Special services memorization technique. Memory development using special services methods pocket version

Building effective communication with a person you are meeting for the first time is a rather difficult task. Getting down to business immediately is not always productive, especially in the Russian tradition of negotiations. First you need to establish contact by talking about your partner’s “points” - about what a person is passionate about, what he can talk about endlessly. Everyone has such “clues” - some are simple, some are more complex. Read our article about how to remember the terms of a deal, contract amounts and phone numbers using the methods of the special services.

In this article you will read:

  • How to train memory and attention using the methods of special services
  • How to easily establish contact with a potential client or partner
  • How to keep decisions, work plans and agreements in mind
  • How to remember the terms of a transaction, contract amounts and phone numbers

How to train memory and attention for managers to remember the important details of negotiations in the work of managers? Hundreds of businessmen are looking for the answer to this question. Let's look at how to train memory development using the methods of the special services, which Denis Bukin, author of the book “Development of Memory Using the Methods of the Special Services,” described in his book.

The simplest option: if the interlocutor came to the meeting by car, talk about the make of his car, parking, traffic jams, interchanges, road repairs, etc. You can talk with women about children, household chores, despite the fact that they are a business -lady. But the most effective way to establish contact is to prepare for the first meeting. Find your interlocutor in advance on social networks or read his personal blog, study the traces he left on the Internet - this way you will understand what he is passionate about. Talking about his interests will allow you to establish personal contact.

Next, you need to allow the interlocutor to talk about your hobby and, while listening to him, add comments or even argue carefully. This way you will identify positive personality traits of your partner that should be noted in the conversation, pointing out that you yourself do not possess them. For example, athletes and fans remember the standings, all the victories and defeats of their favorite team over the decades. You can say to such a person: “You have an excellent memory. But I’m not like that, I don’t remember so much.” If your interlocutor makes model airplanes, it means he has patience, perseverance, and the ability to work with his hands - then note: “But I’m not like that, I can’t work with my hands.” In most cases, the interlocutor is embarrassed because he is better than you, and he will try to support you and convince you that you can do it too, that there is nothing unattainable in his abilities. This is the very moment when you can move the conversation to the essence of the matter for which you met: contact has been established, the person trusts you, and you can calmly discuss the details of the transaction.

How to remember a person’s name and his hobbies for a long time

At an unplanned meeting - say, at a conference - it is better to immediately address the person by name and start the conversation with his “points”. This inspires sympathy and trust. You can remember and quickly reproduce such information using the peculiarities of our memory (figure). It is better to tie the name to some highlight of appearance - for example, to an outstanding facial feature. At the same time, you need to mentally exaggerate it. For example, I have a beard - although this is a changeable factor, it will work well because you will remember it anyway. You imagine that the beard is just very big. Then you need to make an association with it: you can imagine the person as a sort of stereotypical Russian - gloomy, gloomy, with a beard. If he is gloomy, it means he walks like a beech, that is, Bukin. At the same time, the mustache can be imagined as a hussar's mustache, and the hussar is Denis Davydov. It turns out Bukin Denis. That is, you build a mental model, a picture, and thus associate a person’s appearance with his first and last name - and remember them.

Then you can add “points” to this image. For example, you noticed that the interlocutor has a good memory. Imagine a caricature of a bearded man with a good memory - say, with an exaggeratedly large forehead. Of course, the picture will turn out to be absurd, but there is nothing “wrong” about it - this way the information will be easier to remember. When you see this person again, this picture will immediately appear before your eyes, and you will recreate his first name, last name and the main points.

To successfully use the method at the first stage, it is important to form a habit. Take some newspaper and try to remember all the characters whose images are there. You look at a photograph, imagine the main feature of this person’s appearance, and based on this feature, as well as his first and last name, you build a mental picture, a story - and remember it. The habit of memorizing in this way comes quite quickly; often one newspaper is enough. But some people are afraid of the absurdity of these imaginary pictures, while there is nothing scary in caricatured exaggeration. The more unusual the image, the better it will be remembered.

How to remember the details of negotiations

To remember the course of negotiations, it is important not so much to have a good memory as to be able to highlight the main points and mentally record them. Here we continue to complete the created image of the interlocutor, adding associations. For example, it is important to remember what a person does. Take the picture you have already come up with and build the scope of his activity into it. Some time ago I spoke with an office partition installer; in the first minutes I imagined him in a labyrinth of partitions - a vivid image allowed me to remember his occupation.

During negotiations, you should not record everything on a tape recorder or take detailed notes - this is unproductive. You need to highlight the main points and remember them or write them down on paper: then using them it will be much easier to reproduce what was said.

Motivation and context are of great importance for memory, because a person better remembers the information necessary in life.

Our brain highlights what it considers important, so before you remember something, you need to formulate for yourself the reason why you need to remember it and the benefit you will get from it. For example, you can say to yourself that you are memorizing a competitor’s price list in order to impress the counterparty and look confident, arguing for a price change in your favor.

How to keep a lot of numbers in your head

When memorizing numbers, immersion in the topic is important. We remember information well that relates to our professional activities or hobbies. Each figure in this case correlates with those that we already know and remember; it is built into the system of associations. You can easily reproduce the contract amounts of important clients. But how do you remember less significant numbers, such as a phone number? Since numbers are abstract information that is intangible, you need to turn it into tangible information. This can be done using substitute images: they encode numbers into a picture (table), and through a fictitious story the numbers can be associated with these images. The more absurd the story, the better it will be remembered.

For example, you need to remember the contract number 19 862. Let’s create a mental picture: on the beach, a long fairground pole (1) ending with a candy cane (9) is stuck into the sand. An elephant (6) rides around a pole on a bicycle (8), followed by a goose (2), quacking and cackling.

How to remember your plans

Retrospective memory is responsible for remembering events that have already taken place, and prospective memory is responsible for intentions and plans. Remembering the future is constructed differently than remembering the past. Firstly, you need to remember the intention itself, and secondly, you need to remember it at the right time. Most often, forgetting occurs at the second point: people lose their plans from memory due to the lack of an external reminder.

To improve your prospective memory, choose “targets” for yourself - events that are guaranteed to happen during the day. For example, you say hello to the concierge, cross the road near your house, see a white bus, enter the subway. You need to try to notice these “targets” as many times as possible, note the event to yourself - count how many times you “hit the target”. You need to train on one “target” for several days, then replace it with another, then you can set yourself several “targets” at once. This training will develop your ability to remember an intention in response to an external event.

Then you need to learn to remember your intention at the right moment. Here you will need a good sense of time: it helps, without external prompts, to remember the planned task exactly when you need it. Record the time on a stopwatch or watch with a second hand. Then, without looking at your watch, note the past minute, five minutes, ten minutes and hour. At the same time, you need to do normal things and not try to count the seconds to yourself. If your sense of timing is wrong, note it and try again.

Now you can develop a system that will help you remember your plans. The simplest thing is to write them down in your diary and constantly return to them. In this case, you need to develop the habit of remembering to refer to your notes at the beginning of each day and after completing each task. The second option is to constantly “scan” intentions, tying them to some event. For example, every time a secretary approaches you with documents, you remember the list of urgent meetings and include them in your work plan.

The most reliable way is to develop rules and rituals. For example, every morning you collect data on the tasks completed by your subordinates for the previous working day, and every day after lunch you check the status of urgent tasks that are not too late to fix.

Also, we often do not complete current tasks if we are distracted by something else while solving a task: attention switches, and we forget about what we are doing. You can avoid this if, when your attention is distracted, you stop, record in your memory where you stopped, then create and mentally play out a new plan of action. In your plan, you should imagine putting off the first task, completing the second, and then returning to the first. This will create a mark that the task is not finished, the motivational tension will remain, and you will remember that you need to return to the first task and complete it.

  • Career and Self-development


1 -1

Prospective memory training

To assess how good your prospective memory is, answer the following questions.

Do you forget to wish happy holidays to your family and friends?

Do you forget to pour yourself some tea after boiling it?

Does it happen that you forget small requests and instructions and do not fulfill them?

Do you ever walk into a room, get distracted and forget why you entered it?

Do you sometimes lose your thoughts if you are interrupted in a conversation?

Do you often forget what you wanted to take with you when leaving home?

Do you forget to miss meetings with people?

As already mentioned, the memory of intention consists of two parts: remembering what should be done and remembering it at the right moment. There are many techniques for practicing remembering intentions, and you'll have already gotten better at this by memorizing lists of words. But most often, prospective memory errors occur in the second component due to the lack of an external reminder.

If you want to improve your prospective memory, use the training method proposed by American psychophysiologist Stephen Laberge. Set yourself “targets” - events that happen to you several times a day. For example, a “target” could be “I see a seven,” “they are sweeping the street not far from me,” or “a woman in red is crossing the road.” Your goal will be to spot as many sevens, street sweepers, or women in red as possible throughout the day. Count how many times you "hit the target" and record these times in your diary. Analyze the statistics of “hits” for the week. Practice with one target for a few days, then choose another. Start with one target, then work with two or three at the same time.

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Copy the code and paste it into your blog:

Denis Bukin

This is the name of a new book coming out at the end of May from Alpina Publisher.

The book reveals the secrets of memory training used in intelligence schools. In addition to theory and exercises for self-training, communication techniques from the arsenal of intelligence services are described here: you will learn how to establish contacts and gain trust in strangers, persuade and evaluate the reliability of the data received. You will also master methods of self-organization, learn how to quickly restore strength and maintain high performance. A cross-cutting plot will help you immerse yourself in the spy atmosphere - a search case compiled on the basis of real events. You will become a full participant in the investigation, and along the way you will be able to train your attention, thinking and memory.

The book reveals the secrets of memory training used in intelligence schools. In addition to theory and exercises for self-training, communication techniques from the arsenal of intelligence services are described here: you will learn how to establish contacts and gain trust in strangers, persuade and evaluate the reliability of the data received. You will also master methods of self-organization, learn how to quickly restore strength and maintain high performance. A cross-cutting plot will help you immerse yourself in the spy atmosphere - a search case compiled on the basis of real events. You will become a full participant in the investigation, and along the way you will be able to train your attention, thinking and memory.


The capabilities of the human brain are amazing. Memory stores a huge amount of information, distant events are presented so vividly and vividly, as if everything happened just yesterday. The brain copes with problems that cannot be solved by the most modern computers. The brain is plastic: if some of its functions are actively working, it is enhanced. The opposite is also true: what is not used dies. Routine work, narrow professional specialization, technical “crutches” in the form of an organizer, navigator, notebook in the phone - all this frees the memory from work, and over time it weakens. The ability to concentrate deteriorates, the acuity of perception becomes dull.

Fortunately, this is reversible. Memory can be trained. For training to be effective, it must be:

  • regular;
  • long-term;
  • on the verge of possibility.

There are professions for which excellent memory, clarity and speed of thinking are vital. One of them is a scout. Conspiracy laws prohibit writing anything down, there is no time to study documents long and thoughtfully, and it is impossible to redraw a diagram or map. You have to rely only on memory. And you have to remember an incredible amount, but reproduce it accurately.

Military psychologists have accumulated vast experience in training personnel capable of quickly and reliably remembering information. It would be stupid not to take advantage of their developments. We use it! The memory training program in this book is based on secret service techniques, the effectiveness of which has been tested by time and generations of intelligence and counterintelligence officers.

About the book

Each chapter corresponds to the stages of an intelligence agent's career. You will go through all the stages of the intelligence school - from installer agent to double agent, from the simplest intelligence work to the most dangerous and complex. You will be accompanied by the story of one counterintelligence operation, outlined in documents and diary entries of its protagonist. Questions will be asked about the facts of this operation, so try to remember as much as possible from what you read.

Despite the fact that all the characters in this book are fictitious, and any similarity or coincidence with real people is coincidental, the events described in it are based on a story that actually happened. It is also necessary to say here that all the data contained in the book is taken from open sources.

Each stage-level contains instructions for memorization techniques and exercises for practicing them. The exercises of the first levels may seem easy, but later they will become more difficult. Try to master the proposed techniques and methods in the first simple tasks. Even if you can complete them without using special techniques, in the future, when the tasks become more complex, it will be extremely difficult to do without them. There are two types of exercises in the book. The first ones are designated by the word “exercise”. You can perform them while resting, waiting, in transport... The second, interactive ones, are posted on a separate website. There is a link to them and a special QR code that can be read from a tablet computer or smartphone. It is advisable to do these exercises as you read the book. Repeat each exercise several times to consolidate your success. If not everything works out when doing it, return to the technique for which it was intended. Reread it again and do the exercise several times in a less complex version.

Don't be discouraged if you fail to complete the tasks the first time. Remember that “training should be carried out to the limit of your capabilities.” Studying at an intelligence school is similar to the path of a martial artist: to master intelligence, you need to go through difficulties and learn to overcome failures. Try again and again, progress will become noticeable to both you and those around you. In addition to methods, instructions and tasks, the book describes the characteristics of human attention, imagination and memory, as well as techniques for working with them. Scouts use these techniques every day.

Let's leave romantic stories to fiction writers - intelligence work is described in the book as it is, without embellishment or gloss. Real, not “film” intelligence is not running around with a pistol, but working with information. To reconstruct the whole picture from bits of data - that is the task of intelligence.

Memory Capabilities

People do not use their memory to the fullest extent. Moreover, few people realize how great these opportunities are. A few examples. Russian artist N. N. Ge reproduced in detail the baroque interior of a room in the Monplaisir palace, having visited it only once. The secret of the master’s photographic memory was, in his own words, “to depict from memory every day what you encountered along the way, be it light, be it form, be it expression, be it a scene - whatever caught your attention.” . Mozart could accurately record a complex score after listening to the piece just once. Having once heard Gregorio Allegri’s composition “Miserere,” which had previously been kept secret by the Vatican, he made its notes available to the public. Mozart was 14 years old at this time. Winston

Churchill knew almost all of Shakespeare by heart. While studying his works, he practiced oratory. Hungarian chess player Janos Flesch played 52 games simultaneously without looking at the board in 1960. At the end of the game, which lasted more than 13 hours, Flash remembered all the moves on all 52 boards. Not only recognized geniuses have outstanding memory. In one experiment, subjects, ordinary people, were shown 10,000 slides and then tested how many of them were remembered. It turned out that the accuracy of image recognition was about 80% - a very high result. If unusual, bright and colorful pictures were chosen for the experiment, the recognition accuracy increased to almost 100%.

1. The main problem of human memory is not to remember information, but to remember and reproduce it when necessary. Thus, every person has the makings of an excellent memory. To develop them, you need to master a number of techniques.

2. The human brain is very good at remembering images. Therefore, most techniques for memorizing information - mnemonics - are based on imagination, which serves as a tool for translating abstract verbal and digital information into visual information.

Types of memory

Modern psychology distinguishes three types of memory: instant (or sensory), short-term and long-term. Sensory memory stores what we perceive directly with our senses: we see, hear, feel, smell and taste after the perceived stimulus itself has disappeared. The duration of information storage in this memory is short, no more than half a second. But sensory memory is very important; everything that connects us with the outside world passes through it. Also, thanks to sensory memory, we can see a sequence of movie frames as continuous movement. From sensory memory, information worth attention moves into short-term memory, where it can be stored for several minutes or hours. Short-term memory is involved, for example, when we repeat “to ourselves” a telephone number dictated by someone, while simultaneously looking for a pen and notepad to write it down. Important information moves from short-term memory to long-term memory, where it can be stored for years.

As a rule, the process of long-term memorization of information occurs unconsciously. That is why we often forget important things and remember unimportant details that should have been forgotten long ago. However, there are techniques for conscious long-term memorization of information. This book will help you develop short-term and long-term memory, and learn how to consciously transfer information from short-term memory to long-term memory. Good memory is associated with the ability to notice important things in what we see and hear, as well as to process information, present it in the form of images and connect it with what we already know. In other words, remembering requires attention and imagination. Training attention and imagination is the basis for memory development. The school of intelligence begins with exercises on attention and imagination.

Attention and memory

Attention is the ability to selectively perceive information, see and hear what is needed, without reacting to extraneous stimuli. For a focused person, noise does not interfere with reading. He perceives the text without being distracted by extraneous sounds. Concentration allows you to absorb all the nuances and details of what you need to remember without overloading your brain. Trained attention differs from weak attention in that a person can control it. He is able to quickly focus attention, hold it for a long time on one subject when needed, and easily switch when changing activities.


Maintaining attention on one subject for a long time is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Try looking at something you have on hand, such as your wristwatch. Study them in every detail, in every detail. Inspect every division on the dial, every scratch on the case. Have you studied everything? Don't stop, try to find something new in them. After a couple of minutes of this activity, it will be difficult for you to keep your attention on the clock. You suddenly notice that you are not thinking about the watch - associations, clinging to one another, take your thoughts further and further.

For example, you thought about the clock while trying to concentrate. Then, looking at the number 11, you remembered that you had to make an important meeting at 11:00. Then you started thinking about a colleague who was also supposed to participate in the meeting, then about the book that your colleague told you about, then... You forgot about the watch. Can you make it back? Remember how you got from the clock to what you were thinking about. Follow the chain of associations back to the clock and continue studying it. Remember what you thought about a book belonging to a colleague, then about the colleague himself, then about a meeting you must attend, then about the start time of the meeting - 11:00. Remember that this time is associated with the number 11 on the dial, and the dial is associated with the clock. By doing this exercise, you train your ability to manage attention.


How to write a book without getting published

Excerpt from the book published by "MYTH"

This book does not dictate any rules for writing a bestseller. She provides feedback that publishers usually don't take the time to provide when reading manuscripts, and she humorously points out mistakes that lead to rejection of publication. "Private Correspondent" publishes an excerpt from

Project Manager I. Gusinskaya

Corrector E. Aksenova

Computer layout K. Svishchev

Photographer K. Guliyev

Cover design O. Nazarov

Art Director S. Timonov

© Empatika LLC, 2014

© Alpina Publisher LLC, 2014

* * *

In memory of Leonid Minutko


The capabilities of the human brain are amazing. Memory stores a huge amount of information, distant events are presented so vividly and vividly, as if everything happened just yesterday. The brain copes with problems that cannot be solved by the most modern computers. The brain is plastic: if some of its functions are actively working, it is enhanced. The opposite is also true: what is not used dies. Routine work, narrow professional specialization, technical “crutches” in the form of an organizer, a navigator, an address book in the phone - all this frees the memory from work, and over time it weakens. The ability to concentrate deteriorates, the acuity of perception becomes dull.

Fortunately, this is reversible. Memory can be trained. For training to be effective, it must be:



On the verge of possibilities.

There are professions for which excellent memory, clarity and speed of thinking are vital. One of them is a scout. Conspiracy laws prohibit writing anything down, there is no time to study documents long and thoughtfully, and it is impossible to redraw a diagram or map. You have to rely only on memory. And you have to remember an incredible amount, but reproduce it accurately.

Military psychologists have accumulated vast experience in training personnel capable of quickly and reliably remembering information. It would be stupid not to take advantage of their developments. We use it!

The memory training program in this book is based on secret service techniques, the effectiveness of which has been tested by time and generations of intelligence and counterintelligence officers.

About the book

Each chapter corresponds to the stages of an intelligence agent's career. You will go through all the stages of the intelligence school - from installer agent to double agent, from the simplest intelligence work to the most dangerous and complex.

You will be accompanied by the story of one counterintelligence operation, outlined in documents and diary entries of its protagonist. Questions will be asked about the facts of this operation, so try to remember as much as possible from what you read.

Despite the fact that all the characters in this book are fictitious, and any similarity or coincidence with real people is coincidental, the events described in it are based on a story that actually happened. It is also necessary to say here that all the data contained in the book is taken from open sources.

Each stage-level contains instructions for memorization techniques and exercises for practicing them. The exercises of the first levels may seem easy, but later they will become more difficult. Try to master the proposed techniques and methods in the first simple tasks. Even if you can complete them without using special techniques, in the future, when the tasks become more complex, it will be extremely difficult to do without them.

There are two types of exercises in the book. The first ones are designated by the word “exercise”. You can perform them while resting, waiting, in transport...

The second, interactive ones, are posted on a separate website. It is advisable to do these exercises as you read the book.

Repeat each exercise several times to consolidate your success. If not everything works out when doing it, return to the technique for which it was intended. Reread it again and do the exercise several times in a less complex version.

Don't be discouraged if you fail to complete the tasks the first time. Remember that “training should be carried out to the limit of your capabilities.” Studying at an intelligence school is similar to the path of a martial artist: to master intelligence, you need to go through difficulties and learn to overcome failures. Try again and again, progress will become noticeable to both you and those around you.

In addition to methods, instructions and tasks, the book describes the characteristics of human attention, imagination and memory, as well as techniques for working with them. Scouts use these techniques every day. Let's leave romantic stories to fiction writers - intelligence work is described in the book as it is, without embellishment or gloss.

Real, not “film” intelligence is not about running around with a pistol, but about working with information. To reconstruct the whole picture from bits of data - that is the task of intelligence.

Brawl before elections

Strange events occurred in Buenos Aires on December 10, 1954 during a pre-election meeting with voters of the candidate of the Peronist Party of Argentina, García Pugliese. The event, which began with the usual opening speech of the candidate for such cases, ended in a mass brawl. Pugliese's speech calling for confrontation with the socialists was taken literally. Those gathered (there were about 300 people) left the cinema where the meeting was held and, chanting slogans, headed to the socialist election headquarters. An aggressive crowd, armed with garden tools, stones and sticks, broke glass, broke furniture, and beat people. Several staff members were hospitalized, including Socialist candidate Gabriel Arienzo.

The police almost did not intervene in the fight, limiting themselves to briefly detaining several people. Interestingly, the detainees denied participation in the fight, could not explain the reasons for their detention and stated that they came to the election meeting only out of curiosity. The fight itself gave the impression of mass psychosis, which suddenly began and suddenly stopped.

Observers assess the Peronist party's chances of winning as high. The number of her supporters was not affected even by rumors that have spread in recent months that German consultants who previously served the fascist regime of Germany and fled Europe after the defeat of the Third Reich in the spring of 1945 are participating in the organization of the election campaign.

The year is coming to an end. I try to take him in with my gaze and understand what he was like. With the exception of Spanish, the only word I can use to describe it is “boring.” And I started learning Spanish out of boredom - to at least keep myself occupied with something. I'm tired of academic psychology. Working in the dean's office is routine. In my personal life, no changes.

I still had to go to graduate school. Maybe try next year?


Head of the second department

KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR

In accordance with the instructions of the KGB of the USSR dated December 1, 1954 “On the replacement of operational workers who do not have the necessary training and do not provide the work assigned to them,” and in order to strengthen the intelligence apparatus among the scientific and creative intelligentsia, preparations were made for the recruitment of agents in the staff of Moscow State University. I request permission to recruit the following persons:

Ivanov Evgeny Petrovich, born in 1931;

Ilyina Elena Vasilievna, born in 1929;

Simonov Andrey Nikolaevich, born in 1930.

Operational instructions for the listed persons are attached.

Deputy head of the 9th department

second main directorate

Lieutenant Colonel N.V. Ilyin

mountains Moscow


Operational installation

for Simonov Andrey Nikolaevich

Andrei Nikolaevich Simonov was born in Leningrad in 1930.

Father, Simonov Nikolai Matveevich, born in 1902, worker. Currently a mechanic on the steam tug "Shakhter" in the Leningrad seaport. He was not called up to the front because of his armor.

Mother, Simonova (nee Ivanova) Olga Viktorovna, born in 1910, worker. Currently a crane operator at the Leningrad seaport.

Studied at secondary school No. 120 in Leningrad. After graduating from school in 1948, he entered Moscow State University, the psychological department of the Faculty of Philosophy. He graduated in 1953 with honors and received a recommendation for admission to graduate school. He defended his diploma thesis on the topic “Psychophysiological methods for establishing the truth of investigative and judicial testimony” under the guidance of Professor A. R. Luria.

I postponed entering graduate school and writing a scientific paper until I accumulated scientific material and experience. Currently works in the dean's office of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University as a secretary. Member of the Komsomol. Recognized as a promising specialist among Moscow State University teachers. The decision not to enroll in graduate school immediately after graduation was met with understanding.

Of interest to the KGB are Simonov’s connections among teachers and students of the psychological department of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University. In the future, Simonov's ability to obtain information will grow.

He has good abilities: high intelligence, excellent memory. Calm. Emotionally stable. Has no communication problems. Speaks German. Playing sports. Attends football matches.

Interested in psychophysiology, hypnosis techniques, social psychology.

Not married.

Recruitment is expected to be on an ideological and political basis.

Deputy head of the 9th department

second main directorate

Lieutenant Colonel N.V. Ilyin

mountains Moscow

Memory Capabilities

People do not use their memory to the fullest extent. Moreover, few people realize how great these opportunities are.

A few examples. Russian artist N. N. Ge reproduced in detail the baroque interior of a room in the Monplaisir palace, having visited it only once. The secret of the master’s photographic memory was, in his own words, “to depict from memory every day what you encountered along the way, be it light, be it form, be it expression, be it a scene - whatever caught your attention.” . Mozart could accurately record a complex score after listening to the piece just once. Having once heard Gregorio Allegri’s composition “Miserere,” which had previously been kept secret by the Vatican, he made its notes available to the public. Mozart was 14 years old at this time. Winston Churchill knew almost all of Shakespeare by heart. While studying his works, he practiced oratory. Hungarian chess player Janos Flesch played 52 games simultaneously without looking at the board in 1960. At the end of the game, which lasted more than 13 hours, Flash remembered all the moves on all 52 boards.

Not only recognized geniuses have outstanding memory. In one experiment, subjects, ordinary people, were shown 10,000 slides and then tested how many of them were remembered. It turned out that the accuracy of image recognition was about 80% - a very high result. If unusual, bright and colorful pictures were chosen for the experiment, the recognition accuracy increased to almost 100%.

1. The main problem of human memory is not to remember information, but to remember and reproduce it when necessary. Thus, every person has the makings of an excellent memory. To develop them, you need to master a number of techniques.

2. The human brain is very good at remembering images. Therefore, most techniques for memorizing information - mnemonics - are based on imagination, which serves as a tool for translating abstract verbal and digital information into visual information.

Types of memory

Modern psychology distinguishes three types of memory: instant (or sensory), short-term and long-term.

Sensory memory stores what we perceive directly with our senses: we see, hear, feel, smell and taste after the perceived stimulus itself has disappeared. The duration of information storage in this memory is short, no more than half a second. But sensory memory is very important; everything that connects us with the outside world passes through it. Also, thanks to sensory memory, we can see a sequence of movie frames as continuous movement.

From sensory memory, information worth attention moves into short-term memory, where it can be stored for several minutes or hours. Short-term memory is involved, for example, when we repeat “to ourselves” a telephone number dictated by someone, while simultaneously looking for a pen and notepad to write it down.

Important information moves from short-term memory to long-term memory, where it can be stored for years. As a rule, the process of long-term memorization of information occurs unconsciously. That is why we often forget important things and remember unimportant details that should have been forgotten long ago. However, there are techniques for conscious long-term memorization of information. This book will help you develop short-term and long-term memory, and learn how to consciously transfer information from short-term memory to long-term memory.

Good memory is associated with the ability to notice important things in what we see and hear, as well as to process information, present it in the form of images and connect it with what we already know. In other words, remembering requires attention and imagination. Training attention and imagination is the basis for memory development. The school of intelligence begins with exercises on attention and imagination.

Attention and memory

Attention is the ability to selectively perceive information, see and hear what is needed, without reacting to extraneous stimuli. For a focused person, noise does not interfere with reading. He perceives the text without being distracted by extraneous sounds. Concentration allows you to absorb all the nuances and details of what you need to remember without overloading your brain.

Trained attention differs from weak attention in that a person can control it. He is able to quickly focus attention, hold it for a long time on one subject when needed, and easily switch when changing activities.

“Nothing is so strengthened by diligence and nothing is weakened by negligence so much as memory.”
Marcus Fabius Quintillian

Who is this book for?

The book is intended for everyone who has difficulty remembering, feels the need to develop mental abilities and wants to become more effective in communication, work and in everyday life, learning to use the maximum capabilities of their brain.

What is the book “Development of Memory Using Special Services Methods” about?

The capabilities of the human brain are amazing: it is capable of coping with tasks that are inaccessible to the most modern computers. But this is only true if we train it regularly. If we are accustomed to using “crutches” such as organizers, navigators, notebooks, our memory weakens. If we do routine work day after day, if we overload our memory with information without filtering or systematizing it, the ability to concentrate, the acuity of perception, and the speed of reaction deteriorate. You know all this yourself. The good news is that it is reversible. Memory can and should be trained.

And the main profession for which excellent memory, clarity and speed of thinking are vital is the profession of intelligence officer. An intelligence officer cannot photograph the train schedule and the plan of a secret operation on his phone, he does not have time to study piles of documents for a long time and thoughtfully, and at the same time he must remember everything to the last detail and clearly reproduce it at the right moment. Real, not movie, reconnaissance is not running around with a gun, but working with information. So why don't we use the developments of intelligence agencies in everyday life?

Why is the book “Memory Development Using Special Services Techniques” Worth Reading?

  • The memory training program is based on secret service techniques, the effectiveness of which has been tested by time and generations of intelligence and counterintelligence officers.
  • Each chapter corresponds to the stages of an intelligence agent's career. You will go through all the stages of the intelligence school - from installer agent to double agent, from the simplest intelligence work to the most dangerous and complex.
  • Each stage-level contains instructions for memorization techniques and exercises for practicing them, including many interactive ones.
  • The book is full of illustrations and would make a wonderful gift.

Who are the creators

Denis Bukin
Born in Uralsk. He studied at the Novosibirsk Akademgorodok and in St. Petersburg. Graduated from the Faculty of Economics of St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. For a long time he worked in the economic services of large corporations in the energy and oil and gas industries. At the age of 35, he changed his life dramatically, leaving Gazprom and going to work for a small company, Empatika. In parallel with his work, he graduated from the Russian Academy of Public Administration, becoming a practical psychologist. Leads consulting projects. Participates in the creation of psychological applications for mobile phones. Engaged in private psychotherapeutic practice. Teaches at various Moscow universities. Writes books. Experience in large corporations, access to government officials and the people who train them, and his own psychotherapeutic practice allowed the author to write a book for people who, without having phenomenal abilities, want to improve their memory, sharpen their perception, and develop their thinking.

The name of the company comes from the word “empathy” - the ability to empathize and accept the position of other people. The company began as a consulting company, but it soon became clear that only our own projects allowed us to bring maximum freedom and creativity to our work. Over time, the place of consulting was taken by the development of applications for mobile devices and educational projects in various Moscow universities. Hundreds of students passed through the community around Empatika and went on to become managers or owners of their own businesses. The company's achievements in the field of mobile development include the following: inclusion of one of the App in the Air applications in the list of the 100 best applications in the world according to Business Insider; positioning App in the Air as one of the best applications for Apple mobile devices (Featured App); publications about the company on TechCrunch, Gizmodo, Mashable, iGeeksBlog, Android Central; article about the psychological app In Flow in The Guardian. Empatika company conducts its own research activities in the field of psychology of emotions, recognition of emotional state by facial expressions, clinical psychology of emotional and mood disorders. The results of one of the psychological studies were announced at the VI European Conference on Positive Psychology. A creative atmosphere, knowledge exchange and mutual assistance within the company are important to Empatika. This allows all kinds of people to work together, discuss, criticize and improve what they do.

How does the pocket version differ from the landscape version?

The first, album edition of this book sold out in large quantities and is constantly being reprinted, caused a resonance in the media, received the Runet Book Prize, but most importantly - the recognition of readers, many of whom admired the design, but complained that the book was “desktop” and impossible to carry with you . Therefore, we have prepared a compact version, which is identical in content to the landscape version (exercises and everything necessary for memory development in place!), but it has fewer illustrations, they are black and white and stylized as newspapers from the 1950s. Thanks to this trick, it was possible to make the book almost 200 pages thinner, and therefore lighter and cheaper.
Additional Resources
Book groups on social networks

Book website www.improve-memory.net

Key Concepts

Review from Ilya Sidorenko

As a child, I wanted to be a scout. It was this desire that helped me find motivation for active sports. Even though it was a childhood dream, even it was able to direct me to a new path. What am I talking about? Oh yes. Denis Bukin’s wonderful book helped me again plunge into the fairy-tale world of intelligence work. I really liked that the author chose an unusual way of presenting the material. He could r... Read more

Review from Galina Kurchenkova

It looks like it won't be difficult for me to pass the exams for the "scout school" soon. I’m already studying survival techniques, and then I came across another book from the publisher Alpina Publisher, Development of Memory Using the Methods of the Special Services: Pocket Version, and it turned out that the spy theme is not finished yet. After all, a scout must also have an excellent memory. But, jokes aside. Every person needs a good memory. And... Read more

Teaches at various Moscow universities. Writes books. Experience in large corporations, access to government officials and the people who train them, and his own psychotherapeutic practice allowed the author to write a book for people who, without having phenomenal abilities, want to improve their memory, sharpen their perception, and develop their thinking.