Internship for teachers is a modern innovation for their development. Regulations on internships for teaching staff

Council of the technical school

Protocol No. 1 from “28”August 2015



named after A.K. Lysenko"

ON THE. Brovchenko


1 area of ​​use

1.1. This regulation on internships for teaching staff(hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) regulates the procedure for the formation and implementation of an internship system inGBPOU VO "LPTT named after A.K. Lysenko".

2. Legal side

2.1. This Regulation has been developed in accordance with Federal law RF dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in Russian Federation", Federal State educational standards SPO, CharterGBPOU VO "LPTT named after A.K. Lysenko".

3. General provisions

3.1. The implementation of basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education should be ensured by teaching staff who have higher education, corresponding to the profile of the taught academic disciplines, interdisciplinary courses and professional modules. Experience in enterprises and organizations corresponding to the professional orientation is mandatory for teaching staff responsible for students’ mastery of the professional cycle. Advanced training in the form of an internship is a necessary condition effective activities of teaching staff in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

3.2. Internship is one of the main organizational forms advanced training of teaching staff.

3.3. The internship of teaching staff is understood as the purposeful continuous improvement of their professional competencies And pedagogical excellence. Internship wears practice-oriented character. At the same time, the concept of “internship” is considered both as a process and as a result of education.

3.4. The organization and implementation of an internship program can be carried out both in the form of a targeted short-term internship, and in an individual modular professional development program, including one built on a cumulative system. An individual modular internship program can be built on a cumulative system and consist of a number of modules (submodules) that represent a complete course. Internship is possible at several internship sites of various enterprises and organizations, the profile of which corresponds to the vocational specialties being implemented. Teaching staff undergo internships at least once every three years. If there is a need to study new production technologies being introduced at enterprises and organizations, internships for teaching staff can be carried out more often.

3.5. Internship plans and programs are developed by the technical school independently and coordinated with enterprises and organizations.

3.6. The duration of internships is set individually depending on the level vocational education, goals, work experience, profession (position) of the intern. The internship period for teachers and industrial training masters is usually set at least 72 hours.

3.7. The internship can be carried out at the location of the technical school, as well as in organizations, enterprises, research centers located in other regions and having material, organizational and human resources for effective organization internships for teachers and masters of industrial training of the secondary vocational education system.

3.8. The main types of internships are industrial and pedagogical. Industrial training is carried out in organizations of the real sector of the economy, the profile of which corresponds to the specialties implemented in technical schools, where the trainee acquires or improves qualification category, gets acquainted with new technology, equipment, production technology of the relevant industry, management processes, organization, economics of production.

Pedagogical internships are carried out in educational organizations.

The trainee gains experience in organizing educational and educational work, meets modern forms and methods of educational work, studies innovative pedagogical technologies.

4. Goals and objectives of the internship

4.1. The purpose of the internship is to form and develop the professional competencies of teaching staff.

4.2. The objectives of the internship are:

Improving knowledge and skills in psychological, pedagogical, scientific, professional and general cultural activities based on modern scientific achievements, progressive technology and technology;

Further training of teachers in professional modules, familiarizing them with the latest technologies, prospects for the development and organization of the relevant branch of science;

Mastering innovative technologies, forms, methods and means of teaching;

Studying domestic and foreign experience to the requirements of the qualification level of specialists and the need to master modern methods solving professional problems;

Modeling of innovative educational processes;

Development of specific proposals for improving the scientific process, introducing advanced achievements of science, technology and production into teaching practice;

Familiarization with the latest technologies and prospects for their development in the area of ​​the specialty corresponding to the profile;

Studying domestic and foreign experience in assessing the level of qualifications of specialists;

Development of proposals for improving the educational process, introducing advanced achievements of science, technology and production into teaching practice.

5. Organization of internship

5.1. The internship is organized taking into account the needs of the educational process by the decision of the directorGBPOU VO "LPTT named after A.K. Lysenko".

5.2. Organization of internships for teaching staff includes:

Long-term and annual internship planning, which is integral part educational organization development programs;

Concluding cooperation agreements with organizations and enterprises corresponding to the profiles of the implemented specialties and/or professions that provide internships;

Development, coordination and approval of the internship program;

Conducting an internship.

5.3. Sending teaching staff for internships can be carried out on the basis of:

The expiration of a three-year period from the date of the last professional development or internship of a teaching worker;

Initiatives of the teaching staff or the technical school administration, subject to the consent of the organization or enterprise hosting the internship and the financial capacity of the educational organization (early).

5.4. The direction of a teaching worker for an internship is formalized by order of the director, admission to an internship - by order on pre-

acceptance or organization (according to the cooperation agreement).

5.5. Heads of enterprises or organizations implementing internships for teaching staff determine jobs for interns, internship supervisors from among the most experienced employees or highly qualified workers, whose responsibilities include regular consultations with interns and monitoring the results of their practical activities during the internship period.

6. Internship program

6.1. The internship program for a teacher is developed by the intern, discussed at a meeting of the subject (cycle) commission, agreed upon with the head of the intern organization, and approved by the director of the technical school (Appendix 1).

6.2. The internship program should include work directly on the job to master innovative technologies and labor techniques related to the profile of the educational organization, familiarization with modern equipment, economics and organization of the enterprise, labor protection.

6.3. The internship program may include:

Independent theoretical training;

Acquisition of additional professional competencies;

Study of organization and technology professional activity;

Work with regulatory and other documentation;

Performance functional responsibilities officials or specialists (as an interim or backup);

Receiving advice on the stated problem;

Participation in meetings business meetings and etc.

6.4. The result of mastering an individual modular program is the type of professional activity, a list of general and professional

competencies that the trainee will master during the internship.

6.5. The structure and content of an individual modular internship program contains a thematic internship plan, which includes theoretical and practical training, mandatory classroom lessons, including laboratory and practical ones, independent work and the total number of internship hours.

6.6. Targeted short-term internship programs may include the study of any one topic of the main professional educational program; study of one technological operation; type of professional activity; equipment or technology.

7. Documenting internships and summing up

7.1. The main regulatory document for an intern is the duly approved internship program (Appendix 1).

7.2. The internship of a teaching worker ends with the issuance of a certificate confirming the mastery of individual program intern and certified by the head of the enterprise or organization (Appendix 2) and delivery of the diary and report compiled by the teacher based on the results of the internship (Appendix 3, 4).

7.3. A document confirming the internship of a teaching worker is necessary to pass the certification procedure for the qualification category. A copy of the certificate of completion of the internship is kept in the personal file of the teacher or industrial training master.

8. Financing procedure

8.1. The costs of an internship for a teaching worker are financed from the funds of the educational organization in accordance with established standards.

8.2. Teaching staff undergoing internships in organizations outside of work retain their position and average wage at the place of work during the internship period.

Annex 1

Department of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Voronezh Region

State budgetary professional
educational institution of the Voronezh region
“Liskinsky Industrial and Transport College named after A.K. Lysenko"

(GBPOU HE "LPTT named after A.K. Lysenko")


Director of LPTT

____________/____________/ _________ / N. A. Brovchenko /

(signature, full name)(signature, full name)

“_____” ____________ 2015 “_____” __________ 20 15


Teachers (industrial training masters)GBPOU VO "LPTT named after A.K. Lysenko"


at the enterprise

company name

Liski 2015

Department of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Voronezh Region

State budgetary professional
educational institution of the Voronezh region
“Liskinsky Industrial and Transport College named after A.K. Lysenko"

(GBPOU HE "LPTT named after A.K. Lysenko")



Topic name
(type of work)

Number of hours



Vice president
according to UPR _____________ E.N. Gerasimenko

Head scientific and methodological

department ____________ S.A. Irkhin

Appendix 2




Issued to a teacher (industrial training master)GBPOU VO "LPTT named after A.K. Lysenko"is that during the period from ________________ to _________________ he completed an internship of 108 hours. on the base _________


(Business name)

under the internship programprofessions/specialties of secondary vocational education__________________________________________________________________________________.

Head of the enterprise


Date of issue: "_____"________________20____

Appendix 3

Department of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Voronezh Region

State budgetary professional
educational institution of the Voronezh region
“Liskinsky Industrial and Transport College named after A.K. Lysenko"

(GBPOU HE "LPTT named after A.K. Lysenko")


accounting for internship as a teacher (industrial training master)

(Full name of software master)

Business name ___________




Title and summary internships

Number of hours

Internship supervisor from the technical school

____________________/ Gerasimenko E.N./

Internship supervisor from the enterprise


Appendix 4


about completing an internship

Software Masters ______________________________________________


Duringwith “___” _____________ 20___ by "___" _____________ 20___ I completed an internship at the company _______________________


name of organization (enterprise)

During the internship, the following tasks were completed: the following types works:



Characteristics of the internship supervisor from the enterprise:


Software Master ___________ ______________

signature full name

signature full name

Head of LPTT ___________E.N.Gerasimenko

Appendix 4


head of the enterprise


Name of the enterprise (organization)

about internship for industrial training master

FULL NAME. software wizard






Manager from the enterprise ___________ ______________

signature full name

Changes in federal legislation and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for staffing educational programs have led to the relevance of organizing internships for teaching staff to create opportunities for teachers to present and exchange innovative pedagogical experience, applied educational and information technologies.
What distinguishes an internship from traditional advanced training courses?
Firstly, the practice-oriented nature of the internship, which implies the replacement of lectures with practical forms of organizing training (excursions, master classes, exchange of experience in the workplace, mentoring), implementation job responsibilities or solving professional problems in the workplace, practical conferences, meetings, projects. Any internship includes independent theoretical training, as well as individual assignments of a practical (pedagogical) or research nature.
Secondly, development modern technologies(pedagogical, informational, managerial) based on the best educational practices. IN modern conditions such internship bases can become resource centers, scientific and educational consortia, educational, scientific and other organizations that have the necessary innovative experience in organizing the educational process and implementing modern technologies.
Thirdly, the accumulation of professional experience of teachers, which effectively occurs in the process of analyzing their own problems of pedagogical activity, analyzing the achievements of other specialists, exchanging professional experience, studying advanced examples of pedagogical and managerial experience, highlighting key factors effective behavior and activity and professional development important qualities personality.
Fourthly, the internship has individual character regardless of whether the teacher takes it individually or in a group of students. Each internship has an individual plan and individual assignments that are aimed at solving specific professional problems in improving professional skills ( professional development) of a research or applied nature.
The internship is organized on the basis of educational, scientific and other organizations with experience innovation activity and high results in one direction or another educational activities. It is precisely such educational organizations that can become internship sites, organize the effective dissemination and exchange of advanced pedagogical experience, demonstrate the results of the implementation of modern educational, educational, information technologies.
Such internships for teachers different categories based on internship sites, they have been working at the Moscow City Council for two years pedagogical university as part of traditional advanced training courses and professional retraining, and separately in the process of studying a particular educational program.
The focus of internships is different - from one-time events for the exchange of teaching experience (problem-based seminars, master classes), mastering advanced training courses with studying the experience of other teachers and educational institutions, to conducting research and implementing projects on the basis of one’s own school based on the results of the internship.
It is becoming increasingly popular to organize internships for school teams of teachers, allowing them not only to study the innovative experience of colleagues, but also, based on collective reflection and creative awareness of this experience, to propose a program for changing the educational process of their educational institution. Such, for example, was a project implemented at Moscow State Pedagogical University for school teams of teachers on the problem of developing meta-subject competencies of students, within the framework of which two internships are provided - on the basis of advanced educational practices in Moscow and in schools in Finland, which have high results in international comparative studies of student competencies .
Internships can be organized either according to educational programs implemented by the university, or created separately at the request of teachers and educational organizations. Today, Moscow State Pedagogical University, together with internship sites, is creating original internship programs to disseminate innovative experience in the Moscow education system. Examples of such cooperation in the field of internships include:
training of teachers for the implementation of international baccalaureate programs - gymnasium No. 1404 “Gamma” (director - N. Rayushkina);
implementation of modern science education programs using nanotechnology and technological entrepreneurship - educational institutions School League Rusnano;
use of modern information technologies in educational process and management of educational organizations - Lyceum No. 1575 (director - I. Bobrova);
training of technological teachers - school No. 293 (director - A. Glozman);
research activities students (scientific and technical profile) - MUK No. 15 "Meshchansky" (director - V. Shalashov).
Based on the results of the internship, teachers are issued a document on advanced training, depending on the additional training implemented. professional program, similar to advanced training certificates.
If today at Moscow State Pedagogical University about 300 people a year are trained in internship programs, then in the near future many teachers will participate in internship programs as the most in demand for mastering practical experience, to master innovative methods and work technologies, for discussion and reflection of pedagogical ideas.

Dmitry MAKHOTIN, head of the department of professional development of teaching staff at the Institute of Further Education

Every student at a higher education institution is familiar with the concept of practice. Without passing it, it is unlikely that you will be able to obtain a diploma. As for university graduates who have not had time to gain some experience, they are usually accepted for a probationary period and acquire the status of trainee. So what is the difference between these two concepts?



Practice- view academic work aimed at consolidating the knowledge acquired by students while visiting the university. It is part of the main educational program. It takes place at a real enterprise corresponding to the student’s specialty. It is divided into educational, industrial and pre-graduation.


Internship– activities to gain experience or improve qualifications. This term also means demonstrating one’s abilities during probationary period in order to determine the possibility of employment in full-time position. An internship can be a component of postgraduate education, along with specialization and retraining. Its duration is determined by production necessity or the amount of time required to achieve the goal.


As mentioned above, practice is a mandatory part of the university curriculum. Its essence is to apply the acquired knowledge in real life, mastering the intricacies of a particular profession. Students get internships in two ways. Either they look for a suitable place themselves, or the university provides it. As a rule, universities enter into agreements with various organizations and send their students there every year. The internship can take place during the academic semester or a special period is allocated for it. However, it cannot fall during the holidays.

Before starting the internship, the university signs an agreement with organizations, according to which they provide jobs to students. If the student independently chooses an enterprise, he enters into an individual agreement in the prescribed form. The duration of the internship is determined by the curriculum. Its structure and content are prescribed in work program. Based on the results of the internship, students write a report, the grade for which is taken into account during intermediate certification. The characteristics of the mentor are also taken into account.

The main difference between internship and internship is that the former is carried out in the direction of the university. While the second one is own initiative employee. In addition, the area of ​​internship does not always correspond to the acquired specialty. Yes, graduated medical school a person may well get an internship at a freight transportation company. Whereas the trainee must choose a place that matches his training profile. After all, only in this case the necessary educational effect is achieved.

It is worth noting that not only students, but also experienced workers companies. This happens in case of retraining or promotion on the career ladder. If the internship does not promise the student any financial benefits, then the internship is often paid. Based on its results, a person either gets the desired position or receives a refusal from the manager.

A comparison table will help you draw a conclusion about the difference between practice and internship.

Practice Internship
It is part of the university educational programActs on the employee’s own initiative
Carried out on the basis of an agreement with the universityOften not supported by any documents
Does not promise material benefits to the studentMay be paid
The goal is to gain professional skills to write a final reportThe goal is to demonstrate your knowledge and skills to obtain the desired position
Must correspond to the student's specialtyThe employee’s educational profile does not always matter
The prerogative of students exclusivelyIt is passed not only by university students, but also by experienced employees.
Duration is determined by the curriculumTiming is determined by production needs

Practice and internship

Professional student practice and internship in the best companies and laboratories in the world - in Russia and abroad

Accepting applications for internships and internships

In the summer of 2018, as part of the summer internship organized by Albion and allocated quotas, IT students, economists, and chemists underwent professional training. Future financiers and managers received internship positions in a transnational company and large banks.

Applications for internships/practices in the summer of 2019 are open in the following areas:
genetic engineering (topic: Development of methods for determining the age of individuals based on assessment of DNA methylation profiles), applied physics, chemistry, economics and finance, “System programming and computer science”, “Supercomputer systems and applications”, “Quantum information science”, as well as interdisciplinary directions for solving current applied problems on supercomputers in such areas as bioinformatics, seismic exploration, nanotechnology, industrial mathematics, etc.

Practice and internship for a student are not only professional experience, but also a significant line in the resume, a bonus for a future career. And if such practice takes place under the guidance of a world-famous scientist or specialist, its value increases significantly.

Open the doors of leading international research centers and large companies helps for schoolchildren and students new project educational company "Albion" "Open Laboratories of the World", launched in June 2018 and supported by famous scientists, full members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and a number of reputable professors from Western universities. And the first steps towards this unique project were taken by Albion in the summer of 2017, proving to be very successful. Our students spoke about this in interview, published on the pages of TASS with the participation of Albion.

In the fall of 2018, Albion began a long-term internship program for 2018-2019 academic year- on the basis of institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian and foreign universities, transnational companies. Directions - physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, programming and computer technology, derivatives, investment banking, mergers and acquisitions. It is expected that the most in demand will be the full-time and remote form of internship, which includes mandatory preparation for practice together with a tutor and supervisor, implementation of a project during two or three full-time sessions, defense of completed work; This format is especially interesting for those who are going to study or are already receiving education abroad.

Organizing a professional internship/internship for a student or high school student in serious research centers, renowned companies or universities - especially abroad - is a very difficult task, in terms of time and effort comparable to the process of admission to highly ranked educational institutions, often even more difficult. The number of applicants many times, sometimes by a couple of orders of magnitude, exceeds the number of vacant places. Getting a place as an intern in a famous laboratory, with a famous professor, is extremely difficult even for promising students from your home university, not to mention outside students or high school students.

At the same time, the importance of high-quality professional practice, including for future employment, is well understood by students and their parents.

Working in an environment of an outstanding scientific, engineering or economic school is an invaluable privilege, which gives the student and high school student a powerful incentive to a more conscious and targeted study of theoretical disciplines, improves analytical thinking, develops professional and scientific intuition, introduces work in a team of intellectuals, forms a self-sufficient, enthusiastic person.

Along with the chance to take the first steps in your professional career and become almost equal participants in the most modern research and developments, practice participants receive a significant increase in their resumes and a chance to participate in scientific publications. With the assistance of international scientists and professionals, students much more quickly gain experience and knowledge that is not included in the standard curriculum.

New direction - new partners and new opportunities

A unique opportunity for students and high school students to realize their dreams and work side by side with eminent scientists and professionals has become a reality thanks to the Albion initiative, which was developed with the support and participation of our partners, including world-famous laboratories of Russian and foreign universities and institutes RAS, multinational companies and large banks.

Since June 2018, we have been accepting applications from schoolchildren and students over 16 years of age (or their parents) studying in Russia or abroad for the organization of professional short-term (3-12 weeks) and long-term (3-12 months) internships and internships in different specialties.

Organization of practice and internship

Each practice/internship is an individual project, adapted by Albion together with the host party to the level of knowledge of a high school student or student, and is carried out according to a program drawn up taking into account the individual wishes of the trainee and the requirements of his educational supervisor.
Admission to practice is carried out within the allocated quotas and on a paid basis, according to the conditions of the host party and the prices of the organizers.

The procedure for organizing and conducting practice is as follows:

  • The student submits an application and resume to Albion in advance, to highly ranked laboratories/companies - a year or more before the start of the internship/internship
  • "Albion" searches and selects internship/practice options within the allocated quotas in accordance with the application, the student’s level of training and the terms of the concluded agreement
  • The student undergoes an interview with the head of the laboratory/company for preliminary approval of his candidacy for the place of intern/trainee
  • Laboratory/company coordinates with student exact dates, cost of practice/internship and other essential conditions.
  • The student (sponsor) pays the bill in accordance with the agreement concluded with the laboratory/company.
  • The laboratory/company provides the student with a scientific supervisor and a personal supervisor for preparation for practice, training and support during practice, monitoring the student’s education after completion of the internship.
  • The student completes the agreed task, discusses the results of the work with his supervisor/supervisor and receives a detailed report/certificate upon completion of the internship.

Successful students are eligible to be enrolled in personnel reserve company, or (in relation to the laboratory) be co-authors of a scientific publication based on the results of the work performed and continue cooperation with the Laboratory.