Standard equipment for a physical therapy room in a polyclinic. Equipping the vaccination room with solid equipment

16. In the vaccination room, cleaning, ventilation, and disinfection with UV radiation are observed. Medical documents of the vaccination office and the immunization room: a log of examinations and vaccinations performed (f. 064/u); forms “Certificate of preventive vaccinations” (f. 156/u-93) or certificates of vaccinations performed; outpatient patient records (f. 112/u, f. 025/u); emergency notification of side effects of vaccines (f. 058); instructions for use of all medical immunobiological drugs used in Russian (in a separate folder); log of completed vaccinations (for each type of vaccine); journal of accounting and consumption of medical immunobiological preparations; refrigerator temperature log; log of the operation of the bactericidal lamp; general cleaning log; emergency plan to ensure the cold chain in emergency situations.

Equipment for vaccination room.

Equipment: vaccine storage refrigerator with labeled shelves with two thermometers; cold elements (the number of cold elements must be no less than that specified in the instructions for use of the thermal container or cooler bag available in the vaccination room, which are constantly located in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator); medical cabinet for medicines and instruments - 1; medical couch - 1; changing table - 1; medical tables marked by types of vaccinations (at least three); nurse's desk and storage of documents, instructions for the use of all medical immunobiological drugs (MIBP) - 1; chair - 1; bactericidal lamp; hand washing sink; cleaning equipment; thermal container or cooler bag with a set of cold elements.

Capacity- puncture-proof container with a lid for disinfection of used syringes, tampons, used vaccines. Disposable syringes (based on the number of vaccinated people + 25%), with a capacity of 1, 2, 5, 10 ml with a set of needles. Bixes with sterile material (cotton wool - 1.0 g per injection, bandages, napkins). Tweezers - 5, scissors - 2, rubber band - 2, heating pads - 2, kidney-shaped trays - 4, adhesive plaster, towels, diapers, sheets, disposable gloves, container with disinfectant solution.

Medicines: anti-shock kit with instructions for use (0.1% solution of adrenaline, mezaton, norepinephrine, 5.0% solution of ephedrine, 1.0% tavegil, 2.5% suprastin, 2.4% aminophylline, 0.9% calcium chloride solution, glucocorticoid drugs - prednisolone, dexamethasone or hydrocortisone, cardiac glycosides - strophanthin, korglykon), ammonia, ethyl alcohol (at the rate of 0.5 ml per injection), a mixture of ether and alcohol, oxygen.

Vaccinations against tuberculosis and tuberculin diagnostics are carried out in separate rooms, and in their absence - on a specially designated table, with separate instruments that are used only for these purposes. A specific day is allocated for BCG vaccination and tuberculin tests.

The equipment of the vaccination room in a children's institution must be carried out in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 03/07/2019 N 92n “On approval of the Regulations on the organization of primary health care for children.” This page will help you select the necessary equipment, furniture, tools and materials without violating the established requirements and norms.

What do the vaccination room standards include?

The vaccination office of a child care institution, like any other institution, requires daily cleaning, disinfection and ventilation. Its equipment includes cleaning equipment, as well as a bactericidal lamp, the performance of which must correspond to the size of the room. The furniture must include:

  • . doctor's desk;
    . medical cabinet;
    . changing table;
    . couches for medical and diagnostic procedures;
    . nurse's desk;
    . at least 2 chairs.

The standard equipment for a vaccination room for licensing includes a hand wash, liquid soap dispenser and other hygiene products. Considering the orientation of the premises, it is necessary to create the appropriate level of safety for children and medical staff. For these purposes, the availability of containers for the disposal of medical waste is provided. Vaccines and thermometers are stored in a refrigerator, which is also part of the standard equipment for vaccination rooms in schools, boarding schools, orphanages and other children's institutions.

Special attention should be paid to tools and materials. Their list includes disposable syringes with needles, rubber tourniquets, tweezers, heating pads, packs for sterile material and much more. You need to understand that equipping and licensing a vaccination room must go inextricably together. To obtain official permission, you must comply not only with the list of items, but also with their quantity. So, for example, an office in a children's institution should include 4 kidney-shaped trays, 2 scissors and 5 tweezers.

Equipment for the vaccination room from the specialists of MEDMART LLC

With our help, you can quickly, and most importantly, competently prepare premises for further licensing. When collecting equipment, we are guided by the orders, rules and regulations in force in the Russian Federation. Cooperation with the MEDMART company will provide the opportunity to select products within each position, adapting to the individual characteristics of the premises and the financial capabilities of the organization.

With MEDMART, equipping any medical office will become simple and clear!

Ordering goods to equip a vaccination room in a child care facility

This page contains all the equipment and tools necessary to equip the vaccination room and prepare the premises for the licensing procedure. To order all the necessary products, you should:

  • 1. Follow the links of all points.
    2. Select in each category that opens the products that are suitable in terms of cost, type and other characteristics.
    3. Add the selected model to your order by clicking the “Add to cart” button located in the product card. After which the message “Added” should appear.
    4. Click on the “Cart” icon at the top of the site page.
    5. Check the list of all products, if necessary, add additional ones by reopening the catalog or the equipment account page.
    6. Click the “Place an order” button, then create an application by selecting the necessary items and filling out the fields proposed by the system.
    7. Wait for a call from the online store manager

If any actions on our website cause you difficulties, call the toll-free hotline number 8 800 500 84 27, or request a call using the feedback form.

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2012 N 366n
"On approval of the Procedure for the provision of pediatric care"

The Procedure for the provision of pediatric care has been approved. It applies to all medical organizations.

Assistance is provided in the form of primary health care, emergency and specialized medical care. In this case, different conditions are possible.

The first is outside the medical organization (at the place where the ambulance is called, as well as in a vehicle during medical evacuation).

The second is outpatient (in conditions that do not provide round-the-clock medical supervision and treatment).

The third is in a day hospital (in conditions that provide observation and treatment during the day, but not around the clock).

The fourth is inpatient (in conditions that provide round-the-clock observation and treatment).

The rules for organizing the activities of a local pediatrician's office, a children's clinic (department), a consultative and diagnostic center for children, and a pediatric department are given. For each of these structures, recommended staffing standards for medical personnel and equipment standards have been determined.

Car - if necessary;

Disinfectants with instructions for their use, approved in accordance with the established procedure;

Accounting forms (form 112/u; form 026/u; form 025/u, etc.).

8. Medical immunobiological preparations used

in a children's clinic, conditions for their storage

8.1. The annual need for medical immunobiological preparations for preventive vaccinations in a children's clinic is determined in accordance with the national calendar of preventive vaccinations and the number of children of decreed ages, as well as taking into account the number of children of non-decreed ages who have not previously received preventive vaccinations within the national calendar.

8.2. Medical immunobiological preparations arrive at the children's clinic from the warehouse where the preparations are stored.

8.3. The children's clinic creates a monthly supply of all declared medical immunobiological drugs with a carryover balance of no more than 30% of the need for the next month. Keep records of receipts, expenditures and write-offs in journals of the established form. A report on the movement of vaccines is submitted quarterly to the warehouse from which they were received, as well as to territorial health authorities, bodies and institutions carrying out state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

8.4. The following documents are required for all available medical immunobiological drugs:

Annual order application for MIBP;

Explanatory note (justification) for drawing up the annual application;

Copies of requirements for receiving MIBP from the warehouse;

Journal of analysis of the movement of MIBP in the clinic;

Journal of receipt and issuance of MIBP in organizations in the service area of ​​the clinic;

Copies of reports on the movement of MIBP to higher organizations;

Certificates of write-off of MIBP;

Invoices for the received drugs indicating the quantity of each batch, expiration date, manufacturer;

Instructions for use of drugs.

8.5. When using foreign-made vaccines, additionally:

Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health and Social Security of Russia;

Certificate of conformity for each batch of the drug from the State Institute for Standardization and Control of Medical Biological Products named after. L.A. Tarasevich;

Instructions for use in Russian.

8.6. The cold chain system includes:

Specially trained personnel ensuring the operation of refrigeration equipment, storage and transportation of vaccines;

Refrigeration equipment designed for storing and transporting vaccines under optimal temperature conditions;

Mechanism for monitoring compliance with the required temperature conditions.

8.7. Cold chain equipment.

8.7.1. Refrigerators (one with a supply of vaccines for work during the current day in the vaccination room, the other for storing a month’s supply of medical immunobiological preparations).

8.7.2. Health care organizations performing a high volume of vaccinations provide sufficient refrigeration equipment to meet needs.

Refrigerators are installed at a distance of at least 10 cm from the wall, away from heat sources. For each refrigerator, a specialist’s opinion is prepared on the technical condition and the ability to maintain the temperature required for storing vaccines at 2 - 8 C°, the average percentage of wear, the year of manufacture, the date and nature of the repair.

8.7.3. Thermometers (2 in each refrigerator) are placed on the top and bottom shelves, the temperature is recorded 2 times a day in a log.

8.7.4. Cold packs filled with water are stored in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator in case of emergency use, for example during a power outage. When loading cold elements into the freezer, ensure free air circulation between them.

8.7.5. Medical immunobiological preparations are stored on marked shelves: liquid sorbed vaccines and solvents - away from the freezer, liquid lyophilized and oral live polio vaccine - under the freezer.

8.7.6. Reusable thermal containers or cooler bags, equipped with thermoelements, in sufficient quantity for transporting medical immunobiological preparations.

8.7.7. Thermal indicators for objective temperature control.

8.8. Documents: log of receipt and issuance of medical immunobiological preparations.

9. Accounting and reporting documents on the conducted

preventive vaccinations

9.1. To record and report on preventive vaccinations carried out in the children's clinic, medical documents are drawn up to ensure the completeness, accuracy and timeliness of recording the populations subject to vaccination and the vaccinations performed.

Every clinic, both for adults and children, must have a vaccination department. Here, patients undergo vaccinations aimed at preventing infection with dangerous microorganisms that lead to hepatitis, diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough and other diseases. The vaccines used must be included in the state list.

They can be either domestic or imported. Today, patients have the opportunity to independently choose a vaccine and, if necessary, purchase it from public pharmacies. Imported samples are accompanied by fewer side effects. They have a gentle effect on the body and do not cause subsequent health complications.

What should be in the office for vaccination of the population

In a vaccination room for adults or children in a public clinic or private clinic, the following must be present:

  • bins with sterile materials;
  • irradiating antibacterial lamp;
  • changing table;
  • couch for examining patients and palpation;
  • refrigerator for storing medications with markings on them;
  • disposable syringes;
  • thermometers;
  • electric suction;
  • tonometers;
  • tweezers;
  • antishock therapy;
  • tool storage cabinet;
  • ammonia;
  • ethanol;
  • hand washing sink;
  • desk for filling out patient charts.

There must be at least two vaccination rooms in total. One of them should be intended for children or adults suspected of having tuberculosis. The second can be used for all other vaccinations not related to tuberculosis tests. If the department itself is quite cramped and limited in free space, you can administer all the vaccines in one room, but distribute them on certain days. This will help reduce the risk of potential exposure to viruses and infections in healthy patients through contact with sick people.

All vaccines must be certified. They should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-8 degrees Celsius with a plus sign. Only healthy personnel who have passed a medical examination and been vaccinated against a number of common diseases (tuberculosis, hepatitis B, tetanus, etc.) have the right to be vaccinated.

Everything you can buy from our company has quality certificates and meets safety requirements.

Wide price range and equipment capabilities are the key to choosing the most suitable models for dentistry, large medical centers, laboratories, municipal hospitals or private clinics.

Cooperation with us will allow comprehensively equip institution with high-class medical equipment. Also to our clients We provide warranty and post-warranty service.