Sloe benefits and harm to the health of the harvest. Positive qualities of sweets

Very often, thorn bushes in garden plots are perceived as a weed tree, and summer residents struggle with it long and hard. However, the thorn is clearly underestimated, since it is an extremely useful plant.

Unlike many other plants, in which a certain part is used for treatment - the fruit, roots or greens, everything in the thorn is useful. These are fruits, flowers, leaves, bark, young shoots and branches, and roots.

Chemical composition

Sloes contain fructose, glucose, organic acids, pectins, nitrogenous and tannins (tannids), phytoncides, essential oil . The fruits are rich in fiber, steroids, and flavonoids. Availability large quantity vitamins P and E, group B, ascorbic acid, as well as various microelements, especially potassium, makes thorns very beneficial for the body.

Harvesting methods

The benefits of using decoctions and tinctures of medicinal plants depend on the correctness of their collection, storage and preparation. So that the thorn retains all its beneficial features and instead of causing harm, you should adhere to the following schedule:

  • Flowers - harvested during the period of full flowering, dried in the usual way, stored in glass or tin tightly closed jars in a dark place, stirred periodically.
  • Leaves - collected in mid-summer after the thorn has faded, drying and storage are carried out like flowers.
  • Young shoots and branches are collected in May-June, dried well in a ventilated place in the shade, and stored in bundles for 1 year.
  • The bark is removed from the trunk in the spring, before the thorns bloom. First, it is kept for several weeks outdoors, then dried in the oven, stored for 3 years in a canvas bag.
  • Roots are dug up in the fall. Drying and storage is no different from bark.
  • Fruits - you can start picking thorns in September-October, but it is better after the first frost. Stored and used until the new harvest.

Use of thorn flowers for medicinal purposes

The benefit of a decoction of thorn flowers lies in its blood purifying and antitoxic properties. This property is used in the fight against skin rashes, purulent inflammations, furunculosis, erysipelas.

Flower decoction is very good for cleansing the liver and restoring metabolism. Regulates intestinal motility, acting as a gentle laxative. As a diuretic and diaphoretic, it cleanses the body of toxins. Used to dull nausea.

A decoction of thorn flowers is used as a sedative for neuralgia and sleep disorders.

Rinsing oral cavity The decoction is used for inflammatory processes of the gums and throat. Used in mixtures for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract.

Recipe: Brew 50 g of dried sloe flowers in 1 liter of water as tea. When taken orally, drink in sips without dosage. Can be used externally as a lotion.

Properties of leaf decoction

The decoction has a diuretic, diaphoretic and laxative effect on the body. It removes toxins from the body very well. It is recommended to brew it like regular tea and take it for a general healing effect and give the body strength. Useful for people who do sedentary work.

This decoction is drunk throughout the day without any special restrictions.

The benefits of young shoots and branches

A decoction of finely chopped dried thorn branches is a diaphoretic, and its effect is not inferior to raspberries. It also has an antipyretic effect.

Recipe: 1 teaspoon per glass of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes, drink warm in sips without dosage.

How can the bark help?

Taking the decoction internally cleanses the blood, which helps get rid of both simple skin irritation and such serious problems, How purulent inflammation, boils and erysipelas. Used to treat female inflammation.

Recipe: pour a glass of boiling water into 1 teaspoon of crushed bark, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Drink instead of tea. When douching, dilute the resulting glass of broth boiled water in a 1:1 ratio.

Sloe roots are also very useful

The benefits of thorns, namely a decoction of its roots, are manifested in diaphoretic, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory effects. Used as tea for colds, to cleanse the body of toxins, in the form of douching to treat leucorrhoea, as a lotion for skin inflammation.

Recipe: 10 g pour 0.5 l cold water or take 1 level teaspoon per glass of water. Bring to a boil, simmer for 15 minutes over low heat. Drink in sips without dosage. For douching and lotions, dilute the resulting decoction with boiled water 1:1.

Use of thorn fruits in folk medicine

Thorn has such beneficial properties as a blood purifier, removal of toxins from the body, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and disinfectant.

The presence of tannins in the fruit provides an astringent effect, so thorns are recommended for diarrhea.

The berry can dull the feeling of nausea. This is its benefit for pregnant women with toxicosis.

Thorn, ground into a paste, is applied to wounds, calluses, and skin inflammations. The obvious benefits of such lotions are visible after just a couple of days.

How natural antiseptic Dentists advise chewing the berry for inflammation of the gums. The turn also removes bad smell from mouth. But at the same time it stains the enamel of teeth blue. This is a slight harm from an aesthetic point of view, because the color is quite persistent.

Considering that in fresh the fruits can be stored on the tree until frost; they are used to saturate the body with vitamins. Thorn is rich in vitamins, especially P and group B.

The fruits are consumed fresh; compotes, jelly, preserves, and liqueurs are made from them. It is important that after heat treatment, thorns do not lose their medicinal value.

Contraindications for the use of sloe

The berry is quite sour and tart, so it can be harmful to people with high stomach acidity, suffering from gastritis or ulcers. The fruit is intensely colored, so it can cause an allergic reaction. There are no other contraindications.

Video about the benefits and harms of thorns

Once the folk healer Nosal said: “There are two medicinal plants in Ukraine that are slowly and purposefully destroyed by the population.” One of these plants, according to the expert traditional medicine, is the prickly thorn (Latin name Prunus spinosa). Turn - close relative The plum is homemade, so it is not for nothing that people call it “sour plum”. By the way, sloe shoots are considered an excellent rootstock for domestic plums and cherry plums. Among others folk names Sloes are known as "goatberry" and "black thorn".

From time immemorial, a hop liqueur was prepared from sloe berries, which was called “thorn”; the fruits were also used to make dumplings and pies. And different parts of the thorn have extraordinary healing properties.

Procurement of medicinal raw materials

Wild thorn bushes can often be found on abandoned rural estates; the plant is also found on sunny mountain slopes and forest edges.

Almost all parts of the plant are used for medicinal purposes: flowers, leaves, berries, bark and even roots. Harvesting of sloe flowers is carried out in March - April, and the leaves are collected at the end of flowering - they are still young at this time. Berry picking is carried out late autumn when the fruits are fully ripe. For cooking, it is better to harvest berries after the first frost - then increased formation of carbohydrates occurs in them and the specific astringency disappears. The bark and roots must be collected at the end of the plant growing season or in early spring, before active sap flow begins.

To avoid loss of beneficial properties, it is preferable to dry thorn leaves and flowers in natural conditions, for example, in an attic or using sheds. Drying sloe berries can be done in a cooling oven or using electric dryers.

Cracks in the bark of sloe exude a "glue" (as does cherry or apricot), and sloe gum can also be used for medicinal purposes.

Chemical composition

In sloe flowers, a glycoside of hydrocyanic acid, amygdalin, is formed, and flavone group glycosides and coumarin derivatives are also synthesized. Sloe leaves are rich mainly in tannins and bitter substances. Sloe fruits are rich in vitamins, organic acids, carbohydrates, tannins and anthocyanins, which give the berries their characteristic color. Sloe kernels contain amygdalin. The bark and roots of thorns are rich in tannins.

Beneficial features

Sloe flowers have a diuretic and laxative effect, as do young leaves; old leaves, as well as bark and roots, in which tannins predominate, have astringent properties.

Sloe fruits, as well as their juice, stimulate digestive processes and stimulate appetite. For example, your appetite will be excellent if you take 1 tbsp in the morning on an empty stomach. juice from sloe berries.

In folk medicine, various parts of the thorn are used in treatment wide range diseases. For example, tea based on the flowers and young leaves of sloe is used to treat diarrhea, including infectious nature. Thorn is used for ascites, in particular caused by a violation water-salt metabolism and diseases of the urinary system. The astringent properties of thorns determine its use in the treatment of various work disorders gastrointestinal tract and intestines, in case of internal and external bleeding, etc. Preparations based on thorns have shown high efficiency in the treatment of certain diseases of the female genital area.

Useful properties of sloe in cooking

For long-term storage, you can prepare thorn juice or make jam, which will later be used as medicine.

Sloe juice. Juice from thorn fruits is not obtained by pressing, since its berries contain quite a bit of water. To prepare the juice, you need to wash the berries and pour boiling water so that the liquid completely covers the layer of fruit. After a couple of days, the liquid turns dark red, indicating readiness. The “juice” must be filtered, sugar added at the rate of 500 g per liter of liquid and cooked at a moderate boil until the formation of foam stops (it must be constantly removed using a slotted spoon). After cooking, pour the sloe syrup into glass bottles and store in a cool place. Sloe juice is used both for treatment and for the preparation of refreshing and vitamin drinks.

Jam with wine. Blanch the washed sloe berries, then pour cold water and leave to soak overnight. At the end of soaking, drain the liquid and pour wine mixed with water over the fruits. For 1 kg of berries you will need 250 ml of wine and 750 ml of water. Cook at moderate boil until the berries are soft (remember to stir constantly). Rub the cooled mixture through a sieve to make a puree. Next, add wine (250 ml) and sugar (375 g) to the puree (per 1 kg), put on fire and cook until the jam reaches the required consistency. Some recipes use 3% vinegar or lemon acid. Sloe jam is useful for those who have reduced secretion of gastric juice - you need to consume 1 - 2 tbsp in the morning on an empty stomach. "tasty medicine"

Useful properties of thorns in folk medicine

Diarrhea. To stop diarrhea that has developed due to food poisoning, healers recommend taking a decoction of thorn roots that is at least 3 years old. For half a liter of boiling water you need to take 2 tbsp. crushed raw materials into shavings, cook for a quarter of an hour and leave for the same time. Take 50 ml of the strained broth every hour. In most cases, diarrhea goes away within a day. By the way, this decoction can also be used for dysenteric diarrhea.

Stones in the kidneys. Prepare a collection that includes: thorn, dandelion, parsley and rose hip roots, wild carrots (grass with flowers), knotweed (knotweed), nettle leaves, bean leaves and fresh rye straw. You need to take 1 tbsp of each component. (based on 10 glasses of water). Pour the ingredients with water in an enamel or glass heat-resistant container and soak overnight. In the morning, bring the liquid to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Store the cooled broth in the refrigerator. The decoction should be taken half an hour before meals (warm to 40°C before use). The indicated amount of decoction is designed to complete the full course of treatment. As a rule, stones begin to break down and come out within 2–3 days. When stones pass, they are often noted severe pain, therefore it is necessary to stock up on pain-relieving injections (for example, Baralgin) in advance. The decoction is effective in the presence of oxalates and urates (salts of oxalic and uric acids, respectively).

To remove oxalates. To get rid of oxalates - oxalic acid salts - traditional healers It is recommended to take a decoction of a mixture of thorn and rosehip roots. For 500 ml of water - 1 tbsp. crushed raw materials. First, the raw materials are poured with boiling water and cooked for 10 minutes. At the end of cooking hot decoction filter, add cold water and cook at moderate boil for a quarter of an hour. Pour both fractions of the broth into a single container and drink in small portions per day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. To get rid of oxalates, you must take at least 2 courses, with a week's break between them.

Menorrhagia. Prepare the collection: thorn bark and chicory root - 15 g each; lanceolate and greater plantain leaves, dubrovnik (herb) and marshmallow root - 10 g each; fragrant rue leaves - 3 g. Pour the indicated amount with half a liter of cold water and leave for 6 - 8 hours. At the same time, prepare an infusion of elderberry roots - pour half a liter of water over 20 g of raw material. It is advisable to carry out the preparation at night so that you can do the actual preparation in the morning. medicines. Elderberry root must be boiled for half an hour, then strain the broth. Boil the herb mixture for 5 minutes, filter. Mix both decoctions and take 2 tbsp every hour.

Oligomenorrhea of ​​central origin. Part medicinal collection includes valerian root, St. John's wort herb and blackthorn in equal proportions. For 200 ml of boiling water you need to take 1 tbsp. herbal mixture and leave until cool (this daily dose). The infusion should be taken in the evening on an empty stomach.

Psoriasis. Collection: tops of flowering nettles and leaves, thorn flowers and dandelion grass - in equal proportion. For half a liter of boiling water - 2 tbsp. herbal mixture. Leave in a thermos for 2 hours. Divide the infusion into 3 equal parts and take it a day.

Febrifuge. In ancient times, a decoction of sloe roots was used for colds, as it has antipyretic properties. For a glass of water, 1 tbsp is required. raw materials; cook for 10 - 15 minutes. Take 50 ml 2 hours after breakfast and before bed.

Diabetes. Pour water over the roots or twigs of thorns (for 2 liters of liquid – 500 - 600 g of raw material). Cook until 600 ml of liquid remains. Next, add 1 sunflower flower (until seeds form), bring the volume of liquid to 2 liters and boil again until 600 ml remains. Drink the decoction throughout the day. The treatment is quite long (from six months or more), and is effective only in initial stage diseases.

Prevention of myocardial infarction. According to experts in traditional medicine, drinking sloe berry tea serves as a prevention of myocardial infarction, and also significantly alleviates pre-infarction state sick. For a glass of boiling water you will need 6 - 8 sloe berries. Crush the berries, pour boiling water over them and leave for a quarter of an hour. Drink tea on an empty stomach for 4 days (if necessary, the duration of the preventive course can be increased).

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications and side effects during treatment with sloe preparations, it was not detected.

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Evolution has endowed humans with the ability to survive, thanks to which people use various natural products for food. One of these options is the thorn, which the Bible talks about. Today, roots, leaves, fruits and inflorescences of the bush are used. All of them are beneficial to a person, the main thing is to be able to use raw materials correctly. Otherwise you will harm yourself.

Chemical composition of sloe

Among all its fellows, the thorn is considered the most useful. This is so thanks to the abundance essential vitamins and minerals that are concentrated in the pulp of fruits, roots, and foliage.

Turns contain many vitamins from the B-group. Let's highlight pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, thiamine, vitamins B3 and B4, riboflavin. The berries are not deprived of natural antioxidants - tocopherol and retinol (vitamins E and A, respectively).

Thorn is a source of ascorbic acid, so it is useful for people with naturally low immunity. The good thing about fruits is that they contain exclusively natural saccharides, which have virtually no effect on blood glucose levels.

It makes sense to isolate tannins, nitrogenous compounds, steroid elements, pectin, coumarin and alimentary fiber. Thorn concentrates a lot of flavonoids, fatty oils, fiber. It also contains alcohol and triterpenoids.

Do not exceed the permissible consumption limit. Eat 100 gr. berries several times a week will be enough.

The benefits of the turn

  1. Found the pulp wide application in cosmetology. Based fresh fruits that have not been affected by the frost, lotions for the feet are being prepared. The composition eliminates corns and softens the skin.
  2. Even traditional medicine recognized the thorn as a cure for renal colic and other diseases associated with this internal organ. The diuretic effect prevents the formation of stones and removes sand from the kidney cavity.
  3. Due to the accumulation of vitamin C and other immunostimulating substances, thorns should be eaten during viral epidemics and vitamin deficiency. Berries and decoctions based on them will replenish the balance useful elements and speed up recovery.
  4. Thorn has antipyretic properties, so it should be eaten during a fever. Berries also remove excess bile from the body and eliminate uric acid(useful for gout patients).
  5. The product is antiseptic and bactericidal effect. Thorn kills harmful microorganisms in the oral cavity, thereby preventing caries and stomatitis.
  6. The fruit pulp is applied to the wound to disinfect the abrasion. Compresses with thorns treat burns, injuries, ulcers and other skin problems.
  7. After agreement with the doctor, thorn is prescribed to pregnant girls who are experiencing toxicosis. Decoctions based on berries will quickly relieve the urge to vomit and, moreover, remove excess water from the body.
  8. Thanks to the presence of acids, thorns increase appetite, it produces gastric juice. Against this background, everything is intensifying metabolic processes, food is absorbed faster and does not ferment in the intestines.
  9. The beneficial properties of the fruit include the ability to cleanse internal organs from intoxication, salts heavy metals, radionuclides. The turn is also indispensable when nervous disorders, because it normalizes the psycho-emotional environment.
  10. Turn is responsible for the composition of the blood, increasing the production of red blood cells. It cleanses blood vessels and arteries, removes bad cholesterol from blood channels. Against this background, many heart diseases are prevented, varicose veins veins and atherosclerosis.
  11. The astringent properties allow the berry to be used to treat stool disorders. The product also has a diaphoretic effect on the body, cleansing the skin. Thorn is included in the diet of diabetics because it maintains glucose levels at a normal level.
  12. The shrub concentrates certain substances that are responsible for eye health. Thanks to this, the thorn prevents glaucoma and cataracts, lubricates the eye socket, strengthens vision and relieves severe fatigue.
  13. Due to the accumulation of iron, thorns are used to treat anemia. It will be useful for men to know that the berry increases potency and enhances reproductive activity. The fruits control the condition of women during menstruation and menopause, improving their well-being.

The benefits of shoots, roots and thorn bark

You can benefit from consuming individual parts of the bush only if you prepare the raw materials taking into account all the requirements.

  1. So, the roots need to be dug up and dried on fresh air within 15-20 days. After this time, they are dried in the oven at 60 degrees. After all the manipulations, the roots are placed in a linen bag.
  2. Young shoots with branches are best collected in June, then dried and stored in open form Not longer than a year. The bark is removed from the thorn in the spring, before inflorescences appear on the bush. Drying is carried out according to the principle of processing roots.
  3. Decoctions based on individual parts of the bush help relieve fever and remove excess water from the body. The drink promotes the outflow of bile, improving the functioning of the liver and gallbladder.
  4. In cosmetology, the decoction is used to wipe skin prone to rashes and ulcers. You can use baths to relieve sweaty feet and soften corns.
  5. The roots and branches are brewed and then used for douching and the treatment of gynecological diseases.

Benefits of thorn leaves and flowers

  1. Flowers are collected while they are in bloom. Next, the raw materials are dried in a well-ventilated and dark room. After this, the product must be stored in a sealed glass container. The sun's rays should not enter.
  2. The composition is mainly used for brewing tea. The product is famous for its unique healing qualities. Flowers are able to cleanse the body of toxins and waste, and also enrich the blood composition. Tea effectively resists inflammatory processes on the skin.
  3. Regular intake of raw materials allows you to thoroughly cleanse the liver and normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Behind a short time normal metabolism is restored. The product has a positive effect on the central nervous system. As a result, the feeling of anxiety disappears and depressive state. The flowers have a diaphoretic and diuretic effect.
  4. To prepare medicinal tea, you will need 30 g. dried flowers and 500 ml. boiling water Cover the container with a lid and wrap it with thick cloth. Brew the component for about a quarter of an hour. This drink can be consumed without a specific dosage.
  5. Decoctions based on sloe leaves have almost the same qualities as tea made from flowers. It is recommended to collect leaves in mid-summer. It is necessary to store and dry raw materials in the manner described above. You can consume the decoction like regular tea.

  1. The fruits have virtually no contraindications. It is worth limiting the amount of product consumed only if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Do not rely on the product if you have an ulcer acute form, gastritis and increased acidity. It is forbidden to eat the turn when allergic reaction. This phenomenon is quite rare.
  3. The fruits can cause significant harm to tooth enamel. In addition, after taking the product, the teeth acquire a bluish tint. The problem is that the color fades after a few days.
  4. After preparing any product based on the fruits of the plant, the berries must be removed. When fruit comes into contact with liquid, toxic compounds are formed. You risk getting poisoned.
  5. The berries have no contraindications for children and pregnant girls. On the contrary, the valuable composition will strengthen the body and prevent the development of pathologies.
  6. Binge eating fresh berries may cause gastrointestinal upset. You should not rely on jams and thorn preserves. Otherwise, weight gain is inevitable.

Turn - enough unique plant with a valuable niche of beneficial enzymes. The product can be used for various purposes. Berries have only minor contraindications. Stick to it daily norm product consumption.

Video: recipe for sloe jam

The thorn is a rather famous shrub; it was from the thorny thorn that the wreath for Jesus was made. Some people learned about this plant from the title of the novel “The Thorn Birds,” and traditional healers know the thorn tree as medicinal plant, the berries, leaves, flowers, branches and roots of which have powerful beneficial properties. Sloes - small black and blue berries round shape, the pulp of the berries is green, the taste is sour and tart. The flowers of the bush are small, white When they bloom they emit a delicate aroma of almonds.

Not many people know that the thorn is the ancestor of the common plum, and the plum partly took many of its beneficial properties from the thorn. Latin name blackthorn Prunus spinosa, sometimes called prickly plum, goat berry, oat plum, black thorn.

Blackthorn berries contain a lot of different valuable and healthy substances: sugars (fructose, glucose), organic acids (malic, phenolcarbonic), pectins, carbohydrates, fiber. As well as nitrogenous substances, coumarins, tannins, steroids, triterpenoids, catechins, flavonoids, glycosides, fats (linoleic, oleic, palmitic, stearic, eleostearic). Also contains vitamins: C, E, A, P, mineral salts and etc.

Sloe berries have many beneficial properties:

  • Diuretic (diuretic),
  • Astringent (used for diarrhea, indigestion, loose stools),
  • Diaphoretics (help with colds, fevers),
  • Relieve nausea, stop vomiting,
  • Antiseptic (kills bacteria and germs).

Blackthorn leaves are brewed as tea and used as a diuretic, laxative, and healing agent. Compresses soaked in an infusion of leaves are applied to wounds and skin lesions, this significantly shortens the healing time. Berries and leaves are used as aid for illnesses genitourinary system: cystitis, nephritis, urolithiasis.

Thorn helps in the fight against edema, nonspecific colitis, dysentery, intoxication, candidiasis and vaginitis. At food poisoning Eating sloe berries allows you to quickly remove toxins from the body, cleanse the intestines and improve functioning digestive tract. Decoction of thorn branches - excellent remedy for gout patients, it helps remove uric acid salts from the body.

An infusion of sloe flowers has a remarkable effect on metabolism, brings it back to normal, and also has a positive effect on liver function. An infusion of flowers is prepared as tea, 40 g of flowers are poured into a glass of boiling water, left for 40 minutes, and 150 ml are drunk three times a day. For hepatitis, traditional healers recommend drinking Fresh Juice from thorn berries.

One of the underestimated plants today is the blackthorn. Often people, having noticed the growth of this amazing, and most importantly medicinal shrub on their site, for some reason strive to get rid of it faster. For them, this is an ordinary weed and no benefit can be expected from it, but in this, as it turns out, they are deeply mistaken.

One of the most underestimated plants today is the blackthorn.

Many peoples glorify it as a sacred tree for its thorns and resistance to external adversity. Many people have a tradition of planting this plant near the house or hanging a branch above the door in order to scare away evil spirits. And according to the beliefs of the Romans, it is capable of protecting the house and its household from misfortunes and adversities.

Since ancient times, the thorn bush was considered very valuable plant, and not only its fruits are useful. For preparing a variety of medicinal tinctures and decoctions, people used roots, stems, leaves, flowers and young shoots.

Description of the thorn

This is a shrub capable of reaching 4 meters in height. Under some circumstances, the plant reaches greater heights, so it looks like a tree. Its branches are very massive and they mainly grow in the horizontal direction. Most of The thorn branches are endowed with thorns, which is why people often call it thorny plum or black thorn.

Teren is distinguished by its high resistance to any environmental conditions. He, unlike his brothers, is not afraid of even the most severe frosts.

The leaves of the blackthorn are presented in an oval shape and are endowed with a bright green, and the fruits are small round blue berries.

Many people have a tradition of planting this plant near the house or hanging a branch above the door in order to scare away evil spirits.

Blackthorn is a plant that often blooms in March or April. What is most interesting is that its flowers bloom even before the leaves appear.

As for fruits, the berries of this unusual, but useful plant very sour in taste and have some unusual viscosity. That is why this fruitful shrub is not among the berries preferred by people. However, the “unloved” taste and aroma of blackthorn is compensated by its invaluable and enormous benefits for the human body.

Proper collection of plants and their storage

It should be taken into account that all the beneficial properties of a wild shrub may disappear if its fruits or berries were not collected quite correctly and at the wrong time. It all depends on how the collected fruits, roots or flowers were prepared.

If we talk about harvesting blackthorn flowers, then it is best to start this process during the peak flowering time of the plant. For drying, it is preferable to choose well-ventilated areas, but for storage - dark places. As for the container itself where the prepared product will be stored, it should be a glass or tin container with a tight-fitting lid.

Blackthorn leaves are collected sometime in mid-summer, and this should be done after the bush has completely bloomed. Drying and storage conditions for leaves are exactly the same as for flowers.

The right time to harvest blackthorn bark is in the spring before the plant begins to flower. The collected bark is first dried outside, and then it can also be dried in the oven.

The collection of young shoots and branches occurs in May-June. To dry them, they are placed in a dark and well-ventilated area. To preserve the shoots and branches, they are collected in bundles, but they can be stored for no more than one year.

Blackthorn berries are collected and stored in early autumn. But it will be better if you start doing this after the first frost.