Special children's health group for physical education at school - are physical education lessons conducted for children of special groups “A” and “B”? Physical education is the key to success and a healthy life. What does the 3rd preparatory group in physical education mean?

One of the compulsory subjects of the school curriculum is physical education. It is necessary for the full physical development of children. This item helps children maintain their health while constantly sitting at a desk during lessons, when the body is forced to remain in a static position most of the time. For the majority of healthy children, physical education is completely safe, but there are certain groups of schoolchildren who are not recommended to perform certain types of physical activity. Therefore, all children attending school undergo a mandatory examination by a pediatrician, where they may be assigned to a certain medical group for physical education.

Principles of separation

Do not confuse health groups, which are mainly needed by doctors, with medical groups for physical education visits. Health groups are determined in infancy and can be adjusted as the child grows. Medical groups for physical education are usually determined before entering school and require annual confirmation or refutation. In most schools, teachers cannot accurately determine the meaning of a special medical group and do not know how the classes of such children differ from exercise therapy. However, therapeutic physical education is carried out only by specialist doctors, while a regular physical education lesson for children from a special group is conducted by a teacher who is able to select the most optimal training methods.

All schoolchildren at the beginning of the school year, or shortly before it, depending on their medical history, are divided into exactly three groups, namely basic, preparatory, and special. The doctor who carries out the distribution takes into account the health and functional state of the body. If the question of a special group is raised, the doctor must make a diagnosis and indicate the degree of impairment of the functional activity of the body. Let's talk in more detail about health groups in physical education at school, and describe them in more detail.

Main group

Thus, the main medical group for physical education includes children belonging to the first health group, as well as a certain number of representatives of the second health group, if the existing illness does not limit the motor mode in any way. Such schoolchildren are characterized by the absence of deviations in their health and physical development. They have an excellent functional state and physical fitness that is fully appropriate for their age. Also included in the main health group are those children who have minor, mostly functional, deviations. At the same time, such schoolchildren do not differ at all from their peers in terms of physical development and physical training.

Such children can complete physical education classes in full, which corresponds to the educational program, and also take tests on individual physical training. In addition, such schoolchildren are allowed to attend sports sections, clubs, etc., as well as participate in various kinds of competitions, sports events, etc.

Preparatory group

This group includes children who have some delay in physical development, lack of physical fitness or minor deviations in health. These are representatives of the second health group.

The special goals of physical education for such schoolchildren are to increase their level of physical fitness to normal.

A weakened state of health is often recorded as a residual phenomenon after various acute illnesses, as well as during their transition to the stage of a chronic disease. In addition, this situation is also observed in chronic forms of diseases at the stage of compensation. Such schoolchildren need to comply with certain restrictions and special methodological rules, and also not perform significant norms of physical activity with high intensity.

Special group

This group includes those schoolchildren whose health condition requires classes in accordance with a separate program that takes into account their health status. However, such children do not need to be completely exempted from physical education, although this is often practiced. This group of schoolchildren especially needs properly organized physical activity.

The special group may include children with temporary or permanent health problems, who are strongly recommended to attend a physical education course according to a specialized program in a regular school under the guidance of a teacher. Such schoolchildren have subgroup A.

In addition, the special group includes children who suffer from quite serious health problems. Such children need to significantly limit the volume and intensity of various types of physical activity. They belong to subgroup B. In this case, physical education classes should be carried out under the supervision of not only a teacher, but also a qualified doctor. Most often, such events are carried out in a clinic, a special dispensary, or in an educational institution according to an individual program.

Transfer from one group to another is quite possible after a medical examination and pedagogical testing have been carried out. Most often this becomes possible at the end of a quarter, semester or academic year.

“A healthy mind in a healthy body” is a familiar saying that is especially relevant in modern society.

What is physical education

Physical education is the cultivation of body culture through physical activity and gymnastics. It develops not only the body, but also the human nervous system. Loads on the body help normalize the activity of the mental system. This is especially important for children, because they absorb huge flows of information every day. Sport helps the brain relieve stress and restore clarity to the head.

Physical education can be therapeutic and adaptive. helps restore to the human body some functions that were damaged during injury or serious psychological shock. Adaptive physical education is applicable for people who have developmental disabilities.

Sports in children's lives

Sport occupies a special place in the lives of children and adolescents. It is necessary not only for the harmonious development of the body, but also for creating a sense of discipline. Sports instill in children such qualities as willpower, perseverance, and restraint. These character traits, acquired from childhood, will accompany a person throughout his entire life.

It has long been proven that people involved in sports activities are much more likely to achieve success. This fact is explained by three reasons:

1. Health.

Sport improves and strengthens health. People have more strength and energy that are necessary to work in any field.

2. Strong-willed qualities.

As has already been said, sport educates a person. It makes him persistent and attentive.

3. Psychological release.

Physical education is a great way. Usually people tend to accumulate negative emotions in themselves, while the sports society always knows where to throw out the accumulated emotional load. This protects mental health, increases stress resistance and productivity in resolving conflict situations.

Sport accompanies us at all stages of maturation. In secondary schools, physical education is a compulsory subject. The lesson is taught by a former athlete or teacher who offers standards of sports achievements that a child must achieve at each stage of his development. In order for him to successfully complete the year, it is necessary to pass the standards with high quality. Naturally, they are designed only for healthy children. Also, thanks to the standards, you can find out and monitor the level of development of the child. Children's physical education is intended to develop body culture during training.

If a student has health problems, he may be partially or completely suspended from classes. The location of physical activity depends on the capabilities of a particular school. In addition to gymnastics, the standard physical education program includes: running, swimming, skiing, long and high jumps, football, basketball, volleyball, acrobatics, aerobics, active games.

Physical education classes take place in specially equipped classrooms or on sports grounds (during the warm season).

It involves small loads, the purpose of which is not to achieve certain results in sports. Most often, children engage in exercise therapy - therapeutic physical education. Physical education is aimed at maintaining the body in a healthy state, while the load is minimal. They help the child stretch his muscles, feel the dynamics of the exercises, but not waste all the body’s strength.

Exercise therapy is very common among children who have developmental or health problems. For this reason, they cannot play sports with the main group. Much attention in exercise therapy is paid to proper breathing, which helps maintain control over the body. Another goal of exercise therapy is the prevention of diseases and their exacerbations. Exercise therapy is very useful not only for schoolchildren, but also for younger children.

The effect of physical activity on the body

It is very difficult to overestimate the impact of physical activity on the human body. The benefits of physical education for a growing body are invaluable. A young body needs not only stimulation of tissues that form very quickly. Physical education is needed so that the child grows up as a psychologically balanced and integral person.

Physical activity has a complex effect on the entire body. Let's take a closer look at how the human body reacts to moderate loads:

  • metabolic processes of tissues, tendons and muscles are activated, which is an excellent prevention of rheumatism, arthrosis, arthritis and other degenerative changes in the motor function of the body;
  • the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems improves, providing the entire body with oxygen and nutrients;
  • physical exercise activates the production of hormones, which leads to stabilization of metabolic processes;
  • The neuroregulatory function of the brain is stimulated.

To summarize, we can say that physical education and sports should be an integral part of the life of any adult and growing person. Play sports yourself and instill this in your children. Physical education is a “perpetual motion machine” of life, which makes you active, cheerful and full of energy for new achievements.

Physical education classes are designed to provide a minimum level of physical activity for students for health purposes. During the classes themselves, the intensity of the load can be very, very high. Only a practically healthy student can successfully cope with it. However, the statistics of recent years are disappointing. The health status of high school students – future applicants – is steadily deteriorating. This means that every year the number of students with certain restrictions regarding physical activity will increase. This is a serious fact that cannot be ignored, especially considering that the teacher is responsible for the life and health of students in physical education classes. One of the mandatory conditions for admission to physical education classes at a university is the provision of students with a medical certificate with a doctor’s conclusion about their condition and health group. Such medical examinations are organized by the universities themselves. These events are not strictly regulated in terms of the number of medical examinations, the contingent to undergo it, etc. As a result, there is currently no unified structure for conducting medical examinations in universities. In some of them, students are examined only in the first year, in some - first and second year students, in some - students from first to fourth year, etc.

In general, medical admission to physical education classes is a separate and currently problematic topic. The recently introduced innovations regarding the ban on complete exemption from practical training are not entirely clear. On the one hand, of course, it is necessary to attract young people as en masse as possible to physical activity. However, there are situations when such activities cannot be recommended under any circumstances. We are talking about such serious diagnoses as heart failure, serious vision problems, severe forms of asthma, etc. After all, perhaps the main goal of health-improving classes is to strengthen the health of students, but not to worsen it, and certainly not to provoke attacks of illness.

Another questionable point is the concealment of his diagnosis at the request of the student. Of course, information about human diseases should be strictly confidential and under no circumstances should it become publicly available. However, the teacher must know about the problems of his students, since he is the one responsible for them in the lesson. In addition, depending on a particular diagnosis, an individual set of exercises can be compiled for a particular student, or the student can be exempted from those tasks that will be contraindicated for him. But such decisions are possible only if the teacher is fully and timely informed about the health status of his students.

It also seems timely to note that medical examinations in universities are not always of high quality for admission to physical education classes. Due to the large flow of students, such examinations are often carried out superficially and are based on the information provided by the medical institutions where the student was previously observed. As a result, there are situations when students with serious diagnoses did not receive a note in the final certificate indicating that they were assigned to a special medical group. And on the contrary, those whose health condition allowed them to study in a general group received the right to lighten the load, because were assigned to a special group. One of the main factors of this problem is the catastrophic shortage of medical personnel and extremely low salaries, which does not help change the situation for the better. And the system of university medical examination itself needs improvement. Perhaps it would be necessary to create several state medical centers exclusively for students, to which people receiving higher education could apply for any qualified medical care, including admission to physical education classes.

It is this problem that necessitates the need for physical education practitioners to conduct a special survey with first-year students at the beginning of each academic year regarding their health status. Students are explained for what purposes the teacher collects confidential medical information; students are brought to the attention of the importance of timely information about health problems, as well as possible relaxations during practical classes. And if it turns out that the future student has health problems that are not reflected or are insufficiently reflected in the medical report, the teacher is forced to make a decision on dosing the load for such a contingent, and in some cases, the question of admission to practical training. classes.

Based on the results of a medical examination at the university, each student receives a medical report in the form of a certificate indicating the health group to which he belongs, based on the main indicators of health status at the time of the commission and on the basis of medical documents indicating the presence of any health problems or their absence.

Traditionally, there are three main health groups: basic, preparatory and special.

The main health group includes students who do not have serious contraindications to physical education. It is assumed that such students can choose any sport for themselves or engage in general physical training groups without any restrictions on the intensity of the load, the complexity of the exercises performed and passing control test standards for the result.

The preparatory health group includes students who have minor deviations in health, which in general do not interfere with regular physical education, but still require a number of restrictions, depending on the diagnosis. This may be a partial or complete exemption from passing control standards (for asthma, for problems with the heart, joints), exemption during the lesson from running or jumping exercises (for example, with progressive myopia), etc. In this case, self-monitoring of one’s well-being is necessary on the part of the student himself. It is especially not permissible to perform exercises that are contraindicated for him according to the existing diagnosis.

A special group includes students with significant and very serious health problems. The vast majority of students classified in this group have limitations (sometimes very serious), but can still engage in physical education. Of course, they are exempt from passing any standards. They are freed from increased peak load during the lesson itself - this mainly applies to running and jumping series of exercises. However, the decision to limit the load or completely eliminate it must be made by the teacher based on the diagnosis in each specific case individually. It is necessary to say a few words about the group of students who under no circumstances can be allowed to participate in practical physical education classes. These are students for whom even moderate physical activity can lead to death (for example, heart disease), as well as people with disabilities for whom typical physical exercise is not possible (for example, amputees or blindness). Of course, for such a contingent of students an individual approach must be provided. Assignments must be adequate to the health status of students. It is allowed to perform theoretical tasks.

Control questions.

1. What are the conditions for admission to practical classes in physical education at a university?

2. What problems do teachers and students face during the medical examination process in universities?

3. What health groups can you list?

4. Give a description of each health group.

Physical education is a compulsory subject in the school curriculum. Parents, as a rule, have no doubts about the need for this item. After all, children who sit at their desks all day can do with a little movement.

Physical education is a set of physical exercises that promote the healthy development of a child. Sports activities are beneficial for most children, but some schoolchildren (for health reasons) are prohibited from intense physical activity. That is why all children who are preparing to go to school must undergo a full medical examination. Based on the results of this examination, a record appears in the future student’s medical record indicating that he belongs to a specific medical group for physical education.

Any medical health group requires periodic confirmation. Some parents confuse the concepts of “physical therapy” and “health groups.” They don't quite understand what their differences are. Therefore, we decided to bring some clarity to this issue. Physical therapy classes can only be conducted by a physical therapy doctor, and a physical education lesson with students from special groups is conducted by a school teacher who has previously undergone the necessary training. During his preparation, he studies health-improving techniques and learns how to create individual sports programs for children suffering from certain diseases. Training takes place in specialized exercise therapy centers.

Classification of medical health groups for children by physical education - table

How are health groups classified by physical education?

Health group Characteristics of the group
Main A group for physically healthy children who do not have any disabilities and students with some functional impairments. However, according to doctors, these violations cannot lead to any consequences. During examination, the child had no delays in physical development.

The main group involves classes according to the regular program. Students pass norms and tests of individual physical training, can study in sections, and take part in competitions.

Additional These groups engage in:

— weakened children;

— students who are at risk for morbidity;

- children with chronic diseases, but these diseases are in the stage of long-term remission.

The additional group involves strict dosing of any physical activity, as well as the complete exclusion of certain movements. For example, sharp bends, jumps.

Schoolchildren enrolled in the additional group program cannot take part in sports competitions or take physical fitness standards and tests.

Special A, B Group “A” programs include:

- children with congenital defects;

— with a history of chronic diseases;

- with obvious impairments of physical development.

Schoolchildren whose medical records include this group can engage in physical education only under special health programs. Programs are developed individually. As a rule, such programs prohibit or limit strength and speed exercises, but allow mild outdoor games, daily walks, and adaptive physical education classes. In most schools, students with this health group study separately from the class. Teachers must undergo special training at exercise therapy centers.

In subgroup “B” students study:

— with chronic diseases in the acute phase;

- with congenital defects at the acute stage.

Children belonging to this group engage only in physical therapy under the supervision of a physical therapy doctor. The sets of exercises are selected by the doctor.

In order to transfer a child to group “B”, you need to go through the KEK commission and receive the appropriate certificate. This document is issued for a period determined by the commission.
The certificate is an exemption from physical education at school.

How to determine what health group in physical education a child has?

Criteria for evaluation:

  • The presence of functional disorders.
  • Chronic diseases. Current stage of disease development.
  • The state of the basic systems of the child's body.
  • Coherence of the immune system.
  • Harmonious development of the child in accordance with his age.

The health group is determined at the medical institution.

  1. To determine a comprehensive assessment, the child must undergo examination by all “narrow” specialists. Some children are additionally prescribed a consultation with an allergist. For example, if a child has a history of a diagnosis of “Dermatitis”.
  2. Then, you need to undergo research and pass all the tests prescribed for the child by specialists. Only after this can you contact your local doctor. As a rule, future students undergo medical examination in kindergarten, where the appropriate group is determined for them. For older students, the group is determined based on the results of medical examination, which they must undergo annually.

Sometimes inexperienced doctors play it safe and write on the certificate a group that does not correspond to the child’s health condition. A seemingly insignificant mistake often becomes an insurmountable obstacle to admission to prestigious schools. Therefore, the table below will help parents make sure the doctor’s decision is correct. In case of disagreement, parents can always challenge the results by seeking advice from the head physician of the medical institution.

If during the medical examination none of the “narrow” specialists noted any deviations in the child’s development, then the main group should be indicated on the certificate.

Diseases in the child and health group

Disease Health group for physical education
Colds more than four times a year. The recovery process is too long (more than a month).
Diagnosed in history “”, overweight, blood test showed anemia, tuberculin test is positive (Mantoux reaction, Pirquet test). The second group is additional.
The ophthalmologist determined myopia . Additional group.
Chronic diseases who are in a stage of long-term remission. Additional group.
Chr. diseases in the compensation stage and congenital malformations. Special Group "A"
Chr. acute diseases, congenital defects in the subcompensation stage . Special group "B"

Basic health group in physical education - dos and don'ts

The students belonging to the main group are healthy and do not have any deviations in physical development. They study according to the regular school curriculum, can attend any sections, pass standards, and take part in sports competitions.

Additional health group for physical education at school

This group allows you to do physical education at school with the whole class. However, the intensity of exercise in this group differs. The teacher selects special sets of sports exercises in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations. All restrictions are indicated in the student’s medical record.

For example, one child is not allowed to go to the pool, another is not allowed to tumble or bend over sharply, and a third is not recommended to jump or run long distances. The certificate indicates its validity period. After which, the child is transferred to the main group. To participate in competitions and to pass GTO standards, a doctor’s permission is required.

Special group “A” and “B” for physical education At school

  1. Physical education lessons for students from group “A” are held separately from the whole class.
  2. Classes with them are held according to specially developed individual programs. However, they are given the opportunity, together with the class, to attend theoretical classes in physical education, make reports and write abstracts.
  3. Special groups involve classes with trained physical education teachers who have been trained in exercise therapy centers.
  4. A set of exercises for children is developed strictly in accordance with medical recommendations.
  5. All exercises are done on special mats.
  6. Students may not participate in sporting events, but are encouraged to attend as fans.
  7. They cannot participate in sports clubs.

Features of children's classes in special group "B" in physical education:

  1. Students whose certificate indicates group “B” are completely exempt from physical education lessons at school; they study only in medical institutions.
  2. Classes are held according to individual programs and under the strict supervision of a physical therapy doctor.
  3. Such students are allowed to attend only theoretical classes on this subject, held within the school walls.
  4. The physical therapy doctor develops the set of exercises they need. These exercises can also be done at home.
  5. The exercise therapy doctor consults parents and gives them the necessary recommendations.


Many parents are concerned about the question: “How will physical education grades be given to children who are forced to study in an additional or special group?” No questions arise with students from the main group. After all, they receive marks based on the results of passing the standards. Many parents do not even realize that physical education textbooks exist today. Such textbooks had not been published before. Most often, when giving grades, teachers ask children from the additional and special groups to write an essay, make a report, or give a presentation on healthy lifestyles. In addition, the physical teacher, when assessing a student, is guided by his attendance at theoretical classes. A student cannot remain without a grade in this subject.

And all we can do is wish your children health and excellent sports results.

Hello, friends! What are children's health groups for physical education? If you ask this question to parents of schoolchildren, as well as future first-graders, there will not be many clear, clear answers.

On the one hand, this is good! This means that everything is fine with the children’s health, and the question is simply not relevant. But on the other hand, no one is immune from various health problems. And then parents risk being completely unprepared for problems with physical education.

But problems appear, as evidenced by the huge number of messages and questions on this topic on various Internet forums. Therefore, I propose to deal with this right now.

Let's immediately understand that a health group and a medical health group for physical education are two different things.

Lesson plan:

Child health groups

In accordance with Appendix No. 2 of the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 1346 n, the health of children is assessed according to the following criteria:

  • chronic diseases (whether they exist or not);
  • state of the body systems (respiratory, excretory, endocrine, etc.);
  • the body's resistance to external influences (cold, heat, irritants, etc.);
  • physical development.

First, the doctor assesses the child's health condition. And then assigns him to one of five groups.


The child is healthy.

Physical development is within the age norm. There are no physical disabilities.


These are kids:

  • who do not have chronic diseases, but have any functional disorders (an internal organ does not function correctly, and the causes of these disorders lie outside this organ);

  • those recovering from moderate to severe illnesses;

  • with delayed physical development (short stature, increased or decreased body weight, etc.);

  • often suffering from acute respiratory infections;

  • who have physical disabilities resulting from injuries or operations, but all organs and systems of the body function normally.


These are kids:

  • with chronic diseases. But these diseases are in remission (disappearance of disease symptoms) with rare exacerbations, in which the functions of organs and systems of the body are preserved or compensated;

  • with physical disabilities resulting from injury or surgery. The functions of the organs and systems of the body are compensated. They are not limited in the possibilities of training and work.


These are kids:

  • suffering from chronic diseases. Active phase. Exacerbations are frequent. The functions of organs and systems of the body are preserved or compensated or not fully compensated;

  • with chronic diseases that are in remission, but with such dysfunction of organs and body systems that require maintenance treatment;

  • with physical disabilities resulting from injuries and operations in which the functions of the organs and systems of the body are not fully compensated. Opportunities for training and work are limited.


These are kids:

  • with chronic diseases. The form is heavy. Remissions are rare, exacerbations are frequent. Presence of complications. The functions of the organs and systems of the body are not compensated. Constant treatment is required.

  • with physical disabilities resulting from injuries and operations, with impaired functions of organs and body systems. Significantly limited opportunities for training and work.

Physical education groups

When a student goes to first grade, his medical record goes to school with him. It must indicate the physical education group. There are three of them: basic, preparatory, special.


Children with the first and partly with the second group of health, physically and psychologically strong and developed, without diseases. Or having minor deviations in which physical activity is not prohibited, for example, slight excess weight, or minor allergic reactions.

They study according to the main program, pass the exam, and can participate in various competitions and all kinds of sporting events.


Children with the second health group. They have a delay in physical development and therefore cannot study as intensively as their healthy colleagues, although they go to lessons with the class.

The teacher’s task is to select special sets of exercises that will not harm health. He selects them in accordance with the instructions, in which the attending physician must indicate what exactly the schoolchild should not do (somersault, swim, bend over, jump, etc.)

The certificate must also indicate the deadline for the transfer. After the certificate expires, the student automatically gets into the main group.

In order to subject such schoolchildren to tests in physical education, it is necessary to obtain a doctor’s permission. His permission will also be required in order to involve a student in participation in public sports events.


In order to transfer a student to a special group, the opinion of one attending physician is not enough. In this case, a commission (KEC) is assembled. The certificate is issued for a certain period.

The special group is divided into two more.

Special "A"

Children with the third health group. Those who have significant restrictions on physical activity. They cannot study with the class. For such children, schools should conduct separate physical education lessons and develop special programs. And classes must be taught by teachers or instructors who have undergone special training.

Such children are not allowed to attend sports clubs, participate in competitions and public sports events.

Special "B"

This includes children partially with the third and fourth health groups. They are allowed to attend theory classes at school. But the health risks of physical activity are so great that they don’t do physical education at school. That is, in essence, this is an exemption from school physical education lessons.

But no one is going to leave them completely without physical activity. They are recommended to engage in physical therapy exercises at medical institutions and physical education clinics, under the supervision of a physical therapy doctor. As well as additional classes at home using a specially designed set of exercises.

Well, children with the fifth health group are most often in medical institutions and for them the opportunity to engage in exercise therapy is extremely individual.

How are they graded?

Also an interesting question. Everything is clear, if a student is in the main group, then he is, and on the basis of this he is given one grade or another.

And if in preparatory or special education, what then? After all, he cannot pass the standards like his completely healthy classmates. In this case, the teacher focuses on class attendance, quality of exercises, as well as theoretical knowledge. Textbooks on physical education, it turns out, exist.

The teacher may also ask you to prepare a project on some sports topic or healthy lifestyle, an essay, report or presentation. But a student cannot remain without a grade in physical education.

Well, that seems to be all, friends. Have questions? Ask them in the comments. We'll definitely figure it out together.

I wonder how you felt about physical education lessons when you were at school?

To be honest, I didn’t really like appearing on them. I had enough workload without them, since I was intensely involved in volleyball. And I was very glad when my teacher, Alexander Vasilyevich, allowed me not to come and automatically gave me five marks. But because I would have passed everything with straight A’s anyway.

And even now children don’t have the best attitude towards physical education, it seems to me. They consider it some kind of secondary subject. But in vain! Sports are cool! It's nice to have a flexible, slender and strong body that you can easily control. Do you agree?

And these guys in the video definitely had no problems with physical education at school)

I wish your little schoolchildren good health and excellent sporting achievements!

All the best!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich!