinades, spicy and salty foods, and carbonated drinks. Dairy products cause fermentation in the intestines, so they are also excluded. Food intake is limited causing gas formation– cabbage, legumes, mineral water.

Food is steamed or boiled. From bakery products Only crackers are allowed. The main diet includes low-fat varieties meat, fish, porridge on water. With spastic colitis, the consumption of raw fruits and vegetables increases. They contain a large number of fiber, which helps improve intestinal motility.

A strict diet must be followed acute period diseases. After the main symptoms subside and during the period of remission with chronic colitis the diet is expanding. To reduce the load on digestive tract meals should be fractional (5-6 times a day), in small portions.


If left untreated, spastic colitis can lead to the development of intestinal obstruction. In this case, surgical intervention is indicated.

Spastic colitis is milder than other forms of the disease. The first place goes to stool disorders, flatulence, bloating, discomfort after eating.

Features of spastic colitis in children

Treatment should be aimed at identifying and eliminating the cause of the disease. After this is carried out symptomatic therapy and recovery normal microflora intestines. Treatment takes place under the constant supervision of a doctor.

Features of spastic colitis in pregnant women

During pregnancy, spastic colitis may occur due to hormonal changes. Another one common reason– displacement of the abdominal organs due to the growing uterus. Symptoms of the disease during pregnancy are not particularly different.

Treatment is symptomatic only and is mainly aimed at increasing beneficial microflora gastrointestinal tract. Full therapy is possible only after childbirth.

Features of spastic colitis in the elderly

With age, there is a physiological weakening of intestinal motility. Therefore, spastic colitis in elderly patients is diagnosed twice as often as in young people.

The disease is accompanied by chronic constipation. Therefore, the main treatment should be aimed at regulating bowel movements. Besides drug therapy is selected special diet, which must be observed for a long time. Cleansing enemas are prescribed only in the most extreme cases.


Spastic colitis is easily treated if timely appeal to the doctor. Complications and transition to a chronic form develop in the absence of necessary therapy.

Preventive measures

Prevention of spastic colitis consists of leading a healthy lifestyle and maintaining a proper diet. You should limit your consumption of fatty, fried and spicy foods. The diet should include a large amount of vegetables and fruits.

It is necessary to give up smoking and alcohol abuse, as factors that irritate the intestinal mucosa. Physical exercise should be moderate. Frequent overstrain of the abdominal muscles can also cause the disease.

At increased anxiety it is necessary to reduce stress levels and avoid traumatic situations. To normalize sleep, it is recommended to take herbal sedatives.

If you have chronic diseases, you should undergo regular preventive examinations and follow all doctor's instructions.

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