Drying blueberry fruits and leaves. Mendeleev knew a lot about blueberry leaves

Hello my dear guests!

I became acquainted with the berry itself a long time ago, back during my first hikes. While climbing to the top, we came across blueberry thickets that were pleasing to the eye ripe berries. It was then that I fell in love with blueberries, and especially with tea made from their leaves. Now, every time we go to the mountains, I return home with a heavy backpack, which is filled to the brim with a variety of pickings, berries and mushrooms.

Chemical composition

  • tannins - strengthen blood vessels, and also have astringent and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • arbutin (glycoside) is a diuretic that has antioxidant, diuretic and antimicrobial effects;
  • saponins – normalize water-salt balance, and also has an expectorant effect for bronchitis;
  • vitamins C, PP, B, E and A – strengthen immune system body;
  • calcium – responsible for the construction of bone and dental tissue, as well as for the health of hair and nails;
  • iron - essential substance for the production of thyroid hormones;
  • potassium is the most important mineral substance, which is involved in all metabolic processes;
  • iodine – normalizes heartbeat, and is also responsible for tissue metabolism and thyroid function;
  • sodium – regulates the movement of water in the body, as well as the excitability reactions of neuromuscular fibers;
  • magnesium – protects the body from various infections, and is also an essential trace element in protein synthesis;
  • sulfur – deficiency of this substance causes in the body unwanted reactions, such as hair loss, fragility and loss of shine, as well as skin aging;
  • phosphorus – normalization of bone and dental tissue growth;
  • pantothenic acid – cleanses the intestines of the remains of consumed food and toxins;
  • succinic acid – has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, the heart, and increases the elasticity of the walls;
  • oxalic acid – prevents the development of pathogens, improves the absorption of vitamins;
  • oleanolic acid – reduces cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • gallic acid – protects the heart and liver from aggressive influences;
  • Benzoic acid is a natural antimicrobial and antifungal substance that inhibits the development of fermentation and the proliferation of bacteria.

Beneficial properties of blueberry leaves

Thanks to a rich set of vitamins, pectins, bioactive components and microelements, blueberry leaves and stems have their own medicinal properties They are absolutely not inferior to berries.

  1. Render positive influence to the organs of vision.
  2. They have bactericidal properties.
  3. Able to lower blood sugar levels.
  4. Strengthen the body's protective functions, increase hemoglobin and immunity.
  5. An excellent medicine as a prophylaxis for stroke, thrombosis and even heart attack.
  6. They have a calming effect on the nervous system.
  7. An excellent solution to stomach and intestinal problems.
  8. They are an excellent diuretic and antiseptic.
  9. Active components fight skin irritation and also relieve inflammation.
  10. Indispensable for the functioning of the liver, kidneys, and also help treat various diseases urinary tract.
  11. Allowed to be taken during pregnancy.

It has been proven that wild blueberries are the champion in the content of pectin, bioactive components, microelements and vitamin C, which have an antiviral and antipyretic effect.

Contraindications to the use of blueberry leaves

Unfortunately, both blueberry berries and leaves have a number of contraindications, which are caused by individual intolerance, as well as such diseases:

  • blood clotting disorder;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis.

In addition, blueberry leaves, like berries, contain hydroquinone (0.047%). This substance is toxic and today it is used in cosmetology to combat skin hyperpigmentation. To prevent this phenol from accumulating in the body, you need to know when to stop. The main thing is not to overuse and not to use preparations, infusions and decoctions from blueberries and their leaves for too long.

Blueberry leaves during pregnancy

It's no secret that women in " interesting position"Very vulnerable, careful and caring. Therefore, most mothers have a question: is it possible to drink aromatic teas from blueberry leaves during pregnancy?

I hasten to reassure you, because blueberries are the most delicious source of natural and useful substances. This wild berry, as well as herbal teas from its leaves, are recommended by nutritionists, especially for women who have certain problems with vision and diabetics.

Before you decide to replace medications with blueberries and their infusions, you should consult with your doctor. After all, only a specialist can assess the safety of use of this plant for the life of mother and child.

Blueberry berries and leaves are excellent medicinal, vitamin and prophylactic. In moderate doses, this plant brings maximum benefits during pregnancy, as it can be used instead pharmaceuticals. Blueberry leaves help in the treatment of colds (as an antipyretic), diabetes, and diseases of the biliary and urinary tract. A special infusion is prepared for this:

  • Dried blueberry leaves – 2 tablespoons
  • Water (boiling water) – 2 cups

Dry leaves must be poured with boiling water, left to cool completely, then filtered. This drink should be consumed chilled, half a glass 3 times a day.

Also, blueberries during pregnancy can replace medications for sharp changes blood pressure, anemia and stomach upsets, and can also prepare and strengthen the body for the upcoming birth.

How to brew blueberry leaves correctly?

Well, now it’s time to talk about traditional medicine recipes that are worth taking note of.

Infusion recipe for ulcers and dermatitis

  • Dried blueberry leaves – 2 tablespoons
  • Mineral water – 1 liter

In order to obtain such an infusion, we need to bring prepared blueberry leaves to a boil in mineral water. Let the product brew to cool, then filter and use the product for its intended purpose.

How to use: apply a compress 3 times a day to the inflamed area. This compress should be kept on the skin for no more than one hour.

Recipe for blueberry remedy for hemorrhoids

  • Blueberry leaves – 2 tablespoons
  • Water – 500 ml

To prepare the infusion, we need to pour blueberry leaves into a thermos and pour boiling water over it. After which, we leave the product to infuse until it cools (2-4 hours).

How to use: The infusion is used warm for enemas or lotions.

Recipe for infusion of blueberry leaves for periodontal disease

  • Water (boiling water) – 350 ml

For cooking of this product, we need to pour blueberry leaves into a thermos and pour boiling water over it. After which, we leave the product to infuse for about 2 hours and use it for its intended purpose.

How to use: rinse your mouth every 3-4 hours.

Recipe for blueberry leaf decoction for diabetes

  • Blueberry leaves – 3 tablespoons
  • Water (boiling water) – 3 cups

In order to get such a decoction, you need to boil the blueberry leaves in a water bath (about 15 minutes). During boiling, the main thing is not to forget to stir the drink. After that, cool and filter the broth and add it boiled water. Since the liquid evaporated a little during boiling, you need to compensate for its loss so that the final result is exactly 3 cups of blueberry broth.

How to use:

Tea recipe for decreased gall bladder secretion

  • Dried blueberry leaves – 3 tablespoons
  • Water (boiling water) – 3 cups

Filling our blueberry picks hot water, after which we leave it to infuse until it cools completely.

How to use: drink one glass 3 times a day.

Blueberry infusion for thrush

  • Blueberry leaves – 30 g
  • Water (boiling water) – 500 ml

Pour hot water over the blueberry mixture, then leave it to steep at room temperature. Strain and use as intended.

How to use: the infusion is used warm for douching (candidiasis) or enemas (hemorrhoidal bleeding).

Blueberry leaf tea recipe

  • Dried or fresh leaves blueberries – 1 teaspoon
  • Water (boiling water) – 1 glass

In order to get aromatic, and most importantly healthy blueberry tea, you need to brew the prepared leaves in a teapot. This tea can be steeped for more than 20 minutes, and you can also add hot water into a ready-made infusion.

In addition, you can add a variety of additives, herbs and berries to this tea. The berries and leaves of blueberries, heather, fireweed (fireweed), berries and leaves of raspberries, and currants are especially advantageous with blueberry leaves.

Because tea made from blueberry fruits and leaves is not just a tasty drink, but also a medicinal product that has soft action. You can drink such a hot drink without much fear, alternating it with other herbal teas (mint, raspberry, blackberry, currant, etc.).

Flavonoids, which are contained in the leaves and young shoots of blueberries, can dull the feeling of hunger and also reduce cravings for sweets. Therefore, this drink is often used during weight loss to avoid breakdowns and raids on the refrigerator.

Useful cosmetic properties

It has been proven that blueberries are a powerful antioxidant, so this plant can slow down all aging processes in the body. In addition, it is rich in esters, organic acids, vitamins and microelements, as well as a number of biologically active substances, which in due time saturate, nourish and soften the skin.

  1. Since blueberries have wound-healing and antiseptic properties, this feature can be useful for caring for the skin of the face and neck. To do this, you need to prepare a decoction, which we will use to wipe problem areas of the skin. This product dries out pimples well and eliminates the cause of their appearance.
  2. The prepared blueberry broth can be poured into an ice tray and frozen. You can wipe your skin with these tonic ice cubes in the morning.
  3. Blueberry leaves can be used to make nourishing mask for the face, which does not stain the skin, unlike a berry mask. To do this, you need to take fresh young leaves and stems of blueberries and grind them using a blender. Then add one tablespoon of sour cream to the resulting mass, mix and apply to the skin. You need to keep this mask for 30 minutes, after which you wash it off.
  4. Dry leaves can be added to cosmetic clay(optional) or saturate the whipped egg whites. To do this, you need to steam the ground blueberry leaves so that you get a paste, which is then added to various products.

Collection and storage of blueberry leaves

The most important thing is that it is necessary to collect any medicinal raw materials only in environmentally friendly places, and also away from highways and industrial enterprises.

  1. Blueberry shoots should begin to be collected even before the first flowers appear (May-June). This is because it is during this period that the leaves contain greatest number useful substances. But also, blueberry leaves can be collected during flowering. The main thing is to do it very carefully so as not to harm the future harvest of blueberries.
  2. Typically, leaves are collected in good warm weather before noon, when the dew on the bush has completely evaporated.
  3. Cut off shoots ( top part) is necessary with pruning shears, scissors, a knife, or carefully with your hands, without completely exposing the blueberry branches. This is necessary in order not to destroy the plant; it is also advisable to visually inspect the raw materials before harvesting. It is important that the leaves are green, healthy, without damage or signs of wilting.
  4. After collecting, you need to spread the blueberry shoots in the thinnest layer on a flat surface or tie them into small panicles and hang them in a dark but well-ventilated room.
  5. Under no circumstances should blueberry picks be dried in direct sunlight, as this destroys many of the beneficial substances in them.
  6. Once the blueberry leaves have dried, they should still retain their richness. green color. Browned - for brewing and use in medicinal purposes no good.
  7. After our leaves have dried (they crumble well when rubbed with your fingers), you need to pack them in paper or linen bags, or you can also place them in a glass or ceramic container that closes tightly.
  8. Keep dried leaves Blueberries need a cool, dry place.
  9. The shelf life of such raw materials is no more than two years.

Experiment, collect medical fees depending on your mood and your body. Saturate every cell with only natural microelements and vitamins that Mother Nature is so rich in.

Blueberries are considered one of the healthiest. They are rich in vitamins and antioxidants, are good for vision, lower cholesterol, and prevent urinary tract infections.

For the winter, dried blueberries can be put into pies and compotes, porridges and dry snack mixes, and brewed into tea. Therefore, as soon as the first berries appear, you should know how to dry blueberries at home correctly.

Before you start drying the berries, sort them out, leaving only ripe, whole, strong ones, and, of course, remove all twigs, leaves and debris.

How to properly dry blueberries

Ways to dry blueberries

It's best to do it on na fresh air, in the sun. For this purpose, special screens are used, consisting of gauze stretched over wooden frames. The berries are placed between the frames and dried in the sun, putting them in a warm, dry place at night. This method takes several days.

The easiest way to dry it at home is to use an oven. Preheat it to 30-40 degrees, cover a baking sheet with baking paper and place the berries on it in one layer. Place in the oven, leaving the door ajar a couple of centimeters to allow air to circulate. Then increase the temperature to 60-70 degrees. Depending on the size of the berries, you need to dry blueberries in the oven, from 4 to 12 hours.

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You can quickly dry blueberries at home in the microwave. Place the berries in small portions between two pieces of cotton or linen fabric and dry them at 200 W for 3-4 minutes. It is best to dry in several stages, checking readiness from time to time.

To dry blueberries in an air fryer, place the berries in an even layer on a streamer or other suitable mesh tray. It is necessary to insert a skewer or other thin heat-resistant object between the flask and the lid to drain the hot water. humid air. Set the temperature to 60 degrees and high speed blowing Drying lasts from 30 minutes, depending on the size and number of berries. After drying, inspect the berries; if not dried, return them to the air fryer.

In an electric dryer, the berries need to be laid out in one layer in special trays. Dehydrate according to your dryer instructions, for 6-10 hours, depending on how dry you want them to be. The finished berries will wrinkle and decrease in size. Turn off the dryer and let the blueberries cool. This will take 2-3 hours.

To prevent blueberries from losing color from drying

1. Berries look the glossiest after treatment with pectin. To do this, dissolve pectin in warm water According to the instructions, pour it over the berries, gently stir them with a spoon so that they are evenly coated. Place the blueberries in a sieve or colander to drain the liquid.

2. You can treat the berries with lemon juice. Put it in hot water for a couple of minutes to get more juice. Drizzle over blueberries and stir well.

3. You can blanch the berries in boiling water by holding them in boiling water for 2 minutes and then placing them in a bowl of ice water. Let it drain on a sieve.

It is best to store dried blueberries in paper or fabric bags or glass jars.

The leaves also have medicinal properties.

Today we will look at information about, and specifically, what the leaves are used for, and we will discuss contraindications to the use of the product.

Chemical composition

Blueberry leaves are prized for their high content inulin, flavonoids, anthocyanins.

Also noted increased content at the leaves:

  • glycosides: neomirtilline - up to 2% and myrtilline - up to 1%;
  • phenolic compounds: arbutin, methylarbutin - 2%;
  • triterpene saponins: ursolic and oleanoic acid;
  • β-amyrin;
  • alkaloids - myrtine;
  • aliphatic hydrocarbons.

What are the benefits of blueberry leaves?

Thanks to the use of the raw materials in question, you can achieve:

  • saturating the body with antioxidants;
  • protection from harmful external influences;
  • assistance in the treatment of genitourinary system infections;
  • beneficial effect on vision;
  • relieving inflammation and irritation skin;
  • kidney benefits;
  • help with intestinal diseases and;
  • regulation of blood sugar and cholesterol;
  • prevention of stressful events;
  • calming effect;
  • beneficial effect on cardiovascular system;

When to collect and how to dry

Let's consider when is the best time to collect blueberry leaves and how to use the right raw materials.

Collect raw materials for further use in medicinal purposes, necessary in late spring.
The main condition when collecting is lack of berries on the bushes so that they are young, only in this case will they contain the maximum amount of useful substances and have the desired effect.

Blueberries are very sensitive to cleanliness environment and can absorb toxic substances. If you see spots of white or Brown, black spots on the leaf plate, dried twigs, then collecting raw materials from such a bush is not recommended.

Did you know? In Russian, the word “blueberry” (from the word “blacken”) arose due to the inky effect that the berries of the plant give.

It is necessary to dry the raw materials outside, but not in direct sunlight, but in a shaded place. To dry the plant, you can use a special fruit dryer: the temperature should be set to about 40° C. After complete drying medicine does not change color and remains bright green. If you suddenly notice that some elements have darkened, you cannot use them - such raw materials are considered low-quality.

How to store at home

Linen or canvas bags are suitable for storing the resulting raw materials so that the contents are well ventilated.

During long-term storage, check for insect pests or mold growth. The shelf life is 2 years if stored in a dark, not damp, warm place.

How to brew blueberry tea

Tea made from blueberry leaves is very similar to a decoction of fresh berries: the only difference is that there is no sourness, which is characteristic of berries.

Let's look at how to properly brew blueberry leaves to get healthy tea.

To brew delicious blueberry tea for daily use, must be used on liter boiling water 4 teaspoons chopped blueberries, and leave in the teapot for about half an hour.

Recipes for using blueberry leaves

There are many recipes that allow you to use this medicine to treat various diseases, as well as as home cosmetic products, so let’s take a closer look at their descriptions and methods of use.

In folk medicine

A product made from blueberry raw materials for weight loss is used as hunger-reducing medication, allows you to speed up metabolic processes in the body. To prepare the infusion, use 2 tsp. raw materials and 500 ml of boiling water. It is better to pour the mixture into a thermos and leave for about 4 hours. After this, strain and drink 100 ml in the morning and evening, during the period of weight loss.

Blueberry leaves are good for diabetes mellitus, as well as people suffering from pneumonia, inflammatory diseases urinary tract. The medicine must be prepared with one tablespoon of finely chopped blueberries and a glass of boiling water. It is advisable to close the container tightly and leave for 60 minutes. Next, the resulting product is filtered and cooled, and 200 ml is used four times a day.

Cure for hemorrhoids: to prepare the product you will need 60 g of dry blueberry raw materials, which is poured with 1 liter of boiling water, then wait 1 hour, tightly closing the container with a lid. Strain the resulting mixture and warm it to 36° C before each use. The resulting liquid is used for an enema, which is administered in the evening before bedtime.
At skin damage: since the medicine has a healing and antiseptic effect, well-crushed young blueberry leaves are applied to the wound, which are fixed with a bandage. When the wound is still fresh, the dressing should be changed every 3 hours, and when it has healed a little, then every 8 hours.

People who are sick anemia, it is recommended to prepare medicine from blueberry leaves. To do this you need to use 6 tbsp. l. dry blueberry raw materials, pour a liter of boiling water. Wait 3 hours, strain and drink four times a day, in an amount of 250 ml.

In home cosmetology

Blueberry leaves are highly valued in cosmetology and are used as masks - they nourish, moisturize and tone the skin.

Important! Most women who actively use blueberries in home cosmetology know that blueberry leaves do not leave a dark pigment that is difficult to remove, unlike berries. Therefore, you can use a product made from such raw materials without fear.

Chopped fresh or dry blueberry raw materials can be used to prepare a gruel, into which a spoonful of cream is added and mixed, after which the resulting mask is applied to the neck and face and left for 30 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
Blueberry raw materials have antiseptic and wound-healing properties that allow you to dry out rashes and remove the effects of acne. To do this, you can prepare a regular decoction of blueberry raw materials and treat your face with it.

Its taste and aroma resembles fresh berries blueberries The difference is that this drink does not have the sourness inherent in berries. Surprisingly, teas made with dried berries do not have such a pronounced blueberry flavor. But not only taste qualities this drink is famous.

The fact is that blueberry leaf teas have healing properties and have long been adopted along with the fruits of this wonderful plant.

By the way
According to an old legend, people, trying to find the countless treasures of the gnomes hidden underground, dug up everything they could in the places where the little men lived. And at the same time they destroyed the dwellings of the gnomes. The poor little people found a new shelter, hiding from the bad weather in the waters with a blueberry bush. Therefore, the gnomes planted this plant all over the planet.

Benefits of blueberry leaf tea

Thanks to his chemical composition, which includes a set of useful bioactive components, microelements and vitamins such as C, PP, B and A, blueberry leaves healing power are in no way inferior to blueberries. Judge for yourself, blueberry medicinal raw materials have a beneficial effect on vision, skin, gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system of humans, help strengthen protective functions body, help make it easier to bear stressful situations, having a calming effect on the nervous system.

Blueberries are good for preventing heart attack and stroke. This plant is useful for those who suffer diabetes mellitus, because it not only reduces sugar levels, but also improves the functioning of the pancreas.

Blueberry juice and infusions on the leaves, having bactericidal properties, have harmful influence on microorganisms leading to dysentery and typhoid fever. Blueberry-based products are effective for inflammation of the liver, bile ducts, genitals and digestive disorders. Traditional medicine uses this plant for hemorrhoids, anemia, etc.

Interesting to know
Biologists count at least 100 species of blueberries. All species of this plant have the above properties to a greater or lesser extent. But The champion in the content of useful bioactive elements is wild blueberries.

How to collect and dry blueberry leaves for tea

There are no particular difficulties in collecting and drying blueberry leaves and shoots yourself. The maximum content of useful substances in the leaves and stems of blueberries accumulates at the time of fruiting. Therefore, blueberry branches should be cut until the plant produces berries, i.e. at the end of May - beginning of summer. In this case, the blueberry shoot is not completely cut off, leaving most of it on the bush.

How to brew blueberry tea

Infusion recipe for purulent wounds

Per liter mineral water Bring 1/4 dried or 1/3 fresh blueberry leaves to a boil, let cool, strain. Soak a gauze cloth folded several times in the broth and apply to problem areas three times a day. This compress can be kept on the skin for more than one hour.

Recipe for blueberry remedy for hemorrhoids for compresses or enemas

In a water bath, brew 1/4 cup of blueberry raw materials in 1/2 liter. water for 5 minutes. Infuse, wrapped, until cool. You can prepare this remedy in a thermos by simply steaming blueberry leaves in it for several hours. For enemas and lotions, the infusion is used warm.

Recipe for infusion of blueberry leaves for periodontal disease

Pour 1/3 tbsp into a thermos. dried raw materials, pour 350 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 2 hours. Rinse your mouth with this infusion every 3 hours.

Recipe for blueberry leaf decoction for diabetes

Boil 3 tbsp in a water bath for 15 minutes. l. raw materials in 3 tbsp. boiling water Cover the container with the broth while boiling, remembering to stir occasionally. After cooling, filter, thoroughly squeezing the raw materials. Then you should add the product boiled water so that you get 3 glasses. The resulting decoction is drunk a day.

Blueberry tea recipe for decreased gall bladder secretion

Leave to cool at room temperature for 3 tbsp. l. raw materials in 3 tbsp. boiling water Drink a glass three times a day.

Blueberry Leaf Tea Recipe

In order to get thick, aromatic blueberry tea, take 1 tsp per glass of boiling water. chopped dried blueberry leaves and steam them in a teapot for 15 minutes. You can infuse tea more long time, you can add boiling water to the already prepared infusion. But this is a matter of taste.

Additives in blueberry tea will not be superfluous in the form of fireweed, blueberry or heather. But if you try to enrich the taste of the drink with raspberries, or, for example, currants, you will do it in vain, because the bright companions will make the aroma and taste of blueberry leaves invisible.

Blueberry tea is not easy delicious drink, but also medicinal product with a mild effect. You can drink it without fear a long period, alternating it with other herbal teas:

  • mint,
  • currant,
  • strawberry,
  • Chigirsky,
  • oregano.

Choose herbal teas depending on the condition of your body and mood. Mother Nature is so rich that she can always choose a drink that suits you.

Blueberry is an inconspicuous low shrub that can often be found in swamps and forests in the north of the country. Since ancient times, blueberries and leaves of this plant have been used in folk medicine. Blueberries are popularly called “chernega”, “blueberry”, “blueberry”. There is a legend that it was blueberry bushes that sheltered the gnomes when people destroyed their underground dwellings in search of treasures. Since then, the gnomes have taken care of their savior, planting her bushes all over the world.

Composition and beneficial properties of blueberries

Blueberry leaf contains minerals: phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium, chlorine, iron, sulfur. They are also rich in tannins (more than 18%). The leaves also contain a high content of vitamins C, PP, B, A. They contain organic acids: gallic, benzoic, triterpenic, oxalic, malic, tartaric.

Blueberry leaves and berries have bactericidal property, having a detrimental effect on microorganisms, they are successfully used to treat typhoid fever and dysentery. The plant is used for digestive disorders, inflammation of the biliary tract and liver, and genital organs. In folk medicine, this plant is recommended for relieving headaches, its beneficial properties are used to treat hemorrhoids, colds and anemia.

Blueberries have a calming effect and help cope with stress. The plant has a beneficial effect on the immune system, strengthening it.

Interesting fact: there are about 100 types of blueberries in the world. All of them have beneficial properties, but scientists have proven that wild blueberries contain the most useful substances; they are the leaders in the content of bioactive elements.

How to harvest blueberries

Blueberries can be purchased at pharmacies, but you can prepare them yourself. To do this, you need to find a place located away from highways and industrial facilities. Bushes should not have brown and white spots or dots on the leaves. Harvesting should begin in late May or early June. Carefully cut off part of the shoot so that most of it remains on the bush.

All shoots are carefully sorted, removing damaged ones, and laid out on parchment or a wire rack. thin layer. You can dry them in a well-ventilated and darkened area. The best option: Avoid direct rays and dry in fresh air. The twigs can be tied into small bundles and hung to dry outside. In a vegetable dryer, the shoots are dried at a temperature of 55°.

Properly dried shoots have greenish tint leaves that easily break and separate from the stem. The leaves must be separated from the stems and the stems chopped. You can use the preparation for cooking throughout the year. medicinal tea. Store it in a glass jar or canvas bag, checking regularly to ensure that mold does not form.

Blueberries can also be dried. They are collected, sorted, then dried on outdoors, in electric dryers or ovens. During the drying process, the berries decrease in size and wrinkle, but retain their beneficial properties.

How to brew blueberry tea

Blueberry leaf tea

For one glass of boiling water, take one teaspoon of chopped blueberry leaves. The tea should be steeped in the teapot for about 15 minutes. You can increase the time to get a richer decoction, or you can dilute the tea with hot water to your taste.

You can put a few blueberries, mix blueberry leaves with currant or raspberry leaves. As an additive, you can use fireweed, heather grass or blueberry leaves. This tea can be alternated with others herbal teas, selecting them according to their health status.

Infusion of blueberry leaves for diabetes

For 3 cups of boiling water you need to take 3 tablespoons of crushed leaves. The mixture should be kept in a water bath, covered with a lid, for about 15 minutes. Everything is mixed regularly. The resulting infusion is cooled, filtered, and the raw material is squeezed out. It must be diluted with boiled water to maintain volume. Blueberry infusion is taken half a glass up to five times a day, always before meals.

Infusion for dermatitis

A quarter cup of dry blueberry leaves is brought to a boil in a liter of mineral water. The infusion is filtered and cooled. A cloth or gauze should be soaked in the infusion and applied to the affected areas up to three times a day. The compress should be kept on the skin for about an hour; it helps even with purulent wounds.

Blueberry tea

100 grams of blueberries should be poured with boiling water (1 liter) and boiled for ten minutes. Then leave and strain through a strainer or filter. Add sugar to taste and a little lemon juice. This tea will be rich purple. You can drink tea in unlimited quantities.

Benefits of blueberry tea

Beneficial features Tea made from blueberry leaves and berries will provide invaluable benefits for the following diseases:

  • persistent cough,
  • kidney diseases,
  • inflammation of the genitourinary organs,
  • rheumatism,
  • skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema),
  • skin damage (purulent wounds),
  • migraine.

Drinking tea can serve as a prophylactic for acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. For dental purposes, blueberry infusion is used for infections. oral cavity and teeth: stomatitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis. Rinsing your mouth with this infusion will get rid of bad odor.

In cosmetology, the beneficial properties of blueberry leaf tea have also been noted. It is used to get rid of wrinkles, fight puffiness, and smooth out wrinkles. For gynecological problems (thrush), the decoction is used as douching. Women before menopause can drink this tea to improve their condition.

For men, blueberry decoction is useful for maintaining erectile function. Experts have proven that those members of the stronger sex who regularly consumed blueberries suffered 10% less from sexual disorders.

Blueberry tea can be given to children as a tonic. For colds, it is recommended to gargle a sore throat.

Is blueberry tea harmful?

Speaking about blueberry tea, about the benefits and harm, we cannot help but say that blueberry leaf can cause allergies in people who are prone to this. If you have diseases of the pancreas, you must be careful when taking this tea.

You should not drink blueberry tea if you have oxalaturia. If you are prone to constipation, you should not abuse the drink. Blueberry leaves contain hydroquinone, which is a carcinogen, so continuous consumption of infusion or tea is not recommended.