The contraceptive device. IUD or birth control pills? Which is better to choose: birth control pills or the IUD?

Family planning is one of the rapidly growing industries modern medicine. This problem is given Special attention, since a large number of children are raised in orphanages or in dysfunctional families. To reduce their number, they are actively promoting various methods contraception. There are currently ways to avoid unwanted pregnancy so many. One of the means of contraception is the contraceptive device. A lot of time has passed since its invention, but this type of contraceptive is still being improved. Many women choose the intrauterine device, since with its help you can not worry about an unwanted pregnancy for several years. In addition, it does not in any way affect the sensations obtained during sexual intercourse.

When is the contraceptive device used?

This means of birth control is classified as intrauterine contraceptives. The dimensions of the spiral correspond to the length of the cervical canal and the width of the base reproductive organ. The IUD is inserted into gynecological office an experienced specialist. The conditions for inserting the IUD are the condition after childbirth or menstruation. At this time, the uterus is more pliable, the entrance to it is slightly open. The IUD can be used by all women who have given birth in the absence of inflammatory processes. It should be remembered that one of the most effective methods of contraception is the contraceptive device. Photos of the IUD can be seen in this article, in specialized literature, as well as in some gynecological offices.

Types of intrauterine devices

The contraceptive device comes in several types. Depending on the shape, T-shaped, ring-shaped and other IUDs are distinguished. In addition, they may differ in elasticity and rigidity. This depends on the material from which the spiral is made. IUDs are divided into 2 large groups: plastic and metal intrauterine devices. The first ones only cause immune reaction endometrium and block implantation. The latter have a spermicidal effect. The metal most often used is copper. In addition to this, there are hormonal IUDs, which contain progesterone. This substance prevents the onset of ovulation and also reduces pain during menstruation.

How does the contraceptive IUD work?

The mechanism of action of the IUD is based on the creation of an inflammatory process in the endometrium, as a result of which the uterine tissue thickens and becomes unable to accept the fertilized egg. The consequence of this is that the embryo does not have the opportunity to go through the implantation phase, that is, attachment and implantation. This is the basic mechanism of all intrauterine contraceptives. With the development of gynecology, a more improved contraceptive device was invented, which included copper. Under the influence of this metal, a spermicidal effect is created in the endometrium. The advantage of copper IUDs is that fertilization is inhibited immediately after intercourse. Currently, various metals are used in the manufacture of intrauterine devices, including silver and gold. The difference between modern IUDs is that they add hormonal drugs, which are consumed gradually over several years. As a result, the contraceptive effect is enhanced.

Tablets or spiral - which is better?

With the advent large quantity oral contraceptives, many women began to wonder: what is better - a spiral or birth control pills. In this case, there is no clear opinion, since the method of preventing unwanted pregnancy is selected individually for each woman. First of all, it should be remembered that the IUD is recommended for women who have given birth. For this reason, girls who have not yet become mothers should give preference to pills. The advantage of the IUD over oral contraceptives is that it is installed for several years, whereas hormonal agents are applied daily. Another advantage of IUDs is that, compared to pills, they do not cause such adverse reactions, such as nausea, stomach pain, etc. It follows that women who have a tendency to develop gastrointestinal diseases, and who do not want to constantly think about taking contraceptives, should give preference to the IUD. However, we should not forget that IUDs have their contraindications, so before choosing a method of contraception, you should consult a gynecologist.

Advantages of intrauterine contraception

Application intrauterine contraception is chosen by many women all over the world. Why is the contraceptive device so widely used? Price is one of the criteria by which women choose a contraceptive. The IUD is one of the cheapest methods of birth control. Other advantages of intrauterine devices include:

  1. Ease of use. The IUD is completely invisible not only to the partner, but also to the woman herself, so she does not remind of herself in any way for several years. In addition, if you want to have a child, the IUD can be removed at any time.
  2. Reliability - modern IUDs have several mechanisms that provide a contraceptive effect.
  3. Long lasting.
  4. Absence side effects which are inevitable when taking hormonal drugs.

Disadvantages of the contraceptive device

Like all contraceptives, the use of an IUD has its own negative sides. First of all, the spiral cannot protect a woman from various infectious diseases which can be obtained during sexual intercourse. Moreover, she is intrauterine device, which means that its effect is carried out only within the endometrium. For this reason, the IUD does not provide 100% protection against ectopic pregnancy. The contraceptive device should not be used if you have benign formations in the uterine cavity, as well as in women who have not given birth. In addition, the IUD is not suitable for all women; for some, it does not occupy a stable position in the endometrium, as a result of which its contraceptive effect is reduced. Also, some women report periodic bleeding from the genital tract and disturbances menstrual cycle. These symptoms indicate that the coil needs to be removed.

New generation IUD Mirena

Currently, an improved form of the IUD has been invented - the Mirena contraceptive spiral. This type belongs to hormonal intrauterine contraceptives. In addition to the contraceptive effect, the Mirena spiral controls the menstrual cycle and helps reduce pain and a decrease in the amount of blood released. In addition, this type of IUD has such effects as normalization of body weight (weight loss), reduction hairline on the face. Also, one of its advantages is that it is used for benign neoplasms and in some cases contributes to their treatment.

Contraceptive spiral: reviews from women

Intrauterine contraception is very popular among women after 25-30 years of age. Thanks to its effects, it occupies one of the leading places among methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy. Most women note ease of use and accessibility intrauterine device. However, some of them refuse the IUD after a single use. It should be remembered that the choice of contraception method should be determined by the gynecologist individually for each patient.

Sooner or later, every woman has to decide the issue of contraception. It is important that contraception is reliable and as safe as possible. Most effective methods Hormonal pills and intrauterine systems are considered protection against unwanted pregnancy. Which is better, the IUD or oral contraceptives? This is the age-old dilemma that ladies face. To understand which protection option to choose from the two most reliable, you need to understand all the pros and cons of the methods.

A gynecologist will help you choose a remedy on an individual basis.

Oral contraceptives (OCs) contain female hormones. They are responsible for the occurrence/non-occurrence of pregnancy. Hormone-containing pills can slow down ovulation. This eliminates the possibility of fertilization.

Contraceptive drugs have an effect on the uterine mucus. It thickens. Because of this, the movement of sperm is significantly hampered: they cannot reach the goal and die without fertilizing the egg. Even if sperm managed to penetrate the fallopian tube, pregnancy still will not occur. Under the influence of hormonal drugs, the lining of the uterus becomes thin. This makes consolidation of the embryo impossible.

There are several types of oral contraceptives. The principle of their “work” is slightly different. But the main thing is that it’s different “ the target audience" Tablets are divided into:

  • combined;
  • progestational.

Combined ones contain two types of hormones: estrogen and progestin. Preparations of this type are micro-, low- and high-dose. Tablets with microhormone content are optimal for protecting young people nulliparous girls. However, they may not be suitable. Then low-dose drugs are prescribed. This type of COC can be called universal: women who have given birth can also take them. Drugs with a high dose of hormones can only be taken after a doctor's prescription. They are designed to correct hormonal imbalances.

Progestogen-type drugs are also called “mini-pills”. These drugs contain one hormone – progestin. Tablets are prescribed if there are contraindications to taking combined (estrogen-containing) drugs. “Mini-pills” also provide protection to nursing women: they do not affect lactation and do not harm the baby.

Pros OK

Oral contraceptives have many advantages, thanks to which they have gained such enormous popularity. The advantages of such funds include:

Another important plus: when taking OCs, ectopic pregnancy cannot develop. The principle of action of the drugs excludes implantation in principle.

Disadvantages of tablets

OKs work well and have many advantages, but they also have disadvantages. Otherwise, the question of choosing between a spiral and pills would not be so pressing. What are the disadvantages of OK? The disadvantages include:

  • Features of reception. Oral contraceptives should be taken at approximately the same time every day. If the schedule is disrupted at least once, the likelihood of conception increases.
  • Contraindications. Hormonal pills have a number of contraindications. They should not be taken if you have liver problems, kidney pathologies, heart disease, high blood pressure. If a woman smokes a lot, then she will have to look for another method of contraception. Combination drugs should not be used during lactation, although this fact is balanced by the fact that nursing mothers can take “mini-pills”. Naturally, if they are suitable.
  • Side effects. Tablets can cause a number of unpleasant symptoms. The start of treatment is almost always accompanied by bloody discharge in the middle of the cycle. OCs can cause headaches, apathy, and decreased libido. Many drugs increase appetite and retain fluid, which can lead to weight gain if you don’t watch your eating habits.

The disadvantages include the fact that OK loses large percentage effectiveness if a woman takes antibiotics at the same time. Not everyone knows about this, which leads to unwanted pregnancy.

How the uterine device works

When solving the age-old question “IUD or birth control pills?”, it is important to remember that IUDs are recommended only for women who have given birth. The system can thin the endometrium, which increases the risk of miscarriages in nulliparous women in the future. If complications arise, the woman may be left without offspring.

How does the spiral work? It prevents egg implantation. The foreign body leads to thickening of the uterine tissue, which makes the implantation ovum impossible.

Modern copper coils are focused not on an abortifacient effect, but on a spermicidal one. They contain hormones that thicken cervical fluid and suppress sperm activity. The presence of such substances increases the contraceptive effect of the IUD.

The IUD is not inferior in effectiveness to birth control pills, but, like drugs, the system does not protect against sexually transmitted infections. Such contraceptive methods are relevant if you have a permanent partner: only as a way to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Benefits of the IUD

The IUD is a popular method of contraception. Women choose it because of its numerous benefits. The advantages of the IUD include:

  • High efficiency. Installation of an intrauterine system eliminates conception by 95–97%.
  • Long lasting. Contraception will allow you to forget about the worries associated with an unwanted pregnancy for three to five years.
  • Cost-effective and convenient. IUDs, unlike pills, do not need to be purchased regularly or follow any schedule. In fact, after installation you can forget about the presence of the system.
  • Action without conventions. The spiral does not interact with medicines, that is, high level protection remains regardless of the circumstances.
  • Does not affect reproductive function in the future. If no complications arise after installation of the IUD, reproductive function resumes immediately after removal of the system. True, the body often needs time to recover.

The IUD can be considered as a postpartum method of contraception. It does not affect lactation, so it is suitable for nursing mothers. The contraceptive system can be installed six weeks after delivery, provided that the birth was not accompanied by complications. Only a gynecologist can determine the possibility of installation.

Disadvantages of intrauterine contraception

All contraceptive methods have their drawbacks. The Navy is no exception. It must be remembered that this method does not exclude the occurrence of infectious diseases. There are other disadvantages:

The spiral is inserted only in a medical facility. The procedure must be carried out by a specialist, but even this is not always a guarantee that the introduction of the spiral will not lead to complications. Among possible complications The greatest danger is posed by inflammatory processes and incessant bleeding. After the procedure, severe pain syndrome, cycle disturbances are often recorded. Appearance pathological signs serves as a reason to extract foreign body. The spiral cannot be installed in the presence of diseases of the pelvic organs, benign tumors, or discharge of unknown origin.

What's better?

When choosing a contraceptive method, it is important for a woman to know which one is the safest, most effective, and most economical. Only a gynecologist can find out which is better; IUDs or birth control pills have their pros/cons for each specific case. The doctor selects the method of protection individually. When choosing a contraceptive method, the following are taken into account:

  • health status;
  • presence of contraindications;
  • age;
  • presence/absence of pregnancy history.

It should be remembered that nulliparous women are extremely rarely given the IUD. Doctors dissuade patients from such an undertaking, arguing the possibility of infertility as a result of uterine deformation. Therefore, the choice for women who have not yet experienced the happiness of motherhood is obvious - oral contraceptives. They should not be taken without prior consultation with a gynecologist. The doctor will select the best option for tablets, taking into account the features female body. You should consult your doctor both when changing pills and when giving them up.

The spiral is often chosen because of its ease of use. This method is especially relevant for active women who may simply forget to take pills. If a couple has a child and they want to conceive the next one no sooner than in three years, then the IUD is the best protection option. The IUD comes to the rescue when it is impossible to find pills: for example, the body reacts to hormonal drugs persistent side symptoms. It is undesirable to take OCs if you are prone to gastrointestinal diseases: during the adaptation period, they can provoke stomach pain and cause vomiting, and this can lead to intestinal diseases or their exacerbation.

When to choose other methods of protection

Oral contraceptives and intrauterine systems are relevant only with regular sexual activity. If sex occurs with the same partner (subject to trust), then these methods can solve the main problem - to protect against “strays”. But with promiscuous sex life, there is another issue that needs to be resolved: protection from infections. The best decision in this case - barrier methods protection (diaphragms, condoms). If sexual contacts occur regularly, but with different partners, a woman can choose to protect against pregnancy with an OC or an IUD, but insist on using a condom during each contact.

If a woman has serious problems with health and possible pregnancy poses a risk to life, then irreversible methods of contraception are recommended - sterilization. The procedure involves artificial creation obstruction of the tubes, which leads to the impossibility of conception. The operation is carried out according to medical indications. If desired, only older women can be enrolled in the procedure. reproductive age(after 35), who realized their maternal mission.

Protection from unwanted pregnancy helps to preserve for a long time women Health, because abortions cause irreparable harm to the body and undermine psychological balance. Search optimal option requires contraception individual approach, but among the variety of methods there is sure to be one that suits.

Intrauterine contraceptives are quite available method contraception, which is popular among women who have already given birth and do not plan to have children in the near future. This method has its advantages and disadvantages. How does the contraceptive device (IUD) work, where to get it, how to insert it and who should do it?

The IUD is installed exclusively by a doctor. This is usually done on days 5-6 of the menstrual cycle, when internal os slightly open. Thus, the contraceptive device can be installed without its preliminary mechanical expansion, which is quite painful.
Sometimes IUDs are placed outside of menstruation. For example, if a woman had unprotected sexual intercourse less than 5 days ago. In this case she plays a role emergency contraception. Even if fertilization of the egg has occurred, it will not be able to attach to the wall of the uterus; the IUD will prevent this.

But not everything is as good as it seems; the contraceptive device also has pros and cons due to the fact that sometimes it provokes the onset of an ectopic pregnancy. After all, an egg that could not implant in the uterus can return back to the fallopian tube and begin to develop there...

The Mirena contraceptive device is safer in this regard, since it not only mechanically prevents the development of an egg in the uterus, but also prevents ovulation from occurring directly. That is, the risk of ectopic pregnancy is reduced to zero.

After reading reviews about the contraceptive device, you can draw conclusions about its advantages and disadvantages. Decide if it's worth using. Let's start with the advantages.

1. Long service life and convenience. A contraceptive intrauterine device is usually installed for a period of 5 years. And it works all this time. It is recommended that a woman only periodically check the length of the thread coming from the IUD in her vagina. Visit a gynecologist once a year. And if necessary, undergo an ultrasound of the uterus. But if the need for contraception disappears earlier than after 5 years, then the IUD can be removed without any problems. This is again done by a gynecologist. Contraceptive effect the spiral immediately stops.

2. High reliability. More than 90%. If the IUD is positioned correctly in the uterus and does not move, the effectiveness of contraception approaches 100%.

3. Affordable price. Costs this remedy contraception from 300 rubles on average. And this is for 5 years! The price of contraceptive IUDs largely depends on the coating. If it is copper, silver, gold, then the IUD will be more expensive. The most expensive in terms of cost is the Mirena spiral. It costs about 10,000 rubles.

And these are disadvantages.

1. Intermenstrual bleeding. Gain menstrual bleeding. This Negative influence a regular, non-hormonal IUD has on the endometrium. However, the principle of action of the Mirena contraceptive spiral, which is hormonal, is precisely to reduce blood loss.
Women with heavy menstruation If you should get an IUD, then only Mirena.

2. Ectopic pregnancy. The same. With Mirena installed, this risk is practically zero. But with a regular IUD, there is a possibility of both ectopic and intrauterine pregnancy.

3. Risk of inflammatory diseases. Unfortunately, the IUD is a kind of conductor for infections from the vagina to the uterus. That is why, before inserting the IUD, a woman must undergo a series of smears for infections. They must be treated.
If the infection penetrates the uterus, it provokes inflammation there - endometritis. And subsequently, all this can lead to the formation of adhesions in the tubes, which again is the root cause of ectopic pregnancy.

For every sexually mature woman, the issue of contraception decides her comfort. Without good protection It’s impossible to concentrate on the intimate process, because people will keep getting into your head intrusive thoughts about unwanted pregnancy. Today, the choice of contraceptives is huge: from standard condoms to intrauterine systems implanted surgically.

Before choosing, it is important to know all the aspects of a particular type of protection.

Oral contraceptives have an effect due to the content female hormones. Their intake is responsible for the onset or non-occurrence of pregnancy, inhibiting ovulation. The tablets thicken the uterine mucus, which prevents active movement sperm inside. When the sperm reaches fallopian tube pregnancy still does not occur, since the embryo will not be able to consolidate.

Hormonal pills are divided into two types: combined And progestational. The former contain the hormones progestin and estrogen. They are appointed different categories women. There are micro-low- and high-dose varieties. Low-dose tablets are suitable for both nulliparous and parous women. High-dose doses are prescribed to correct hormonal disorders.

Progestin contraceptives are prescribed in case of intolerance combination drugs. Ensures safety during breastfeeding.


  1. High protection against unwanted pregnancy – 99%
  2. Versatility. Tablets can be selected for any age and health condition
  3. Stabilization of the cycle, absence of menstrual pain
  4. Improvement appearance hair and skin
  5. Risk reduction gynecological diseases, including tumors and endometriosis
  6. Does not affect the possibility of conception after stopping use


The spiral is placed surgically. Its action is based on preventing egg implantation. The uterine tissue thickens and the implantation of the uterine egg becomes impossible. Modern IUDs contain hormones that thicken uterine mucus. This leads to difficulty in sperm movement.


  1. High efficiency.
  2. The effect lasts for 3-5 years.
  3. Does not affect reproductive function.

What do the spirals and tablets have in common?

  • High efficiency. The likelihood of getting pregnant is reduced by 97-99%.
  • When removing the IUD or stopping the pills reproductive function normalizes.
  • Use does not protect against sexually transmitted infections.
  • Ideal for protection with a regular partner.

Differences between them

  1. Indications for use. The tablets are taken by both women who have given birth and women who have not given birth. The spiral is installed only after childbirth.
  2. Expenses. Installing an IUD is cheaper than constantly taking pills
  3. Possible complications. Oral contraceptives eliminate the risk of ectopic pregnancy; with the IUD there is such a chance. At first, tablets may cause headaches, apathy, bleeding in the middle of the cycle.
  4. Convenience. The pills are taken at strictly designated hours; if the schedule is messed up, the likelihood of conception increases. The spiral “works” on its own for three to five years.
  5. Action in the body. The effectiveness of the tablets may be reduced when you take certain medications, such as antibiotics. The spiral is effective regardless of the processes in the body.

What and for whom is it better to choose

When choosing contraception, they are guided by such indicators as:

  • Health status.
  • Contraindications.
  • Age.
  • Presence or absence of childbirth in life history.

The spiral is relevant for women who have given birth at least once. Doctors do not recommend having it performed before the first birth, citing the possibility of infertility due to changes in the shape of the uterus. The spiral is convenient for those who lead active image life and simply forgets to take pills.

It is also chosen if there are contraindications to oral contraceptives, including: liver and kidney diseases, heart problems and high pressure, tobacco addiction, taking medications on a regular basis that reduce the effectiveness of hormones. Spirals should be preferred if a girl does not control her appetite, since oral contraceptives greatly increase it.

The installation of the IUD occurs only in the hospital, but even this does not guarantee that it will not be rejected by the body. Signs that the operation was unsuccessful - inflammatory process and frequent bleeding. Some women develop severe pain and have a cycle disorder.

The spiral has contraindications for installation: diseases of the pelvic organs, benign tumors, vaginal discharge of unknown origin. The IUD moves, its position is corrected by threads independently, otherwise the contraceptive effect decreases.

Oral contraceptives, due to their versatility, are suitable for girls and women different ages whether or not they have given birth. The tablets are prescribed to women for the prevention of gynecological diseases, to restore the cycle and relieve menstrual pain.

Such contraceptives are indicated for women with PMS. Not suitable for those who take medications that reduce the effectiveness of hormones or who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

The range of oral contraceptives, despite the general restrictions on use, allows you to choose the safest and most comfortable drug for a particular patient. The risk of complications and side effects is reduced.

When a woman chooses between using birth control pills and an intrauterine device (IUD), she needs to consider several important factors. Certain methods of contraception are better suited to certain categories of women, and the transition from one method to another requires compliance with certain rules.

Every fifth woman aged 15 to 44 years uses contraception, therefore important issue what remains is the correctness of their use. In the current article you can find out what contraceptive best suits you.

Spirals may not function correctly in women with anatomical abnormalities of the uterus.

Women who are prone to infections and are allergic to copper should also not opt ​​for an IUD. For such problems, it is better to use birth control pills.

How to safely switch from one contraceptive method to another?

When changing contraceptives, it is important not to take breaks between using the old and new methods. Otherwise, your chances of pregnancy may increase. When switching from an intrauterine device to oral contraceptives, you should start taking pills 7 days before removing the device.