Subject of social work. Concept and classification of social work objects

Objects social work arise and are formed objectively, under the influence of socio-economic conditions of life, but are formed by political and other social institutions, i.e. are an add-on.

An object is a part objective reality, which interacts with the subject.

Let's consider the content of the concept of an object of social work.

These are people who need help: old people; pensioners; disabled people; seriously ill; children; people who find themselves in difficult life situations; teenagers who find themselves in bad company, etc.

There are several tens of millions of them in Russia. It should be remembered that each of these tens of millions of people has their own individuality, their own way of thinking and a complex biography. This requires social worker feelings of tact, compassion, patience, and the ability to understand another person’s problem.

Thus, the object of social work is all people. Scientists propose the following classification of social work objects:

1. The state of health does not allow one to solve life’s problems independently.

2. Service and work in extreme social conditions (war participants, widows and mothers of military personnel).

3. Elderly, retirement age people.

4. Deviant behavior in his various forms ah and types (children with deviant behavior; children experiencing adult violence; persons returning from prison; use drugs or alcohol in the family).

5. Difficult, disadvantaged situation various categories families (orphans; large families; parents who have not reached the age of majority; conflict families).

6. Special situation of children (orphanhood, vagrancy, street children).

7. Vagrancy, homelessness (without specific place residence).

8. Legal status of persons subjected to political repression.

Social work subjects are people and organizations that conduct and manage social work.

The main subjects of social work are people engaged in social work professionally and on a voluntary basis. There are not many professional workers; there are approximately 550 thousand of them in the world. These people have diplomas and are officially awarded the specialty “Social Worker”. The main workload is carried out by non-professional workers. In Sweden in three major cities 3.5 thousand professional workers and 46.5 thousand non-professional.

Among social workers, there are organizers or managers and practical social workers.

Therefore, the subjects of social work can be:

1. Organizations, institutions, social institutions, societies:

– a state with legislative, executive and judicial powers at different levels. This is the Ministry of Health and social development, as well as executive bodies of social work management (territories, regions, republics, cities);

- various social services: territorial centers for social assistance to families and children; social rehabilitation centers for minors; social shelters for children and teenagers; centers psychological assistance by phone.

Public, charitable and other organizations and institutions:

– trade unions, branches of the Children's Fund, the Red Cross Society, private social services.

Non-governmental charitable organizations in Russia are: Moscow House of Mercy, charitable organizations "Community", "Soul of Man" (Moscow), Association for Refugees (St. Petersburg), etc. Charitable activities are carried out in accordance with Federal law“On charitable activities and charitable organizations.”

3. People engaged in practical social work professionally or on a voluntary basis.

There are about 500 thousand professional social workers in the world, and those engaged in social work on a voluntary basis are considered to be when one social worker serves 10-15 people.

4. Teachers, as well as those who help consolidate knowledge and skills in social work (practical workers where students do internships).

5. Social work researchers at university departments, laboratories, and graduate schools.

3.3. Functions of social work

diagnostic – making a social diagnosis;

prognostic – forecasting and developing a model of social behavior of objects;

preventive and preventive (or socio-therapeutic) organization of social, medical, legal assistance;

human rights – the use of legal and

legal norms to provide assistance, support and protection to the population;

social and domestic function - providing assistance to elderly people, disabled people, improving their living conditions and organizing a normal life;

communicative function - organizing the exchange of information, including various authorities in the activities of social services; organizational function - the direction of the activities of social services to provide various types help and

social services

to the population.

Introduction The strategy of social work is to study man, his integrity, peace, individuality and universality. In practice, most social work models focus on the technological aspects of providing care. The effectiveness of social work depends on understanding the essence of human life, its changes under the influence of economic, socio-psychological factors. Object and subject are fundamental categories for the development of social work theory. This theory is characterized by a variety of methodological approaches to their identification. Thus, in the dictionary-reference book for social work it is noted: “The object of social work research is the process of connections, interactions, methods and means of regulating behavior social groups and individuals in society. The subject of social work as an independent science is the patterns that determine the nature and direction of development

social processes in society". The boundaries of the object and subject of social work theory are associated with the concepts of “social interaction”, “social and interpersonal relationships”, “social changes”, “social dynamics” and “social structure”. The subject essence of social work, despite its diversity theoretical approaches, is characterized by this

general concept

, as “sociality,” which expresses the diverse ways and forms of coexistence and interaction in society as a system of integral social subjects.

Objects and subjects of social work at least, facilitation, facilitating the client’s subjective experience of his situation. After all, one can be aware that in the conditions of a decline in production and mass unemployment, helping individuals find new workplace not so easy. But it is quite possible to provide them with socio-psychological support and get rid of negative personal reactions to unemployment.

The concept of a social situation serves as a methodological tool that allows us to isolate those connections and interactions that are directly related to the social problem of a given client and the impact that can influence its resolution. The easiest thing would be to immediately state that humanity has not been able to cope with alcoholism throughout the long history of its development, and on this basis refuse to look for ways to help a specific drinking client and his family. It is possible, inadequately exploiting the dialectical principle of the universal connection of phenomena, to begin the analysis of the life activity of this particular alcoholic with global problems and expect a level of resources to resolve them, which, of course, is not available today. The concept of a social situation, without denying the universal, global connections of the individual with the world, allows us to isolate in his specific conditions, first of all, what directly affects the resolution of his problem, what is within the influence and scope of social work. An analysis of these closest connections will reveal psychological, family, group, medical and other reasons that push an individual to drunkenness and will help to find support in his personality to create sustainable motivation for recovery.

Subject of social work. Like any other activity, social work is an interaction between subject and object (social worker and his client), taking place under certain social conditions. In addition to these conditions, its successful implementation is determined by the extent to which the social worker and his client satisfy the requirements placed on him. A social worker must be a qualified specialist in his field, as well as have a number of moral qualities that indicate his humanity. As for the client, he is required not only to have a real desire to solve his problems, but also to the social worker. In other words, a trusting relationship must arise between the social worker and his client.

Based on feeling and trust, the relationship between a social worker and his clients is most similar to friendship; it is a form of interpersonal relationship, i.e. aimed at establishing personal connections between people. Friendship, however, presupposes equality of parties, whereas the relationship between a social worker and his client is not equal. Indeed, this relationship involves assistance to the client on the part of the social worker, but not vice versa. By trusting a social worker, the client is convinced that he will be helped in solving his problems. His conviction in this is a psychological factor influencing the effectiveness of social work.

Since a social worker of any rank is always an active party, we can talk about what his activity is aimed at, regardless of whether it meets with an active response or is only passively accepted by people. In this sense, the object of social work is individuals, families, groups, communities that are in difficult life situation. A difficult life situation is a situation that disrupts or threatens to disrupt the possibility of normal social functioning of these objects. It is also important to add that individuals themselves are unable to cope with this situation on their own, without external help.

Practice shows (and especially here) that people often face problems that neither they themselves, nor their family members, nor friends, nor neighbors, nor even well-meaning officials can solve. This requires people of a special profession - social workers.

Social work object. Who do social workers help? The list of clients to a certain extent reflects the short but rich history of the development of this type of activity. Social work is focused on the individual. Help should be directed not only to a social stratum, a large group, a territorial community - each representative of these large masses, an individual person has the right to happiness, well-being and the development of his abilities. Initially, social work was carried out precisely as work with individuals. However, it later became clear that attempts to change the situation and behavior of an individual client are rarely effective unless they influence their immediate environment, the immediate social network in which they are involved. This led to the development of family and group social work. Impact on a family is impossible without impact on each of its members. Changes in the behavior and well-being of individual family members lead to changes in the tension of intrafamily relationships, transformation of family communications, etc. The same can be said about working with a group. The influence of the immediate environment is difficult to overestimate, especially when it comes to teenagers and young people, people who are conformist, dependent, and have an unstable character. And this work, in turn, requires solving the problems of the wider environment - the entire population of the place where this individual, this group or family lives. Such an understanding leads to the need to turn to community, or communal, social work.

The social problems of those whom a social worker helps also depend on their belonging to a particular socio-demographic group. Thus, specific difficulties confront people in the elderly and old age. The ability to cope with them, of course, is different for a wealthy person or a poor person, for someone surrounded by a loving family or for someone who is alone, but age-related physiological and social changes overtake everyone. Women and children are traditionally singled out as special categories clients of social work, since the objective circumstances of their situation constitute a threat of social risk for them. Children are weak, dependent and dependent, which increases their need for help and the danger of becoming a victim from adults. Women by virtue of fulfilling their reproductive functions are also in a vulnerable position. For us today it seems unusual to think that there is special need in helping the socio-demographic category of men who encounter special difficulties caused precisely by their belonging to the male gender. However, this is exactly the case, and andrological problems (primarily medical and medical-social) are beginning to be studied specifically to provide men with qualified assistance.

It is also customary to single out clients - people with special problems. The essence, manifestations and need for intervention in such people depend precisely on what their peculiarity is, what type of problem makes their life difficult. Thus, disabled people or persons with disabilities need special assistance from the state, since their physical, mental or intellectual capabilities hinder them normal life in this society. Therefore, it is necessary to adapt architecture and transport for people with limited mobility, create safe working and living conditions for those who do not fully control their behavior, provide supervision and care for those who are not able to independently manage their life activities, and make every possible effort to integrate disabled people into society.

However, in addition to disabled people special needs the unemployed, those who participated in hostilities and now suffer from the effects of post-traumatic stress syndrome, large families and parents whose children have learning difficulties have them.

So, we can conclude that social work is carried out at the level of the individual, family, group, community of people united on a territorial, production basis, based on a similar problem, or within the entire society. However, when providing assistance, a social worker must know what this assistance is aimed at, what he wants to achieve in the process of his activities, what his goal is and how he imagines the ideal result of his work. This issue is also the topic of serious debate related to the scope of competence and the limits of the capabilities of this type of activity.

One of the important areas and one of the main objects of social work is the family. social assistance subject

Most families of single mothers find themselves in difficult financial conditions. At the end of 1993, there were about 1.5 million of them. Similar difficulties are experienced by families of conscripts with children (about 40 thousand families), as well as families in which one of the parents evades paying child support (800 thousand families ). Another category of families receiving state support are families with disabled children. In 1993, there were about 285 thousand families raising disabled children. Families with disabled parents should also be mentioned. In addition, families who have taken children under guardianship (guardianship) also need support. There are about 200 thousand of them. The next large category of families with objectively limited financial capabilities are large families. Their number is constantly declining and currently amounts to 2.3 million.

As a rule, families with young children (under the age of three) find themselves in difficult financial conditions. There are about 6 million such families.

Student families with children are in a special situation. In fact, they are dependent on the parents (in most cases).

In addition, families of refugees and internally displaced persons should be classified as families in need of special state support. According to the Federal Migration Service of Russia, as of May 1, 1994, there were 200.2 thousand such families in Russia.

A special category of families consists of deviant families. These are families of alcoholics, drug addicts, criminals, etc.

Social work is focused not only on solving these family problems, but also on its strengthening and development, restoring internal potential to carry out numerous social significant functions families, stabilization of the demographic and socio-economic situation in Russia.

The transition to a market inevitably causes a significant increase in the unemployment rate, as evidenced, in particular, by the experience of Eastern European countries that have passed or are passing through the formation of market relations. This is also confirmed by the practice of social transformations in Russia.

To solve the problems of unemployment, it is important to determine its essence and know its main forms. Unemployment is understood as the lack of work for those who are able to work, and the unemployed is someone who can work, but does not work. Unemployment is closely related to the concepts of “employment” and “employed”.

As sociological studies show, among the unemployed in Russia today are primarily unskilled and low-skilled workers who are not ready for retraining, workers of unprofitable, unprofitable enterprises, and “weak” demographic groups (youth, older workers, women with children). Youth, women, and workers of pre-retirement age make up up to 70% of the unemployed or more.

Unemployment affects, first of all, the financial situation of the unemployed and their socio-psychological well-being.

In connection with the transition to market relations and the emergence of unemployment, employment services were opened. Despite the short period of their activity (they did not exist after the 30s), they are becoming an increasingly important body for providing social assistance in employment, social protection citizens who have lost their jobs.

Helping socially vulnerable children and children at risk is of particular importance.

Disabled people need social protection.

Cripples, blind, deaf, dumb, people with impaired coordination of movement, completely or partially paralyzed, etc. recognized as disabled due to obvious deviations from the normal physical condition person. Persons who do not have external differences from ordinary people, but suffer from diseases that do not allow them to work in various fields as healthy people do.

Social assistance is also necessary for older people.

Due to the natural aging of the body, a number of chronic diseases, the proportion of people in need of constant medical supervision and assistance from cardiologists, neurologists, gerontologists, and geriatricians is growing. The civilization of a society is determined, in particular, by how wide the network of special clinics, hospitals, rest homes and sanatoriums for the elderly is.

The collapse of the USSR, instability in the relations between newly formed states, interethnic conflicts, the rampant market forces, and “wild” capitalism sharply increased the number of people without a fixed place of residence.

The ranks of the homeless are swelled by former prisoners, children running away from their parents, disabled people, drug addicts and alcoholics, refugees, and military personnel returning from other countries.

Specific social work is work with youth.

Youth is a special socio-demographic group experiencing a period of formation of social maturity, the position of which is determined by the socio-economic state of society.

The object of social work in its broad interpretation is all people, the entire population. This is explained by the fact that the life activity of people, all layers and groups of the population depends on those conditions that are largely predetermined by the level of development of society, the state social sphere, content social policy, the possibilities of its implementation.
At the same time, the population is structured according to various principles. And it singles out such people, such groups and strata who find themselves in a difficult life situation when they either cannot at all, or can only partially solve the social and other problems that have arisen in front of them.
Therefore, when considering this issue, it is necessary to expand the interpretation of the object.
1. The first group of social work objects are population groups that find themselves in difficult life situations. When they talk about practical social work, they first of all mean the provision of assistance, support, social security (health, deviant behavior, elderly age, disadvantaged situation of families and certain categories of citizens, homelessness, orphanhood, etc.)
2. The second most important group of objects of social work are various spheres of people’s life.
. Sphere of production, production and social infrastructure(environment, situation, process of creating material wealth; industries that serve this area; population, etc.).
. Urban, rural, and intermediate forms of settlement. It is important to take into account the size of settlements, the concentration of the population in them, the level of development of production forces, types of production, the saturation of cultural and community facilities, landscaping, the development of transport, communications, etc.
. The healthcare sector - the system of public and private institutions, ongoing health care activities, etc.
. The field of education, which includes all types and forms of education, training and retraining of personnel, and the corresponding infrastructure.
. Sphere of science (research institutes and laboratories, institutions, teams, scientists).
. The cultural and leisure sphere is part of non-working time used for recreation and entertainment.
. Security forces (units that protect the state from external hostile forces and opposition within the country).
. The penitentiary system is a correctional labor institution.
. Socio-ethnic environment.
. Consumer services sector.
Thus, the object of social work are specific areas of people’s life, all people (in a broad interpretation), individuals and groups in need of constant help (in a narrow interpretation), who find themselves in a difficult life situation.
All functions of providing assistance to those in need are performed by the subject of social work. The subject includes all those people and organizations that conduct and manage social work. This includes the state as a whole, which implements social policy. These include charitable organizations, charitable societies such as the Red Cross and Red Crescent Society. These are public organizations: Children's Fund named after. V. I. Lenina, Russian Association of Social Services. Association social educators and social workers. Union of Officers, etc.
But the main subject of social work is, of course, not organizations, not associations, but people engaged in social work professionally or on a voluntary basis.

Answers to the social work exam.

The mission of social work in modern society.

The reform of Russian society, the deployment of new and modernization of traditional forms of social life have made the question of the role and significance of social work, its methodology and technologies in the system of social institutions and relations particularly relevant in recent decades. Large-scale structural changes in economics, caused by new economic realities and technologies, individualization of lifestyle and pluralization of value systems make social work in the life of modern society a stabilizing factor that helps maintain social balance and improve well-being.

Reasons for the formation of social work.

In the literature, the emergence of social work is usually dated late XIX the beginning of the 20th century. It was during this period that in a number of industrial developed countries groups of specialists appear who begin to professionally engage in social work, create educational institutions, and train social workers.

The main reasons for the development of social work are the following:

1. destruction of a single community associated with general principles and norms of existence;

2. urbanization and industrialization;

3. increasing a person's social connections and relationships. The rapidity of industrial development in Europe and the USA, urbanization, which has increased the share of marginalized sections of the population in society, poorly adapted to life in the city, the breakdown of traditional social ties in relations between people, between individuals and society, have led to the emergence of such social problems problems that could not be solved using methods tested in traditional society.

3. The purpose and objectives of social work in modern society.

Purpose of social work – ensuring normal living conditions worthy of human existence. Achieved through social policy, which involves the creation of a system in society social relations, based on the regulation and optimization of objectively existing interests of various social groups with increasing production efficiency.

The main tasks of social work include :

- diagnosis of social and personal problems and situations;

- social prevention, i.e. implementation of a system of measures to prevent the occurrence of crisis situations for an individual or a group of people;

- social adaptation, i.e. the process of adaptation of an individual to changing conditions in the social environment, to living conditions;

- social rehabilitation, i.e. a system of measures to restore or compensate for impaired functions of an individual’s interaction with the environment social environment;

- social therapy (correction);

- social services;

- social design;

- social supervision;

- social care, i.e. care, patronage of someone;

- social mentoring;

- social innovation – implementation of social projects.

Actual problems social work in Russia and Belarus.

Social program in Russia:

Pension Fund RF - the largest organization in Russia providing socially significant public services citizens. Founded on December 22, 1990 by Resolution of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR No. 442-1 “On the organization of the Pension Fund of the RSFSR”. PFR divisions (over 2.5 thousand territorial bodies) operate in every region and in every regional center of Russia. The PFR labor collective is over 133 thousand social workers [

Among the socially significant functions of the Russian Pension Fund:

§ appointment and payment of pensions (for 40 million pensioners);

§ accounting of insurance funds received under compulsory pension insurance;

§ purpose and implementation social payments certain categories of citizens: veterans, disabled people, disabled people due to war trauma, Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation, etc.;

§ personalized accounting of participants in the compulsory pension insurance system;

§ interaction with policyholders (employers - payers of insurance pension contributions), collection of arrears;

§ issuance of certificates for receiving maternity capital;

§ payment of maternity capital funds;

§ management of pension system funds;

§ implementation of the Program of state co-financing of voluntary pension savings (56-FZ of April 30, 2008, also known as the “thousand for a thousand” program);

§ since 2010 - administration of insurance funds received under compulsory pension insurance and compulsory medical insurance;

§ since 2010 - the establishment of a federal social supplement to social pensions, in order to bring the pensioner’s total income to the amount living wage pensioner.

Social program of the Republic of Belarus:

"Children of Belarus"

The main objectives of the program are: improving the quality of life of children, strengthening state support for families and children, maintaining and strengthening health, physical and spiritual development the younger generation. The coordinating role and function in the implementation of the “Children of Belarus” program belongs to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection.

Until 2009, it is planned to gradually increase the amount of benefits for children under three years of age (up to 100% of the subsistence level budget) for all categories of mothers. Already this year, the number of recipients of free meals for children in the first two years of life will expand. Work will continue to improve legislation in terms of reducing the tax base when calculating income tax for workers raising children and disabled children. It is expected that the amount of financial support for debt repayment will increase preferential loans for the construction or purchase of housing from 30% to 50% (in the case of the birth of a third child or the presence of three children) and from 50% to 70% (in the case of the birth of a fourth child or if there are four children).

In the current five-year period, work will continue to create conditions for the development of new forms of family life - guardianship, patronage, adoption. It is planned to build 56 residential buildings for families raising orphans and children left without parental care. As part of the program, institutions will be built for post-boarding adaptation of orphans and their employment. In the structure of territorial centers social services population, it is planned to open 23 branches within five years day stay disabled children.

Great importance is given in the program to further strengthen and preserve the health of children.

5. Subject and object in social work.

Social work object- client is a person in need of social protection. Historically, the concept of client initially included people who had a predisposition to violate generally accepted standards (beggars) or difficulties in adaptation (migrants). Over time, not only the categories of clients change, but also the groups of problems that form social work clients. Subsequently, the category of clients was extended to people who, under the influence of society and the abnormal living conditions that this society creates, lose the opportunity normal functioning. In this interpretation, clients of social work included marginalized people, unemployed people who have certain problems in family relationships. Currently, a social work client is defined as a person, group or community that needs the help of a social worker and with whom an agreement has been reached to work together.

Subject of social work is, first of all, a person and his place in society, the attitude of society to a person and a person to society. A specialist in the field of social work acts as a mediator between the state, called upon to be the protector of the rights of its citizens, and the individual. The need for such mediation is determined, first of all, by the fact that the state does not always act as the authority that guarantees the rights and worthy of a person ways of its existence. This may be due to many reasons, including those outside the state. The reverse reaction of a person who does not receive sufficient guarantees from the state is alienation, apoliticality, and asociality. In such a relationship, the suffering parties are both: the individual and the state. Social worker as a mediator between a person and the state, the individual and society based on knowledge social patterns and their various forms practical implementation adapts the interests of the state to the individual and the interests of the individual to the state. Social work is also a form social activities, social practice, synthesis of scientific and theoretical knowledge and academic discipline.

Subjects of social work, their characteristics.

Social work subject- This is the one who provides social assistance. These can be government organizations (social insurance bodies, social protection), public organizations (various charitable unions, organizations, foundations, etc.) and private individuals - specialists in the field of social work of various qualifications (social therapist, social gerontologist, social ecologist etc.) or voluntary assistants - volunteers. Social work is two-pronged. The basis of the social assistance provided is the system of interactions between the social worker and the client, as well as with the client’s significant social environment.

Red Cross and Red Crescent Society:

an international humanitarian movement founded in 1863 with more than 100 million employees and volunteers worldwide.

The movement considers its main goal to be “To help all those who suffer without any unfavorable distinction, thereby contributing to the establishment of peace on Earth.”

Components of the International Red Cross:

§ International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

§ International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).

§ National Societies Red Cross and Red Crescent.

RUSSIAN CHILDREN'S FUND- a charitable public organization created in 1991 on the basis of the Soviet Children's Fund named after. V. I. Lenin (established in 1987). Unites public efforts to strengthen the role and authority of the family, provide special assistance to children without parental care, disabled children, as well as children affected by natural disasters, epidemics, and wars.

Association of Social Educators:

Tasks and goals:

  • socio-psychological assistance to single-parent and conflict families, families with problem children;
  • development of legal and other culture of parents;
  • support in crisis situation;
  • unification of the pedagogical and other public in matters of strengthening the family, child development, humanization and democratization of the child’s living environment.

The main directions of work at the present stage:

Educational programs for social educators: seminars, round tables, consultations, pedagogical workshops;
- cultural and educational programs for parents and children: training seminars, holidays, presentations of joint creativity of parents and children, promotions, etc.;
- family clubs.
The fundamental principle of the activities of the OOSPiR "Eola" is open interaction in society, aimed at the development, protection, humanization and democratization of the environment of the family and the child.

Objects social work are the individual, small group, the population of a certain localized territory (in whole or in part). Distinctive feature objects of social work is the presence of a difficult life situation: disability(health impairment with a persistent disorder of body functions, caused by diseases, consequences of injuries or defects, leading to limitation of life activities); inability to self-care due to old age, illness inability to self-care due to old age, illness(limited mobility, inability to perform household and hygiene procedures); orphanhood(loss of parents under the age of 18 due to death); neglect(failure of parents to fulfill their functions of supervision and upbringing of the child and threat complete break child and family); poverty ( insufficiency of material resources as a means of satisfying vital and social needs); unemployment(the problem of able-bodied citizens who, for one reason or another, do not participate in production activities those without work and earnings (income) who are ready to start working); lack of a fixed place of residence(actual lack of socially acceptable housing, insufficient material opportunities, disruption of the human “microworld”, which manifests itself in wanderings, vagrancy, lack of certain activities); conflicts and abuse in the family(a clash between spouses, children and parents, caused by intractable contradictions associated with confrontation and acute emotional experiences; physical violence; mental (emotional) violence; sexual (sexual) violence; neglect of life's needs); loneliness(subjective state showing a split in the network of relationships and connections inner world personality).

Subject They call a cognizing and acting being that opposes the external world as an object of cognition or transformation. Distinctive property The subject becomes the presence of a goal - an expected result. As subject social work is considered, as a rule: individual social service workers, with some degree of convention - social state and non-state (confessional, public organizations, commercial) institutions.

Plays an important role in social work social services(social service system). According to the law “On the Fundamentals of Social Services for the Population” (1995), the state system of social services consists of state enterprises and institutions that are in federal ownership and the property of constituent entities of the federation, and the corresponding municipal system of enterprises and institutions that are in charge of the authorities local government. The legislation provides for the existence of three systems of social services: private, state and municipal. Special place V state system social work is occupied by federal extra-budgetary funds (Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, State Employment Fund of the Russian Federation, Republican (federal) Fund for Social Support of the Population, Federal Mandatory Fund health insurance). TO non-state actors social work include: church, public organizations (including trade unions, political parties, movements), charities, manufacturing enterprises(various forms of ownership). Subjects of this group can play the role of a social investor (realizing their own financial resources under certain conditions), or the role of a social performer (personnel and organizational resources) using the financial resources of other institutions, including the state. In this case, faith-based or public social services are created. Informal subjects of social assistance can be relatives, friends, neighbors, and private philanthropists.