Methods for quick treatment of ARVI. Symptoms of ARVI in adults

The article talks about how easily you can get rid of many diseases with just one baking soda.

How to drink baking soda with milk, honey, oil for colds, flu, ARVI, sore throat, laryngitis, pharyngitis?

Why is baking soda taken orally, dissolved in liquid? Human health depends on its acid and alkaline balance . You can restore or normalize it by drinking soda. Soda is sodium bicarbonate, which is also part of the natural composition of plasma.

You should drink soda correctly, otherwise you can “earn” unpleasant consequences. The main rule is Do not combine drinking soda with meals so as not to harm the digestive processes.

In particular, Do not drink solutions after meals and right before meals. This is contraindicated because during the digestion of food, the stomach secretes acid, which can enter into an oxidative process with soda.

How to rid yourself of poor health using simple methods?

IMPORTANT: Solutions for the treatment of diseases must be taken in small quantities. Starting with small portions. When taking soda, you should be sure to monitor your feelings.

Soda solution in milk - excellent medicine from colds, infections and inflammatory diseases . It can be taken by the older and younger generations, as well as pregnant women. The recipe is quite simple: just mix hot milk with soda.

Important cooking conditions:

  • Be careful, no milk do not bring to a boil. Just reheat.
  • Pour the milk into a cup or glass (approximately 250 ml).
  • Add to milk 0.5 tsp regular baking soda(or 1 coffee spoon).
  • Under no circumstances should you increase the proportions of soda, so as not to irritate the intestines and get a laxative effect.
  • Drink the solution twice a day an hour before meals or an hour after meals.

Another excellent remedy - honey with baking soda. It is very simple to prepare: mix the ingredients in proportions of 3 to 1 (3 tbsp honey and 1 tbsp soda). This remedy should be taken no more than once a day for 5-7 days and a little longer if the illness does not go away.

Homemade “secrets” for preparing medicines

How to drink milk with baking soda for coughs for children and adults: recipes

This method is capable provide medicinal property and relieve your child from coughing. This remedy not only has a softening effect, but also a strong expectorant. Baking soda itself can neutralize pathogenic bacteria.

This means - safe medicine for the treatment of a child. It can not only relieve irritation from the throat, but also contribute to the effective thinning of phlegm. Baking soda will help stimulate the cough on its own.

IMPORTANT: Be careful! Milk with soda will be effective only for dry coughs; for wet coughs, it is strictly forbidden to use this remedy. It is also not recommended to use the product if the child has a predisposition to allergies or individual intolerance specific components.

How to give the product to your child:

  • Milk cannot be boiled so that they do not “evaporate” from it useful material and vitamins.
  • Add soda in the amount of 1/3 tsp. (if the child tolerates the product normally, increase the amount of soda to 0.5 tsp per 220-250 ml of milk).
  • Divide the glass into two portions and give the product to your child several times a day.

IMPORTANT: To enhance therapeutic effect add 1 tbsp of the product to the milk. natural honey and dissolve it thoroughly, but only if the child is not allergic to honey.

How to help your child get rid of cough easily?

Honey, oil, cough soda for children, adults: recipes

A medicinal product prepared by mixing ingredients such as honey, oil and baking soda, allowed for reception adults and children. It is noteworthy that even newborn children are allowed to eat in small quantities. give this medicine in small quantities.

The proportions of honey and salt should be 3 to 1. Also, add 1 tbsp. vegetable oil (any: flaxseed, olive, sunflower or corn). Milk can be added in both minimal and large quantities (from a few tablespoons to 1 glass).

IMPORTANT: Divide the medication into several parts. Start with a few tablespoons and increase the amount of medicine gradually.

Miraculous property honey and regular soda

Treatment of sinusitis with soda: a recipe with honey, baking soda and vegetable oil

Such a complex disease as sinusitis can be try to cure with baking soda. First of all, from home remedies it is important to note sinus rinsing clean water with dissolved sea salt(only 1 tsp per full glass is useful boiled water).

Another remedy suggests cooking with special medicinal ointment based on natural honey. Mix 1 tbsp. baking soda with 3 tbsp. any honey. Mix thoroughly. The resulting mixture can be used to lubricate the sinuses. After time has passed, The sinuses are washed out of dried honey with warm water.

How to get rid of problems with a runny nose?

Treatment of colds, flu, ARVI with baking soda: recipes for inhalation and rinsing

Breathe steam– a sure remedy for getting rid of cold symptoms. It is not difficult to do, either using a special device or by inhaling steam over a cup. Dissolve 1 tsp. baking soda in boiling water and add a few drops essential oil(the best thing tea tree or peppermint). Breathe the steam for 5-7 minutes.

Gargling with baking soda, salt and iodine for sore throat, sore throat, laryngitis, pharyngitis: recipes and proportions

How to do:

  • Food grade, stone – 1 tbsp. (without slide, large)
  • droplet medical honey(1-2 drops, no more)
  • Baking soda – 1 tsp. (without slide)
  • Drinking water, purified or boiled – 1 glass (approximately 220-250 ml).

Such a remedy can do it in the morning and rinse yours with it sore throat throughout the day until the evening. Draw up the solution and make splashing movements with your cheeks for 2-3 minutes. After this, spit out all the contents. After rinsing, it is advisable not to eat or drink anything for 30-40 minutes. The more often you gargle, the better it will be.

IMPORTANT: This medicine homemade, perhaps the only one allowed for rinsing for pregnant women. It is completely harmless and safe.

Therapeutic procedures with soda

Baking soda and salt for runny nose and sinusitis for children, adults: recipe for nasal rinsing and inhalation

Soda and salt can be the main components in preparing a medicine, helping to get rid of diseases that occur in the sinuses, for example, a common runny nose or complex sinusitis.

What is the miraculous secret? this tool? The fact is that salt (preferably sea salt, not rock salt) can normalize the condition of the nasal mucosa, A baking soda gets rid of pathogenic bacteria.

Preparing a medicine for rinsing the nose is very simple: just mix in equal proportions(preferably 1 tsp) dry ingredients in warm (not hot or cold!) boiled water. After this, carefully rinse with a cuckoo (a special device for rinsing the nasal sinuses) or with a medical syringe.

Simple ways get rid of a runny nose

Turundas for a runny nose: honey and baking soda: recipe

Turunda – These are a kind of tampons that should be placed in the nasal sinuses to treat inflammatory diseases in the nose. An effective remedy is oil mixed with soda (in proportions 3 to 1).

You need to mix a few tablespoons of vegetable oil (choose any you prefer) and tsp. soda Mash the mixture thoroughly and soak the turundas in it, then send it to the nasal sinuses.

Simple do-it-yourself turundas

Inhalation with baking soda for cough: recipe

Medicines prepared from baking soda can not only be taken orally, but also ointments and rinses can be prepared from them. Inhalations based on it are very effective.

Of course, for greater results you can use a special device - nebulizer, but the old “old-fashioned” method of breathing steam over a pan or bowl can also help.

Just dissolve baking soda in boiling water. You will need it 1 tbsp. baking soda per 1 liter of water. After dissolving, take a towel and lower your face above the steam, but not too low (so as not to get burned). Cover your head with a towel so that it does not allow steam to escape.

Home remedies using baking soda

Treatment of bronchitis with baking soda

Soda solutions can also be very useful in the treatment of such a serious disease as bronchitis. For this you will need two most popular recipes:

  • First: Boil one small potato. Try to crush the unpeeled root vegetable by mixing in soda. You will need approximately 3 tsp. The resulting mass should be crushed into two cakes, wrapped in gauze and placed on the chest where the shoulder blades are located on the back. The heat that the potatoes will give off will enter the body.
  • Second: You will need approximately a glass of milk (200-250 ml). It is necessary to dissolve in hot milk not a large number of honey (no more than 1-2 tsp), add a pinch of soda. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and drink the still warm mixture quickly.

Baking soda bath for colds

Such water procedure very useful for colds. Thus, The product has a double effect:

  • Firstly, by improving blood circulation, the component improves body warming. This, in turn, cures colds and normalizes temperature.
  • Secondly, by taking a bath with soda, you get soda inhalation, which will relieve a runny nose.

IMPORTANT: For one full bath you will need exactly one pack of soda, that’s 200 g.

Therapeutic baths

How to steam your feet with baking soda for colds, flu, ARVI?

This medical procedure can be quite useful. But it is important to know that you should never do such baths if you have hypertension or fever. Warming your feet can worsen your condition or increase your temperature.

How to properly warm your feet?

How to reduce the temperature with soda: soda enema

Enema– a remedy that allows the body to rid itself of toxic waste naturally. It should be noted that an enema is not a medication, but a folk remedy.

An enema for fever can be done with baking soda, which has antimicrobial properties. You need to dissolve exactly 1 tsp in a glass of warm boiled water. soda Maintain the proportions of the enema in accordance with the age of the child.

How to use baking soda for headaches?

Practice shows that even headaches can be relieved with a soda solution. To do this, mix clean warm water (a glass of 220-250 ml) and ½ tsp. baking soda.

You should definitely drink the solution before meals, about an hour. So, absorption into the blood will occur quite quickly and restoration of the acid-base balance of the blood will help improve your well-being.

Getting rid of headaches

Contraindications to the use of soda

Having a huge amount useful properties, soda also has serious contraindications. So that the treatment does not have a detrimental effect on you and does not “give you” unpleasant consequences, you should pay attention to the warnings.

You should not drink soda if you have:

  • Increased stomach acidity
  • If you feel nauseous after drinking soda
  • If you have an allergic reaction to baking soda
  • Pregnant women should take soda with caution to avoid swelling of the lower extremities.
  • You should not take more than 15 mg at one time. Soda
  • Soda cannot be taken in dry form; liquid is required for dissolution.

Treatment of colds with baking soda – Neumyvakin: video

Professor Neumyvakin studied everything in detail positive properties baking soda on human body. He is completely confident that all health problems arise only due to an imbalance in the acid-base balance in the blood. He fully displayed his recommendations and wishes for the use of salt for health purposes in the video.

Video: “Soda and proper use of water - Neumyvakin I.P.”

In the first days of being sick with the flu, a person must follow bed rest and drink plenty of warm liquids to relieve intoxication. Otherwise (due to intoxication, which occurs due to the harmful decomposition of viral proteins), the entire body becomes weakened, all human systems function poorly. And then death can occur due to blood flow to the brain, complications in the functioning of the lungs, insufficiency of the heart and problems with blood vessels.

Among the list of fatal complications that the flu can cause are Reine's syndrome, encephalitis and meningitis (infectious diseases of the brain). Sinusitis, rhinitis, otitis media, bronchitis, bacterial infections - all this is also on the list of complications due to the flu. In addition to the fact that the organs and systems of the body are weakened, this condition is also accompanied by a bacterial infection, which can be hemophilic, pneumococcal and staphylococcal in nature.

Treatment of influenza should begin with isolation. First of all, you need to retire to a separate room away from everyone, especially children, so as not to infect them with a viral infection. Adults can protect themselves from a sick person cotton gauze bandage, which you can make yourself or buy at the pharmacy. It is imperative to change the bandage every three hours, because instead of being a means of protection, it will become a source of infection if left on longer. Harmful viruses and bacteria accumulate on the bandage and will infect the person if the bandage is worn for more than three hours.

Vitamins to support immunity

To cope with the flu faster (this is also good as a means of prevention), you need to take ascorbic acid and vitamin complex, this will enable the immune system to work more powerfully.

How to gargle correctly when you have the flu?

At severe congestion throat and dry laryngeal mucosa, you can rinse it every hour throughout the day. To do this, dilute a solution of potassium permanganate or furatsilin, or make an infusion of chamomile, or simply dilute salt or soda with water. And we gargle deeply, not swallowing, but spitting out the water. Rinse perfectly kills pathogenic bacteria and refreshes the oral cavity.

At the same time, you can drink rosehip decoction, raspberry tea (not store-bought, but with real raspberry jam, since raspberries are a natural antibiotic). Tea with honey as a bite is very good (boiling water kills the beneficial substances in honey if it is dissolved there) and tea with lemon. Such teas are especially good for a dehydrated body, if a person suffers from the flu with a high fever.

Warm ones help a lot foot baths with mustard (5 - 10 minutes), after which the feet are rubbed with some warming ointment.

Foot baths

If a person does not have a high fever, flu treatment can be combined with foot baths. You can dilute dry mustard in them - this not only helps to cope with colds, but also lowers blood pressure in hypertensive patients. When using such baths, their headache quickly goes away.

After the bath, it is good to put warm knitted socks on your feet. You can also put mustard plasters in them to warm your feet and leave them there all night. Only between the mustard plaster and the foot should there be a layer of fabric, otherwise the mustard will burn the skin. This layer can be a second sock, but not knitted, but natural, made of linen.

Flu medicines

For the flu, only a doctor should prescribe medications, because, firstly, it is important not to confuse viral infection from a bacterial one (antibiotics do not work against viruses) and secondly, it is important to use certain drugs for each disease. Usually, for the flu, medications such as Panadol, Coldrex, and paracetamol are taken to reduce fever. To make breathing easier, buy vasoconstrictors (drops or sprays).

To help clear phlegm when coughing, take mucaltin, medicines with licorice root, tinctures medicinal herbs, for example, with eucalyptus or marshmallow, purchased at the pharmacy.

Treatment of influenza should be aimed at relieving coughing, so it is necessary to take breast milk, broncholithin, pertussin, bromhexine. And to eliminate or alleviate allergic reactions to viruses and bacteria, they take antihistamines, for example, suprastin or tavegil.

All these drugs work better when taking interferon or aflubin, which support the immune system well. A person recovers faster – according to reviews, much faster.

Treating the flu is not a difficult task, but it requires time, effort and certain skills. Therefore, if you have questions about how and what to treat for the flu, it is better to consult your doctor than to make decisions yourself.

ARVIs are diseases of viral origin that affect the upper respiratory tract and have an intoxicating effect on the patient’s body. The causative agents of ARVI include five groups of different viruses, which in total have about 300 subtypes. Viral infection transmitted by airborne droplets, alternative method transmission of infection is through household routes.

Penetrating into the human body, viruses provoke inflammation of the tissues and organs of the upper respiratory tract

The incubation period of the disease can last from several hours to several days, and sometimes up to a week. Usually the course of the disease is not severe; as a rule, acute respiratory viral infections occur in mild form and are short-lived illnesses. However, this group of diseases is dangerous due to its complications. Also, with ARVI, both general and local immunity and chronic diseases worsen. Often, if the disease is not treated, it develops into acute or chronic form bronchitis and sometimes pneumonia.

For the purpose of prevention, mainly after contact with a sick person, it is recommended to take drugs that have an immunomodulatory effect. These drugs should be combined with antiviral agents.

Symptoms of ARVI are common to this group of diseases and manifest themselves in the form of weakness, headache, fever, rhinitis, cough and sore throat

When the first symptoms of ARVI are detected, which include symptoms of general intoxication of the body, such as:

  • increased body temperature;
  • weakness;
  • chills;
  • muscle pain and headaches;
  • enlargement of regional lymph nodes and others.

Treatment should be started immediately. If you start treatment respiratory infections after the appearance of symptoms such as cough, runny nose, sore throat, lacrimation, then therapy will be longer.

A runny nose in acute respiratory viral diseases can be either purulent or watery; as for its consistency, the mucus can either flow down the back wall pharynx, or easily separates from the nasal mucosa. A cough with ARVI can be either dry or wet. If the cough is wet, the sputum is easily separated or its separation may be difficult. Based on these symptoms, the attending physician can determine the causative agent of a cold infectious disease and prescribe completely adequate treatment. The first sign of decreased immunity in a patient with ARVI is a cold on the lips, which is treated with local funds. It should be remembered that a patient with ARVI has a weakened immune system, so in addition to antiviral medications, he needs to take drugs that stimulate the production of interferon.

Treatment of ARVI

Treatment of ARVI should be comprehensive and, in addition to antiviral drugs, include medicines, the action of which is aimed at suppressing the symptoms of a viral infection

Not every person with a viral infection seeks medical attention when the first symptoms of the disease appear. medical assistance. Many decide to treat the disease themselves by taking antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs. Treating a cold at home is only possible if its form is mild. At severe course illness, as well as if complications occur, you must seek medical help. Cold viral diseases that occur in severe form require treatment in a hospital.

Treatment of ARVI involves the following activities:

  • impact on the pathogen. This event has great value as it helps eliminate the cause of ARVI. For this purpose they take antiviral drugs, as well as immunomodulatory drugs that stimulate the production of interferon. When treating ARVI, it is not recommended to use drugs containing interferon, since it is poorly accepted by the body. Remantadine and Amantadine are considered effective antiviral drugs. They begin to act immediately after administration; they are recommended to be taken immediately after the first symptoms of the disease are detected (but no later than after 3 days of illness). To treat diseases in children, special antiviral drugs should be used, the method of administration and dosage of which is significantly different from antiviral drugs for adults;
  • it is necessary to competently influence the main symptoms of a cold. For this purpose, combined medications, which have vasoconstrictor, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects. It is extremely important that such complex remedies have a general strengthening effect on the body, since in acute respiratory viral infections the patient’s immunity is reduced. The most well-known combination drugs for ARVI are Fervex, Coldrex and others. When using combination drugs, it is worth remembering that the most effective are those that affect individual symptoms of the disease, for example, elevated temperature You should take antipyretic drugs, and painkillers for pain. Medicines for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in children and adults differ significantly both in composition and in doses, therefore treatment of viral infections in children must be carried out only under the supervision of a pediatrician;
  • It is extremely important to adopt a lifestyle that promotes the fastest possible recovery. Activities such as bed rest or semi-bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids, air ventilation in the room where the patient is located, easily digestible and rich in vitamins nutrition can quickly put the patient on his feet;
  • for ARVI, you need to take up to 3 liters of liquid per day, this can be either plain water or herbal teas, compotes, jelly and milk. It is not recommended to drink coffee and strong black tea, as well as carbonated mineral water.

During pregnancy and lactation, you should not self-medicate, since many antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs can harm the unborn fetus or infant.

Treatment of acute respiratory viral infections using traditional medicine methods

For the treatment of ARVI, you can use drugs traditional medicine, which have anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effects

For the treatment of viral infections with light form flow, you can use traditional medicine methods. The most effective are inhalations, gargling and the use of decoctions of medicinal herbs that have antimicrobial, tonic and anti-inflammatory effects.

For ARVI, it is recommended to carry out inhalations using a decoction of medicinal herbs such as St. John's wort, chamomile, sage, linden flowers and lingonberries. You can use a solution for gargling sea ​​salt, chamomile decoction, calendula tincture. These solutions help relieve inflammation from the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and also reduce sore throat. Raspberries, rose hips and cranberries are extremely rich in vitamin C, so they, along with lemon, are recommended to be used to treat acute respiratory viral infections.

To strengthen the body, as well as to increase its protective forces To speed up recovery, it is recommended to prepare the following infusion: thoroughly chop 100 g of dried rose hips and brew in 1 liter of hot, but not boiling water, pour the resulting mixture into a thermos and leave for 7-8 hours. The resulting infusion is an excellent vitamin drink, which should be taken warm, ½ cup half an hour before meals.

Folk remedies for ARVI should be one of the components complex treatment, it is prohibited to use folk remedies that cause allergic reactions at the patient.

Before we talk about the reasons, causing pain in the throat, it is necessary to take a short excursion into the anatomy and physiology of the pharynx. The pharynx (pharynx) is a cavity with muscular walls, which is the crossroads of two important pathways for humans - the respiratory and digestive.

There are three sections of the pharynx: the upper one is the nasopharynx, the middle one is the oropharynx and the lower one is the laryngopharynx. In all departments there is lymphadenoid tissue, presented either in the form of separate clusters on the back and side walls of the pharynx, or in the form of large formations - tonsils (tonsilla), which together form a single lymphadenoid ring, which is part of the body's immune system.

The main working unit of the lymphadenoid ring is the palatine tonsils, located on the lateral walls of the oropharynx. On the front and back surfaces they are covered with folds of the mucous membrane - the palatine arches, and the lateral surfaces of the palatine tonsils, facing the oral cavity, remain free and have about 20 depressions - lacunae, which extend in the form of deep corridors into the tonsils. Through the lacunae, the tonsils are cleansed from the inside. They should be free, not contain purulent plugs, otherwise an inflammatory reaction occurs in them.

The function of the tonsils is to actively participate in the formation of human immunity: foreign substances - antigens - coming in with air and food come into contact with the surface of the tonsils, causing them to produce biologically active protective substances and cells, which are then distributed throughout the body and prevent the development of the disease. The mucous membrane of the pharynx has a large amount nerve endings, which is why a sore throat is accompanied by numerous manifestations: a feeling of dryness, a foreign body, discomfort, soreness. The presence of multiple neuro-reflex connections with other organs (heart, lungs, kidneys) explains the possibility of disruption of their functions in diseases of the tonsils.

Causes of diseases

Among the causes of the development of the most common acute and chronic diseases of the pharyngeal tonsils and pharyngeal mucosa, there are two main ones:

  1. pathogens(bacteria, viruses), which can cause not only damage to the pharynx, but also changes in other organs (heart, kidneys, joints);
  2. exposure to irritants external environment : pollution environment, smoking, thermal effects from eating too hot or chilled food, microtrauma.

Acute pharyngitis

This is an inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa. Occurs more often when viral infection upper respiratory tract. Manifests painful sensations in the throat and, as a rule, minor discomfort and low-grade fever body (37.2-37.5 degrees C). Sore throat is usually moderate, tingling and soreness appear, especially during a dry swallow (swallowing saliva). While eating, these symptoms may weaken, and even temporarily disappear when taking warm food and liquid. Sometimes you may feel an excess amount running down the back of your throat. clear mucus which provokes a cough. Upon joining bacterial infection coughed up mucus becomes greenish-yellow in color and contains streaks of mucus. On examination, the mucous membrane of the pharynx is red.


If a sore throat occurs, it is necessary to maintain a limited vocal mode, i.e. It is not recommended to even talk in a whisper; it is better to remain silent. Food should be at room temperature, sour, salty, smoked, etc. are excluded from the diet. In order to prevent the spread of infection, it is recommended to reduce contact with others, especially small children, and be sure to use a protective mask while breastfeeding.

Main pharmacological agents in treatment acute pharyngitis are antiseptic (disinfecting) preparations used as rinses, irrigation (spraying) or in the form of oral tablets and lozenges. These drugs are natural, i.e. have vegetable origin(ROMAZULAN, decoctions and tinctures of calendula, sage, oak bark, etc.), synthetic (FURACILIN, DIOXIDINE, MIRAMISTIN, CHLORHEXIDINE), as well as combined, i.e. contain plant and synthetic components, such as STREPSILS. The frequency of use of these drugs can vary from 4 to 8-10 times during the day - it all depends on the severity of the sore throat.

At home you can perform inhalations with aromatic oil(eucalyptus, cedar, lavender, grapefruit, tea tree oil) or with complex preparations containing several oils, for example CARMOLIS. For severe sore throat, it is advisable to use products that combine not only antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, but also anesthetic (painkiller) components (for example, TANTUM VERDE, STREPFEN). If a bacterial infection occurs, then pharyngeal irrigation is used. antibacterial drugs BIOPAROX, FRAMICETIN. The advantage of all the above drugs is their “local” nature of action, i.e. they actually do not penetrate into the general bloodstream and can be used by pregnant and nursing mothers without fear of harming the health of the child.

The traditional idea that gargling with various solutions contributes to the mechanical washing out of mucus from the palatine tonsils, and with it pathogenic microbes, is not correct, since the palatine tonsils are located behind the anterior palatine arches and everything that gets behind them (liquid, food) is a reflex swallowed. Thus, when rinsing, the solution does not reach the tonsils directly. However, it cannot be ruled out positive action this procedure, because individual droplets medicinal substance fall on the tonsils, and it is also absorbed into the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and enters the tonsils with the blood stream. Therefore, after rinsing, the patient feels subjectively better, the feeling of rawness and sore throat decreases.

If there are signs of intoxication (fever, headache, general weakness, pain in eyeballs), then to alleviate the condition, you can use complex drugs, such as COLDREX and MAXGRIPP. They contain paracetamol (an antipyretic and analgesic substance), phenylephrine (a substance that reduces swelling of the mucous membranes of the sinuses, resulting in relief nasal breathing) And ascorbic acid or vitamin C (increases the body's resistance to infection). As a result, the duration of the disease is reduced, and in an uncomplicated course it is no more than 3-5 days. The drugs differ from each other only different dosages the specified substances.


Sore throat (lat. ango to squeeze, strangle; syn. acute tonsillitis) - acute infection, caused by bacteria: streptococci or staphylococci, less often by other microorganisms. It is characterized by inflammatory changes in the tonsils and signs of severe intoxication. The disease begins with an increase in body temperature to 38.0 degrees C and above, weakness, weakness. Pain in the lower back and joints, headaches appear. At the same time, a feeling of dryness, rawness and strong pain in the throat, which can spread to the ear and neck. Often increase The lymph nodes in the submandibular region.

If, upon examination of the oral cavity, the palatine arches and tonsils are swollen, red, their surface is covered with mucus, then these are signs of the so-called catarrhal tonsillitis (from the Greek katarrhos, drainage, discharge).

If round whitish-yellow dots are visible on the reddened tonsils, which indicates suppuration of the follicles - clusters lymphoid tissue located under the mucous membrane, then this is follicular tonsillitis.

If filmy yellowish deposits are found on the tonsils, located in patches or covering their entire surface and emanating from the lacunae, then this is lacunar tonsillitis. Plaques in lacunar tonsillitis do not extend beyond the palatine tonsils and are easily removed with a cotton swab or spatula. After removing the plaque, the surface of the tonsil remains smooth, smooth, without bleeding, which distinguishes lacunar sore throat from sore throat with diphtheria.

Sore throat or ARVI?

The question may arise, how to distinguish a sore throat from a lesion of the pharynx due to ARVI? These diseases are caused by different microorganisms: in the first case, bacteria, in the second, viruses, which means the course of the disease is different. If plaque appears on the tonsils, this most likely indicates a bacterial infection, i.e. sore throat. Of course, a situation is possible when plaques on the tonsils are always present (with chronic tonsillitis, see below), while their owner may also get sick with ARVI, but she knows that the plaques did not appear yesterday, but a sore throat, fever and other - recently.

With a viral infection of the pharynx, the peak of the disease occurs on average on the third day, after which the sore throat and swelling of the tonsils gradually subside, the fever decreases, and health improves.

For sore throat, especially in the absence proper treatment, on the third or fourth day of illness, plaque may increase, the state of health does not improve and the fever remains.

Sometimes, even a specialist finds it difficult only in the aggregate external manifestations disease to clearly say what kind of disease it is. For example, with catarrhal tonsillitis and ARVI appearance tonsils are similar, they are red, edematous, swollen, there are no plaques.

A significant assistance in establishing a diagnosis is provided by detailed collection of information from the patient about how the disease developed, about diseases suffered in the past, etc. If, when you first contact a doctor, he finds it difficult to make a definitive diagnosis, then, having prescribed symptomatic treatment(treatment of specific manifestations of the disease, for example, antipyretics are prescribed at elevated temperatures), you will probably be told to come back for a follow-up appointment in two to three days. At viral disease By this time, signs of improvement appear; with a bacterial infection, the manifestations of the disease may intensify, which will require the prescription of antibiotics.

Let us remind you that if your health worsens during these two or three days, immediately seek help. medical care. Helps out in difficult situations additional methods research - taking smears from the surface of the tonsils (to identify the pathogen, which is always done if diphtheria is suspected), general analysis blood (with ARVI, there is a decrease in leukocytes in the blood - one of the elements of blood; with a bacterial infection - leukocytes are increased), etc. Therefore, if you have heat, you feel unwell, have a sore throat, and some plaque has appeared on your tonsils, then it would be right to immediately seek help from a specialist (ENT doctor or therapist).


The main treatment for sore throats caused by bacteria is the use of antibiotics in tablets, or, in severe cases, in the form of injections. While taking antibiotics, breastfeeding must be suspended, since the drug penetrates into breast milk and can negatively affect the baby's health. To increase the body's ability to resist infection, prescribe plenty of fortified drinks (warm, but not hot herbal teas, fruit drinks, not sour juices).

As local treatment tonsils, it is recommended to use the same antiseptic drugs as for pharyngitis (see above). Bed rest is necessary, talk less and eat food that does not irritate the mucous membrane of the pharynx (as with pharyngitis).

Sore throat is a very insidious disease that can lead to the development of complications. A peritonsillar abscess may occur - inflammation of the soft tissues surrounding the tonsil. In this case, there is severe pain in the throat, but only on the affected side, high fever, increased salivation, as well as the appearance of trismus - difficulty opening the mouth, which makes it difficult to eat, and the voice takes on a nasal tone. Upon examination oral cavity swelling of the palatine arch on the affected side, redness is detected soft palate, displacement of the affected tonsil to the center.

Peritonsillar abscess requires immediate attention surgical intervention- opening the tonsil to drain pus, and sometimes removing it completely. In addition, sore throat can cause severe lesions heart, joints, kidneys. Sore throat is characteristic not only of bacterial infection of the pharynx. Other diseases of the tonsils caused by viruses and yeast-like fungi may also exhibit signs similar to bacterial tonsillitis. A little about them.

Monocytic tonsillitis- an infectious disease caused by viruses, which, in addition to a sore throat, is characterized by an enlargement of the liver, spleen, all groups of lymph nodes and specific changes in blood tests.

Fungal tonsillitis- a disease caused by fungi that live in the human body and are capable of long-term use antibiotics for people with weakened immune systems) provoke the formation of white cheesy deposits on the mucous membranes of the pharynx. When treating fungal tonsillitis, drugs are prescribed that improve the condition of the intestinal microflora and antifungal agents.

Herpangina manifested by the formation of small bubbles with clear liquid. Specific antiviral drugs are used in treatment. If the sore throat is constant or disappears and then appears again, we may be talking about chronic diseases throats.

Chronic pharyngitis

This is a slow-acting inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, which occurs during prolonged local irritation. Often the causes are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, thyroid gland. There are several forms chronic pharyngitis: catarrhal form manifested by redness of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and the accumulation of thick mucus on it. Antiseptic drugs are most often used in treatment; hypertrophic form, in which there is an increase in lymphatic formations of the posterior and lateral surfaces of the pharynx.

Treatment uses astringents and enveloping drugs(COLLARGOL, PROTARGOL), and special procedures are also carried out to reduce the size of these formations by cauterization with chemical reagents or a surgical laser; atrophic form associated with thinning of the mucous membrane, which becomes dry, smoothed, and in some places becomes viscous thick mucus. Treatment of this form of pharyngitis is aimed at moisturizing and softening the mucous membrane, for which irrigation is used. mineral water, soda solutions, sea salt, as well as vitamins ( oil solutions vitamins A and E) and biostimulating preparations (aloe).

Chronic tonsillitis

This is the most common disease of the pharynx. Chronic tonsillitis (syn. chronic tonsillitis) is a slow-onset inflammation of the palatine tonsils, prone to exacerbations. There are three forms chronic tonsillitis: simple form or the initial stage is characterized not so much by sore throats in the past, but by changes in the tonsils. Patients are bothered by a sore throat; whitish deposits, so-called plugs, form in the tonsils, it is noted bad smell from the mouth, the lymph nodes are constantly enlarged; toxic-allergic form I (TAF-I) has all of the above symptoms in combination with general manifestations: long-term (up to several weeks) low-grade fever (37.2-37.5 degrees C), fatigue, periodic pain in the joints and heart; toxic-allergic form II (TAF-II), in which severe changes in the heart, joints, and kidneys can develop, seriously impairing their function. Treatment of chronic tonsillitis should be in accordance with the severity of the disease. For the simple form and TAF-I, treatment is carried out in courses and includes:

  1. washing the lacunae of the tonsils with antiseptic solutions using special medical instruments;
  2. physiotherapy for the tonsil area;
  3. the use of drugs that have an immunomodulatory effect (IMUDON, POLYOXIDONIUM), since they not only reduce the manifestations of the disease, but also actively influence the mechanisms of disease development, and can increase the intensity and duration of the body’s protective reactions to possible subsequent infections.

In addition, to maintain the condition of the tonsils, the therapeutic and prophylactic drug TONSILGON can be recommended. It contains medicinal plants such as marshmallow, chamomile, horsetail, which have an anti-inflammatory effect. The course of treatment is 4-6 weeks. In case of TAF II, as well as in case of ineffectiveness of the above mentioned treatment, it is indicated surgical removal tonsils - tonsillectomy. Thus, such a common complaint as a sore throat can hide a variety of, sometimes extremely insidious diseases, which only a doctor can accurately diagnose. Self-treatment permissible only in the form of local application antiseptic drugs and no more than 3-4 days. If during this time the pain does not decrease or other signs of illness appear, do not put your health and the health of others in danger; consult a doctor to prescribe the correct treatment.

If you have a sore throat, it poses a certain danger to others, especially children, so you need to limit contact with them as much as possible, wear a protective mask and try to stay in a separate room as much as possible.

What can you gargle with?

  1. One of the common recipes: mix salt and soda in equal proportions (for example, half a teaspoon each), add 4-5 drops of iodine and pour 100 ml warm water. Gargle with a warm solution 5-6 times a day.
  2. Dilute 1 tablet of furatsilin in 100 ml of warm water and gargle with this solution 5-6 times a day.

Folk remedies for gargling

  1. Gargling with garlic infusion. Take 100 g of peeled and chopped garlic, pour 100 ml of boiled water at room temperature, close the vessel tightly and leave for 5-6 hours, then strain. Gargle with a warm solution 5-6 times a day.
  2. Rinse with plantain decoction. 1--2 tbsp. l. crushed dry plantain leaves, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for half an hour in a water bath, strain. Gargle with warm solution every hour.
  3. Gargling with infusion of medicinal sage. Pour 4 teaspoons of crushed leaves into 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes in a water bath, strain. Gargle with warm solution every hour.
  4. Gargling with infusion of calendula inflorescences, plantain leaves and wormwood. Mix everything in equal proportions. One tbsp. Pour 100 ml of boiling water over a spoonful of the mixture, leave in a water bath for 10-15 minutes, strain. Gargle with warm solution every 2 hours.
  5. Gargling with infusion of chamomile inflorescences, sage leaves, eucalyptus and mint. Mix 2 parts chamomile inflorescences, 4 parts sage leaves, 3 parts eucalyptus leaves, 2 parts mint. Three tbsp. spoons of the mixture, pour 500 ml of boiling water, leave in a water bath for 3-4 minutes, strain. Gargle with warm solution 5-6. This composition can also be used for inhalation.

A sore throat usually indicates inflammatory process. Find out how to quickly and effectively deal with this problem.

Say a word about a sore throat

This trouble usually begins with a slight soreness. At first, we pay little attention to this, in the hope that a cup of hot tea will noticeably improve the situation and relieve the discomfort in the throat. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we naturally have no time to go to the pharmacy for “trifles,” not to mention a visit to the doctor. And that’s all the microbes need: a disdainful attitude from the patient and a little time to get comfortable in the new territory.

During a viral infection, one of the first destinations for pathogenic microorganisms is the throat. If local the immune system did not respond properly to the invasion of microbes, the latter begin to multiply vigorously, causing an inflammatory process. It is very important to catch it in time and destroy the infection at initial stage, otherwise the microscopic conquerors will not stop at the throat, but will move on, conquering ever new horizons.

Viruses or bacteria?

Knowing the enemy by sight is very important when choosing tactics. In the vast majority of cases, the cause of sore throat is viral or bacterial infections. Note that with a viral infection, the patient, in addition to a sore throat, has everything typical symptoms colds: inflammation of the tonsils, cough, headache, sometimes high fever, etc. When infected with viruses, the pain usually increases gradually, starting with a slight soreness and ending intense pain. In contrast, with a bacterial throat infection, the pain often comes on suddenly. In this case, the patient’s well-being sharply deteriorates, and purulent plaque appears on the tonsils.

Rinse and rinse again!

The first thing you can do to help a sore throat is gargle. This procedure is recommended to be performed as often as the patient has enough patience. For rinsing, a simple solution of table or sea salt is suitable at the rate of 1 teaspoon of salt per 1 glass of warm water. Rinsing will help cope with plaque and swelling of the mucous membrane and discomfort only in the oral cavity and on the back wall of the pharynx.

Breathe steam

Boil a small amount (2-3 glasses) of water, then let it cool for 5-7 minutes. Before performing such inhalation, check the steam with your hand to see if it is too hot. Pour water into a small basin or bowl, cover with a terry towel and begin to breathe in the steam, tilting your head over the bowl. It is recommended to carry out such inhalation for 5-10 minutes. You need to inhale the steam through your nose and mouth. At the same time, make sure that the steam is not too hot, as this can burn the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

Inhalation can also be carried out with decoctions medicinal plants, for example, chamomile or ginger.

Several folk recipes

One of the most popular remedies for sore throats is apple cider vinegar. For rinsing, take 1 teaspoon salt, 1/3 cup apple cider vinegar and 1 glass of warm water. Mix everything and gargle with the resulting solution every 30 minutes.

Mix 1 tablespoon of honey with the juice of half a lemon and 1 glass of warm water. You can drink this drink several times a day.

Fighting infection and relieving pain

Unfortunately, just rinsing and folk remedies for a sore throat it is not enough. Especially if we are talking about a serious viral or bacterial infection. IN in this case, if decisive measures are not taken, the disease will only progress, and the patient’s well-being will worsen.

For effective solution Given the current problem, it is necessary, on the one hand, to eliminate the bacterial or viral infection, and on the other hand, to relieve the pain syndrome. For this there are special drugs: some help fight viruses, others help fight bacteria, and others are painkillers. However, there are also universal means, which combine all these properties (i.e. fight infection and sore throat). Such a drug is - combination drug, which contains three active components: antiseptic chlorhexidine, local antibiotic tyrothricin and the anesthetic lidocaine.

Chlorhexidine is the most commonly used antiseptic that has wide range actions against bacteria and fungi. Tyrothricin- a topical antibiotic that acts only locally, without being absorbed into the general bloodstream. The anesthetic lidocaine acts locally and helps quickly relieve pain.

For effective action pills Trachisan it is necessary to dissolve (do not chew or swallow!). In order not to wash off the active components of the drug from the oral cavity, after resorption, you should refrain from eating and drinking for 30 minutes.

The drug has a pleasant mint taste, does not contain sugar and can be used by adults and children from 4 years of age.