How to take cough tablets for children. Tablets for various types of cough

Cough tablets - which ones are there, for what cough, how to take them, how to choose the most effective ones? And finally, how to take it correctly? This is far from full list questions that arise in every coughing person who finds himself in front of a display case with such drugs in a pharmacy.

Let's consider some of the nuances of choice in different situations, the use of cough tablets according to the instructions, the best domestic, as well as imported products. Well, and something else interesting that deserves attention.

No matter how strange the question may sound: “Do you know what a cough is?” - very few people can answer this clearly. And this is despite the fact that every person coughs several times a day, even when healthy.

So, let's begin the educational program. Cough is a reflexive protective mechanism that ensures the removal from the respiratory system (lungs, bronchi, trachea, throat) of those “components” that a priori should not be there.

Normally, mucous secretion occurs constantly. It does not affect the functioning of the respiratory system, but only protects it from foreign agents. But factors intervene that make this process more intense and more mucus is released. It accumulates in the organs and “asks” to come out.

This irritating effect is caused by:
  • chemical substances that enter the respiratory tract through inhalation of vapors;
  • physical impact foreign bodies (neoplastic of various etiologies, food particles or other types of irritants);
  • organic damage to the respiratory system (this is a broad group of factors, including the influence of infections, bacteria, fungi or viruses and causing acute inflammatory processes).

There are a great variety of cough tablets to treat this symptom. BUT... The very expression “cough pills” causes skepticism among professionals and is considered incorrect.

Medicines In principle, there is no such group, just as there are no “stomach” or “kidney” pills. But since we are accustomed to just such a phrase, we will take it for granted.

It is fundamentally wrong to use antitussive drugs that suppress cough as a reflex action of the body. If you take medications unjustifiably to eliminate a symptom, you can provoke stagnation of sputum, which becomes yellow-green in color, cause “colonization” of the respiratory tract and completely block the possibility of air passage.

But cough medicine has its place, since it is still necessary to eliminate this manifestation. With dry, unproductive, severe cough, painful and annoying, it needs to be removed. For a wet (wet) cough, make the process of sputum discharge easier and faster.

Taking cough tablets is strictly not recommended without prior consultation with a specialist. Only a doctor can examine the patient and find out the cause of his ailments that cause coughing.

Only after this can drugs of a certain spectrum of action be prescribed - those that relieve inflammation, help liquefy and remove sputum, or eliminate cough as a symptom of inorganic damage.

It is important to eliminate the cause itself, not it clinical manifestation. Otherwise, this very manifestation (in this particular case, cough) will never go away.

It must be borne in mind that with a wet cough and with a dry cough, the use of the same remedies can do a “disservice” and only aggravate the patient’s condition. So how do you choose effective cough tablets?

Test: Is your lifestyle causing lung disease?

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Since almost all of us live in cities with very unfavorable health conditions, and in addition to this we lead correct image life, this topic is very relevant in this moment. We carry out many actions or, on the contrary, remain inactive, without thinking at all about the consequences for our body. Our life is in breathing, without it we cannot live even a few minutes. This test will allow you to determine whether your lifestyle can provoke lung diseases, and will also help you think about your health of the respiratory system and correct your mistakes.

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Time is over

  • You lead the right lifestyle

    You are a fairly active person who cares and thinks about your respiratory system and health in general, continue to play sports, lead a healthy lifestyle and your body will delight you throughout your life. But do not forget to undergo examinations on time, maintain your immunity, this is very important, do not overcool, avoid severe physical and strong emotional overload. Try to minimize contact with sick people; if forced contact, do not forget about protective equipment (mask, washing hands and face, cleaning respiratory tract).

  • It's time to think about what you are doing wrong...

    You are at risk, you should think about your lifestyle and start taking care of yourself. Physical education is required, or even better, start playing sports, choose the sport that you like most and turn it into a hobby (dancing, cycling, Gym or just try to walk more). Do not forget to treat colds and flu promptly, they can lead to complications in the lungs. Be sure to work on your immunity, strengthen yourself, be in nature as often as possible and fresh air. Don't forget to go through your scheduled annual examinations, it is much easier to treat lung diseases in the initial stages than in advanced stages. Avoid emotional and physical stress; if possible, eliminate or minimize smoking or contact with smokers.

  • It's time to sound the alarm!

    You are completely irresponsible about your health, thereby destroying the functioning of your lungs and bronchi, have pity on them! If you want to live a long time, you need to radically change your entire attitude towards your body. First of all, get examined by such specialists as a therapist and pulmonologist, you need to take radical measures otherwise everything may end badly for you. Follow all the doctors’ recommendations, radically change your life, perhaps you should change your job or even your place of residence, completely eliminate smoking and alcohol from your life, and make contact with people who have such bad habits to a minimum, toughen up, strengthen your immune system, spend time in the fresh air as often as possible. Avoid emotional and physical overload. Completely eliminate all aggressive products from everyday use and replace them with natural, natural remedies. Do not forget to do wet cleaning and ventilation of the room at home.

  1. With answer
  2. With a viewing mark

  1. Task 1 of 20

    1 .

    Is your lifestyle associated with severe physical activity?

  2. Task 2 of 20

    2 .

    How often do you undergo a lung examination (eg fluorogram)?

  3. Task 3 of 20

    3 .

    Do you play sports?

  4. Task 4 of 20

    4 .

    Do you snore?

  5. Task 5 of 20

    5 .

    Are you treating acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and other inflammatory or infectious diseases?

  6. Task 6 of 20

    6 .

    Do you carefully observe personal hygiene (shower, hands before eating and after walking, etc.)?

  7. Task 7 of 20

    7 .

    Do you take care of your immunity?

  8. Task 8 of 20

    8 .

    Have any relatives or family members suffered from serious lung diseases (tuberculosis, asthma, pneumonia)?

  9. Task 9 of 20

    9 .

    Do you live or work in an unfavorable environment(gas, smoke, chemical emissions from enterprises)?

  10. Task 10 of 20

    10 .

    Do you or your household use sources of strong odors (aroma candles, incense, etc.)?

  11. Task 11 of 20

    11 .

    Do you have heart disease?

  12. Task 12 of 20

    12 .

    How often are you in damp, dusty or moldy environments?

  13. Task 13 of 20

    13 .

    Do you often get sick with acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections?

  14. Task 14 of 20

    14 .

    Do you or any of your relatives have diabetes?

  15. Task 15 of 20

    15 .

    Do you have allergic diseases?

  16. Task 16 of 20

    16 .

    What kind of lifestyle do you lead?

  17. Task 17 of 20

    17 .

    Does anyone in your family smoke?

  18. Task 18 of 20

    18 .

    Do you smoke?

  19. Task 19 of 20

    19 .

    Do you have air purification devices in your home?

  20. Task 20 of 20

    20 .

    Do you often use household chemicals(cleaning products, aerosols, etc.)?

  21. Before rushing to the pharmacy and asking the pharmacist what cough tablets you need, you need to identify the cause of your cough.

    By the way, pharmacists do not have the right to give advice on choosing a medicine, even based on the patient’s story about his symptoms. The instructions for use of the drug will not provide all the necessary information. Only a doctor can make a prescription.

    The list of diseases that cause cough in an adult is very extensive.

    It is precisely from the nature of this important and the required reflex The choice of cough medicine will depend on:
    1. Inflammatory diseases caused by infectious agents– viruses, bacteria, fungi and other pathogens. This is the most large group pathologies that cause a dry cough at the beginning of its course and a wet cough at the development stage. This includes bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, tonsillitis and other ailments.
    2. List of allergic or mixed types of pathologies (addition of infectious flora to allergies). These are asthma, bronchitis with an asthmatic component, laryngeal edema and some other ailments.
    3. Infectious pathologies, occurring mainly in childhood (for example, whooping cough).
    4. Neoplasms of various etiologies in the respiratory system, including bronchogenic cancer.
    5. Exposure to chemicals and toxic substances in a gaseous state, carbon monoxide and other aggressive factors.
    6. Pathologies of cardio-vascular system(defects, insufficiency, angina pectoris).
    7. Chronic lung diseases, characterized by damage to the lung tissue with the development pulmonary failure.
    8. Entry of foreign bodies into the respiratory tract.
    9. Pathologies smooth muscle larynx, pharynx, causing esophageal reflux.
    10. Cough caused by smoking. Almost all experienced smokers have this problem.
    11. Cough when organic lesions brain in some diseases (Parkinson's, strokes, dementia), as well as on nervous soil.
    12. The use of certain medications can also cause a reflex cough. In particular, such side effects observed with regular and long-term use hypertensive drugs.

    The number of diseases that cause coughing is much greater. These are more common than others. But even from such a small list it is clear that antitussive drugs, the strongest and most effective, will not help with angina or nervous pathologies.

    Therefore, you need to take cough tablets only after finding out the cause of the phenomenon, selecting the appropriate remedy that will help soften a dry cough and help with a wet cough in adults.

    What types of cough tablets are there? It turns out that they are completely different in action, composition and method of application.

    There are three main groups of drugs:
  • produce an inhibitory effect by blocking the cough center in the brain, after which the receptors completely or partially suppress the symptom;
  • influence epithelial tissue and smooth muscles present in the respiratory organs;
  • liquefy mucus, facilitating its removal.

Medicines that affect the cough center (first group) can only be used in the absence of sputum and eliminate dry cough.

  1. Narcotic action (Codeine, Demorphan, Codipront and some other names).
  2. Without narcotic effect (Tusuprex, Sedotussin and others).

The second group of drugs for dry cough has a receptor effect and affects the nerve endings located in bronchial tree. The most famous antitussives of this group: Libexin, Gelicidin and others.

Combined action group. It has anti-inflammatory, antitussive, expectorant and bronchodilator effects. Quite a large group, which includes such famous medicines, like Stoptussin, Bronholitin, Butamirat and others.

Special attention is paid to agents with mucolytic and expectorant effects. These are sprays, syrups and tablets for wet coughs.

The following types of these drugs are classified:

  • expectorants direct action(Thermopsis, elecampane root, Alteyka and others, which help the coughing process);
  • used to stimulate the gag reflex (ammonium chloride, sodium citrate and others);
  • to enhance the secretion of bronchial mucus (sodium iodide and bicarbonate);
  • direct action mucolytics (Mukaltin, effervescent tablets for cough ACC, Mucodin, Trypsin and others - an impressive list of tablets);
  • mucolytics indirect action(Ambroxol, Bromhexine, Letostein, antihistamines and other names).

There is also a whole group that has antitussive, bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory effects. These are Sinupret, Prospan, Gedelix, Askoril and others.

With such a variety of choices, the recipe for getting rid of cough is very difficult. Choose good cough tablets for adults so that they have required action and rather helped to get rid of the unpleasant symptom (and with it the cause), only a professional can. In addition, the doctor will take into account all contraindications, side effects and characteristics of each patient.

Universal recipe for any type of cough has not yet been invented. Individual characteristics play a key role. But in Lately Combination drugs are becoming increasingly popular.

But this group of funds has general contraindications things to consider:
  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • expecting a baby and period breastfeeding;
  • childhood up to two years;
  • the development of bronchial asthma is possible, especially in combination with allergy medications.

Effective tablets for dry cough, as well as syrups and mixtures are selected taking into account the patient’s age. It is better to give to children liquid products, while cough tablets are better for adults.

What dry cough tablets are available:
  1. Libexin is a simple cough tablet. They are quite effective in the initial stages respiratory diseases, in case of exacerbation of chronic bronchial pathologies and heart failure. Libexin Muco is a cough tablet that contains a mucolytic. The universal dosage regimen is from 1/2 to 2 tablets up to four times a day, without chewing or dissolving, with a sufficient amount of liquid.
  2. Glaucine provides a long-term antitussive effect (up to 8 hours), which manifests itself within half an hour after taking the drug. Recommended for patients over 4 years of age, but not prescribed for people who have had a heart attack or suffer from hypotension, since it can cause a decrease blood pressure.
  3. Stoptussin - tablets for dry cough for adults. The list of contraindications includes children under 12 years of age, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Dyspeptic symptoms, diarrhea, and flatulence are possible. The product contains mucolytics, dosage: drink 1 tablet 4-6 times a day.
  4. Bronholitin has a blocking effect on the cough center, but at the same time has a mucolytic effect. The list of diseases for which it is used is quite large. But the list of contraindications is also long. During pregnancy, it is better to find another remedy for cough, as well as for children under 4 years of age.

Such drugs act directly on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and help cope with the cough reflex that occurs in adults and children due to irritation by various factors, both infectious and non-infectious.

These medications help reduce cough, especially when used in inhalations or sprays. Well proven herbal formulations And essential oils.

Being local anesthetics, they reduce the sensitivity of receptors, which helps reduce cough:
  1. Falimint. Lozenges help reduce the intensity of dry cough caused by inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract. The drug has a mild anesthetic effect, is absorbed very quickly and can be taken up to 10 times a day. But treatment should not last more than 3-4 days. Not prescribed for children under 4 years of age, pregnant or lactating women, or those with sensitivity to the components of the drug.
  2. Tusuprex. Treatment of dry non-productive cough is very successful with this drug. It not only inhibits the cough reflex, but also stimulates sputum production. Unlike codeine drugs, it is not addictive and does not depress respiratory function. The most unpleasant aspect of use is the side effect in the form of stool upset. It can be given even to children of the first year of life, but after consultation with a pediatrician.

Expectorants have a reflex effect, mostly herbal preparations. Treatment with such drugs in an adult (as well as in a child) promotes the removal of sputum.

Regular composition such medicines are plant extracts of licorice and marshmallow root, elecampane and anise, wild rosemary and coltsfoot, plantain and other plants.

Home remedy recipes from these natural healers can also help treat cough:
  1. Doctor Mom is available in the form of tablets, syrups, lozenges and ointments. The drug has anti-inflammatory, expectorant, bronchodilator, emollient and mucolytic effects. This is the most popular drug used to treat children of various ages.
  2. Mukaltin - cough tablets based on marshmallow. Beautiful and long ago known remedy, treatment for which is indicated from birth. It can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It has virtually no side effects or contraindications.
  3. Thermopsis is a long-known tablet, the treatment of wet cough with which is very successful. Contains only natural ingredients, however, there are a number of contraindications that are indicated in the annotation.

Among this range of drugs, mint tablets can be noted, which help reduce the cough reflex in smokers.

Mucolytics are used for wet coughs to thin the mucus and remove it from the respiratory tract, but without increasing the secretory functions of the mucous membranes. They also have a positive effect on the tissues of the lungs and bronchi that have undergone changes, and contribute to the restoration of mucous membranes damaged during the inflammatory process.

Mucolytics work very well with expectorants. They are indicated in pediatric practice for the treatment of very young patients.

However, they have one unpleasant ability - to cause bronchospasm. Therefore, the use of mucolytics in asthma is contraindicated.

In such cases, it is better to take bronchodilators, but take into account the property of some to make sputum more viscous:
  1. Bromhexine is one of the names of the mucolytic drug, which has analogues under other names. This drug can be taken for a long time without harm or addiction. Recommended for patients with three years. Contraindications include younger age, early dates pregnancy, individual intolerance components of the drug.
  2. Ambroxol also has many names, including the drug Lazolvan, which is recommended for use even in infants. This series of drugs should not be combined with other antitussives. If we talk about domestic medicines, they differ from imported analogues perhaps at a cost, but not in any way as an effect on the problem.
  3. ACC (acetylcysteine) are effervescent cough tablets, the use of which can be started from the age of ten. They effectively dilute mucus and promote its removal from the lungs and bronchi. Pregnant women should use it with caution, as its absorption is high, but embryotoxic effects have not been observed. For nursing mothers - only under medical supervision. Contraindicated in the presence of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, erosive and ulcerative diseases, as well as pulmonary hemorrhage.

And finally, a few words about the features of combined cough remedies, which are gaining increasing popularity. Their effectiveness is due to the ability to provide several actions at once: mucolytic, anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, expectorant, as well as antipyretic and antibacterial.

Cough is the body’s protective reaction to irritants and infections. During a cough, sputum containing pathogenic organisms and toxins is removed from the body. Therefore, there is not always a need to stop it immediately.

The cough reflex in children is especially alarming, as it is long-lasting and intrusive. The reasons for it can be varied. Therefore, medications should be prescribed by a doctor based on the disease or factor that caused the cough. They all have their own mechanism of action and are intended for different types of cough. In many cases, tablets are used. It doesn't have to be expensive means. Many have high efficiency with relatively little high price.

Causes and types of illness in children

A cough may be evidence of some kind of inflammatory process or simply clear the airways of accumulated phlegm. If it is of a single, unobtrusive nature, and is not accompanied by other painful symptoms, then there is no need to worry too much. If the cough is prolonged and causes discomfort to the child, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

Factors causing cough:

  • entry into the body of microorganisms that cause infection;
  • allergic reaction to certain stimuli.

The child's body is sensitive to pathogens of respiratory diseases. They penetrate the respiratory tract and begin to multiply intensively in the cells of the mucous membrane. This leads to irritation and increased mucus production, causing coughing. The same mechanism of action of allergens that penetrate the mucous membrane.

Based on productivity, the following types of cough are distinguished:

  • Dry (unproductive)– not accompanied by sputum discharge. Occurs more often in initial stage bronchitis, laryngitis, if a foreign body enters the respiratory tract.
  • Wet (productive)– characterized by the discharge of sputum, which accumulates in the respiratory tract. It usually appears after the 4th day of respiratory illness and ARVI.
  • Barking- a sign of laryngitis. It is accompanied by hoarseness of voice. Vocal cords swelling, cough reminiscent of dog barking.
  • Spastic- caused by a spasm, which usually occurs when bronchial asthma. Coughing is painful, without sputum discharge. At the end a characteristic whistle appears.

Types of tablets

Selection of inexpensive and effective tablets determined depending on the nature and nature of the cough. They come in several types:

  • Bronchodilators - help relax smooth muscles and relieve spasms. This leads to the elimination of a cough attack. Prescribed for bronchitis and diseases that cause spasm of the respiratory tract.
  • Mucolytics are the main agents in the treatment of wet cough. They liquefy viscous thick mucus bronchial glands to facilitate its passage.
  • Opioids inhibit the cough reflex at the central level. The threshold of irritability in the cough center of the brain increases, and coughing is blocked. Their disadvantage is that they oppress everything nervous system and can be addictive.
  • Non-opioid antitussives (butamirate) suppress cough without affecting the central nervous system.
  • Combined - work in several directions, solving several problems at once.

Medicines for dry cough in children

Dry cough tablets should be used only as prescribed by a doctor. It is advisable to take them only in case of obsessive, prolonged cough, which provokes the gag reflex and interferes with sleep. Effective tablets can be purchased in the range of 90-250 rubles.

Note! You should not give these pills to children for a long time, they can be addictive and cause side effects. Before use, consultation with a specialist is required.


Dragee for resorption Not productive cough. The active ingredient is acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene. The tool provides local anesthetic effect, relieves irritation, does not dry out the mucous membrane. Due to rapid absorption, the tablets act almost instantly. The drug is prescribed to children from 5 years of age. It is not recommended to give tablets for more than 3-4 days in a row. average price Falimint cough tablets cost 150 rubles per pack of 20 tablets.


Tablets with butamirate and guaifenesin. They have an antitussive and local anesthetic effect. The viscosity of mucus decreases, making it easier to clear. With simultaneous inhibition of the cough reflex, a mucolytic effect is provided. The product is effective, but has many side effects (allergies, headache). Not recommended for children under 12 years of age. It is advisable to use tablets only in case of severe obsessive cough. The product costs around 160 rubles for 20 tablets.


A combined opioid drug that affects the antitussive center, reducing its excitability. Contains codeine, herbal ingredients (licorice, thermopsis). Does not cause respiratory depression. Tablets are prescribed to children over 6 years of age (syrup is available from 2 years of age). How to take cough tablets? Take 1 tablet no more than 3 times a day. Long-term use of the drug may cause addiction to it. average cost– 140 rubles.


The active substances phenylephrine, chlorphenamine, paracetamol have a combined effect and eliminate the first symptoms of acute respiratory infections. The tablets thin the mucus and suppress the cough. Children over 6 years of age are prescribed 1 tablet with an interval of 4 hours between doses. The maximum dosage is 5 tablets per day. It has a number of side effects (increased blood pressure, dizziness, mild irritability). Price – about 200 rubles per package.


A butamirate-based product effective for treating painful dry cough of different origins(for bronchitis, tracheitis). Sinekod relieves inflammation, eliminates bronchospasm, which helps to quickly stop coughing. The drug in the form of pills is recommended for use in children over 6 years of age (younger ones are prescribed syrup) 2-4 pills per day, depending on age. The price of the drug is about 250 rubles.

Medicines for wet cough

If you have a productive cough, it is advisable to take medications that have an expectorant effect.


An inexpensive remedy that is often prescribed to children for coughs. The tablets have a number of analogues with the same active component(Lazolvan, Abrol, Ambrobene), but at a higher price. The product helps to quickly cope with cough, enhance the effectiveness of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs. Young children are usually prescribed Ambroxol in syrup form. Tablets are appropriate to use from 6 years of age. It is not recommended to take the product for longer than 5 days without the advice of a specialist. The average cost of Ambroxol is 25-30 rubles.


Tablets are taken for diseases that are accompanied by the appearance of viscous, difficult to remove sputum. 1 tablet contains 8 mg of bromhexine hydrochloride. The drug is prescribed to children 6-10 years old, half a tablet 3 times a day, from 10 years old - 1 tablet 3-4 times. Sometimes the dosage as prescribed by the doctor can be increased to 2 tablets per dose. The price of a package of medicine is about 30 rubles.


Mucolytic based on acetylcysteine ​​in the form effervescent tablets. Helps thin mucus, making cough more productive. The effect occurs in the first days ACC applications. Do not combine with paracetamol and other antitussives. Can be prescribed to children from 2 years of age. The cost of 20 tablets is about 250 rubles.

On the page, read about how to choose a school backpack with an orthopedic back for a girl.

The nuances of choosing and using inexpensive and effective tablets

Before giving your child pills, you need to find out the nature and nature of the cough. Not always high price indicates the effectiveness of the drug. There are many inexpensive tablets, which are not inferior in quality to expensive analogues.

You should definitely consult a doctor if your child has a cough. He will be able to correctly assess the nature of the cough and diagnose correct diagnosis. Only in this case can you choose best option tablets. They must be taken strictly according to the instructions so as not to aggravate the symptoms.

To choose inexpensive and effective remedy, it is necessary to study the pricing policies of several pharmacy chains. The same medicine can differ significantly in price in different pharmacies. The price formation is also influenced by the country of origin and the tablet manufacturing company. For example, dear foreign drugs can be replaced with domestic analogues.

Today, the cost of medicines has increased greatly and not everyone can afford to purchase expensive drugs. Among the many cough tablets offered on the pharmaceutical market, you can find high-quality and inexpensive products. Ask the doctor who prescribes your child’s treatment to choose medications that will help you get rid of the cough faster and won’t cost you much.

Watch the video - Dr. Komarovsky's advice on medicines cough medicine for children:

Cough is a common phenomenon that occurs against the background infectious lesions respiratory tract. The cough reflex is a peculiar defense mechanism, through which sputum containing bacterial or viral microorganisms is removed from the lungs. In other cases, cough occurs as a response to an irritant or allergen. Antitussives in tablet form are used for therapy. The instructions for cough tablets, despite their abundance, have similar content and principles of action; more about this in the article.

To find out how to take cough tablets, you must first choose the right medicine. Exists wide range drugs used in the treatment of respiratory diseases. The choice of remedy is carried out taking into account the specifics of the clinical picture.

There are these types of cough medications:

  1. Antitussives. Medicines from this group block or inhibit the cough reflex. The action is due to direct influence on the centers located in medulla oblongata, where a reflex response to a stimulus is formed. This group also includes drugs that block the transmission of nerve impulses from the brain to nerve endings, causing the cough to stop.
  2. Mucolytic. Prescribed for problems with sputum production. The mucous substance, the secretion of which is activated in the presence of diseases, can thicken, settling on the bronchi and larynx. The action of the drugs is aimed at separating mucus, making the cough less intense.
  3. Expectorants. Used for dry cough. The drugs included in this group provoke the secretion of sputum, due to which the cough becomes productive and turns into a lighter, wet form.

Important to remember! The choice of drug should be made after preliminary examination at the doctor's. Independent choice of medications often leads to ineffective treatment, which, in turn, leads to the development of complications.

In number popular tablets cough remedies include:

  1. Libexin. The drug eliminates cough by acting on nerve receptors. The medicine causes relaxation of the bronchial muscles and reduces sensitivity to irritants. The maximum effect is observed, on average, 4 hours after administration.
  2. Falimint. A synthetic antitussive drug whose properties are similar to menthol. The advantage of the tablets is the pronounced effect after the first dose. The advantages also include low probability side effects and a small number of contraindications.
  3. Halixol. Tablets whose main active ingredient is ambroxol. Cough relief is noted 30 minutes after administration. The medicine thins mucus and prevents irritation of mucous membrane receptors. Approved for use during pregnancy.
  4. Codelac. It is a combined cough medicine, available in tablet form. The medicine inhibits the cough reflex without affecting respiratory functions. Intended for short-term use, due to the possibility of developing addiction.
  5. Stoptussin. Available in the form of suckable tablets. It has pronounced mucolytic and antitussive properties. Prescribed for dry or non-productive cough.
  6. Doctor Mom. The composition of cough lozenges includes plant extracts and natural flavors and aromas. The medicine has a wide range of indications. Also used as a prophylactic.
  7. ACC. The drug is intended to liquefy and facilitate the separation of sputum. The active ingredients have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
  8. Bromhexine. The medicine thins and removes excess mucus from the lungs. This relieves dry cough. The drug has contraindications, and therefore before use you should read the instructions for cough tablets.
  9. Mukaltin. A drug in tablet form that is prescribed for wet cough. A noticeable effect is observed 2 days after the first dose. The medicine is not addictive and has a small number of contraindications. The effectiveness of this remedy is lower than that of other antitussive medications, but it is safer.

Most cough tablets are available in pharmacies without a prescription. This refers to drugs whose composition is safe for the body and does not cause addiction or dependence. Only those products that contain components with narcotic properties are available by prescription.

These include:

  • Demorphan;
  • Codeine;
  • Hydrocodone;
  • Codipront;
  • Codterpin IC;
  • Kodarin.

These drugs contain substances that can be addictive if used over a long period of time. In addition, such drugs are characterized by a high percentage of side effects. As a result, reception is allowed only when serious illnesses respiratory tract, in which others medications not effective.


Detailed instructions for cough tablets are discussed using the example of the usual and most common drug based on thermopsis. The minimum cost of the drug is 21 rubles (about 2 rubles 10 kopecks per 1 tablet).

Main active ingredients:

  1. Thermopsis extract. A plant component that activates sputum secretion. The substances that make up thermopsis cause irritation of the receptors in the bronchial muscles, which causes expectoration. The function of the respiratory centers is not affected.
  2. Sodium bicarbonate. It is characterized by mucolytic and expectorant properties. Increases the excitability of the respiratory center. Stimulates the secretory function of the bronchial glands.

The presented drug has a mucolytic and expectorant effect, so it can be used for any diseases accompanied by a cough with difficult to separate sputum.

Antitussive drugs may differ in their mechanism of action, and are therefore used for various diseases. To find out for what diseases and how to take cough tablets, you need to carefully read the leaflet that comes with the medicine.

Mucolytic and expectorant drugs are used for the following pathologies:

  • ARVI;
  • bronchitis in acute or chronic form;
  • pneumonia;
  • COPD;
  • acute tracheitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • allergic reactions;
  • bronchiolitis.

Important to remember! Cough is not an independent disease. This is a manifestation concomitant pathology respiratory tract. Cough medications have only a symptomatic effect, but do not eliminate the root cause. Cough medications should be taken in combination with other medications aimed at treating the causative disease.


Before you start taking it, you need to make sure there are no restrictions. Taking the medicine if there are contraindications is strictly prohibited, as it will lead to negative consequences.

The main contraindications are:

  1. Hypersensitivity to components. If you are allergic to any of the ingredients, you should not take the medicine. Contact with an allergen provokes an intense reaction, which severe cases causes pulmonary edema, breathing problems, and anaphylactic shock.
  2. Ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract. Mucus-thinning drugs negatively affect the mucous substance that covers the lining of the intestines and stomach. Because of this hydrochloric acid, secreted by the stomach, has an aggressive effect on the walls of the organ. In the presence of a peptic ulcer, this leads to aggravation of the pathology. The patient develops new ulcers and old ones open.
  3. Age limit. In pediatrics, most antitussives are prohibited for use. Children under 12 years of age are prescribed for therapeutic purposes natural remedies, produced in the form of syrups and suspensions, sucking lollipops. Taking expectorant pills often leads to side effects in children, therefore not recommended by pediatricians.
  4. Pregnancy and lactation. When choosing a medicine, you need to make sure that it is not contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. Many medications are prohibited from being taken as they can harm the child. This is especially true for antitussives that act on the corresponding nerve centers. When taken, the likelihood of congenital pathologies of the respiratory center increases.

Before using the tablets, you should also make sure that they can be combined with other medications. Otherwise, you must stop taking it or replace the medicine with an analogue.

When considering how to take simple cough tablets, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for taking them. Thermopsis-based drug is intended for short-term use. The duration of the therapeutic course is prescribed by the doctor individually.

The tablet must be swallowed whole without chewing. It is also not recommended to dissolve the medicine, since together with saliva it is absorbed into the bloodstream much faster, which can lead to an overdose. The tablet should be taken with a sufficient amount of liquid. During treatment with expectorants, it is recommended to increase the volume of fluid taken, since active sputum discharge can provoke dehydration of the body.

It is best to take the medicine before meals. Thanks to this, the active ingredients do not have a detrimental effect on digestive tract and are better absorbed in the intestines.


Thermopsis tablets should be taken no more than once every 8 hours. Adults take 1 tablet three times a day. Children over 12 years old are allowed to take half a tablet.

On average, the duration of therapy is 3-5 days. An increase in the duration of admission is allowed only with the approval of the attending physician. In the absence of pronounced therapeutic effect the use of the drug is stopped on day 5, after which the patient is prescribed another antitussive drug.


The development of an overdose is possible if the doses of the medication taken are increased, as well as with an increase in the duration of use. Increased risk intoxication is observed in patients with a history of renal or liver failure. With such pathologies, the active components are retained and accumulate in the body, which leads to poisoning.

Signs of overdose:

  1. General malaise.
  2. Nausea with vomiting.
  3. Diarrhea or constipation.
  4. Tachycardia.
  5. Sudden pressure surges.
  6. Lack of appetite.
  7. Tremor of the limbs.
  8. Pallor of the skin.
  9. Cold sweat.
  10. Violation of spatial orientation.
  11. Stomach ache.
  12. Flatulence.
  13. Bitter taste in the mouth.

At correct intake and strict adherence to the prescribed dosage and method of administration, the risk of side effects is minimal. Drugs for plant based rarely provoke negative reactions body, however potential opportunity their development is not excluded.

Possible side effects include:

  1. Flatulence.
  2. Discomfort and feeling of heaviness in the abdomen.
  3. Unpleasant taste in the mouth.
  4. Skin rashes and itching.
  5. Allergic edema.
  6. Nausea.

It is not recommended to continue taking the medicine if such symptoms occur.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Cough tablets should be kept out of the reach of children. It is recommended to exclude the possibility of direct sunlight, as this leads to premature loss medicinal properties medicine. It is best to store the drug in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees. The shelf life of the tablets is 4 years, after which the medicine cannot be taken.

As analogues of cough tablets based on thermopsis, medications with active ingredients of plant origin are used.

These include:

  1. Mucaltin (marshmallow extract).
  2. Coughstops, Pertussin (syrups based on licorice root).
  3. Thermopsol (tablets with thermopsis).
  4. Doctor Mom.
  5. Bronchicum S (thyme extract).
  6. Prospan (ivy leaf extract).
  7. Eucabal (thyme and plantain extracts).
  8. Herbion (plantain syrup).

Before taking it, you should consult your doctor and also read the information provided in the instructions for the drug. For example, for bronchitis, according to its use, it has a good anti-inflammatory effect for the bronchi.

Cough is a common symptom indicating respiratory disease. Treatment is carried out using antitussive, mucolytic and expectorant drugs with herbal, synthetic or combined composition. Medicines must be taken in accordance with the instructions. IN mandatory it is necessary to ensure that there are no contraindications or other restrictions on use.

Trade name of the drug: Cough tablets

Dosage form:


Composition (per 1 tablet):
Active components: Thermopsis lanceolate grass powder - 0.0067 g Sodium bicarbonate - 0.250 g
Excipients: potato starch, talc.

Description: Tablets are flat-cylindrical in shape with a bevel, greenish-gray in color. Dark inclusions are allowed.

Pharmacotherapeutic group
Expectorant of plant origin.

ATX code:

Pharmacological properties
Thermopsis herb has an expectorant effect, having a moderate irritating effect on the receptors of the gastric mucosa, and reflexively increases the secretion of the bronchial glands.
The alkaloids contained in thermopsis grass (cytisine, methylcytisine, pachycarpine, anagirine, thermopsin, thermopsidine) have a stimulating effect on the respiratory and, in high doses, on the vomiting centers.
Sodium bicarbonate stimulates the secretion of bronchial glands and helps reduce the viscosity of sputum.

Indications for use
Diseases of the respiratory tract accompanied by a cough with difficult to separate sputum (tracheitis, bronchitis) - as part of complex therapy.

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum(in the acute phase), pregnancy, lactation, childhood (up to 12 years).

Directions for use and doses
Orally, adults are prescribed 1 tablet 3 times a day for 3-5 days. Children over 12 years old - 1/2 - 1 tablet 3 times a day for 3-5 days. The duration of treatment is as recommended by the doctor.

Side effects
Allergic reactions are possible; upon admission large doses- vomit.

Interaction with other drugs
Adsorbents, binders and enveloping agents can reduce the absorption of alkaloids included in the thermopsis herb in the gastrointestinal tract. Cough tablets should not be used simultaneously with preparations containing codeine and other antitussive drugs, as this may make it more difficult to cough up mucus.

special instructions
To improve the liquefaction and separation of sputum, it is recommended to prescribe plenty of warm drinks.

Release form
10 tablets in contour-free packaging. Contour cellless packages, together with instructions for use, are placed in a group package.

Storage conditions
In a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date 4 years.
Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Release from pharmacies
Over the counter.

OJSC "Dalkhimfarm", 680001, Khabarovsk, st. Tashkentskaya, 22.

If a person decides to choose simple cough tablets for treatment, the instructions for their use should be carefully studied. Tablets help reduce coughing attacks and speed up recovery, but it is worth keeping in mind that you need to choose the right tablets.

Causes of cough

Coughing is a reflex that helps rid the body of microorganisms and mucus accumulated in the bronchi and trachea. The causes of cough are different. It could be:

  • allergy;
  • colds;
  • foreign body;
  • smoking;
  • mechanical or chemical effects.

In case of mechanical or chemical influence, you simply need to eliminate the irritant. If an unpleasant symptom occurs due to smoke, you must leave the room in which there is smoke. Cough tablets will not help in this case. For allergies, antitussives, rather than antihistamines, are used. The foreign body must be removed. But with a severe cold, the cough lasts for a long time, and you can really get rid of it with the help of pills.

The cough can be dry or wet. Dryness occurs at the onset of colds (ARVI, bronchitis). Because it forms in the throat inflammatory process, it irritates the larynx and pharynx, mucus appears, and you want to cough up. With a wet cough, attacks are caused by the accumulation of phlegm in the lungs or bronchi. Moist cough helps clear mucus from the lungs.

Types of drugs

Cough can be different, and the tablets differ in their mechanism of action. Some things help suppress attacks, while others remove mucus and heal. Funds are divided into the following types:

  • mucolytic;
  • antitussives;
  • expectorants.

The first type helps facilitate the removal of sputum. Medicines are used to convert a dry cough into a wet one. Cough suppressants block this reflex, that is, they suppress attacks. And expectorant medications enhance the activity of smooth muscle cells, as a result of which muscles contract better and mucus is eliminated.

Naturally, you need to purchase tablets depending on the type of cough. If the cough is dry, then the medications should be appropriate. Antitussives can be harmful, for example, with a wet cough, since the mucus must come out, and when using these tablets, it will be delayed, and the healing process will be delayed.

Important! You cannot take medications at the same time - this will not help, but will only worsen the situation.

There are also combination drugs. They usually include various herbs, flowers. They must be taken for a long time, but it is necessary to monitor the patient’s condition, since plant components can cause an inadequate reaction of the body. If after using the tablets a rash, itching or other allergy symptoms occur, the drug should not be used.


How to take simple cough tablets? Drugs in this group dilute sputum and are divided into the following types:

  1. Mucus thinners (SLC).
  2. Helping remove mucus (Bromhexine, Ambroxol).
  3. Reducing the amount of mucus (Libexin).

ACC is available in powder for dissolution in water. The medicine contains acetylcysteine, as well as excipients. Doses must be prescribed by a specialist. The powder should be dissolved in water and drunk after meals. When taken, heartburn and nausea may occur. The drug should not be taken by pregnant women or during lactation, as well as by children under 2 years of age.

Bromhexine is a drug containing active substance Bromhexine hydrochloride. Prescribed for bronchial asthma, tracheobronchitis. Taking the drug must be agreed with your doctor. May cause vomiting and headache. Bromhexine is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy and stomach ulcers.

Ambroxol is available in tablets. The medicine is used for pneumonia and bronchitis. Heartburn and headache may occur. The medicine is contraindicated in the first 3 months of pregnancy and when renal failure. Take only after consultation with a specialist.

Libexin is a tablet product. The main substance is prenoxydiazine hydrochloride. The drug reduces the excitability of sensory receptors and makes breathing easier. Used for chronic or acute cough. Doses for adults and children are prescribed by a doctor. Libexin may cause dry mouth and nausea. Children under 3 years of age should not take the medicine.

Effective antitussives

These medicines are also divided into different types. These can be non-narcotic and narcotic drugs. Naturally, narcotic drugs are prescribed only in very severe cases, and they cannot be used without a doctor’s recommendation. As for non-narcotic drugs, they help reduce attacks and are not addictive. These include: Glauvent and Omnitus.

Glauvent has an antitussive and anti-inflammatory effect. The medicine can be used by both children and adults. The dose is determined by the doctor. Sometimes drowsiness and fatigue are possible. The drug is contraindicated for low blood pressure and copious discharge sputum.

Omnitus contains the active ingredient butamirate citrate. The medicine removes inflammation and suppresses attacks. How to take simple cough tablets for adults? The tablets should be taken before meals. The product may cause a rash and diarrhea. Not suitable for children under six years of age and pregnant women. You cannot self-medicate.


Medicines are used only when wet bouts. They help remove mucus from the lungs faster. The main drugs that help with such attacks are Bronchipret TP and Mucaltin.

How to take cough tablets simple for children and adults? Mucaltin has an antitussive and expectorant, as well as a softening effect. This remedy is used for tracheitis and pneumonia. Children need to drink 1-2 pieces. 1-2 times a day. Adult dose– 2 pcs. 4 times a day before meals. Side effects include urticaria. The drug is contraindicated for ulcers.

Nuance! Mucaltin can be used by people who drive a car.

Bronchipret TP is available in tablets. This is a herbal medicine that contains extracts of primrose and thyme roots. The remedy is used for bronchitis and tracheobronchitis. Prescribed for adults and children over 12 years of age. Dose – 1 pc. 3 times a day. Side effects– allergies and nausea. You should not take the drug if you are pregnant or lactose intolerant.

Oxeladin can also be used for coughs. of various origins. This remedy also suppresses seizures. Children are prescribed the drug only in syrup, while adults can drink it in solid form, 1 tablet 2 times a day. The drug does not cause drowsiness, but may cause stomach pain and fatigue. For bronchial asthma and cough with sputum difficult to separate, the drug is contraindicated.

Combination drugs

There are combined drugs with antitussive and expectorant effects. The simplest cough tablets are called Cough Tablets. Combination drugs include Travisil, Pectusin.

Cough tablets are based on plant extracts. Prescribe tablets for coughs with sputum that is difficult to separate. If simple cough tablets are prescribed, the instructions for use indicate that children can take the medicine only after 12 years of age, the dose is the same as for adults - 1 piece. 3 times a day. If consumed, an allergic reaction may occur. Cannot be used during breastfeeding.

Travisil - lozenges. It contains a lot of plant components. The drug relieves inflammation and makes attacks less frequent. Children over 12 years old and adults can drink 2 pieces. several times a day, and for children from 6 to 12 years old - 1 tablet. Possible allergies. Contraindications include individual intolerance to the components.

Pectusin has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Can be used when different types cough. The tablets must be dissolved, 1 piece is enough, but several times a day. Children can use it after 7 years. Itching may occur when taken. If you have diabetes, the medicine is contraindicated.

On a note! Simple tablets for cough the reviews are positive. If you take the medications correctly, the symptoms go away and recovery speeds up.