Teeth whitening method. The most effective and safe methods of teeth whitening


First of all, one that does not injure the gums during use. At the same time, the quality of hygiene oral cavity depends more on whether your teeth are brushed correctly than on the shape or type of toothbrush. Concerning electric brushes, then for uninformed people they are a more preferable option; although you can clean your teeth efficiently with a simple (manual) brush. In addition, a toothbrush alone is often not enough - floss (special dental floss) must be used to clean between the teeth.

Rinse aid is optional hygiene products, which effectively cleanse the entire oral cavity of harmful bacteria. All these products can be divided into two large groups - therapeutic and preventive and hygienic.

The latter include rinses that eliminate bad smell and promote fresh breath.

As for therapeutic and prophylactic ones, these include rinses that have anti-plaque/anti-inflammatory/anti-carious effects and help reduce the sensitivity of hard dental tissues. This is achieved due to the presence in the composition various kinds biologically active components. Therefore, the rinse aid must be selected for each specific person individually, as well as toothpaste. And since the product is not washed off with water, it only consolidates the effect of the active ingredients of the paste.

This type of cleaning is completely safe for dental tissues and causes less damage to the soft tissues of the oral cavity. The point is that in dental clinics ah, a special level of ultrasonic vibrations is selected, which affects the density of the stone, disrupts its structure and separates it from the enamel. In addition, in places where tissues are treated with an ultrasonic scaler (this is the name of the device for cleaning teeth), a special cavitation effect occurs (after all, oxygen molecules are released from water droplets, which enter the treatment area and cool the tip of the instrument). Cell membranes pathogenic microorganisms are torn apart by these molecules, causing the microbes to die.

It turns out that ultrasonic cleaning has a comprehensive effect (provided that really high-quality equipment is used) both on the stone and on the microflora as a whole, cleansing it. But the same cannot be said about mechanical cleaning. Moreover, ultrasonic cleaning is more pleasant for the patient and takes less time.

According to dentists, dental treatment should be carried out regardless of your situation. Moreover, a pregnant woman is recommended to visit the dentist every one to two months, because, as you know, when carrying a baby, the teeth are significantly weakened, suffer from a deficiency of phosphorus and calcium, and therefore the risk of developing caries or even tooth loss increases significantly. To treat pregnant women, it is necessary to use harmless anesthesia. The most appropriate course of treatment should be selected exclusively by a qualified dentist, who will also prescribe the required medications that strengthen the tooth enamel.

It is quite difficult to treat wisdom teeth due to their anatomical structure. However, qualified specialists successfully treat them. Wisdom teeth prosthetics are recommended when one (or several) adjacent teeth are missing or need to be removed (if you also remove a wisdom tooth, there will simply be nothing to chew). In addition, removal of a wisdom tooth is undesirable if it is located in the correct place in the jaw, has its own antagonist tooth and takes part in the chewing process. You should also take into account the fact that poor quality treatment can lead to the most serious complications.

Here, of course, a lot depends on a person’s taste. So, there are absolutely invisible systems attached to inside teeth (known as lingual), and there are also transparent ones. But the most popular are still metal bracket systems with colored metal/elastic ligatures. It's really fashionable!

To begin with, it is simply unattractive. If this is not enough for you, we present the following argument - tartar and plaque on the teeth often provoke bad breath. Is this not enough for you? In this case, we move on: if tartar “grows”, this will inevitably lead to irritation and inflammation of the gums, that is, it will create favorable conditions for periodontitis (a disease in which periodontal pockets form, pus constantly flows out of them, and the teeth themselves become mobile ). And this is a direct path to the loss of healthy teeth. Moreover, the number of harmful bacteria increases, which causes increased dental caries.

The service life of a well-established implant will be tens of years. According to statistics, at least 90 percent of implants function perfectly 10 years after installation, while the service life is on average 40 years. Typically, this period will depend both on the design of the product and on how carefully the patient cares for it. That is why during cleaning mandatory you need to use an irrigator. In addition, it is necessary to visit the dentist at least once a year. All these measures will significantly reduce the risk of implant loss.

Removal of a dental cyst can be done therapeutically or surgically. In the second case we're talking about about tooth extraction with further gum cleaning. In addition, there are those modern methods which allow you to save the tooth. This is, first of all, cystectomy - a rather complex operation that involves removing the cyst and the affected root tip. Another method is hemisection, in which the root and a fragment of the tooth above it are removed, after which it (the part) is restored with a crown.

As for therapeutic treatment, then it consists of cleaning out the cyst through a root canal. This is also a difficult option, especially not always effective. Which method should you choose? This will be decided by the doctor together with the patient.

In the first case, professional systems based on carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide are used to change the color of teeth. Obviously, it is better to give preference to professional whitening.

Generally speaking, all methods of teeth whitening can be divided into two large groups: professional and home. Moreover, the latter have become very popular today, since few people like to go to the dentist one more time, even if he is not going to drill you into anything, much less “rip it out.”

However, before you begin your journey to a snow-white smile, it will be useful to first understand what types of teeth whitening exist today, how they fundamentally differ from each other, and which of them is the most effective. In addition, in the pursuit of effectiveness, we must not forget that many types of teeth whitening have a very negative effect on the condition of tooth enamel - and you also need to know about this in advance.

So if you were already planning to smear something on your teeth, rub them with something, or pour hydrogen peroxide on them, then we suggest putting off your chemical experiments for a while and approaching the issue more systematically.

On a note

Today we hear such types of teeth whitening as mechanical, ultrasonic, laser, photo whitening, intracanal, as well as whitening with pencils, trays, special strips, etc. To an unprepared person, it may seem that there are simply a lot of ways to lighten enamel, and that it is very difficult to understand it all.

In fact, everything is quite simple - all of the above methods of teeth whitening are essentially divided into chemical and mechanical.

Chemical teeth whitening is, simply put, the process of destroying colored organic compounds inside the enamel using special substances. In such cases, a certain chemical agent is always required that can destroy and discolor pigments (for example, oxidize them) that have appeared in the surface layer of tooth enamel over time. long years smoking, excessive use of coffee, strong tea, red wine, etc.

Mechanical teeth whitening is, in fact, professional oral hygiene, which many dentists don’t even consider whitening (although the procedure gives a very pronounced visual effect). Imagine healthy white teeth, but covered in brown tartar and stained plaque. With the mechanical removal of all these unwanted deposits, a person can again sparkle with a snow-white smile - but no one actually whitened his teeth (enamel).

Professional hygiene may involve ultrasonic teeth whitening using special devices and scalers, teeth cleaning with an Air-Flow device, and removing plaque with special pastes. The benefits of professional cleaning for ordinary person is that for comparatively low price you can kill two birds with one stone: rid your teeth of tartar and plaque that injures the gums, creating risks of caries, and at the same time “lighten” your teeth by a shade or more without directly affecting the internal structures of the enamel.

Mechanical “whitening” of teeth: principle of operation

As noted above, mechanical teeth whitening is a method of lightening them in which dental deposits (tartar, plaque) are removed, which ultimately leads to the return of the natural color of the teeth.

Often, those people who have been growing “smoker’s plaque”, “coffee drinker plaque” on their teeth for years, as well as conglomerates of stones (most often on the lower front teeth) have long forgotten what their teeth should normally look like. clean teeth. In such cases, you should not look for peroxide-containing pencils or teeth whitening strips, but focus, first of all, on professional oral hygiene - this will give a much greater effect.

On a note

Among the mechanical methods of teeth whitening, the most common today is ultrasonic whitening. Despite active use For professional teeth cleaning also with Air-Flow devices, it is not yet possible to completely replace ultrasound. This is due to the fact that the Air-Flow device does not remove tartar, although it partly affects their “loosening”.

An important property of mechanical whitening is its relative safety for tooth enamel, after all, the main effect is not on the enamel, but on the deposits located on its surface.

However, there are often cases when, after carrying out the appropriate procedure, rather unpleasant consequences can appear. Due to the fact that the removal of tartar and plaque is often carried out against the background of periodontal diseases (for example, periodontitis), after the procedure is completed, the cervical areas of the teeth are actually unprotected. Before this, stones saved them from all types of irritants, but after their removal, the necks of the teeth begin to react with pain to cold, hot, etc. (this is confirmed by numerous reviews on the Internet).

This problem is most often solved by a periodontist, who treats the underlying disease and simultaneously carries out remineralization and deep fluoridation of hypersensitive enamel and (in some cases) root cement.

Below we will talk more about the use of so-called abrasive systems, the abrasive systems of which, if used ineptly, can cause considerable harm to teeth due to mechanical abrasion of the enamel.

When is teeth whitening really necessary and when is it unnecessary?

As practice shows, out of 10 people who turn to a dentist for a teeth whitening procedure, for only about 6-7 of them it will really be appropriate, and for the rest it will either be ineffective (since the enamel is already close to the natural shade) or extremely unsafe.

Cases in which whitening will be effective:

  • Presence of plaque and dental deposits;
  • Change in enamel shade due to age;
  • Acquired staining of hard tooth tissues yellow or brown.

Difficult to bleach:

  • Congenital enamel discoloration (for example, so-called tetracycline teeth);
  • Gray coloring;
  • Change in color of exposed dentin.

Staining due to plaque and tartar is eliminated by mechanical types of bleaching, and “internal” - by chemical ones.

Ultrasonic “whitening”

Mechanical teeth whitening with ultrasound allows you to remove supra- and subgingival tartar from all surfaces of the teeth using ultrasonic devices and scalers. In addition, ultrasonic whitening allows you to clean the so-called “smoker’s plaque”, which is neither home nor professional brushes almost impossible to remove.

Due to ultrasonic vibrations at the end of a special tip, mechanical destruction of the structure of dental plaque and stone occurs, as well as its “unsticking” from the surface of the enamel. If you follow the basic instructions for professional oral hygiene, ultrasound does not damage the enamel, and there are usually no negative consequences from this type of whitening.

By doing ultrasonic cleaning teeth, water is supplied to the tooth through the tip: this is necessary to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the procedure. Water helps prevent overheating of the tooth (this would lead to pulp necrosis), and also creates vortex flows due to the oscillatory movements of the tip, which improves the removal of tartar and plaque.

This is interesting

An ultrasonic toothbrush is quite suitable for home mechanical teeth whitening. The principle of its operation is approximately the same as in the case of the ultrasonic whitening method, but the possibilities are not as wide as in the dentist’s chair.

The power of ultrasonic vibrations in such brushes is reduced - adapted for safe home use. As a result, an ultrasonic toothbrush allows, albeit in a gentle manner, to remove plaque quite effectively. However, it should be kept in mind that such brushes are not recommended for people with a pacemaker or pregnant women. Their use is limited if there are braces, veneers, crowns in the oral cavity, as well as a large number of fillings (due to possible risk“dislocate” them with ultrasonic vibrations).

Air-Flow Technology

The essence of the Air-Flow technology is the mechanical impact on an object (tooth surface) of a jet of air, water and ordinary water released under high pressure. baking soda. Thus, inside the Air-Flow machine there is sodium bicarbonate powder (regular baking soda, which in in this case used as an abrasive) and water-air channels.

Mixing water and soda occurs closer to the working part (tip) of the device. The device is fixed into the connector of the dental unit, and under high pressure, water mixed with powder is thrown onto the surface of the tooth enamel, cleaning it from even the densest plaque in seconds.

The convenience of teeth whitening using Air-Flow lies not only in the speed of treatment of one tooth, but also in the quality of such treatment. The jet released from the tip of the device easily penetrates even into tight spaces between teeth, cleans plaque under the gum, and effectively cleans teeth under structures, for example, under braces.

As a result, in about 30-40 minutes you can get teeth free of plaque and their natural color.

However, if you are planning to whiten your teeth using Air-Flow, you should remember that compared to ultrasound, this technology has reduced effectiveness against tartar.

In addition, if you hold the tip of the device near one tooth for a long time (more than 3-4 seconds), it is possible not only to polish the enamel, but also to cause sensitivity after the procedure.

Additional mechanical methods of enamel lightening

Home methods of mechanical teeth whitening are perhaps the most popular among the population today, but at the same time they are not the most reliable and are even often dangerous for dental health.

Most often, in order to make teeth whiter, people try to use so-called whitening toothpastes. This is due to the fact that this idea is very attractive - you brush your teeth, and every day they become whiter and whiter... At the same time, many do not even think that as a Most of these pastes contain abrasive powders, which actually actively remove plaque, but at the same time can also seriously damage the structure of the enamel (the enamel is simply gradually erased).

Uncontrolled long-term use of whitening pastes with a high abrasive effect almost always leads to increased tooth sensitivity and even the appearance of areas of damaged enamel in the form of depressions. Their localization is usually in the cervical area of ​​the tooth.

This is interesting

The abrasiveness of toothpastes is characterized by a special index - RDA. For example, for ordinary toothpastes for daily use, this indicator can have the following values: about 20 for children, 45 for schoolchildren, 65 for adults with sensitive teeth. An RDA value of 75 – 150 is typical for whitening toothpastes with medium abrasiveness, and above 150 are already highly abrasive pastes.

On the toothpaste market you can find whitening toothpastes (for example), in which this indicator is not indicated at all, and their composition includes almost ordinary clay. Even short-term use of such pastes can have a very detrimental effect on tooth enamel.

From analyzing research results on whitening toothpastes, and even just reading reviews ordinary people, we can conclude that whitening toothpastes based on abrasives can help cope well with soft and even hard plaque, but at the same time certain time can also damage tooth enamel.

Whitening toothpastes based on chemicals (for example, enzymes) do not affect dense plaque with the force required by real whitening, which means that the results of their use are questionable. However, there are many defenders of this type of paste who note the whitening effect (but this does not take into account the fact that manufacturers often add abrasive substances to help a person cope with plaque using ordinary “friction”, and the presence of various exotics in the recipe In this case, the paste turns out to be nothing more than a marketing ploy).

Currently, there are many adherents of teeth whitening with a brush with hard bristles. The principle is as simple as that of a classic whitening toothpaste: to increase the efficiency of removing not only soft plaque from teeth, but also the so-called “smoker’s plaque.” As a result of long-term use of such a brush (even without whitening toothpaste), sometimes teeth actually become whiter, and also more sensitive to all types of irritants (cold, hot) and, in addition, more fragile.

Therefore, dentists often find zones of pathological abrasion (wedge-shaped defects) in such experimenters in the cervical area of ​​the teeth. It’s hard to imagine what will happen to such a tooth in a couple of months if you add a highly abrasive whitening toothpaste to a hard-bristled toothbrush...

Chemical bleaching with different systems: pros and cons

Chemical teeth whitening with existing popular systems can be divided into professional and home. Professional (otherwise known as in-office) whitening has a good whitening effect due to high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide or its derivatives, which are active ingredients gels applied to the tooth surface.

Modern technologies for chemical teeth whitening also involve the use of activators that initiate the breakdown of peroxides with the release of active oxygen. It can be:

  • Warm;
  • Ultraviolet radiation;
  • Laser radiation;

etc. The use of activators enhances the whitening effect and also reduces the residence time of aggressive compounds in the oral cavity.

The most important advantage of in-office whitening (by any system) is the achievement of well-defined teeth whiteness in more than 70-80% of cases, and in just one visit.

In certain situations, you can whiten your teeth not by half a tone or tone, but by 5-7 shades on the color scale. The most important disadvantage of this type of whitening is the damage caused to the enamel, which, however, can be minimized by remineralization and fluoridation of the teeth after the procedure (but may also become one of the main causes of torment and suffering in the future). Violation of the protective properties of enamel during chemical teeth whitening is a this moment

one of the main problems that scientists are still trying to solve.

Firstly, the concentration of bleaching agent for professional types of bleaching is much higher (usually 30-35%). “Home” concentrations – no more than 10-15%. This is due to the fact that at the dentist’s appointment there are more options for protecting the gums and oral mucosa from aggressive substances.

Secondly, real result With professional whitening you can get it much faster (usually in one visit), but home methods (for example, wearing trays) can take 2 or more weeks.

Thirdly, professional types of whitening often involve additional activation of a chemical reaction using devices based on laser, ultraviolet radiation, etc. – to achieve the most pronounced, fast and safe effect.

Dentist-controlled at-home whitening treatments are based on following principle actions:

  • special acid components etch the enamel in order to ensure its increased porosity and permeability;
  • and hydrogen peroxide (or its derivative) discolors the colored compounds in the pores of the enamel, as a result of which lightening occurs.

To ensure the safety of this type of teeth whitening, dentists make individual trays for the patient based on impressions, so that during home procedures the gel was located directly on the teeth, reducing the risk of gum burns.

The main plus is the reduced harm to the enamel (compared to in-office teeth whitening), and the minus is insignificant whitening rates, although such methods are quite suitable as a fixing procedure.

Professional and controlled home whitening cannot be carried out if there are carious teeth in the mouth, old and unusable fillings, plaque and tartar, as well as severe bleeding of the gums due to inflammation due to periodontitis. In such cases, it is advisable to first carry out sanitation (treatment) of carious lesions and replacement of fillings at the dentist-therapist, carry out professional hygiene

oral cavity with the removal of tartar and plaque, transfer periodontitis to a stage of stable remission from a specialist in diseases of the gums and oral mucosa - a periodontist, and only then think about teeth whitening.

Home methods of chemical whitening

In addition to controlled home teeth whitening using adapted whitening systems, there are also “amateur” options for carrying out such a procedure: whitening strips, pencils, trays, etc.

A whitening pencil is a tube with a bleaching agent, and the shaft of the pencil itself, made in the form of a brush, brush or sponge, is used for application. The concentration of hydrogen peroxide in the composition is insignificant - 5-15%, but this is quite enough to cause chemical burns of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity if application safety precautions are violated.

Every person has individual characteristics structures of enamel and dentin, as a result of which it is impossible to accurately predict when exactly they will appear undesirable consequences interaction of hydrogen peroxide with dental tissues in the form of increased sensitivity of teeth (and whether they will appear at all). This can happen after 1-2 procedures, and in some cases – after 2 or more weeks.

The principle of using whitening pencils is simple - for this you should:

  • rinse your mouth;
  • wipe your teeth with a napkin;
  • apply gel;
  • sit with open mouth approximately 1-10 minutes (depending on the type of whitening pencil - the required time is indicated in the instructions for its use);
  • then wash off the gel with water.

As a rule, the course duration is up to 2 weeks (2 times a day). Moreover, the result can be determined not only by the effectiveness of the drug used, but also by the person’s bad habits (for example, smoking, frequent consumption of strong coffee).

Whitening strips

So-called whitening strips are polyethylene strips with a layer of a special composition, usually containing from 6 to 10% hydrogen peroxide. That is, as you already understand, this type of teeth whitening is also chemical.

The kit usually includes strips for the top and lower teeth. The principle of home whitening strips is that they are pressed against the teeth for about 30 minutes - during this time, chemical reactions take place, leading to a gradual discoloration of the colored compounds present in the enamel.

The effect of whitening with strips may not occur at all: neither in 7 days, nor in 2 weeks, and sensitivity, according to numerous reviews on forums on the Internet, occurs in every third person. Moreover, it often manifests itself not even in pain from cold and hot, but in the form of a piercing ache in the tooth while holding a strip on it - but people still endure it.

“I’m a coffee and tea lover, so when I read reviews on the Internet about whitening miracle strips, like a fool, I rushed to buy them through an online store. I ended up buying a set of Crest Whitestrips 3D White. It clearly stated that they were perfect even for sensitive teeth, and my teeth weren’t particularly sensitive, so I thought they would definitely be suitable.

After I put these strips on my teeth for the first time and took them off, it seemed as if my smile had become a little whiter, and there was no pain at all. On the second day, I again applied them to my teeth according to the instructions for half an hour. When I removed the strip, I almost fainted: a piece of gum actually came off above my front tooth. Like the skin of a sausage, the skin wrinkled and peeled off in a thick layer.

When I ran to the dentist with this problem for clarification, she explained to me that this was a serious chemical burn gums, since the gel from the strip somehow managed to get under it. As the doctor explained to me, such cases with homemade whitening strips and pencils are not uncommon. Since the root of my tooth was exposed, she advised me to have gum surgery costing 8,000 rubles! And what do you think, people, is it worth risking your gums in order to later pay off such a sum?

Ksenia, Moscow

Photo teeth whitening (ZOOM): advantages and disadvantages

Photo teeth whitening is an in-office chemical whitening technology, but with the activation of the process by ultraviolet light. It is also called the ZOOM technique or “cold” teeth whitening.

In “cold” whitening, a hydrogen peroxide-based gel is applied to the surface of the teeth and activated by an ultraviolet, halogen or LED lamp. The peroxide concentration is usually quite high, on average 25-35%.

Photobleaching is one of the most effective methods, as its technology is specifically aimed at improving results and reducing tooth sensitivity (by reducing exposure time). Light radiation allows:

  • increase the rate of decomposition of peroxide compounds with the release of active oxygen (which, in fact, plays a key role in the bleaching of colored substances);
  • allows you to reduce the exposure time of the gel, which, in turn, reduces its negative impact on the enamel.

After the organic pigments contained in the enamel are broken down, it becomes noticeably whiter. However, in some cases, one procedure may not be enough.

After photo-whitening (ZOOM), which can last from 30 minutes to 1 hour, fluoridation of teeth is performed to prevent sensitivity.

After photobleaching, you should limit your consumption coloring products and drinks (coffee, tea, wine, juices, chocolate, blueberries, blueberries, etc.), and in the first time after the procedure it is better not to consume them at all. This “white” diet after teeth whitening will allow you to maintain a white-toothed smile for as long as possible.

Sometimes the enamel becomes bleached in spots, which can be a very unpleasant moment that requires additional intervention. In addition, in addition to sensitivity from all types of irritants (even severe pain), after the whitening procedure it is often necessary to replace even good fillings in the smile area, since they become visually yellower than the whitened teeth.

Laser teeth whitening

Laser teeth whitening is a modern and fairly effective method of brightening teeth, which has been practiced for about 15 years. Numerous studies have shown that in most clinical cases it is really effective and relatively safe.

The principle of laser whitening is almost the same as with the photo-whitening method: a whitening composition based on hydrogen peroxide is applied to the surface of the teeth, but the active substance is not activated ultraviolet lamps, but with a laser. A laser is a kind of catalyst that affects not only the speed of chemical reactions, but also their depth (completeness).

As with other types of professional teeth whitening, the dentist applies protective agents for the gums before the procedure to prevent burns to the mucous membranes, but errors in the work occur even in professional dentist. Even in numerous photographs of whitening (before and after), one can observe an interesting picture: before the procedure, the teeth were yellowish, but the gums were pale pink, which is the norm. After whitening, the teeth became noticeably lighter, but hyperemia (redness) appeared along the edge of the gum, which indicates a marginal burn (which, however, usually disappears within one day).

This is interesting

Practicing dentists often use this harmless complication in the form of a marginal gum burn to their advantage. Redness of the gums after the whitening procedure is usually not noticed by the patient, but against the background of very reddened gums, the whitening effect looks many times more effective (due to the contrast). The teeth could be lightened by only 1 tone, but the reddened gums will visually emphasize the effect, and the patient remains satisfied. After all, the most important thing is the first positive impression.

  • Children under 18 years of age;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • If you are allergic to hydrogen peroxide and other components of bleaching systems;
  • At diabetes mellitus and some diseases of the pancreas.

These contraindications are also typical for many other methods of teeth whitening. It should also be said that local contraindications for any professional whitening methods (except mechanical) are: carious teeth, periodontal diseases in the acute stage, dental deposits (tartar, plaque), old and worn-out fillings.

Stones and plaque will simply interfere with the chemical enamel whitening procedure, and are also the determining factor in the yellowness of teeth. Bad fillings can cause acute pain during the procedure, since hydrogen peroxide can penetrate through microcracks in the filling deep inside the tooth.

Periodontal diseases in the acute stage may worsen during the procedure and isolate sore gums difficult. Increased bleeding of gums, among other things, worsens the quality of whitening.

Carious teeth during whitening is in itself a violation of aesthetics. Why give yourself a snow-white smile if it will show off 1-2 carious teeth with “blackness” or even with a carious cavity. In addition, when applying the gel to carious teeth, a sharp increase in pain is possible, up to an acute attack.

On a note

It is not recommended to carry out bleaching in cases where it is impractical due to the natural light yellow color of the enamel. Typically, such teeth have a light yellow tint in the cervical area, white enamel in the middle and transparent closer to the cutting edge. Even if such teeth initially do not have increased sensitivity, then after bleaching the maximum will be achieved by half a tone, but there will be big problems with the treatment of dental hyperesthesia from various stimuli(cold, hot, etc.) Often even warm water or food causes pain.

It is important to clearly understand that if teeth initially have increased sensitivity, then the whitening procedure can seriously aggravate the situation.

In-canal whitening

Intra-canal teeth whitening (in other words, endo-bleaching) is used if dead tooth acquires a dark shade due to its staining with substances formed during pulp necrosis, when pigments penetrate deep into the tissues of a dead tooth, or when it is stained with filling material.

In such cases external influence on the tooth does not allow you to cope with the problem. But in-canal chemical bleaching allows you to solve this problem, as evidenced by numerous positive reviews.

“Since I was young, I always had white teeth, until I had a couple of caries treated between my front teeth by one, so to speak, “specialist.” Unfortunately, the doctor turned out to be a bigot, and I had to change the fillings, and in such a way that first the nerves were removed from the teeth, and then fillings were made. At first everything was fine, but after a year and a half I noticed that my front teeth began to change color to dirty yellow. This began to stress me out a lot, so I stopped smiling altogether.

After suffering for a couple of years, I began to look for a normal dentist. Some told me that crowns would help, others that laser whitening. A friend told me good doctor, who advised intra-canal whitening, since this is where the problem with tooth color comes from. First, they removed my old filling, injected a bleaching agent inside, and put in a temporary filling. On next visit I came back satisfied: the tooth became much whiter, and all that was left was to put a permanent filling...”

Oksana, Voronezh

A bleaching agent based on carbamide peroxide, sodium perborate or hydrogen peroxide is usually applied inside the canal. The oxygen complex, in the process of a chemical reaction, discolors the colored compounds in the tooth tissues - thereby combating discoloration.

After endo-bleaching, the tooth acquires its natural color or becomes noticeably lighter. The success of intracanal whitening depends on the concentration of the whitening gel and the time it remains inside the tooth. The main thing here is to get to the dentist on time for a repeat appointment, since if there is a significant delay in time, the tooth may become too light.

Traditional methods of teeth whitening: harm or benefit?

Is it possible to whiten your teeth at home without using all these pencils, trays and whitening strips? Well, traditional methods teeth whitening have been known for a long time, but their comparison with professional systems have shown questionable effectiveness and, most importantly, unsafe (in some cases).

Dentist-controlled home whitening systems are not considered traditional methods. Likewise, at-home whitening strips, trays, pencils, and similar products are scientifically developed systems for home use, which in comparison with “grandmother’s” methods are not entirely safe, but more or less close to evidence-based medicine and often show certain results.


From history we can recall that charcoal was the most effective method of teeth whitening in Rus'. However, at present, this whitening technology is hopelessly outdated (usually today they try to whiten teeth with activated carbon, which is sold in pharmacies in the form of tablets).

Application idea activated carbon for teeth whitening is based on its well-known ability to absorb various compounds from solutions (an excellent absorbent). For example, if you place an activated carbon tablet in water solution ink and stir, the solution will quickly become transparent.

However, with teeth everything is not so simple: it is foolish to hope that activated carbon will draw out the pigments that color it from the enamel. However, activated carbon will be quite capable of erasing plaque (including stained plaque), although with the same success you can simply brush your teeth thoroughly with toothpaste with an average abrasiveness.

By the way...

The line includes toothpaste containing charcoal - “Splat Blackwood”. And this pasta is not classic White color, but intense black. What can you do if the consumer really wants...

Baking soda – does it whiten teeth?

Baking soda can significantly increase the pH in the oral cavity, neutralizing acids, but whitening teeth with it at home will be very problematic.

Baking soda powder mixed with water (or saliva) is a medium abrasive, so rubbing your teeth with it too intensely and frequently can easily lead to excessive abrasion of the enamel, which in turn will lead to increased tooth sensitivity (remember Air-Flow technology , which was described above). Naturally, soda does not discolor the colored compounds present in the enamel, and a small whitening effect can only be due to the removal of the colored plaque present on the teeth, which again will be safer to do with a properly selected toothpaste.


Oddly enough, the use of strawberries is one of the most popular among the “berry-fruit” methods of teeth whitening practiced among the people.

The suggested whitening recipe is something like this:

  • You should take a strawberry;
  • Cut it in half;
  • Rub half of it over your teeth;
  • Leave for about 10 minutes;
  • Then brush your teeth with your usual toothpaste.

Let’s say right away that you obviously shouldn’t count on a pronounced whitening effect from using strawberries in this way. However, organic acids, which are also highly effective complexing agents, are ways to gradually “pull” calcium ions from the tartar matrix, thereby facilitating its loosening and subsequent abrasion with toothpaste.

However, with the same success, the long-term and regular action of organic acids will wash out calcium from healthy enamel - this can provoke the appearance of caries at the stage white spot in the smile zone, the problems from which without proper treatment can be much greater than the benefits of such a generally dubious procedure.

It’s better to just eat strawberries and rinse your mouth - this will give you much more benefits.

Teeth whitening according to Neumyvakin

One more specific type Teeth whitening is the so-called Neumyvakin whitening.

The recipe is as follows: you need to add 20 drops of pharmaceutical 3% hydrogen peroxide to 0.5 teaspoon of soda, and then a couple of drops of lemon juice, then mix. The resulting paste is suggested to be rubbed with cotton wool not only on the teeth, but also on the gums inside and out.

It is believed that this paste not only whitens teeth by removing tartar and plaque, but also heals gums. There are many fans of this type of whitening, but does it have any effect?

When soda (sodium bicarbonate) interacts with citric acid, sodium citrate is formed, which has complexing properties and is capable of firmly binding calcium ions, “extracting” them, for example, from tartar. Soda powder plays the role of a medium-strength abrasive, mechanically removing plaque (and partly tartar) from the enamel surface. Hydrogen peroxide has traditionally played the role of a chemical bleach, bleaching colored substances found in tartar, plaque and tooth enamel.

Thus, there seems to be common sense in teeth whitening according to Neumyvakin.

However, often this meaning quickly turns into “meaninglessness” if executed poorly in the hands of an ignorant person. For example, if the unfortunate experimenter already has sensitive teeth, there are already wedge-shaped defects in the cervical area, but the slight yellow tint of the enamel forces him to frantically rub his teeth with Neumyvakin’s paste - in this case, the result will be very disastrous.

It’s another matter when a person has naturally healthy enamel, but the teeth are yellow (or even brown in places) from plaque and tartar - in this case, whitening according to Neumyvakin would be much more appropriate than in the situation described above.

By the way...

Toothpastes containing in their formulation pyrophosphates (complexing agents), carbamide peroxide and a medium-strength abrasive system (RDA in the range of 75-150) will, in fact, be a more advanced version of the paste prepared according to Neumyvakin.

We hope the information above will help you make the right decision regarding teeth whitening. If you already have some practical experience in this matter, be sure to leave your review at the bottom of this page.

Interesting video: criteria for high-quality teeth whitening and important nuances of this procedure

The dangers of home teeth whitening

To date snow-white smile is not only an indicator good health, but also an integral attribute of a successful personality. If earlier, in order to lighten the enamel by several tones, you had to subject your teeth to serious tests, then modern technologies make it possible to make the whitening process as fast and safe as possible. So, which whitening methods can be considered harmless, and in which cases it is better to refrain from the procedure.

Before and after whitening

What is teeth whitening? Today there are a huge number aimed at brightening tooth enamel. Despite this, the principle of their operation is quite similar to each other. There are two ways in which whitening techniques can affect tooth enamel:

  • mechanical - in this case, all contaminants in the form of plaque, stone and other deposits are removed from the surface of the tooth. This is one of the most accessible methods, effective against coffee and tobacco plaque;
  • chemical - to carry out the procedure, special substances are used that are applied to the surface of the enamel. Under the influence of the activator, a chemical reaction occurs that makes it possible to lighten the dental tissue by several tones.

What are the dangers of teeth whitening?

Despite its enormous popularity, this procedure has its contraindications. The main danger of bleaching is that under the influence of chemicals or mechanical intervention, the top layer of enamel becomes thinner. As a result, tooth sensitivity increases and the risk of developing caries increases. In the case of chemical bleaching, there is a risk of damage to the mucous membranes from chemicals.

Safe teeth whitening

Any whitening requires a preliminary dental examination of the patient’s oral cavity. It is important to note that complete safety for tooth enamel can only be guaranteed when the procedure is carried out in a dental office. Below are the most popular and safe methods whitening recommended by modern dentists.

Teeth cleaning

The essence of cleaning is to remove soft and hard deposits after smoking, drinking coffee or products with dyes. The procedure allows you to whiten your teeth by 1-2 shades, and is completely safe. Besides, regular cleaning, at least once every 2-3 months will keep your teeth healthy for life. The procedure takes place according to the following steps:

  • cleaning soft plaque using a special brush and paste;
  • removal of hard plaque;
  • removing plaque between teeth and in hard-to-reach places;
  • polishing A necessary step, as it reduces the risk of plaque accumulation in the future;
  • application of fluoridating varnish.

Professional teeth cleaning

Laser whitening

Another type of effective whitening that is performed in a dental office. In one procedure you can achieve noticeable results even with very dark enamel. Laser whitening consists of the following stages:

  • Preparation. In this case, the dentist examines the oral cavity, identifies diseased teeth and prescribes treatment. In addition, at the stage of preliminary examination and preparation, the dentist determines whether it is suitable this type bleaching for a specific patient;
  • treatment. This stage can take quite a lot of time, but without it it is impossible to resort to the bleaching process;
  • main stage. During whitening, a special solution is applied to the enamel and activated with a laser. The exposure time for each individual tooth is no more than 60 seconds. Depending on the desired result, the procedure can be carried out in several sessions.

After completing the procedure, the dentist gives necessary recommendations and the patient is sent home.


Photobleaching or “light bleaching” is sufficient new procedure. In this case, teeth whitening is carried out using a special gel, while the lamps act as a catalyst that starts the reaction. The following types of radiation may be used during the procedure:

  • ultraviolet - in this case the gel is affected by the heat generated by the lamps. This option enjoys little popularity because it cannot guarantee complete security;
  • halogen - the temperature effect on tissue is minimal;
  • LED - considered the best and safest, as it does not emit heat and allows you to activate the gel as efficiently as possible.

Photo-whitening is only possible in the dentist's office. Only in this case can a specialist guarantee the complete safety and effectiveness of the procedure.

Note: Regardless of the risks, any type of whitening should be approved in advance by your treating dentist. In addition, it is prohibited to carry out the procedure if the integrity of the tooth enamel is damaged or if the soft tissue of the mucous membrane is damaged.

The most effective teeth whitening, and how often can you use it?

In order for whitening to be as safe as possible, you must first prepare for the procedure. Even the most gentle technique can be aggressive if the teeth are damaged or there are other problems in the oral cavity. In addition, when carrying out chemical bleaching, it is important to make sure that you are not allergic to the bleaching agent used. Concerning efficiency, then you should trust only professional techniques that are performed in dentistry.

How to safely whiten teeth at home

Teeth whitening tray

Unfortunately, professional whitening is quite expensive, which is why many are trying to replace this procedure with home options. Is it possible to whiten teeth at home, and what methods are considered “safe”. So, among the most popular options are:

  • whitening toothpastes . The principle of operation of toothpastes is the effect of tiny grinding particles on tooth enamel. When used uncontrolled, abrasive particles can damage tooth enamel, increasing its sensitivity. It is not recommended to use such pastes more than one week 2-3 times a year;
  • mouth guards . You can purchase mouth guards along with a special product at any pharmacy. Currently, dentists consider this remedy to the very safe methods home whitening;
  • whitening pencil . You can also purchase the product at a pharmacy. As active substance There is a gel in the pencil that reacts when in contact with oxygen.
  • wood ash . Its action resembles the principle of operation of whitening pastes. It is not recommended to use this product more than once a week. At the same time, it is important to ensure that the ash is of high quality and does not contain foreign impurities;
  • lemon juice . A little juice is applied to a cotton pad, after which the surface of the teeth is wiped with this product and left to act for 10-15 minutes. After this, the mouth must be rinsed with warm water;
  • strawberry and strawberry puree . For the recipe, you need to mash a couple of strawberries or wild strawberries, then use a toothbrush to rub the mixture into your teeth for 2-3 minutes.

Note: difference from professional techniques, home methods cannot guarantee high results. The products listed above will help you whiten your teeth by a maximum of 1-2 shades.

The best way to whiten teeth

Each person chooses The best way teeth whitening just for yourself. Just because photobleaching suits one patient well does not mean it will suit another. In simple words, the choice of the best technique is carried out individually for each patient.

However, based on statistical data, we can conclude that the ultrasonic whitening method is the most trusted. During the procedure, the enamel surface is practically not injured. The only and most significant disadvantage of ultrasonic whitening is its price. In addition, it is worth noting that this technique only restores natural whiteness. If you want a movie star-like smile, you'll have to choose more aggressive treatments.

What are the contraindications to whitening?

Since the whitening procedure directly affects tooth enamel, increasing its sensitivity, dentists strongly recommend refraining from the procedure in the following cases:

  • increased sensitivity of teeth;
  • enlargement of the pulp chamber is an anatomical feature of the tooth, making it extremely sensitive to any influences;
  • presence of damage and chips on the enamel;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • individual intolerance to individual components of the composition used;
  • too much a large number of fillings on teeth. This increases the risk of penetration of the chemical substance under the filling into the deep layers of the tooth;
  • lack of preliminary treatment;
  • in the presence of chronic diseases such as asthma. The fact is that under the influence of chemical vapors the patient may have an attack.

Despite the fact that a snow-white smile looks expensive and aesthetically pleasing, nevertheless, in the pursuit of beauty one should not forget about reasonable safety. Before any whitening procedure, even at home, you must visit a dentist, who, after a preliminary examination, will give you individual recommendations.

From time immemorial, teeth have been used to judge a person’s success and attractiveness. A woman’s healthy teeth mean a healthy wife and healthy children. The man has strong teeth - if anything happens, he will dig up and bite a tasty root or bite a predator to death. A snow-white girlish smile means an airy creature who does not consume anything coarser than flower nectar.

However, white and healthier teeth were not always considered a sign of beauty. Vietnamese and Japanese women once painted their teeth black. The dye also smelled terribly, which gave additional flavor to the local beauties. In Pakistan, some peoples filed their front teeth and then chewed certain leaves: after this procedure, the sawed surface acquired a bright red color.

Among the exotic customs is drilling holes in fangs and inserting stones, flowers, rings and mirrors into them (this is where the legs of modern skyling “grow from!”). Saw grooves on the front teeth to make it easier to twist ropes from plant fibers, holding one end in your teeth. To sharpen teeth with a file - a hunter needs fangs like those of a predator (by the way, in Ethiopia, to prove his “professional suitability” a young man had to bite through a not too thin tree). Well, the crowning glory of dental “design” is to completely remove some of the teeth and sacrifice them to the gods.

Dentists are very skeptical about the whitening properties of toothpastes and chewing gum...

Understanding these dental transformation symbols is difficult. One thing is clear: in any culture and at any time, you can’t live without the “right” type of teeth. Take modern man: If you want to look successful today, show off 32 perfect teeth. And if nature is stingy with impeccability, then come to the dentist: bite correction, braces, prosthetics, or, according to at least, whitening.

Types of whitening

There are quite a lot of whitening technologies today. First you need to remember that technologies are divided into homemade And professional.


Method 1. The arsenal of home remedies includes chewing gum, toothpastes(their action is based on the abrasive principle, that is, stains are removed from the surface by various solid particles), rinses, gels and special systems. It must be said that dentists are very skeptical about the whitening properties of toothpastes and chewing gums: the maximum they can do is to fight the pigments of coffee, tea, red wine, etc. that have just arrived on the enamel surface.

Method 2. Act more effectively gels and special kits: they are usually used in a course of 3 days to a month. Here the principle of action is chemical, based on the ability of various compounds to react with pigments and plaque and destroy them; concentration of the active substance is 10-15%.

The drugs are applied to a standard dental impression - a mouth guard, which is worn overnight or for several hours during the day. In some dental clinics, you can order an individual mouthguard that fits perfectly to the teeth and does not allow the irritating drug to reach the gums. True, due to the low concentration of the active substance in home kits, the results are modest and not very durable.


This type of whitening is carried out in the clinic using special equipment. Moreover, when choosing specific method It’s worth consulting with several dentists so as not to get caught up in “selling” the clinic’s leading method, which may not be suitable for you.

Contraindications for teeth whitening:

  • caries;
  • periodontal disease;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • allergy to peroxide compounds;

and also (except for photobleaching):

  • root exposure;
  • enamel cracks;
  • fillings that require replacement;
  • increased sensitivity of teeth.

In addition, it is better to carry out whitening before prosthetics, so that later you can select the exact color of crowns and fillings. outside teeth.

Method 3. For those whose teeth are naturally white, it is often enough to return them to their natural color. Suitable for this purpose are based on mechanical(abrasive) bleaching principle, e.g. Air-Flow system. Using a special nozzle, the teeth are cleaned with a mixture of cleaning powder, water and compressed air supplied under pressure. Bacteria, plaque, interdental deposits, “deposits” of pigment from tea and coffee, cigarettes disappear, revealing the natural whiteness of your own teeth.

Method 4. Whitening has a gentle effect on enamel ultrasound. In addition to the disadvantages already listed, it also eliminates tartar. The final stage of this whitening is that the teeth are treated with polishing pastes, which will “repel” coloring pigments for a long time.

There is a technology that combines exposure to water and ultrasound: ultrasonic scaler. Thanks to its double action, it can cope with even the most dense and long-term deposits on teeth.

Method 5. The most common and familiar professional method of teeth whitening is chemical bleaching. Active ingredients the same ones used for home whitening (carbamide peroxide, urea peroxide, hydrogen peroxide, chlorides), but their concentration is higher, which means the result will appear faster - in 1-2 half-hour sessions. The chemical method allows you to whiten your teeth quite deeply and strongly. There are options for its use, in which the impact on the teeth is limited to the dental office; sometimes wearing the already familiar mouthguard is supposed to be worn at home.

The effect of chemical whitening lasts from 2 to 5 years, then the procedure can be repeated.

An important condition for chemical teeth whitening is the absence of fillings, composite materials, veneers, dentures, pins, etc. on visible surfaces. Foreign materials react with active chemical elements in a completely different way than natural tissue, and uniform whitening will be difficult to achieve. Laser whitening technology was invented especially for such cases.

Method 6. Laser whitening- a less gentle, but more effective method that allows you to act, firstly, more deeply on the tooth tissue, and secondly, in a targeted manner. That is, the doctor literally works like an artist, adjusting the degree of impact on each area of ​​the tooth.

The laser activates a special chemical composition, applied to the enamel, and cleaning occurs literally at the molecular level. This is the most quick way: in an hour session you can whiten your teeth by 8-10 shades! But it is also the most expensive compared to the others, and besides, the oral cavity must be fully prepared: all fillings are in place, caries and periodontal disease have been cured, no cracks or abrasions on the gums.

Method 7. At photobleaching Halogen light acts as a catalyst for the process. A special composition is again applied to the tooth, from which, under the influence of light, oxygen is released, which deals with dark spots. The peculiarity of the method is that it is suitable for sensitive teeth, for teeth with cracks and chips, loose fillings and even exposed roots - such a “fire” method for those who put off a visit to the dentist. The downside is that whitening turns out to be too dazzling (the effect of “porcelain” teeth), and this is not for everyone. But then proper care the color can last a lifetime.

Dental clinic advertisements also contain the terms conservative and transformative bleaching. The first is the return of the teeth to their natural color, that is, simply thorough professional cleaning that does not affect the structure of the teeth. Visually, such teeth look whiter and brighter. The second type of whitening involves a more serious effect - a mild abrasive effect on the surface of the enamel or, as in the case of photo-whitening, on the entire tooth as a whole.

And a little about safety. A specific medical joke says that the patient can inflict the greatest harm on himself, and it is the doctor’s duty to help him with this. Translated into “dental”, this means: if you do not demand from the doctor to make Eddie Murphy’s smile at any cost (under the motto: “I’ll pay for everything!”), even with a violation of technology, exposure time and, regardless of caries, then all whitening technologies are absolutely harmless.

Irina Shumilina

A beautiful snow-white smile is rightfully considered a symbol of health, grooming and prosperity of its owner. After all, teeth are capital. In order for them to be strong, even and white until old age, you need to take care of your teeth in a timely manner, maintain oral hygiene, and visit the dentist on time. But it often happens that your teeth become gray or yellow, even if you regularly brush them twice a day, use toothpicks and floss. Whitening - at home or professional - will help correct the situation. In this article you will learn who can and should have whitening done and how to do it at home.

Why do teeth lose their snow-white tint?

Of course, natural and natural teeth will never be crystal white. Clean and healthy teeth have a pleasant milky tint. But often plaque appears on the teeth, which gives them a gray or yellow color. The sad thing is that this plaque cannot be cleaned with a simple brush and paste. Where do these pollutants come from? Let's look at the most common factors that cause teeth to lose their whiteness and attractiveness.

  1. Insufficient hygiene. If a person takes care of his teeth and brushes them irregularly, especially at night, a thin gray coating appears on the teeth, which is difficult to remove with simple brushing.
  2. Smoking. Very often, problems with the color of teeth occur in experienced smokers. IN tobacco smoke contains a large amount of nicotine and toxic resins, which eat into tooth enamel and form a persistent yellow plaque, which is quite difficult to get rid of.
  3. Dessert. Frequent consumption simple carbohydrates, namely sweets, leads to the development of a lot of bacteria and microorganisms in the oral cavity. If the surface of the teeth is not cleaned in time, these microorganisms eat away the tooth enamel, making it porous and almost transparent. Due to the thinning of tooth enamel, dentin, the structure of the tooth itself, which naturally has a more yellow tint, begins to “shine through.” In addition, when tooth enamel becomes thinner, dirt accumulates in it, which is much more difficult to remove. And all this happens due to excess sweets in the diet.
  4. Coffee, cocoa, chocolate, strong tea. All these drinks contain a powerful coloring pigment. If you drink them regularly, without observing basic hygiene rules, your teeth will become a couple of shades darker in just six months.
  5. Intrauterine health. Recently, children have begun to suffer from gray plaque and tooth decay. This occurs due to the intrauterine development of tooth germs. If the mother took large amounts during pregnancy medicines, if you led an unhealthy lifestyle or ate sparingly, all this leads to problems with the child’s teeth in the future.
  6. Antibiotics. Long-term use of antibacterial agents leads to the destruction of tooth enamel, especially if they are drugs of the tetracycline group. After such an effect on the body, the teeth acquire a characteristic yellow tint.

All of the above points are direct indications for teeth whitening. However, whitening cannot be done for everyone. There are also contraindications for the procedure. Such procedures are prohibited during pregnancy and lactation. You should not whiten your teeth if their surface is overly sensitive. Also, tooth enamel should not be touched in children, since it is at the stage of development and formation. If you have caries, whitening is also not recommended; the teeth must first be cured. Otherwise, exposure to aggressive components may lead to an increase in carious area. Whitening should be done with caution when there are externally filled areas of the tooth. The fact is that during the procedure only the natural part of the tooth is whitened, and the filling leaves its original color. Because of this, the shade may differ dramatically, and the sealed area will be noticeable to others.

Professional teeth whitening products

There are many products on the market that allow you to achieve perfectly white teeth at home.

  1. Whitening gels. These are quite powerful, but at the same time aggressive compounds that should not come into contact with the gum mucosa. Therefore, special trays are used to apply them. Due to them, a tight fit of the whitening gel to the tooth surface is ensured.
  2. Whitening pencil. A small bottle with a brush allows you to apply the whitening composition to your teeth. Some manufacturers recommend washing off the bleach mixture some time after application. Others insist that the mixture is absolutely safe and can be washed off with saliva without harm. This is a fairly simple whitening method that can cope with minor darkening from coffee, tea and cigarettes.
  3. Lightening strips. This is the most modern and popular way to lighten teeth at home. The strips are a small material that needs to be attached to the teeth. You need to keep the strip on your teeth for about half an hour, during which time the special composition penetrates the tooth enamel and whitens it. With daily use of the strips, the effect becomes noticeable after 2-3 weeks. The whitening results last for about three months.

You can buy all these professional whitening products at a pharmacy or specialized dental offices. Besides them there are many folk remedies, which will help you make your teeth a couple of shades lighter after the first use.

If you want to make your teeth white here and now, don’t rush to the dentist. You probably already have ingredients in your medicine cabinet and kitchen drawer that can solve your current problem.

  1. Soda. This is a fairly powerful, but at the same time aggressive component that must be used correctly. Wet the brush with water and dip it in baking soda powder. Gently brush over your teeth, being careful not to apply too much pressure. Never rub your teeth with a cotton pad containing baking soda. This can damage and scratch tooth enamel. Subsequently, microorganisms become clogged in the cracks, and the tooth surface becomes contaminated much faster. It is very useful to rinse your mouth with a soda solution - this not only safely cleans tooth enamel, but also disinfects its surface. Some people with great smiles simply add a small amount of baking soda to their toothpaste. Thus, it turns out that they gently brush their teeth with baking soda every day.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide. This is an excellent whitening composition that will help lighten your teeth a couple of shades. Soak a toothbrush in pure peroxide and gently brush over the surface of your teeth. You can use a cotton pad - soak it in peroxide and rub it over your teeth, as if you were wiping them. Try not to swallow the composition. Even more effective whitening can be obtained using a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and soda. Dilute the peroxide half and half with water, and then mix the liquid with baking soda to form a soft paste. You can brush your teeth with the prepared product only 1-2 times a month, because it is quite aggressive and frequent use may damage tooth enamel.
  3. Turmeric. Few people know, but this spice is still actively used by some Indians in the fight for clean and healthy teeth. They prepare a mixture from turmeric, which they use daily instead of toothpaste. A tablespoon of turmeric should be mixed with liquid coconut oil to form a homogeneous mixture. Add a few drops essential oil mint. The mixture hardens at 24 degrees, so the composition may be a little hard when hardening. However, the paste melts quickly in the mouth and it is very easy and pleasant to brush your teeth with it. Turmeric perfectly whitens and disinfects the surface of tooth enamel, coconut oil gives an antiseptic effect and takes care of gum health, and mint gives a pleasant smell from the mouth after brushing.
  4. Oil tea tree. Brush your teeth as usual, and then wipe them with a cotton pad soaked in tea tree oil. Leave your mouth alone for 10 minutes and then rinse your mouth with warm water. The oil may give a slight numbness, but the unpleasant sensation quickly passes.
  5. Activated carbon. If the grayness and yellowness of teeth occurs due to contamination, you can clean the surface of the tooth enamel using activated carbon. Crush it in a bowl to form a smooth powder. Beware of large pieces - they can damage and scratch tooth enamel. Dip a damp toothbrush into the black powder and gently brush your teeth.
  6. Apple vinegar. An excellent product that not only brightens teeth, but also heals wounds on the gums and oral mucosa. Prepare strips from a piece of clean bandage, comparable in size to the teeth. Soak the strips in diluted apple cider vinegar and apply to your teeth. Leave the lotion on for 15 minutes and then rinse your mouth.
  7. Strawberry. This is very delicious way treatment that you will certainly enjoy. Strawberries contain a large amount of salicylic acid, which destroys the coloring pigment and significantly brightens the teeth. Grind strawberries and apply the pulp to the surface of the tooth. To avoid the temptation to eat the delicious medicine and to prevent the strawberries from spreading, you can secure them on top with a strip of clean cloth or bandage. After the procedure, rinse the mouth thoroughly.

These simple homemade recipes will certainly find use, because they are not only effective, but also very affordable. With our tips, you can clean and whiten your teeth at minimal cost.

In order not to look for ways to whiten your teeth in the future, you need to constantly look after them and take care of their condition. Be sure to brush your teeth twice a day, use toothpicks and dental floss, and visit the dentist once every six months. preventive examination. If you like to drink coffee and strong tea, try to do it through a straw - this way you will minimize the contact of the drink with the tooth surface. It is better to give up smoking altogether, and if this is not possible, it is better to smoke high-quality cigarettes, the smoke of which contains fewer toxic and coloring components. Be sure to rinse your mouth after eating, especially if you enjoyed desserts. Do these simple rules, and then your teeth will remain white and beautiful, and most importantly, healthy!

Video: top 5 methods on how to whiten teeth at home