List of all medical specialties. Medical professions: list

laboratory geneticist;

laboratory mycologist;

manual therapy doctor;






general practitioner (family doctor);



osteopathic doctor;






city ​​(district) pediatrician;

local pediatrician;

plastic surgeon;

aviation and space medicine doctor;

diving medicine doctor;

child and adolescent hygiene doctor;

food hygiene doctor;

occupational health doctor;

doctor for hygienic education;

municipal hygiene doctor;

physical therapy doctor;

doctor for medical and social examination;

medical prevention doctor;

medical rehabilitation doctor;

general hygiene doctor;

palliative care physician;

radiation hygiene doctor;

doctor for X-ray endovascular diagnostics and treatment;

doctor for sanitary and hygienic laboratory research;

sports medicine doctor;

emergency room doctor;

occupational pathologist;


local psychiatrist;

pediatric psychiatrist;

local children's psychiatrist;

adolescent psychiatrist;

district adolescent psychiatrist;


local psychiatrist-narcologist;









cardiovascular surgeon;

emergency physician;



pediatric dentist;




forensic medical expert;

forensic psychiatric expert;



general practitioner;

adolescent therapist;

local therapist;

local general practitioner of a workshop medical district;


thoracic surgeon;



ultrasound diagnostics doctor;



TB doctor;

local TB doctor;

functional diagnostics doctor;


maxillofacial surgeon;




senior doctor of the emergency medical care station (department);

senior doctor of the emergency medical aid station (department) of mountain rescue units;

ship's doctor;

b) trainee doctor.

1.3. Positions of specialists with higher professional (non-medical) education:

physical therapy instructor-methodologist;

medical psychologist;

medical physicist;

forensic expert (expert biochemist, expert geneticist, expert chemist);

chemist-expert of a medical organization;

expert physicist on control of sources of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation;



1.4. Positions of specialists with secondary vocational (medical) education (nursing medical personnel):

dental hygienist;

head of the dairy kitchen;

head of the health center - paramedic (nurse);

head of the medical and obstetric center - paramedic (obstetrician, nurse);

head of the medical prevention office - paramedic (nurse);

production manager of dental prosthetics institutions (departments, divisions, laboratories);


Dental Technician;


hygiene education instructor;

physical therapy instructor;

occupational therapy instructor;

laboratory assistant;


nurse anesthetist;

general practitioner (family doctor) nurse;

dietary nurse;

medical and social care nurse;

ward nurse (guard);

visiting nurse;

dressing room nurse;

cosmetology nurse;

massage nurse;

a nurse (paramedic) to receive emergency medical calls and transfer them to mobile emergency medical teams;

admissions department nurse;

treatment room nurse;

rehabilitation nurse;

sterilization nurse;

district nurse;

physical therapy nurse;

medical disinfectant;

medical laboratory technician (paramedic laboratory assistant);

medical optometrist;

medical registrar;

medical statistician;

medical technologist;

operating room nurse;

assistant entomologist;

X-ray technician;

senior nurse (obstetrician, paramedic, operating nurse, dental technician);


emergency medical technician;


paramedic-driver of ambulance.

1.5. Other positions of medical workers (junior medical personnel):

junior nurse for patient care;

nurse driver;


II. Pharmaceutical workers

2.1. Manager positions:

director (manager, chief) of a pharmacy organization;

deputy director (manager, chief) of a pharmacy organization;

warehouse manager for the organization of wholesale trade in medicines;

head of the medical warehouse of the mobilization reserve;

Deputy Warehouse Manager for the Organization of Wholesale Trade of Medicines;

head (head) of a structural unit (department) of a pharmacy organization.

2.2. Positions of specialists with higher professional (pharmaceutical) education (pharmacists):



trainee pharmacist;


senior pharmacist

2.3. Positions of specialists with secondary vocational (pharmaceutical) education (secondary pharmaceutical personnel):

junior pharmacist;

senior pharmacist;



* The title of the position “laboratory doctor” is retained for specialists hired for this position before October 1, 1999.


1. The positions “chief physician (chief) of a medical organization,” “deputy head (chief) of a medical organization,” “manager (chief physician, chief) of a structural unit carrying out medical activities of another organization” refer to the positions of medical workers if their labor (official) responsibilities include the implementation of medical activities.

2. The titles of the positions of the deputy head (chief) of a medical organization are supplemented by the name of the section of medical activity, the leadership of which he carries out. For example, “deputy head of a medical organization for medical care”, “deputy head of a medical organization for medical work”, “deputy head of a medical organization for clinical expert work”, “deputy head of a medical organization for work with nursing staff” and others.

3. The positions “deputy director (manager) of a pharmacy organization”, “manager of a warehouse for a wholesale trade organization of medicines”, “deputy manager of a warehouse for a wholesale trade organization of medicines”, “manager (head) of a structural unit (department) of a pharmacy organization” refer to the positions pharmaceutical workers if their organizational and (or) functional activities are directly related to the wholesale trade of medicines, their storage and (or) retail trade of medicines, their dispensing, storage and manufacturing.

4. The title of a doctor’s position is formed taking into account the specialty for which the employee has appropriate training and the work for which is included in the scope of his duties. For example, "general practitioner".

5. The titles of the positions of managers (chiefs) of structural units (divisions, divisions, laboratories, offices, detachments, etc.) are supplemented by the name of the doctor’s position corresponding to the profile of the structural unit. For example, “the head of the surgical department is a surgeon.”

6. In a medical organization providing specialized medical care, or if there is a structural unit in a medical organization that provides specialized medical care, the title of the position “admitting department doctor” is supplemented with the title of the position of a doctor of the corresponding specialty. For example, “emergency department doctor - emergency medical doctor.”

7. The names of the positions “obstetrician”, “nurse”, “packer”, filled by female persons, are named accordingly: “midwife”, “nurse”, “packer”; and the name of the position “nurse”, filled by male persons, is called “medical brother (nurse)”.

During the emergence of medical science, people were treated by so-called healers who had generalized knowledge. Gradually, the first “narrowly focused specialists” began to emerge, who were involved in the treatment of individual diseases and conditions. So, for example, “midwives” appeared who took birth. It was only during the period of rapid development of medicine that the need arose to separate doctors by specialty. Today there are a large number of different specialized areas in the field of medicine. We will tell you about the specialties of doctors in our article.

Common specialties

The main specialties of doctors are familiar to everyone since childhood. When registering a child for kindergarten or school, an examination by different doctors is required - this is how the first acquaintance with different areas of medicine occurs. Common physician specialties are listed below. The list is as follows:

  1. Family doctor (therapist). So-called family medicine is becoming increasingly widespread. Therefore, now, if you suspect any abnormality in your health, you should first contact a general practitioner or family doctor. Such a medical professional will listen to complaints, on the basis of which he will make a preliminary diagnosis. Then he will refer you for tests and, if necessary, recommend a specialist.
  2. An ophthalmologist specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases.
  3. An otolaryngologist is popularly called an “ear, nose and throat” doctor, since these are the organs that such a specialist treats.
  4. The dentist will treat diseases of the oral cavity and dentition.
  5. A gynecologist specializes in diseases of the female reproductive system. Often there is a dual profile “obstetrician-gynecologist” - such a specialist will not only cure a woman, but will also be able to “manage” pregnancy and deliver birth.
  6. A mammologist is also an exclusively female doctor - he diagnoses and treats breast diseases.
  7. A neurologist will help you get rid of headaches, migraines, radiculitis, herniated discs, osteochondrosis, pinched nerves, insomnia and other diseases that are associated with the human nervous system.
  8. An allergist will diagnose allergic reactions and help eliminate them.
  9. A cardiologist specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  10. A gastroenterologist should be visited if problems with the gastrointestinal tract occur.
  11. Dermatologist and venereologist. These specialty doctors treat skin diseases. The difference between them is that a venereologist should be visited by patients who have been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease.
  12. A urologist will cure diseases of the urinary system, including the kidneys.
  13. An andrologist is a “male” doctor who helps representatives of the stronger half of humanity cope with delicate problems.
  14. A surgeon is a doctor who performs surgical operations.
  15. A traumatologist will provide assistance with injuries of various origins.

We have described the most common and sought-after specialties of doctors. But a wide variety of and even rare human diseases are regularly recorded, which is why modern medicine needs highly specialized professionals. The specialties of doctors, which are not found everywhere, but only in specialized clinics, are described below.


Genetics has occupied an important niche in the development of medical science as a whole. Today it is impossible to imagine a modern clinical center without a geneticist. Such a doctor, in fact, does not treat anything, but the life and health of the patient directly depends on the results of the work of this professional. A geneticist studies heredity and identifies congenital diseases associated with chromosomal abnormalities.

Most often, this specialization is in demand in diagnostic and perinatal centers. In the early stages of pregnancy, a geneticist can identify incurable chromosomal diseases in the fetus and calculate the possible risks of such complications during the period of conception planning. The profession today is promising, since such a field as genetics is developing at a rapid pace, gradually introducing itself into a variety of areas of medical science.

Expert in narcology

A narcologist specializes in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of addiction to drugs, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products. Despite the high percentage of potential patients in our country, it is rare to see a queue for such a specialist. However, a narcologist can work both in a clinic and in a specialized hospital, rehabilitation center or in a medical examination department.


Not many doctors know rare specialties. For example, who is a phlebologist? This is a specialist who will cure diseases such as varicose veins, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis and other pathological conditions of the veins. Not every clinic has such a doctor. Typically, an initial visit to a family doctor is required, who, if indicated, will refer you to a specialist.


This doctor will treat kidney diseases and genitourinary tract infections. In the clinic, such a specialist is rare or does not work full time. A nephrologist is needed in a specialized hospital for the timely diagnosis and treatment of pyelonephritis, renal failure, infectious lesions of the urinary system, etc.


A hepatologist treats liver diseases, such as cirrhosis, hepatitis, toxoplasmosis, and leptospirosis.

Homeopath and herbalist

Homeopath and herbalist are specialties of doctors that are not officially recognized by traditional medicine. The inability to treat with traditional methods (for example, in the presence of contraindications to the use of medications) leads the patient to such specialists. The correct, professionally based use of medicinal herbs, minerals, and metals for the treatment of a variety of diseases can really help a person improve their health. Here it is important to seek help from a professional who has a medical education and has completed special official courses in herbal medicine or homeopathy.

Children's doctors

Children's specialties of doctors are distinguished separately. The list of the most common profiles is as follows:

  • surgeon;
  • ophthalmologist (ophthalmologist);
  • otolaryngologist;
  • neurologist;
  • dentist;
  • allergist and others.

Such specialists require certain specific knowledge and skills related to the developmental characteristics of the baby’s body and the course of diseases at a young age. Are there exclusively pediatric doctors? The specialties that are aimed at treating children are the following:

  • Neonatologist is a doctor for newborns. He assesses the health status of the newborn baby, gives recommendations to young parents on caring for the baby, and diagnoses diseases.
  • A pediatrician is a specialist who diagnoses and treats childhood diseases. He monitors children from birth to 16 years of age. Such a specialist will also help establish breastfeeding, give recommendations on child care, provide primary medical care to the baby, or give a referral to a specialist. And also, if necessary, will issue documentation for visiting a children's educational institution.
  • Pediatric virologist.
  • A vertebrologist is a kind of neurologist who treats diseases of the spine, taking into account age-related characteristics.
  • A pediatric infectious disease specialist will not only diagnose and treat an infectious disease in a child, but will also vaccinate.
  • Young patients often turn to an orthopedist, since it is at a young age that the entire musculoskeletal system grows and develops. Therefore, it is extremely important to diagnose and correct poor posture in a timely manner.

You may hear questions from medical school applicants about what are the best medical specialties. In fact, such people simply do not exist - each direction has its own difficulties and professional risks. But any doctor, regardless of the chosen profile of his work, is a specialist on whom the health, and often the life of the patient, depends. Therefore, a professional of any profile must have the necessary knowledge and skills and approach his work responsibly.

Modern medicine does not stand still and is constantly moving forward. That is why now there are many different doctoral specialties, which are not so easy to understand at first glance. Specialties of doctors - this is exactly what will be discussed in this article.


This doctor deals with all sorts of problems that arise in the functioning of the immune system. His area of ​​expertise is also the detection and treatment of allergic reactions. It is worth saying that today more and more young patients are turning to this doctor. What diseases do people most often come to this specialist for? This may be respiratory allergies, allergic rhinitis, asthmatic or allergic bronchitis, allergic deramatitis, chronic recurrent viral infections, bronchitis.


We consider further the different specialties of doctors. To understand what this doctor does, you just need to take a good look at the name. After all, in translation “andros” means “man”. So, this is a doctor who deals with all sorts of problems that affect the genital area of ​​men. Such diseases most often include urethritis, urolithiasis, prostatitis, and all sexual problems. Most often, the reason for visiting this doctor is discomfort in the urinary and genital areas, problems with erection, potency, and decreased libido. The andrologist also deals with testicular diseases.


To understand this name, you can also turn on your ingenuity. Everyone knows that Venus is the goddess of love. A venereologist deals with all sorts of diseases that can cause intimate relationships between a man and a woman. Representatives of both sexes can contact this specialist. However, there is one big problem: people most often come to see this specialist as a last resort, when the problem is already too painful and unbearable. However, it is best to go to a venereologist in the first stages of the disease, when the disease can be dealt with in a short time. The most common problems treated by a venereologist are: gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, donovanosis, genital herpes, etc.


What other medical specialties exist? If there are problems with the digestive system, you need to contact a gastroenterologist. This doctor deals with all diseases that relate to the gastrointestinal tract. Most often, people come to this doctor with the following problems: gastritis, stomach or duodenal ulcers, constipation, esophagitis, etc.


If you study further the specialties of doctors, you definitely need to talk about who a hepatologist is. This doctor deals with liver problems. The most common diseases that this specialist is designed to cure are: cirrhosis, hepatitis, toxoplasmosis, infectious mononucleosis, etc.


This is an exclusively female doctor who deals with all sorts of problems that concern the genitourinary system of representatives of the fair half of humanity. It is worth saying that every lady should visit this doctor at least twice a year (for preventive purposes). You should also contact this specialist if the slightest deviations in the functioning of the genitourinary system occur.


This doctor deals with problems that concern not only human skin, but also mucous membranes, nails and hair. These specialists are in great demand in cosmetology, sports and sanitary-epidemiological structures.


Let us consider further the specialties of doctors. The list continues with a doctor as a nutritionist. It is this professional who will help determine the individual diet of each person. Today, mostly sick people turn to this doctor. However, we must remember that everyone needs to eat right, even the healthiest members of society.


If you need to deal with problems in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, you need to contact a cardiologist. The main symptoms with which you should go to this doctor: pressure surges, shortness of breath, a feeling of irregular heartbeat, changes in pulse, pain in the chest and chest area.

Physiotherapy doctor

There are also doctors of narrow specialties. One of them is a doctor of physical therapy (physical therapy). This specialist is very necessary at the stage of recovery and rehabilitation of patients. So, with the help of special classes and physical activity, this specialist can put almost any patient on his feet.

Expert in narcology

This specialist is engaged in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of tobacco, alcohol and drug addictions. In emergency cases, for example, if detoxification is needed, this doctor can go to the patient’s home. But most often, people with these problems are treated in closed institutions, where this doctor works with them.


We further study the specialties of doctors. The list is supplemented by a doctor such as a neurologist. He works with those patients who have problems with the functioning of the nervous system. It can help cope with headaches, insomnia, and problems with cerebral vessels. Will help if there is deterioration in vision, memory, or hearing.

Otolaryngologist (ENT)

This is a doctor who deals with all problems related to the throat, ears and nose. The bulk of patients who visit this doctor are people with colds.


This is a pediatric doctor to whom you should go with your child as soon as necessary. All children under 18 years of age are registered with a pediatrician.


What other clinical specialties are there for doctors? The list is supplemented by a psychotherapist, a doctor who can identify and correct problems of psychogenic origin. The doctor makes conclusions based on a conversation with the patient. It helps deal with behavior disorders, outbursts of anger, etc.


This is a doctor who deals with problems of the human oral cavity. Everything related to teeth, bite, jaws is the entire area of ​​work of this specialist.


Considering the specialties of doctors and descriptions of professions, one cannot help but say about such a doctor as a therapist. After all, this is the doctor to whom a person turns first. He can diagnose and treat all problems that are associated with the internal organs and systems of a person.


This is a professional who specializes in diseases of the genitourinary system. He can identify the causes of genitourinary tract diseases and prescribe treatment. This doctor can be visited by both men and women. There is also a pediatric urologist.


This is a doctor who must thoroughly know the structure of the human body. These doctors help you recover through surgery.

Other specialists

What specialties have doctors not yet been considered?

  1. Mammologist. Women who have problems with the mammary glands turn to this doctor.
  2. Chiropractor. This is a doctor who treats musculoskeletal problems.
  3. A nephrologist is a specialist who deals with kidney problems.
  4. Orthopedist. This is a doctor who helps to cope with poor posture, changes in the shape of the foot, as well as the consequences of a variety of injuries.
  5. An oncologist is a doctor who treats tumors, both benign and malignant.
  6. Ophthalmologist. This is an eye doctor, also called an ophthalmologist.
  7. A plastic surgeon is a doctor who corrects defects in appearance through surgery.
  8. A proctologist is a doctor who specializes in working with people who have problems with the rectum.
  9. Reflexologist. This doctor helps to cope with diseases by influencing biologically active points.
  10. Sexologist. This specialist helps to deal with problems in the intimate sphere of the patient’s life.
  11. Cell technology specialist. This is a doctor who deals with the isolation, cultivation and implantation of stem cells from the body.
  12. Phlebologist is a doctor who deals with vein problems.
  13. An endocrinologist is a doctor who deals with problems related to the human endocrine system.

This section describes doctors of narrow specialties.




In order to improve the organization of postgraduate and additional professional education in the field of healthcare, I order: To amend the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated August 29, 1999 N 337 “On the nomenclature of specialties of specialists with higher medical and pharmaceutical education in healthcare institutions of the Russian Federation” (in in accordance with the letter of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated September 21, 1999 N 7565-ER does not require state registration), with amendments and additions made by orders of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated February 6, 2001 N 31, dated April 2, 2001. N 98, dated June 21, 2002 N 201, dated June 25, 2002 N 209, dated August 14, 2002 N 261, dated March 21, 2003 N 115, dated May 26, 2003 N 219, dated 9 June 2003 N 241, dated August 20, 2003 N 416, dated February 5, 2004 N 36, dated February 16, 2004 N 63, by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2006 N 52, according to application.

Vr.i.o. Minister

to the order of the Ministry
health and
social development
Russian Federation
dated August 20, 2007 N 553


1. State Appendix 1 “Nomenclature (classifier) ​​of specialties of specialists with higher medical and pharmaceutical education in healthcare institutions of the Russian Federation” in the following wording:

"Nomenclature of specialties of specialists with higher medical and pharmaceutical education in healthcare institutions of the Russian Federation

2. In the List of correspondence of medical and pharmacist specialties to positions of specialists in Appendix 2, line 103 should be stated as follows.

The words “doctor” and “humanist” are not synonymous, but are inextricably linked. Medical professions oblige us to be humanists, to love people and help them in any, even the most unfavorable conditions. For people with health problems, it is clearly associated with assistance, support and understanding.

A little about the profession

The profession of “medical worker” requires a certain courage and dedication from its owner. This is due to the fact that people trust health workers as specialists who know their job well.

That is why, when choosing medical professions as a lifelong endeavor, a person is obliged to study even after graduating from university, because diseases are constantly changing, as is their treatment. Among medical educational institutions there are institutes and academies.

List of medical specialties

The list of medical professions includes such specialties as:

The listed medical professions (the list is far from complete) are the main profiles in this specialty. Each of them has more specialized specialists responsible for treating specific parts of the human body.

Specialty nurse

Secondary specialized medical education makes it possible to train specialists from the category of medical personnel. The profession of nurse is included in this category.

A nurse is an assistant or assistant to a doctor in a medical institution. The main task of mid-level medical staff is to carry out the treatment prescribed by the doctor to the patient and provide care for sick people.

The profession of a nurse is included in the category of paramedical personnel of a medical institution and has several narrower areas. Although many specialties are included in the concept of "medical professions", the list of mid-level specialists is headed by the position of chief nurse.

Chief and head nurse

At the head of the nursing staff is the chief nurse - a specialist with a higher medical education (Faculty of Nursing). The responsibilities of the chief nurse include organizing and monitoring the work of nursing and junior medical staff, as well as improving their professionalism.

The concept of organizing the work process includes drawing up work schedules for lower-level medical personnel and monitoring their implementation. Her responsibilities also include:

  • Control the receipt, storage, distribution and accounting of dressings and medications, including those containing toxic or narcotic substances.
  • Monitor the performance of duties by middle and junior staff, as well as improve their qualifications and professional level.
  • Monitor the quality of disinfection of the medical facility, timely change of bed linen and monitor the transportation of patients within the hospital.

The head nurse is an assistant to the head of the department. Her responsibilities include monitoring the work of ward nurses and junior medical staff.

Middle and junior level health workers

Nurses organize the work of junior medical staff: nurses, assistant nurses and housekeepers.

Medical checkup

People engaged in labor activities associated with risky or hazardous work, working with children and many others are required to undergo a medical examination. It can be held once a year or every two years.

There is a list indicating who should undergo a medical examination. The professions that it includes are categories of specialties associated with hazardous production or occupational risk, for example, high-altitude work, hazardous substances, noise, dust, and others.

Also, food industry workers, teachers and employees of preschool educational institutions, drivers, sailors, medical staff and representatives of other professions undergo a mandatory medical examination.

Choice of profession

Medical professions are in demand in modern society, so every year secondary specialized and higher medical institutions graduate new specialists. This is primarily due to the fact that an unhealthy environment, constant stress, and unhealthy diets increase the number of people with pathologies or chronic diseases every year.