FCI Beagle breed standard. Comments on the Beagle breed standard Description of the breed and its character

He will be quite comfortable in an ordinary apartment

Ideal place There is a large fenced yard where this dog can run and play. But its presence is not necessary if you meet certain conditions. It doesn't matter what your living space: The beagle is a medium-sized dog and you will have plenty of room for it. She will be quite comfortable in an ordinary apartment. The main thing in keeping a beagle is to give him his own corner and allow him enough time to physical activity(more than two hours a day). You also need to go for a walk with him several times a day.

Origin and history

Country of origin: Great Britain

Many experts consider this breed to be a “classic” hound. Beagles were bred in Europe for hunting for many centuries, but the British set the standard for the breed. The breed club was founded in 1890, and soon after that its standard was approved. The Beagle is a robust, compact hound that gives an impression of refinement and is free from any sign of coarseness.

How does the breed characterize the owner?

The characteristics of the breed say that beagles are inquisitive, devoted to their owners and ready to learn new things. If you are attracted to these dogs, then you yourself are probably curious, determined and have a desire for novelty! Beagle owners tend to be reliable friends; where they appear, laughter and fun reign. But in other circumstances, these people can be harmful.

Beagle is ancient breed hunting dogs with a mischievous and active character. They are smart, good-natured, active, and get along easily with other pets and children.

Over the past 100 years, beagles have increasingly been included in the list of the most popular breeds in the world.

The first hounds similar to beagles appeared in Ancient Greece in the 4th century BC. However, the British were the first to select this breed, so it is believed that the breed has English roots.

The name of the miniature English hounds comes from the term Begle - “small”. In the second half of the 19th century, beagles were brought to France, and since then the breed has been triumphantly marching around the world, winning more and more fans.

Description of the breed

FCI Standard No. 161 dated October 13, 2010 “Beagle”
Group 6 "Hounds and related breeds". Section 1 “Hounds”.

What size is a beagle? Standard parameters adult dog:

  • height at withers from 33 cm to 40 cm;
  • weight – from 8 kg to 14 kg.

Life expectancy is from 12 to 15 years. Description of the Beagle dog breed and characteristics are presented in detail below.

Body type stocky. The coat is short, smooth, and lies close to the body. The head is moderately long, the skull is domed, of medium width, with an occipital protuberance. The ears are hanging, rounded, graceful.

The eyes are large, but not bulging. Scissor bite, lips slightly drooping. Tail middle length, with a white tip, not curved or curled.

Color. Beagle dog description includes tricolor characteristic color, the so-called “tricolor” - white, red and black. There are also two-colored animals, mostly white with red, chestnut, red or lemon spots.

Any color can be speckled. The pied color can be badger pied, hare pied or lemon pied. Required attribute- red mask on the face.

Beagles that are pure white or black and white, as well as doggies of variegated color, in which red and black spots are located alternately on the body. Photos of the Beagle dog breed clearly demonstrate these signs.

Breed varieties. There are two varieties of beagles - American and European.

Dogs of the American subspecies have more high growth, muscular body and angular skull. Europeans are smaller than their American counterparts, lower at the withers.

Breed characteristics, skills and abilities

The Beagle has a balanced character, he active, inquisitive, friendly, not aggressive and does not like loneliness:

  • activity. He can spend hours exploring the territory and running around the lawns. You should not hope that your pet will get tired during a walk and ask to go home;
  • curiosity. The pet rejoices at every new little thing that comes into its field of vision, be it a ball or a grasshopper jumping from blade to blade of grass;
  • optimism. The Beagle will not allow its owner to be mopey or bored. He is never bored, and he will not let his owner become sad;
  • friendliness. The dog loves to be the center of attention. Having sniffed the guests, he will gladly allow himself to be stroked;
  • lack of aggression. Absolutely safe for children. Due to his gentle nature, he is not suitable for the role of a security guard;
  • publicity. They do not tolerate loneliness well.

Out of boredom, a beagle can chew furniture, ruffle a pillow, and scatter the owner's clothes all over the room.

Beagles are determined and active. Serious action will help correct their behavior.

At the same time, it is very difficult for a dog with such a character to accept that the main thing in the education process is not he, but the owner. Therefore, you need to train your pet regularly, trying to make classes interesting and eventful.

If the owner shows firmness and perseverance, then his playful pet will turn into an intelligent and devoted assistant.

Fidget beagles have a keen sense of smell. While exploring a stimulus that is interesting to them, they stop responding to the owner’s orders and may go far from home, get lost, or get hit by a car.

Therefore, it is better to keep your dog on a harness when walking.

Beagles are used to hunt small animals, mainly hares. Thanks to their excellent sense of smell, they are attracted to the search for explosives, weapons, drugs and contraband at customs. Representatives of this breed

get along well with children of any age.

A kind, energetic pet will run around the yard with great pleasure with the children and participate in all children's games.

Care and maintenance These are clean dogs. Beagle breed: no care or maintenance required special troubles . To make the animal feel comfortable, You need to walk him 2-3 times a day, for a total of at least 1.5 hours.

After a walk, just wipe your pet's fur and paws with a damp towel. Dogs should be bathed once every 3-4 months.

Weekly you need to comb the coat, clean the ears and wash the eyes.

During periods of shedding, you need to comb the fur twice a week with a furminator. Features of feeding. Beagles do not know when to eat in moderation, so the owner

It is necessary to carefully monitor the frequency of feeding your pet and the size of portions.

Up to two months of age, dogs are fed 5-6 times a day, from 2 to 6 months - 4 times a day, from 6 to 12 months - 3 times a day, from a year and older - 2-3 times a day. IN daily diet

  • should include:
  • lean meat;
  • sea ​​fish without bones;
  • offal;
  • boneless turkey meat;
  • dairy and fermented milk products;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • cereals;

scrambled eggs. Beagles are prone to obesity, so fatty and fried foods are contraindicated for them.

Also, spicy and smoked foods should be excluded from the diet, which dull the dog’s keen sense of smell and can cause digestive upset. Viewers who watched the film “Cats vs. Dogs” are well aware of the character of the beagle: a restless fellow who cannot sit in one place and in pranks. This representative of the English aristocracy is an excellent hunter who will stop a galloping hare and enter a rabbit's hole without an invitation. It seems that such dogs will be cramped in apartment dungeons. But even in a big city, you can create coziness and comfort for your pet.

Beagles are one of the most popular dog breeds today. They are, as they say, “in fashion.” This is not surprising, because four-legged friends love children, they are funny and agile. But it’s a stretch to train: almost all owners complain that the dog “ate” the sofa, chewed several pairs of expensive shoes and gutted hundreds of children’s plush toys. When buying such a dog, you really should be prepared for a “chewing” collapse. But don’t think that these guys are made of nothing but disadvantages. Beagles are good guards who will be able to stand up for their owner on occasion and ward off intruders from his property. They are also excellent companions, who, just a couple of months after appearing in the family, acquire the status of “people's favorites.”

Description of the breed

The Beagle is a strong and quite powerful dog. But his physique cannot be called rough. The features of these hounds are soft, “streamlined”, which became the key to a pretty appearance. Their most important characteristic is excessive mobility. These are hyperactive animals that, if not walked in time, will turn the apartment upside down. Therefore, dog breeders who are rarely at home and do not have the opportunity to devote enough time to their pet should refuse to purchase a hound. The breed standard was approved in September 1957. Its main nuances are listed below.

  • Weight. The weight of the animal depends on the type of breed. American Beagles weigh between 8 kg and 16 kg. And English ones - from 13 kg to 18 kg.
  • Height. The height of dogs at the withers can vary from 31 cm to 40 cm.
  • Color.
  • For beagles, any hound color is acceptable, except liver color, which does not indicate the purity of the breed. The dog must have a white tassel at the tip of its tail. And on the face there is a brown “mask”. Lifespan.
  • Beagles live on average about 12 years. Maximum - up to 15 years. Character. Pets cannot stand loneliness. They love to be the center of attention, love to play with children, and be near people. Training are difficult to give in, so education should begin from puppyhood. Even “apartment” dogs will chase small animals living in the house (for example, cats or hamsters), practicing their hunting instinct on them. In general, these are cheerful and active animals.
  • Intelligence. You can often hear the opinion that the beagle is a dumbass. It's a delusion. Dogs are stubborn, and it's true. But is it logical to expect 100% obedience from a hunting dog, accustomed to making decisions on its own? Of course no.
  • Security and guard potential. A beagle will not guard a country house. And putting him on a chain would be a mockery. The friendliness of this handsome man leads to the fact that the “guard” barks to say “hello”, and not to scare or intimidate. But in critical situations the dog will definitely come to the rescue. The owner and his family are the most respected and adored members of the “pack”, and that says it all.

Tricolor dogs are born bicolored. Hatching appears only with age. In professional slang, dog breeders call dogs that have coats of two colors “lemons.”

Age table of height and weight

The weight of a puppy at birth varies from 250 g to 450 g. The further development of a small beagle can be tracked using the table.

Table - Weight and height of the puppy during the first year of life

Age, monthHeight at withers, cmWeight, kg
1 20-22 3,5
2 25 5-6
3 30 6,5
4 35 9
5 36 11,5
6 37 12
7 37 13
8 38 14
9-12 38 16

According to the standard, a beagle's ears should end at the level of the nose, have a rounded tip, and fit fairly tightly to the animal's cheekbones.

Origin history and interesting facts

Historians and dog breeders have not come to a consensus regarding the origin of beagles. On this moment There are two versions of the birth of hounds.

  1. Ancient Greek. The inhabitants of Ancient Greece were fond of hunting with hounds that knew how to pick up a scent. Very soon the hunting experience of the ancient Greeks was adopted by the Romans, who, in fact, brought dogs to the British Isles.
  2. English. According to the second version, hounds existed in the British Isles even before the Romans came there with their dogs. Historical confirmation of this fact is the white hunting dog that belonged to the Prince of Wales.

Northern Beagle is the name of the breed that existed in the Kingdom of Wales in the 18th century. True, its representatives were not at all similar to modern fidgets. They looked more like the product of crossing a dachshund with a basset hound. The beagles that we see today appeared as a result of endless “weddings” of one hound with another.

The mystery of the name

The etymology of the name of the breed cannot boast of unambiguousness either. Some believe that the word came from French term begueule, which literally means "tin-covered throat". Let's face it, Beagles really love to bark. Their voice is clear, pleasant and sonorous. According to the second version, the name of the breed comes from the English begle - small, in our opinion. This is how the British called all hounds indiscriminately, regardless of size and origin.

In the early 80s of the last century, scientists crossed a beagle and a pug. As a result, a breed was developed with the funny name “Puggle”.

Do you know that…

Beagles are not only naughty creatures and hunters. They can often be found at border and customs points, as well as as part of special police units. These dogs are used to detect weapons and drugs on people crossing the border. The sense of smell of spotted beauties top level! Five facts about them will show you a different side of the breed.

  1. American dream. The hounds came to the American continent in late XIX century, and already in the mid-twentieth century they acquired the status of the most popular dog breed in the USA.
  2. Test dogs. Americans use beagles for testing medicines. Whether this is good or bad is difficult to judge. But the benefit that testing dogs bring to humanity is difficult to overestimate.
  3. Termite detectors. The Australians found a completely different use for these dogs. They use hounds to search for termite mounds.
  4. Curly ones at court. During the time when Elizabeth ruled the British kingdom, several beagles lived in her kennel. These were not smooth-haired creatures, but owners of long hair. curly hair. It is noteworthy that the hounds’ fur felt like wire to the touch - it was so stiff and hard.
  5. Film actors.

Currently, about 20 films have been shot in which beagles played major and minor roles. One of the most famous is Snoopy Come Home, filmed in the United States in 1972.


Officially, the American Kennel Club distinguishes two types of beagles - English and American. The first type may be called differently in different sources. For example, French or European. The main visual difference is the size. The American brother is noticeably larger than his relative from Foggy Albion. Other differences between the two types are shown in the table. Table - Comparative characteristics

Unofficially, there is another variety of the breed - dwarf. In the 18th century, such beagles were carried on horses in special hanging bags. Offers to buy a dog with a height at the withers of less than 28 cm can still be found today. But be aware: growth below standard may indicate the presence of genetic disease at the puppy's. The English Kennel Club believes that the breed under discussion does not have any internal division into subspecies.

Beagles love to play pranks, especially when there is bad weather outside and there are puddles and mud all around. In addition, they tend to “camouflage” - hide their own smell behind other, stronger “aromas”. Therefore, sometimes hounds, taking advantage of the owner’s absent-mindedness, happily fall out in the excrement of other living creatures. Otherwise, they are very clean, so there is no need for frequent bathing.


Apartment or enclosure - that is the question? Keeping a beagle outside is quite acceptable, but you will have to equip him with a warm enclosure. The dog is not ready to live in the cold. Is not Central asian shepherd dog, accustomed to mountain spaces and strong winds. IN big house or apartment, the pet will feel better. Provided that the living space allows the naughty man to be active and moving image life. But no matter what kind of housing for a beagle, you definitely need to take him for walks. Every day, morning and evening. It is advisable to spend at least an hour letting the dog off the leash or running with it. By the way, hounds count perfect friends for lovers morning jogging, cycling or rollerblading.

  • Grooming. Shedding four-legged pets practically all year round
  • . Therefore, the dog breeder should arm himself with a special brush or glove that allows him to comb the animal. During winter frosts, beagles' fur becomes thicker, so spring shedding is more noticeable. But due to the short hair, the process occurs unnoticed by the household. Ear check. You need to check once a week ears dogs. Dirt often accumulates in them, which subsequently provokes an unpleasant “aroma”. Timely cleaning of the ears and keeping them clean will protect against ear infections.
  • various kinds infections to which all dogs with floppy ears are susceptible.. But “apartment” dogs, as a rule, do not walk much. Therefore, if you hear a characteristic clicking sound on the parquet, prepare special tongs.

Caring for a beagle in an apartment is not difficult. The main thing is that your pet runs out during a walk and does not create an “apocalypse” in your home due to an excess of energy.

Beagles can come into heat at seven months of age. But a female is considered physiologically mature at one and a half to two years. Therefore, mating and pregnancy before this time are extremely undesirable, as they can lead to health problems for the pet.


Representatives of the breed are unpretentious in food. Babies need to be fed four to five times a day. The transition to twice a day feeding should be made only after the pet is 12 months old. You can feed your beagle either special dry food or natural food. Typically, dog owners choose a diet based on their own convenience.

  • Dry food. The speed of food preparation is one of the main advantages of the food. In addition, high-quality dog ​​food, packaged in portioned bags, contains everything essential vitamins, minerals and trace elements. But buying quality food is a powerful blow to the family budget. This should be taken into account when making a choice.
  • Natural food. This concept usually means a variety of porridges with meat and vegetables. This is more profitable than elite food, but preparing porridge will take a lot of time. In addition, during the cooking process, proportions must be strictly observed. Meat ingredients in a pet dish should be 70%, porridge - 25%, vegetables - 5%.
  • Water. There should always be a clean place where the dog usually eats. drinking water. Even four-legged friend didn’t drink it, the water needs to be renewed every two days. Drink for active dogs relevant at any time of the year, but especially in summer.
  • “No” to fatty foods. Beagles are strictly prohibited from eating fatty foods, as well as fried foods, which owners often feed their pets from the table. These dogs are prone to obesity. When you treat your pet to “something tasty,” remember: you are only making things worse for him.

Beagle puppies need to be fed fermented milk products. Once a week, veterinarians recommend treating them to fresh cottage cheese.


The stubbornness and love of freedom of beagles make it very difficult educational process. But if you believe dog handlers, training should start from the very beginning. early age. Until one year of age, stubbornness in dogs is especially pronounced.

  • Use the carrot method When starting training, be patient and have treats. For every correctly executed command and act of obedience, give your dog a treat. Otherwise you won't be able to reach an agreement with him.
  • Forget about the "stick" method. These dogs remember any negativity associated with their upbringing. Therefore, do not try to scold them or, even worse, beat them. At the next lesson, the animal will definitely remember the aggression shown towards it and will act in the same way.

A special slingshot and several yellow tennis balls are a real must-have for the “beagle owner.” Throwing a stick at a dog endlessly is too tiring. And a slingshot will allow you to throw your “prey” quite far. Chasing the ball, the animal runs to its heart's content. And the owner will not get tired and will save energy for other things.

Diseases and treatment

Hounds are long-lived. With proper care and compliance with maintenance rules, these guys are able to delight the family with their presence and good-natured disposition for more than ten years. Diseases do occur in their lives, of course, but not as often as in other, more “refined” breeds. The most common ailments among beagles include dysplasia hip joints and achondroplasia.

  • DTBS.
  • Dysplasia, as a rule, develops in older dogs that are more than eight years old. Often this condition entails other diseases. For example, arthritis and lameness.


This is a congenital (genetic) disease, which is inherited from the mother to puppies, and consists of underdeveloped bone tissue. The painful condition can be identified by growth abnormalities, which are especially noticeable in the first year of life.

TOP nicknames Choosing a nickname is one of the most stressful and time-consuming activities associated with acquiring a four-legged family member. At first glance, it seems that you can name a puppy purchased from a breeder by the name that was assigned when the litter was activated. But practice shows that such names do not take root, although they may be included in the animal’s passport. The wisest decision is to take a wait-and-see approach. Spend a couple of days observing your dog, and its behavior will certainly tell you

suitable name

  • . You can consider the following nicknames as options.
  • For "girls":
  • Amanda;
  • Gabby;
  • Daisy;
  • Julie;
  • Lyme;
  • Linda;
  • Rixie;
  • Tina;
  • Flora;


  • Elsa.
  • For boys":
  • Harold;
  • Gordon;
  • Denis;
  • Quint;
  • Keni;
  • Cleo;
  • Oscar;


Curiously raised ears, intent gaze and a body as if on springs - photos of beagles make you fall in love with the breed at first sight. These guys require a lot of attention, but in return they are ready to pay with boundless love and devotion to the owner and his family members. And if you hear a dog barking loudly while in the house, rest assured: he requires your affection.

Cost and where to buy

A beagle puppy costs about 18 thousand rubles if you buy it second-hand. For example, at a poultry market or according to an ad found on the Internet. If you intend to purchase a baby with a pedigree for further participation in exhibitions or breeding hounds, you will have to pay for it from 25 thousand rubles to 75 thousand rubles (data as of January 2018). The impressive price range can be associated both with the type of breed and with the physiological qualities of the puppy being purchased.

List of nurseries

Beagle breed nurseries can be found in almost every corner of the country. There are quite a lot of them, and this is due to the high popularity of the type of hounds under discussion:

  • "Anvi High Line" in St. Petersburg- http://anvi-high-line.ru/;
  • AstraVegas in Moscow- http://www.astravegas.ru/;
  • "Varinhaus" in Cheboksary- http://www.varinhouse.ru/;
  • “I wish you happiness” in Novosibirsk- https://wishbeagle.jimdo.com/;
  • "Tales of Siberia" in Krasnoyarsk- http://beagle-ss.ru/;
  • AMAZING SUCCESS in Volgograd- http://askennel.ru/.

When deciding to purchase a four-legged spinning top, be sure to weigh the pros and cons. The disadvantages of this breed include increased activity, which is often nowhere to be used in a city apartment, and the dog’s leadership qualities. He will obey only those who are stronger than him in character. But there are also advantages, some of which are quite significant and more than offset the existing disadvantages. Friendliness, positive thinking, love and tender attitude towards human children - these qualities transform hunting dog into a creature without whom it is boring and lonely to live, and for whom you can forgive even a sofa disassembled “for spare parts”.

When choosing a beagle puppy, give preference to the strongest and most courageous one. Especially if the baby was not afraid to come to your feet to continue the acquaintance. What happened indicates that the dog is driven not by fear, but by curiosity. Be sure to ask the breeder if the baby is vaccinated and what vaccine was used for vaccinations. Optimal age dogs for relocation - 2-2.5 months. The older the animal, the more difficult it is for it to fit into the family hierarchy.
Beagles are not as straightforward as dachshunds or retrievers, german shepherds or Pekingese. But it's 100% dedicated and cheerful companion, which makes the owners smile, teaches them to take life lightly and appreciate what is really important.

In the Middle Ages, when English statehood and its aristocracy were emerging, hunting was entertainment.

Noble ladies took part in it, for whom small dogs were bred.

The small animal allowed you to control yourself; it was indispensable in hunting hares.

The dogs became the ancestors of the breed varieties, active, sociable, smart dogs with a melodious bark, pleasant to the aristocratic ear.

Later, when beagles became available to everyone and the nobility lost interest in them, dogs were also used for hunting, and as a result, they were attracted to work in the fields.

A moving beagle gives the impression of a swimming dog due to its proportional build: a straight back, nice breasts and correct angulation of the hind legs.

Back in 1988, the English Beagle Club approved the standards for this breed. Standards were determined: weight, height, proportions, color.

According to , the height at the withers of a beagle should be: for a male - 36-41 cm, for a female - 33-38 cm.

The body length is average, in males it reaches 45-47 cm, in females - 41-43 cm.

The sternum is wide, reaching an average girth of 62 cm in males and 60 cm in females.

With the help of selection, two subspecies of Beagle hounds have been bred - and, where the first has greater muscle mass, weighs about eighteen kilograms, height at the withers - 42-43 cm, is longer by two to three centimeters, sometimes the body grows up to fifty centimeters. The skull is angular. The second one is inferior to the American by an order of magnitude and looks miniature.

Breed standard

Such superficial standards do not allow one to fully appreciate the hunting merits of the beagle.

For this there are to distinguish a dog high class from average:

  • The bones of the muzzle should be strictly parallel.
  • The ears should reach the tip of the nose and be neither longer nor shorter.
  • The neck is powerful, the loin is short.
  • For correct location heart and lungs rib cage should be wide enough.
  • The body is long, the legs are not short, otherwise the dog looks like representatives of other breeds.
  • The Beagle is an athlete and should not look overweight or fragile.
  • The tail should be long and not curl.
  • The back part should have developed muscles.

The presence of such parameters makes it possible to tirelessly run long distances, follow the trail and not get lost from sight, that is, exactly match the breed.

How old do they grow and how long do they live?

The length of time a dog grows depends on its breed and body structure. Large ones stop growing at 9 months, small ones a little earlier.

When a beagle cub doubles its weight, which occurs at six months of age, long bone growth virtually stops.

This means that the individual has almost reached its height in length and will gain weight, growing in width.

In girls, growth stops with the first heat. Males continue to grow a little longer, but growth does not stop at puberty.

Weight of an adult dog - boy and girl

A distinctive feature of the Beagle is its omnivorous nature and the inability to stop while eating..

In this regard, excess weight is observed if the dog moves little or is fed more than 2 times a day.

The average weight of a male is 10-11 kg, some individuals reach 16-18 kg, which is also considered the norm, if the dog is active and mobile, its body maintains its proportions.

The average weight of a female is 9-11 kg, sometimes 14-17 kg, which is acceptable under the same conditions as for a boy.

Puppy weight and size by month from 1 to 12 months

During the first year of life, a beagle puppy should acquire the weight and proportions of an adult dog; a girl's developmental indicators will be slightly lower. The difference in weight by gender begins to be determined at one and a half to two months. By this time, the puppies are a small copy of their parents.

In the period from three to six months, the weight of the cubs doubles and the chest and paws intensively develop.

In the period from six to twelve months, the puppy turns into a full-fledged representative of its breed.

The table shows approximate indicators of weight gain and height during the first year of life.

Since each individual is individual, minor discrepancies in numbers are possible.

Age Weight Height
Male Bitch Male Bitch
At birth 300 g 450 g
1 month 1.5 kg 2 kg 18 cm 20 cm
2 months 3-4 kg 3-4 kg 22 cm 25 cm
3 months 5 kg 6 kg 28 cm 30 cm
4 months 6-7 kg 7-8 kg 30 cm 32 cm
5 months 7-8 kg 8-10 kg 32 cm 34 cm
6 months 8-9 kg 10-12 kg 33 cm 35 cm
7 months 9-10 kg 12-13 kg 35 cm 37 cm
8 months 9.5-10.5 kg 13-14 kg 35.4 cm 37.3 cm
9 months 10.8 kg 14-15 kg 35.6 cm 37.5 cm
10 months 11-12 kg 15-16 kg 36 cm 38 cm
11 months 12-13 kg 16-17 kg 37 cm 39 cm
12 months 13-14 kg 17-18 kg 38 cm 40 cm

What influences development?

The correct development of any puppy is evidenced by the presence of forty-two permanent teeth by seven months.

If the enamel is fragile, teeth grow slowly - this is a sign of a lack of vitamins A and D in the diet, mineral salts, especially phosphorus and calcium. The presence of helminths also does not contribute to gaining sufficient weight.


Puppy, yes adult dog, will stop gaining weight, growing and existing if they are pampered with chocolate, smoked meats, sweet baked goods, fatty and sweet foods.

An apple, carrot, and a small piece of hard cheese are allowed as treats.

Good dogs, adequate room temperature, access fresh air, affectionate attitude - conditions proper development puppies

What to do if it lags behind the norm

The correct conditions for intrauterine life and the first six months ensure good development newborn beagle. First of all, timely feeding balanced food.

In the first month, when the cubs are fed with mother's milk, underweight puppies should be applied to the rear, fuller nipples.

If you left more than six individuals in the litter, you should take care of artificial feeding.

Infant formulas are prohibited for feeding due to the sugar in their composition. You must adhere to the diet prepared by your veterinarian.

After weaning from the mother, you can feed both natural food (the diet is prepared by a specialist) and factory-made balanced premium food.

To do this, buy food marked “For puppies.” This food is preferable, since it contains all the necessary micro- and macroelements and is not contaminated with helminths.

To those who chose natural feeding, you need to remember the freshness and quality of products and the presence of vegetables and fruits with coarse fiber in the diet, and also adhere to the norm of vitamins and mineral salts.

For one kilogram of puppy weight it is required:

  • 9 g protein;
  • 2.5 g fat;
  • 14 g sugar and starch;
  • 1.5 g fiber;
  • 500 mg calcium;
  • vitamins A, D and E.

With any choice of food, the dog must be provided with a sufficient amount of fresh water. Otherwise, the digestive process will be disrupted, difficulties with bowel movements will arise, and growth and weight gain will slow down.

For correct set the puppy's weight should be observed at such intervals:

  • 2-3 months feed six times a day;
  • 4 month - four times;
  • 5 month - three times;
  • 6 month - morning and evening.

If puppies grow rapidly according to norms, this indicates correct growth bones. That is, no mistakes are made when feeding.

It must be remembered that excess weight It is also harmful for young animals, as it puts an extra load on the fragile skeletal system.

Therefore, it is imperative to adhere to the norm.

Conclusion and conclusions

If you make mistakes in following the rules in the first six months of life, it will be impossible to correct anything. Therefore, it is necessary to take control of the composition of the feed, the frequency of feeding, and weigh and measure monthly.

For convenience, it is advisable to keep a diary in which to record the results of measurements, the manifested characteristics of the breed, dates of vaccination, past illnesses.

All this will help both the owner and the supervising veterinarian monitor the development of the puppies.

Height and weight are the most important indicators development.

Provided that the rules of care are followed in the first year of life, the beagle will live its life for fifteen years, and possibly longer. There are such cases.

Useful video

From the video you will learn everything about the Beagle dog breed:

In contact with

GENERAL APPEARANCE: A strong hound of compact build, giving the impression of some coarseness.

BEHAVIOR AND TEMPERAMENT: A perky hound whose main function is to hunt, mainly hare, using its lower senses. Brave, with great energy, endurance and determination. Alert, smart and balanced. Friendly and attentive, not showing aggression or cowardice.

HEAD: Medium length, massive without coarseness, more graceful in bitches, free of frowning and wrinkles.

SKULL: Skull slightly convex, moderately wide, with a slight ridge.

Transition from forehead to muzzle: Well defined, located, if possible, at the same distance from both the occipital protuberance and the tip of the nose.


Nose: Large, preferably black, but reduced pigmentation is acceptable in light-colored dogs. The nostrils are well opened.

Muzzle: Not easy.

Lips: Moderately jagged.

Jaws and Teeth: The jaws should be strong, with perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. upper incisors tightly overlap the lower ones and stand perpendicular to the jaws.

EYES: Dark brown or colored hazelnut, moderately large, not deepened or convex, set wide apart, with a meek, pleading look.

EARS: Long, with rounded tips, almost reaching the tip of the nose when extended. Low set, thin, hanging, elegantly adjacent to the cheekbones.

NECK: Sufficiently long to allow the hound to easily use his lower senses, slightly arched, showing slight dewlap.

Topline: Straight and horizontal.

Groin: Short, well balanced. The lower back is powerful and flexible.

Chest: Dropped below the elbows. The ribs are convex and set back.

Belly: Not overly tucked.

TAIL: Strong, medium length. Set on high, carried perky, but not curled over the back or slanted forward from the base. Well covered with hair, especially on the underside.


FOREQUARTER: The front legs are straight and vertically set, with a massive round bone, not tapering towards the paws.

Shoulders: Sloping, not loaded.

Elbows: Strong, not tucked in, not turned out. The height at the elbow is about half the height at the withers.

Pasterns: Short.


Hips: Muscular.

Knees: Well-angulated.

Hock joints: Strong, metatarsus short and parallel to each other.