I sleep and don’t get enough sleep reasons. Long sleep does not lead to proper rest: why does this happen?

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    The problem is this, I am 27 years old and lead a normal life, I go in for sports, work, have higher education. Lately (for about a year now, maybe more) I haven’t been getting enough sleep. I'll briefly describe the problem. By 22-23 o'clock I start to want to sleep like all people, I fall asleep instantly, I sleep very soundly, I rarely wake up at night. In the morning I wake up between 8 and 8:30 am, but I still want to sleep, I can’t fall asleep anymore. If I wake you up fifteen minutes early in the morning, I get up very hard. Even when you wake up in the morning, your head feels like it’s about to explode with thoughts and it’s like there’s a lump in your head, it feels like your brain doesn’t rest, but thinks constantly. At night, when someone wakes up, I wake up, I remember my dreams and my thoughts, it feels like when I sleep, my brain is always thinking about something and doesn’t rest.
    During the day, I’m used to thinking about anything, about work, about my personal life, in general about everything connected with me. When I go to bed, I also think about something and fall asleep. But it feels like when you wake up that the washing doesn’t stop all night. I don't have any problems falling asleep.
    I yawn very often during the day, I don’t always want to sleep in impulses, although I know that I won’t fall asleep if I lie down and sleep during the day. And there’s something in my head all day strange feeling(not pain, not fever) as if my head was about to explode, this feeling immediately after waking up. This really hinders me from thinking, learning anything, living, too, but I’m still young and I want to develop, learn something. I have a normal position in life, although Lately More and more often there is weakness, depression, anger at everyone.
    Fatigue is very common during the day, it happens more often when you start to decide complex tasks. I come home broken, tired, and barely have enough strength to exercise. Lately I have become very irritable, sometimes even shaking, more and more every day.
    It used to be, no, in more mild form, but it was, and lately it has become stronger and more intense.
    And I also noticed that it becomes easier and my head works better after taking it hot bath, or skating, skiing, running.
    Please help me with my problem.


    Indeed, during sleep normal person his brain is active (absorbs a lot of oxygen, thinks, shows a person dreams, etc.) during 25% of the time he sleeps. For the vast majority of people, this process does not interfere with sleep. Individual people can "eavesdrop" on this natural physiological process and feeling unrested after getting enough sleep. The reason for this may be - individual characteristics or various pathological conditions. To assess sleep in these cases, polysomnography is recommended. Light therapy is often used to treat this condition.


    “I have a higher education.”…..and lately it’s become stronger and more rural.”


    And what's your job? Those. mental work or not. Pay less attention to your condition, otherwise you will drive yourself to the root. You are no longer a little boy, but as far as I can remember, no matter how much I played sports or did loads, everything was the same as yours. Try to read, retell what you read, in short, you need to find other activities, develop your mental abilities, distract your brains, plunge into other problems that are pleasant for you, solve other problems. And those problems that you have, every normal person has, the environment is what it is, there are not enough vitamins, take a complex of vitamins, you can even do vitamin drops. Doctors, of course, will not give you any recommendations; you yourself must take care of your body and learn.


    take a vacation and go to Jamaica.. It seems to me that you are spinning like a squirrel in a wheel.. You need to get distracted, change the environment and have a good rest.. do “doing nothing” in an unfamiliar environment. I have the same problems. Turning off your phone and disappearing somewhere sometimes helps. But unfortunately, there is not always such an opportunity..((In general, I think this is far from our problem.. in one form or another, everyone has it.. and then it will only get worse.

When a person sleeps little and therefore constantly feels tired, the problem is more or less clear. But lately everything more people they turn to doctors with complaints that seem very strange at first glance: “I sleep for 12 hours and don’t get enough sleep” or “I don’t get enough sleep, even if I fall asleep in 5 minutes and sleep peacefully all night for 7-8 hours.” That is, there seem to be no visible sleep pathologies, but you still can’t get a normal rest. What's the matter then?

Physiological reasons

Sleep is a very specific state for which everything matters. Therefore, when unfavorable conditions, even if you sleep long enough, the body will still not be able to fully recover. This means that when you wake up in the morning, you will feel as if you didn’t get enough sleep. Therefore, if you rest at night for at least 7-8 hours, feeling unwell in the morning has completely different reasons that need to be looked for.

Easiest to detect and eliminate physiological factors reasons why you may not be getting enough sleep:

  • Non-compliance with the daily routine. The body is simply not used to the fact that certain time you need to get ready for bed, especially if you are actively doing business, and then suddenly go to bed.
  • Lack of oxygen. Sleeping in a stuffy room is never sound. Lack of oxygen causes the heart to work harder, so blood pressure does not decrease as much as it should during sleep.
  • Lighting in the bedroom. Even the presence of dim light sharply reduces the production of melatonin, a hormone responsible for falling asleep quickly and calm deep dream.
  • Anxiety and stress. They maintain high concentrations of adrenaline and cortisol - hormones that increase blood pressure, increase heart rate and support general physical activity.
  • Bad habits. Smoking and alcohol poison the body and disrupt functioning of cardio-vascular system. But just before bed they stimulate nervous system, which should now relax and prepare for bed.
  • Binge eating. On a full stomach you always want to sleep, since the body devotes all its energy to digesting food. But actively working digestive organs will not allow you to get enough sleep.
  • Drinking a lot of fluids before bed will cause you to feel the urge to urinate a few hours later. It’s even worse if you drank tea with a diuretic effect (for example, for weight loss) before bed.

Physical and mental fatigue has an equally bad effect on the quality of sleep. Therefore, give up intense training, intense thinking and computer games 2-3 hours before bedtime.

External causes of poor quality sleep are usually trivial and fairly easy to eliminate. But if, after you managed to cope with them, you still do not feel cheerful and rested after many hours of sleep, then the culprits feeling unwell can be pathological changes in organism.

Pathological factors

The pathological causes of increased drowsiness are not always obvious. Sometimes, in order to detect them, you have to undergo a comprehensive examination and consult with several specialists. The most common health problems that prevent you from sleeping well at night are:

A pleasant cause of increased sleepiness can be pregnancy, which many find out about even before the onset of a missed period due to this very sign.

But basically, people who constantly do not get enough sleep have various chronic diseases that weaken the body, and therefore they need Extra time for relax.

Undesirable measures

The problem cannot be solved once and for all without identifying and eliminating its causes. And artificial stimulants of vigor - coffee, pills and energetic drinks in this case there are no helpers for you. Yes, they will help you cheer up for a while, but the effect will quickly wear off, and for the body it will only be unnecessary stress.

Those who often do not get enough sleep for a long time practiced various techniques“how to get enough sleep in 5 hours” or “how to fall asleep in 5 minutes.” If they are performed incorrectly, they can lead to disruption of the natural alternation of sleep phases. Some people develop insomnia against this background. Others begin to sleep a lot, but the quality of sleep decreases sharply.

Amateurs don’t get a full rest either “ lucid dreams" Trying to control net worth, they consciously hold themselves in as long as possible fast phase sleep. The brain is resting at this time, but physical body- No. Therefore, in the morning they feel drowsy and tired, even if the duration of sleep was normal.

What to do

The following will help you significantly improve your sleep quality and wake up in a more alert state:

No less important is the mood in which you go to bed. When you don’t like the lifestyle you lead, subconsciously you don’t want to wake up - your body simply doesn’t understand why it needs to start a new day if you can just hide in sleep.

When you go to bed with the thought that many interesting things and events await me tomorrow, the morning always starts with a good mood. The main thing is to try to hold it for the whole day.

Do not leave increased drowsiness without attention. And so we spend a third of our lives in dreams, so the remaining two thirds should be as bright and meaningful as possible. But don’t force your body to work “through I can’t.” If you feel that you are unable to cope with the problem on your own, be sure to consult a doctor.

If the cause of pathological drowsiness is a disease, then it must be identified and eliminated as early as possible! Our expert is the head of the sleep medicine department of the Barvikha Clinical Sanatorium, Dr. medical sciences

, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation Roman Buzunov.

Hundreds of awakenings Daytime fatigue and sleepiness can be a consequence of various sleep disorders. A classic example is sleep apnea . People experiencing this problem have upper Airways During sleep, they periodically collapse, preventing air from entering the lungs. Because of this there is oxygen starvation

. And since the body cannot exist without oxygen, the brain has to wake up from sleep and forcefully open the airways so that we can take a breath. There can be many such situations per night - up to five hundred. As a result, sleep becomes ragged, superficial and unrefreshing. And although a person does not remember either that he had breathing problems at night, or that his brain woke up, his daytime well-being makes this known. Fatigue, loss of strength, and sometimes sudden “lapses” in sleep in the most inappropriate places (for example, at an important meeting or while driving) - typical signs



To cope with the problem, first of all, you need to stop drinking alcohol in the evening and not take sleeping pills, especially if they have a muscle-relaxing effect.

It is important to monitor your weight: obese people have apnea much more often than slender people.

If these measures do not produce results, you need to consult a somnologist. Today, there are several methods for treating sleep apnea, but they need to be selected individually.

Feet, don't worry! A person may not get enough sleep because of the so-called. During sleep, they involuntarily move, thereby causing the brain to awaken. This problem is mainly typical for older people, but it also happens to young people. IN severe cases

“twitching” of the legs can occur at intervals of 30 seconds; of course, there is no need to talk about full sleep, and therefore daytime vigor. You can suspect a problem if you are unable to fall asleep in the evening due to extremely in the legs, forcing them to move. And in the morning you discover that the sheet is knocked down or the bed is very wrinkled.


First of all, you should give up coffee and other drinks containing caffeine. They excite the nervous system, and this makes the situation worse.

It is advisable to check the hemoglobin content in the blood. Iron-deficiency anemia significantly worsens restless legs syndrome.

In addition, there are very effective medicinal methods treatments, but they must be prescribed by a doctor.

Coffee lover's problems

There are situations when a person complains that he does not get enough sleep, although he does not. A typical example is coffee lovers who drink several cups of an invigorating drink per day. Contrary to popular belief, this does not always happen; many fall asleep quickly and without problems. However, during the 6–8 hours that they sleep, caffeine is eliminated from the body. And a person who is accustomed to constant “doping” gets up in the morning exhausted. Most often this is taken as a sign of lack of sleep, but in fact this is how caffeine addiction manifests itself. To cheer up, the coffee lover goes for a new dose of espresso and this closes the vicious circle.


Get toned in in this case giving up will help - preferably for two weeks. It will be difficult in the first days, but after this period your health will improve significantly, and your sleep will be refreshing and give you strength.

By the way, giving up coffee and other caffeine-containing drinks (for example, energy drinks) is an excellent opportunity to differential diagnosis. If it's caffeine, morning grogginess will disappear. If nothing has changed, the reason must be sought elsewhere.

For example, a mask of lack of sleep, for example, is often worn or hypotension. In the first case, fatigue and apathy indicate a decrease in the severity of sensations, in the second - a weak tone.

Size matters

However, if you sleep no less than others and do not get enough sleep, it is not necessary to look for this or that health problem. Your body may be programmed to sleep longer. It is widely believed that an adult should rest for about 8 hours at night. However this average, in fact, the norm varies from 4 to 12 hours a day. If you are prescribed by nature to get, say, 10 hours of sleep, it is not surprising that after eight hours of rest you feel exhausted.


Return wellness It is possible if you increase the amount of time you sleep. Don't try to change your body's settings. You don’t buy size 40 shoes if your feet are 42. So the dream should be exactly “to measure”. And you shouldn’t regret that you will have less time to “live”: by spending a couple of extra hours on sleep, during the day you will have time to do more than usual.

Greetings to all visitors to the Subforums in the topic about “Proper sleep”. What should it be like (how to sleep properly) according to scientists, what can interfere with getting enough sleep and how to avoid sleep deprivation syndrome?

In this post I tried to collect advice from forum users and information from open scientific sources in order to reveal this question, tormenting many people. Including me =)

In our dynamic world, only a completely unoccupied person or a brilliant person can get enough sleep, using 6 to 8 hours of sleep. Lack of sleep occurs due to various reasons. Let's look at the most obvious ones, because by eliminating them your sleep may become more complete. And this is the key to good health, good mood and success in business.

How to sleep and get enough sleep, three simple rules

So, in short, as doctors (somnologists) who study our sleep now advise, sleep correctly. First you need to understand that sleep is extremely important process body, which allows you to restore vitality(physical and psychological condition). And the older we get, the stronger this phenomenon manifests itself.

Somnologists talk about proper sleep, as for following certain rules, here are the most important ones, in my opinion:

  1. The main rule " sleep hygiene» – go to bed and wake up at the same time, even on weekends. The fact is that the sleep process is controlled by our body through the release of “sleep” and “wake” hormones. If the cycle of release of these hormones is regular (you go to bed and wake up at the same time), then it will be much easier for you to fall asleep and wake up in the future. And the level of hormones, in turn, directly affects well-being and the immune system.
  2. It is natural that sleep duration should be optimal for you. General rule that sleep should be 6-8 hours is not relevant now. Somnologists, after careful research, came to the conclusion that this is a very individual indicator. For some, 4 hours is enough, while others don’t get enough sleep even after 9-10 hours. The next rule is no less important.
  3. Continuity of sleep. Very important for healthy sleep, after which you get enough sleep, the absence of irritating factors. Among them may be snoring, familiar to almost everyone, the holding of breath caused by it, motor and mental syndromes body, sleep-talking and sleepwalking (more popularly known as sleepwalking) and more, more on this below.
Let’s look at the reasons in more detail, since it is in them that the answer lies: “How can I get enough sleep if I sleep for 8 hours and don’t get enough sleep?”

Causes of lack of sleep (post-somnia disorders) and how to deal with it
So we come to the most important thing. If you feel “broken” almost every morning or every time you wake up, there is no feeling of rest, physical and psychological tone, apathy and reluctance to do anything - most likely you have so-called post-somnia disorders.

The reasons can be very diverse and unpredictable. Doctors divide them into two groups:

  • External factors are most often the cause of lack of sleep. This is constant emotional stress at work, poor sleep hygiene, frequent stress and anxiety, pain syndromes, taking medications, alcohol, smoking, irregular work schedule, frequent change time zones, etc.;
  • Internal factors are the second most common group of causes of sleep deprivation. Typically they are caused internal violations vital activity of the body. This includes long night snoring, breath holding (night apnea), painful syndromes or periodic pain in women, age and current diseases(diathesis, anuresis), hormonal imbalances.
This division is, of course, arbitrary, and there can be many more specific reasons, both individually and in the aggregate of cases of lack of sleep.

For example, after moving to a new rented apartment, with independent gas heating, for the first month I did not get enough sleep at all, despite all the conditions of sleep hygiene. Healthy sleep returned immediately when I lowered average temperature in the bedroom from 23-25 ​​degrees to 18-21 Celsius. My wife loves it when it’s warm in the apartment, so he heated the apartment in winter. During the day it heats well, but at night you don’t seem to feel this warmth, but it’s uncomfortable to sleep.
My wife also had a history of frequent lack of sleep for no apparent reason at first. After we replaced the old mattress with an orthopedic one, she immediately began to get enough sleep and her neck stopped hurting, which I am immensely happy about =)

It is worth remembering and understanding that systematic sleep disturbance for whatever reasons can lead to chronic lack of sleep. Which won’t lead to anything good if you don’t “take your head” in time.

An important factor in healthy sleep is the presence of a complete diet, which allows you to get daily norm vitamins and microelements, not to mention the required minimum of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

So, what we have: on the one hand, in order to get enough sleep, it is necessary to maintain a sleep “regime” (its duration, time to fall asleep and continuity), on the other hand, try to maintain healthy image life, that is, eat right, avoid stress and conflict situations.

And given today’s realities, not everyone succeeds. Still, here's what you can do for yourself:

  1. Buy expensive/inexpensive vitamins (what are your options), they are sold in every pharmacy online or offline;
  2. From traditional medicine, For good sleep You can find everything in the same pharmacies: buy herbal tea based on linden, mint, thyme or chamomile, various pillows with herbs for sleep are also sold. You need to be careful with all this so that there are no allergies or other hidden contraindications, as with sleeping pills;
  3. Make your sleeping place comfortable. Tune temperature regime in the bedroom, minimize noise, light, lay an orthopedic mattress, etc.;
  4. Depending on your needs, eat before bed or, on the contrary, refuse food. Do not drink a lot of liquids, especially those containing caffeine and alcoholic drinks, all kinds of energy drinks;
  5. Try to make time for physical exercise: exercise, running, walking.
However, it is best and first to consult your local doctor before attempting any self-medication as we are all individuals.

P.s. And correct me if I made a mistake somewhere, thank you all.
P.s.s. Be healthy!

Agaltsov Mikhail, candidate of medical sciences, senior Researcher Department of Comprehensive Reduction of the Risk of Non-Infectious Diseases of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "State Research Center preventive medicine"Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia

U modern man there is almost no time left for sleep. Moreover, not only the duration, but also the quality of sleep suffers: many complain that they wake up exhausted and tired. How and how much sleep do you need to wake up refreshed? Why don't we get enough sleep, and what are the consequences? Ask your question to a sleep specialist.

Damantych I sleep 9 hours a day, but I still feel like I’m not getting enough sleep. How can I check if my sleep is normal?

You can check the “normality” of your sleep using a sleep study - polysomnography. This study provides information about the presence or absence of sleep diseases, and also records the structure of sleep: the alternation and correspondence of stages and phases of sleep.

Inna How much sleep does a pregnant woman need in all trimesters? Higher than normal? After all, I always want to sleep.

A pregnant woman's need for sleep may increase, especially in the last two trimesters. If there is such a need, it is recommended to rest during the day for one to two hours, preferably at the same time, so as not to disturb your bedtime in the evening.

The main criterion for adequate sleep is cheerfulness in the morning.

Lyudmila Hello! Please teach me how to fall asleep quickly. I read somewhere that the most “physiological” pose for good night- on your back, and sleeping on your stomach is harmful. There is often a feeling that you are not sleeping at all, but are in some kind of state of drowsiness, and in the morning you feel completely exhausted. Thank you.

Margarita Good afternoon! I would like to know why in the morning I feel the need to wake up for a long time? If the alarm clock suddenly wakes me up and I immediately get up, then in the morning my head starts to hurt and the feeling of exhaustion does not go away all day. If I wake up slowly over an hour, finish my dreams, fall asleep and wake up several times, then I feel good afterwards. What is this connected with?

This may be due to the peculiarity of your biological rhythms, tuned to a certain time of awakening. If your alarm clock wakes you up, it may be slightly ahead of your biological wake-up time. You need to move it a little to an earlier time. Try going to bed an hour earlier.

Margarita Hello! I have a problem with uncontrollable falling asleep. When I was in school and college, I could fall asleep in class, and even a sharp wake-up call from the teacher had no effect - I simply couldn’t open my eyes and continued to fall asleep, “falling asleep.” Now 3 years have passed since graduating from university, the problem persists - I can fall asleep at a meeting, during a conference, even just watching a movie, but when they wake me up, I don’t wake up - I open one eye, and immediately fall back to sleep. I try to fight falling asleep - I bite my lip or pinch my arm, eat sour candies, but I can still fall asleep, even without really wanting it. What is this connected with? And how to wake yourself up?

Uncontrolled falling asleep can be a manifestation of a disease such as narcolepsy. Clinical picture The disease you describe is very similar to this disease. You need to undergo a polysomnography (sleep study) and meet with a sleep specialist - a somnologist.

Maria Regardless of what time I go to bed (at 22.00 or at 01.00), I always wake up at the same time, at 6.00. I am 27 years old. Is this a sleep disorder?

Most likely not, this is your natural norm. In this situation, we can recommend that you go to bed so that there is no sleep deficit, that is, so that the average sleep time allows you to get enough sleep.

Valentina why do I fall asleep in the evening, and almost every night I wake up at 3 o’clock and then cannot fall asleep until 6-7 o’clock.

In your question you provide too little data on sleep disorders. Maybe, we're talking about O . You may have jet lag, meaning you go to bed and wake up earlier than most other people. In any case, to receive adequate help, you should consult a doctor.

Semyon How does epilepsy affect the quality of sleep? (not during seizures). Treatment was prescribed - carbamazepine 100 mg. in the morning 300 mg. In the evening. Is it possible to do anything against daytime sleepiness?

If epileptic seizures are not associated with sleep, then sleep is usually not disturbed. The more serious problem is side effect drugs that treat epilepsy. Typically redundant daytime sleepiness associated with the effect of antiepileptic drugs, which worsen sleep structure.

It is necessary to consult with your doctor and, if possible, adjust the dose or try to find a replacement.

Katya I don’t get enough sleep, because during the night or even during a short nap during the day I always have dreams, and sometimes their number is very large. When I wake up, it seems that there was no rest at all, there is a clear picture in my head and the awareness of almost everything that dreamed. Is it possible to somehow reduce the number of dreams and what generally affects them?

Anna I constantly have dreams at night, there are many of them, they are rapid. I almost always dream in the morning. As a result, I don't get enough sleep at all. I don't feel like I've had a rest. How to overcome dreams? How to get quality sleep? Dreams typically reflect various daytime experiences. So that dreams do not interfere with sleep

, you need to reduce the level of daytime stress, be sure to exercise during the day or exercise, and especially before bed.

Polina Is it possible to train your body to sleep 5 hours a day? Is this hazardous to health? It’s better not to “accustom” your body to such sleep restrictions, otherwise you’ll get. It reduces brain functions associated with attention, learning, and concentration.

Prolonged lack of sleep can lead to chronic diseases, among which are and.

Darya Before going to bed, I always either run or just walk, I sleep on average 7-9 hours every day, and sometimes more, but in the morning I can absolutely never get up at 7! Why is this happening? And another question: I can sleep all the time. I mean, I wake up at 11 am on Sunday, for example, and even if I feel that I’ve already slept, I can sleep again and again... and again, almost until next day. This is fine? Christina No matter how much I sleep at night, I always want to sleep during the day. What should I do?

It can be assumed that difficulty waking up is due to a discrepancy between your biological clock and the time you spend sleeping. The fact that these periods do not coincide may be indirectly indicated by the fact that you experience an excessive need for sleep on weekends.

Gerbor has very shallow sleep, I don’t get enough sleep, my heart rate increases at night(

In your situation, the cause may be daytime stress that does not “release” you at night. You need to consult a neurologist and possibly a somnologist.

Daria Hello! What can you say about earplugs, are they harmful? I’ve been using them for a long time because I can’t sleep without them, and sometimes my ears hurt after using them. I also want to buy an eye mask, but I’m afraid that then I won’t be able to sleep at all without these devices. What to do?

It is not entirely clear why you should use earplugs while sleeping, unless there is a noisy device working nearby. Eye mask used when it is necessary to sleep during the day in bright light or not to wake up in the early hours due to the same light (for example, on an airplane when).

In an ordinary bedroom, thick curtains will suffice to block out light.

Olga I am 56 years old. I have a disorder cerebral circulation. And lately I haven't been sleeping well. In the evening I fall asleep watching TV. I go into the bedroom and sleep vanishes. Some nights I sleep well. And the next one I don’t sleep at all, I toss and turn, I’m nervous. I get up, take some sedative drops, and in the morning I can fall asleep. I want to ask you. Is it possible to use sleeping pills in such cases?

In your situation, the use of sleeping pills for a short course (no more than three to four weeks) may be justified. However, do not forget that with prolonged use of sleeping pills, addiction can occur.

Try moving your bedtime one to two hours later, don't let yourself fall asleep early during the day, try get tired physically.

Olga Hello! Please tell me how you can get enough sleep if you have a busy work schedule (night shifts, sometimes it happens that you have to work 4 hours on shift, 4 hours off, and so on for several days)? When I'm not on duty, I go to bed at about 11 p.m. (I can't do it earlier, there's Small child, I don’t want to deprive him of his attention and I can’t), I get up for work at 5.45, I don’t get much sleep (I really love my job and I’m not going to change).

The general recommendations are as follows. It is necessary to alternate night and day work, say, two weeks at night and two weeks during the day. After night shift It is recommended not to go to bed right away, but to do some business until 12-13 o’clock, and only then fall asleep.

Of course, such a rhythm of alternating sleep and wakefulness, as you described, is harmful and can lead to chronic disorders sleep. In addition, you need to sleep more at night (more than seven hours), since you are adding a nighttime deficit to the state of chronic sleep deficiency.

Mister87 Hello, my wife gets up for work at 5-30 and I wake up with her, I don’t need it so early, I somehow doze off, get up at 6-30, go to bed at 23-30. The question is, is it harmful to go back to sleep for an hour after waking up and is there any point in this?

The main criterion for good sleep is a feeling of vigor and a surge of energy for daytime activities. It is usually not recommended to get enough sleep after first waking up. To avoid sleep deficiency in your situation, you need to go to bed earlier.

Natalya Hello, a few days ago my husband had a strange sensation at night, he was even scared: he woke up due to a sudden sweet taste in his mouth, water flowed from his nose, and for a few seconds the feeling in his legs disappeared. What could this be, please answer? Thanks in advance for your answer!

Unfortunately, correspondence consultations cannot always help to understand the situation. Therefore, I recommend visiting specialists: a neurologist and a somnologist (sleep expert). They can determine how dangerous the symptoms you list are for your husband's health.

Alexey Slobodchikov I sleep eight hours a day, but my sleep is not sound. It feels like I’m sleeping and hearing everything, as a result in the morning it’s like a broken trough, what should I do?

To have a sound sleep, you must adhere to. If within four to five weeks of daily implementation of these rules the depth of sleep is not restored, it is better to consult a specialist. This may exclude possible diseases sleep.

Irina Hello! I go to bed at 9-10 pm, get up for work at 7 am, but it’s as if some wound-up mechanism inside wakes me up at 4.30-5.00 am. And at 7 I can no longer get out of bed - I want to sleep. And so it turns out that until the middle of the day I feel not rested? Maybe I should go to bed earlier? Does spending a long time at the computer affect my sleep, since I work on it all day?

If you go to bed at nine in the evening and get up at 4:30 - 5:00 in the morning, then perhaps your body has had enough sleep and does not want to sleep anymore. You slept for about eight hours.
No need to go to bed again. Get up, do some exercise, take some cold and hot shower and get on with things. If you want to wake up right before work, then you should not go to bed earlier, but rather later.

Sleep may be affected not by sitting at the computer itself, but by being in one fixed position for a long time. To avoid long-term, it is necessary interrupt work periodic: walk, do light warm-up exercises.

Tanya suffers from insomnia for 2-3 nights, then I can sleep for 2 days. This is fine?

Oleg How to “get off” sleeping pills, which I had to resort to 10 years ago, when the second stress got to me... I tried everything... Some semblance of sleep happens without taking pills after 3-6 nights, when I use oligopeptide (OL #4) for more than a month. But there must be an ideal noise and temperature environment, and even earplugs in the ears. And no irritants in life that provoke any kind of stress, either emotional or physical. All this can somehow be created for only a certain period! And no one will allow me to sleep with my (and not chemical) precious sleep until 12 noon for the rest of my life. “My life” excludes some of the above conditions and that’s it... I have to return to chemistry again cursed.49l.No bad habits.Kept only good ones...What smart things can you recommend?

To stop taking sleeping pills and restore sleep is necessary big job, aimed at increasing the body's resistance to stress, as well as restoring correct sleep stereotypes. It is usually carried out by psychotherapists.

A combination may be needed at first drug therapy And behavioral therapy with a gradual reduction in the dose of drugs. A good way to help with drug withdrawal is to use bright light therapy.

Letoxs Hello! Please tell me what to do - even 12 hours of sleep is not enough for me (((Thanks for the answer.

It is necessary to consult a sleep specialist to rule out sleep diseases that can lead to such a high need for sleep.

Christina No matter how much I sleep at night, I always want to sleep during the day. What should I do?

You need not just sleep, but get enough sleep. To check what is preventing you from doing this, you may need a sleep study - polysomnography.

Vera Hello, I am 31 years old. I have 2 small children (2.5 years and 8 months) who constantly want to sleep, during the day they are all broken, I can’t wait for the evening to go to bed, but when I go to bed, sleep fades and some kind of activity appears. I go to bed between 1.00-2.00 earlier and it’s impossible. In short, I go to bed when I’m already falling asleep, otherwise I can’t sleep. I also have been bothered by tinnitus for quite a long time since about the end of pregnancy, they said that it would go away after giving birth, but it didn’t. It also interferes with falling asleep.

These hours of sleep will be your natural frame, that is, internal biological clock. In the future, you need to stick to exactly this time for falling asleep and waking up.

Alexey Hello. How much sleep does a teenager need?

Teenagers between 14 and 17 years old need at least eight to nine hours of sleep. It should be noted that, as a rule, at this age children study intensively, so adequate sleep is necessary to restore the body and be ready for the best.

Eugenia Very often, after a hard day of work, I can’t fall asleep. I want to sleep, but I can’t. I thought maybe it was because I didn’t eat enough, but I started eating more, but the result was the same - I couldn’t sleep. I started going for walks in the evenings, that’s all. I still fall asleep quite poorly. This is very strange. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, and in general, I’m too young for insomnia. What to do? thank you in advance.

In your case, perhaps the cause is stress and impossibility. Anything will do healthy ways relaxation: fitness, auto-training. You may need to consult a psychotherapist to decide on the correct behavioral strategy to protect yourself from stress.

Also, you need to practice. You have already started doing some of them (walking in the evenings). Master the rest.

Olga Hello! Why do I wake up several times during the night? I can’t say that something worries me greatly, especially since I fall asleep normally, but I wake up very often, and therefore it’s not very comfortable, although I’m not broken. I feel that I need at least 6 hours of sleep to continue working, but they are enough for 12 hours of wakefulness, then I need to take a nap again, otherwise it’s hard. What is the reason here, how to improve the situation?

There are many reasons for waking up during the night. It may be broken conditions comfortable sleep : noise or stuffiness in the room, uncomfortable bed, etc. The effects of stress and various diseases accompanied by sleep disturbances.

To accurately determine the cause, you need to conduct a sleep study - polysomnography - and consult a doctor.

Alina I sleep 9 hours a day and don’t get enough sleep, what should I do?

Perhaps the first step might be to comply sleep hygiene(). If this does not help, you need to consult a specialist for advice.

Irina My daughter suffered from stress, the consequences of VSD with panic attacks. She was treated with antidepressants by a psychotherapist. It helped, but I didn't sleep well. Wakes up in the middle of the night, hard to get up and take off in the morning disturbing dreams. Maybe she didn’t finish her treatment?

One of the criteria for getting rid of the effects of stress is full recovery sleep. Your daughter should continue treatment to ensure her sleep is fully restored. Otherwise, chronic may develop.

Anastasia Hello. They advise you to go to bed no later than 22:00, then the body will regain its strength, but somehow it doesn’t help me, I go to bed before 22:00, but in the morning I can’t wake up, I want to sleep even more, and sometimes if I go to bed at 01 am, I can get up early in the morning, cheerful and in high spirits, is this normal?

It's likely that your natural body clock is set to be naturally sleepy later, so a later bedtime may be better for you.

However, do not forget that you should not deprive yourself of enough sleep to avoid sleep deficiency. Therefore, if possible, you need to calculate the features of your biological clock and plan a routine ordinary life, based on this knowledge.

Maxim Help... for 2.5 weeks I have only had deep sleep until 2-3 hours, then I wake up and cannot fall asleep. I go to bed at 10:00 pm no later than 10:30 pm, take glycine and melaxen and still don’t get enough sleep.

To help you, we need to understand what causes you to wake up so early. To do this, you need to consult a specialist. While you can use them, in some cases they help solve the problem.

Anton I go to bed at one or two in the morning and get up at six in the morning. For quite some time now. What does this mean for me in the future? (it seems to me that there is already a chronic lack of sleep)

If this situation continues in the future, chronic diseases may develop. Probably, even now you feel unwell, because it leads to mood disorders and a decrease in various brain functions (memory, concentration, reaction).

In addition, if you drive a car in this condition, you pose a danger not only to yourself, but also to others, as the likelihood of an accident while driving increases.