Terrorist attacks in the world over the past 5 years. The world's largest terrorist attack

After the Beslan tragedy, the Russian President declared September 3 as the Day of Remembrance for Victims of Terrorism. On the anniversary of this mournful event, mourning rallies, moments of silence, requiem concerts are held throughout the country, candles are lit in memory of the victims and 334 white balloons are launched into the sky - according to the number of victims of the terrorist attack. On this day, we remember not only the victims of Beslan, but also all Russians who suffered at the hands of terrorists. People bring flowers to the sites of tragedies. In Moscow, mourning events are held at the Monument to the Victims of Terrorism on Dubrovka.

School No. 1 in Beslan

  • RIA News

On September 1, 2004, in the North Ossetian city of Beslan, militants captured more than 1,100 students from school No. 1, their relatives and teachers. People were forced into a gym and kept there for three days without food or water. On September 2, after negotiations with the ex-president of the Republic of Ingushetia, Ruslan Aushev, the bandits released 25 women and children. On September 3, shooting and explosions began in the building, and security officers were forced to launch an assault. Most of the hostages were freed, 334 people died, including 186 children. More than 800 were injured. The militants were killed, one survivor was sentenced to death penalty, commuted to life imprisonment. International terrorist Shamil Basayev (liquidated in 2006) took responsibility for the terrorist attack.

Terrorist attack on Dubrovka

  • RIA News

On October 23, 2002, a group of armed militants broke into the Dubrovka Theater Center in Moscow. The musical “Nord-Ost” was on stage. The terrorists took more than 900 people hostage and mined the building. They declared themselves suicide bombers and demanded the withdrawal of Russian troops from Chechnya. On the morning of October 26, special forces began an assault, during which nerve gas was used. The leader of the militants, Movsar Barayev, and most of the terrorists were killed, and three were detained. 130 hostages died. Shamil Basayev took responsibility for the terrorist attack.

Interrupted flight

  • RIA News

On August 24, 2004, two passenger planes crashed almost simultaneously. Both took off from Moscow Domodedovo Airport: the Tu-154 of Siberia Airlines was heading to Sochi, the Tu-134 of Volga-Aviaexpress was heading to Volgograd. Explosions on board the liners occurred within a minute of each other at 22:54 and 22:55. The explosive devices were detonated by female suicide bombers. All passengers and crew on both planes were killed. The number of victims is 89 people.

Explosions in the Moscow metro

  • RIA News

On February 6, 2004, a carriage was blown up on the Zamoskvoretskaya metro line between the Avtozavodskaya and Paveletskaya stations. The deadly device was detonated by a suicide bomber. As a result, 41 people were killed and about 250 were injured.

On March 29, 2010, two female suicide bombers carried out explosions at the Lubyanka and Park Kultury metro stations. 41 people were killed and more than 90 were injured. Doku Umarov (liquidated in 2013) took responsibility for the terrorist attack.

Two more terrorist attacks occurred in close proximity to metro stations. On August 8, 2000, an explosive device went off in an underground passage on Pushkinskaya Square in Moscow: 13 people were killed and 118 were injured. On August 31, 2004, a suicide bomber blew herself up near the Rizhskaya metro station: 10 people were killed and 50 were injured.

Bloody September 1999

In September 1999, Russia was rocked by a series of terrorist attacks.

On September 4, in Buinaksk, Dagestan, a GAZ-52 truck was blown up next to the five-story building 3 on Levanevsky Street, in which lived the families of servicemen of the 136th motorized rifle brigade of the Russian Ministry of Defense. There were 2.7 thousand kilograms in the car explosive from aluminum powder and ammonium nitrate. Two entrances were destroyed, 58 people were killed, 146 were injured. Later, 6 more people died from their injuries.

On September 8, an explosion occurred in Moscow on Guryanov Street. An explosive device went off on the first floor of 9-story residential building 19. Two entrances were completely destroyed. 92 people were killed and 264 were injured.

  • RIA News

On September 13, an explosion occurred on Kashirskoe Highway in Moscow - in the basement of an 8-story residential building. The power of the explosion was 300 kilograms of TNT. 124 people were killed, 9 were injured.

On September 16, in the city of Volgodonsk, Rostov region, a GAZ-53 truck loaded with explosives detonated near a 9-story building on Oktyabrskoye Highway. The power of the explosion was 1-1.5 thousand kilograms of TNT. As a result, the façade of two entrances collapsed and a fire broke out on some floors. 19 people died, the total number of victims was 310.

"Nevsky Express"

  • RIA News

The first attempt to blow up the Nevsky Express was made on August 13, 2007. Then an electric locomotive and 12 carriages derailed, about 60 people were injured. On November 27, 2009, the second terrorist attack occurred - at the 285th kilometer of Oktyabrskaya railway. The last three carriages derailed. 28 people were killed and more than 90 were injured.


  • RIA News

On New Year's Eve, two terrorist attacks occurred in Volgograd.

On December 29, 2013, a suicide bomber tried to enter the railway station building, but was stopped by senior police sergeant Dmitry Makovkin. The terrorist detonated an explosive device at the entrance to the inspection area. 18 people were killed and 45 were injured. Dmitry Makovkin, who prevented the terrorist from entering the waiting room, was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage. The next day, December 30, another terrorist attack occurred - another suicide bomber detonated a bomb on trolleybus 15A in the Dzerzhinsky district of the city. 16 people were killed and 25 injured.

Waiting room in Domodedovo

  • RIA News

On January 24, 2011, at Moscow Domodedovo Airport, in the international arrivals hall, a suicide bomber detonated an explosive device. An explosion thundered through the crowd of people greeting them. 38 people were killed and 116 injured.

Ilya Oganjanov

May 9, 2002- terrorist attack in Kaspiysk (Dagestan). The explosive device went off as a festive column of troops passed by. 45 people were killed, including 12 children, and more than 170 were injured.

October 23 - October 26, 2002- T The attack on Dubrovka. An armed group of 40 terrorists broke into the building where the popular musical "Nord-Ost" was being performed and took 912 people hostage, including women and children. Almost three days later, the building was stormed, as a result of which the terrorists were destroyed and the surviving hostages were freed. 130 hostages became victims of the terrorist attack.

Photo ITAR-TASS/Anton Denisov

Photo ITAR-TASS/Konstantin Kizhel

February 6, 2004 On the Zamoskvoretskaya line of the Moscow metro, on the stretch between the Avtozavodskaya and Paveletskaya stations, an explosion occurred in a train carriage. A strong fire broke out in the tunnel. As a result of the terrorist attack, 41 people were killed and more than 130 were injured.

Photo ITAR-TASS/ Fedor Savintsev

September 1, 2004. As a result of the terrorist takeover Beslan school No. 1, more than 1,200 people were taken hostage. 334 people were killed and later died from injuries, 186 of them were children. 126 former hostages became disabled, 70 of whom were children.

Photo ITAR-TASS/Uzakov Sergey

Photo ITAR-TASS/ Grigory Sysoev

October 13, 2005 at approximately 9.20 a.m. Moscow time during a drill review of law enforcement personnel in Nalchik (Kabardino-Balkaria) the buildings of departments and divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB directorate, Center “T” and the border guard unit were attacked by 12 groups of militants. As a result, 87 terrorists were killed and 50 were detained, 12 civilians and 35 police and security officers were killed, more than 100 people were wounded, including 85 law enforcement officers.

Photo ITAR-TASS/Valery Matytsin

Photo ITAR-TASS/Valery Matytsin

August 21, 2006- explosion at the Cherkizovsky market in Moscow. The explosion killed 14 people and injured 61 people.

Photo ITAR-TASS/ Vitaly Belousov

Photo ITAR-TASS/ Vitaly Belousov

November 27, 2009 on the railway tracks near the village of Lykoshino on the 284th kilometer of the Oktyabrskaya railway, two explosive devices were planted, which went off during the passage high speed train "Nevsky Express"The terrorist attack claimed the lives of 27 people and injured more than 150 passengers.

Photo ITAR-TASS/Vadim Zhernov

Photo ITAR-TASS/Vadim Zhernov

March 29, 2010 on the Sokolnicheskaya line Moscow metro During the morning rush hour at the Lubyanka and Park Kultury stations, two female suicide bombers detonated shell-free explosive devices. As a result of the terrorist attacks, 40 people were killed and more than 140 were injured. varying degrees gravity.

Photo ITAR-TASS/Vladimir Astapkovich

Photo ITAR-TASS/ Denis Abramov

January 24, 2011 in the international arrivals hall of the airport Domodedovo the terrorist detonated a homemade explosive attached to his belt. The explosion killed 37 people and injured 172 people.

Freeze frame "Russia 24"


A terrorist act is a shame for all humanity. History remembers many brutal murders and bloody wars, but no war can compare with the cruelty and mercilessness of the organizers and perpetrators of these incidents.

Apart from the generally accepted statistics of deaths and injuries, no one undertakes to evaluate the social and psychological impact on people who witnessed terrible events. People who have experienced post-traumatic shock experience nightmares throughout their lives with memories of the events they experienced.

The attacks were carried out by fanatics of all stripes: religious radicals, nationalists and crazy revolutionaries. Each villain had their own wild explanations. But all the victims were united by one common feature- defenselessness.

The sad statistics of victims of terrorist attacks in the world is growing every year. Data on the number of victims of acts of intimidation from 1994 to 2015.

About the largest terrorist attacks in modern history.

On June 23, 1985, terrorists blew up a Boeing 747 Air company India over the Atlantic. The terrorist attack killed 329 people and was considered the largest before September 11, 2001.

On October 23, 1983, in Beirut, Hezbollah militants blew up two trucks with explosives near the barracks of US Marines and French paratroopers. 299 people died.

On June 23, 1985, Sikh extremists detonated a bomb on board a Boeing 747. airlines Air India, traveling from Montreal to London. 329 people died.

On December 21, 1988, a Pan American Boeing 747 flying from London to New York crashed over Lockerbie, Scotland. The disaster occurred as a result of an explosion of a Libyan intelligence officer on board. 270 people died.

On December 27, 1988, at the airports of Rome and Vienna, terrorists of the Palestinian organization Abu Nidal shot with machine guns passengers standing at the ticket counters of Israeli airlines. 16 people were killed and more than 120 were injured.

On September 19, 1989, a bomb exploded on board a DC-10 of the French airline UTA, flying from the Congo to Paris. 171 passengers died.

On March 12, 1993, a series of terrorist attacks were carried out in Bombay (now Mumbai). The explosions were organized by a criminal group headed by Davud Ibrahim. Terrorists detonated 13 cars filled with explosives near the stock exchange, immigration department, post office and several hotels. The explosions killed 257 people.

On March 20, 1995, members of the Aum Shinrikyo sect sprayed sarin gas at 16 Tokyo subway stations. More than 3 thousand people were injured, 12 died.

On April 19, 1995, in Oklahoma (USA), far-right terrorist Timothy McVeigh detonated a bomb in the Alfred Murray Federal Building. 168 people died.

On June 14, 1995, in Budennovsk, a detachment of militants led by Shamil Basayev captured a hospital where about two thousand people were staying. The hostages were kept for six days without food or water. As a result of the terrorist attack, 143 hostages were killed and about 400 were injured.

On August 7, 1998, a truck loaded with explosives was detonated near the US Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya. 213 people died. More than five thousand people were injured. Claimed responsibility for the attack radical organization"Islamic Army for the Liberation of Islamic Holy Places."

On September 4, 1999, in the city of Buynaksk (Dagestan), a 5-story residential building was blown up, in which the families of officers of the 136th brigade of the Ministry of Defense lived. Two entrances collapsed completely. 64 people died, including 23 children. 146 people were seriously injured. According to the investigation, this terrorist attack was organized and financed by the leaders of the illegal armed group Islamic Institute "Caucasus" Emir al-Khattab and Abu Umar.

On the night of September 8–9, 1999, a residential building on 19 Guryanova Street in Moscow was blown up. As a result of the terrorist attack, more than 90 people were killed and about 200 were injured.

On September 13, 1999, a residential building on Kashirskoye Highway was blown up in Moscow. It was completely destroyed. More than 120 people died.

On September 16, 1999, a residential building was blown up in the city of Volgodonsk, Rostov Region. 18 people died, including two children, and 310 people were injured.

September 11, 2001 in the skyscrapers of the World shopping center Three planes flown by al-Qaeda terrorists crashed into the Pentagon building in New York. Another crashed in Pennsylvania. Al-Qaeda, led by Osama Bin Laden, claimed responsibility for the attack. According to him own statement, the attacks were carried out "because we are a free people who do not accept injustice, and we want to restore freedom to our nation." The victims of the terrorist attacks were 2,977 people: 246 passengers and crew members of aircraft, 2,606 people in New York, another 125 in the Pentagon building. More than 1,600 bodies were identified, but about 1,100 people could not be identified.

On the night of October 13, 2002 on the island of Bali (Indonesia) near a disco in the city of Kuta, as a result of a series of explosions carried out by suicide bombers, about 190 people were killed and more than 300 were injured. At the same time, explosive devices were detonated near the US consulates in Bali and the Philippine Consulate General in Manado, the capital of North Sulawesi province.

On October 23, 2002, a group of militants led by Chechen separatist Movsar Barayev took over 900 hostages in the building of the Moscow Theater Center on Dubrovka during the musical “Nord-Ost”. During the storming of the building, three days later, gas was released into the hall where the terrorists and hostages were located. According to official data, 130 people were killed and more than 700 people were injured.

On November 20, 2003, five explosions occurred in Istanbul, including at the British Consulate General and at a branch of one of the British banks. As a result of the attack, 28 people were killed and 450 people were injured. Al-Qaeda and the Turkish radical Islamist group “Front of the Islamic Mujahideen of the East” took responsibility for the incident.

On February 6, 2004, on the stretch between the Avtozavodskaya and Paveletskaya stations on a Moscow metro train, a suicide bomber detonated a bomb. As a result of the terrorist attack, 41 people were killed and about 250 were injured.

As a result of a series of explosions on March 11, 2004, several explosions occurred at the Atoche train station in Madrid. 191 people were killed and 1,800 were injured. Al-Qaeda claimed responsibility for the attack. The terrorist attack was the deadliest in Europe since the end of World War II.

On September 1, 2004, terrorists seized school No. 1 in Beslan. Two days later, as a result of the storming of the building, 334 people (186 of whom were children) were killed and more than 800 people were injured.

On July 7, 2005, explosive devices went off on three London Underground trains. Another bomb exploded on the bus. 56 people were killed and more than 700 were injured. The terrorist attack was the largest in London since World War II.

From November 26 to 29, 2008, a series of terrorist attacks known as the “Attack on Mumbai” occurred. Islamic terrorists from the Deccan Mujahideen organization attacked in several places at once. One group opened fire with machine guns in the Victoria Station building, two others took hostages at the Taj Mahal and Oberoi hotels, and the fourth attacked a police station. A total of seven attacks were recorded (including on a hospital and a Jewish center). As a result of the terrorist attack, about 170 people were killed and more than 300 were injured.

On September 23, 2013, as a result of a militant attack on visitors to the Westgate shopping center in the Kenyan capital of Nairobi, 67 people were killed and more than 200 were injured. A group of armed men - believed to be about ten people - seized the fashionable Westgate shopping center. The terrorist group Al-Shabab claimed responsibility for the incident.

On April 2, 2015, at least 147 people became victims of an attack by militants of the radical Islamist group Al-Shabaab on a university in the Kenyan city of Garissa, and about 80 more were injured. The terrorists killed mostly Christians. Law enforcement agencies in Kenya reported that four attackers were killed and another was detained.

On the night of November 13-14, 2015, Paris was subjected to several terrorist attacks. The terrorist attacks in the capital of France literally stunned the whole world with their inhumanity. According to preliminary data, seven members of a terrorist gang carried out a series of explosions and shootings that killed at least 153 people and injured about 200.

On the morning of March 22, 2016, two explosions occurred at Brussels airport, and a little later an explosion occurred at the Malbec metro station near the quarter with EU institutions. According to the latest data, explosions at the airport and metro killed 34 people and injured almost 200 to varying degrees gravity.

Terrorist acts committed by lone terrorists, terrorist organizations and illegal armed groups occurred both during the USSR and in modern Russia. We recall the most notorious incidents in this article.

Known-unknown terrorist attacks in the USSR

Terrorist attacks occurred not only in modern Russia, but also in the USSR. True, then they tried to keep silent about them.

Plane hijacking by the Ovechkin family

In 1988, the Ovechkin family hijacked a passenger plane flying from Irkutsk to Leningrad via Kurgan. Their demand is landing in London. The plane landed near Vyborg, after which the assault began, which resulted in death three people and injuries to several passengers. The plane burned down.

Explosions in Moscow

The year 1977 began in the USSR with a terrible terrorist attack - three explosions occurred almost simultaneously in Moscow. One of them was carried out by terrorists identifying themselves as members of the Armenian nationalist party in a subway car. The second thundered in grocery store, and the third was the result of an explosive device going off in a cast-iron trash can next to one of the stores.

The explosions killed twenty-nine people. The terrorists were convicted and shot.

Explosion in the Tu-104 plane

In 1973, a plane flying from Irkutsk to Chita was hijacked by a terrorist who brought an improvised explosive device on board. Threatening an explosion, he demanded that the plane land in China.

The policeman accompanying the flight shot the hijacker, but the explosive device went off and the plane was destroyed. Thus, all passengers and crew on the plane died - that’s eighty-two people.

Residential bombings

In residential building explosions, it is impossible to avoid casualties. Terrorists often blow up high-rise buildings or high-density buildings.

Explosion in Buinaksk

In 1999, in Buinaksk, Dagestan, a powerful explosion occurred in a residential building. This terrorist attack resulted in the death of sixty four people. Almost one hundred and fifty people were wounded.

Explosions in Moscow

In 1999, two residential buildings were blown up by terrorists in the Russian capital, four days apart. One house was located on Kashirskoye Highway, the second was on Guryanov Street. The explosions claimed the lives of two hundred and twenty-four people.

Explosion in Volgodonsk

Also in 1999, a residential building was blown up in Volgodonsk. More than a thousand people were wounded and injured, nineteen residents of the house died.

Other tragedies of modern Russia

The history of modern Russia has many sad pages associated with the mass death of citizens as a result of terrorist attacks. Among them are explosions in buses, trains, planes, seizures of buildings, schools, and hospitals.

"Nord-Ost", terrorist attack on Dubrovka

In two thousand and two, in the capital of Russia, spectators in the theater on Dubrovka were captured by terrorists. Chechen fighters held nine hundred people in the Theater Center.

During the assault, all the militants were destroyed, one hundred and twenty hostages were killed. The reason for this number of deaths was the sleeping gas used during the assault.

Explosion in Domodedovo

In 2011, a suicide bomber detonated an explosive device at Domodedovo Airport in Moscow. Thirty-seven people died this way. The terrorist himself was among the dead.

Seizure of a hospital in Budyonnovsk

In 1995, in Budyonnovsk, one hundred and ninety-five terrorists seized the city hospital, driving people there. About one thousand six hundred people were taken hostage.

Trying to free them, the special forces fought for four hours. As a result, many died among both hostages and terrorists.

Five days later, the authorities had to fulfill the conditions of the invaders, who, together with the hostages, went to locality Zandac. There the terrorists released everyone and disappeared.

The result of this terrible terrorist attack was the death of one hundred and twenty-nine people, and more than four hundred were injured.

Explosion at a train station in Volgograd

The cynical terrorist attack occurred on December 29, 2013. The explosion occurred in the inspection area when law enforcement officers tried to stop a suspicious person.

TASS DOSSIER. On November 17, the head of the FSB, Alexander Bortnikov, said that the A321 crash over the Sinai, where more than 220 people died, was a terrorist attack. According to him, traces of foreign-made explosives were found on the wreckage of the plane and things.

Less than two weeks after the events in Egypt, terrorists carried out a series of attacks in Paris. 129 people were killed and over 350 were injured. It is the second deadliest terrorist attack in Europe after Madrid, when 190 people were killed in train station bombings in 2004.

Listed below are the 10 largest terrorist attacks in the world by death toll, excluding attacks that occurred in countries where there was military conflict at the time. In eight cases, the attacks were carried out by radical Islamist groups.

The September 11 terrorist attacks in the USA. 2996 dead

On September 11, 2001, in the United States, suicide bombers from the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda hijacked passenger planes and crashed them into two towers of the World Trade Center (New York) and into the Pentagon building - the headquarters of the US Department of Defense (Arlington County). , Virginia). The fourth hijacked airliner crashed near Shanksville (Pennsylvania). As a result of this world's largest series of terrorist attacks, 2 thousand 996 people were killed and over 6 thousand people were injured. The organizer of the terrorist attack was the al-Qaeda group and its leader Osama bin Laden.

Beslan. Russia. 335 dead

On September 1, 2004, in Beslan (North Ossetia-Alania), militants led by Ruslan Khuchbarov (“Rasul”) captured more than 1 thousand 100 students from school number 1, their relatives and teachers. On September 2, after negotiations with the ex-president of the Republic of Ingushetia, Ruslan Aushev, the bandits released 25 women and children. On September 3, shooting and explosions began at the school, which forced an assault. Most of the hostages were released, 335 people died. Among the dead were 186 children, 17 teachers and school staff, 10 employees of the Russian FSB, two employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The militants were destroyed, only one survived - Nurpashi Kulaev (in 2006 he was sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment due to a moratorium on the execution of death sentences). International terrorist Shamil Basayev (liquidated in 2006) took responsibility for the terrorist attack.

Boeing 747 Air India. 329 dead

On June 23, 1985, an Air India Boeing 747 passenger plane, flying flight AI182 on the route Montreal (Canada) - London - Delhi, crashed in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Ireland. The cause of the disaster was the explosion of a bomb planted in luggage by Indian Sikh extremists. All 329 people on board (307 passengers and 22 crew members) were killed in the disaster. Canadian citizen Inderjit Singh Reyat was sentenced to 5 years in prison on charges of participating in the preparation of a terrorist attack in 2003. Prior to this, he served a 10-year prison sentence for preparing an explosion at Narita Airport (Japan), which occurred on the same day as the VT-EFO disaster. Reyat was later charged with perjury and sentenced to 9 years in prison in 2011.

Boko Haram attack in Nigeria. More than 300 dead

May 5-6, 2014 as a result night attack In the town of Gamboru, Borno State, more than 300 residents were killed by gunmen. Survivors fled to neighboring Cameroon. Most of the city was destroyed.

Lockerbie attack. 270 dead

On December 21, 1988, a Boeing 747 passenger plane of Pan Am (USA), performing regular flight 103 on the route Frankfurt am Main - London - New York - Detroit, crashed in the air over Lockerbie (Scotland). A bomb placed in luggage exploded on board. All 243 passengers and 16 crew members on board, as well as 11 people on the ground, were killed. In 1991, two Libyan citizens were accused of organizing an explosion. In 1999, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi agreed to hand over both suspects to a Dutch court. One of them, Abdelbasset Ali al-Megrahi, was found guilty on January 31, 2001 and sentenced to life imprisonment (released in 2009 due to his diagnosis fatal disease, died in 2012). In 2003, the Libyan authorities admitted responsibility for the terrorist attack and paid compensation in the total amount of 2.7 billion US dollars - 10 million dollars for each person killed.

Bombay attacks. India. 257 dead

On March 12, 1993, 13 car bombs were simultaneously detonated in crowded areas of Bombay (now Mumbai). The terrorist attack killed 257 people and injured over 700. The investigation established that the organizers of the explosions were Islamic terrorists. The attack was a response to earlier clashes between Muslims and Hindus in the city. One of the organizers, Yakub Memon, was sentenced to death, which was carried out on July 30, 2015. Two of his accomplices are wanted.

Airplane A321 "Kogalymavia". 224 dead

October 31, 2015 passenger aircraft Airbus A321-231 ( registration number EI-ETJ) of the Russian airline Metrojet (Kogalymavia), flying flight 9268 from Sharm el-Sheikh (Egypt) to St. Petersburg, crashed 100 km from the city of El-Arish in the north of the Sinai Peninsula. There were 224 people on board - 217 passengers and seven crew members, all of whom died.

Russian President Vladimir Putin promised that those responsible and those involved in the terrorist attack on the plane would be found and punished. “We must do this without a statute of limitations, know them all by name. We will look for them wherever they are hiding. We will find them anywhere on the planet and punish them,” Putin assured.

Bombing of the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. 224 dead

On August 7, 1998, two simultaneous terrorist attacks occurred in Nairobi (the capital of Kenya) and Dar es Salaam (the former capital of Tanzania), targeting the US embassies in these countries. Parked trucks filled with explosives exploded near the embassies. A total of 224 people died, of which 12 were US citizens, the rest were local residents. The organizer of the explosions was the al-Qaeda group.

Terrorist attacks in Mumbai. India. 209 dead

On July 11, 2006, Islamic terrorists detonated explosive devices hidden in pressure cookers in the carriages of seven local trains in the suburbs of Mumbai (Khar Road, Bandra, Jogeshwari, Mahim, Borivli, Matunga stations " and "Mira Road"). The terrorist attack occurred during evening hour peak. 209 people were killed and more than 700 were injured. At the end of the investigation into the crime, the court sentenced 12 people to various prison terms, 5 of them were sentenced to death.

Terrorist attack in Bali. Indonesia. 202 dead

On October 12, 2002, a suicide attack and car bomb explosion near nightclubs in the resort town of Kuta (Bali) killed 202 people, 164 of them foreign tourists. 209 people were injured. About 30 people were arrested in connection with the terrorist attack. In 2003, an Indonesian court recognized a number of members of the Jamaah Islamiyah organization as the organizers of the terrorist attack. In 2008, three of them - Abdul Aziz, also known as Imam Samudra, Amrozi bin Nurhasim and Ali (Muklas) Gurfon - were executed by court. Muklas' brother Ali Imron was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Al-Qaeda mentioned in the material is included in the United federal list organizations recognized in accordance with the law Russian Federation terrorist. Their activities on the territory of the Russian Federation are prohibited.