Immune stimulants: drugs and natural remedies. Immunostimulating drugs for children

Everyone knows that each person has their own immunity. Some suffer from its weakness, others are owners of a resistant immune system. Natural immune stimulants can improve the body's ability to resist of different origins diseases, at the same time, I act in. The most important thing is to make the right choice in favor of methods that will not have side effects and will be effective in stimulating the immune system.

There are effective means to enhance immunity that can have a positive effect on general state health.

These can be either artificial or natural origin substances that actively act on each of the links this process. Among the drugs to stimulate the immune system, immunostimulants and adaptogens are prescribed. In practice, there have been cases when it was necessary to carry out a procedure for suppressing immunity, and not vice versa - to support it.

This occurs in cases where an organ or tissue transplant has been performed, and there is a need to muffle the body’s unnecessary reaction in the form of rejection of the “new” organ or cells. This practice is also used in cases of treating an autoimmune disease, while the body is against its cells.

In such cases, doctors resort to prescribing immunosuppressants to the patient so that they act on the body as a means of suppressing its natural abilities. There are immunostimulating drugs and immunosuppressants, which together are classified as immunomodulatory drugs that affect the state of the immune system as a whole.

The action of immunostimulants is aimed at provoking the production of antibodies by the body's cells, increasing the content of substances such as complement, interferon, increasing the dynamics of lysozyme, stimulating the process of phagocytosis. The use of drugs - stimulants for the immune system is possible only as prescribed by the treating specialist.

In pursuit of modern drugs And vitamin complexes, people are in a hurry to purchase effective remedies for immunity, forgetting about those that have long been proven and known to our great-grandmothers. For today most of The population suffers from a lack of vitamin C, which is extremely important for our immune system. After all, vitamin C is reliable protection lymphocytes from the attack of harmful agents, preventing their premature death.

If the level of ascorbic acid in the body has decreased, lymphocyte cells lose their vital activity and become unviable.

At this time, everything should be done to give them a second chance to exist and make them active.

How do vitamins affect immunity?

Weakened patients are prescribed vitamin C on an ongoing basis, including in winter and autumn, when they become common viral diseases, infections, when there is a need to increase physical and mental costs. To stimulate the immune system and launch its natural protective processes, you should stock up on rose hips in advance, which is the best remedy containing vitamin C in large quantities.

Sea ​​buckthorn

The effectiveness of consuming sea buckthorn tree berries cannot be compared with other berries and medicines to stimulate the immune system. Yellow beauty berries contain large amounts of biologically active substances, which contributes to the action of the sea buckthorn tree as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent.

Drinking berries or juice in small quantities will replenish the daily portion of substances that are necessary for normal operation body. But sea buckthorn is useful not only due to the wonderful composition of the berries, but also the bark, leaves and branches have beneficial properties, which are also actively used in folk medicine. IN pharmacy kiosks You can buy tablets with sea buckthorn for immunity.

Turmeric - how to take and calculate the dose

Turmeric tincture, which is taken as a spice, is actively used for traditional methods if your blood cholesterol level is elevated. At the same time, turmeric is used both for the treatment of arthritis and during the postoperative inflammatory process.

Making a turmeric drink for immunity is very simple:

Stir 1 teaspoon of spice in a glass of water, leave for five minutes to infuse. Drink this drink three times a day.


Another component that has a positive effect on the human body, strengthening its immune system, is licorice. The root of this plant has diuretic, laxative, and expectorant properties. During treatment of the respiratory system, it is mandatory to prescribe medications containing licorice extract.

Besides, this plant can be used as an immunomodulatory agent, because it has positive effect for treatment respiratory diseases. Licorice root is rich in substances that have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, making this plant useful in the treatment of skin diseases, including eczema.


Since ancient times, people have known and distinguished which nuts increase immunity, so they learned to cook and use pine nuts to increase immunity for treatment various diseases and in for preventive purposes. Eating nuts is necessary to give the body everything that it lacks and without which it cannot function fully.

Everyone has long known the beneficial properties that nuts are rich in. Pine nuts affect all processes that occur in the body due to the presence of a large number of useful elements in its composition. With all this, nuts can significantly improve your health by strengthening your immune system.

There is a fairly simple but very effective recipe for immunity with pine nuts. You will need:

  • pine nuts – 1.5 tablespoons;
  • honey – 1 teaspoon;
  • - half a teaspoon.

For the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, take a glass of clean water, and then eat nuts that boost immunity, in the amount of one tablespoon.

Cinnamon and its properties

The well-known spice is often used as an enhancer of the aroma and taste of baked goods and strong drinks. But cinnamon has many useful properties, which have a beneficial effect on the body's immune system. The most popular combination is cinnamon with honey, which can be consumed every day, 1 tablespoon.

Included aromatic spice There are elements that give cinnamon beneficial properties:

  • Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect due to the content of eugenol, which kills bacteria;
  • Stimulating protective function body, strengthening the immune system;
  • Reduces blood glucose levels;
  • It has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, preventing the accumulation of fatty tissue, mobilizing glucose into energy.

Having considered effective means for increasing immunity, I would like to say that the body cannot function normally without vitamins groups B, E, folic acid, which are part of enzymes involved in biochemical reaction processes. A lack of these vitamins can cause metabolic disorders in the body.

Insufficient iron content in the body leads to a disruption in the supply of oxygen to cells and tissues; a lack of iodine will cause dysfunction thyroid gland And endocrine system in general, which is fraught with failure hormonal levels and subsequently – health problems. Calcium in small quantities in the body leads to rickets and disorders bone tissue and systems.

Making up your daily diet nutrition, we must not forget about products that stimulate the immune system and are sources containing useful microelements. These include river or sea fish, dairy products, and liver.

A chronic form of vitamin deficiency in the body leads to the disruption of the normal functioning of the immune system from the inside. Microelements and multivitamins should be present in daily consumption, as they have a positive effect on the body's protective properties.

It is impossible not to take into account fermented milk products. According to the results of studies conducted by American scientists, it has been proven that drinks containing fermented milk bacteria can stimulate the body to produce interferon.

This element increases general protection immune system of the gastrointestinal tract. The protective effect as a result of the use of these products is achieved due to the fact that the composition contains lactic and bifidobacteria, which have a beneficial effect on the microflora digestive system and intestines. Daily use Even one glass of products such as kefir, whey, yogurt, acidophilus helps to activate all immune organs. Natural products are more effective than modern medications.


Today, doctors give preference to antioxidants, because they are very good immune stimulants. Vegetables, fruits, berries and grains contain a full range of antioxidants and various immune system stimulants. Who today does not know such plants as ginseng, aralia, echinacea, Chinese lemongrass and other equally popular plants. Echinacea purpurea contains active substances that act as nonspecific stimulants. They are also considered excellent stimulants of the immune system. minerals, which are especially important for normal development muscles, tissues and internal organs. Cereals, vegetables, fruits, and berries contain a full range of antioxidants, as well as other immune system stimulants and substances that prevent the formation of cancerous tumors. Immune system stimulants are classified into: physiological and pharmacological. A number of herbal stimulants of the immune system are known, which not only do not have side effects, but also safe.
Minerals, which are especially important for normal muscle development, are also considered excellent stimulants of the immune system.


The three most important antioxidant vitamins are beta-carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E. They are found in brightly colored vegetables and fruits—especially those in red, purple, orange, and yellow. To achieve maximum benefits for your body, eat fresh fruits or steamed (in a double boiler). The most famous antioxidants are vitamins A, C, E, as well as glutathione, selenium, vitamin B6. Vitamin E is found in sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, nuts, and dandelion, vegetable oils.

Beta-carotene and other carotenoids found in apricots, mangoes, nectarines, peaches, pink grapefruits, tangerines, asparagus, beets, broccoli, cantaloupe, carrots, corn, green peppers, cabbage and green leafy vegetables, turnips, zucchini, spinach, sweet potatoes, tomatoes and watermelon.

Vitamin C rich in various berries (especially strawberries), cantaloupes, cantaloupes, grapefruits, kiwis, mangoes, nectarines, oranges, papaya, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and White cabbage, red, green and yellow peppers, peas, sweet potatoes and tomatoes.

Vitamin E high in broccoli, carrots, chard (chard), mustard and turnip greens, mangoes, nuts, papaya, pumpkin, red paprika, spinach and sunflower seeds.

Other foods known for their antioxidant properties: prunes, apples, raisins, plums, red grapes, alfalfa sprouts, onions, eggplants, legumes.

But it’s not just vitamins that have antioxidant activity. Special attention deserve minerals - zinc and selenium.

To compensate for zinc deficiency, eat oysters, red meats, poultry, legumes, nuts, seafood, whole grain, cereal flakes, dairy products.

Sources of selenium include: Brazil nuts, tuna, beef, poultry, fortified breads and other grain products.

Bioflavonoids and substances are capable of repelling the attacks of free radicals (in addition to vitamins and minerals). plant origin, which have a very important role - helping vitamins!

Thanks to scientific research The most powerful antioxidant bioflavonoids were identified: quercetin, luteolin, catechins.

Quercetin - Found in apples, onions, tea leaves, red wine and other foods. Successfully fights inflammatory processes, reduces allergic reactions.

Luteolin - found in abundance in celery and green peppers. Just like quercetin, it has anti-inflammatory properties and protects against diseases of the central nervous system. In particular, one study found that luteolin may help fight Alzheimer's disease.

Catechins - their concentration is highest in tea leaves. Reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer's disease.

For those who cannot compensate for the lack of antioxidants with food, doctors recommend taking multivitamin complexes. However, natural food contains many different nutrients that, interacting with each other, have a more beneficial effect on the body, increasing its resistance.

How to determine your need for vitamin C?

To do this, you can conduct a simple laboratory test at home.

Should be purchased at a pharmacy water solution silver nitrate. Pour ten drops of silver nitrate solution into a cup and add ten drops of your urine there. After 2 minutes the solution should turn white, then gray, then black, the color of charcoal. The darker it becomes, the more vitamin C is contained in the urine. Therefore, your body is sufficiently supplied with vitamin C and you do not need to supplement ascorbic acid in the form of a drug or change your diet. If the test solution remains very pale, you should increase your intake of products with this vitamin.

Foods rich in vitamin C (mg per 100 g of product)

Dry rosehip1200
Fresh rosehip470
Sweet red pepper250
Black currant200
Sea ​​buckthorn200
Parsley, greens150
Sweet green pepper150
Dried porcini mushrooms150
Brussels sprouts120
Red garden rowan100
Red cabbage60
White cabbage50
Fresh chanterelles34
Green onion, feather30
Fresh porcini mushrooms30
Ground tomatoes25
Green peas25
Green beans20
Bulb onions10
Red carrots5


Minerals depending on their content in the body and food products divided into macro- and microelements. The macronutrients contained in large quantities(tens and hundreds of milligrams per 100 g of living tissue or product) include calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, chlorine and sulfur. Microelements are contained in the body and products in very small quantities, expressed in units, tens, hundredths, thousandths of milligrams. Currently, 14 microelements are recognized as essential for life: iron, copper, manganese, zinc, cobalt, iodine, fluorine, chromium, molybdenum, vanadium, nickel, strontium, silicon, selenium.

Iron-rich foods (in mg per 100 g of product)

Brewer's yeast17,3
wheat bran16,1
pumpkin seeds, zucchini12,2
sprouted wheat9,2
beef liver8,8
sunflower seeds7,1
beet greens3,3
corn, potatoes0,6
nectarines, tomatoes, watermelons0,5
celery, apples, cottage cheese0,3

Foods rich in magnesium (mg per 100 g of product)

Wheat bran611
Pumpkin seeds534
Cocoa powder476
Sesame seed351
Pine nuts234
Peanut butter157
Oatmeal (raw)148
Coarse wheat flour138
Wholemeal bread100
Spinach (boiled)87
Beans (boiled)63
Dried dates59
Sunflower seeds58
Dried apricots47
Brown rice (cooked)42
Soy sauce40
Beetroot (boiled)37
Lentils (boiled)36
Peas (boiled)36
Sardines (canned)34
Salmon (canned)34
Corn (boiled)32
Wheat grits (boiled)32
Tuna in oil31
Turkey (baked)31
Hummus salad29
Potatoes with skin (baked)25
Oatmeal (boiled)24
Broccoli (boiled)24
White wheat flour22
Zucchini (boiled)22
Green olives22
Boiled potatoes)20
White bread20
Beef liver (boiled)20
Green onions20

Selenium also acts as an antioxidant. In combination with other substances, it increases the antioxidant properties of glutathione. Even a small increase in the amount of selenium in the blood increases the number of T-lymphocytes and killer cells. Selenium also increases the production of interferon and causes (β-cells to secrete more antibodies).

It is known that people who consume foods containing selenium are less likely to develop cancer. The optimal amount of selenium per day is 70 mg for men and 55 mg per day for women. But selenium alone is not enough to protect against cancer. The antitumor activity of selenium is associated with the presence of other immunostimulants that are found in products containing this element.

Remember! In large quantities, selenium is toxic and taking it additionally is at least unwise.

The best sources of selenium are: wheat, other unrefined grains, nuts, seeds, and fish.

Selenium-rich foods (µg per 100 g of product)

Calcium content in 100 g of edible part of products

Phosphorus content in 100 g of the edible part of products

Magnesium content in 100 g of the edible part of products

Potassium content in 100 g of edible portion of products

Amount of potassium (mg)Food products
Very large (more than 500)Apricots, beans, seaweed, prunes, raisins, peas, potatoes
Large (251-400)Beef, pork, cod, hake, mackerel, squid (fillet), oatmeal, green pea, tomatoes, beets, radishes, green onions, cherries, black and red currants, grapes, apricots, peaches
Moderate (150-250)Chicken meat, fatty pork, pike perch, millet, buckwheat, 2nd grade flour bread, carrots, cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin, strawberries, pears, plums, oranges
Small (less than 150)Milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese, semolina, rice, pasta, flour bread premium, cucumbers, watermelon, lingonberries, cranberries

Sodium content per 100 g of edible portion of food

Amount of sodium (mg)Food products
Very large (over 800)Sausages (dietary, dairy, boiled separate, semi-smoked, smoked), cheeses (Dutch, processed “Novy”, feta cheese)
Large (400-600)Wheat bread, canned fish, city buns, salted butter, Ocean pasta
Moderate (50-110)Meat of animals and birds, fresh fish, milk, kefir, ice cream, unsalted butter, eggs, chocolate, green onions, beets
Small (20-49)Cottage cheese, sour cream, pasta, millet, pearl barley, semolina and oatmeal, rice, potatoes, tomatoes, grapes, apples, carrots, salt-free bread, cookies, most candies
Very small (less than 20)Watermelon, pears, cranberries, lemons, plums, cherries, cabbage, cucumbers, green peas, zucchini

Iron content in 100 g of edible portion of food

Amount of iron (mg)Food products
Very large (more than 3)Pork and beef liver, beef tongue, rabbit and turkey meat, cereals (buckwheat, millet, barley, oatmeal), blueberries, peaches, sturgeon caviar
Large (2-3)Chicken, beef, lamb, smoked sausages, mackerel, pink salmon, Ocean pasta, eggs, semolina, 2nd grade flour bread, quince, persimmon, pears, apples, plums, apricots, spinach, sorrel
Moderate (1-1.9)Pork, boiled sausages, sausages, chum salmon caviar, rice, pasta, dill, tomatoes, beets, cabbage, radishes, green onions, rutabaga, carrots, watermelon, gooseberries, cherries, black currants, strawberries, cherries;
Small (0.4-0.9)Sardines, saury, halibut, cod, pike perch, herring, cheese, cottage cheese, bread made from premium flour, potatoes, green peas, cucumbers, pumpkin, grapes, cranberries, lemons
Very small (0.1-0.3)Milk, kefir, sour cream, oranges, tangerines
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Everyone's body's defenses are different. Some people have weak immune systems from birth. And nature rewards others with lasting natural protection. Immune stimulants help increase the child’s body’s resistance various diseases and have a general strengthening effect. The main thing is to choose correct methods stimulation of the immune system without side effects.

How to stimulate your child's immunity

Frequently ill children, or rather their parents, who avoid hardening and physical improvement, rely on medical science, demanding from the doctor miracle cure, capable of instantly healing a frail child. There are many substances of natural and artificial origin that have a positive effect on the condition of the body. Immune stimulants provide active action at different stages of this complex process. These immune stimulating drugs include immunostimulants and adaptogens.

Sometimes there are cases when the immune system does not need support, but suppression. For example, when transplanting organs and tissues, it is necessary to overcome undesirable reactions of the immune system leading to rejection of a “non-native” organ, or when treating autoimmune diseases, When protective forces organisms turn against their own cells. Then doctors come to the aid of drugs not to stimulate the immune system, but, on the contrary, to suppress it - immunosuppressants.

Immunostimulants (strengthen the immune system) and immunosuppressants (inhibit the immune system) belong to the group of immunomodulators, drugs that affect the state of the immune system.

Immunostimulants enhance the production of antibodies, increase the level of complement and interferon, increase the activity of lysozyme, and stimulate phagocytosis. Immune stimulant drugs are used only as prescribed by a doctor.

Often, mothers, in pursuit of a newfangled immunostimulant, forget about long-known and no less effective means - vitamins that stimulate the immune system and microelements.

More than half of Russian children are deficient in vitamin C, which is very important for the immune system, as it is an antioxidant and protects lymphocytes from aggressive free radicals, preventing them (lymphocytes) from premature death. When the level of ascorbic acid in the blood decreases, lymphocytes become sluggish and not viable. It is necessary to cheer them up and make them active.

How to stimulate the immune system with vitamins? Weak children should take vitamin C constantly, especially in winter and spring, during outbreaks viral infections, with increased physical and mental costs.

To stimulate your child’s immunity, prepare rose hips in the summer, and you will always have an excellent source of vitamin C on hand. Your child’s daily consumption of tasty and healthy drink will increase the body's resistance to harmful influences external environment.

It is very simple to prepare such a natural immune stimulant: place a handful of berries in a thermos and pour boiling water over it. After a few hours, the vitamin tea is ready. Add a little sugar or honey and let the child drink half a glass 2 times a day. You can prepare the infusion in the evening, then in the morning you will receive an aromatic drink of rich color and pleasant taste. “Spray some witchcraft” on each family member and be healthy!

Another powerful antioxidant needed for normal functioning immune system - beta-carotene. This antioxidant for stimulating the immune system of children became known not so long ago, but has proven itself since the best side. Beta-carotene protects cells from destruction by free radicals - oxidants, the concentration of which increases under conditions of environmental pollution, increased radiation intensity, physical overload, and nervous stress. Thanks to its ability to bind free radicals, beta-carotene strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of infectious diseases, softens the effect harmful factors environment, increases the body's adaptive capabilities and resistance to stress. In the body this natural preparation, which stimulate the immune system, is converted into vitamin A, whose role is for functional state vision, mucous membranes, skin, growth and development of bone tissue cannot be overestimated.

As a source of vitamin A, use freshly squeezed carrot juice from 30 to 150 ml on an empty stomach daily, depending on age. Preparation carrot juice- the operation is labor-intensive and unpleasant, but in order to strengthen the child’s health it is worth overcoming some difficulties.

Vitamins B, E, folic acid are an integral part of enzymes involved in complex biochemical processes in the body, and their deficiency leads to metabolic disorders.

Try using sprouted grains of wheat, oats, rye, which contain these vitamins, in the diet of a weakened child, and after 2-3 weeks you will notice that the child’s appetite has increased and a blush has appeared on the cheeks.

Iron deficiency disrupts the supply of oxygen to cells and tissues, iodine deficiency leads to dysfunction of the thyroid gland and hormonal imbalances, calcium deficiency leads to rickets and disorders of the skeletal system.

When creating a menu, do not forget to include foods that stimulate the immune system - sources of these microelements: liver, tongue, river and sea ​​fish, cottage cheese.

Chronic deficiency of these and other vitamins and microelements undermines the immune system from the inside.

Taking multivitamins and microelements daily does not require much effort, but it does help positive influence on the body's defenses.

Don't forget about dairy products. American scientists have conducted studies proving that these drinks stimulate the production of interferon and increase local immunity mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract. The protective effect of these products is due to the presence of lactic acid and bifidobacteria in them, which improve intestinal microflora and digestion.

Just one glass of kefir, yogurt, yogurt, acidophilus per day activates the functioning of the immune system better than expensive drugs.

Medicines that stimulate the immune system: tablets and plant tinctures

Among pharmacological drugs, stimulating the immune system, the first to name is the familiar dibazole. This drug, which reduces arterial pressure, turned out to be an effective interferonogen, that is, it stimulates the production of its own interferon in the body. Chimes, used to improve cerebral blood flow, have the same effect. A number of new drugs that stimulate interferon synthesis have appeared in last years: amiksin, poludan, cycloferon, viferon (suppositories), genferon (suppositories for children of all ages and spray for children over 14 years old), imunofan, polyoxidonium, etc. They are used for the prevention and treatment of diseases of a viral nature.

From a large group of tablets that stimulate the immune system and are effective for the prevention of bacterial infections, it is worth highlighting drugs of microbial origin and their synthetic analogues: IRS-19, broncho-munal, ribomunil, lykopid, exalb, imudon and others, which increase the body’s resistance to pathogens of respiratory diseases , as well as for adenoids, chronic tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia.

Preparations that stimulate the immunity of children and adults, which are prepared from the organs of the immune system of animals ( thymus, bone marrow, spleen), contain biologically active substances and have an immunostimulating effect. These include thymusamine, timoptin, timactid, epifamin.

There are drugs containing ready-made antibodies against certain diseases, which are administered to weakened and seriously ill children. For example, influenza-staphylococcal immunoglobulin is recommended for use in infants with influenza, pneumonia, and sepsis. Chigain, gabriglobin, pentaglobin, etc. - these drugs are successfully used in the treatment of seriously ill children, when it is necessary to quickly increase the level of antibodies in the blood.

Another drug for stimulating the immune system, which has gained recognition among pediatricians in recent years, is CIP (complex immune drug), the undoubted advantage of which is the ability to take it orally. It has proven itself well in the treatment of children in the first years of life suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. By adding interferon to its composition, pharmacologists proposed new drug- kipferon, which is used in complex treatment many viral and bacterial infections in children and adults.

The group of adaptogens includes substances of plant (ginseng, echinacea, aralia, eleutherococcus, aloe) and biogenic (propolis, mumiyo, apilak) origin that help the body adapt to changing environmental conditions, increased mental and physical stress.

In pharmacies you will always find eleutherococcus extract - an excellent natural remedy that increases immunity with constant use for 1.5-2 months. The dosage calculation is very simple: 1 drop for one year of life, 2-3 times a day.

Start taking in October-November, and the period of greatest incidence respiratory infections you will pass without any problems.

Names and dosage pharmacological drugs and infusions from plants that stimulate immunity are given in the table:

A drug Age Dose
Mstiluracil Up to a year 0.05-0.1g 3 times a day
After a year 0.1-0.5g 3 times a day
Psnthoxyl After a year 0.01g per year of life Three times a day after meals
Dibazol After a year 0.001g per year of life 2-3 times a day 2 hours before meals
Glutamic acid 1% solution Before 2 years 3-5 years After 5 years 1 teaspoon 3 times a day 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day 1 tablespoon 3 times a day
Apilak Up to 1 year
1-2 years
3-7 years
7-14 years
0.005 g 0.01 g 0.02 g 0.03 g per dose
Revenged Up to 1 year
1-2 years
3-7 years
7-14 legs
0.06 g 0.08 g 0.1 g 0.3-0.5 g per dose
Eleutherococcus extract 1 drop per year of life 3 times a day
Chinese lemongrass tincture 1 drop per year of life 3 times a day
Aralia tincture, zamanikhi. ginseng Same
Aloe extract Up to 5 years 5-10 drops 3 times a day 1/2 teaspoon
5-15 years

Cellular immunity, that is, protection, is carried out by immunocompetent cells:





Humoral immunity is based on biochemical substances. Both types of immune response are interrelated.

Immune stimulation

Increasing the immune response is called immunostimulation. This measure is necessary for prolonged infections, non-healing wounds, constantly recurring colds, immunodeficiency states.

Immunostimulants can be divided into three types according to the way they affect the body:

    substances that increase nonspecific resistance, that is, the body’s resistance;

    medications and substances that enhance cellular immunity;

    medications and substances that increase humoral immunity.

Based on the origin of the drugs, another division is possible:

    herbal preparations;

    immunostimulants of microbial origin;

    preparations of biological origin: thymus extracts, bone marrow animals, placental preparations;

    synthetic drugs;

    derivatives of interferon, interleukin;

    stimulators of interferon production;



    stimulators of leukocyte production.

There are many drugs available to stimulate the immune system.

Drugs that increase the overall resistance of the body

The body's resistance is a combination of anatomical and physiological characteristics. It is known that some people are more resistant to colds and stress than others. Drugs that can improve general condition and increase resistance are vitamins, iron, anabolic steroid, herbal preparations, as well as substances with wide range biological effects, such as methyluracil, sodium nucleinate.

The most famous herbal preparations for boosting immunity are tincture of lemongrass, echinacea in different dosage forms and Eleutherococcus extract. The action of the drugs is somewhat different, but each of them has increased biological activity, each is valuable source microelements, vitamins, polysaccharides and other substances beneficial to the body. The effect of the drugs develops gradually, over 3 to 10 weeks after the start of administration, because the body must be saturated with useful substances.

Echinacea helps support immunity

Drugs that enhance cellular immunity

Cellular immunity can be increased in two ways: by activating existing cells and increasing the production of immune bodies.

Cellular immunity is increased by several groups of drugs.

Immunostimulants bacterial origin- These are fragments of bacterial membranes. The effect of administering the drug is similar to shaking the body, simulating a severe threat bacterial infection. As a result, all reserves are used, immune reaction increases and the body copes with the infection. The drugs are not used for immunodeficiency, because in this case there are no reserves.

Biological preparations, large thymus extract cattle and preparations from it activate cellular immunity, increase cell production and stimulate phagocytosis. These drugs are used for immunodeficiencies.

To increase cellular immunity, artificial substances have also been synthesized: diucifon, levamisole, methyluracil, cycloferon.

Pyrogenal is a drug that causes a significant rise in temperature, and then leukocytosis, even if there was severe leukopenia before taking the drug. Pyrogenal causes the release of white blood cells into the bloodstream.

Don't think of antioxidants as pills. The world of plants that surround us and which are our daily food is filled with antioxidants.

The most famous antioxidants are vitamins A, C, E, as well as glutathione, selenium, and vitamin B6. Vitamin E is found in sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, nuts, as well as dandelion and vegetable oils. Vegetables and fruits, berries are suppliers of vitamins C and provitamin A, which stop the breakdown of cells and tissues caused by free radicals, and also increase the number of certain immune cells, increasing resistance to many diseases, including providing resistance to cancer processes. Zinc contained in grains and seeds stimulates immune processes, in particular, neutralizes any sources of infection and stimulates the proliferation of β-cells, which, as we indicated, regulate the production of antibodies capable of attacking antigens.

Remember! Antioxidants have the greatest potential for promoting health.

However, remember: the way in which antioxidants enter the human body is very important. The greatest benefits come from antioxidants obtained from food and entering the body naturally.

It has been found that antioxidants become more effective when they are accompanied by other stimulants found in food. This is especially important for beta-carotene (provitamin A). Taken with food, it brings great benefits to the body. Beta-carotene taken in tablets is less effective and may even increase the risk of cancer in smokers. It is not yet clear why this happens, but a fact is a fact.

From the group of antioxidants, it is advisable to take additional vitamin E in the form of a drug. Daily intake of this antioxidant at a dose of 200 mg gives a noticeable positive effect, and no side effects are noted.

Cereals, vegetables, fruits, and berries contain a full range of antioxidants, as well as other immune system stimulants and substances that prevent the formation of cancerous tumors. Regular and sufficient consumption of these foods in the diet can protect against tumors, arthritis, colds, sore throats, cataracts, diseases of cardio-vascular system, on long years give vigor, health and youth.

Let's also consider what foods can be sources of antioxidants, in particular vitamins C, A, E.

Vitamin C

It is important to remember that the need for vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is very dependent on the function of the gonads. If there is not enough vitamin C in food, the gonads extract the vitamin from the internal environment of the body, depleting the tissue and thus reducing tissue immunity. If tissue reserves of vitamin C are insufficient, then the function of the gonads decreases, along with a decrease in immunity.

Remember! How to determine your need for vitamin C?

To do this, you can conduct a simple laboratory test at home.

You should buy an aqueous solution of silver nitrate at the pharmacy. Pour ten drops of silver nitrate solution into a cup and add ten drops of your urine there. After 2 minutes the solution should turn white, then gray, then black, the color of charcoal. The darker it becomes, the more vitamin C is contained in the urine. Therefore, your body is sufficiently supplied with vitamin C, and you do not need to add ascorbic acid in the form of a drug or change your diet. If the test solution remains very pale, you should increase your intake of products with this vitamin.

Foods rich in vitamin C (mg per 100 g of product)

Dry rosehip1200
Fresh rosehip470
Sweet red pepper250
Black currant200
Sea ​​buckthorn200
Parsley, greens150
Sweet green pepper150
Dried porcini mushrooms150
Brussels sprouts120
Red garden rowan100
Red cabbage60
White cabbage50
Fresh chanterelles34
Green onion, feather30
Fresh porcini mushrooms30
Ground tomatoes25
Green peas25
Green beans20
Bulb onions10
Red carrots5

It should be noted that vitamin C has the most effective effect when taken simultaneously into the body bioflavonoids, pronounced nutrients yellow color(citrine, hesperidin, rutin, quercetin, eriodictyol), contained in the pulp of the fruit and under the skin, but absent in the juice.

Bioflavonoids are found in apricots, oranges, blackberries, broccoli, black currants, parsley, grapefruits, cabbage, lemons, plums, papaya, melon, pumpkin, prunes, cherries, rose hips, grapes, tomatoes, and wild greens.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A promotes tissue health, particularly ovarian and testicular tissue. Consumption of foods high in vitamin A and provitamin A helps prevent cancer of these glands. It promotes the production of the entire spectrum of sex hormones in both men and women.

Dr. M. Walter notes that vitamin A deficiency is one of the world's most important dietary problems, along with the problem of protein deficiency. Moreover, the problem of insufficient intake of vitamin A concerns more residents of industrialized areas. Western countries than third world countries. The diet of people in third world countries is much more natural and consists of foods containing large amounts of vitamin A. At the same time, people in Western countries eat too many foods that have been cooked too long and too carefully and, as a result, have lost their vitamin A content.

Vitamin A is fat soluble and generally insoluble in water. Vitamin A is found in the liver, which can accumulate up to 600,000 IU before it begins to increase in size, indicating possible poisoning.

The usual dose of vitamin A in pills or capsules, drops is recommended by specialists in the field of orthomolecular nutrition and is 25,000 IU daily.

Humans obtain vitamin A from food of animal and plant origin. In food of animal origin it is contained in the form of active, already formed vitamin A, called retinol. IN plant foods it is found in the form of provitamin A, a carotenoid known as beta-carotene, which must be converted into active vitamin A in the body. The efficiency of this conversion depends on individual characteristics body, so some people suffer from retinol deficiency regardless of its dietary intake.

We present a list of products with designated retinol content.

Beef liver8,2
Cod liver4,4
Margarine "Extra"1,5
Unsalted butter.0,59
Butter diet.0,43
Sandwich butter0,4
Peasant oil0,4
Dry cream0,35
Cheddar cheese0,3
Cheese "Russian"0,26
Cheese "Roquefort"0,25
Chicken egg0,25
Beef heart0,23
Sour cream, 30% fat.0,23
Beef kidneys0,23
Cheese "Poshekhonsky"0,23
Cheese "Dutch"0,21
Processed cheese0,15
Cream, 20% fat0,15
Whole milk powder0,13
Cheese "Pribaltiyskiy"0,1
Fat cottage cheese0,1
Ice cream0,06
Cream, 10% fat0,06
Condensed milk with sugar.0,04
Sterilized condensed milk.0,04
Cream crackers0,038
Sugar cookies0,038
Cow's milk0,03
Creamy margarine0,02
Curdled milk0,02
Cocoa powder0,02
Mayonnaise "Provencal"0,02
Full fat kefir0,02
Cocoa with milk0,018
Coffee with milk0,011
Skimmed milk powder.0,01
Rabbit meat, horse mackerel0,01
Doctor's sausage0,01
Table mayonnaise0,01

Vitamin E

Very important antioxidant is vitamin E, tocopherol, necessary for proper metabolism and normal functioning of the immune system. It plays a particularly important role in the fight against weakening of the immune system caused by aging. Vitamin E is also very important for strengthening muscle tissue, especially the heart muscle, for strengthening the capillary wall, as well as for increasing the metabolism and synthesis of sex hormones.

With a lack of vitamin E, the immune response is very weak, but it is enough to take 200 mg of tocopherol per day, and the strength of the immune system will gradually be restored. This dose of consumption also reduces the risk of getting sick. cancer diseases, in particular, stomach cancer. Regular intake of vitamin E reduces the risk of myocardial infarction by half.

It is also possible to replenish vitamin E reserves through diet. Let's introduce the main foods rich in vitamin E.

Vitamin E is found in most foods made from unrefined flour, such as wholemeal bread. grains of wheat, bran, whole grain cereals, nuts, soybeans and sprouted grains. per day from natural products a person should receive 600 IU of vitamin E.

Foods rich in vitamin E (ME per 100 g of product)

It should be borne in mind that the usual diet is very poor in vitamin E, and therefore you can increase your vitamin intake by being more selective in the components of your diet, as well as by taking additional vitamin supplements. American doctors recommend daily intake of 60-100 mg of vitamin per day.


They are also classified as immune system stimulants. After all, the body needs minerals to build bones, muscles, nervous tissue, internal organs and blood vessels.

It is no coincidence that they say that the human body contains all the elements of the periodic table. In addition to carbon, oxygen and hydrogen, our body contains about 60 chemical elements, whose participation in metabolic processes has been traced and confirmed. 7 elements are considered essential - calcium, chlorine, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and sulfur - macronutrients.

The rest, more than 50 elements contained in small quantities, are microelements.

Humans need all minerals, but only some of them strengthen the immune system. These are zinc, iron, copper and magnesium. We have already mentioned zinc above, but we will present data about other minerals below.


Iron. Immune cells have their own mechanism for regulating their iron stores. However, iron deficiency or excess affects the functioning of the immune system.

With insufficient iron content, the body's resistance to infections, including even the common cold, decreases. This happens due to a decrease in the activity of lymphocytes and killer cells. However, iron deficiency affects the adult immune system less than iron excess.

Excessive iron suppresses the immune response by suppressing the division of killer cells and stimulating suppressor cells. But the more suppressors there are in the blood, the more inhibited the immune system will be. The use of iron supplements is carried out only for direct indications of a decrease in the concentration of iron in the blood.

Iron-rich foods (in mg per 100 g of product)

Brewer's yeast17,3
wheat bran16,1
pumpkin seeds, zucchini12,2
sprouted wheat9,2
beef liver8,8
sunflower seeds7,1
beet greens3,3
corn, potatoes0,6
nectarines, tomatoes, watermelons0,5
celery, apples, cottage cheese0,3


Shortage copper and disorders of the immune system are extremely rare due to the fact that copper enters our body in sufficient quantities from the usual range of foods.


Magnesium can be found in any cell of our body, since it is involved in a very large number of metabolic processes. Magnesium deficiency is very rare, since it is found in both plant and animal products, and its deficiency can be eliminated very easily.

It has been established that magnesium plays a very unique role in the immune response - it helps cells fixate exactly where a problem arises. Magnesium plays an important role in the production of integrins, special sticky molecules.

For example, we injured ourselves and the wound became infected. Walls blood vessels At the site of injury, adhesive molecules called integrins are immediately produced. Once in the vessels of the affected area, immune cells with adhesive molecules adhere to the walls of the vessels and thus accumulate around the source of infection. Now they can start killing the bacteria. Integrins are also necessary immune cells in order to stick to the viruses or bacteria themselves.

An adult needs 500 mg of magnesium for every gram of calcium and 400 mg phosphorus so that there is an ideal proportion of these minerals.

Foods rich in magnesium (mg per 100 g of product)

Wheat bran611
Pumpkin seeds534
Cocoa powder476
Sesame seed351
Pine nuts234
Peanut butter157
Oatmeal (raw)148
Coarse wheat flour138
Wholemeal bread100
Spinach (boiled)87
Beans (boiled)63
Dried dates59
Sunflower seeds58
Dried apricots47
Brown rice (cooked)42
Soy sauce40
Beetroot (boiled)37
Lentils (boiled)36
Peas (boiled)36
Sardines (canned)34
Salmon (canned)34
Corn (boiled)32
Wheat grits (boiled)32
Tuna in oil31
Turkey (baked)31
Hummus salad29
Potatoes with skin (baked)25
Oatmeal (boiled)24
Broccoli (boiled)24
White wheat flour22
Zucchini (boiled)22
Green olives22
Boiled potatoes)20
White bread20
Beef liver (boiled)20
Green onions20


Selenium also acts as an antioxidant. In combination with other substances, it increases the antioxidant properties of glutathione. Even a small increase in the amount of selenium in the blood increases the number of T-lymphocytes and killer cells. Selenium also increases the production of interferon and causes (β-cells to secrete more antibodies).

It is known that people who consume foods containing selenium are less likely to develop cancer. The optimal amount of selenium per day is 70 mg for men and 55 mg per day for women. But selenium alone is not enough to protect against cancer. The antitumor activity of selenium is associated with the presence of other immunostimulants that are found in products containing this element.

Remember! In large quantities, selenium is toxic and taking it additionally is at least unwise.

The best sources of selenium are: wheat, other unrefined grains, nuts, seeds, and fish.

Selenium-rich foods (µg per 100 g of product)