List of smart dogs. How to find the smartest dog in the world? Belgian Malinois

A person, when thinking about purchasing a puppy, rarely remembers his responsibilities. The owner teaches the dog the rules of behavior, adequate reactions to different circumstances. When the training period begins, the breeder realizes that not every dog ​​is easy to handle. The first ones understand commands quickly and easily, the second ones need to be explained and repeated 80-100 times (without exaggeration)! Let's figure out which breeds are considered the most intelligent and obedient.

The group under consideration included dog breeds that memorize a new command from 1-5 repetitions, completing the task upon first request in 95-100 percent of cases!

Border Collie

The smart dog was specially bred with the indicated parameters. Among domestic dog breeds, border collies are the smartest! Confirmed by breed breeders, outside observers, dog handlers, and breeding establishments. Dogs have a number of advantages:

  • medium size, allowing you to get a dog outside the city, in urban conditions;
  • noticeable activity makes the owner mobile - important in modern society;
  • the highest ability to learn will facilitate the process of training and education;
  • life expectancy – 16 years;
  • suitable as a gift for a teenager over 12 years old;
  • gets along with the owner's family, children, animals, strangers;
  • companion, pet, sheep shepherd in villages, hamlets.

Let us note the complex nuances for the owner. You will have to constantly take care of your pet's fur. The coat is the pride of the border collie! You need to bathe your pet up to 4 times a year. If you are not ready to show mobility, play, run with the dog, walk at least a couple of hours a day - do not take a closer look at the described breed. Fits active people, loving guests, sports, family walks, outings into nature.


It is difficult to mentally identify a specific type of breed group. Poodles are classified: simple (classic), miniature, toy. The classic ones are recognized as obedient and intelligent, many assure. Dogs win prizes in a number of sporting competitions. Well-known services to the circus. Poodles are great helpers for humans. different areas life, although initially they were used exclusively for duck hunting.

The largest poodles - classic - are distinguished by the following qualities:

  • an exceptional mind will help simplify education, teaching commands;
  • mobility will please the owner and make the person more active;
  • the absence of shedding periods will please housewives - there is no need to collect wool from carpets and furniture. Wool does not cause allergies in allergy sufferers;
  • skill and love for swimming makes the dog an excellent companion when going to the beach;
  • suitable for children over 7 years old;
  • gets along with people and animals;
  • life expectancy reaches 18 years.

The poodle will have to be carefully looked after. The complexity of the process is rated above average. Bathing is carried out a couple of times a month. Training is considered simple. Those who have already got a pet assure that they understand the commands the first time. A smart dog with a lively mind - that’s what they say.

German Shepherd

One of famous breeds dogs in the world! There are representatives of medium and large sizes. The German Shepherd is registered with the American Kennel Club as the second largest. The breed was bred as a sheep shepherd; one cannot help but notice the dog’s intelligence, strength, and obedience. Subsequently, the “Germans” were used in search and rescue operations, in the service of the police, army, to help the disabled, to protect homes and other private territory.

  1. Does not require basic care - bathe up to 3 times a year, comb out the fur when shedding.
  2. Kept in the house. They get along well in an apartment, subject to regular, active walks.
  3. They live on average up to 15 years.
  4. Cunning - requires utmost attention in education.
  5. They understand training quickly, but are too lazy to carry it out. It takes patience, perseverance and cunning.
  6. A child from 9 years old can work with a shepherd dog. Parents' help will be beneficial.
  7. Suitable for any person, family, provided there are no allergies or laziness.

Instant friendliness towards strangers is not typical. They are wary of strangers and gradually get used to them. Having recognized a person, they will protect, value, respect, and recognize the leader. To prevent a German Shepherd from becoming dangerous - from showing aggression or biting - it is important to socialize the dog. It is required to work with a professional dog handler to receive a full training and educational process.

Golden retriever

Large breed will not leave anyone indifferent. The attractive dog has luxurious fur that seems to shimmer in the sunlight. The difficulty in keeping a pet is caring for the pet's hair. It's hard at first, but then you get used to it. The Golden Retriever is a hunter by nature. They love water, swim, and are happy to keep company in the river or pool. Obedience courses are better - basic, advanced standard.

  1. The breed is friendly and good-natured.
  2. Dogs are confident and easily make the necessary decisions.
  3. They love children and are patient with their antics and behavior.
  4. Suitable for children over 11 years old for independent education.
  5. They easily find a common language with strangers and play with them.
  6. Training seems to be the simplest, because the pet tries to please the owner.
  7. They live on average up to 13 years.
  8. They need bathing 2 times a year. A haircut is needed regularly.
  9. Monitor the condition of your ears - there is a tendency to become infected.
  10. Intelligence is in the blood - don’t take them as guards, they don’t even bark much.
  11. Suitable for hunting, for official purposes (search and rescue), for helping the blind (guides).

Doberman pinscher

The Doberman Pinscher is a standard large, medium-sized breed. Known as loyal comrades, intelligent, vigilant. The latter makes it clear why dogs are used as guards. A guard dog identifies a single owner. Most strangers are perceived with suspicion and wariness. If you take care of socialization, the dog will become a devoted pet, a pleasant pet for family and house guests.

  1. Doberman lives 12 years.
  2. Bathing is required 2-3 times a year.
  3. The coat requires virtually no grooming.
  4. Suitable for raising teenagers from 14 years old.
  5. The level of difficulty in parenting is high.
  6. They are easy to train.
  7. They treat children living in the same family well.
  8. They get used to it and make friends with other animals growing in the house.
  9. Doberman Pinschers require high activity, frequent play, and running.

Remember the need to keep your pet warm in the winter. The breed has short fur and gets cold during the snowy season. Get ready to buy warm clothes for your four-legged friend. It is advisable to do this from puppyhood, otherwise wayward, stubborn puppies will grow up disliking warm clothes.


Everyone knows the Collie breed, few have heard of the Sheltie. Those who have met Sheltie confidently call him a miniature Collie! A small working dog bred specifically to help a shepherd herd herds. Initially, it was believed that dogs could only cope with such a task. In reality, animals are smart and understanding. In addition, they are attractive.

It's easy to describe Sheltie:

  1. She is smart, which is why she is included in the list of obedient dogs in the world.
  2. Energetic, requires time for walks.
  3. Attached to the owner, ready to please for praise and encouragement.
  4. Kind, aggression is not typical, although it is not excluded.
  5. They love children and often play with pleasure.

Shelties are used to herd flocks of sheep and remain unsurpassed helpers. They are considered therapy dogs. If you feel lonely or sad, spend time with your pet. Feel the results soon! Used to help people in difficult situations life situation who have experienced a natural disaster in their lives.

Labrador Retriever

Smart dog breeds are more likely to be hunting species. The Labrador Retriever is no exception. The breed is considered the most famous guide dog. An ideal companion for the disabled, the elderly, single people, families. A suitable pet for people with autism. Dogs are used in law enforcement agencies as valuable employees!

Breed Features:

  • Pleasant character - kind, sane, accommodating;
  • An ideal sense of smell - useful in service, hunting, in life with family;
  • They are distinguished by a “soft mouth” - allows you to look after small children without danger to them. This property allows one to be an ideal game hunter;
  • Balance allows you to bring a puppy into a family with a small child. An ideal dog for a family;
  • Easily gets along with people and animals;
  • Labrador Retrievers are easy to care for and their coat does not require special care. Bathing is required up to 2 times a year;
  • They are considered pets without flaws.

It is possible to breed the breed in an apartment. Avoiding walking is unacceptable. It is advisable to walk longer, play more often, and make your walks active. Walk for at least 2 hours a day, combining games, walking with fast running. When kept outdoors, it is necessary to provide a warm room!

In this article we will analyze the top 10 most intelligent and loyal dogs of different weight categories.

The desire to have a four-legged friend sooner or later visits almost every person, however, not many people understand that when they bring home an animal, they, in principle, bring a new family member who will definitely need care, care and attention.

Dogs can rightfully be considered the most popular pets. Someone is looking for themselves faithful companion, and someone needs a smart dog who will be able to learn more than a dozen commands without any problems. However, there are dog breeds that contain both of these qualities.

Top 10 most intelligent and loyal dogs in the world from small breeds: photos, names of breeds, rating

It is important to immediately note the fact that the devotion of a four-legged dog depends not so much on the breed, but on its character and how its owners treat it.

  1. The Russian toy takes 1st place in our ranking. This dog breed has proven itself to be incredibly friendly and sociable pets. This dog is a true companion who will not leave your side day or night. Having chosen an owner, he will be devoted to him and will carry this feeling throughout his life, because these dogs are not characterized by a change of owners. The breed is very active and you need to be prepared for this. With the arrival of a Russian Toy puppy in the house, everything changes, because the dog needs constant attention and care.
  2. The toy poodle took 2nd place. This dog is an exact copy of a regular poodle, but in a smaller form. These four-legged animals have good intellectual abilities, so they can be trained without any problems. Despite its relatively small size and friendliness, such a dog will always protect its owners, in particular small children. It is important to say that the toy poodle is a self-sufficient dog, and therefore will always require attention and respect.

  3. 3rd place goes to the Chihuahua. This breed of dog is distinguished by its special mobility and kindness. There are a lot of stereotypical opinions that the Chihuahua is an exclusively decorative dog that is not capable of anything else. However, this opinion is false. Dogs of this breed are very smart and obedient, and provided proper education, as well as training, they will definitely demonstrate such qualities. If there are children in the house, then choosing this particular breed will be very justified, since Chihuahuas are great with kids and know how to entertain them.

  4. In 4th place is located Maltese. The Maltese, as this dog breed is also called, is very beautiful and smart dog. The dog is very energetic and active, loves games and attention. The dog is distinguished by the fact that it is quite strongly attached to its owners.

  5. 5th place goes to the Japanese Spaniel. This breed is one of the most ancient when it comes to small dogs. Even in ancient times, the Japanese spaniel was a very popular dog, so almost every person respected at that time had such a dog. In addition to the fact that these four-legged animals are incredibly cute, they are also quite smart. Dogs of this breed can master about 30 or even more commands without any problems.

  6. This position is occupied by pomeranian spitz. Cute furry babies very quickly become attached to their owner and home, so it is very difficult for them to endure separation from family members. Dogs of this breed are very active and hardy, they love to frolic and play. Despite the fact that the four-legged animals of this breed look more like a toy than a living dog, they are distinguished by their intelligence and resourcefulness.

  7. In 7th place Yorkshire Terrier. Another miniature dog breed. Four-legged animals of this breed are also considered companions, so only those who need a devoted and true friend. Such a dog understands his owner at just one glance, and only his own laziness or desire to play at that moment can prevent him from fulfilling the given command.

  8. This place goes to dogs of the Griffon breed. The appearance of these dogs is very impressive. These four-legged dogs are characterized as very brave, active and loyal dogs. Griffons can also boast good behavior and manners, because they never make noise and always listen to the owner’s commands.

  9. In 9th place are dogs of the French lapdog breed. The character of these dogs is very soft and flexible. Lapdogs always sense their owner's mood very well and, if possible, try to improve it. The breed is particularly sensitive, understanding and loyal. These four-legged animals know how to be friends and get along with other pets. It is important to draw the attention of everyone who wants to get such a dog to the fact that this breed does not tolerate loneliness at all.

  10. And our rating will be completed by a Papillon dog. These dogs are beautiful appearance and flexible character. This breed is great for families with small children, as these four-legged dogs know how to get along with kids. A dog of this breed is distinguished by its intelligence and loyalty. Papillons quickly adapt to the family and have a very hard time being separated from their owners.

Top 10 most intelligent and loyal dogs in the world from medium breeds: photos, names of breeds, rating

Medium breed dogs are no less popular than small dogs. They can also be kept in a house or apartment if desired, without causing damage to either the premises or the animal itself.

Medium breeds include dogs whose weight ranges from 12 to 25 kg:

  1. In 1st place is the Border Collie. Dogs of this breed are unusually smart and obedient, but only if you immediately explain to them the rules of the “game”. Since these four-legged animals are independent and self-sufficient animals, they accept without problems independent decisions and know how to act correctly in different situations. Collies love children very much and cope well with them, acting as “nannies” in these relationships. The breed is unpretentious in care, however, it still likes to demand attention to its person.

  2. Sheltie takes 2nd place. These dogs love active image life, sitting still is not an easy task for them. This dog loves attention very much, but at the same time knows how to keep himself busy. If there are children in the house, then the sheltie will be for them best friend, because he loves children and knows how to protect them. Dogs of this breed are capable of small tricks and pranks, but only if their energy does not find the right direction. Therefore, once you get such a dog, you will have to walk him a lot and give him physical activity.

  3. The Australian Shepherd takes 3rd place. Dogs of this breed have proven themselves to be good shepherds. But this is not the only thing that made this breed famous. These four-legged animals are very loyal and devoted friends. In raising these dogs there is important point, which cannot be ignored in any case: the animal must be taught from childhood, because if the dog is not taught commands and obedience, its instincts will take over. In this case, the dog will act as a shepherd in your house: bite your legs and collect all things in one secluded place.

  4. The 4th position is occupied by the beagle. These dogs are very lively and differ in that they cannot sit still. Always happy to play with children and owners. Four-legged animals are distinguished by their courage; if necessary, they will protect their owners and are well trained. It is important to know that dogs of this breed need long walks and active exercise.

  5. 5th place goes to dachshund dogs. Dachshunds are willful dogs that do not like to be forced to do anything, so these pets cannot be trained through force. Despite this, in general they respond well to training and learn quite quickly. At home, the dog behaves very calmly and tries to be with its owner all the time.

  6. In 6th place French Bulldog. These four-legged animals are highly trainable and know how to listen to their owner, however, they need to be trained from childhood, because their playful nature can take over. Even a trained and trained dog will play pranks from time to time, because that’s his temperament. These pets get along well with children and accept them. They love their owner very much and are often jealous of other animals, and sometimes even people.

  7. This position belongs to the Welsh Corgi. The dog is very sociable and very rarely causes trouble for its owner. The four-legged animals of this breed are distinguished by their prudence and seriousness. At the right moment, they will easily come to the aid of a person and will not leave him in trouble. Welsh Corgis are able to sense the state of their owner and react to changes in his mood.

  8. 8th place American Cocker Spaniel. These dogs are among the most loyal and intelligent. The Cocker Spaniel is a very sensitive dog that always chooses its owner. This animal is very active and sociable, knows how to get along with children and other animals, although sometimes it can be jealous of them. Since this breed of dog is a hunting dog, we can say with confidence that, if necessary, such a pet will be able to protect its owner.

  9. The 9th position is occupied by a breed called the Boston Terrier. This small dog has a very stubborn character. Having brought such a miracle into the house, it is necessary to immediately set all the boundaries and show him who is boss in the house. You also need to train your dog from childhood. Representatives of this breed are very lively and cheerful, they love games and children.

  10. 10th place belongs to the Russian spaniel. Dogs of this breed have a very interesting character. They love their owner very much and quickly become attached to the house, but these are not the animals that will allow you to “squeeze” them whenever you want, so immediately take this fact into account. This dog needs daily care and physical activity, otherwise she will begin to get rid of excess energy through excessive pampering.

These, of course, are not all breeds of smart and loyal dogs. There are also a huge number of other, no less well-mannered and noble breeds. Remember, almost any dog ​​will make you happy if you are sufficiently involved in its upbringing.

Top 10 most intelligent and loyal large breed dogs in the world: photos, names of breeds, rating

  1. The German Shepherd will top our rating. These dogs gained their popularity quite a long time ago and have not lost it to this day. Representatives of this breed are incredibly smart and loyal. Quadrupeds are distinguished by obedience and balance. The Shepherd always knows its place in the house and never pretends to take the place of leader. These dogs love children very much and are ready to give their lives if necessary for their owner. Shepherds learn easily and quickly, but your pet needs to be trained from childhood.

  2. 2nd place went to the Golden Retriever. These dogs are distinguished by their great generosity and kindness. These pets are very caring and understanding. They love their owner and unquestioningly listen to his commands. The Golden Retriever is an ideal dog for family people. After all, such a dog will protect you, lift your spirits, and look after your children. These four-legged animals are distinguished by the fact that they do not know how to show aggression at all and show this side only in case of real danger.

  3. Labrador takes 3rd place. Representatives of this breed are good-natured dogs that have proven themselves as hunters, guides and nannies. The four-legged animals are very active and love games and children. They will never offend their owner or other family members. Pets can be trained quickly and easily.

  4. 4th place honorably goes to Newfoundland dogs. These dogs make excellent family four-legged dogs. The character of these pets simply cannot but delight. Balance, flexibility, patience and courage - all this is about this breed. Newfoundlands are dogs that quickly become attached to their owner, family and home, as well as other pets who live with them. Representatives of this breed cannot stand long separation from their family. If necessary, such a dog will easily protect the owner and other family members, although in a calm environment this breed does not even bark.

  5. This position is occupied by the Saint Bernard breed. The character of these animals is sometimes surprising: balanced, reasonable, understanding and calm. It is quite difficult to anger such a dog, with the exception of situations in which the owners of the animals are threatened by something. In such cases, the St. Bernard will run to save its owner without hesitation. These four-legged dogs are attached to children and other family members and love spending time together. These dogs are easy to train, but despite their unquestioning obedience, they always act very carefully and carefully.

  6. In 6th place are Doberman dogs. Representatives of this breed have a very capricious and serious character, so they need to be raised responsibly from childhood. If you manage to win over the animal, in return you will receive its love, care and protection. They treat children with caution and do not show much love, so if there are children in the house, you must clearly let the dog know that the child is more important than her.

  7. The Rottweiler takes 7th place. It must be said right away that these dogs are very dangerous and need training from a very early age - from 2 months. These pets listen only to their owner, and only if he is an authority for them. However, if this dog If he has chosen his owner, he will be his best friend and reliable protector. Such a dog is ready to protect to the death. If there are children in the family, then the dog needs to be raised in such a way that it clearly understands that the child is the most important in the house, and disobedience in this regard will result in serious punishment.

  8. In 8th place is the Akita Inu. These dogs are very loyal protectors. The dog loves and protects his owner, but in a calm environment he will not even bark. It can be trained easily and quickly, however, this four-legged animal must be trained from childhood. If there are other animals in the house, then the Akita will easily find a common language with them.

  9. 9th place goes to the pit bull. Of course, the opinion about this breed is very ambiguous. There are a huge number of cases of pit bulls attacking people, but it is important to note the fact that a trained dog is unlikely to behave this way. Moreover, these four-legged animals were originally intended to be nannies and this is in their blood. Pit bulls are loyal, devoted dogs that require attention and proper care. If you create for this dog necessary conditions, then you will never regret having her.

  10. And our rating is completed by Boxer dogs. In skillful hands, such dogs turn into excellent guards and loyal friends. The devotion of Boxers is truly amazing: in case of danger and necessity, they will rush to the defense of their owner without any doubt. You shouldn’t hide the fact that boxers are still darlings, so without active pastime and regular exercise, they will certainly “delight” you with some trick, like torn curtains.

Top 10 most intelligent and loyal dogs in the world among breeds for keeping in an apartment: photos, names of breeds, rating

Unfortunately, not every dog ​​can be kept in an apartment or house, because each breed of dog has its own character, disposition and needs. When choosing a pet to keep in an apartment, you should pay attention to what it needs and what breed it is. It would also be a good idea to pay attention to the size of an adult pet, because big dog a large area is needed.

  1. Yorkshire Terrier. This dog is more than perfect for an apartment. A cheerful and sociable dog will not let you get bored, and you can keep him even in the smallest apartment.

  2. Chihuahua. We have already talked about dogs of this breed earlier. Their size and requirements are also suitable for keeping at home.

  3. Toy Terrier. The little cheerful and fidgety guy gets used to living in an apartment or a house well, however, he requires constant attention, cannot stand loneliness and is prone to committing minor mischief if he is alone at home.

  4. Jack Russell Terrier. You can have such a pet in an apartment, but you need to be prepared for the fact that this four-legged animal loves leisure. Dogs train well, but due to their activity, they often require long-term training.

  5. Pug. These dogs are distinguished by their sociability and ability to find a common language with others. They love children and active games. If they don't pay attention to themselves, they can become mischievous. Having chosen its owner from among all the household members, the pug will always try to show its feelings for him and protect him.

  6. Pekingese. Very often this particular breed is taken into an apartment, because the size of the dog is quite suitable for this. However, you need to know that the breed is extremely demanding in care and does not really like children.

  7. Shih Tzu. This decorative dog She is very attached to her family and owners, so she always needs attention and care. Representatives of this breed treat children well, just like other pets. This breed is trainable.

    Shih Tzu

  8. Poodle. Such dogs will be excellent companions and real family members. The poodle knows how to be obedient and understanding, but at the same time loves attention and various games. Four-legged animals are trainable and love to perform tricks and different tasks.

  9. English bulldog. These are calm dogs that know how to be devoted to their family. Knows how to tolerate children's antics and get along with very young children. If desired, they can be trained and trained well.

  10. Dachshund. This breed is also suitable for living in an apartment. It is important that the owner can pay enough attention to such a pet and provide proper care.

When choosing a dog for your home or apartment, give preference to small breeds that do not require daily jogging or heavy physical activity.

The lists of loyal and intelligent dogs can be continued for a very long time, however, the four-legged dogs mentioned in our ratings are in greatest demand.

When choosing a dog, it is important to understand that almost any pet can be trained and trained; this just requires your attention, desire and responsible attitude towards the animal. Well, your pet’s devotion to you largely depends on your attitude towards him, so love your four-legged animals and take care of them.

Video: TOP 10 smartest dogs in the world

A smart dog is every person's dream. When choosing a four-legged friend, everyone asks the question: “Which dogs are the smartest and most loyal?” It should be noted that all animals are quite intelligent, but some breeds cope with certain tasks better than others. In our article we want to find out which dogs are the most trainable and reliable. What is the ranking of dogs in terms of intelligence?

Border Collie

According to the largest organization of dog breeders in the United States, which ranked dogs by intelligence, the Border Collie breed, bred in Great Britain, took first place. These animals have serious mental abilities and a desire to serve humans. According to many independent surveys, this breed is leading the list.

She was bred in England by selecting the best specimens from which new puppies were obtained. The border collie was supposed to herd animals, so the dogs were taught to be hardy and unpretentious in food, attentive, able to learn quickly, remembering everything new on the fly. The breed was officially registered in 1915, although it was known about it back in the 18th century.

The Border Collie is very wary of strangers, but does not show aggression. But with her owners she is playful, sensitive and attentive. The collie dog, whose characteristics are given in the article, is distinguished by obedience, which means it is very easy to train. Puppies begin to be trained at eight months. And after a year and a half to two years, the dog will easily carry out all your commands. This is probably the reason why the Border Collie is recognized as the best dog for all competitions. It is quite easy to prepare it for exhibition, agility, freestyle, flyball. Obedience makes it possible to use representatives of this breed to help rescue groups.

Habits of the smartest dogs

The Border Collie has a rare work ethic. She likes an active lifestyle. Dogs willingly perform at exhibitions and can herd sheep. Because of this thirst for activity, the Border Collie is not recommended to be kept in an apartment, since it constantly needs to engage in physical and mental labor.

Dogs of this breed are very playful and cheerful; from a very young age they need company, and therefore they need to devote enough time. They may be wary of strangers until they become friends. But sometimes they can show some aggressiveness towards their relatives, but only at first.

When it comes to mental abilities, the Border Collie tops the ranking of dogs in terms of intelligence. At a young age, animals can allow themselves to be pampered; as they mature, they behave like smart, calm creatures. This makes them excellent companions.

In general, when thinking about what breed of dog to get, be sure to think about the border collie. A friendly, active, cheerful, intelligent animal will become the most wonderful friend of the whole family. Since the dog loves communication, you won’t be bored with it. She will not sit still, looking for new entertainment and work. In addition, the Border Collie is distinguished by its devoted attitude towards its owners.

Representatives of this breed can have both long and short hair of medium hardness. It protects the animal well from bad weather and almost does not absorb bad odors. Therefore, contrary to what many people think, caring for an animal is not as difficult as it might seem. The dog just needs to be brushed several times a week. But training must be approached with all seriousness, starting as early as possible.


The rating of dogs by intelligence can surprise inexperienced dog breeders with its representatives. Who do you think takes second place in it? Very unexpected, but this is a poodle. It turns out that these are very smart dogs. They are capable of not only performing circus programs (although not all dogs can do this), but also many other actions. For example, poodles are excellent swimmers and can save a drowning person. quite a lot: there are small and large. There are even hunting poodles that help their owners during bird hunting. Therefore, it should be noted that it was not by chance that they ended up in second place in the ranking.

Since childhood, we have somehow become accustomed to the fact that a poodle is such a curly-haired, funny baby. But in fact, large representatives of the breed are excellent defenders of their owners, so you should not treat them with disdain.

There is an opinion that the poodle is a female dog, but this is not entirely true. This is a beautiful, athletic, active animal, proud and strong. This breed has become one of the most popular in the world. Meanwhile, poodles have a long history. Even though they are national breed France, their roots go back to Northern Europe. They were once exclusively hunting dogs.

Poodles come in four sizes. The largest representatives are capable of protecting their owner, but you should not take such a dog as a guard, since poodles are very good-natured creatures and will never attack the enemy themselves. In addition, the animal needs to pay a lot of attention; it needs your praise and affection.

A large poodle should certainly undergo a dog training course; its extraordinary abilities will find worthy use. Even toy breeds don't want to just sit on your hands. They need active leisure. They love long walks. It is important for them that the owner is near them. Poodles are always ready to fool around and play. If you take care of your dog and give it due attention, it will bring a lot of joy and fun to your family.

German Shepherd

Continuing to discuss the ranking of dogs by intelligence, it should be noted that the third place in it is occupied by the German Shepherd. There are many guesses about the origin of this breed, but the truth is lost somewhere in the mists of time. However, it is known for certain that in the seventh century AD such a dog already existed in Germany.

Representatives of the breed are very smart and devoted to people, so they rightfully took their rightful place in the list of the smartest dogs. Shepherd dogs are perfect for the role of guards, unlike soft and good-natured poodles. It’s not for nothing that the police use this particular breed of dog as assistants.

I would like to note that on the territory of the USSR in the service internal organs and the border guards were not an ordinary dog ​​- an East European Shepherd. It was bred in the thirties specifically as a service breed for the army and the needs of the national economy. The ancestor of the breed was the German Shepherd, imported from Germany.

In general, these animals are among the most trainable and intelligent, but they definitely need to be exercised. German Shepherd training should begin at a very young age. This is not an easy process, but there is no way to do without it. This will require great patience and firmness. However, under no circumstances should you be cruel, otherwise the dog may become disobedient.

There is a stereotype of aggressiveness regarding shepherd dogs. But this is a wrong judgment. Such behavior in an animal can be formed under the influence of improper upbringing. The German Shepherd will certainly protect its owners and be distrustful of strangers, but by its nature it is non-aggressive.

Golden retriever

When ranking dog breeds by intelligence, experts gave the golden retriever an honorable fourth place.

He has a calm, sometimes even too imposing character. The character of the animal perfectly combines such traits as sensitivity, calmness, and the ability to easily learn new knowledge and skills. During the training process, dogs show exceptional hard work and efficiency. The animal is always ready to help and gets along well with children. In addition, the Golden Retriever is completely non-aggressive towards strangers and animals.

Very often, representatives of this breed are used as guides for blind people and in medicinal purposes. This dog is great for children with psychological problems. Training a retriever usually does not cause any problems at all. Dogs are excellent swimmers and also love water. They take root well both in apartments and in private houses. Life expectancy ranges from twelve to fourteen years.

Doberman Pinscher

Doberman Pinschers, short-haired working dogs that originated in Germany, are ranked fifth among the smartest dogs.

Representatives of the breed are extraordinary individuals who need not only good care, but also a healthy family climate. They can reveal all their potential abilities only in patient and smart hands. Dobermans are very smart, but need good training, otherwise they may simply become uncontrollable. Training is a mandatory element of education, otherwise a remarkable mind can only work towards mischief and mischief. This breed of dog can protect its owner if necessary.

Scottish Sheepdog or Sheltie

Among the huge variety of Tervurens, Malinois, Groenendaels) I would like to highlight the Sheltie. It is essentially a miniature collie. Those who have long wanted a collie and were hesitant to get one because of their size should consider a Scottish Sheepdog. It should be noted that the animal is not only very beautiful, but also capable. Sheltie is distrustful of strangers, she does not like the obsessive desire to scratch her behind the ear. The Scottish Sheepdog is highly trainable.

Labrador Retriever

Sometimes people mistakenly believe that the dog breed Labrador and Retriever are two completely different types. In fact, they are the same animal. The breed was bred for hunting. However, the creature turned out to be playful, perky, and loving. Therefore, representatives of the breed have become ideal family dogs all over the world. Labrador Retrievers love to walk, play and frolic. They are ready to engage in active entertainment all day long. Such a dog will do For any family, the only condition for maintenance is sufficient time for walks. The Labrador's character is so flexible that even a ten-year-old child can cope with his upbringing.


Eighth place in the list of the smartest dogs is the Papillon. This breed has a regal history, as the ancestors of the modern species were favorites at the royal court. Not every breed can boast of such a past.

Papillon, a descendant, originated in the fourteenth century, and France and Belgium are considered its homeland. Distinctive feature This species has beautiful ears, similar to the wings of butterflies. The breed owes its colorful past at court primarily to its intelligence.


The Rottweiler rightfully ranks ninth among the smartest animals. Dogs of this breed are distinguished not only by their power and strength, but also by their balance of character.

Rottweilers are very hardy, they love to work, they are always energetic and full of strength. They are devoted protectors of their owners. Typically, dogs tend to form very close relationships with only one family member.

Rottweilers are courageous and confident. But a timid person is absolutely not suitable for them as an owner, because in raising an animal they will need firmness and confidence. With a good trainer, Rottweilers learn everything they need very quickly, but they definitely need training and firm discipline. They need a lot of space to play because they have a lot of energy. An important quality The Rottweiler is able to get along with even the smallest children.

Australian Shepherd

The Australian Shepherd rounds out the top ten smartest dogs. It was bred artificially in America in the twentieth century. It has not been established exactly what breeds were mixed, but the experiments were so successful that nowadays people all over the world enjoy the company of a devoted and reliable friend.

Continuation of the list of the smartest dogs

Further on the list of the smartest dogs there are sixteen more representatives. All of them have good performance characteristics. Education different teams occurs in five to fifteen repetitions. Dogs quickly remember everything new, but they can only improve their results practical lessons. So, the list continues with the following breeds:

  • Pembroke Welsh Corgi.
  • Miniature Schnauzer.
  • Springer Spaniel (English).
  • Belgian Shepherd Tervuren.
  • Groenendael.
  • Collie.
  • The shorthaired pointer is a hunting dog and companion.
  • Cocker Spaniel (English).
  • Epagnole Breton.
  • Belgian shepherd malinois.
  • Pomeranian Spitz.
  • Irish Spaniel.
  • Hungarian pointer.
  • Cardigan Welsh Corgi.

Perhaps all the breeds we have listed are distinguished by excellent mental abilities. It’s not for nothing that many of them have gained popularity all over the world. Of course, many breeds have long lost their true purpose, such as the Belgian Malinois and many others, and are now simply wonderful pets and just friends of humans.

Each breed has its own history, and some types have been formed over centuries, acquiring the best performance characteristics. However, it should be noted that times change, and the requirements for dogs change. If, for example, strong, hardy animals were previously valued, like the shorthaired pointer - a hardy and athletic dog, now completely miniature salon dogs have come into fashion, requiring increased attention.

Perhaps many will not agree with the presented ranking of the smartest dogs and will be right, since for each owner it is four-legged friend is the smartest and most talented.

And those who are just thinking about getting a pet should definitely think about what kind of dog you want to have next to you. It's no secret that everyone wants to get smart pet who will become a real member of the family. However, you should understand that any dog ​​will require a lot of attention from you. In order for an animal to show all its abilities, it is necessary to regularly train it and surround it with care.

A dog’s intelligence is determined not only by the characteristics of its behavior and attitude towards humans, but also by its ability to train, remember, and master certain skills useful to humans. If we talk about which are the smartest dog breeds that were bred as a result of long-term selection, first of all, it’s worth focusing on the 10 most intelligent species.

Start ranking the top 10 smart breeds should be with a border collie, since this particular dog was recognized as the smartest dog in the world according to research from the University of British Columbia. The animal is very active and life-loving. The breed was originally developed in Great Britain as herding dog. At the moment, it is most often chosen not for apartments, but for keeping in country houses, because the collie loves an active lifestyle.

The dog is easy to train - it can be taught both simple and complex tricks. However, along with this, the collie has a rather capricious and cunning character. She may shy away from following commands, so it is preferable for experienced owners to purchase such a dog. It is better to train only in the fresh air, because during walks the Border Collie is almost always in a very good mood.


Despite popular belief, poodles are very strong and athletic dogs. Many owners consider them both the smartest and the most beautiful. They learn basic commands very easily - even a child, and even more so a teenager, can act as a trainer and successfully cope with raising a pet.

Poodles are very responsive to food - for a small reward they will happily jump through a ring, start spinning, stand on hind legs and perform other tricks. At the same time, most owners agree that the optimal age to start training is 4 months.

Interesting. Poodles swim very well and critical situations always rush to the aid of a drowning person. They were also used in reconnaissance, when searching for mining devices and wounded soldiers during World War II. Moreover, during the time of Napoleon Bonaparte, the poodle always accompanied the officers of the French army.

The German has long been used in the service of the police, intelligence, internal troops, rescuers and as a reliable security guard. Many experienced owners are confident that this is not only the smartest, but also the most loyal dog. Indeed, the German Shepherd quickly becomes attached to the owner and his family, gets along well with children, as well as with pets.

Thanks to such character traits, training a German is quite simple - the pet obeys commands well, listens carefully to the owner, and in most cases is able to master new tricks for a long time and persistently. However, it is worth keeping in mind that inexperienced owner can teach an animal only basic techniques. If you want to train your dog in different tricks, you need 1 or even 2 courses vocational training from an experienced dog breeder.

Interesting. The legendary German shepherd named Julbars helped find 150 shells and defuse more than 7,000 mines during the Great Patriotic War.

Suggested reading full review smart office workers.

About the Golden Retriever is almost impossible to meet negative reviews. This dog is distinguished not only by its excellent intelligence, but also by its exceptionally kind, loyal character. The retriever will be an excellent companion for both a single person and the whole family. Interestingly, the pet senses the owner’s mood well and tries to cheer up when the person is especially upset.

The dog is very helpful and loves to please, so it always responds positively to training. A retriever can follow simple and complex commands, but it is better to train it in a playful manner, because otherwise the pet may become lazy. The breed has an excellent reaction - there is evidence that in critical situations the dog will rush to save a person without an additional command.

Learn more about versatile, friendly and smart.

This breed has long been used in detective work due to its keen sense of smell and good memory. Therefore, owners should keep in mind that search operations should be included in training elements - for example, finding a toy or a hidden person.

It is necessary to start training a Doberman from the age of 2 months, and it is better to first accustom him to yourself so that he clearly knows the hierarchy and always obeys his owner unquestioningly. The owner should keep in mind that representatives of this breed often have a wayward and even capricious character. Therefore, it is better to conduct all classes only in a playful way, without coercion.

All about training, character and content.

Sheltie really has a developed intelligence, and besides, she loves and knows how to learn. Along with this, the dog also has excellent physical characteristics - it is agile, can run fast and jump high. Reaction Shetland Sheepdog She is also at her best - she is able to change behavior with lightning speed and deftly solve an unexpected problem.

However, the owner should take into account that this breed has a rather shy, modest temperament. The Sheltie first needs to get used to an unfamiliar environment and people, and it is better not to work with a dog in city noise. In addition, negative behavior on the part of the owner, criticism, and raising the tone are also unacceptable - it is better to explain everything to the animal in a friendly environment.

Read full description smart and small.

Labrador Retriever

This breed is rightly included in the ranking of the 10 smartest. However, it is worth keeping in mind that the Labrador Retriever needs to be very well trained and also socialized. Then he will not only be smart, but also quite affectionate and exceptionally loyal. The main goal of training is to ensure that the pet constantly wants to please and truly please the owner and his family.

They begin training from the very first day the puppy appears in the house. The first team is the “place”, as well as the nickname. The dog is very responsive to food, so you need to constantly call the puppy by name when he runs to eat. It is advisable to teach basic commands during outdoor games.

Attention: Labrador retrievers cope very poorly with separation not only from the owner, but also from the entire family. This can also negatively affect intellectual qualities.


Training a Papillon also begins from the very first day he is in the house. The puppy is immediately accustomed to the place and toilet. At the same time, owners should keep in mind that the dog is very affectionate and should not be scolded. But if, at the time of raising and training, the Papillon begins to openly bribe, it is better to ignore these attempts, otherwise it will not be possible to raise the dog.

Thanks to the pet’s good-natured temperament, training is not particularly difficult even for beginners. Willingly follows simple commands from the owner, trying to please him. Responsive is not a treat and learns best while playing.


Representatives of this breed are very intelligent and also loyal to their owner, but training requires special preparation. The fact is that many Rottweiler puppies have a wayward character, so training always begins with upbringing - the pet must always know the strict hierarchy and unquestioningly obey the owner.

At the same time, it is important to follow reasonable rules of relationships - not too strict and not too soft. The Rottweiler will not tolerate shouting and especially outright rudeness - if you systematically scream and beat him, the dog will grow up with an unbalanced psyche, which will negatively affect the intellect. Usually, by the age of 4 months, a puppy obeys its owner without any problems, and from the same age you can start learning complex commands.

All about education, maintenance and training.

Australian Shepherd training is available not only to experienced dog breeders, but also to beginners. The reason is that the dog is very hardworking and responsible. She loves to please her owner and strives to constantly earn approval.

The Australian is loyal, friendly and very active. It is best to exercise only in the fresh air. It’s interesting that the shepherd treats training exactly like work, so the load can be increased quite quickly, focusing on the pet’s mood and stamina.

Other smart breeds not included in the TOP 10

There are several other dog breeds that were not included in this list. However, many experienced breeders They are considered one of the smartest representatives.

This is one of the breeds of herding dogs that were bred in Wales (UK). They are distinguished by their exceptionally friendly, non-aggressive character. They are devoted to the owner and the whole family, they love children very much and take care of them as if they were younger comrades. The pet gets along well with domestic animals, including cats.

The dog is very active, loves long walks and games, so it is best suited for a person who prefers an active lifestyle. They are highly trainable; it is preferable to learn commands while walking. Interestingly, many breeders rank this breed second in intelligence after the Border Collie.

This decorative breed dogs, which are distinguished by very good hearing and exceptional loyalty. Interestingly, the Spitz is not a cowardly dog; it is not afraid of even large animals and can fight back if necessary. Temperament is very active - loves walks and games in the fresh air.

They begin training from the very first day the puppy appears in the house. Moreover, the owner should keep in mind that the dog’s character is quite capricious, sometimes capricious. Therefore, you first need to establish full-fledged, stable psychological contact. And if you surround your Spitz with a friendly environment, he will constantly strive to please his owner - that’s when you should start training.

Belgian Malinois

It belongs to the herding breeds, is distinguished by courage and obedience - it is always devoted to its owner and obeys his commands. It is important to keep in mind that rough treatment of this animal is unacceptable - a Belgian will only understand well a benevolent owner.

Memory and intelligence are very high, so you can learn a lot of commands with your pet, including complex tricks. The pet will not become mischievous if you set it up on a positive wave from the very beginning. The dog responds well to walks - most tricks are learned on the street.

If you intend to use the dog only as a companion and family friend, professional training is not necessary - it is enough to learn only basic commands. They start from the very first day the puppy is in the house - learn the nickname, and then hone the simplest techniques.

It is important to keep in mind that rudeness and shouting during training are unacceptable, because the spaniel is often distinguished by its flexible psyche - that is, in some cases it can easily turn into an unbalanced hysteric.

At the same time, the dog has a very energetic, cheerful character and also has a keen sense of smell and good eyesight. Due to this, it was very often used and used as a hunting breed.

This is a short-haired breed developed in Germany. Excellent for hunting due to its alertness, endurance and well-developed instincts. Therefore, keeping dogs with cats is not recommended.

Kurzhaars are distinguished by their responsible and hardworking character. They love to work for a long time, so if the owner is committed to serious training, they can raise an exceptionally smart and loyal pet. The dog is very active, so it needs long walks.

This small-sized dog has German roots. It is perfect not only for experienced, but also for beginning breeders. The intelligence is very high, and besides, the miniature schnauzer is distinguished by obedience and devotion. At the same time, it is important to devote a lot of time to the dog, because otherwise its development may slow down.

All about training and keeping small ones.

Thus, there are a lot of really smart, interesting dog breeds that are also friendly, loyal in nature. When choosing a future pet, it is important to pay attention to the main role - companion, protector, guard, household assistant, etc.

We invite you to watch another review of the TOP 10 smartest dog breeds in this video.

For each owner, their dog is the smartest, most wonderful and beautiful - and rightly so. But for those who are just deciding to get a dog and don’t yet know which breed to choose, Canadian scientists conducted research and compiled the TOP 10 smartest breeds.

The University of British Columbia is one of the 40 best universities in the world, famous for its scientific research. Scientists at this educational institution conducted a series of studies and published 10 breeds with the most pronounced learning abilities.

Tests took place 147 various breeds adopted by the International Canine Federation (FIC) and the Canadian Kennel Club (KKC).

This list cannot be called the only correct one, since the ability to learn is not always an indicator of “intelligence”, in the sense in which people are accustomed to think of it. Moreover, not all breeds included in the FCI stud books were tested; there are also bred lines that are not recognized by the International Cynological Federation.

There are a number of domestic breed lines that are absolutely not inferior in intelligence to the notorious German Shepherd - but are not recognized by the FCI. To everything else, I would like to add that Canada is far away; many breeds are simply not there that are in Russia.

Absolutely undeservedly, they were not included in the list of the smartest breeds:

All of the above breeds are highly trainable, but for some reason (known only to the Canadian scientists who conducted the tests) they were not included in the list of the smartest dogs.

10th place -

In 10th place on the list is the Australian Cattle Dog.. Heeler is a small, energetic dog that requires a lot of attention and love from its owner. Highly trainable, but requires daily physical activity, like any shepherd. Moderately friendly, when growing up with children, she shows remarkable patience with their antics.

No special coat care is required; it is enough to comb out dead hairs with a furminator once a month. Need for frequent washing, also no. The coat is not thick enough to keep a heeler in an enclosure in winter.

Despite its compact size (the largest individuals are 50 cm, weighing only 15 - 20 kg), the Australian Cattle Dog has enormous endurance and strength. Can be used as a shepherd for farmers, an affectionate and gentle companion for families with children. With appropriate training, it can become a hunter or a guard.

The price for heeler puppies varies from 25 to 55 thousand rubles, depending on the breeding class.

9th place - 9th place was deservedly given to the Rottweiler. Strength, beauty, intelligence and power in one dog. Fearless protector of the owner and affectionate, gentle a pet

Short hair is not too difficult to care for; it needs to be combed approximately once every 2 weeks, and during the shedding period once every 2-3 days.

Frequent washing can dry out the skin; bathing is considered nominal no more than once every 2 months. Having a coat with moderate undercoat, the Rottweiler cannot be called a “frozen” breed, but prolonged exposure to the street in cold weather is not recommended. The Rottweiler is strongly attached to the family and has a hard time withstanding separation. Ready to sit unobtrusively in the corner, wait until the owner pays attention to him, but at the same time, does not lose sight of his beloved owner. A change of owner for an adult representative of the breed is a real tragedy. Often, after a change of family, due to stress, people begin to get sick or refuse to eat.

You can buy a Rottweiler puppy for 15 – 35 thousand rubles.

8th place - In 8th place is the Doberman.

A smart, energetic companion for active people, who, if necessary, turns into a fearless bodyguard. There is no pronounced instinct to protect the territory, but thanks to his intelligence and ingenuity he is able to learn this. With constant contact with children, from puppyhood, she will become an excellent and reliable nanny. Suitable for almost all types of services and sports training. Developed hearing

and sense of smell, combined with intelligence and a desire to learn, makes the Doberman an unsurpassed companion for sports and military dog ​​handlers. Constantly needs mental and physical activity, not suitable for lazy and melancholic people. It has virtually no undercoat and is not suitable for living in an enclosure. During the cold season, it is recommended to use special clothing when walking. Does not require frequent washing and combing. It is recommended to wash the Doberman once every 2 - 3 months, comb it once every 2 - 3 weeks.

Prices for Doberman puppies range from 10 to 40 thousand rubles.

7th place - A small dog that rightfully deserves 7th place in the ranking. "Papillon" translated from French

means “butterfly”, the breed received this name due to its ears. Visually, they are indeed very similar to butterfly wings. A miniature, exclusively apartment dog, even in the Middle Ages it was a favorite of the upper classes for its elegance and intelligence. Perfect for families with children, has a friendly disposition. Aggression and hostility are a vice of the breed. Enjoys learning various tricks

, remembers commands for a long time without long training. Wool needs attention hairline Therefore, the Papillon needs to be combed frequently with a comb so that the hair does not get tangled. After walks, especially in spring and autumn, constant washing of the paws and belly is required, since the size of the dog (no more than 28 cm and weight maximum 5 kg) does not allow it to remain clean. You can buy a Papillon puppy for 30 – 50 thousand rubles.

6th place -

A miniature copy of a collie, an incredibly smart breed, deservedly received 6th place in the list of the smartest dogs. Shelties, contrary to popular belief, are very distant relatives of collies. The dogs are very good-natured and attached to their owner, and have a hard time with separation. They love to bark, but thanks to the desire to please the owner, this is easy to correct. Gentle with children, the Sheltie is an ideal nanny dog.

Very active, perfect for sports competitions such as agility. Knows how to adapt to the mood of the owner, if necessary, can become unobtrusive and calm. But you shouldn’t abuse this quality; Shelties need a burst of activity.

Very careful grooming is required. The dense, thick undercoat must be combed every 2 to 3 days, and every day during the shedding period. Washing a Sheltie is a complex procedure. In winter, it is not recommended to wash representatives of the breed, since the dense undercoat takes a very long time to dry and a pet with wet fur runs the risk of getting sick in cold weather. You cannot use a hairdryer - hot air can dry out the hair, and the outer coat will become lifeless and brittle. Sheltie price is 20 – 35 thousand rubles.

5th place -

In 5th place are good-natured, energetic, affectionate Labradors. They love active recreation - fetching a ball, swimming, walks in the forest. One of the most good breeds, will never harm children, you can safely leave your child with such a nanny. In the absence of sufficient stress, physical and mental, they can exhibit destructive behavior.

To understand who a Labrador really is, you need to remember one incident that has already become a joke: in one of the training schools, during endurance training, sausages were placed in front of the dogs, which were forbidden to eat without a command. The winner was a Labrador who ran through the entire row and ate all the sausages. Then he returned to his place and patiently waited for the command to eat his.

Labradors have a special paw structure that makes them excellent swimmers.. A very sensitive sense of smell, thanks to which they are used in searching for drugs or people. Very strong nervous system and remarkable mental abilities that allow them to work as guides for blind and visually impaired people. Good-natured disposition, thanks to which these dogs have become leaders in canistherapy.

Grooming is minimal - you only need to brush it a couple of times a week. During molting - every other day. It is unacceptable to wash your Labrador more than once every 2 months. You can buy a puppy for 5 – 35 thousand rubles, depending on the titles of the parents.

4th place -

A close relative of the Labrador and 4th place in the TOP of the smartest breeds is the Golden Retriever. The character is almost identical to the Labrador Retriever. The same wonderful and kind nanny for the child, the same affectionate and loving companion. Perhaps the only drawback of the Golden is its absolute unsuitability for security service. Aggression and viciousness are a vice of the entire line of retrievers; such dogs are prohibited from being used for breeding.

The Golden Retriever is suitable for hunting (retrieving birds from water), canistherapy, searching narcotic substances(or people during disasters). Can work as a guide for people with disabilities

. Copes well with sports training - obedience, agility and the like. You need to comb your golden 3-4 times a week with a comb. fine teeth , during seasonal molting - preferably every day. It is enough to wash 2 times per season (3 months). average price golden retriever

35 – 45 thousand rubles.

3rd place - Deserved 3rd place for the German Shepherd.

One of the most unique and versatile breeds is a strong, courageous, resilient, intelligent dog. Representatives of the breed are widely used in almost all areas of “dog professions”. Learns very quickly, remembers commands for a long time without frequent repetitions. Very attached to the family, attentive and indulgent towards children. Ideal for active people; in the absence of activities, they invent them for themselves - which can be destructive.

He is not afraid of either heat or cold, and can live calmly in an apartment, house, or enclosure. Under any living conditions, several nuances are important - good socialization and daily walking. Without an outburst of activity and attention from the owner, he suffers greatly. It does not require careful grooming - brushing it with a slicker 3 times a week is enough; during shedding, you need to comb it every other day. Wash frequently Prices range from 5 to 40 thousand rubles (working bred puppies are more expensive).

2nd place -

It’s not for nothing that poodles are often used in circus acts; 2nd place rightfully goes to this breed. Smart, affectionate, loyal creatures to their owner and family, they love children and adore active games. They are happy to learn and want to be liked by their owners - this makes training a poodle a joyful event for both the owner and the dog.

A small toy poodle can be a wonderful companion for a family with children. And large representatives of the line can also become excellent guards, with proper training. They are actively used for staging circus acts, in sports such as freestyle, agility, and obedience.

Poodle coat needs a professional groomer's hand. This dog has no undercoat, and the outer coat grows identical to human hair. The Poodle does not shed and does not need to be brushed, but does need to be trimmed from time to time. Due to its unique coat, it is a hypoallergenic breed. You can buy a poodle for 7 – 35 thousand rubles, depending on the breeding class.