Techniques for entering the OS. Lucid dreaming: theory, personal experience, practice Mainly

Hello, friends!

  • I've never been to OS, but I really want to try it. You may have heard about this from friends or read on the Internet, but you haven’t tried to go out yourself because you don’t know how to do it
  • I’ve never been to the OS, but I’ve already tried some exit methods, but they didn’t work
  • I accidentally got into the OS in a dream, and I would like to learn how to do it of my own free will, on purpose.

This article may also be useful for those who already know how to enter such dreams and would like to increase the number of exits and make them more regular.

What are lucid dreams

In fact, this is a state when a person sleeps, dreams and at the same time understands that he is dreaming. A natural question arises: what are lucid dreams for? In them, a person can consciously do whatever he wants in a dream (for example, fly, change the environment, etc.) and receive various insights.

If you have never heard of this condition and are just becoming interested in the topic, I recommend you read my article. In it I talk about this amazing phenomenon and share my impressions of my first experience of such a journey, which happened when I was 17 years old.

So, let's talk about how to enter a lucid dream.

How to find yourself in a lucid dream

There are many options for getting into it, but in this post I will share with you only those that I use most often and which seem to me the simplest. Over many years of my practice, they have formed intuitively, and you can try them for yourself today.

These methods are convenient because they can be used without special preparation, such as long-term meditation or journaling. They are suitable for any person. If you're planning on going to bed tonight, these will suit you too.

You can perform them while half asleep. Do you remember this borderline state, half-asleep, between sleep and wakefulness? Usually in it a person sees bizarre pictures-images, or he may have slightly “strange” thoughts, or he may hear some sounds. It is in this state that you can most quickly find yourself in a lucid dream.

And you can “catch” him in three cases:

  • Just before falling asleep.
  • At the moment of randomly waking up at night.
  • And finally, at the moment of waking up in the morning, when you have not yet fully awakened.

If you succeeded, then you can safely use the methods that I will give below. Personally, I most often manage to access OS in the morning, during early awakening, and also during awakening at night. When falling asleep in the evening this happens much less often.

All the techniques below are performed without opening your eyes. If, when you accidentally wake up, you automatically open your eyes, then you can use a special mask to fall asleep.

It makes it possible not to wake up completely and not to interrupt the desired state by the influence of visual images. Thus, learning exits will go faster.

I gave these methods figurative names that reflect the essence to make them easier to remember.

Method number 1 Imagine yourself walking

When you feel like you are half asleep, imagine that you are, for example, walking into the kitchen. Please note that in this method I do not focus on the process of getting out of bed - we omit it, we just immediately imagine ourselves in a specific place.

Be sure to mentally choose a goal. For example, walk to the stove or to the refrigerator. Mentally, slowly, walk along the corridor. Visualize your path in as much detail as possible, look at the objects around you, for example, a mirror or bedside table.

You may even be able to smell some smells or listen to sounds. Stop, then take a few more steps.

Usually, as a result of such internal playback, it is possible to return oneself from the beginning of awakening to a state of sleep, but with awareness of one’s actions. Having “discovered” yourself, for example, in the kitchen near the stove, you will understand that you have managed to enter a lucid dream. Then you can walk around the apartment and take some actions.

I will write a separate post about exploring the world of dreams and what to do in it and how to use this time more effectively. Our task now is the way out itself.

Method #2 Pretend to get up

It differs from the previous one in that here we will focus on the very moment of “separation from the body.” When you find yourself half asleep, try to pretend that you are leaving your own body. Make a mental movement, for example, imagine lifting your head from the pillow, moving your arm and slowly rising.

You don't have to really get up, otherwise you might wake up completely. So, you are lying down, but imagine that you are getting up and sitting on the bed, then touching the blanket with your hands, throwing it back and lowering your feet to the floor...

At the same time, you need to not just imagine a picture, as you do when looking at yourself “from the outside,” no. In this method, it is necessary to participate in the process, as if starting from your real body.

Those. if you raise your head, the actual muscles of the neck are involved, they tense a little, but you don’t actually need to move your neck and head, otherwise you may be “yanked” out of sleep.

It's a little like the feeling when you scream "to yourself" - in a situation where you would like to shout, but you can't. Even though there is no screaming, your vocal muscles are being used.

There was a case in my life when I told a friend about this technique, and a few days later we went to the dacha. During the day, my friend lay down to sleep, and at the moment of awakening she managed to leave her body in this way. However, she was so impressed by this state that she got a little scared and did not continue exiting, but “entered” back into the body and woke up.

Method No. 3 Visualization of the subject

This technique works especially well if, in a state of half-asleep, you see some images, pictures, and so on. When images begin to float before your eyes, select one object in it and try to look at it in more detail.

When the object takes on a fairly clear outline and becomes very believable, as if in reality, you can try to touch it. If this succeeds, you are already in a lucid dream.

If there are no pictures, just peer into the darkness and try to see any simple object there. For example, a pen, cup or book. If nothing appears there, keep looking.

The state should not be tense, but concentrated. When the outlines of an object appear, try to mentally touch it, imagine how you do it. If it works, then you have achieved your goal.

Method number 4 Noise in the head

I use it less often, and it differs from the previous three in that here we will focus only on bodily sensations in the head and eyes. We will not visualize or imagine anything.

Having caught yourself in a state of half-sleep, without opening your eyes, focus on the top of your head. Try to create tension inside your head, as if something is compressing there. The sensation should be similar to what you feel when you close your eyes tightly. There is no need to close your eyes, just recreate this feeling.

Some may have difficulty figuring out how to do this. Personally, this method is easy for me, because before using it consciously, I woke up several times and quite accidentally caught myself experiencing these sensations, after which I involuntarily went into the OS.

However, I understand that for people who have never felt this way, it may not be entirely clear how to reproduce these sensations. How can you reproduce something you have never felt? Still, it's worth a try. To practice beforehand, close your eyes and try to create tension in your head.

Usually, if you manage to evoke it in a state of half-asleep, then a slight noise appears in your head after a few seconds. You can increase the noise intentionally. Subsequent sensations vary.

You may feel as if you are being pulled into a funnel, starting to spin, or being pulled somewhere upward. You may feel as if you are leaving your body through the top of your head or flying into the sky.

In fact, for an unprepared person, these sensations may not be very pleasant, especially since they are quite intense and bright. If this happens for the first time and by accident, you might get scared. However, now you know about them, which means you are prepared.

What affects the output

Some people manage to get into the lucid dream the first time, but there are also those who have been trying to get into a lucid dream for years, and without success. The question arises: perhaps some people have something that others don’t? And does anything affect the output to the OS?

According to my personal observations, the type of person influences the output. A type is not a label, and again, anyone can find themselves in a lucid dream, however, some find it a little easier than others.

Type is just a person’s way of perceiving the world. Psychologist Carl Gustav Jung identified so-called intuitive and feeling people. I will write a separate article about types of people in the psychology section, but here I will give only a brief description of these two types so that it is clear what we are talking about.

“Intuitive” people perceive and comprehend the world through ideas, imagination, insights, and intuitive premonitions. They do not have very good contact with the body and are not immediately aware of their physical needs. These people are a little absent-minded, and it often seems as if they are somewhere far away in their thoughts.

“Sentients,” on the other hand, stand firmly on their feet; they are usually more strongly built. They say about such people: “realists.” They quickly respond to physical stimuli - smells, colors, temperature. These people do not have their head in the clouds; they think concretely and know how to enjoy the present moment.

It is somewhat easier for intuitive people to immerse themselves in lucid dreams, however, this does not mean that sensing people are not capable of this. They just take a little longer. This is due to the fact that it is generally more difficult for sensers, as people who are more “earthly”, to allow the thought of such things into their consciousness, and often subconsciously they have a block to the very possibility of this phenomenon.

But if the perceiver has already entered the OS, then there he can, as they say, turn around to the fullest) A lucid dream will provide him with the whole gamut of imaginable and inconceivable sensations. Moreover, these sensations will be clearer and more vivid than those of intuitive ones.

If we talk about any special conditions for entering this state, then I believe that there are none. In my experience, I did not notice that the diet, for example, had any effect on the outputs. When I started lucid dreaming, I ate meat. Now I practically don’t eat meat, but this has not affected the number of times I go out. You should probably just avoid excesses in everything - don’t eat a lot at night, for example.

Also, my occurrences were not affected by either keeping dream diaries or falling asleep earlier or later. The only thing is that I am always “thrown out” into the OS when I sleep for the first day in a new place, for example, at the dacha or at a party.

By the way, dreams in nature also provoke me to go out. Otherwise, I did not identify a direct relationship.


If you notice that under some conditions you are able to log into the OS more often and faster, share your experience in the comments - I think it will be interesting and useful for blog readers to learn more about this.

I'm planning another one in which I'll talk about other ways to exit. I either use them extremely rarely or have not used them at all, but, nevertheless, I will give them for informational purposes - perhaps it will be useful to someone.

Well, this is where I will conclude my post. I hope it was interesting and useful for you. Share your experience in the comments, and I don’t say goodbye to you - see you in the next post!

With warmth to you,

A lucid dream (LD) is a special altered state of consciousness, which is radically different from ordinary sleep. In a lucid dream, the reality and clarity of perception of the surrounding space is not inferior to the objective one, and sometimes even seems even brighter than in the physical world. At the same time, the sleeper remembers that he is sleeping.

Remembering or entering the OS from an ordinary dream feels like passing through a pipe: as if something is being sucked into another, parallel world. This world is impermanent and changeable, unlike the earthly world, and therefore awareness can be maintained here only with full concentration of attention.

Attention management and lucid dreaming practice

Lack of concentration turns the OS into an ordinary dream, therefore many dreaming techniques are aimed at developing the ability to control one’s attention: through contemplating objects or stopping internal dialogue. These techniques develop the habit of bringing yourself back to your goal, which increases awareness, which works both in reality and in dreams. One of the methods for entering a lucid dream is to develop the habit of checking reality for authenticity, asking yourself the question “am I dreaming?” or returning oneself to the state of presence - “I am.” This habit increases the chances of remembering yourself in a dream and going into the OS.

Concentration in a lucid dream: capturing reality

Fixing attention on the hands is one of the effective methods used by practitioners to maintain their attention in a lucid dream. After all, logging into the OS is only the first step. And it is also important to be able to not fall back into sleep immediately after entering. For these purposes, touching dream objects or examining them in detail will help.

Concentrating on the objects of a lucid dream helps maintain the relative stability of the dream reality, preventing it from constantly floating. The surrounding space in a lucid dream is held by consciousness, but it can also be a clue to which consciousness holds on, maintaining its awareness. Although, in the second case, hands are still a more universal object for fixation, because they are always with us. However, in OS it can also happen that there are no objects for fixing attention, although these are isolated cases.

From personal experience

One day I seemed to be in a very unusual lucid dream. Everything around was absolutely white. At first my consciousness decided that the space around was limited by white walls, but when I tried to feel for at least some solid foundation, it turned out that there was none: there were no walls, no floor, not even my own body.

If we draw parallels with the esoteric systems of the hierarchy of the cosmos, we can assume that I found myself at the zero point of Alva, which the ancients called the ultimate depth of the universe. There are no divisions or manifestations in this world. The walls, originally outlined by my consciousness, were probably the product of a mind that was not immediately able to accept such an unusual state. In that reality, the only thing I could cling to to maintain awareness was just the memory of my existence “I am,” because no other objects to fixate on simply existed there. Having mastered this state, the practice of lucid dreaming will no longer require fixation on visual objects, which significantly expands the horizons of possible experience.

Scientific view

The phenomenon of lucid dreams has been scientifically confirmed experimentally. During the experiment, dreamers were able to prove their awareness in a dream by transmitting a signal with a certain eye movement. At the same time, it turned out that entering OS is most likely during the rapid phase of sleep, lasting from 5 to 15 minutes. This stage is on the threshold of wakefulness, and it is during this period that a person dreams.

The rapid phase of sleep occurs approximately 90 minutes after falling asleep, after the main and longest phase of slow sleep has passed. The phase of slow or deep sleep is associated with recovery processes. During this phase, all processes in the body slow down, muscle activity, breathing and heart rate decrease.

During the night, the human body goes through several such sleep cycles - from slow to fast sleep. And with each new repetition, the duration of the slow-wave sleep phase becomes shorter, and the REM sleep phase, accordingly, becomes longer.

Severe energy depletion can lead to complete exclusion from the REM sleep cycle, so the key to the practice of lucid dreaming is to ensure adequate rest. Lack of sleep and chronic fatigue sharply reduce not only the possibility of entering into an lucid dream, but also the likelihood of seeing and remembering even unconscious dreams.

Lucid dreaming techniques

In fact, dreams visit us at threshold states of consciousness - the period of falling asleep or waking up. Based on this, there are two options for entering the OS:

Technique for directly entering a lucid dream

This option is most suitable for daytime practices. Sleep in the middle of the day, as a rule, is superficial and light, at the level of drowsiness, without immersing in a deep phase, which makes direct access to OS more likely.

This technique of directly entering a lucid dream involves preserving the memory of the presence of your consciousness while maintaining complete stillness of the body. In this method, the main problem is precisely maintaining stillness, since the brain, checking consciousness for shutdown, can send various impulses to the body. You may suddenly feel a tingling, itching somewhere or a desire to change position. However, it turns out that the brain can be deceived: stopping internal dialogue and physical movements leads to falling asleep in about 15 minutes.

This method is also used in morning practice, when the body has already managed to fully recover during the night, but has not yet fully awakened. This method will help with a short sound signal set at a certain time, earlier than the usual wake-up time. The most favorable time is considered to be starting from 5 am.

A short sound signal for consciousness will be enough to bring it out of unconscious sleep, but not enough for it to move into full wakefulness. Thus, you will find yourself in that very threshold state, which some practitioners call a phase. Next, your task will remain to maintain awareness of your stay in the OS, which will be helped by the concentration practices suggested at the beginning of the article.

Technique for entering the OS from normal sleep

This technique of lucid dreaming involves remembering yourself directly in a dream. To do this, it is recommended that you perform a reality check from time to time while you are awake.

Reality check examples:

  • Time check. If you look at the clock in a dream, look away, and look again, the time will be different. The same goes for inscriptions;
  • Try flying, walking through a wall, or plunging your hand into a solid object. True, sometimes even in a dream this turns out to be impossible;
  • Look at your hands. In the dream, the lines on the hands will be different;
  • Thoughts about the past. Think about where you were before you got here or try to remember yesterday;
  • Count your fingers. In a dream, their number may be more or less than ten;
  • Try breathing with your nose closed;
  • Reach for the ceiling;

There are still a whole host of options for testing reality for objectivity. You can use accessories: for example, wear a ring or bracelet without removing it, checking it tactilely or visually from time to time. You can set yourself sound signals during sleep and wakefulness, associate awareness of yourself here and now with some action: for example, passing through doorways, or checking email, or reading SMS. For the best effect, it is worth using different methods, even better creating your own.

An alternative technique for inducing lucid dreaming

Another, alternative technique for indirectly entering OS is setting an intention before falling asleep. Conventionally, this can be tied to the phrase “this night I will have a lucid dream.” However, the main point here is not in the words, but in the strong-willed message that is embedded in them. After the message has been formed, you should turn off the internal dialogue and fall asleep. A preliminary recapitulation of the day and focusing your attention before going to bed, for example, on the heart chakra or on a pleasant image that you would like to meet during your upcoming dream practice will help you get rid of obsessive thoughts.

189. The costs associated with performing auxiliary work during task context switching depend on the size of the time slice:

1. No

2. Yes

190. OS authentication functions are aimed at:

1. Calculate and collect information about user rights and security permissions in the system

2. Certificate of combination of identifier and code combination

191. When a thread is created, the OS generates a special information a stream descriptor structure containing:

1. Priority

2. Flow state data

3. Stream codes and data

4. Thread ID

5. Access rights

192. In operating systems that support processes and threads, a thread is a sequence:

1. Data

2. Teams

3. Call

4. Operands

5. Addresses

193. Interrupt mechanism supported:

1. Using OS tools

2. Hardware

3. Together hardware and software

194. Choose the correct statements:

1. The process context contains the information about the process necessary for the kernel to resume its execution from the interrupted point. To this

information can include the contents of processor registers, descriptors of files opened by a given process

2. The process context contains the information about the process necessary for the kernel, regardless of whether the process image is in RAM or paged out to disk. This information may include process status, priority values, and the ID of the user who created the process.

195. The following criteria for the efficiency of a computing system emphasize the role of the OS to the greatest extent:

1. Bandwidth

2. User experience

3. GUI quality

4. Reactivity

5. Number of users

196. Choose the correct statements:

1. When using a symmetric multiprocessor architecture, the OS can run on only one processor, while other processors run user applications

2. When using symmetric multiprocessor architecture, the OS, like user applications, can be executed on any processor

197. For computing technology and OS during the period 1965-1975 is characterized by the following features:

1. During this period, almost all the basic mechanisms inherent in modern operating systems were implemented: multiprogramming, multiprocessing, virtual memory, file systems. However, mechanisms for supporting multi-terminal multi-user mode and access control will appear later. Multiprogramming has been implemented in batch processing systems and time sharing systems.

2. During this period, almost all the basic mechanisms inherent in modern operating systems were implemented: multiprogramming, multiprocessing, support for multi-terminal multi-user mode, virtual memory, file systems, access control. Multiprogramming was only implemented in batch processing systems.

3. During this period, almost all the basic mechanisms inherent in modern operating systems were implemented: multiprogramming, multiprocessing, virtual memory, file systems. However, virtual memory and access control mechanisms will appear later. Multiprogramming was only implemented in time-sharing systems.

4. During this period, almost all the basic mechanisms inherent in modern operating systems were implemented: multiprogramming, multiprocessing, support for multi-terminal multi-user mode, virtual memory, file systems, access control. Multiprogramming has been implemented in batch processing systems and time sharing systems.

198. OS is a set of interconnected programs that act as an interface between applications and users, on the one hand, and on the other hand

1. Information storage devices

2. External devices

3. RAM

4. Computer hardware

199. A set of callable routines included in a single binary file that applications can dynamically load during execution is called:

1. program

2. auxiliary module

3. dynamic link library

4. procedure

200. Procedures called by interrupts are usually called:

1. Interrupt dispatchers

2. Interrupt vectors

3. Interrupt handlers

201. Batch file management commands include:

1. CPU instructions

2. Language of directives

3. OS command language

4. Programming language

5.Language control

202. In Windows NT, user mode threads... preempt kernel mode threads if they have higher priority

1. They can’t

2. They can

203. In client versions of Windows, the default quantum is:

1. One system timer interval

2. Five system timer intervals

3. Three system timer intervals

4. Two system timer intervals

204. Choose the correct statements:

1. With a microkernel OS architecture, a very small part of the OS remains in protected mode, called the microkernel, which contains modules that perform only basic kernel functions. All other high-level kernel functions are designed as auxiliary modules, which also work in protected mode, but separately from the microkernel

2. With a microkernel OS architecture, a very small part of the OS remains in protected mode, called the microkernel, which contains modules that perform only basic kernel functions. All other high-level kernel functions are packaged as applications running in user mode

3. With a microkernel OS architecture, a very small part of the OS remains in privileged mode, called the microkernel, which contains modules that perform only basic kernel functions. All other high-level kernel functions are packaged as applications running in user mode

4. With a microkernel OS architecture, a very small part of the OS remains in privileged mode, called the microkernel, which contains modules that perform only basic kernel functions. All other high-level kernel functions are designed as auxiliary modules, which also operate in privileged mode, but separately from the microkernel

205. The presence of alternative components of the same type (monitors, drivers, bootloaders, etc.) in the OS corresponds to the principle:

1. Development

2. Openness

3. Functional redundancy

4. Transparency

5. Defaults

6. Scalability

206. Interrupt vector in real processor mode-This:

2. Address of the entry point to the interrupt handler

3. Cell number in the interrupt vector table

4. Interrupt request line number

207. When developing a portable OS, it should be securely isolated in several modules, not distributed throughout the system hardware dependent:

1. Buffer

2. Code

3. Exchange

4. Input

5. Conclusion

208. Resource managers in microkernel architecture work in:

1. Kernel mode

2. Protected mode

3. Custom mode

4. Privileged mode

5. Real mode

209. Typically, groups of functions for managing and solving specific problems of organizing the computing process are supported in the OS separately:

1. Subsystems

2. In parts

3. Programs

4. Modules

5. Procedures

210. Sometimes OS developers move away from the classic version of it..., allowing some of the most important OS applications to run in privileged mode.


211. When important OS applications are running in... mode, performance is reduced, but the OS protection from running applications is enhanced

priv ilegi

212. Ideally, the machine-specific kernel component layer completely shields... part of the OS from specific hardware platform details for the supported set of platforms.

213. Windows 2000 uses... a thread scheduling algorithm


214. An alternative to the classic way of building an OS is...



215. Creating several application software environments within one OS allows you to have a single version of the program and... it between different OSs.


216. Ideally, the...kernel component layer completely shields the upper layers of the OS kernel from specific hardware platform details for the supported set of platforms.


218. Processor time is distributed by the OS between...


219. To speed up the execution of foreign programs (with the API of another OS), application software environments... in the “native” language, frequent calls to foreign library functions, for example, a graphical user interface.


220. The emulator must sequentially decrypt each... of the first processor, determining the specified actions, and then execute an equivalent subroutine written in the codes of the second processor


221. Based on the type of license, OS can be divided into... and free


222. Queue servicing discipline is a set of rules for removing a process request from a queue and then providing it... for use.


223. Interrupts that have the same priority value are said to be of the same... interrupt priority

224. From an architectural point of view, the OS consists of... and auxiliary modules

225. Like regular applications, all... OS modules access kernel functions through system calls

will help

226. In real-time systems, to work out a static schedule, the scheduler is activated by interruptions from... that occur at short time intervals (about 32 ms)

227. Requests from applications and users to create a new task or to increase the priority of an existing task create a new situation that requires a review of queues and... the processor


228. In systems with absolute priorities, the time a thread waits in a queue can be minimized if it is assigned the highest ... priority

229. Creating... requires less overhead from the OS than creating a process

230. A thread that has made a synchronous (blocking) system call is transferred by the OS scheduler to the... state, and after the call is completed, to the ready state.


231. Every second, hundreds of events occur in the system related to the allocation and release of resources, and the OS must have reliable and efficient means of synchronizing... with these events.


232. A certain entity inside a process that receives CPU time is called...

233. When running important OS applications in... mode, it increases

performance, but the OS protection from running applications is weakened, the reliability of which in this case should be equal to the reliability of the OS itself.


234. If... is a static object that represents a file with codes and data, then a process is a dynamic OS object that appears in the system after the user or OS decides to create a new unit of computational work.


235. Software interrupts are often used to perform a limited number of calls to OS kernel functions - ... calls


236. There are a number of system call events that require the scheduler to execute... .


237. The method of interaction... in a real OS may differ from the typical version of the multilayer structure.

238. Windows NT uses ... privilege levels for kernel mode and user mode

239. To achieve OS portability, hardware-dependent code must be securely... in several modules, and not distributed throughout the system

isolated a

240. The appearance of a new process in the system creates a situation requiring a review of queues and... the processor


241. A process is a dynamic OS object that appears in the system after the user or... decides to run a program, that is, to create a new unit of computational work.


242. To streamline the work of interrupt handlers, the OS allocates a software module called... interrupt


243. The developer of an application for an OS with non-preemptive multitasking can himself determine the moments when control returns, excluding irrational... programs at “inconvenient” times for them.


244. Internal interrupts (or exceptions) occur... with program execution (within instruction cycles) when an emergency occurs during the execution of some instruction.


245. The thread that made the synchronous (blocking) call is transferred

by the OS scheduler into a waiting state, and after processing is completed

call – in state....

news ready

246. An increase in the number of core layers leads to a slight slowdown in its operation due to interlayer interaction, and a decrease leads to... the expandability and consistency of the system.

247. Since sending a signal requires knowledge of the process identifier, interaction through signals is possible only between...

processes that can obtain information about each other's identifiers

kinship enne

248. Interrupt priority means that all interrupt sources are divided into classes and each class is assigned its own... interrupt request

a priority

249. Before executing a software interrupt, the application transmits to the OS...

system call, which is an index in an additional table of addresses of OS procedures that implement system calls.

250. The interval of CPU time allocated to a thread for execution is called...

251. The system call manager stores the contents of processor registers on the system stack and checks whether the requested call number falls within a supported OS... and transfers control to the addressed OS procedure.


252. The user's main attention is focused on the programming language, and the virtual machine is perceived by him as a “black box” that executes his programs... he is not interested in the virtual machine.


253. If... the situation does arise, it often helps to try to start resolving some tasks or blocked threads.

dead ends

254. OS security functions are closely related to the functions..., since it is the privileged person who determines the rights of users when they access the computer system.


255. To add a new high-level OS function, it is enough to develop the appropriate... without modifying the most important kernel functions


256. An important reason for using... interrupts instead of regular instructions

calling subroutines is the ability to change user mode to privileged mode simultaneously with calling a procedure.


257. OS is a complex... and data that organizes the solution of a problem and the user’s interaction with CAD technical tools.


258. Ability of a system to withstand predetermined time intervals

between running a program and getting the result is called...

reagent but

259. Planning is called... if decisions are made while the system is operating based on an analysis of the current situation

more dynamic

260. Graphical user interface subsystems in different operating systems may have visual differences in the presentation of application panels and windows, dialog boxes, message boxes, icons, bars..., quick start bars


261. Software interrupts are... in relation to the stream of instructions of the interrupted program


262. Process switching tools are designed to quickly...

the context of the suspended process and restore the context of the process that becomes active.


263. Depending on the source, interruptions are divided into 3 classes: external,

internally and...


264. Depending on the source, interruptions are divided into three classes: ..., internal and software.

265. After the system call completes, control returns...

system calls along with the completion code for this call


266. In Windows NT, hardware interrupts have... priority over software ones.

267. Creation of several application software within one OS...

allows you to have a single version of the program and transfer it between different operating systems.

268. Graphical user interface subsystems in various operating systems can

There are two types of techniques for entering a lucid dream:

1. Direct (controlled regulation of state).
2. Indirect (self-programming methods).

1.1.Method of concentrating attention on the physical body.
When falling asleep in the evening or after waking up, you need to relax as much as possible, lowering your attention, which needs to be fixed on one thought: passive observation of the internal sensations of the body. Be sure to relax your eyes: we do not see the OS with them. As you move further into the transitional state between wakefulness and sleep, listen to your body. The most effective thing is observation (but not control!) of breathing and heartbeat, which often leads to the appearance of vibrations - this is a feeling of flickering of the energy body. If you have problems with insomnia, when exhaling, imagine (feel) how the air is leaving the spine. After some time, the dream picture should appear, but to succeed, you first need to sacrifice part of your consciousness. You can also achieve the desired dream by visualizing the corresponding visual (and not only) images.

1.2. Position of the physical body during OS.

The optimal position is on the right side; crossing your arms is possible, and sometimes desirable (to increase awareness). This situation is especially true in the MVOS technique.
100% hit the OS: lie on your back, bend your knees up, position your legs so that they do not fall. Although this method always works, it is difficult to maintain the stability of the body position.

1.3.Minimum attention method.

Works best when waking up at night or in the morning. When you wake up, get out of bed for ~15 minutes, doing whatever you want. Then you should lie down, completely relax, and fall asleep. Passively watch the flashing images. But you don’t need to remain fully conscious; your attention should be in the background. By sacrificing a decrease in awareness, you increase the likelihood of entering a dream. As soon as the dream picture becomes clear, increase your level of awareness. This method can also create dreams of the desired content. Indirect methods rely on spontaneity and awareness during sleep.

2.1. Power of desire and rhythmic breathing.

The most basic method– developing the intention to have OS. But the possibility of its implementation increases many times in synthesis with rhythmic breathing.
Lie on your back, completely relaxed. Take a full breath (inhale), counting, for example, to 6, hold the air in your lungs for 3 seconds, exhale for 6 seconds, 3 seconds. don't breathe, etc. Having learned to breathe in this way (rhythmically), formulate the desire to have lucidity during such breathing.

2.2. Invoking desired dreams.

Every time you go to bed in the evening, formulate the intention to have a dream with the desired content. You need to clearly know what you want to do in this dream, preferably something that you would not do in real life. The trick of having to say something to a loved one or any person in a dream works, for example. "This is a dream!".

2.3. Actions in daily life.

A useful method is a reality check for dreams. Choose a place you love that you visit at least once a day. As you pass by, contemplate it, checking whether it is a dream.

2.4. "Birth again" exercise.

Close your eyes. And intensely order yourself, “I forgot everything. I do not know anything. Everything is unfamiliar." Next, for 2-3 minutes, perform an internal “touch” (sliding of attention along the surface of involuntarily unfolding visual ideas). Then quickly open your eyes. If self-hypnosis works, you will see the familiar environment as if anew, alienated. Repeat this 5 times - each time the effect will intensify, you will to some extent get closer to that primordial vision, or rather, the initial sensation of things that you had in infancy. This is the dream attention, and if you are lucky, the second attention.

2.5. Method of entering a dream through OS without an image.

If you realize that you are sleeping and there is no muscle tone in your body, try to fly out of your body. With some practice, the movements will become easy. Then imagine that there is a certain object in front of you, and, stretching your energy body towards it, feel it. In this way, you can feel any objects, and, including vision, fall into the desired dream created in the imagination. Such operating systems are very stable and long lasting.

2.6. The essence of intention is confidence and ambition.

For me, intention is rather not the desire to have an OS, but the confidence that there will be one. This is the fulfillment of an intention at the expense of the intention itself (for example, inspire yourself: “I really want to have an OS and therefore I will succeed”).

– direct entries into the OS are best done not in the evening, but after natural awakening; or, if tired, during the day; It’s better not to experiment with alarm clocks;
– to be honest, body position doesn’t really matter;
– when directly entering the OS, contrary to expectations, at first there may be a feeling of fear that must be ignored;
– moderate alcohol consumption and physical exercise do not worsen success in OS practice, and may even improve it;
– mild stress does not affect the frequency of OS occurrences, but severe stress reduces their number;
– sleep disturbance can have both a positive and negative effect on the amount of sleep;
– to increase the duration of the OS, you need to make the appropriate intention in the dream, not make active movements and not blink the eyes of the physical or energy body;
– in a dream, stop the flow of unnecessary thoughts in time so as not to lose awareness.

Techniques for deepening and holding in OS/VTP Getting into the OS is one thing, staying there is another thing. And also be able to “deepen the state.” For now, M. Raduga has a more complete description of such tactics in his book “Outside the Body.” In other cases, for some reason these topics are practically not touched upon, which is why many problems and fantasies arise. For example, deepening can be considered as a transition from one “astral subplane” to another, or even generally distinguish the place where a person is during an OS/OBE.

Share your findings on this issue. In the meantime, here is a list of such techniques, collected from various sources, but mainly from Rainbow, for which respect and respect to him. :) This does not mean that he or anyone else is the creator of the techniques, but highlighting the problem of deepening and retaining can be even more important.

1. Reminder
Remind yourself in the OS that you are in a dream. Hold.

2. Using vibrations
Intensifying the vibrations to the maximum – deepening and holding. Strengthen throughout the body when deepening; further, with the help of small new impulses, do not let the vibrations stop completely.

3. Rotation
In OS for deepening.

4. Concentration on breathing (in the body)
When an OBE begins, while still in the body, concentrate on breathing to deepen the state.

5. Listening
Concentrating on sounds, also increase the degree of deepening.

6. Feeling
Deepening and holding by palpation - just feel everything around. The bed, the floor, objects, yourself. If you feel like you are being thrown out of the OS/OBE, you can even try to catch on to some object. :)

7. By looking.
“Well, where are your pens, pens, pens?!” (With) :))
Go deeper by trying to see a clearer, sharper picture. Hold on, looking at everything around you. Convenient to use your hands.
The exception is not to look at the panorama.

8. Fall and flight
Falling upside down to deepen the condition. Jump straight down through the floor. Even if at the onset of an OBE nothing is visible or felt around you, but soon, when you fall, sensations and vision begin to appear.
Flight also helps to go deeper, but to a weaker extent.

9. stopping internal dialogue
So that extraneous thoughts do not distract you and throw you into reality.

10. Fear
For extreme people. :)
Fear increases realism and the state itself.

11. Active actions
Don’t stop, but move, keep yourself busy with something; stopping immediately threatens to return to reality.

Explanations: Deepening is an increase in the realism of the space of a lucid dream (as well as OBE). At the same time, all “phantom” sense organs are perceived in the same way as real ones in real life. Clear vision, tactile sensations, taste, smell, hearing. The space is stable. Realism may even exceed the realism of the real thing itself. Which is not surprising: after all, the space around is created by the brain itself. As you can see, many techniques represent the work of some sense organ. For example, our hands and ours contain many nerve endings. The very development of the hand gave intelligence to our anthropoid ancestors. Therefore, when we feel, we increase brain function, which leads to control and clarity of sensations. Feeling with phantom hands, we improve that phantom world. Another point - what was the start in the OS/VTP. After all, awareness can come during an ordinary dream already in the sleep space. Or, when directly entering the OS, you may find yourself in the dark, without clear sensations. If in the first case, with the already ready-made realism of the OS space, you can only secure yourself by holding, then in the second case you need to immediately apply deepening techniques so as not to “return to the body”, not to wake up. Creator: Londo. Well, now, armed with such information, you can safely set off to conquer the world of lucid dreams... Good luck to you!

At the same time, the material has undergone such serious processing that it is quite problematic to recognize the original text in what has turned out. There are no further plans to reissue this material as a separate book. The author strongly recommends reading Programming: An Introduction to the Profession instead of this book, which is not only outdated, but was also largely unsuccessful from the start.


The manual presents the material of the lecture course "Operating Systems", read by the author for second-year undergraduate students of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Mathematics of Moscow State University. M.V.Lomonosov from 2004 to 2011 The course includes theoretical information about the tasks of operating systems, the organization of multitasking, input-output, and virtual memory management. Using the Unix OS as an example, the interaction of a user task with the operating system is illustrated: system calls for input/output, process management, means of process interaction in the Unix OS, input/output multiplexing and the basics of event-oriented programming are described. Information is provided about the problems that arise when working with shared data, the classical concepts of a mutex and Dijkstra's semaphore are introduced, problems about five philosophers, about producers and consumers, about readers and writers are analyzed; The material is illustrated using the example of semaphores and mutexes of the Posix standard, for which basic information about lightweight processes (threads) and the pthread library is given. Briefly outlines the architectural foundations of the X Window System.

Paper publications

Electronic version

Warning: the text in its officially published version contains a number of inaccuracies, factual errors and typographical errors known to the author. The content of the lectures given in recent years differed somewhat from the material presented in the text of the published manual.

Status of the paper version

It has not been put on public sale and is only available in the library of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Mathematics of Moscow State University.