Teaser advertising on the Internet: types and examples. The best examples of teaser advertising

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home / Articles / What are teaser networks

804 18.05.2016

What are teaser networks

If you have ever heard about teaser advertising and have an idea what it is, you have probably heard about teaser networks, which are the most important tool for buying and selling teaser advertising these days. Let's try to understand in more detail what a modern teaser network is and why it is needed.

    • Teaser network. Basic Concepts
    • Types of teaser networks
    • How to choose a teaser network for yourself
    • Using Landing Page with a teaser network
    • What are the popular teaser advertising networks nowadays?

Teaser network. Basic Concepts

A teaser network can be called a teaser traffic exchange, since it acts as an intermediary between the advertiser and those who want to sell him their own traffic. Such a network could be an excellent remedy for earning money, both for the webmaster who sells his own traffic, and for the advertiser. If the traffic is really good, then the advertiser can get very a large number of new buyers of goods and services that he sells from his own website.

Types of teaser networks

Not every teaser network is like all the others; there are types of teaser networks based on their purpose. On this moment, it is generally accepted that teaser networks are divided into 4 main types, such typing is considered quite correct and logical, these types are:

  • General thematic. Such teaser networks are engaged in the purchase and sale of traffic on any topic. They are usually very visited; there are as many people wanting to sell traffic as there are many wanting to buy it. However, for some narrow topics, such networks may not be suitable.
  • Women's teaser networks. As you know, women are among the most active consumers; such networks are designed mainly for female traffic; sites exclusively on women’s topics are accepted here. Such networks are an excellent source of traffic for many women's clothing, cosmetics, etc. stores.
  • Commodity. Product teaser networks specialize only in advertising certain real products. They are great for online stores that sell non-virtual goods, since this is where they can get very good traffic and a large number of potential buyers for their goods.
  • News teaser networks. These networks are actively used by news portals to attract people to their own sites.

How to choose a teaser network for yourself

If you are a webmaster and are engaged in selling traffic to teaser networks, then in this case you need to pay attention to the theme of your own website. A very important parameter is traffic; the higher the traffic to your site, the more income you will receive from selling traffic.

That is why, before you start making money on teaser advertising and using certain teaser networks, you need to increase this parameter as much as possible.

If you are trying to buy traffic in order to send it to your own resource or affiliate program, you also need to pay attention to the topic of your own affiliate program or your resource. For example, when selling women's clothing, it is best for you to use women's teaser networks rather than general themed networks, since they are better configured and adapted specifically to this topic.

Using Landing Page with a teaser network

It is a fairly common opinion that teaser networks are only profitable if you have your own Internet resource. In fact, this is not always the case; a prime example of this is the use of teaser traffic for Landing Page. You can send high-quality traffic to a high-conversion Landing Page that sells a particular product. In this case, you do not spend money on creating and promoting your own online store, but work only on a high-quality landing page, which will then receive good traffic purchased from one or another teaser network.

This method can bring very good income, but only if your Landing Page has good conversion and attractiveness to potential clients.

What are the popular teaser advertising networks nowadays?


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One of the oldest networks, it has a user-friendly interface and a large number of different statistics that can greatly simplify life. Accepts websites of all topics, including adult topics. A large number of webmasters work on the exchange, so very good money is circulated here and there is always the opportunity to get good earnings.


Allows you to quickly increase website traffic. Websites wishing to place advertisements must have at least 3,000 visitors per day. The network has very flexible targeting and support for a large number of currencies, which allows you to very competently manage incoming traffic. This network is very popular among many SEO companies and ordinary webmasters.


We recommend a course on making money on the Internet: Find out over 50 ways to make money online, including ways to make money with advertising

It has very flexible advertising formats, good statistics, a very large amount of a wide variety of traffic. Particularly noteworthy are the good statistics on this site; they help to understand all the nuances and subtleties very well. This can significantly increase the effectiveness of advertising and the amount of traffic coming in, making this network a very useful tool.


The minimum cost per click in this network is 50 kopecks. The requirements for traffic quality are quite high. If the system considers a partner’s traffic to be ineffective, it may terminate cooperation with him. However, such a precaution is completely justified, since it can significantly increase the quality of received sites, and therefore improve the quality of traffic, which is very useful for the advertiser.


Problem modern advertising is that it is faced with the need to solve conflicting problems: to attract attention and not irritate, to increase brand awareness and not to get bored. In fact, it is a constant balancing act between various prohibitions, and financial limits only complicate the task.

    • Components of teaser advertising
    • The meaning of text for teaser advertising
    • Best teaser ad: effective solution Problems
    • The best teaser advertising in numbers
    • What influences the success of teaser advertising?
    • The best teaser advertising: three advantages

This is why many companies today prefer teaser advertising. It is based on an unusual picture that stands out and involuntarily catches the eye. Moreover, often it can be something awkward, unimaginable - something that you involuntarily want to take a closer look at in order to understand how this can be.

Attract attention and arouse interest - important stages, actually half way to making a purchase. Such interest often leads to a transition to the advertiser’s website. The reader is caught by a trigger and their curiosity is aroused. As a result, he has a desire to understand what is happening, that is, to obtain some information. At the same time, he becomes susceptible to advertising.

During the existence of teaser advertising, a considerable number of interesting advertising techniques were invented that made it possible to attract a large number of visitors to the site and significantly increase the click-through rate of such advertising. Nowadays, there are a large number of various teaser networks that allow you to quickly bring together an advertiser and a person selling advertising space on their own website.

Components of teaser advertising

A teaser is an online advertising format that combines a graphic image and some text (headline and informational text itself). This is one of the main differences between teaser advertising and any other. Let's look at the most important elements of teaser advertising, and also pay attention to examples of teasers.


This is a picture, most often square, maybe 100 by 100 pixels or more. The image is necessary to attract the attention of visitors, so it must be bright and attractive, otherwise visitors simply will not click on it. Almost every advertising network that deals with teaser advertising on the Internet has a considerable library of images that can be used for its own advertising.


Without a good headline, teaser advertising will not work, which is why you should always pay attention to it. The headline should be as attractive as possible so that after reading it there is a desire to click on the advertisement. Brevity is the sister of talent, and in this case this expression is absolutely accurate, since the title must be short (so that it fits in the space allocated for advertising) and as informative as possible.

Examples of such headings can be found on the Internet. If you visit different sites where there are teaser advertisements, and some headline lasts especially long, it is most likely effective example correctly composed text.


The text can contain information that complements the title, as if explaining what is said in the title. Usually the text is limited to 200 characters, which is not so little, however, we should also not forget that the text should be understandable to as many people as possible, so brevity and conciseness are also very important here. great importance. Otherwise, teaser advertising will not justify itself.

The meaning of text for teaser advertising

The teaser works not only due to the image. Skillfully asked question, like a provocative proposal, are capable of hooking just as well. By the way, text authors were among the first to notice this effect and began to actively use it.

Well, who doesn’t want to find out what really threatens his life? Moreover, when behind the facade of a friend there may be something sinister hiding that you don’t even suspect...

The fear trigger works as well as any other. It forces a person to shake himself up and at the same time reduces his criticality. What you need for advertising!

The best teaser advertisement: an effective solution to a problem

Marketers have long known very well: what will sell is what satisfies needs or cleverly imitates the satisfaction of needs. Teasers can either simply attract attention or touch on basic needs: for example, to be safe, and then offer the advertiser the desired remedy as a solution to the problem. If we are talking about antiseptics, then it is worth recalling the threat of bacteria; if about castles, then about crime, etc.

However, teaser advertising does not always work on fear. Sometimes it attracts, creating the appearance of a profitable business offer.

However, sometimes this is not only for the public. Many advertisers actually post information about promotions in this way. And since there are a lot of things on the Internet now different offers, competent presentation is very important.

Pay attention to the last image: the background is black. Firstly, there is nothing distracting, on the contrary, everything else looks bright (and the transition button stands out the most). Secondly, this color is traditionally associated with the world of business, with business proposals. The letters are quite bright, but do not irritate the eyes. And finally, the image successful person, obviously happy with everything. In general - a classic of the genre.

However, this is just one example of teaser advertising. In fact, they are very, very different. Moreover, many exit in stages. In the first part, the consumer is intrigued. In the second, they give the answer or offer to solve the riddle yourself.

Watch the video on the topic:

The best teaser advertising in numbers

At the beginning of autumn 2017, the cost of one click on a teaser advertisement was approximately 50 kopecks in national currency. However, many companies focus on the budget as a whole, and not on the price per attracted person. On average, for the development of an advertising campaign (we are talking about a teaser) in September they took an amount from $200 to $1000. However major projects could cost several thousand.

What does this amount include? Working with graphics (pictures) and text content, adding content to the site, correcting errors if any. Plus sometimes the teaser itself can be supported additional actions: posting information about an advertising campaign on the contractor’s websites, organizing promotions, etc. In this case, we are already talking about a whole range of activities that are assessed in their entirety.

On total cost It greatly influences who exactly took the job. Freelancers usually charge lower than companies. For companies from Kyiv and Moscow, the price list will be different. There is a difference between metropolitan and regional advertisers. In a word, the spread is very large. A large advertising campaign can cost $3,000-4,000. But the return from it is corresponding.

What influences the success of teaser advertising?

Not everything that appears on the market actually works. Sometimes the teaser is too annoying instead of attracting attention. From time to time it is placed in the wrong place: promises to talk about the reasons for the collapse of a famous stock exchange on an entertainment website are as inappropriate as information about secrets from the lives of stars on a business portal.

In addition, you need to be able to select the text, the picture, and the role model for the photo. Otherwise, the effect may be the opposite.

After all, a person, looking at an advertisement for another product, imagines himself in the place of the model after he has used this product. And if the result is, say, scary, it is unlikely to attract clients. Although, of course, a lot depends on what effect they were going to achieve initially. At times, healthy hysteria can trigger an avalanche of reposts. However, betting on a shock is a rather risky move: you can get a backlash.

  1. Originality of the idea. Consumers are tired of monotony and it is difficult to surprise them. In the same time target audience fresh thoughts and images are needed. This can be seen at least by the way she reacts to them.
  2. Time to deploy the entire advertising campaign. It should not be too big, otherwise the audience will lose interest.
  3. Unambiguity of emerging associations. It is extremely unfortunate when advertising paid for by one company begins to work for the success of another. Or when a teaser evokes a completely different reaction than the advertiser expected.

Of course, a competent approach, quality of implementation, and finances are also important. But these are general points that are relevant for everything, not just teaser advertising.

The best teaser advertising: three advantages

This method of promoting a product, service or brand attracts many.

  1. Teaser blocks are quite flexible; they are not caught by some utilities that actively fight advertising. Which has a positive effect on the number of transitions.
  2. Another advantage is profitability. The payback here is many times higher than that of contextual advertising or other methods.
  3. And finally, targeting. Thanks to teaser networks, information about your product or brand can be distributed among many consumers. Moreover, the customer in to a greater extent may bias the sample demographically or geographically than otherwise.

In addition, such advertising is easy to reconfigure. With its help, you can both introduce the market to a new product (or company) and encourage you to take certain actions: register, become a partner, buy goods, etc.

In a word, the best teaser advertising today is capable of what contextual, banner, etc. advertising cannot do or offer. Of course, sometimes teaser advertising may not be very effective, and yet the teaser continues to be one of the best promotion tools On the market.

Hello, dear readers blog site! In this article I will try to tell you what a teaser network is, or speaking in simple language"Teasers".

What are teaser networks?

I'll start the article with a definition, Teaser advertising– this is a type of affiliate programs or advertising banners that contain intrigue, that is, which contains some information about a product or product, but at the same time the product itself may not be advertised.

In its turn Teaser networks- are called affiliate program sites in which advertisers can advertise their services or products on webmasters’ sites. Webmasters, in turn, place a special teaser network code on their websites, display teasers and make money from it.

Teaser networks are very widely used by webmasters to monitize websites. A block of teasers is placed on the site containing a tempting text ad and a picture; this picture or the teaser itself should encourage the visitor to follow the link. Examples of text in teasers:

  • Shock! Alla Pugacheva gave birth to a black baby!
  • Girls, just 1 drop and it's yours!
  • He pumped up his muscles without leaving home!

The purpose of such ads is to directly attract the visitor to click on the picture or text.

So why the teaser network? A network refers to a huge number of sites that place advertisements of the same teaser network on their pages. Unites all sites into one teaser network with a script or server on which it runs.

So we figured out what teaser networks are.

Area of ​​application for teasers

Teasers can be used not only for advertising on websites, but also for personal use on their websites.

1) Internal use of a teaser system - usually such teasers find their use in online stores, where teasers serve as a showcase for new products or discounted products. And on news sites they are used in the form of displaying fresh or important materials.

2) Banner exchangers or teaser exchangers are also teaser networks that are designed for thematic exchange of banners to improve traffic to sites in this network.

Types of teaser networks

There are a huge number of teaser networks on the Internet; they can be divided into the following types:
  • General thematic teaser networks
  • Commodity
  • News

When choosing a teaser network, you need to focus on the theme of your site, the terms of acceptance and the cost of a click.

Here are a few teaser partners I use:

Teaser networkSites acceptPaymentsMinimum for payment
TeaserMediafrom 100 unique visitors per dayWebmoney(WMR), QIWI50 rubles

Few people know, but society has been familiar with teasers since the first advertising appeared. It is something shocking, intriguing, noticeable. A picture or statement using various “yellow press” techniques.

A striking example of teaser advertising is the Nike logo, the appearance of which at the beginning of the last century attracted attention and aroused the desire to find out what was hidden behind the tick? The reception was so successful that the brand is still extremely popular today.

What is teaser advertising and how does it work?

With the advent of the Internet, teasers penetrated many sites and gained great popularity.

What is “teaser advertising”? - Using the same teaser to promote a product, service or website. Along with contextual and advertising, the goal of creating a bright and original ad is to attract more users in order to sell products and accumulate traffic. After all, everyone knows: what more inputs

  • to the site, the closer it is to the TOP, it is advertised more often and the more they earn.
  • A teaser advertisement on the Internet looks like this: a static or animated picture of a small format and an exciting recording for it. A kind of mini-banner is cleverly integrated into the site; by clicking on it, the user is redirected to a product or news site.
  • The advertiser pays not for block placement, but for the number of clicks.

The use of promotion and its popularity are due to the following factors:

  • comparatively not high price(for example, the cost of displaying a context block can be more than ten times higher);
  • the ability to determine the target audience, and there are no restrictions on phrases, as in contextual advertising;
  • attracting traffic, which affects the number of site visitors;
  • ease of manufacture;
  • ease of settings and management;
  • Lots of places to post ads.

Secrets of teaser advertising from Daniel Partner

An Internet marketing specialist gives advice on working with teasers. Competent advertising that works and how to make it effective?

  • Track the effectiveness of your teasers and the activity of transitions to your own website. This has two goals: firstly, to identify working and most successful ads, and secondly, to fight bots. Since the cost depends on the click-through rate, and the main amount for moving from the site is received by its owner, unscrupulous owners of Internet pages often use robots. They bring them considerable income and cost money to advertisers. Today there are many services that allow you to monitor suspicious activity and block it.
  • The mini-banner should have an attractive and intriguing description, Special attention should be given to the title.
  • Brightness of the picture.
  • Choosing the right audience.
  • Market analysis - before launching your block, take a closer look at your competitors. Pay attention to the design of the ad, its initial cost and profit.

The appearance and timely changes in display settings depend only on the advertiser. If you approach advertising competently and correctly, you will achieve good results.

How to order teaser advertising

Competition for teaser placement depends on two parameters: the cost of one click and. When teaser advertising for a website reaches an intermediary, it goes through a kind of auction. Advertisers have the right to set their own prices for ads, while CTR does not depend on the cost, the main thing is the attractiveness of the picture and caption, as well as how interested site visitors are in them.

Advertising on teaser networks moves very quickly. Today, there are more than two hundred such networks, one hundred and twenty of which are operational and effective. Of course, they are all different in terms of settings and audience. There are networks that deal exclusively with one category of goods, and there are platforms, for example, Market Guide, that work with advertisements for the sale of various products.

Intermediaries accumulate a large amount of traffic and have access to many sites. If we look at the statistics, existing networks get a billion clicks in just one day! Of course, there are less and more successful intermediaries; the strongest ones are able to attract up to 200–300 million users who are interested in teasers per day.

The choice of network must be approached consciously. What should you pay attention to?

  • The cost of a click directly depends on the size of traffic, the number of sites and user activity. Usually intermediaries post the prices they offer per click; you need to read the information in detail.
  • Daniel Partner advises placing ads on a network that promotes a specific product. Then the user will definitely be interested in purchasing and the activity of bots on the site will decrease.
  • If you have problems choosing a publication, many networks help by offering a bright and original option. Some intermediaries offer to place mini-banners free of charge for new clients.
  • The difference is in the settings. You need to familiarize yourself not only with the pricing policy of the network, but also with the opportunities offered.

But you shouldn’t rely only on the authority of the network. Much depends on the customer himself, the originality of the ad’s execution, the efficiency and skill of managing advertising settings. In addition, you need to take care of the site itself, because a site visitor will want to find information there that corresponds to a bright publication.
Example of placement of teaser blocks.

Teaser advertising price

The cost of teaser advertising is several times lower than contextual advertising. The price for clicking on a teaser advertising news or politics is from 50 kopecks, real estate and goods are mainly 3-7 rubles. The cost depends on network traffic and user activity.

Daniel Partner recommends 3 three methods of promoting a teaser, because the more promoted it is, the more it will give, even if it is the cheapest excellent result. Methods of promotion depend mainly on the price, which must be managed competently by the advertiser. Therefore, each strategy produces two results: low cost per click and promotion due to the high teaser rating.

  1. The first method is to set a minimum cost per click. Teasers will be non-competing, but will still make it to the sites and be in demand, although not very much. In order to promote at least one of them, making it TOP, you need to buy in large quantities. Acceleration occurs in quantity, thereby displacing competitors.

The disadvantages of the strategy are that it requires a lot of work. You need to launch at least 100–500 new ads per day.

  1. The second method is the opposite. A high cost per impression is set, and the publication gains popularity, even with an initially low CTR. When the rating has increased, you can begin to reduce the price, but you need to do this carefully and consistently. Thus, we can reach a very low level, while the teaser will remain popular.
  2. The third method is as follows. The average competitive price is selected, but excluded required region sales If a product needs to be sold in Russia, then the teaser is shown all over the world except in Russia. There is an artificial increase in CTR; when advertising has gained popularity, you can change the geotarget, targeting the news at the Russian user. The price can also be reduced slightly. Today, this is the most popular method, but it does not always bring the desired result, since it is quite difficult to calculate the demand for teasers around the world.

It’s not for nothing that teasers are extremely popular on the Internet. This is a powerful tool that, like every type of activity, requires management and control. Bright design, intriguing name, right choice audience and pricing policy are the main factors for the success of every advertiser.

For this tool marketing communications have their own characteristics, which we will highlight in this article, and also answer the main question, what is teaser advertising?

About what teaser advertising is: general information

If you are interested in the question of what teaser advertising is, then you are aimed at generating sales.

A good example of a teaser is the following advertisements:

It is worth knowing that the teaser advertising format is found not only on the Internet. However, in real life it does not give such an effect, because people just don't like to go through the trouble of tying several facts together.

The teaser advertising block is constructed in such a way that the product itself is not shown. A caption that resembles a headline does not reveal all the information about the product. It is intended to create even more intrigue around him.

You may also come across ambiguous texts or phrases of a provocative nature.

Teaser advertising is usually carried out in 2-3 stages. The first creates a short title, often a question that leads to curiosity. On the second, the intrigue is revealed through the answer and image of the product itself.

The teaser performs a persuasive function, i.e. forms a preference among buyers for a specific brand, changes their perception of it, and encourages them to buy the product.

Banners and teaser advertising are similar in that both marketing techniques influence a person to attract attention. According to marketers, initial stage teaser promotions are more effective, or contextual advertising.

A visual example - a comparison of teaser advertising and contextual advertising - will make everything clearer:

Moreover, publishing a teaser does not imply large expenses. A representative of the fairer sex reads the material and, among the recommendations for losing weight, comes across an advertisement about drinking tea. Very appropriate and unobtrusive, right?

Classification of teaser advertising campaigns, advantages and disadvantages

In general, in the field of marketing, there are two types of teaser advertising:

    The most common format for the Internet. The user sees the advertisement, clicks on it and goes to the site, where he can immediately understand what exactly is being promoted there. They will be useful in conducting media campaigns and promoting web resources.

    Long-term (weekly).

Depending on the application, teaser advertising can take a variety of formats.

So, in the film industry it takes the form of an announcement. In this case, the trailer is mounted according to the kaleidoscope principle: fragments of the video sequence should not explain the content of the film to the viewer. Classic teaser advertising in films lasts for 30 seconds.

Bulletins can also be called teasers, audiovisual media with a question title, for example: “Are you ready for...?”

Why is it so popular in all areas? Teaser advertising has a number of advantages:

    An inherent ability to arouse curiosity without coaxing or intrusive measures.

    By hiding information about the brand, the teaser block of advertising creates an information gap - the audience is intrigued by the clues in the ads.

    This gap encourages people to increase their efforts to increase knowledge about the advertised products. Interest and curiosity give rise to a need in them to obtain more information and willingly follow links.

    But Internet users prefer to ignore contextual blocks and banner ads.

    Targeting capability.

    Using teaser networks, you can target advertising to specific categories of people depending on behavioral, geographic, socio-demographic and other factors.

    Economic efficiency.

    Reasonable price.

    There is no need to allocate large space on the site.

    Easy to create.

    Limitation in the range of promoted products.

    Therefore, it is advisable to analyze the conceptual aspects of competitors' advertising.

    Thanks to their low cost, teaser blocks have become a tool for many unscrupulous resources.

    Because of this, Internet users are losing confidence in her to some extent.

The role of teaser advertising on the Internet

The main function of teasers is to position the product, communicate a unique commercial offer. On the Internet, it should encourage the visitor to click and follow the hyperlink.

Thus, the site owner or advertiser achieves more target audience who, with their clicks, help increase his income. Therefore, it is practiced to display both statistical teaser advertisements and images in GIF format.

So, site owners resort to teaser advertising for:

  • increasing attendance;
  • growth in the number of potential buyers;
  • presentation of a completely new product;
  • making a profit.

Earnings are the most decisive factor. For placing a teaser advertising block on a web site and each click on it, the webmaster is paid money. The affiliate program is intended for people who intend to make a profit both from clicking on hyperlinks and from promoting products and services.

The partners may be:

  • blogs and forums,
  • news portals,
  • information resources,

Owners of large and well-promoted platforms earn a lot of money. Portals characterized by low traffic cannot count on good income.

To assess the feasibility of using teaser advertising, the webmaster has to wait 2-3 weeks after its placement. During this time, he changes the location of the ad.

This is also a mandatory measure, since an unsuccessful block location can ruin the entire advertising campaign or reduce the number of clicks.

The teaser type of advertising works well in women's topics, since girls click on ads more often than men. Still in demand medicine. But in in this case Fewer transitions are observed. This is due to the fact that in this segment“scam” is especially common.

Gadgets, computer and gambling also do not lose their relevance. Such toys can easily attract users. Products that are in demand will be attractive for teaser advertising, from entertainment sector or news.

List of popular teaser networks

Existing companies create new identities and teasers using teaser networks. There are quite a few such sites on the Internet.

The most popular and reliable of them are:

  • www.directadvert.ru
  • teasernet.com
  • www.marketgid.com
  • adbean.ru
  • visitweb.com

№1. www.directadvert.ru

The service has a simple interface and usability. It serves to increase traffic to content projects. In addition, the resource stimulates sales of various online stores and helps in brand recognition.

Directadvert guarantees website owners stable payments and large fees. Webmasters also receive the following benefits: filtering the content of advertising blocks by topics and words, high rate clickability, flexible settings.

  • about 600 million ad impressions,
  • variety of targeting types,
  • targeted traffic at a low price,
  • over 15 thousand partners (including TOP sites).


  • traffic exchange,
  • detailed statistics,
  • control advertising campaigns from your personal account,
  • cooperation with the help of a personal manager.

To work with this teaser system, register by indicating your email and the direction “Site Monetization”.

On email You will receive a message with your partner account login information.

You follow the provided link and enter the sent password and login.

Opens Personal Area, where you want to add your site.

At this stage, you should specify the site address, login and password.

The site is under moderation during the day.

When you click on the site, you are taken to manage ad units.

After clicking the " Add ad block» a new page opens. It asks you to choose a teaser advertising template. When you hover over any of them, the “Create” button pops up, which you click on.

On the “Design” tabs you can edit the teaser ad.

In “Content”, you can choose a topic with an indication of the price per click.

At the last stage you press the button " Install on site " When the resource has been moderated, this widget is active.

№2. Teasernet.com

Teasernet.com is a resource created for posting teaser advertisements. The platform allows you to reach a huge range of audiences. You can get 1.5 million impressions per day alone. Over 300 thousand sites are members of the network.

The greatest effectiveness with this teaser network can be achieved by having a news, commercial or entertainment site. Payments occur every week.

The display of ads can be customized using targeting. The cost of a Russian click is at least 50 kopecks. To withdraw earned funds, you must have at least 20 rubles in your account.

№3. www.marketgid.com

The calculator allows you to calculate the approximate amount of income per month.

MarketGuide presents an international teaser platform. She invites advertisers, webmasters and agencies to cooperate.

Everyone is offered mutually beneficial working conditions. Advertisers can get their brand out there quickly and efficiently. Website owners can earn money from visits from the target audience without investment. Agencies – an effective advertising campaign.

The teaser network is made up of a group of managers, journalists, analysts, and marketers.

  • In addition to teasers, here you will find:
  • promotion of news content;
  • popunders;
  • posting articles;
  • informer (media, news); advertising of services and mobile applications

and etc.

The resource is visited by at least 2 thousand users per day. To date, it boasts 4 billion views of teaser ad blocks, 6.5 thousand products, 4.5 million page views. The cost of one transition is 1 cent. Lots in stock free services

№4. . The traffic is high quality. Daily audience coverage is more than 23 million users.


The resource functions as an advertising platform that combines the advantages of teaser ads and CPA affiliate programs. Webmasters can choose only effective, highly profitable campaigns.

Russian and Ukrainian sites with daily traffic of 500 people and the presence of one of the statistics systems counters: Google Analytics, Yandex.Metrica are allowed to participate.

№5. The service offers the use of animated images and static teaser blocks. Website owners receive up to 90%. There is a referral with 10% of the income of attracted clients, geotargeting.

  • Visitweb.com
  • embed
  • teaser,
  • clickander,
  • messenger,
  • video player,

sliders. Payments occur every day, subject to the presence of a minimum amount (15 rubles) in wallets (ruble and dollar),. Sites of any type, including doorways and adult, can apply for joint work.

Cheats are not allowed. A wide range of tools are provided for optimizing conversions, 28 settings and filters, including by days and times of impressions, OS, prices, browsers, etc.

A subscription to one of the system packages is provided:

The exchange attracts both mobile and desktop traffic. There is an affiliate program. You can monitor advertising campaigns online.

A convenient calculator allows you to calculate your expected level of earnings.

Key Components for Teaser Advertising Success

Conceptualization of teaser advertising is of paramount importance in the effectiveness of a marketing campaign and the generation of profit for the owner of a web portal. Each teaser must be carefully developed, taking into account the size of the image and other components.

    Creativity of idea, innovation of concept.

    The teaser should arouse interest among a wide audience and remain in public memory for a long time. Try to keep the title short. Don't diminish the significance of the image.

  1. Logical connection between the presenting product and teaser advertising, lack of ambiguity. The teaser should be planned so that a person does not have the opportunity to identify with another brand.
  2. A short period of time between stages.

    You should not delay the disclosure of information about the advertised product when using weekly teasers, as there is a risk of loss of interest on the part of consumers.

    Number of impressions.

    The more and more often the teaser block of advertising appears before the eyes of viewers, the higher the chances of clicking on links and making purchases.

    Ranking, market segmentation.

    The study of the target audience and consumer demand should be based on analytical work. It is necessary to identify a group of people who, with optimal commercial efforts, will quickly click on the teaser block of advertisements and buy the products offered.

    Here we need to take into account the psychological variable, i.e. psychology of product perception. You also need to use macros.

    Macros are special mechanisms that provide statistics on all transferred users.

    This way you will come to understand the traffic you are working with.

    Powerful and attractive replay.

    The final product reveal should be accompanied by great fanfare and meet audience expectations.

Are you wondering whether to use teaser networks?

Be sure to check out the expert's opinion on this matter:

Now you know what is teaser advertising, why and how to use it. You need to be creative when introducing teasers on your website. This marketing technique allows you not to reveal all your cards at once, but to gradually and carefully push the potential consumer to purchase, playing on his curiosity.

In order for such an ad to arouse consumer interest, you should present information about the product as thoughtfully as possible. Present it gradually, as if playing a game, and wait for a response...