Timing of teething and growth of teeth in a child. When baby teeth fall out and permanent teeth begin to grow

Young moms and dads, I greet you with joy! Baby teeth begin to grow in children from 6 months of age. By the age of 3, their number in the mouth reaches 20 pieces (almost a complete set). At the same time, parents think that they can relax, since the worst is already behind them, namely sleepless nights, hysterics because of that and stuff like that. But is it? Not really, since baby teeth will soon begin to be replaced by permanent ones. After reading the article, you will learn when baby teeth fall out and how this process should occur so that the child has a beautiful smile in the future.

To the question: at what age do teeth begin to change, dentists answer this way: starting from 6-7 years of age. The process of changing teeth begins inside the jaw, so you should not count its duration from the moment the child lost his first baby tooth.

First (at about 4-5 years), his first permanent teeth will form, after which the roots of the baby teeth will begin to slowly dissolve. Then the roots will no longer hold the baby tooth, which is why it will certainly fall out. This process lasts about 2 years .

When baby teeth fall out in children: diagram

Below you can see the order and timing of baby teeth falling out:

  1. In the front lower and upper incisors, the roots begin to dissolve at 4-5 years, and complete loss occurs at 6–7 years;
  2. In the lateral incisors (upper and lower), the roots weaken from the age of 6, and complete loss occurs at 7-8 years;
  3. The upper and lower small molars begin to loosen from the age of 7 and completely fall out at 8-10 years (the process can last up to 3 years);
  4. The upper and lower canines weaken from the age of 8 and fall out at 9-11 years;
  5. The upper and lower large molars begin to lose their roots at 7 years of age and fall out at 10-13 years of age.

Why are the timing of the loss of baby teeth different in this scheme? The fact is that children's teeth grow differently, so fall out in at different ages . For example, my friend’s daughter lost her first tooth at the age of 7, and I lost it at almost 8. There is nothing wrong with this if the permanent teeth develop normally and the baby teeth fall out without problems.

What affects the change of teeth?

Factors that determine when baby teeth fall out:

  • Diet ( proper nutrition significantly improves metabolism and accelerates the growth process of the body);
  • Genetics (predisposition to early change of teeth is transmitted genetically);
  • Quality drinking water(the composition of water affects the enamel and the rate of wear of baby teeth);
  • Chronic diseases(not only the character is important, but also the frequency).

What to do when a child's first tooth falls out?

Imagine the situation: your frightened child comes running with a tooth in his hand. What to do in such a situation? First of all, stop panicking yourself! He has a wound in his mouth that needs to be properly treated and protected from infections.

The wound may bleed a little . To stop bleeding, take a sterile bandage, fold it several times and let your child bite. In 5-10 minutes the blood will stop.

After a baby tooth falls out naturally, do not let your child eat for 2 hours. Why? The mucous membranes in the mouth are restored very quickly. This time will be quite enough to heal the wound.

But if you eat immediately after a tooth falls out, then food particles can get into the wound, which, when decomposed, bacteria will begin to appear , which will cause the wound to become infected. By the way, the usual boiled water you can give.

The first day after losing a tooth in children may be elevated temperature bodies. This is the body’s standard reaction to the process of changing an important component. oral cavity. If the fever does not go away on its own within 24 hours, it is better to see a dentist. For what? Since an inflammatory process may develop in the wound, which will keep the temperature (37.5⁰) for several days.

What to do with a lost tooth? It's up to you to decide. You can show your imagination and act out a scene with the tooth fairy, who will thank you if you give her a tooth. This way you will help the child survive the stress that, believe me, he will have.

It’s good if baby teeth fall out without problems and on time. But, unfortunately, this does not always happen. If problems start, then have to see a dentist .

In what cases should a child be taken to the dentist?

Mostly, the replacement of baby teeth occurs without any problems. But sometimes consultation with a specialist is necessary.

A visit to the dentist is a must, If:

  • The child complains about severe pain after the loss of a baby tooth;
  • Changing teeth is accompanied by severe swelling of the gums;
  • The wound bleeds for more than a day;
  • Baby teeth interfere with the growth of permanent teeth (this often happens at the age of 7-9 years);
  • An inflammatory process develops in the gum under a loose tooth.

What will the dentist do?

First of all, the doctor will carefully examine the little patient and ask at what age the baby teeth began to fall out. In some cases loose incisors have to be removed . Sometimes treatment of the inflammatory process is prescribed, and only then removal is performed.

Don't be afraid of the dentist! You (parents) must understand that the doctor always acts thoughtfully and tries to preserve healthy teeth. No one just deletes anything.

Teeth fall out prematurely: why?

Sometimes it happens that baby tooth fell out, but the root one does not grow. Is this normal? Of course, you shouldn’t think that the root one will pop up immediately after the milk one. This will take time (from 2 to 6 months or more). But if the molars do not grow at all, then you need to sound the alarm, as this is not normal.

Each baby tooth stores a place in the oral cavity for the molar tooth. In pediatric dentistry this process called "spatial balance". If the milk one falls out and the root one does not grow in time, then the empty space will begin to be occupied by neighboring teeth .

Why then can baby teeth fall out prematurely?? There are reasons for this:

  • The child received an injury in the mouth area (for example, he was playing with a ball with friends, and it flew into his face);
  • The child has an abnormal bite (this may be a congenital hereditary deviation);
  • Adjacent molars grow too quickly.

What to do with such a problem? Dont be upset! Special “holders” will help to save space for the molar tooth, which will not allow adjacent teeth shift. The “holder” is a plate that is fixed in place of the fallen milk tooth and can remain there until the molar appears.

Consider the opposite situation: molars grow too quickly

What to do if the baby tooth has not yet fallen out, but the molar is already growing? Delayed hair loss can be caused by the following factors:

  • The child suffered a severe infectious disease;
  • The child has rickets;
  • Heredity (parents had a similar problem in childhood).

If your child does not have the above factors, then just wait. When baby teeth do fall out, the indigenous ones will fall into placeO . Are you afraid that your teeth will be crooked? Then visit an orthodontist who will correct the problem, if any.

How should parents behave in the process of baby teeth falling out?

Surely you will want to make it easier for your child to lose baby teeth and will do everything to ensure that the new teeth are beautiful. What should I do for this? Follow these recommendations:

  • Monitor your child’s nutrition: it must be complete and must also contain vitamins and minerals in sufficient quantities;
  • Visit a pediatric dentist at least once every six months - a specialist will ensure that teeth develop normally;
  • Do not allow your child to touch loose baby teeth with his hands - this will cause an infection;
  • Do not pull out baby teeth yourself, especially using primitive means such as a string and a door;
  • Treat chronic diseases in a timely manner.

Now you know which baby teeth fall out first and at what age. Share the information you read with your friends, and also subscribe to the blog. All the best to you and your children!

For many parents, a child becomes “ bad dream", but sometimes not less problems causes them to fall out when they appear permanent teeth. How does the process proceed normally, and what violations may accompany it?

Milk teeth are extremely important for the proper development of the baby’s body, since the formation largely depends on them maxillofacial apparatus and proper bite.

Therefore, it is important to know exactly how baby teeth are replaced, and what points you should pay special attention to.

Causes and signs of loss of baby teeth

The loss of baby teeth is caused by the need to replace them with larger permanent teeth as the jaw grows. It is possible to determine that this process will soon begin in a child by two characteristic signs.

Expansion of interdental spaces

It is observed around the age of five. If there is not enough space between the baby teeth, the growth of permanent teeth may be disrupted, so the close fit of the baby teeth to each other should not be ignored.

Resorption of tooth roots

The process begins well before the change of teeth (a year or two before the first tooth falls out). Root resorption leads to gradual loosening of the tooth and its subsequent natural loss. In the photo on the left is a lost baby tooth without a root.

When will the teeth start falling?

As a rule, children's baby teeth fall out in the same order in which they appear. The process begins with the incisors located in the center of the lower jaw, after which the central and lateral incisors of the upper jaw, small and large molars fall out.

At what age do children lose their baby teeth?

Pattern of baby teeth loss by age

You will find the answer in the diagram on the left. In general, for complete replacement It takes about 5-8 years for baby teeth to become permanent ones, but these limits can shift depending on nutritional characteristics and drinking regime(has the meaning chemical composition drinking water), heredity.

By approximately 13-14 years of age, the child does not have a single baby tooth left. At the same time, girls' teeth change earlier than boys' teeth.

All baby teeth fall out and permanent teeth grow in to replace them.

During the process of baby teeth falling out, dentists strongly recommend not to forget about spatial balance. It's about about performed by baby teeth important function- preserving space for future molars. Therefore, it is important to preserve the first teeth for as long as possible so that the spatial arrangement of permanent teeth remains unchanged.

When do permanent teeth emerge?

Most children permanent teeth appear in the following order:

Parents' actions

Usually, changing teeth does not cause discomfort in children, but it is still worth paying more attention to the child, paying attention to the following nuances:

A visit to the dentist is also indicated when permanent teeth are erupting without baby teeth falling out (it may be necessary to remove interfering baby teeth).

What not to do

So that the process of tooth loss occurs naturally and without negative consequences, should be excluded:

  • deliberate loosening of baby teeth;
  • eating too hard foods in the form of caramels, crackers, nuts;
  • cauterization of open sockets antiseptics in the form of hydrogen peroxide, alcohol tinctures and solutions.

In addition, to assess the condition of the teeth, you need to take your child to the dentist twice a year.

Causes of untimely tooth loss

At what age do baby teeth begin to change to permanent ones? Approximately, the change of baby teeth begins at 6 years of age. But due to the development and growth characteristics of modern children, the timing of loss may shift.

The likelihood of an untimely start to the process increases in the presence of factors such as severe toxicosis in the mother during pregnancy, short or too long breast-feeding, past infectious diseases.

If the first tooth falls out ahead of schedule(up to 5 years), this may be due to:

Loss too late contribute to:

According to dentists, later loss of baby teeth is much better early version. The cut-off date is 8 years of age.

A pediatric dentist or orthodontist will tell you about the replacement of baby teeth with permanent ones:

Possible problems and methods for eliminating them

Some situations that arise when baby teeth fall out and permanent teeth erupt require special attention. These include so-called “shark” teeth, delayed appearance of permanent teeth and inflammation of the gums:

Absence of a permanent tooth in place of a lost one

Permanent teeth may be missing for several reasons:

When found warning sign You should immediately contact an orthodontist to choose the next tactic (dentition correction using plates or braces, or prosthetics).

Losing baby teeth is inevitable physiological process which every child has to go through. The change of teeth in children usually begins at 5 - 6 years. At this age, the baby should have 20 of them.

When incisors, molars and canines fall out, new, permanent teeth appear in their place. Sometimes the age at which teeth change may differ slightly from the usual indicators - it may occur earlier or, conversely, be delayed.

Deviation from the timing of loss should not always be considered a pathology. It all depends on physiological characteristics and the health of the child in general.

At a certain moment it begins active growth permanent dental roots, which provokes resorption - dissolution of temporary roots. The first incisors begin to loosen and fall out after a while.

At the site of loss there is a small wound, sometimes with slight traces of blood. In such cases, do not worry; very soon a new strong incisor or fang will appear there.

The replacement process occurs gradually and lasts until adolescence. At the same time, permanent molars (figure eights) also grow in turn. With the appearance of new teeth, a child under 15-16 years of age develops a bite numbering 28 units.

Before this period there should be 20 temporary teeth and grow 8 new molars, with the exception of the outermost ones, which erupt in adulthood.

Age table

Name Age of onset of root resorption (years) Duration of root resorption process (years) Age at loss of primary teeth (years)
Anterior incisors from below 5 2 6 - 7
Front incisors from above 5 2 6 - 7
Lower incisors from the side 6 2 7 - 8
Upper incisors from the side 6 2 7 - 8
First molars from above 7 3 8 - 10
First molars from below 7 3 8 - 10
Fangs from above 8 3 9 - 11
Fangs from below 8 3 9 - 11
Lower large molars 7 3 11 - 13
Upper large molars 7 3 11 - 13

The sequence of loss of primary teeth follows the sequence of their initial eruption in infancy. It was also noted that the later the baby’s first tooth appears, the later the replacement will occur.

In the video, the doctor talks about the stages of changing baby teeth to permanent ones.

Reasons for deviations from standards

The individual characteristics of the child’s development and growth affect the timing of hair loss, so they may differ from the established norms. According to dentists, a late change of teeth is considered much more favorable than an early one.

The untimely start of the process may be influenced by:

  • the intrauterine period of fetal formation, when roots just begin to form in the baby’s gums;
  • eclampsia in the mother during pregnancy;
  • short or, conversely, too long breastfeeding.

Also, the reasons may lie in the child’s experiences with infancy serious illnesses.

Early loss

Loss of incisors before the age of five usually occurs due to injuries such as:

  • hitting or falling on them;
  • neglected caries with subsequent coloring;
  • deliberate loosening.

If a molar still does not appear 3 to 4 months after falling out, you should contact pediatric dentist to identify the cause.

X-rays and the experience of a competent specialist will help determine correct diagnosis and start treatment in a timely manner.

Sometimes it happens that there is no root germ in the gum or it is damaged. In such a situation, only prosthetics are recommended.

Watch and read about pathologies corrected by modern system designs.

Click if interested detailed description carrying out the procedure of curettage of periodontal pockets using various modern methods.

Late shift

Late change has a deadline of up to 8 years, in which case it is considered as the norm. Teeth fall out in the same order as they erupted. infancy Therefore, they remain strong and healthy longer.

Loss later than expected is due to genetic predisposition, that is, heredity. Some past or existing diseases may also be the cause:

  • rickets in early age;
  • various metabolic disorders;
  • mental disorders;
  • a history of severe infections and others.

If hair loss has not begun before the age of eight, deviations from the norm should alert parents. In order to prevent complications or correct existing pathology, it is recommended that such children be seen by a dentist.

What should parents do?

If a tooth falls out naturally and the bleeding is insignificant, then essentially nothing needs to be done. At the discretion of the parents and to calm the baby (he is also worried), you can rinse the mouth with a weak solution of soda with a drop of iodine. Such preventive measures to avoid infection of the wound will be enough.

Previously, the procedure for rinsing the resulting wound was carried out with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. Modern medicine long ago disproved this theory. It turned out that the remedy is not only ineffective, but also disrupts the secretion of the mucous membrane in the mouth.

If the blood continues to ooze, it is stopped using a small sterile swab made of bandage or cotton wool. It is placed on the wound, the baby holds it in his mouth, biting lightly until the symptom goes away. This usually lasts no more than five minutes.

If the wound continues to bleed for more than 15 minutes, this may be a symptom of certain blood disorders or immune system. This phenomenon should be reported to your pediatrician. Most likely, you will have to undergo an examination and do laboratory analysis blood.

Parents should ensure that the child does not eat or drink anything after the loss. Also on this day, it is not recommended to include spicy, salty or sour foods in the baby’s diet, which will irritate the fresh wound and slow down the healing process.

Magic will help distract your baby and keep good associations from a not-so-pleasant moment. Don't forget to tell your little one amazing story about a mouse or a tooth fairy - every family has its own fantastic heroes who generously thank children for the milk teeth they have been given.

Prohibited actions

First of all, the lower incisors begin to wobble; often children themselves loosen them and pull them out. Parents need to ensure that the baby touches the gum as little as possible and loosens the tooth.

So that the change of teeth proceeds as naturally as possible and without unpleasant consequences, do not do it:

  • deliberately loosen and pull out baby teeth in advance;
  • eat solid food, such as candies, crackers, nuts;
  • cauterize open wounds in the oral cavity with agents such as peroxide, alcohol, iodine.

To regularly monitor the condition of your teeth, it is recommended to consult a dentist at least once a year.

Possible problems

With the loss of milk teeth and the eruption of molars, pathologies often occur. Various anomalies related to the shift, in dental practice Not unusual. More common diseases are shark teeth, increased pain, adentia and others.

Shark teeth

The disease is diagnosed by dentists when the permanent tooth begins to grow before the milk tooth falls out (they are located next to each other, parallel to each other). Similar violation interferes with the normal placement of teeth, and sometimes affects the further development of the jaws.

Usually, the “shark rows” self-destruct within about three months, after which the extra temporary tooth falls out on its own or has to be removed by a doctor.

The disadvantage of this deviation is crooked teeth, which should be corrected at an early age with the help of a trainer or mouthguard. Older children are fitted with braces - after prolonged wear, the defects are gradually eliminated. The sooner straightening begins, the faster the teeth will become straight.

Increased soreness

In sensitive children, a loose tooth provokes severe pain, the gums become swollen, and an increase in body temperature is observed.

Usually it does not reach 38 degrees, but due to overvoltage nervous system the child becomes irritable, sleeps poorly and gets tired quickly.

The appearance of a hematoma

The phenomenon is quite rare, usually occurs during the primary eruption of molars. A hematoma forms at the edge of the gum and looks like a dark blister with bloody fluid inside.

The formation in the mouth hurts, causes discomfort, makes it difficult to eat, the child is often capricious and sleeps poorly. The hematoma goes away after eruption; it is extremely rare to have to cut the gum surgically in order for the tooth to come out.

You can relieve the pain with a special anti-inflammatory gel for gums, Dentinox, or a drug similar in composition. If the temperature rises, you can give your child paracetamol or Nurofen.


The disease is not common and manifests itself in delayed eruption. There are two types of retention - complete and partial.

With complete retention, the tooth root appears healthy, but for unknown reasons does not emerge from the thickness of the gums. This is usually due to the early loss of a temporary tooth due to trauma, a modified or rather deeply located root.

Retention can also be partial, when only the top part incisor or canine, and further growth stops.

Treatment depends on the cause of development. IN simple cases Retention occurs due to thickening of the gums - then surgical dissection under local anesthesia is sufficient.

In other cases, the dentist prescribes complex therapy, aimed at preserving the tooth and its normal growth.


With partial edentia, an abnormal phenomenon is observed in the form of the absence of one or more teeth. In this case, the cause is the death of the root at the primordial stage during its formation. Such patients often experience displacement of the dentition, its shortening or narrowing.

Complete edentia is diagnosed when there are absolutely no germs in the gums permanent roots. The cause of complete adentia is mainly considered to be various pathologies of intrauterine development of the fetus.

There are also other factors that influence the resorption of rudiments, for example, inflammatory processes, oncology, jaw injuries and others.

To identify pathology, the dentist performs clinical examination, radiography showing the structure of the roots and nearby tissues.

Specialists determine the severity of the disease and prescribe prosthetics aimed at correct formation jaws in children.

There have been cases when, with the help of therapy, it was possible to tone up almost atrophied rudiments, then the teeth still grew, although with a significant delay.

That is why at an early age exclusively removable dentures. For partial edentia, dental implants are used.

Every parent has gone through the unpleasant stage when their children’s baby teeth begin to fall out. Everyone must have a photo of a child with a toothless smile. family album. Of course, moms and dads worry about their baby. But the kids themselves take it calmly - they rejoice at this change, show their friends in the yard what teeth they still have, and brag about the ones that have fallen out. Often, representatives of the older generation, grandparents, come up with tempting stories for their grandchildren that some magical fairy or bunny will bring them some kind of gift instead of a lost tooth.

Despite such a positive attitude of children towards tooth loss, it would be useful for their fathers and mothers to learn the nuances of an important process in a child’s life. How baby teeth appear in children, the pattern of loss, timing, photos presented on the site will help you find the necessary advice and answers to your questions.

This is all natural and laid down by Mother Nature herself. Every person goes through this in their life. Most often, this process does not cause complications or problems. However, there are some certain difficulties:

  • an inflammatory process may develop;
  • erupting teeth may become crooked;
  • pain is possible.

Therefore to this important stage parents and children must be prepared.

The main reason for loss is to free up the oral cavity for permanent dentition, which a person will have for the rest of his life.

Which baby teeth fall out first in children?

Which baby teeth fall out first in children? Why don't the permanent ones grow immediately? Why are temporary ones needed? Quite natural questions.

The answers lie in physiological and anatomical features human organisms.

At the age of 6-7 months, it is no longer enough for a tiny person to eat milk alone; the child is fed with more solid food. Teeth are cutting through, and the child’s jaw is still too small at this time. Over time, the baby grows, his jaw becomes larger, and the teeth that were there remain the same, so by the age of 6 large interdental spaces form.

By the age of 6-7 years, the time comes for the eruption of permanent teeth. At the same time, the milk roots begin to dissolve, and the dental organs themselves begin to wobble. There comes a time when the weakened milk root is no longer able to hold the tooth in the socket, and then it falls out. Thus, one after another, the milk teeth gradually make room for the permanent teeth.

During this period, it is necessary to properly organize the baby’s oral hygiene.

How teeth are formed

The formation of primary dental organs occurs very early, when future baby located in the mother's womb (around 4-6 weeks).

The formation of constants begins in the first months of life. In order for the dental organ and its enamel to develop correctly, children's body calcium is needed. Therefore in daily ration The child must receive the required amount of this mineral, especially if the baby is artificially fed.

The first teeth begin to appear in different ways for all babies, usually from six months to one year. The order in which they appear is as follows:

  1. Central incisors on the lower jaw.
  2. Central incisors on the upper jaw.
  3. Lateral upper incisors.
  4. Lateral lower incisors.
  5. Upper first molars.
  6. Lower first molars.
  7. Upper and lower canines.
  8. Lower second molars.
  9. Upper second molars.

You may have heard somewhere in dental office such dental formula– two incisors, two molars and a canine. These are the main five teeth that are found on both jaws on the right and left. If you multiply five by two (right and left-hand side), then two more (upper and mandible), then we get twenty. This is how many baby teeth a child should develop by the age of three. There are no premolars in young children.

When do children's baby teeth begin to fall out? photo of a child

If the time or order of teeth appearance is slightly disturbed, do not panic too much, each organism is purely individual.

It is important to remember that the baby’s first teeth should appear before one year. Now, if this does not happen, then there is cause for concern, you need to urgently show the baby to a dentist

Children's baby teeth are especially sensitive to damage such as caries. You need to keep an eye on this and, if you find strange spots on the enamel, dark color, you should take your child to the dentist to see a pediatrician. If you do not pay due attention to this and waste time, then a caries infection will subsequently lead to the same damage to permanent teeth (after all, they are located very close to the roots of milk teeth in the jaw).

Some useful information about baby teeth

Why do they speak of permanent teeth as molars, as if milk teeth have no roots at all? It is not right. Of course, baby teeth also have their own roots, otherwise how would they have held on all this time, it’s just that the baby teeth are much shorter than the permanent ones.

Milk teeth are shorter than permanent teeth. Their color is white with blue, while the permanent ones have a yellow tint. The enamel layer of baby teeth is twice as thin.

Photo of a lost baby tooth

Temporary teeth perform the necessary signaling function; they seem to show the permanent place where they need to grow.

If a baby tooth was removed prematurely by a doctor due to the development of caries or an injury, then incorrect, crooked eruption of the permanent one is possible.

How teeth change

How quickly babies grow. It seems that they were just picked up from the maternity hospital, and it’s already time to send them to first grade. It is during this period that teeth change begins. The order almost coincides with how the temporary teeth erupted. The exception is the fangs; they are replaced a little later. The loss of baby teeth in children by age, the order of germination of new permanent teeth - everything is described in detail in the diagram below:

  1. Lower central incisors, lower and upper first molars (from 6 to 7 years).
  2. Central upper incisors, lateral lower incisors (from 7 to 8 years).
  3. Upper lateral incisors (from 8 to 9 years).
  4. Lower canines (from 9 to 10 years).
  5. The first premolars are upper and lower, the second premolars are upper and lower (from 10 to 12 years).
  6. Upper canines, lower second premolars (from 11 to 12 years).
  7. Lower second molars (from 11 to 13 years).
  8. Upper second molars (from 12 to 13 years).
  9. Upper and lower third molars, called “wisdom teeth” (from 18 to 25 years).

When does a child's baby teeth start to fall out?

Parents need to know when and at what age children’s front baby teeth, first molar or lateral incisor, fall out; In this way, they can control how correctly this physiological process is proceeding in their baby. The entire replacement takes place in 6-7 years (except for “wisdom teeth”, they grow in a person when he is already an adult), children do not experience any particular pain. There is no need to help your child remove a loose tooth; it will fall out on its own.

If you find that the molar tooth is already growing, but the temporary tooth has not yet fallen out, then you need to contact a pediatric dentist; Most likely, the doctor will prescribe removal of the retained tooth.

What does delayed teeth change mean?

We examined in detail when and at what age children’s baby teeth fall out. The pattern of which teeth will fall out faster, which ones will stay in place longer, the timing - all this can be different for each child. Plus or minus one or two years is quite normal. There are several factors that influence timing changes. It would be useful to familiarize yourself with them:

  • gender of the child (in girls, the loss of baby teeth begins at the age of 6 years, in boys a little later);
  • infectious diseases that the child suffered at an early age;
  • genotype;
  • nutritional features;
  • how long the baby was breastfed;
  • quality of drinking water;
  • negative factors that accompanied the mother’s pregnancy (for example, toxicosis);
  • special climatic conditions places of residence;
  • deviations in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • chronic infection, which had not made itself known before;
  • rickets.

What does a lost baby tooth look like? The photo presented in the article clearly demonstrates that this dental crown with the remains of the pulp, the root is no longer there, it has resolved.

After a tooth falls out, you should not eat for 2-3 hours.

Loss of baby teeth in children

If the child is bothered by itching or pain, he should seek help from a dentist. He will most likely prescribe the use of a special gel that relieves pain and discomfort.

During this period, mothers need to slightly reconsider the baby’s daily diet, eliminating salty, sour, spicy foods.

You should not touch the hole left by a lost tooth with your tongue or hands. An infection can get there.

It is quite natural that the wound from a lost tooth will bleed for some time. During this period, you can rinse your mouth with a warm soda solution with a drop of iodine added. Weak decoctions of chamomile and sage work well. All this will have a preventive effect on the wound in terms of its infection.

  • Fangs are coming out
  • When to start cleaning
  • Dropout pattern
  • Which teeth change
  • All baby teeth erupt in children up to 2.5-3 years of age, after which dental issues, as a rule, do not bother either children or parents for some time. However, the child gradually grows up and the time comes for new teeth - permanent ones. In order for them to erupt, the milk ones first fall out. It is important for parents to know when and how this happens in order to navigate possible problems in time.

    Around the age of 6, baby teeth begin to loosen and fall out.

    When the shift begins: key signs

    The onset of teeth change is individual for each child, but in most children this process is activated at 5-6 years of age.

    While the roots of the incisors begin to dissolve, children grow “sixes” - teeth that erupt immediately behind the second molars. These are the first permanent teeth that appear before the first baby tooth falls out. They are called first molars, while primary molars, after falling out, are replaced by teeth called premolars.

    1. Signs that a child will soon fall out his baby teeth and start cutting in his permanent teeth are:
    2. Gaps appear as the child’s jaw grows and the distance between the molars, canines and incisors expands.
    3. Wobbling due to resorption of their roots.

    Beginning of permanent teeth eruption. Sometimes they appear when the milk teeth are not yet loose, being located nearby.

    When do they start to fall out? The process of loss begins with the resorption of their roots.

    It is quite long - the roots of the incisors are resorbed within two years, and the roots of molars and canines can be resorbed for three years or longer. Once the root has resolved, the tooth will fall out and allow the permanent tooth to emerge.

    Before a baby tooth falls out, its root is resorbed

    In most children, their first tooth falls out at the age of 6-7 years.

    How many and when do they fall out?

    1. The pattern of baby teeth falling out looks like this:
    2. The first thing most children lose is the central incisors on the lower jaw.
    3. After them comes the turn of the upper pair of central incisors.
    4. The lateral incisors on the upper jaw often fall out next.
    5. Next comes the time for the lower lateral incisors to fall out.
    6. Following them, the first molars begin to fall out - first the upper pair, and then the pair on the lower jaw.
    7. When the molars fall out, it is the turn of the canines. First, the upper pair of (“eye” teeth) falls out, and then the fangs on the lower jaw fall out.
    8. After them, the process of loss is completed by the upper second molars.

    The approximate period of root resorption and loss of baby teeth is presented in the table:

    The first teeth to start to loosen will be the incisors.

    Do all baby teeth fall out?

    All of them should fall out. There are twenty of them, among which there are 8 incisors, 4 canines and 8 molars. Some mothers think that chewing teeth(molars) do not fall out in babies, but this is not true. All of them fall out starting from the age of 6, as permanent ones will grow in their place.

    How many times do they fall out?

    In most cases, teeth that erupt in a child in the first two years of life fall out only once. All of them are replaced by permanent ones, but due to the expansion of the jaw, two more teeth (premolars) appear between the canines and molars. By the age of 17, most children have 28 permanent teeth, and the remaining 4 “wisdom teeth” erupt later (sometimes after 25-30 years).

    Permanent teeth should not normally fall out, but there are cases when children erupt and lose several sets of teeth.

    What factors influence the process of hair loss?

    If the timing of the loss is violated, there is no need to panic immediately, since this process depends on many factors. Doctors consider a deviation from the average of 1-2 years to be acceptable. The loss of baby teeth and the eruption of permanent teeth are affected by:

    • Genetic predisposition.
    • Gender of the child. It has been noted that boys lose their teeth later.
    • Problems during pregnancy.
    • Duration of breastfeeding.
    • Baby's diet.
    • Chronic diseases in babies.
    • The quality of drinking water consumed by the child.
    • The climate in which the baby lives.
    • The child has problems with the endocrine system.
    • Infections suffered in childhood.

    The timely change of teeth is influenced by many factors, one of which is heredity

    What to do if a tooth falls out?

    When a child reports a lost tooth, parents should:

    • If there is bleeding from the hole, apply clean gauze to the wound and press with other teeth for a few minutes. You cannot treat the wound with antiseptic agents.
    • Do not give your child food for two hours, and then do not feed the baby very hot, salty or spicy food for some time. Also, do not give your baby hard foods, such as crackers or nuts. The best dishes in this case there will be soups and cereals, and after eating your mouth should be rinsed with clean water.
    • Warn the child that the resulting hole should not be touched with hands or tongue to prevent infection from getting into it.
    • The tooth itself can be “given to the mouse,” placed under the pillow for the “fairy,” exchanged for some kind of gift, or something else. The main thing is that the child does not get scared and does not experience negative emotions.

    Why do they fall out at the wrong time?

    Before the due date

    Too early loss is called when it falls out or is removed by the dentist before the age of 5. You can lose a baby tooth prematurely due to:

    • Injury due to impact or fall.
    • Tumor process in the mouth.
    • Advanced caries, when the tooth has to be removed.
    • Bite disorders. Incorrectly grown teeth can put pressure on one of them and cause earlier loss.
    • Deliberately loosening it as a child.

    The main problem with losing a tooth too early is the misalignment of the dentition, which can cause permanent teeth to erupt crookedly. The child will have to adjust their position in the future.

    Untimely replacement of teeth in a child can lead to problems with bite and other troubles in the future.

    Later than expected

    Delayed loss of baby teeth is possible due to:

    • Poor nutrition, as a result of which the child develops nutritional deficiencies.
    • Frequent stress.
    • Chronic infections, for example, tonsillitis.
    • Rakhita.
    • The influence of hereditary factors.