Statuses about night and sleep. Night thoughts

Your day begins with the fact that you want to sleep and ends the same.

I will give you a night that you will never forget, just finish it pea soup:D

The area was so unfavorable that even the swings were dug up and brought into the entrance at night.

What time is it? - Ten. - Oh, it’s time for me to go home! - Wait, I forgot to say, the clock is rushing. - How long? - For one night

I watched TV all day in the morning. - What did you do all night in the evening?

The night cannot last forever... No matter how endless it may seem, No matter how dark it is, it is always followed by the dawn of a new day.

Sweet dreams to you my beloved. I'll be with you all night.

I really want your young man to ask my parents for their daughter’s hand in marriage, and not. “Can she stay with me tonight?” :(

Night is a state of mind. Day is a state of thoughts.

Why doesn't my boyfriend write me warm goodnight texts? oh yes, I DON'T HAVE A BOYFRIEND!

Well, you can't sleep all night. And in the morning you fall asleep and then the alarm clock rings. You get up with bags under your eyes, go wash your face, and have breakfast. When you finally wake up, you remember that today is Saturday. And in hysterics you try to sleep

Before leaving for work at night, my mother said: “Don’t take men home.” Now we’ll do the repairs, then bring them in: D

Like the night, it begins like this: knocking on the keys, quiet music on the record player, a full ashtray, a load. welcome to the world of social media. networks.

Every night I'm left alone. I see the light from the window, but it’s the moon shining.

One night the great writer Dostoevsky was awakened by phone call: - Fedya, it’s me, Chernyshevsky, today is my wedding night, WHAT TO DO! ? That same night Dostoevsky wrote the novel THE IDIOT

The night is created not only for sleeping.

As a child, I always finished my bread. Because they told me “if you don’t finish a piece, he will run after you all night and cry.” XD

Hello, our youth, you won’t wake up in the morning, you’ll find hell at night.

Sign: a sleepless night means an empty refrigerator.

I slept on curlers all night. I let them down and looked in the mirror. and immediately remembered the status about rams. Thought: “Did he bite me tonight?

Do you get enough sleep during the night? - where do I get enough sleep?!!!

The most pleasant thing is to put on clothes in the morning that have been lying on the radiator all night.

Every night before going to bed we make up a story. And every morning we wake up in the hope that it will become reality.

Darling, where have you been all night? -fishing. -Did you catch anything? - (shuddering) I hope not

this summer you definitely need to meet the sunrise with someone who is truly dear to you. ASK ME FOR A NIGHT AT MY MOM'S, THEN WE'LL TALK

And we party together all night, because this is our time.

And where the hell are you going for the night???

Bastard grandma!! I didn’t make it!!” the bun was indignant on his first wedding night.

And I want you to call me and say: “I thought all night and decided, let’s be together!!! I really miss you!!!”

stay up all night, think about him, get up at 6 in the morning, again the Internet, his page. Of course he's still asleep, but I am. I finally admitted that I love him

Every night. dream after dream. You. and I. together.

Night. I'm trying to sleep. 21st century in the yard, era mobile communications, SMS, mms, “beacons”, in the end, you can also use the intercom, and they stand under the window and yell: “Iraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa2020202012

In the darkness of the night, and even in the light of day, I’m fucking sitting on VKontakte.

A night spent together brings us closer together. Sex has nothing to do with it.

At night all pussies are bold.

Every night, at exactly 1:46, my fucking alarm clock starts ringing, which somehow fell behind the closet six months ago, and no one can get it out of there.

It’s evening again, again the phone is silent, Again sadness turns into a tearful monolith.

Intertwining of bodies, gentle delirium in the ear. Touching lips and hands all night - then dawn.

[. *Freeze as you inhale, as you exhale, go offline and let the night rage in your lime-colored eyes. *]

God! Please give me a day off. Yes, so be sure to take it for the whole day and night - I’m very tired.

I dreamed all night erotic dreams, did they connect me to cable or what?

How I want to just hug you when passing by, and not pass by with a cold look. And then they suffer all night.

She lost consciousness when she hit the corner of a pillow.

I hate this state when you really like a person and you can’t do anything to make him like you. At night you lie and think, think, think, think.

I want a bottle of martini, put on a skirt, a T-shirt and go to the shore all night. Drink to the point of insanity, fall and scream until you are hoarse.

I was ready to give my life for him, Aon betrayed me for a night of fun with a whore!

Do you want to spend an unforgettable night? Give birth

I sent an angel to kiss you goodnight, but he came back and said. Why the fuck should I kiss such an asshole!

If there were no darkness of night, would we rejoice in the light of day?

Night turns any affair into a love affair.

The most unpleasant thing is when you find a spider somewhere in the bedroom before going to bed. Even after slamming him down, you wonder for a long time where he came from and whether he was alone.

The night is like a fairy-tale kingdom, where everything is more beautiful and kinder, everything is brighter and more interesting. And you are trying to hide there from the grayness of the past day.

Best status:
The parents were worried, they probably forgot that they once spent all nights walking. And until dawn they upset their parents in the same way. They fell in love, broke up and didn’t notice anyone around them.

Once again we part. Absolutely different people, we have nothing in common. And the night proves the opposite. And we are intertwined again in a fit of passion.

Why do we preen ourselves more in the morning? This should be done at night, because our husband is waiting for us in bed. Isn't this a romantic date?

I am afraid of the onset of darkness. Because you are no longer in my bed.

Conflicts, misunderstandings, omissions come to life in the night. And these are already bizarre monsters that are milling around in your head. They pull the invisible threads, not allowing the eyelids to close, and knock on the temples.

The right night is always short.

I dream that my first time would be on my wedding night...

It's better to feel awkward in the morning than to spend the night alone!

After all, if there were no day, we would never know how beautiful the night is.

Summer nights are not made for sleeping

Night without end and horror without beginning - A face without a face, a soul without a veil...

Never missed a day to prepare for the night.

Friendship between a man and a woman weakens when night falls. a child I was amazed that the letters in a closed book did not get mixed up and were not lost overnight... (“Aleph”)

This night, such a night that morning would come soon

The most light time for him it was night.

food at night always tastes better))

and I also want to eat at night and not gain weight

lan let's everyone without a troublesome night!!) don't get fat at night!

A night when you can retire and just cry about the fact that you are not with him...

Every night, before I fall asleep, I remember for a long time what I most want to forget...

Coffee at night - prolongs your online contact =)

Night. I'm waiting in vain for an SMS from you again. After all, it's all over. No one else will write: “Marmalade dreams, my Little Fox:*.”..(

You are day and night, you are darkness and light, you are the one who goes to the toilet at night))

People have chosen the nights for love and theft for a reason.

Why, during the day, show your tears while crying, because there is night for that...

Thank you for the day, thank you for the night Thank you for your son and daughter Thank you for saving our small little world in the midst of pain and evil

On that full moon night of Friday the 13th, when he stumbled onto left leg There was no sign of trouble about the black cat that crossed the street...

Have you ever noticed the very moment when winter turns into spring, night into morning, the moment when sugar dissolves in tea or how the polish dries on your nails? Just as imperceptibly, we let go of those for whom for a long time We are holding on with all our might.

Night walks along the streets of broken lamps are fraught with problems.

At night all pussies are bold.

And it was Night! And it was morning...

The last night before battle, before death or before a wedding, there is nothing worse, nothing longer.

People have reserved the night for love, as well as for theft and murder.

And the night lasts longer than a century when the daughter is at the disco...

he comes to me in my dreams every night))) aaaa I want it in real life too*

Night also exists to make day easier to recognize.

A terrible time at night - too late for yesterday, too early for today.

You can reach the dawn only by following the path of the night.

Guys, eat crackers at night, because it’s always nice when you have two or three crumbs in your bed!

Morning. Work. Night. Life will pass unnoticed!…

You can't change your life overnight. But in one night you can change thoughts that will change your life forever!

How good it is to stay awake at night. Then it’s easier to talk.

The night and two furry hoods hid our secret from prying eyes.

Car, speed, night, night city, favorite music... cool...

What are you doing? - I’m thinking about what to eat, what about you? - I want it too, but I won’t do it for the night. -oh, if only I had such willpower - I don’t have willpower. I’m just too lazy to get up: DD

One night, I was out of breath (runny nose), smoked, went to the mirror, my tongue was black. Me: Damn, is your tongue rotten?

The earth is round, the night is dark, the entrance is long! Be afraid!

Without your “good night” every night becomes more and more restless.

I love the night...

Sometimes you notice how long a sleepless night can be, and you wonder how you can let so many thoughts pass through you in such a time!

Summer nights are not made for sleeping.

Do you want to spend an unforgettable night with a few babes? Eat a cracker in bed...

Every night I fall asleep hugging my phone.. in the hope that you will write..

There are five billion trees in the world. And under every tree there is a shadow, right? So where does night come from? And here's where it comes from: five billion trees - and from under each tree a shadow creeps out. Can you imagine?

Night fell over the city. I only felt the cool breeze on my skin and the arms of a loved one hugging me. And it seemed that everything was as it should be. But not in my world.

He's what I need for tonight - single, straight and smokes.

The night brings peace to the old and hope to the young.

I want to go where there is only night and him, I want to go to him!...

And all night long, with headphones on, Guf and Basta give concerts for me personally))

White night is when ladies are invited for the night?

Everyone in the world eats 3 times a day, but we eat 3 times a day and 2 times a night)

The night is darkest before dawn.

Night and again I think about you... all sorts of nasty things =))

Night is when you can retire and just cry about the fact that you are not with him.....

Night. It's definitely time for sleep. As Carlson said, let's play pranks?

Eating at night is harmful, but very tasty!

A girl should not be for one night, but for one life.

In general, now, for all the messages in a personal message like “like me” or “sweetie there” or “comment on something/somewhere” I will probably delete 40-70 messages from friends per night, no offense!

Night gives shine to stars and women.

You are for him for the night, and I am for eternity.

The morning is always good if the night is passionate.

Life is a night spent in deep sleep, often turning into a nightmare.

At night, everyone is what he should be, and not what he has become.

Night is a fascinating and inspiring time of day. There is no person who has not admired her impressive beauty at least once. Since ancient times, artists, poets and writers have sung it as the best time for reflection, for romance, for creative and spiritual inspiration and, finally, simply for relaxation. In general, night is a beautiful time. And just like that beautiful quotes We present to your attention about the night. The wonderful night phrases and statuses that we have selected for this thematic collection are funny and sad, playful and wise. Everyone can find a quote here that accurately reflects his feelings and attitude towards the night.

Quotes about the night of great people

A person is always different at night than during the day.
Erich Maria Remarque

I love to live at night. At night there is a different degree of freedom...
Elchin Safarli

Night is the negative of the previous day; morning develops the photograph.
Slawomir Wroblewski

It's darkest before dawn.
Thomas Fuller

Some people don’t even need night - they themselves emit darkness.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Night gives shine to stars and women.
George Byron

Contemplating the night, I see nothing, love nothing.
Georges Bataille

The night's possibilities for mixing colors are endless.
Claude Lévi-Strauss

All life is one or two nights.
Alexander Pushkin

Not a day without a night of love.
Arkady Davidovich

At night, as a rule, it is so quiet that even quiet, distant isolated sounds - the voices of late passers-by, barking dogs or the sound of the wind - can be heard as if they were very close. In general, it's time for reflection. For example, above these quotes about night with meaning.

Sad quotes statuses about night

Perhaps loneliness was invented at night. During the day you can talk to a shadow...

By nightfall we all feel sad.

At night time stands still. Only the clock is ticking.

Night. Come on, remember all the saddest and most painful things in order to suffer.

Don’t rush words, they strangle people at night...

The night exists to say what you cannot repeat in the morning.

Sometimes, the person who smiles during the day is torn with sadness at night.

In the silence of the night, you dream more about the tender words of one person than about the applause of thousands of people.

When you forget to call at night, I forget to sleep.

I hate this state when you lie at night and think, think, think, think...

Night is a time of waiting...

A terrible time at night - too late for yesterday, too early for today...

The human world seems to freeze at night and cede its dominant role to some unknown magic. The streets are gradually emptying, the lights are going out in the windows of houses and apartments. And only lanterns create lonely illuminated islands of space. It's a romantic time. Time beautiful statuses and phrases. Time for magic.

Funny and cool quotes about night short

And the night lasts longer than a century when the daughter is at the disco...

Two o'clock in the morning? Sleep? What are you talking about? You need to think about the meaning of life, the universe, and generally about something smart...

We should try to sleep at night. What if you like it?

You wake up in the morning and think... What time is it??? What day is today??? Where am I???... And this is not morning, but night!!!

If your conscience doesn't let you sleep at night, then don't let it sleep during the day.

I don’t get enough sleep... Either the nights are short, or I sleep so quickly...

No matter where I live, I will always be haunted by a neighbor who has something loudly falling and rolling in the middle of the night.

Sitting summer night at full moon, I can’t sleep... I can’t sleep... I wish I could sleep...

Night... The apartment falls asleep... The cat wakes up...

Why does one sleep so sweetly during the day... but food tastes better at night?

There are nights when sleep is an unaffordable luxury!

Any beautiful eyes after sleepless night the prefix “pre” usually disappears somewhere...

Night is a mysterious time. Therefore, at all times, quotes about the night have been relevant and, apparently, will always remain so. Just like the night will come to us regularly and every day.

Romantic quotes about night and love

At night, the eyes are always brighter. After all, they reflect love, passion, the moon and stars...

There is no better sleeping pill than the message " Good night“from the one whose thoughts don’t let you sleep...

Friendship between a man and a woman weakens when night falls.

Even those who are not going to sleep await the night.

At night, words are really unnecessary.

Love is when you call him in the evening to wish him good night, and you cover the conversation with the phrase: “Damn... it’s already eight in the morning, I’m late for work...!”

If you are woken up at night, it means someone needs you!

Sometimes you just want the night to never end.

Night is a time for love, not for friendship.

The night is with you, the dawn is with you, everything is with you, my Internet.

There are no limits to love, and the world is very small, in the twilight of the mind you go against fate and you can go out into the light, being always in the night...

Twilight, new moon, eclipse, dawn, midnight sun, sunset, full moon, full moon, oval moon, no moon, day, night, morning, evening, lunch, breakfast, dinner, sleep xD

You are my light, I am your shadow, You are my sunset, I am your dawn

Every girl would like to eat at night and not gain weight at all!

Longer than eternity is the night when your daughter is at the dance...

You said again that we could only remain friends... But for some reason we were friends again until the morning and naked...

Saturday morning, afternoon, evening and night different days absolutely! 🙂

One night I was walking through the forest and came across some branches... and spent the night with them!

I want so much, like in childhood, to believe in New Year's tale, make a wish with the hope that it will come true and wait for a miracle on New Year’s Eve...

Current New Year will occur on the night from Saturday to Sunday. It looks like a double reason

I really love it when on a summer night you are already lying in bed, and a motorcycle passes outside the window with a wild roar...

saw the night, walked all night until the morning...

Do you want to spend the night with passionate babes? can I come to your bed and eat bread 😀

I am the Wind Man! I walk at night and fall asleep at dawn

CBD Wonderland, came out at night and disappeared.

Doctor! I ate some candy last night, scold me... - Burn with shame, you fat monster!!!

What is happiness? and this little miracle, which screams at the top of its lungs, at night, in the next room, “maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

I want to go to a fairy tale... Sugar morning, marmalade day and chocolate night...

If you had a dream on the night from Saturday to Sunday, it means Saturday was not a success

At night, like any genius, brilliant thoughts appeared. It’s a pity that I forgot them all... I even forgot that I remembered yesterday

You write to me every night. Every time it's the same. Write something new!!!

this night from Friday to Monday, we spend time draining kilograms of money)

I wonder why food tastes better in the refrigerator at night?..

I'm not asking you to solve it. I just ask you to make a wish on the night of 31st to 1st

You don’t sleep all day, don’t eat all night, of course you get tired!

On the night from December 31 to January 1, fate opens the doors to you new life, but how difficult it is to get into them at this time!

They used to write poems for girls. Now what? Spock night, colon, dash, parenthesis closes...

At 4 o'clock in the morning there are more people online than at 9 o'clock in the morning...We exchanged day for night!

The scribe comes unnoticed - on the night from Friday to Monday...

Do you consider women the weaker sex? then try to take the blanket away from her at night..

On the night of Ivan Kupala, migrant workers jump over a concrete mixer and tell fortunes on the cement.

The secret of the diet: morning cupcake at night sex, morning cupcake at night sex! If flour doesn’t help, cancel it!

You may also be interested.

There are some tears that must be cried, at any time of the day or night, cried so that everything inside burns out.

It's terribly easy to be insensitive during the day, but at night it's a completely different matter.

If you don't sleep at night, you can see something that many have never even dreamed of.

I remember the view from your house, apartment and telephone number. I remember rainy nights when we didn't sleep. Remember them and everything that happened in the bedroom.

Day is the time of bonds and chains, duties and rules, and night is the time of Freedom.

"Sergei Lukyanenko"

A career is a wonderful thing, but it can't keep anyone warm on a cold night.

"Marilyn Monroe"

Every night, before we fall asleep, we spend a long time remembering what we most want to forget.

At night, everyone thinks about the person they love.

For some reason, during the day you want to experience sadness surrounded by people; At night, on the contrary, you look for a secluded place.

Let there be pain, let there be suffering. Walk through the dark night and you will reach a beautiful sunrise. Only in the womb of the night does the sun develop. Only in the darkness of the night does morning come.

At night, thoughts have a way of breaking free and roaming free.

"Stephen King"

But, most likely, this will happen at night, simply because I still believe that night is best time for miracles.

"Max Fry"

Music is good to listen to at night. When people's faces are not visible.

"Sei Shonagon"

Every night before you go to sleep, imagine your ideal tomorrow. You will see that in many respects this will be the case.

I hate this state. When you lie there at night and think, think, think, think... and you just can’t stop

I traded my day for a night, and at a very lousy rate.

Vanilla lipstick... Long eyelashes... Mountains of chocolate and the night when she stopped dreaming of him.

Then the night fully came into its own and did what day could not do - it grabbed the heart.

"Erich M. Remarque"

Night is a time of stupid thoughts and amazing ideas.

The night brings peace to the old and hope to the young.

Love in marriage is when during the day a couple is decorous, respectful spouses who turn into passionate lovers at night.

Night gives shine to stars and women.

Night is a great time to remember your cherished desires and ignite the desire to fulfill them

Quotes about the night

There are some tears that you absolutely have to cry, at any time of the day or night, to cry so that everything inside burns out.

It was a delightful moonlit night, one of those bright, warm Bessarabian nights when you don’t want to go home and indulge in sleep. It really is a sin to sleep on a night like this. The eyes are involuntarily turned upward, to the heavens, to the moon, to the stars. The soul is torn to an unknown destination. The heart is drawn to an unknown destination. Some incomprehensible melancholy creeps into my soul, I don’t know what

You can't change your life in one night... But in one night you can change thoughts that will change your life forever.

There is no better sleeping pill than a “good night” message from someone whose thoughts keep you awake.

Night also exists to make day easier to recognize.

How good it is to stay awake at night. Then it’s easier to talk.

"Erich Maria Remarque"

No one can be held back during the day by what happened at night.

"Sally Stanford"

Every night or evening you need to ask yourself a simple question: I lived today - did anyone feel good about it? No? So, have time to do something good!

Most nights were spent in restless thoughts. It seemed to me that there was a huge pit inside me, bottomless and empty, as if the whole world was nothing more than a giant hall without a single person.