Zhirinovsky's son about disabled people with pathology. Do you agree with him and why? Deputy Lebedev said that it is better for disabled children not to be born

the life of people who have no arms or legs is disgusting. In such a cruel way, the deputy commented on a video of a little girl who eats with her legs.

“It’s disgusting when people like this suffer and don’t live,” the deputy wrote on Twitter. He refused to apologize for his words.

People who do not have arms or legs did not respond by swearing and calling Lebedev, for example, a moral invalid. They said that they live quite happily and try not to pay attention to people like Lebedev.

No one said that to my face, but I think that someone still thinks so, they are simply silent out of politeness and good manners,” said Anastasia Diodorova, silver medalist of the Paralympic Games, gold medalist of the World Championships (in Rio de Janeiro and Montreal) in swimming among athletes with musculoskeletal disorders.

Nastya, whose life is already covered in Life, has no thoughts “for what” and “why”.

At a conscious age, I decided for myself: I can’t change anything, but I can live the way I want. Means, I can do what I like, do what I love, enjoy life every day.

Nastya's arms were amputated when she was three years old.

- I was born and raised in Moscow,- she said. - In childhoodEvery year my family and I went to visit my grandmother in Yakutia. When I was three years old, I went for a walk in the village and climbed into a transformer box. Exposed wires, electric shock of 10 thousand kilovolts. My hands were immediately charred. Amputation, numerous operations.

Nastya speaks about moments of despair like this:

I don’t even know where I get my strength from, because sometimes it’s very difficult. In reality, you have to prove something to yourself every day. Every single day, every morning, I wake up and realize that I have moved only a millimeter towards my goal, and there are still 500 million kilometers ahead. But the strength somehow finds me on its own, comes from somewhere.

TV presenter Dmitry Ignatov was left without a leg while serving in the army due to an accident.

This is what people who are not very educated and those who have never interacted with disabled people say,” he said. - And also those who think that a disabled person is, first of all, a ramp. Disability is far from a ramp. It doesn't matter how many arms and legs you have. The main thing is what you do and say. Sometimes people with all limbs say stupid things, and people without say great things. Let this deputy read the motivational book of Nick Vujicic, who has no arms or legs at all. Yes, such people exist.

According to Dmitry, he has no depressive thoughts.

I live and enjoy life. I promote the message that everyone is equal and different, regardless of whether you are healthy or not. It seems to me that this is generally nonsense that is not worth talking about.

Head of the National Center for Disability Problems, ONF expert on disability issues Alexander Lysenko believes that Deputy Lebedev has an “upbringing defect.”

In the polls, you need to ask the dad, of course, that is, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, - he said. - And after all, the LDPR party comes up with sound ideas and actively participates in solving the problems of people with disabilities. But, apparently, there is a defect in upbringing. They did not instill in him such a quality as tolerance, the understanding that we are all different and that, even in such a difficult situation, you can be more successful and happier than many healthy people.

According to him, “Lebedev’s position cannot be called anything other than disgusting.” The expert expressed hope that the deputy will be able to integrate adequate people into the environment - just as disabled children can be successfully integrated into the environment of healthy peers.

This little girl has every right to life,” he added. “And we all have to make sure that this girl’s quality of life is wonderful.” There are thousands of examples of such people achieving success in their careers and personal lives. Take our Paralympians, for example.

According to Rosstat, there are now 12 million disabled people in Russia. Of these, 1.3 million people are disabled people of the first (that is, the most severe) group.

IN There are thousands of people in Russia who are missing a limb or several limbs. But I don’t have statistics, and no one will tell you the exact number, -said the chairman of the Moscow city organization "All-Russian Society of Disabled People" Nadezhda Lobanova.


Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the VI and VII convocations Igor Lebedev made one short misanthropic statement in a conversation with former Senator Torshin on Twitter.

In response to a tweet in which former Senator Torshin shows a video of a child without arms, Lebedev states:

“Why are such children allowed to be born? After all, this is a martyr, not life?! Modern medicine determines pathology in advance.”

The very large headline on Twitter by Igor Lebedev, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the VI and VII convocations, adds a special piquancy to the moment:

“Living the way you want is not selfishness. Selfishness is when others should think and live the way you want.”

One could completely ignore this statement; you never know what nonsense people write on Twitter.

But we live in a new world in which Donald Trump with one tweet brings down the capitalization of giants like Amazon or Boeing by billions of dollars, in a world where Elon Musk, thanks to Twitter, agrees to provide an entire continent with energy and, of course, taking into account the “unique features” of Russia, We live in a world where for tweeting or reposting you can be imprisoned for a very real term.

One could completely ignore this statement; you never know what nonsense deputies and government officials say.

But we are not dealing with an ordinary government official, but with the deputy chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the VI and VII convocations, the head of the “Liberal Democratic Party of Russia” faction, a member of the State Duma Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building. That is, Igor Vladimirovich is not an ordinary deputy, he is the deputy of Vyacheslav Volodin, who ranks 4th in the list of protocol seniority.

In simple terms,

the deputy of the 4th most important government official publicly said that it is better not to be born to children with disabilities, of whom there are approximately 600 thousand in the Russian Federation today.

It could be noted that this statement violates the Constitution since everyone, including persons with disabilities, are equal before the law and should be provided with equal opportunities.

It could be noted that this statement violates the principles of public morality, since calls for the murder of the sick and weak are immoral and immoral, and that we do not live in Sparta, and that medical technology has stepped far ahead compared to the Middle Ages. Without taking into account Christian values.

It could be noted that this statement personally insults every 10th resident of the country, since there are already 15 million disabled people (according to official statistics) in the Russian Federation.

And it is also offensive to at least tens of millions of relatives of these same disabled people. Agree, it’s not very pleasant when some deputy proposes to kill your relative or your child?

It might be noted that this statement is insulting to millions of volunteers, as well as millions of non-profit and charitable organizations who, without receiving any significant support from the state, including from the State Duma, continue to work (often without wages) and save millions of lives.

It could be noted that this statement insults millions of people throughout Russia and around the world who donate money to charity and want to help disabled people in Russia to be a full-fledged part of society.

However, these are all empty words. All this could be said to a person for whom human life has at least some meaning. And given the statements of Igor Lebedev, for him it does not represent any significance.

One of the fundamental social problems modern Russia is that we cannot recognize the primacy over all other moral rules of only one rule: human life is the highest value. Nothing can ever be more valuable than human life. No rules, orders, laws, desires, conditions, events - nothing.

The value of a human life can only be compared with another human life. There is no other way.

It is this rule that should be the basis for building our new and bright future. It is through the prism of this philosophical postulate that the government should interact with its citizens. It was the absence of this most important principle at the basis of our moral attitudes that led to such shameful moments in our history as dispossession, the Red Terror, the Great Terror, and to repressions of a smaller scale (do you remember that political camps existed in our country until the end of the 80s? ). And the absence of these moral principles currently provides opportunities for shaping reality: laws like the Dima Yakovlev law or the law banning the promotion of homosexuality, miserable pensions, the primacy of the military budget over the social obligations of the state, wars, the priority of geopolitics over internal politics and, of course, a call to kill disabled children. It's all one trend. One line. All of this is a result of our society not having a strong philosophical foundation at its core.

So there is no need to attack Igor Lebedev. You just need to feel sorry for him. The way one pities a sick person who will never be able to become healthy.

Igor Lebedev is a man who grew up on old system and who took over from her everything that was possible: both bad and good. He really thinks so, and he really doesn't understand what he said that was bad. He wanted the best. This is what his parents and life taught him.

However, the world has become different. Neither the Soviet Union nor medieval values ​​have existed for a long time. And there are no values ​​that were formed during those times. They will never exist again. The whole world has a very clear trend - to move towards equality for everyone, towards respect for everyone, towards the unconditional value of the individual and human life.

And Igor Lebedev is a man who has no place and never will have a place in modern world. And that's why I feel sorry for him.

The Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Moscow Region, Ksenia Mishonova, called the statements of State Duma Deputy Speaker Igor Lebedev “defiant and inhumane”; today she will send an appeal to the State Duma Commission on Deputy Ethics with a demand to assess the situation. Earlier, Mr. Lebedev commented on a video of a girl with a disability on social networks, asking the question “why are such children allowed to be born,” because “modern medicine determines pathology in advance.” The Duma commission told Kommersant that they are ready to consider the appeal of the children's ombudsman.

“Why are such children allowed to be born, because this is a martyr, not life?! Modern medicine determines pathology in advance,” State Duma Deputy Speaker Igor Lebedev commented on September 11 on a video posted on social networks in which a two-year-old girl without arms eats, helping herself with her legs. He then clarified that “it’s disgusting when people like this don’t live, but suffer,” and later posted a post on social networks, explaining his position: “It is clear that the state should not interfere, for example, force an abortion. It is also clear that the state must take every possible care of people with disabilities, including those with congenital pathologies. But it is just as clear that such births should not be encouraged. That is, we need to work at the propaganda level.” Note that the girl was born in March 2015 in Sverdlovsk region, her mother abandoned her, now she is growing up in a foster family, in total there are four children in this family, two of whom are disabled.

Mr. Lebedev’s words caused a wave of criticism in the media and social networks. On Tuesday he told RIA Novosti that he “has nothing to apologize for”:

“Who should I apologize to and for what?... I didn’t insult anyone, especially this girl. Wonderful child, wonderful family, God bless them all. I expressed my opinion, but I did not offend anyone."

On Wednesday, also responding to the RIA Novosti agency, Mr. Lebedev said that he had contacted the girl’s mother: “On Friday she will come to my office, we will meet with her and with the help of all the resources that the faction has (LDPR.- “Kommersant”) and deputies, through the Moscow representative office we will resolve the issue of urgently installing a ramp in the entrance where she lives.” He also stated that he could install a ramp “at his own expense”: “Mom has become a hostage to this situation, she will come to me and we will talk: but in any case, I did not want to offend or offend her in any way.”

“You see, he not only offended her, he expressed the position that it is possible to kill children in the womb if there are violations,” Ksenia Mishonova, Commissioner for Children’s Rights in the Moscow Region, commented on the situation in a conversation with Kommersant. special feature- this is genocide. If we allow the destruction of people on at least one basis, then nothing will stop people from calling for destruction on some other basis. We must stop this now, at the initial stage.”

Ms. Mishonova said that she had already written an appeal to the State Duma Commission on Deputy Ethics with a demand to evaluate the deputy’s position: “It will be sent today.” The Children's Ombudsman noted that the work on organizing accessible environment for people with disabilities, the introduction of inclusive education, when children with special needs study in secondary schools, organization rehabilitation measures, spa treatment“vain if public opinion is not formed”: “Inclusion is not ramps or resources, inclusion is primarily in people’s heads. How did he (Igor Lebedev. - “Kommersant”), a person who has power, authority, the right to conduct legislative activities, instead of creating laws that would protect and help us raise these children, socialize them in society, make them full members of it, calls for genocide?” Mrs. Mishonova complained that “there are precedents when parents are against special children studying in the classroom with their children”: “Society is not yet tolerant enough towards such children and such people, since children grow up sooner or later.” She also recalled that on May 29, 2017, the President of Russia signed a decree on the “Decade of Childhood,” which should follow “the results achieved during the implementation of the national strategy of action in the interests of children for 2012-2017.”

The Children's Ombudsman also called Mr. Lebedev's proposal to install a ramp “an attempt to pay off”: “What ramp? Let him make it for himself. Now he is afraid of losing his position. And I believe that he has no right to occupy it. How does a person with such a worldview occupy such a position?”

The Chairman of the State Duma Commission on Deputy Ethics, Otari Arshba, told Kommersant that “when the statement comes, it will be considered”: “If you are asking about my personal attitude to what happened, I would make a similar comment (about children.- “Kommersant”) didn’t.”

Everyone good afternoon! I have a question: I’m going to the pool with my child. My son is almost five. What about undressing and dressing? He can't handle it on his own. Should I take him with me to the women's room? Is it convenient? It seems that mothers of children used to take their children to the bathhouse and nothing happened. However, I was worried.


Hedgehog Cheerful

Hello everyone.
My friend's son is 13 years old. Recently, my mother has not accepted the word “at all.” He can be rude, use obscenities, etc. Previously, when the child was younger, she retained her power with a belt, but now she is afraid that she might fly back in response.
What can you recommend (I’m writing with her permission)? How can you come to terms with own child? Or wait until it outgrows?



Her “advice” is already annoying. My child is often ill, there is no one around, my husband is on duty. I have to go on sick leave myself. Now we are sick again, plus we are waiting for chickenpox. My mother is hypertensive, she is 65, lives 200 km from me. She has a farm there. My father-in-law lives there. My mother-in-law is 2000 km away, she is 54, she has also been retired for a long time (a doctor), but she does not move in with her husband because she has to plow in the village. And so she hides behind work and sings praises about how she loves her granddaughter and misses her. Although during my visit I only sat with her a couple of times. I don't need her help. Today he calls me and says: you are constantly on sick leave, if chickenpox suddenly starts, invite your mother to sit with your granddaughter or your grandfather, that is, your father-in-law. At the same time, we have a one-room apartment. She herself had never lived in such conditions in her life. Those. IN if anything happens, with My mother or father-in-law SHOULD sit as a child, but not her. And she, healthy as a mare, works, gets tired and wants to rest during her vacation.
I am annoyed by her decisions about who and when to sit with my daughter. What can I tell her so that she doesn’t dare say that anymore?


Anne Bonny

Actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, on the eve of her 48th birthday, stunned fans with the news that at the end of last year she became a mother for the third time. Eldest daughter Zavorotnyuk from his first marriage, Anna is 23 years old, son Michael is 18.5 years old. The third baby, named Mila, is Zavorotnyuk’s first child married to figure skater Pyotr Chernyshev. People on social networks are asking the question: “Did you give birth yourself?” But I have another question: a man must give birth, otherwise he will leave?


Lioness Passionate

This world never ceases to amaze:
*The famous look of Mona Lisa in Da Vinci's painting, supposedly never taking her eyes off you, no matter where you stand, is nothing more than a myth. This is stated by the German psychologist G. Horstman. The effect of the relentless gaze of the subjects in the portraits really exists. It occurs when the subject of a portrait looks directly at the artist (or into the photographer's camera) or at an angle no more than 5 degrees from it. However, the Mona Lisa's gaze deviates quite strongly from this meaning - Leonardo da Vinci's model was not looking at the great artist, but at an angle of 15.4 degrees to the right of him. So if you think that the Mona Lisa is watching you, then you are just paranoid.)))
And I knew! This diva has never looked at me)))

**In Moscow, at the last rally “For a Free Internet,” they took away balloons... Well, yes, children’s balloons. They were declared an “unmanned aerial vehicle”, meaning they require a license?! I imagine children's matinees in the garden or May Day demonstration)))

***VTsIOM found out that 60% swear... How - just?!)))
18% admitted that they use profanity every day, 19% several times a week, and 23% several times a month. 38% of respondents claim that they do not swear...Liars! that means they think in it. It is impossible not to swear in our country!!!

Today is a salary cheesecake. And of course, it’s impossible not to mentally swear, remembering how much we are not paid extra for overtime, crazy bosses, inadequate colleagues! Admit it - are you satisfied with your earnings? Are you being properly assessed? Do you swear at least sometimes?
I'll collect my statistics... Write - are you happy with your earnings and do you swear? When a chair falls on your little finger or you like to tell jokes, it is also considered that you are swearing..)))
So, the Lioness is happy with her earnings and the Lioness swears!)))


I would like to remind users of this portal once again that the slogan “Look at me as an equal” will remain a beautiful phrase for a very long time, nothing more. No one usually talks about this on TV or in the press, because our statesmen have set a course towards creating a society of equal opportunities, but on the Internet they usually do not hesitate and speak as they think. One such handsome man recently told me what he thinks about disabled people and other “endless parasites.”

There are plenty of riffraff on the Internet and there is simply no point in paying attention to all the ghouls, but the thoughts about disabled people of a fairly well-known person in Russia are very indicative, at least for those who are engaged in web design or have at least tried to do it. I'm talking about Artemy Lebedev.

Not because Tyoma is a very smart web designer and successful businessman. Because Tyoma comes from a family that is the personification of intelligence and good manners. Historians, physicists, philologists, writers. A.N. Have you forgotten Tolstoy yet? Great-grandfather Temochkin. Have you read Tatyana Nikitichna Tolstoy for a long time or seen it in a box? Temochkin's mother. And my father is a philologist, and my uncle is a philologist, and Temochka was taught in a humanities class, and Temochka was sent to Baltimore’s Parkville High School for a year to study, and Temochka was assigned to the journalism department of Moscow State University. Temochka did not want to study at Moscow State University and left the 2nd year. I took up design. With success, I must admit.

Temochka is also a very popular blogger. The fact that he considers himself the navel of the earth is no secret to anyone, incl. and for many of his fans on LiveJournal, where he maintains his blog. , what his intelligent parents put into his head regarding disabled people:

I recently talked with one girl who uses a wheelchair about the fact that the local authorities are not building a ramp for a wheelchair at her entrance. She even sued them and won. The price of the issue is 70 thousand, that is, two bucks. And so the years pass, youth flies by, there is still no ramp, and the girl, instead of building everything at her own expense (she has a husband, relatives, friends - it doesn’t matter), continues to live in the belief that she is owed. And he fights, fights for his rights.

Expecting help from someone abstract is a waste of time and mental strength. Why the f... should the head of the housing department feel sorry for someone other than his relatives? Not everyone is inclined to think about others, and this should not be made a duty.

I do renovations in rented apartments. Not because I don’t mind the money, but because I don’t want to live in shit, using the excuse that the apartment is rented. Can the owner kick me out a week after the renovation? Maybe. But at least I won’t live in shit for a week.

As an excellent example of independence and cheerfulness, I would like to cite a device independently made by a disabled person from Ussuriysk, Yuri Kosykh (thanks to Sergei Florentsev for the photographs).

It's amazing how many people in our country live in the feeling that someone should help them. All these endless parasites are participants in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident, disabled people of various non-terrible groups, pseudo-sufferers of all stripes. If I became the President of Russia, in my opening speech I would say: “Fuck you, not benefits, you fucking back-biters! Fuck yourself, this is life, fuck.” Immediately after this, half the country would turn pink and bloom.

Tatyana Nikitichna very touchingly recalled American disabled people: “In American supermarkets, downs often serve you: they help you put the products you bought in plastic bags. He’s sweet to you, you feel sorry for him, his friendly eyes and flat head make your heart ache...” Did she lie? Very similar, considering the kind of son she raised...

Once again I want to draw your attention to the fact that this smart guy is not a Black Hundred member or an activist for improving the gene pool of the nation. Talented web designer and successful businessman, raised in a family with rich traditions. His parent is not called anything other than “the bearer of the great ideas of humanism.” In general, the elite of the nation. Do you still have any doubts about what these elites think about people with disabilities?

If you still have enough brains, experience and skills in designing engineering equipment and construction, then you can do something similar to what Yuri Kosykh did. Even if one of you falls along with this structure from a height of 3 or 9 floors. It's nothing. By and large, this structure was generally erected illegally, even to me, far from electrical engineering and SNiPs, it is clear that my grandfather built this lift without any permits and out of despair, because he would hardly have waited for the ramp, because No one will build a ramp or elevator for it. The fact that that girl fought for her rights and finally achieved the installation of a ramp is perceived by Temochka not just as stupidity, he is sincerely outraged by this. He has money, so others should have it too. And if you don’t have money, then you don’t have the right to live. Indeed: “If they don’t have bread, why don’t they eat cakes?” Sit in your apartment and admire Tyomochka’s silly maxims on the Internet.

Temochka, of course, is a ghoul, but she perfectly illustrates the attitude towards disabled people on the part of most people. It’s just that this major doesn’t hesitate to shock the public, and most officials don’t say that out loud. But they reason the same way. And the same ramps, elevators, markings for the blind, rehabilitation centers in Europe they build because they believe that everyone should live with dignity, and not those who have money and wealthy parents. We officially think the same way as in Europe, but they do it the other way around...

That’s why I tried to prove here that no one except relatives and friends needs disabled people. If it occurs to anyone to do real help disabled people, either by court decision or in terms of charity. And these are isolated cases. And there is no need to give examples when this is done on a large-scale and systematic basis. In Moscow, Luzhkov is doing something, in Ulan-Ude, I heard, too. You can remember a couple of other cities in the former Soviet Union. That's all.

I didn’t write all this just to be angry or to drive anyone into depression, although this asshole seriously annoyed me. I just suggest looking at things realistically and not creating illusions about the system social protection. This system exists, but in order to achieve anything from it, you have to chew out strollers with your teeth, hearing aids, vouchers to a sanatorium, etc. etc. When you see an official in front of you, remember Temochka Lebedev. I guarantee that in 90% of cases he will think the same way as Temochka. Complaints, lawsuits, statements to the prosecutor's office - they are still responding to this. To requests and indications of points of law - never.

P.S. It’s a pity, I don’t know the name of the girl who won the lawsuit regarding the installation of the ramp. I am sincerely grateful to her that she got Temochka at least with something. And she once again showed how to achieve your rights.

Photo by Nikolai Danilov from here http://www.lenta.ru/news/2006/12/12/optimus/