Consequences of male sterilization. Male sterilization (vasectomy) has an unexpected effect

Male sterilization- one of the most reliable ways male contraception and family planning. The procedure involves artificially obstructing the vas deferens. Unlike male castration, sterilization does not affect libido, potency and the ability to have sex. sexual contacts.

Male sterilization (vasectomy) can be voluntary or forced. In the first case, the reason for intervention is the man’s reluctance or married couple to have children. Sometimes you have to resort to this method if you are intolerant to other methods of contraception. Male sterilization is also recommended for couples whose pregnancy poses a risk to the woman's health and life. Because bandaging fallopian tubes refers to more complex abdominal operations, doctors recommend a less invasive vasectomy.

Forced male and female sterilization used to prevent the birth of offspring in people with defective genetic characteristics. In Russia, it is carried out only by court decision in accordance with the procedure approved at the legislative level. The basis for performing the procedure is medical indications: mental disability of a person or the likelihood of transmitting a dangerous hereditary disease to offspring.


Voluntary male sterilization can be performed if it does not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation. The law establishes that vasectomy can be performed on men over 35 years of age or who have 2 or more children.

Since sterilization is a surgical procedure, before deciding on the possibility of carrying out the procedure, the available medical contraindications: intolerance to anesthetics, the presence of certain organ diseases in a person genitourinary system etc.

Points for and against

When choosing this method male contraception must take into account its characteristics, as well as probable risks And possible complications.


The main argument in favor of choosing sterilization as a method of preventing unwanted pregnancy is its reliability: statistical data indicate that the probability of conception does not exceed 0.1%. The onset of pregnancy is registered in cases where errors were made during manipulations, or the man has a congenital defect in the form of bifurcation of the vas deferens.

Elimination of the patency of the vas deferens does not in any way affect the functioning of the male gonads and does not affect sexual desire and the quality of sexual intercourse. Ejaculation occurs in the same way as before the procedure, and even the amount of seminal fluid in men does not decrease.

As evidenced by reviews of sterilization of men who have already undergone the procedure, many of them experienced an increase in libido, and sexual contacts began to bring more pleasure. Experts believe that this is due to changes in the male psyche. The absence of fear of pregnancy in a partner allows a man to completely relax.


Considering the advantages, we should not forget that male sterilization also has its own negative sides. They should definitely be taken into account before deciding to surgical intervention. The disadvantages of the method include the following:

  • The procedure has irreversible consequences. After 3-4 years, it is almost impossible to restore the impaired patency of the ducts in a man. And those operations that are carried out in the first years are successful only in half of the cases. In this regard, you need to think carefully about your decision, taking into account that life circumstances may change. Typically, men who enter into new marriages or have experienced the death of a child resort to repeated surgical help.
  • Like any surgical intervention, male surgical sterilization may have Negative consequences in the form of complications during surgery or during the rehabilitation period.
  • Within 1-2 months after the procedure, it is necessary to use additional men's or female contraception, since sperm continue to remain in the ducts, which can lead to conception. In addition, sterile men can become infected or infect sexual partners with sexually transmitted bacteria and viruses.

In the 90s of the last century, several medical researchers suggested that male surgical sterilization contributes to the development of certain diseases associated with autoimmune processes. In the male body, before sterilization, sperm do not come into contact with the blood, and after the ducts are blocked, they begin to penetrate the tissues and fluids of the body, causing the production specific antibodies. Based on the results of surveys of sterilized men, this theory did not receive sufficient factual support.

Only after assessing all the pros and cons of sterilization can one accept the only correct solution, which you won’t have to regret later.


To stop the reproductive function of men, it is most often carried out surgery. Along with surgical intervention, other methods of sterilization of people can be used, both reversible and irreversible.


The main goal of the procedure is to eliminate the patency of the vas deferens. The following methods are used for this:

  • Ligation, in which the male vas deferens is tied with a surgical thread.
  • Removal of part of the duct. More reliable method, in which a small fragment is removed in the middle of the duct, and the resulting sections are cauterized until scars form. The use of this technique prevents the subsequent appearance in men of microscopic canals between the edges of the vas deferens and reduces the likelihood of conception to zero.
  • Installation of clamps. During the sterilization process spermatic cords are clamped with special clips.

Manipulations can be performed either through small incisions or through punctures in the scrotum. The second method is less invasive, so the man’s rehabilitation is much faster. Videos posted on the Internet will help you learn more about the stages of sterilization.


If a man is not ready for the irreversible cessation of reproductive function, temporary sterilization is recommended. One method is to take medications, inhibiting the function of the male gonads. Chemical sterilization of men has several significant disadvantages: the drugs have many side effects, their intake is accompanied by sexual dysfunction and causes hormonal imbalance.

Currently male sterilization medications used primarily to correct the behavior of persons convicted of sexual crimes.


Male sterilization by exposure ionizing radiation leads to complete atrophy of the gonads. After a certain dose of radiation, the testicles gradually cease to function, which leads not only to sterility, but also to a lack of libido and potency. Male radiation sterilization is prescribed only for medical indications m, since radiation negatively affects nearby tissues. In the vast majority of cases, the basis for a course of radiation is education in male body malignant tumors. Subsequently, some men experience spontaneous restoration of reproductive function.


Methods of male contraception also include hormonal sterilization. The components of the drugs affect the pituitary gland, suppressing the production of sex hormones and the formation of sperm. Moreover, necessary for normal potency male hormone testosterone is introduced into the body additionally. After stopping the course reproductive function in men it is restored over a period of time required to normalize hormonal levels.

Complexity of the operation

Surgical sterilization of men is not considered complex operation. Traditionally, manipulations are carried out under local anesthesia. General anesthesia It is used quite rarely and only at the request of the patient.

Despite the relative ease of the procedure, the effectiveness of the result obtained and the speed of recovery of the male body largely depends on the experience of the doctor. In this regard, preference should be given to proven clinics with a good reputation. Before going to a specialized institution, ask about the qualifications and experience of doctors, read patient reviews. It is also worth clarifying whether operations are performed using more modern techniques.

How long does the intervention last?

The duration of sterilization depends on the type of access to the ducts and the method of blocking the internal lumen. Considering the complexity of the operation, all stages from preparing the surgical field to suturing take an average of 15-30 minutes. A doctor will be able to say more accurately how long sterilization lasts after a preliminary examination of the man and selection of the type of manipulation.

Cost of the procedure

The price of the operation is determined taking into account many factors. The cost of services is affected by the qualifications of personnel, technical equipment clinic, as well as the region in which it is located.

Depending on the location and level of services provided, prices can vary from 15,000 to 25,000 rubles. Typically, clinics indicate how much male sterilization costs without taking into account a doctor’s examination and laboratory diagnostics. total cost procedures depends on what types of tests and diagnostic studies will be needed to assess the man's condition.

Preoperative period

Preparation for the operation begins several days in advance. The patient must pass general clinical tests and do a cardiogram. In order to prevent complications in preoperative period The man must be examined by a urologist. Before surgery, the presence of sexually transmitted diseases should also be excluded.

Postoperative period

If there are no complications, discharge from the hospital is carried out on the same day. A man, regardless of what technique was used during sterilization, needs to adjust his lifestyle for some time. During the first 2-3 days, it is recommended to avoid physical activity. Sexual activity can be resumed no earlier than 7-10 days after sterilization.

Requires special attention postoperative suture. Post-intervention care involves regular wound treatment and changing dressings. Punctures or cuts should not be wetted, so you should refrain from showering or bathing for several days. Typically, self-absorbable sutures are used during male sterilization, so no suture removal is required.

It is worth remembering that the ducts are cleared of viable sperm not immediately, but after 20-25 ejaculations. Therefore, at first (the timing depends on the intensity of the man’s sexual life), it is necessary to use additional male or female contraceptives. To ensure the effectiveness of sterilization, it is recommended to analyze the seminal fluid for the presence of sperm in it. Only after the successful completion of the operation is established, a man can refuse additional contraceptives.


Male sterilization, although not associated with extensive tissue trauma, is still an operation with possible undesirable consequences and complications. For several days, swelling of the scrotum, pain in the groin area, and discomfort may occur. Considered normal slight increase body temperature. Usually, 3-4 days after sterilization, the listed symptoms disappear.

Every man undergoing sterilization needs to know what possible complications may arise. TO undesirable consequences include hematomas, wound infection and suture dehiscence.

You should immediately consult a doctor if there is a sudden increase in body temperature to 38 degrees or higher, the appearance of bloody or purulent discharge from the wound, increasing pain in the scrotum. In these cases, it is strictly not recommended to self-medicate, following advice from articles and videos on the Internet.

Male sterilization as a method of contraception is almost 100% effective, but deciding to intervene requires a conscious and balanced approach. It should be remembered that several years after the procedure it is no longer possible to restore the ability to conceive. That is why experts advise choosing sterilization only for those men who are absolutely sure that they will no longer want to have children. It is necessary to carefully analyze all the arguments for and against, and if there is the slightest doubt, postpone the intervention, choosing another method of protection against unwanted pregnancy.

A woman becomes pregnant when a sperm reaches an egg. Any contraceptive method is aimed at preventing this process by limiting the flow of sperm. One of the most reliable methods is a vasectomy (male sterilization).

The essence of this operation is that the vas deferens are removed, ligated or blocked, and thus sperm no longer leave the man’s body.

At the same time, all sexual functions - erection, libido and ejaculation in a man are preserved. Sperm is released, but there are no longer sperm in it, and therefore the possibility of pregnancy is prevented.

This is enough safe method of sterilization, however, it is worth considering that the consequences irreversible. After the operation, sperm continue to be produced by the testicles for a certain time, but do not end up in the ejaculate. However, after a few years their production stops forever. Therefore, the decision about such sterilization should be very mature and balanced.

10 facts about vasectomy

1. Total in 1% In cases of such an operation, the man’s reproductive functions may be restored, and the woman will be able to become pregnant. That is, the effectiveness of such an operation is very high percentage, which allows us to guarantee results.

2. Similar method of contraception irreversible, therefore, having performed such an operation only once, you will never have to use any other means of contraception again. This is especially true for a married couple who already have children and do not plan to have more.

3. Over the next 8 weeks after surgery, sperm are still in the vas deferens, and therefore you should not stop using conventional types of contraception during this time.

4. After the operation, at least two tests to determine whether sperm have exited the ducts.

5. In some cases, swelling, bruising and painful sensations in the scrotum area, and some men experience pain in the testicles.

6. When carrying out such an operation, like any other, which involves intervention in the body, inflammatory processes may begin.

7. Reversing such an operation is almost impossible, and therefore it is necessary to take such a decision very responsibly.

8. It should also be remembered that such an operation in no way protects against sexually transmitted diseases. To protect yourself, you should continue to use a condom during sexual intercourse.

9. The operation itself is completely safe, but as in any other case, there may be contraindications. Therefore, it is necessary to first undergo an examination and consult a doctor.

10. The procedure takes place painless, since sedatives and anesthetics are administered before the operation.

A vasectomy is a form of birth control by sterilizing a man. During the operation, the vas deferens is blocked, removed or ligated. As a result, all sexual functions are preserved, the ovaries continue to perform their function of producing sperm for quite some time. long time, ejaculation occurs, but sperm no longer enters the semen. And over time, their production stops altogether. This way, sperm do not leave the man's body and cannot cause pregnancy.

The sperm themselves are absorbed back into the man’s body without causing any harm.

There are two main methods for performing this operation:


An anesthetic is injected into the pelvic area local action. The doctor then makes small incisions on both sides of the scrotum so that the vas deferens can be reached. In some cases, an additional cut down the center may be required. After which each of the pipes is blocked, and in most cases, part of it is also removed. After which the pipes are closed using one method - electricity, special clamps can be used for this, or they can simply be tied up.


This method involves the absence of a scalpel and cuts.

The entire procedure is carried out through one small puncture, which then heals very quickly.

The ducts are cauterized or ligated. As a result, no scars, scars, seams or any other traces remain. This method is much less traumatic, since bleeding during the operation is significantly reduced, and the risk of infection and inflammation during the healing process is reduced.

Man before vasectomy

Before starting the procedure, the attending physician conducts a consultation and survey, in order to make sure that the decision was made consciously or that it was necessary and at the same time tell about all necessary nuances. A clear confidence in carrying out a vasectomy is necessary, because the consequences will be irreversible.

Therefore, it is very important to understand that in the future it will not be possible to have children.

This procedure is best carried out if you already have children of your own. If suddenly any doubts arise, then it is better to resort to another, less radical means of contraception.

You shouldn't accept this important decision and in case crisis situations or during times of major change. Often such decisions arise when a child is just born or in the event of a termination of pregnancy. In order to decide on such a responsible step, you need to be in a calm and confident state and carefully weigh everything. It is advisable to first consult a psychotherapist.

It is also advisable to have the partner’s consent to such a procedure. This is not required by law, but is still highly recommended.

Also, if a man no 30 years and he has no children, the doctor may simply refuse to perform such an operation.

Although the age that is acceptable for a vasectomy is unlimited. Also, the clinic may refuse this procedure if it is not sure that it is carried out in the interests of the man. Of course, anyone can insist on having this operation, but sometimes this may require a significant additional payment.

The wait for the operation usually does not take long, especially if it is performed private clinic. No special preparation is required for this. Only a standard medical examination is required.

Man after vasectomy

Recovery occurs quite quickly. In some cases, there may be pain, swelling, and bruising in the scrotal area for several days after surgery. Sometimes during ejaculation you can find traces of blood - this is normal and acceptable.

However, if pain or bleeding do not go away long enough, you need to consult a doctor.

Sometimes the pain is very severe and you may need to take painkillers.

Particular attention should be paid underwear which the man will wear after the operation. It should support the scrotum both during the day and at night. In this way, discomfort can be significantly reduced. It is also necessary to change your underwear daily.

You can take a shower or bath immediately after surgery, but you should further consult your doctor on this issue. Wipe after water procedures The scrotum needs to be treated gently, carefully and thoroughly.

Within one or two days you can return to normal rhythm life, go to work. However, during the recovery period, at least for a week, you should refrain from performing physical activity and lifting weights. Otherwise, there is a certain risk of complications.

You can have sex almost immediately, but it’s better to wait a few days.

And in the first months after the operation, it is necessary to use additional methods of contraception, since there are still sperm in the vas deferens. Their final release occurs after about 20-30 ejaculations. During this period there are special tests, which determine the presence of sperm in semen.

Only when such tests indicate final sterilization can other types of contraception be abandoned.

In exceptional cases, the sterilization process can be reversed, but this is usually done shortly after the operation. And even in this case, such a procedure may not have an effect.

  • According to statistics, the success of vasectomy reversal is early stages appeal amounts to about 50%.
  • If the period was longer - about 10 years, then this probability decreases up to 25%.

Therefore, it is worth considering everything very carefully possible consequences before deciding to have a vasectomy.

Side effects

Possible complications after a vasectomy are quite rare. Basically, these are risks associated with inflammatory processes. Moreover, the likelihood of inflammation is much lower when the operation is performed without an incision.

Signs of an inflammatory process:

  • Heat.
  • Bloody or purulent discharge at the site of the incision or puncture.
  • Severe pain or swelling.

Other possible complications:

  • Bruising and hematomas. As a rule, they go away on their own after some time. In some cases, additional medical assistance may be needed.
  • Edema containing fluid, arising in the testicular area. It is necessary to provide heat in in this case. Usually this swelling goes away after a week, in some cases it is removed by a doctor using a puncture and removal of fluid.
  • Pain and discomfort. Most often it goes away on its own, but in in rare cases becomes chronic. You may need to take painkillers.
  • In extremely rare cases, cut ends of tubing may grow together, which can lead to pregnancy.
  • May occur in 4 out of 1000 cases loss of erection. However, almost always this is more psychological than physiological in nature.

Advantages and disadvantages

pros vasectomy:

  • Guarantee protection against unwanted pregnancy for the rest of your life.
  • No influence on hormonal background.
  • Are saved All male sexual functions.
  • None external changes.
  • No complications for the body.
  • Opportunity prevent transmission hereditary disease or illness.

Minuses vasectomy:

  • Irreversibility this procedure, even if the decision not to have children in the future has changed.
  • The occurrence of certain risks related to the operation.

Male sterilization is called a vasectomy, an operation to cut the seminal ducts. After this procedure, the patient becomes infertile. Restoring fertility without additional interventions occurs extremely rarely, and with surgery - up to 50% of cases. The intervention is simple and does not require long rehabilitation, has minimal consequences, does not affect sex life men. Requires his written consent.

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    What is a vasectomy?

    This operation is becoming an increasingly popular method of sterilization. In some countries men prefer it standard methods contraception after the birth of a sufficient number of children in the family.

    This is a voluntary operation, which is carried out exclusively with the written consent of the man. A vasectomy is also prescribed in the presence of serious genetic abnormalities that can be passed on to the child.

    It does not in any way affect the patient’s hormonal levels or erectile abilities.

    Difference from castration

    Many people confuse this method with complete surgical castration, so they are often prejudiced against the procedure. But these are two completely different methods.

    Surgical castration involves amputation of the testicles. Indications for the procedure are the consequences of injuries or different kinds pathologies, for example, cancer.

    The operation is irreversible, after which the functioning of the body changes. In a man’s body, all the hormones produced by the testicles disappear. After this, erection and sexual intercourse become impossible.

    Male castration is accompanied by some physiological changes: a decrease muscle mass, obesity, brittle bones.

    Vasectomy involves full preservation male sexual constitution. The essence of the intervention is to prevent sperm from entering the vas deferens and preventing fertilization of the partner. Since the volume of germ cells in the seed is small, after the operation the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the seminal fluid remain almost unchanged. A man has an active sex life, but cannot become a father.

    Indications for use

    Vasectomy is performed entirely voluntarily. If a man is not married, his consent is enough. If he has a wife, then her approval is also necessary. If the spouse is against it, the doctor may refuse surgery unless there are medical indications. These include: serious genetic diseases or a threat to the life of the partner during pregnancy.

    Vasectomy is optimal if there is negative reaction to other methods of contraception, for example, latex allergies.


    There are two main techniques. At traditional method An incision is made in the scrotum; non-traditional involves a puncture.

    In the first case, two small incisions are made and the vas deferens are divided. The operation requires local anesthesia. Once the substance is administered, it is useless. Only the injection itself is accompanied by unpleasant sensations.


    The wound is sutured with self-absorbing sutures, which eliminates the need for patients to remove stitches.

    The second method is dissection through punctures. It is not yet very popular, but is accompanied by less blood loss and discomfort. The consequences of the intervention are minimized.

    Postoperative period

    Regardless of the method of operation, anesthesia is performed the same. Therefore, it is necessary for someone to accompany the patient when returning home. It is not allowed to drive a car on this day. Within 3 days possible general weakness, discomfort in the scrotum area. With such symptoms, it is allowed to apply cold compresses or use a special bandage to support the scrotum.

    Pain medication may be prescribed and bed rest in the first few days. Load limitation is recommended.

    Puncture surgery has a less painful recovery period and takes from hours to days.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

    Like any intervention, a vasectomy has its pros and cons. The first include:

    • High guarantee of non-pregnancy. The chance of conceiving after the procedure is about 0.01% per year.
    • No effect on the quality of coitus and sexual desire.
    • Not required general anesthesia, short period rehabilitation.

    But despite this, the operation has a number of disadvantages. The main one is the irreversibility of the process. That is, there is almost a 100% chance that a man will remain infertile for the rest of his life. But there are circumstances in which the patient may regret the decision taken After many years.

    Other disadvantages include:

    • Discomfort during recovery period, accompanied by cuts and pain in the scrotum.
    • The need to use additional methods of contraception for 3 months after surgery.
    • Lack of protection from venereal diseases including HIV, hepatitis B and C.

    Preparation and consequences of the operation

    Conditions for prescribing a vasectomy:

    • consent to the operation;
    • the patient's age is at least 35 years;
    • having at least two children.

    The requirements may not be met if the operation is performed for medical reasons. Before a vasectomy, an examination and standard tests are required:

    • general blood and urine analysis;
    • research for AIDS, syphilis, viral hepatitis;

The operation of vasectomy (sterilization of men) creates irreversible processes that contribute to the suppression and suspension of reproductive function. Surgical intervention is performed with the voluntary consent of the patient. During the operation, the vas deferens are blocked, become impassable, and sperm lose their ability to enter the seed.

Don't confuse vasectomy and castration. The latter involves removing the testicles.

Vasectomy surgery is almost 100% effective. But provided that it is carried out by an experienced specialist - a urologist or surgeon. To conduct such operations, a license for this type of activity is required.

Before prescribing surgery, the doctor will mandatory sends the man for a detailed examination: ECG, consultation with a urologist. In addition, general urine and blood tests are required, as well as blood tests for AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis B and C.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia. It is believed that, according to some characteristics, male sterilization is easier than female sterilization, because a vasectomy does not open abdominal cavity. The incision is made in the groin above the spermatic duct, this duct is isolated, and the ends are tied. The wound is then closed with self-absorbable sutures. The operation lasts about 20 minutes. The patient can be sent home on the same day that the operation is performed. Full return of all functions occurs in a week. When everyone disappears side effects, you can return to sexual activity.

Sterilization among men is becoming an increasingly popular procedure

To the "pros" This surgical intervention can be attributed to the absence of serious complications. In addition, sexual functions remain unchanged after a vasectomy; surgery does not affect the production of sex hormones. In addition, the operation does not affect the quality, duration and sensations of sexual intercourse, except, of course, that the partner will not be able to get pregnant.

Vasectomy has flaws– the possibility of spontaneous opening of the seminal ducts and prolonged postoperative period(about three months), during which you should think about additional contraception. In addition, in the first months a man may be accompanied by unpleasant and somewhat painful sensations, he may feel discomfort.

A clear example of how a vasectomy works

Unfortunately, some complications may occur after the operation. Among them:

  • scrotal hematomas
  • swelling
  • infection
  • temperature increase
  • chills
  • pain in the scrotum

If you notice any complication, you should immediately consult a doctor. Also, go to the hospital immediately if your partner hasn't gotten her next period.

There is such a thing as a reverse vasectomy. This is an operation that returns . It is carried out provided that up to four years have passed since the vasectomy. This operation more than half of men regain reproductive functions and the ability to have children.

Vasectomy: myths about it

Sterilization=castration is a mistake! With a vasectomy, the testicles continue to perform their direct function - producing testosterone. After the operation, the volume of sperm does not decrease, and the quality of sexual intercourse does not deteriorate. The operation does not make a man inferior; the sperm simply loses the ability to fertilize.

There is no turning back. IN Lately Vasectomy reversals are increasingly being performed. After them, approximately 60% of men regain the ability to have children. However, every year these chances decrease by 10%.

Women's opinions on male sterilization

Catherine:“I have mixed feelings about vasectomy. I don't know if this is good or bad. Personally, I would never dare to undergo such an operation. But my husband recently shocked me with the news that he had a vasectomy. Of course, I was shocked! We already have three children and he argued his decision by saying that he didn’t want me to give birth anymore. And he doesn’t like to use protection. Personally, my opinion is this: he just wants to take a walk in his old age and that this would not have any consequences. And the operation in this case is like a reusable condom.”

Nowadays, quite a lot of men decide to give up their ability to fertilize by undergoing sterilization surgery. This procedure is called a vasectomy - a voluntary operation to cut the vas deferens, which prevents sperm from entering the semen. There is no need to worry, the operation does not in any way affect the ability to have an erection or perform sexual intercourse, since sperm make up only a small part seminal fluid released during ejaculation. After a vasectomy, the level of testosterone (the hormone responsible for male secondary sexual characteristics and sexual desire) remains the same, that is, nothing changes in a man’s life except his ability to fertilize.

What is a vasectomy

A vasectomy is a surgical procedure that is most often performed under local anesthesia. The operation can be performed by puncturing the scrotum or by dissecting its tissue (in the second case, the incision is made in the groin area). In any case, the vas deferens will have to be ligated on both sides. The suture material is absorbable, so stitches do not need to be removed after surgery. Spermatozoa stop entering the ejaculatory duct of the male genital organ, due to which sterilization occurs.

The procedure lasts only 20-30 minutes, and the patient can leave the hospital on the day of the vasectomy. But in order to prevent complications, it is advisable to remain in bed for a day after the operation.

After sterilization, no changes occur in the male body - testosterone continues to be produced in the same volume, sexual desire does not fade and erectile function is preserved. Mammary glands does not increase, hair in the chest area and on the face does not begin to fall out. After a vasectomy, even the amount of sperm changes slightly, because sperm in its composition make up only 5% of the total amount of ejaculate.

It is worth noting that after the operation you will need to use protection for up to 10 weeks. That is, there must be at least 15-20 ejaculations to clear the vas deferens of viable sperm. A special sperm analysis will help you find out when you can no longer use protection. Seminal fluid for research, they are obtained by masturbating into a condom. If there are no sperm in the seminal fluid, you can forget about protection.

After a vasectomy, the chance of conception is less than 0.5%. To schedule the operation, men must give voluntary consent, they must be at least 35 years old, and they must already have at least 2 children. In addition, sterilization can be prescribed to representatives of the stronger sex and in case of serious genetic diseases. For example, if a wife has health problems and pregnancy is dangerous for her, the husband can consent to the operation, even if the other two conditions are not met. With absence voluntary consent the operation is not performed.

Before performing a vasectomy, it is necessary to undergo some examinations, take standard tests and provide forms with the results: blood for syphilis, general analysis blood and urine, blood for AIDS, hepatitis B and C, examination by a urologist, electrocardiogram, biochemical analysis blood, as well as a blood clotting test. Some individual appointments are also possible. It should be understood that sterilization is an operation, so all its consequences must be foreseen in advance. Next, the anesthesiologist and the patient discuss the type of anesthesia. Sometimes men want complete immersion in sleep and refuse local anesthesia. A vasectomy must be performed in a hospital setting. After the operation, the following complications may occur: bleeding from the sutures, hemorrhage in the scrotum area, infection of the sutures and their suppuration, a sharp temperature jump, swelling at the operation site that does not subside within 4-7 days, as well as persistent strong pain in the scrotum area. If you have such symptoms, you should immediately consult a specialist.

Pros and cons of male sterilization

The main advantages of sterilization include the almost 100% effectiveness of this method of contraception, simplicity, safety and absolute reliability. In addition, vasectomy does not affect sexual desire, potency, the ability to have an orgasm or ejaculate. It is also worth noting that this procedure has a positive effect on biological age, in some countries it is even carried out for the purpose of rejuvenation, which is mainly due to an increase in hormonal activity of the testes after surgery.

However, after sterilization, persistent pain, bruising at the incision site, inflammation in the wound, and lack of protection against sexually transmitted diseases (HIV, syphilis and others) may be observed. In addition, for the first time after the procedure you will have to use additional method contraception.

Some men claim that after sterilization their reproductive function was restored. These are not allowed medical errors. The fact is that nowadays operations are performed to restore the conductivity of the seminal ducts, which are called epididymovasostomy and azovasostomy. In the first case, the vas deferens are attached to the epididymis, and in the second, the ends of the vas deferens are sutured, as a result of which patency is restored. It is worth noting that such operations are expensive and are successful only in 50% of cases. Moreover, the sooner an operation is performed to restore the integrity of the vas deferens after sterilization, the more likely it is that it will be successful.

If representatives of the stronger sex simply need to have a vasectomy for health reasons, but they are not ready to lose their reproductive ability, then in this case they can donate sperm to a sperm bank to freeze it. In this form it can be stored for up to 7 years.

On this moment modern medicine more advanced methods of non-scalpel intervention are known, which have much less postoperative complications. In addition, scientists are working on creating fundamentally new methods of contraception that have a spermicidal and spermostatic effect, as well as on methods of immunological contraception, which are based on immunological incompatibility as a result of the formation of antibodies against sperm.