Dental issues. Category: General questions of dentistry

Last Friday, the whole world celebrated the International Day of the Dentist - the person on whom the beauty of our smile and the health of our teeth depend. In this regard, Khabarovsk specialists answered the most frequently asked questions from patients, dispelled myths that dental treatment is painful and time-consuming, talked about how often you need to change toothbrushes, and why you should not underestimate the insidious eights, known to us as wisdom teeth.

Dentists' Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Surgical dentistry

Dentist, orthopedic surgeon Sergei Cherkasov answers the questions.

- What to choose: implantation or prosthetics? What is the difference?

With bridge prosthetics, two adjacent teeth are involved and they have to be ground down. In this case, it is recommended to change crowns every 5-7 years.

During implantation, the load is placed on only one tooth and the implant can last 20 years or even more under conditions of quality care.

The cost of both prosthetics and implantation is approximately the same - 45-60 thousand rubles. But if we talk about which method is more promising, then this is, of course, implantation.

Many people worry that implants and dentures will look unnatural, and that installing a crown is a very painful process. Is it so?

- These are groundless fears. In most cases, if severe atrophy has not occurred, it is possible to make the implant as similar as possible to your own tooth. In addition, installation of the implant and prosthesis is absolutely painless. Pain may occur after an implant has been installed or teeth have been ground (during prosthetics). But these unpleasant sensations are easily relieved with painkillers.

- How is the implant installed, and how long does this process take?

- The implant installation procedure itself takes about 30 minutes. This is provided that there is enough bone tissue. But here is an important point: the implant survives on average for four months.

Before starting the procedure, the patient and I analyze all the pros and cons and look for contraindications for implantation. If there are none, a computed tomogram is prescribed to determine the amount of bone tissue and the need for its augmentation. Based on this, a decision is already made: an implant is needed or not. Because sometimes bone augmentation can be more expensive than installing an implant.

-Is it necessary to install an implant if a piece of a tooth breaks off?

- If the tooth root is intact and there are no inflammatory processes, then the question here is not about implantation or prosthetics, but about installing a regular filling.

-Are there any contraindications when installing an implant?

- Yes. For example, diabetes. If sugar is higher than the required level, then the implant simply will not take root. Some doctors do not take this fact into account, and then questions arise: why did the implant fall out?

Therefore, in this case, consultation is necessary. If you reduce sugar to a certain level, then implantation is quite possible. But this is only if the patient is interested in this and follows all the recommendations.

- Regular professional hygiene. In general, any person is recommended to do this procedure once every six months. For those who have implants, it is better to do this 3-4 times a year. Plus, we prescribe physiotherapy and plasma lifting to patients - these procedures help maintain healthy gums and teeth, which has a beneficial effect on bone tissue.

- Can the bite change after wisdom teeth are removed?

- As a rule, no. Wisdom teeth are a vestigial organ. In ancient times, when people ate hard foods, their teeth “walked” and gaps appeared between them. Wisdom teeth were designed to correct this and “collected” the teeth.

Now man has mastered fire, food has become soft and there is not enough space for wisdom teeth. They begin to grow and shift the teeth. Typically, if there is not enough space for them, they are removed to maintain a favorable bite.

- What could be the consequences if an inflamed wisdom tooth is not removed?

The maxillofacial region is abundantly innervated, there are many vessels and nerves. So if a tooth becomes inflamed, it is better to consult a doctor immediately so that it does not turn into a more serious pathology.

Dental treatment

Dentist-therapist Varvara Kulikova answers the questions.

- Is it possible to take painkillers before going to the dentist?

In principle, it is possible, but it is worth remembering that then the picture will be blurred. It is possible that a person will come to the doctor and will not be able to accurately determine which tooth ached, because he relieved the pain with pills.

But if the pain is severe, you can take a painkiller, but don’t get carried away. But it’s better not to self-medicate. Some people go to extremes, even applying garlic to a sore tooth.

- What to do if complications arise after treatment?

- Be sure to run to the doctor. If you are in an area where there is no dentist nearby, you can use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. And if you are in a city where dentistry is on every corner, it is better to immediately go to the doctor if you have an acute pain.

- How often do fillings need to be changed?

You need to remember that you need to visit the dentist once every six months. The body is alive, some changes are constantly happening in the mouth. We remember that teeth are not renewed, they are alone for life. Something is constantly happening in the mouth.

There may come a time when it is necessary to change the filling, but the person will not even guess about it, because he will not see it himself. Therefore, it is better to visit a doctor once every six months and check the condition of the fillings in good lighting. In general, everything is individual and depends on hygiene: how many times a person brushes his teeth and with what. The worse the hygiene, the shorter the shelf life of the fillings.

Nowadays, dental centers offer services for individual selection of hygiene products. What it is?

- The patient is asked to undergo a simple “language” test, which shows how well he brushes his teeth. Plus, doctors select hygiene products based on the size of the teeth and interdental spaces. Nowadays there are a lot of products for cleaning teeth, starting with special foams and ending with interdental brushes. Choosing, you can break your head. The service of individual selection of hygiene products can help with this.

- Why is caries dangerous? Why is it better not to delay going to the doctor even at the slightest sign?

- Firstly, if delayed, the treatment will be deeper and therefore more expensive. And superficial caries can be cured using a special technology, which is now widespread in Khabarovsk. This is an absolutely painless treatment within the enamel. The tooth is covered with special solutions, with the help of which carious tissues and infections are removed, and then the tooth is hermetically sealed.

Previously, when we saw such caries, we told patients that we would not treat it because we would have to drill out the field in order for the filling to hold. Now there is a remedy that helps treat a tooth without preparation.

There is no need to be afraid to go to the doctor, because dentistry is now practically painless. Pain is possible only in extreme cases, when a person has endured caries. Materials for treatment are now of higher quality.

- How often should you change toothbrushes and toothpastes?

I recommend doing this every two to three months, depending on how the person brushes their teeth and how hard they press on the brush. If the pressure is strong, the brush becomes unusable faster. As soon as you see the bristles worn out, you need to change them.

It's the same with toothpastes. I recommend alternating them, for example, using fluoride paste in the evening, and using enzymes in the morning, which keep the mouth clean for a long time. Rinse aids can be used. With good hygiene, they allow you to prolong the feeling of cleanliness and prevent the spread of germs.

You can learn more about oral hygiene directly from your dentist by visiting him. Experts advise having your teeth examined every six months, regardless of whether your teeth hurt or not. Early diagnosis helps you maintain a beautiful smile and avoid additional expenses in the future.

1. How to find a suitable specialist without risking your health?

When choosing a doctor, at the first stage, find out from the registrar his work experience in this clinic, the availability of diplomas, certificates and academic degrees.

As a rule, good specialists do not change jobs every six months. Diplomas and certificates will confirm that the doctor is constantly improving his qualifications. And the doctor, who was engaged in scientific activities, understands the problem more deeply: perhaps the causes of dental problems lie in diseases of other organs.

The second stage is a consultation with a doctor. It would be good if he referred you for a CT scan. When drawing up a treatment plan, an integrated approach is important, which consists of the interaction of several specialists: these can be an orthodontist, an orthopedist, a surgeon, and a periodontist. The doctor’s task is to offer all possible treatment options.

2. Why are dental services expensive? Is it possible to save money?

Good dentistry includes professional doctors, high-quality materials and modern equipment. All this affects the cost of services. Doctors need to constantly undergo additional training, travel to congresses and seminars, including foreign ones. As for high-quality materials and equipment, they are also most often imported and, of course, expensive. Modern technologies a priori cannot be cheap.

3. Which is more reliable: an implant or« bridge» ? Is there a chance that the implant will not take root?

There are indications for both implantation and the “bridge,” and for them to last longer, good personal hygiene and regular preventive examinations are important. There is a possibility that the implant will not heal. In this case, either re-implantation is performed, or the doctor chooses another treatment option.

4. How often can teeth whitening be done? How safe is it?

Many people try, but even therapeutic, prophylactic and whitening pastes must be prescribed by a doctor! Professional whitening is safe if the technique is followed, but it is often not recommended, especially for patients with increased tooth sensitivity.

5. If an adult’s wisdom teeth have not erupted, is this normal? Why are they usually not treated, but removed?

The number of wisdom teeth is individual, so if there are few or none at all, this is not a pathology. If the wisdom tooth has erupted correctly, is involved in chewing and does not injure soft tissues, then it can be preserved.

Often these teeth have to be removed due to incorrect position, trauma to the cheek tissue, impossibility of high-quality treatment and restoration in case of very severe destruction of the tooth crown. The removal of “complex” wisdom teeth should be trusted to an experienced doctor, computed tomography should be used for diagnosis, and recommendations should be strictly followed in the postoperative period.

6. Are they effective? ? Don't they damage the enamel? Is it necessary to follow a diet while wearing braces?

There are no age restrictions for orthodontic treatment. The average treatment period is one and a half years. First, the orthodontist conducts a full diagnosis of the patient’s bite and discusses the features of the upcoming treatment. The goal is not only to get a beautiful smile, but also to create proper contact between the teeth. As a result, even the face becomes more harmonious. Many patients forget about this and rush the doctor to remove the braces.

It is not braces that spoil the enamel, but poor oral hygiene or lack thereof. If a patient does not know how to brush his teeth, braces are not fixed until he learns. Teeth become mobile during treatment. As a rule, sticky, hard and hard foods are excluded.

We thank Pavel Ivanov, PhD, dentist, for his help in organizing the material.

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“A smile will make everyone warmer,” I remember the words from a children’s song. But this smile can be ruined by a malocclusion of the teeth. There is an opinion among psychologists that crooked teeth are unconsciously perceived by the other interlocutor as a fact of aggression. Why else do you need to deal with malocclusion? Many will primarily name the aesthetic reason. nike air max pas cher Yes, they are right, how do you get a job?

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A person’s mouth contains a huge number of microorganisms, some of which are pathogenic, that is, under certain conditions they provoke disease. Inflammation of the gums around the tooth is a common problem. It can be generalized (covers the entire gum) or localized (in the area of ​​one or two teeth).

Computed tomography (CT) has become firmly established in our lives; its undoubted advantage is that, thanks to a special program, a three-dimensional model of soft tissues and bones is created, which facilitates the diagnosis of diseases and control of treatment. Why is this technology used by dentists?

Wisdom teeth erupt before the age of thirty-five. Often their growth causes many problems:

We all want to have beautiful and healthy teeth, so we brush them twice a day, as dentists advise. Why then do you need teeth cleaning in dentistry? And how does it differ from daily hygiene? There are a huge number of hard-to-reach places in the oral cavity that are very difficult to keep clean. Gradually, bacteria form soft plaque there,