Green (asparagus) beans: what are their benefits and possible harm to humans. The benefits of green beans, dietary recipes

Many centuries ago, the peoples who inhabited Ancient Egypt, China and South America discovered beneficial features beans and began to eat it, as well as prepare medicines from it and cosmetical tools. However, when sailors brought beans to Europe in the 16th century, their nutritional merits and benefits were not appreciated. She was perceived only as ornamental plant, they grew it in the garden, and then admired the flowers and beautifully climbing shoots.

Only two centuries later, beans began to be eaten in Europe: first the grains, and then the green pods. Gradually, they began to develop new varieties of beans, slowly making sure that the pods became more tender, juicier and tastier. And so it was brought out green beans, which later became known as “French”.

Today, there are already several dozen varieties of beans, which not only bloom beautifully, but also have many useful properties; there are also harmful ones - of which there are few, more about them below.

Green beans: nutritional value

The nutritional value of green beans is as follows:

  • Calorie content— 21 kcal, which is 1.6% of daily value;
  • Proteins: 2.5 g, 3%;
  • Fats: 0.3 g, 0.45%;
  • Carbohydrates: 3.1 g, 2.35%;
  • Alimentary fiber — 3,5, 18%.

Benefits of green beans

Green (or asparagus) beans (unripe kidney beans) is now grown in almost all countries, its popularity is explained by the presence in it of a huge amount of unique nutrients and healing substances.

The main benefit of beans lies in their amazing ability not to absorb toxins and harmful impurities, which are so abundant in the environment, and this makes them practically harmless.

Green beans contain a large number of various microelements, vitamins and acids that have a beneficial effect on various areas human body:

  • folic acid helps stabilize hormonal levels - therefore it is useful for pregnant women, adolescents and women during menopause;
  • iron improves the functioning of the respiratory system, has a positive effect on blood composition and helps with anemia;
  • copper reduces the risk of arthritis and other diseases of the joints and ligaments;
  • magnesium is indispensable in treatment chronic fatigue, during nervous exhaustion and in relieving asthma attacks and migraines;
  • benefits of beans for diabetics: soluble fiber helps in the treatment of obesity and diabetes;
  • sulfur speeds up the healing process during infectious diseases intestines;
  • zinc helps normalize carbohydrate metabolism;
  • potassium has a positive effect on the entire cardiovascular system and arterial pressure.
  • as well as B vitamins, vitamin C, calcium and Omega-3 fatty acid help maintain high levels of health.

Green beans have diuretic properties, they cleanse the kidneys and help restore potency, as well as the entire male reproductive system, and prevent the development of prostate adenoma.

The beneficial properties of beans are used in cosmetics. Regular consumption of beans helps fight the signs of skin aging and even slows down the aging process throughout the body.

Green beans are rich in fiber. The properties of the protein of this unique product are very similar to animal protein, which is why it is often consumed by vegetarians or fasting people.

Nutritionists value green beans very much and consider them one of the healthiest and most delicious products, ensuring the normal functioning of the entire human body. And they advise their patients to use it in their diet at least twice a week.

Green beans for children

We can say that green beans are beneficial children's body and he simply needs it. Only if there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Compared to regular beans, green beans are better digestible and do not cause gas formation. This vegetable can be given from 10 months of age. It is better to boil green beans and grind them into a paste. In this form, you can add it to purees or just give it. A light soup made from this product is also perfect for a child’s body.

Green beans during pregnancy

It is very useful to include green beans in the menu for pregnant women, as they contain a lot nutrients and is not a heavy meal. In addition, it improves the functioning of the kidneys, liver, and gastrointestinal tract - which is especially important during pregnancy. You should not overuse this product and “sit” on green beans alone. IN in this case harm cannot be avoided. A varied, healthy and nutritious diet is needed.

Harm and contraindications of green beans

Beans, like any other products from the legume family, not only have positive qualities, but also have a number of contraindications and can cause harm to the body:

Green beans can cause bloating and flatulence, so elderly people who have problems with stool and suffer from increased acidity.

  • colitis;
  • gastritis;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • cholecystitis.

You should be very careful when consuming bean dishes for diseases such as gout and nephritis, but it is not recommended to completely abandon them.

The main harm of beans lies in their improper preparation.

Beans are strictly forbidden to be consumed raw, because they (both in the pod and in the grains) contain the common bean lectin - phytohemagglutinin ( vegetable protein, which binds carbohydrates) is a rather toxic substance. It not only interferes normal operation stomach, damages the intestinal mucosa, but can also cause severe poisoning, as well as other health problems.

Heat treatment allows you to reduce phytohemagglutinin in green beans to a minimum.

Therefore, before you start preparing any dish from green beans, you must first boil them, and the duration of this heat treatment should be at least 15 minutes over high heat. Only under such conditions toxic substances are destroyed to a safe amount, but the useful ones retain their properties in their original form.

Green beans for the winter, harvesting methods

On store shelves, even in winter, you can find both any fruit and any vegetables. But not all of them are grown in proper conditions, which means their taste leaves much to be desired. The prices are quite high. For this reason, many housewives prefer to make preparations for the winter.

Green bean preparations, like many others, is a favorite delicacy during a period when availability fresh vegetables several times lower. At the same time, they begin to harvest bean pods in the summer, because the beans are still quite fresh. Of course, harvesting in the autumn is not excluded. In order for green beans to be useful in winter, they must be properly prepared and stored.

Freezing beans for the winter

Green beans can be preserved for the winter using several methods. Undoubtedly the best of them is freezing, which helps preserve the product almost unchanged, as well as the vitamins it contains. The washed bean pods are cut into portions and frozen either in bags or containers.

Canning beans for the winter

Green bean salads prepared using the canning method will be a necessary addition to any meat. Pickled beans- an ideal option in this regard. It can be presented both as a side dish and as an appetizer, or will become a wonderful component of many salads.

Fresh beans are preferable for preparation, but it is better to soak dried ones for a while.

Recipe No. 1

Per liter of water you need:

  • teaspoon vinegar (70%),
  • 40 g each of sugar and salt,
  • carnation,
  • peppercorns to taste.


Cover fresh beans with water. There must be a sufficient amount of water, since some of it will evaporate during cooking, and another part will be absorbed by the beans themselves. When the water boils, you need to turn the heat down and cook the beans until soft (about an hour and a half). At the end of cooking, add vinegar. Roll the hot beans into sterilized jars (preferably in a double boiler) and wrap them in a blanket until they cool.

Recipe No. 2

When preparing beans, they can be combined with other vegetables. A good option– canned salad, which is subsequently used not only as an independent dish, but also as a side dish.

To prepare this salad, you need:

  • 500 g beans,
  • 3 medium onions,
  • 300 g carrots,
  • 5 medium tomatoes
  • 3 tbsp. l. oil (sunflower),
  • peppercorns and ground,
  • bunch of basil,
  • 2 tsp. Sahara,
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt,
  • table vinegar - 40 ml.

How to cook:

Rinse vegetables and herbs. Coarsely chop the beans and basil. Chop carrots into cubes, onions into half rings. Remove the skins from the tomatoes, scald them with boiling water, then cut into slices. Simmer tomatoes, carrots and onions for about 10 minutes. vegetable oil, then add spices, basil and, of course, the most important ingredient - beans. Heat this mixture for about five minutes over moderate heat, then pour in the vinegar and stir. Sterilize the mixture placed in jars for about five minutes.

Recipe No. 3

A winter salad made from green beans, to which eggplants and tomatoes are added, turns out to be extremely tasty.

To prepare it you need:

  • kilogram of bean pods,
  • eggplants - 2 kg,
  • a couple of liters of tomato juice (exclusively fresh),
  • half a kilogram of carrots,
  • the same amount of onions
  • bell pepper,
  • half a liter of oil,
  • 70 g sugar, 80 g salt,
  • 100 ml apple cider vinegar,
  • and some sprigs of fresh parsley.


Boil the green beans until ready. By the way, you can prepare a regular one, only in this case the salad will no longer be so tender. Chop the tomatoes into tomato juice. Cut the sweet pepper into strips and the onion into neat half rings. Prepare the peeled eggplants by cutting them into cubes and finely grate the carrots. Tomato juice Boil and put beans in it. Place all the other ingredients in there. Cook over low heat for about an hour. Before final readiness add Apple vinegar. The salad is poured and rolled up hot.

Recipe for green beans for the winter No. 4

An excellent preparation option would be bean pods in tomato juice.

  • To do this, boil clean beans in salted water until soft (put a spoonful of salt in a couple of liters of water).
  • Place the strained beans in small jars and pour in previously brought to a boil tomato juice.
  • Sterilize for about an hour.

Beans that are cooked in tomato sauce with the addition of other vegetables.


  • To do this, per kilogram of beans you need 800 g of tomatoes (very ripe), 200 g of onions and carrots.
  • From spices - a tablespoon of sugar, twice as much salt, sweet peas, Bay leaf, sprigs of parsley and a couple of tablespoons of vinegar (9%).

Cooking process:

  1. The beans are coarsely chopped and blanched for about five minutes, after which they should be cooled.
  2. Onions and carrots are fried in vegetable oil, pre-cut into small pieces.
  3. Cook the tomatoes minced in a meat grinder for about 15 minutes with vinegar, salt and sugar.
  4. Chop the parsley.
  5. Add all other ingredients to the tomatoes.
  6. Cook for about another half hour.
  7. It is more convenient to place this workpiece in half-liter jars, previously sterilized.


Of course, more benefits in fresh green beans. But there are quite a few of them when stored for the winter. It’s always a pleasure to treat your family and guests to a variety of winter preparations, especially if it’s green beans. But, it is worth remembering, so as not to harm the body - everything good in moderation, even such a healthy and vitamin-rich product as beans.

From all of the above, we can draw a simple conclusion: the properties of green beans are so unique that any person, regardless of age, should include them in their diet, the main thing is to prepare them correctly and take into account contraindications to the product.

Eat beans more often and they will help you cope with various diseases, it’s not for nothing that it is also called the vegetable of eternal youth!

Green beans are unripe grains of common beans. The grains are eaten along with the green pods where they are located. This makes it possible to obtain more nutrients found not only in the grains, but also in their shell.

Green beans are available fresh, frozen and canned. They are added to salads, served as a side dish and used as the main component for vegetable dishes. Green beans can be steamed, boiled and fried.

Composition and calorie content of green beans

Green beans are low in carbohydrates and high in protein, they are rich in fiber and. Beans are a source of Omega-3 fats.

Chemical composition 100 gr. green beans as a percentage of the daily value is presented below.


  • C – 27%;
  • K – 18%;
  • A – 14%;
  • B9 – 9%;
  • B1 – 6%.


The calorie content of green beans is 30 kcal per 100 g.

Due to its high nutrient content, the beneficial properties of green beans affect all systems of our body.

For the bones

The vitamin K and calcium in green beans are good for bone health. Vitamin K accelerates the absorption of calcium, so beans are useful for preventing osteoporosis and age-related destruction of bone tissue.

For the heart and blood vessels

The main cause of heart disease is thrombotic clots in the arteries and veins, leading to stroke and heart attack. Flavonoids, antioxidants that relieve inflammation, help cope with blood clots.

Green beans not only do not contain cholesterol, but also help reduce its level, thanks to. In addition, green beans lower blood pressure.

For nerves and brain

Depression is the result of a lack of the hormones serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine, which regulate sleep and mood. Their production may decrease as a result of reduced blood and nutrient supply to the brain. The consumption of B vitamins, which are contained in green beans, will help prevent this.

For eyes

Green beans contain the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, which prevent degeneration macular spot. It is considered the main cause of vision impairment.

For the gastrointestinal tract

The fiber in green beans relieves digestive problems such as constipation, hemorrhoids, ulcers, diverticulosis and acid reflux disease.

For skin and hair

Green beans in the pod are a source of vitamin C. This is an antioxidant that helps the body produce collagen. It is responsible for the beauty of hair and skin. By eating green beans, you will protect your skin from oxidation and exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Green beans contain beneficial silicon. It is important for hair health - helps to form healthy connective tissues, strengthening hair and increasing elasticity.

For immunity

Antioxidants in green beans are beneficial for immune system. They increase the body's ability to fight various diseases and also prevent relapses malignant tumors. Antioxidants are eliminated from the body free radicals before they damage tissue.

This type of bean is natural remedy for the prevention of diabetes. Its use helps normalize and maintain constant blood sugar levels.

Green beans during pregnancy

To increase fertility levels in women, iron is needed, sufficient amounts of which are present in green beans. Vitamin C in beans improves iron absorption.

Green beans for children

Children's brains must function properly and receive large amounts of information. Green beans contain a lot of B vitamins, which are responsible for mood and sleep. Folic acid and carbohydrates in beans nourish the brain, improve memory, concentration and attention.

When can children be given green beans?

Green beans can be added to children's diet from the moment the child is ready to eat rough food. This period occurs between 7 and 10 months of age. Start with no large quantity mashed beans. If it doesn't follow negative reaction in the form of an allergy, the amount can be gradually increased.

Harm and contraindications of green beans

Contraindications for eating green beans:

The benefits and harms of green beans depend on the amount of consumption. Abuse of the product can lead to nutritional deficiencies in the body.

How to choose green beans

Fresh green beans have a bright green color. The pods should be strong, elastic and crispy. It is better to buy fresh green beans than frozen or canned ones. Fresh beans have more nutrients.

How to store green beans

If you do not use fresh green beans right away, you can store them in the refrigerator at plastic bag no more than 7 days.

Beans can be frozen. Shelf life in the freezer is 6 months. To preserve as many of the beneficial properties of green beans as possible, it is recommended to place them in boiling water for a few minutes before freezing. Then dry and only then freeze.

Green beans are delicious and useful product, which adds variety to the diet, makes dishes more nutritious, and also has a positive effect on the functioning of the body.

The legume family can safely boast of a representative of its genus - the green bean. This plant is native to Central and South America. She received permanent residence on the European continent only in the 16th century. In Russia, these gifts of nature began to be called “French beans.” Soon many appreciated their useful and nutritional properties.

Types of green beans

Previously, the plant was used only to decorate the garden. A little later, they began to include only grains in the composition and nutritional standards. In Italy, someone dared to try eating the pods. And this experiment was a success. Moreover, a new tender variety was developed, the fruits of which were of different colors: yellow, purple and green.

Green beans have names:

  • Sugar (pleasant delicate sweetish taste);
  • French;
  • Asparagus;
  • Buttery (refers to yellow beans due to the fact that they dissolve in the mouth like oil).

The gifts of nature are easy to grow and do not require special care. The soil can be almost any kind, constant watering and weeding is desirable, and the plant will not be harmed by the harvest.

Calorie content and natural composition

The fruits amaze with a variety of useful substances. All this helps maintain the health of the body, as well as protect it from various bacteria and infections.

Compared to shelled beans, then the legume includes less protein, but contains more vitamins:

The chemical composition of the plant may vary slightly depending on its variety. In some, protein predominates, in others there is a larger amount of minerals and trace elements:

Short glycemic index is equal to 15. In other words, only 15% of the carbohydrate content in the blood is converted into glucose. This means that green beans have mainly positive influence on metabolism. So you won’t have to wait to put on extra pounds from consuming it.

Many nutritionists are distrustful of this plant, despite the richness of vitamins and microelements. But in vain, because its nutritional value is only 45 kcal per 100 g and includes:

The vegetable is usually not consumed raw, but even after heat treatment, the product retains almost 70% of its nutrients. Do not forget that preparing dishes from beans affects its calorie content. This happens because carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are transformed into other components. Plus other additional ingredients - butter, cream, fat and seasonings.

The product is not only tasty, but also quickly absorbed in the body. Complete absence cholesterol content, that's why green beans are beneficial. Besides, knowledgeable people noted the advantages of a representative of the legume family.

Beneficial features

Any product that is abused can cause discomfort. The benefits and harms of green beans have been proven by experts. Its use can bring positive results and vice versa.

To general good results should include:

This is not the entire list of well-deserved praise. Good results were observed among representatives of the fair sex when regular use this product. Asparagus contains antioxidants that slow down the development of breast cancer. Significant tocopherol content, inhibits natural processes aging. Promotes healing and rejuvenating effects. The body is perfectly cleansed and body weight returns to normal.

After careful research, experts noticed the benefits of green beans for women. She reduces painful sensations during menstruation and improves its cycle.

Closer to mature age health begins to weaken. To maintain normal levels, you should include beans in your diet. This vegetable is rich in zinc, which will significantly improve a man’s health and support the functioning of his reproductive and genitourinary system. Blocks the development of prostate adenoma, safely removes small stones from the kidneys and bladder.

There are also benefits for pregnant women. Legumes contain excellent vitamin complex, helping to maintain correct and harmonious development baby in the womb.

Digestive problems that often arise in pregnant women will fade into the background. The composition includes fiber, it encourages the intestines to work properly and gently cleanses it. The feeling of hunger goes away thanks to the consumption of beans. They swell well in the stomach, creating a feeling of satiety.

Among the advantages, it can be noted that the mother’s activity increases, and fatigue syndrome disappears. The woman feels more confident and calm, and emotional fluctuations are reduced.

Strong muscle and bone, thanks to the calcium content. If you constantly eat asparagus, your mother will not have to drink vitamins of synthetic origin. There are all the prerequisites to avoid anemia.

Green beans can be used for weight loss. It is famous for having building material For muscle fibers is a vegetable protein. Complex carbohydrates are converted into energy rather than stored fat. Poorly digested fiber causes the body to waste extra calories.

The product is ideal for regulating and losing weight, provided it is used correctly:

  1. Porridge and potatoes cannot be combined with beans;
  2. Combine carefully with animal fats and oils;
  3. Meat is better than lean varieties - beef, turkey, chicken, soy meat is possible;
  4. Olive, sunflower or flaxseed oil is better;
  5. Eggs, herbs and vegetables are a great addition to dishes with beans;
  6. A pleasant combination with low-fat cottage cheese, sour cream or cheese.

During diets, beans are a godsend, as they are rich useful substances. Frequent use beans have a great effect on the condition of nails, hair and skin. All criteria improve markedly when a person regularly consumes green beans. The benefits and harms of these fruits have been identified for a long time.

Any negative results from the use of vegetables for food surfaced very rarely, and only because the product was abused. But there are also contraindications for use.

Harm from beans

Green beans are beneficial only if they are consumed wisely. Otherwise, you can create a lot of problems for yourself. Especially if you are allergic to the product or have digestive problems:

  • Increased stomach acidity;
  • Gastritis;
  • Peptic ulcer;
  • Colitis;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Cholecystitis;
  • Gout.

If you are following a diet, it is better to cook green beans in vegetable oil, but not in animal fat. The product is perfectly absorbed in stewed or boiled form. You can't eat raw beans.

The maximum amount of use is two or three times every 10 days. The portion should be the size of your fist. If you do not follow this advice, bloating and gas formation will occur. This will lead to conflicts with the digestive system.

Elderly people and those suffering from diarrhea should carefully listen to their bodies and regulate their consumption of beans.

The bean product does not go well with all spices. Caution must be exercised. The best seeds or herbs that prevent gas formation are dill, fennel and cumin. When cooking beans, it is better to get rid of the first water.

Green beans contain oxalic acid. Its excess in the body is harmful. Crystallizing as oxalates in bladder and kidneys, is disturbed normal functioning these organs. Unfortunately, oxalate stones are only removed surgically. To reduce the risk of such troubles, you should drink more water.

All varieties of beans, namely the grains and skins, contain the toxic substance pheazine. Accumulating in the body to a certain level, it can cause signs of poisoning. Therefore, consuming the product raw is prohibited. This toxin is quickly destroyed by heat treatment. So it is better to blanch the product before using it, removing hard fibers from it. If there are none, you should simply cut off the stalk.

Cooking features

To cook green beans, you don’t have to do anything special. Recipes for cooking beans are simple and do not require special skills.

The product can be stewed with broccoli, corn, carrots, white cabbage or cauliflower. Add tomatoes bell pepper, leeks and garlic. Whatever you want, and as your imagination allows, the main thing is to follow the combination of ingredients. The result is an attractive, appetizing and healthy dish.

Beans can be prepared for the winter. The benefits of green beans frozen in a home refrigerator are not diminished, unlike thermal preparations. Taste and appearance after defrosting they remain at their best. All the vitamins, microelements and fiber are preserved. It is not recommended to refreeze these beans as they will be lost. most of useful substances.

To keep your body healthy, you should regularly include different products. One of them is green beans - a storehouse of useful nutrients.

Attention, TODAY only!

In the human diet for more than one millennium place of honor occupied by green beans - unripe beans of common beans. More residents Ancient Egypt, Roman Empire, Ancient China, as well as indigenous people South America We enjoyed eating this high-calorie and fortified plant. People have learned to prepare a huge variety of dishes and medicines from beans.

Let's take a closer look at the arguments in favor of this plant, as well as how a person can be harmed by eating these green legumes.

Composition of the product

These beans came to Europe from South America in the 15th century during the discovery of new lands by Columbus, but for a long time they were considered only a plant for decoration. How food plant this product has proven itself only since the 17th century. Then varieties were bred that had an improved taste. Subsequently, such beans were called asparagus, or French.

Our body requires a large amount every day minerals and vitamins.

They also contain large amounts of fiber, protein, carbohydrates, sugars and fats. A set of these benefits helps us maintain good health for a long time and protect ourselves from harmful influence free radicals.

Did you know? The main producers of green beans in globe- This is China (more than 70%), then Türkiye, India and Indonesia. The main exporter is the Kenyan state. France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg are the leaders in its production and consumption in the European Union.

Nutritional value and calorie content

Green beans, when compared with shelled beans (grains), are not very rich in protein, but In terms of the amount of vitamins, it is a leader. Therefore, its nutritional value has advantages over other varieties of beans: per 100 g - only 47 kcal, 0.4 g - fat, 2.8 g - protein, 8.4 g - carbohydrates. Green pods are also valuable because they have less fiber than other beans, so they are easier and faster to digest.

The calorie content of these beans is also not high - not even 25 kcal per 100 g., so people wanting to reset overweight, it is worth including this very tasty plant in your diet. Moreover, regular consumption of asparagus bean pods eliminates the feeling of fatigue that accompanies people who abuse their desire to lose weight.

Boiled without adding salt or stewed green pods are very rich in vitamin B9 - 11.3%, vitamin C - 18%, potassium - 11.6% (per 100 g of finished product). The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the same amount of product is 3%, 1%, 2%, respectively (the percentage is indicated from the daily intake).

This ratio of substances is very useful for cardiovascular diseases.

Important! Green beans do not absorb toxic substances from the outside, therefore they are considered absolutely harmless and are recommended for baby food.

According to nutritionists, after the age of 40, beans simply need to be included in your diet, since at this time the body already loses a large amount of vitamins and minerals and is more susceptible to the influence of free radicals.

What are the benefits of green beans?

The benefits of green beans are countless: they regulate metabolism, have a positive effect on digestion, ease the course of diseases such as ARVI, rheumatoid arthritis, bronchitis, allergic skin diseases And urolithiasis disease. Due to the high sulfur content in asparagus beans, rapid recovery from infectious intestinal diseases is possible, and the high iron content stimulates erythropoiesis (the formation of red blood cells), so this product will be useful for hematopoietic diseases.

Important! Bean pods have a low glycemic index: no more than 15% of carbohydrates are transformed into glucose. Thanks to this indicator, patients diabetes mellitus can consume asparagus beans in moderation without worrying about their blood glucose levels.

The calming effect of this plant on the nervous system is also known: people who prefer bean pods sleep well and enjoy life more.

Also, constant consumption of green pods controls the appearance of tartar.

Their contribution to the treatment of tuberculosis, cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, hypertension is invaluable; they prevent excessive formation bad cholesterol. The presence of zinc in this product regulates carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, successfully fights obesity, and promotes spermatogenesis in the male population.

By regularly eating the greens of this cereal, men can save themselves from the unpleasant prospect of contracting prostate adenoma, and can also restore reduced potency and improve genitourinary function.

Are properties lost after freezing?

All the beneficial and nutritional properties of green beans are preserved when exposed to cold. It can be frozen and canned. You just need to avoid freezing and thawing the pods many times, which will cause them to lose their benefits. It is recommended to freeze them in small portions.

Features of application

It is well known that green beans are a direct path to beauty and good health. By eating them, you can preserve youth for a long time, as well as saturate your body with vitamins and essential microelements. This, in turn, will help you look good thanks to a low-calorie diet. And the variety of culinary delights and dishes made from this product will give you the opportunity to eat tasty and varied.

In treatment

Green pods successfully serve as an adjuvant in therapeutic diets, as well as in curing many diseases. Green beans are taken in the form of decoctions; dietary side dishes, salads and various soups are prepared from them.

  • Medicinal decoction for chronic pancreatitis: pour 1 tbsp into a glass of water. spoon of dried bean wings, boil over low heat for 3-5 minutes. Take 30 minutes before. before meals three times a day. There is no need to prepare a decoction in reserve, as it may lose some of its beneficial properties.
  • Diabetic decoction.

There are two cooking methods:
  • Grind 50 g of pods and place in a thermos, pour 250 g of boiling water and leave for 8 hours. Take 100 g 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  • Boil 150 g of crushed bean raw material for 15 minutes in one liter of water. Take 150 ml before meals.
It is also very useful for diabetic patients to drink about one liter of a juice mixture of beans, carrots, lettuce and Brussels sprouts per day. This mixture will promote the production of insulin.

Did you know? Green beans are an indispensable product for diabetics, since their juice contains arginine, the effect of which is similar to that of insulin.

A decoction of bean pods along with blueberry leaves has a particularly effective property for treating diabetes. You need to take it 0.5 cups before eating.

  • Green bean juice

This juice is also effective for the following ailments:
  • Bursitis (inflamed joint bursae) - twice a day, 100 ml. The duration of treatment is two weeks.
  • Mastopathy, recovery hormonal levels among women - 400-500 ml per day from bean, carrot and beet juices, for a month.

Important! Infusions, decoctions and juices are only auxiliary means for the treatment of diseases. They may be part of a therapy that only a doctor will recommend.

In dietetics

Green beans are an indispensable ingredient and assistant in a complex of therapeutic diets and diets for those who want to look slim.

Interestingly, with regular consumption of green beans, you can forget about weight loss diets, because your weight will return to normal after a short period of time.

Here are several options for preparing dietary beans.

  • Losing weight with salad
Boil 300 g of green pods. Chop the onion, put 100 g of green olives, herbs, pepper, lemon juice and add salt to taste. Add 30 ml olive oil.
  • Side dish of boiled pods

Boil 300 g of beans in a double boiler, then grind the dried rosemary and basil spices with lemon juice and add a little olive oil. Pour this mixture over the beans. This side dish goes well with both meat and fish dishes.

  • Green pods in soup
Cook the chopped pods for 10-15 minutes, add the chopped Bell pepper, 3-4 tomatoes, 1 carrot and 1 onion. Cook for about 7 minutes. Then add a glass of tomato juice and any chopped greens to the finished soup. Simmer for another 3 minutes.

In cooking

Green bean pods are sold frozen or canned in supermarkets. But every housewife is capable of making preparations of this product herself. And in summer period Each of us simply needs to enjoy dishes made from freshly picked pods. The methods for preparing them are very diverse - boiling, frying, stewing, canning.

Cooked asparagus beans can serve as a side dish or as a separate dish, but you can add some variety by combining them with other foods. Green pods can be fried, boiled, stewed, or made into a salad or soup.

Important! When preparing dishes from green beans, even frozen ones, they must be boiled in water, adding salt, for 15 minutes. Due to the presence of a large number of lectins, digestive upset may occur, so it is not advisable to consume beans raw. But when cooking, you should not overcook the pods, otherwise their benefits will be lost.

Recommendations for preparing bean asparagus:
  • Before cooking green beans, remove the longitudinal vein on the pod;
  • boil the greens for 10 minutes;
  • pods that have lost their elasticity need to be soaked in water for a couple of hours. cool water;
  • aluminum cookware is not suitable for cooking beans, otherwise the product will lose its bright green color;
  • to maintain color saturation, salt the pods at the end of cooking;
  • Cooked beans should be rinsed with cold water.

Can I have green beans?

The benefits of green beans are unconditional; they not only can, but should be consumed. However, for each age it has its own value.

For children

Kids just need to cook healthy and delicious dishes from green beans.

It needs to be mixed into vegetable puree, which is usually fed to the child after the fifth month of life, just at the time when it is time for him to become familiar with vegetables in food.

To do this, fresh boiled beans are ground into puree. To avoid allergic reaction For the first time trying this new product for a child, you should try no more than 1 teaspoon for the first time. After making sure that everything is in order, such puree can be gradually added to the baby’s usual food, gradually increasing its amount at one time to 60 g. best time to take bean puree - this is lunch. Nutritionists recommend supplementing dishes with green beans with dill. This puree is given to a child no more than three times every few days.
For older children, beans are prepared in the usual way, as for adults.

Important! To avoid increased gas formation, it is undesirable for children under 1 year of age to combine green beans with meat in their diet.

Nursing mothers

A mother who is breastfeeding her baby should eat asparagus beans. They have everything useful elements, and this will benefit both the young mother and her baby. Green legumes do not cause excessive gas exchange in babies and normalize bowel movements.

A young mother loses a lot of strength, and by eating dishes containing green beans, she will be able to recover and avoid diseases such as anemia. Also there won't be excessive load on the kidneys, the digestion process will be facilitated.

Such a woman simply needs to consume this plant several times a week as a separate dish for the entire period while she is breastfeeding.


Green bean pods are very useful for pregnant women, due to the fact that they contain all the necessary benefits for herself, as well as the baby growing inside her.

Reasons why it is vital for pregnant women to consume green beans:

  • due to the fact that it contains a huge amount of protein, it partially replaces meat;
  • bean fiber makes it easy to empty the intestines;
  • effective prevention of iron deficiency anemia;
  • nicotinic acid, which is part of the composition, normalizes blood pressure, relieves stress, improves metabolism;
  • prevents the risk of hyperpigmentation on the skin.

Necessary tips when pregnant women eat beans:

  • the beans must be well cooked to avoid the risk of stomach upset;
  • before cooking, the pods need to be soaked for a while in cool water, this is necessary to prevent flatulence;
  • It is not advisable to cook green beans with meat, but cook them as a separate dish.

Contraindications and harm

Considering the enormous benefits that green beans bring to humans, it may seem that they cannot have any contraindications. But these green pods can also cause significant harm to our body. Patients with gastritis with increased gastric acidity, with pancreatitis in the acute stage, also with cholecystitis, should be most careful. peptic ulcer stomach, with acute inflammations in the intestines and in the presence of colitis.

Green beans, like any other, affect increased gas exchange, therefore, the elderly, as well as those suffering from chronic constipation, kidney nephritis and gout, should not get carried away with such food. You can avoid excessive gas formation by boiling the beans twice, draining the first water.

Green beans are a storehouse of vitamins and microelements that we need for a healthy and quality life. Every person of any age with moderate and good health you just need to make your own daily diet, periodically introducing this protein product into it. By regularly eating these bright green grains, we will protect our body from harmful effects environment, because it is typical for green beans not to absorb harmful substances from the outside, as is the case with other vegetable crops.

Followers healthy image Life is very fond of green beans, the benefits and harms of which are well known to them. Unfortunately, the vegetable is not yet widely consumed in our country. It is not common in the diet, but gradually it is gaining more and more fans. It is impossible not to appreciate his magnificent taste qualities and undoubted benefits for the human body.

Chemical composition

Humanity has known for a very long time nutritional properties young beans. South American Indians also used it for food. But Europeans initially used this crop only as an ornamental plant, which is distinguished by very beautiful flowering. Only in the 17th century were they able to appreciate the taste of the beans that the ripened pod contained. A little later, the Italians tasted the unripe fruits, and they are still used almost everywhere in national Italian cuisine.

Green beans are unripe pods of common beans, the beans in which have milky ripeness and have not yet hardened, and the leaves are juicy and soft. Dozens of varieties of this wonderful vegetable have been developed, including special sugar beans, which do not have a hard parchment layer. Such varieties are called asparagus because of the rather long pods.

Depending on the variety, green beans may have a slightly different chemical composition, which determines their beneficial and healing qualities. But one property is common to all varieties of vegetables - they do not tend to absorb and accumulate harmful toxic substances from the environment. For this quality, the product has the status of environmentally friendly.

Green beans are characterized by a very rich mineral and vitamin composition, in which:

The nutritional value of thermally unprocessed green beans is about 25-30 kcal per 100 g, for which they are highly respected by nutritionists and are always recommended on the menu for those who want to get rid of excess weight.

Useful and healing qualities

Green beans, the beneficial properties of which are determined by their rich chemical composition, are an extremely valuable product. She stands out not only for her nutritional value, but also a whole range of healing qualities.

What are the benefits of green beans? medical purposes? A decoction of green pods in mixtures is used for diabetes, pancreatic diseases and lack of milk during lactation.

The healing qualities of green beans

Properly cooked green beans can have the following positive effects on the human body:

Possible harm from green beans

Like all legumes, green beans have benefits, but they can also cause harm. Dishes made from this vegetable are not recommended for consumption for the following diseases:

    recurrent stage of pancreatitis;


    acute colitis;

  • gastritis with high acidity.

All legumes have the ability to enhance the digestive process and cause increased level gas formation, therefore, asparagus beans should be used with caution if you have problems with stool, as well as for elderly people.

Real harm to health can come from improperly preparing vegetables. The pod and grains contain pheazine, which is a toxic substance and can cause severe poisoning. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to eat beans raw. It must be boiled for at least 1.5 hours, during which time all toxic substances are destroyed. Moreover, it is better to drain the first water after boiling.

Possible Negative consequences from eating green beans are overweight big amount positive qualities, which are inherent in the vegetable. By taking some precautions, you can prepare very tasty and delicious dishes from this product. healthy dishes.