Toy terrier: main types and care of the Russian torus. Toy Terrier - a small dog with a strong character Toy Terrier maintenance and care ipb

The compact size of the toy terrier is ideal for keeping in an apartment. But a pet is not a toy; it requires decent care. It is equally important to choose a dog wisely, taking into account the external characteristics and health status of the future family member.

External tips will help you choose a toy terrier:

  1. Long thin legs. Because of them, the dog is compared to a small deer.
  2. Deep chest. The sharp transition from the chest to the stomach is pronounced even in puppies.
  3. Bottom of chest. Bottom part chest is at the same level as upper joints front paws
  4. Form. When viewed from the side, the puppy's body resembles a square - the length is equal to the height at the withers.
  5. White spots. There may be a spot on the paws or chest. But international standards regard stains as a defect.
  6. Color. Any brown-tan shades are allowed.
  7. Eyes. Should be convex, but not excessively.
  8. Flat back. Back arches are not included in the breed standard.
  9. Butt. Ideally, it is at the level of the shoulder blades or slightly below.

An experienced breeder will tell you what kind of toy terrier you need. When purchasing a purebred puppy, the seller will be sure to present a certificate confirming compliance with the standards.

If you have no intention of participating in competitions, you can purchase “rejected material.” This purchase will be cheaper. Instead of a passport, the puppy will receive a certificate marked “breeding marriage”.

Meet the potential pet's parents. The behavior of parents is passed on to their children. If the baby's mother is aggressive or cowardly, it is possible that these qualities are already inherent in the puppy's character.

If you need a mini terrier, choose a better Russian Toy. Its weight will not exceed 1.5 kilograms. A supermini, whose weight does not reach 1.5 kilograms, develops defects with age, for example, an unfilled fontanel. Therefore, it is not recommended to buy an unraised puppy - it is unknown what developmental defects will appear later. Small standard breeds weigh from 1.5 to 2 kilograms. The standard includes dogs with indicators of 2.1-2.5 kilograms. Weight up to 3 kilograms is typical for large toys.

  1. The first is performed at 5-6 weeks and serves to prepare the body for subsequent vaccinations.
  2. The second is carried out at 2.5 months.

The second vaccination will protect your pet from diseases:

  • infectious hepatitis;
  • parainfluenza;
  • plague;
  • leptospirosis;
  • paraviral enteritis.

Puppies cannot be sold before the second vaccination. This is quarantine time, when the dog’s body is sensitive to pathogenic microorganisms.

Despite their size, toy terriers have good health and not whimsical.

The puppy's growth ends at 4-5 months. Puberty in females occurs at 1.5 years, when the third heat occurs in toy terriers. Bitches weighing at least 1.5 kilograms are allowed for breeding. But they must give birth in the presence of veterinarians. Low weight is the cause of complicated childbirth. It is not recommended to breed a dog for the first time if it has already exceeded 3 years of age.

The best time for mating is the first 2 weeks from the moment of estrus. Bloodless heats are often observed in female cats, so you can guess whether a female dog is ready for mating by a change in her usual behavior. Pregnancy will be determined based on the results clinical tests. External signs, swelling of the nipples, enlargement of the abdomen, appear 2-3 weeks before birth.

Necessary things for maintenance

Before purchasing a puppy, prepare the necessary things for your toy terrier:

  • Ceramic bowl. This the best option– does not emit toxins, is durable.
  • Massage brush with long handle. Convenient for brushing a nimble puppy.
  • Shampoo. It is better to purchase a special one for short-haired breeds.
  • Ear Cleaning Liquid. It is not possible to buy a special lotion; use wet wipes or a solution of hydrogen peroxide.
  • Latex Toothbrush . Eliminates plaque.
  • Meat flavored toothpaste. Brushing your teeth will eliminate the formation of tartar.
  • Rubber toys. Chewing hard rubber builds strong jaws.

If you decide not to take your toy outside, purchase a tray for him. Tweezers for pulling out long hairs from auricle. When they die, they end up in ear canal and cause discomfort to the dog.

The appearance of a miniature toy terrier is touching. Still would! This tiny dog ​​looks absolutely adorable. He is endowed with a light, friendly, cheerful character, making it pleasant to communicate with him. Despite the fact that toy terriers are representatives of the smallest dog breeds, they have good health, please with unpretentiousness, do not require expensive care measures.

Having studied the Toy Terrier breed: the care and maintenance of representatives is unlikely to be burdensome, each potential owner will be able to evaluate the feasibility of purchasing a tiny four-legged friend.

Proper care of your toy terrier will be the key to excellent health, presentable appearance four-legged pet.

Ear care

A dog owner who is interested in how to care for a toy terrier will certainly need to perform a thorough monthly inspection of his pet’s ears. It is forbidden to examine the condition of the auricle with a finger or stick. It is advisable to remove wax accumulated in the outer area of ​​the ears with a cotton swab or disk, after moistening it in a special hygienic lotion. Under no circumstances should you allow liquid to get inside the ear.

According to the standard requirements, a Toy Terrier with a short smooth coat should have high erect ears. A long-haired dog may have slightly drooping ears. As a rule, ears standing up in a representative of this breed occurs at the age of 5 - 6 months.

The owner can help speed up the process of installing his pet's ears by gluing them. Experienced dog breeders advise performing this procedure after the dog reaches the age of 2 months. Gluing ears pet Using an adhesive plaster, you can do it yourself or seek the help of an experienced veterinarian. As a rule, the ears of a toy terrier are in the desired position for 4 weeks after gluing.

Dental care

Toy terriers are endowed by nature with small, strong, sharp teeth that require careful care. You should not allow your four-legged friend to entertain himself for a long time by tugging various objects because of the danger of deforming his jaws. Poor or slow loss of primary teeth at the age of five months can cause the formation of malocclusion at the dog.

To avoid illness oral cavity Toy Terrier, it is advisable to brush his teeth weekly.

Modern pet stores offer for sale special means: pastes, brushes for dental care. The recommended brushing time is a maximum of 2 minutes. An animal should be accustomed to this procedure from puppyhood.


According to experienced breeders, the toy terrier does not need excessively frequent water procedures Oh. This is explained by the fact that miniature dogs have dry skin with hypersensitivity. The recommended intervals between washing a pet are 5 - 7 months. A pet that has been vaccinated can be bathed no earlier than after 2 weeks.

For bathing, you need to provide heated water in the bath, purchase special shampoo, air conditioner.
Abuse of various hygiene products can cause dandruff. The fur of a bathed dog can be dried with a hairdryer.

For a smooth-haired pet, a special brush or mitten is suitable. A long-haired animal needs daily brushing using a comb or comb.

Claw care

Puppies can start trimming their nails at 10 days of age. In the future, the interval between nail trimmings is 10 - 20 days.
Adjustments to the claws of an adult dog are carried out monthly. The upper rounded section of the claw must be removed. It is necessary to buy a dog nail clipper and special nippers in advance. Experienced dog breeders also perform subsequent polishing of the claws with a nail file.

The hard surface on which the animal steps helps to wear down the claws. During long walks there is no need to trim the claws.

Conditions of detention

The Toy Terrier is very vulnerable due to its small size. Its owners will have to constantly look at their feet so as not to injure the dog, slowly open and close all the doors in the house, check sofas and chairs before sitting down for the presence of a dog settled there. In hand small pet should be handled with caution and care. If present in the family small child(under 6 years old) it is better to refuse to purchase a toy terrier.

Arrangement of a sleeping place

A sleeping place for a toy terrier can be arranged using a soft folded blanket covered with oilcloth. A diaper or woolen cape is placed on top of the oilcloth. A feather mattress and foam bedding are considered far from better basics for the “bed” of a small dog. A dirty diaper must be replaced.

The toy terrier is not averse to playing and being pampered. The owner will not go wrong if he provides his four-legged friend with latex, rubber toys of small sizes: balls, rings, bones, animal figurines. The dog enjoys playing with himself, but he enjoys having fun in the company of his owner even more.

When purchasing toys, it is very important to control their quality. It is advisable to get rid of old toys in a timely manner, since harmful microbes accumulate on their surface.

Raising and training a dog

Possession of information: how to train a toy terrier will allow the owner to educate obedient dog, capable of performing some simple commands: “Sit”, “Fu”, “You can’t”, etc. The main thing is to deal with the dog calmly, without threats or use of force.

A dog that successfully executes a command should be praised and rewarded. If the dog ignored the order, you can repeat the command again and show what exactly is expected from the pet.

Rules for walking a toy terrier

The animal needs daily walking. To a little puppy 4-5 daily walks during the day are suitable. An adult dog should be walked three times a day.. In cold weather, walking time should be reduced as much as possible. To make the walk pleasant and comfortable for your pet, you can dress it according to the weather.

It is preferable to choose a quiet, calm toy terrier. A well-trained dog of this breed walks wonderfully without a leash. Veterinarians do not recommend keeping your dog on a leash all the time, as this is considered harmful to its skeleton. The animal can be allowed to run around a little, which will certainly have a positive effect on improving its health.

Clothes for Toy Terrier

The Smooth-Coated Toy Terrier can experience serious discomfort when walking in cold weather. The same can be said about dogs with more long hair. For this reason, animals need their owners to purchase warm clothing.

It is advisable to accustom the puppy from the very beginning small age to wearing blouses, overalls, hats, so that later the adult dog can calmly perceive the procedure of dressing and undressing. It is best to purchase clothes made from high-quality materials corresponding to the size of the dog.

The toy terrier's paw pads are covered with delicate skin that can quickly freeze and become irritated by salts and aggressive road chemicals. The dog owner will need to take care of buying shoes (for example, boots with Velcro fasteners) to protect his pet's paws. Read more about clothes for small dogs.

Tray training

IN daytime Not all owners have the opportunity to walk their small pets. To avoid troubles in the apartment in the form of puddles of urine, piles of excrement, you need to learn: how to accustom a toy terrier to the tray as quickly as possible. To do this, you should get special diapers, which have an upper absorbent and lower waterproof layer (it is also possible to use regular paper and newspapers).

If the pet begins to behave anxiously and sit down, it should be moved to the tray so that it can relieve itself. An owner who knows how to toilet train a toy terrier will certainly praise his pet for every successful bowel movement in the place designated for this purpose.

Features of feeding a toy terrier

If a toy terrier has appeared in the family, care and maintenance of what to feed the pet, you need to know. When deciding what to feed your toy terrier, you can choose a diet that includes natural products or specialized high-quality food. Veterinarians are categorically against mixed feeding of representatives of this breed.

Dry food

The problem of what to feed an adult toy terrier can be solved quite simply if the choice is made in favor of specialized factory-prepared products. When purchasing dry food for your four-legged pet, it is advisable to give preference to products from the “premium”, “super-premium”, and “holistic” categories.

When calculating the amount of food, a toy terrier weight table will be indispensable, since on its basis the necessary calculations of daily and portion norms will be made. for the toy terrier you need to buy only from well-known, well-established brands.

Natural food

Successful feeding of a toy terrier with natural products will be organized if the owner makes balanced menu your pet, rich in vitamins, minerals. You should definitely include in your dog's diet healthy food: meat, fish, boiled egg yolks, porridge, vegetables.

Milk is suitable only when the relevant question is: “What to feed a toy terrier puppy at the age of 1.5 - 9 months?”
For adult dogs, it will be preferable to issue fermented milk products, cottage cheese.
Natural nutrition Toy terrier requires a mandatory calculation of portions (80 grams of food / 1 kg of dog weight).

An owner who is worried about what to feed his toy terrier should know about foods that are strictly taboo. You should exclude sugar, sweets, fatty pork, egg white, smoked meats, sausage, full-fat sour cream, butter, pasta, spicy, hot spices.

How many times should you feed your dog?

A toy terrier puppy purchased from a breeder at 1.5 months old needs 6 meals a day, including: milk porridge, chopped boiled beef, chicken. When deciding how and what to feed a toy terrier at 2 months, it is worth paying attention to the fact that such a dog is suitable for 5 meals a day with slightly increased portions. During the life period of 3 - 5 months, feeding 4 times a day will be optimal for the dog (the menu can be varied with stewed, raw vegetables, fruits). A dog aged 5 - 9 months requires three meals a day, and from 9 months the animal is given food 2 times a day.

Breeding Toy Terriers

It is not so rare for the owners of toy terriers to try themselves as breeders. It is considered optimal to breed a toy terrier when the age of the bitch is between 1.5 and 3 years. The period, including 10 - 14 days after the toy terrier's estrus began, is the most effective for the dog to meet the “groom”.

The owner will need to best organize the nutrition and maintenance of the pregnant bitch in order to subsequently get good offspring and not worry about the dog’s health.

Today, giving birth to a toy terrier at home is considered common. However, it would be a good idea to be on the safe side and agree in advance with the veterinarian so that he can help the dog give birth without problems at the right time, and also respond in time to possible complications.

The Toy Terrier is a wonderful dog that can quickly find contact with its owners. You can spend a lot of time in the company of this little dog, getting great pleasure.









Tendency to train


Attitude towards children


Fragile, graceful, small dogs of the Russian Toy Terrier breed evoke tenderness in every person. At first glance, this animal looks unhappy, defenseless and even apathetic, but that is until the moment when the dog starts frolicking or gets angry at someone.

The Russian Toy has more than enough energy. A cheerful pet quickly finds mutual language with all family members and all pets. The manner of holding the head, high-set large ears and round eyes with with an expressive look make toy terriers look like cute fawns.

History of the breed

As the name suggests, the birthplace of the Russian Terrier is Russia. Before the revolutionary upheaval, English toy terriers were very popular among Russians. But with the advent of Soviet power, they began to be considered bourgeois dogs. Breeding work was practically stopped, the number of English toys decreased sharply. In the mid-fifties of the 20th century, Russian cynologists began working on the creation of Russian toy terriers.

Soon, decorative dogs originally from Moscow gained even more popularity than their English relatives. At first, only smooth-haired toy terriers existed. But in the late fifties, the first representative of the long-haired variety was born. The parents of the unusual puppy with feathering on his ears and legs were a pair of smooth-haired Russian Toys, one of which had a slightly longer coat.

It was decided to breed a long-haired type of Russian Toy. Its founder was the same puppy with fluffy ears. He was crossed with a female dog that had long hair, and the result was the first litter of long-haired Russian Toys.

Despite its diminutive size, decorative dog in any situation he behaves boldly, even impudently. This dog is able to defend its place in the canine team and, if necessary, fearlessly rushes to the defense of its owner.

Breed standard Russian Toy

“Toy” translated from English means “toy”. Indeed, dogs of this breed resemble miniature toys. They are on the list of the smallest dogs in the world. The weight of adults does not exceed 3 kg., height approx. 20-28 cm.

Elegant, agile, miniature, with thin bones and relatively long legs - this is the Russian Toy. There are two varieties of the breed: long-haired and smooth-haired. They differ from each other in their coat characteristics. Otherwise, the description of the representatives of the Russian Toys is the same.

A wedge-shaped head with a wide skull rests on a beautifully curved neck. Triangular ears with pointed or rounded tips. They are placed high, standing. The muzzle narrows towards the nose. The nose may be brown or black. The eyes are slightly bulging, round, the look is intelligent and expressive. The teeth are sharp and have a scissor bite.
The physique is graceful, the back is straight, the stomach is tucked. Limbs are straight, long, parallel. Tail docking up to the second vertebra is allowed.

The coat depends on the type of breed:

Smooth-haired Russian Toy

The coat is short, shiny, and lies close to the body. There is no undercoat. Bald patches are not acceptable.

Longhaired Russian Toy

The coat is 3-5 cm long, straight, lying close to the body. Light waviness is allowed, which does not hide the outline of the body. Ears with beautiful feathering are the main decoration of the long-haired Toy. The hair on the ears is long and thick, like a fringe. Feathers on legs. The paws are covered with elongated hair, under which the claws are not visible.

The color of the coat is distinguished by rich shades. According to the standard, the following colors are allowed: fawn, black and tan, blue and tan, red, brown and tan, lilac and tan.

Such a small, fragile dog cannot live on the street. She need warm room, comfort, proper living conditions. The Russian Toy seems to be created for living in an apartment, even the smallest one. Miniature pet proper education will not cause any problems for household members and will not take up much space.

Even before purchasing a puppy, you need to acquire things that a “pocket” dog cannot do without. The list of such purchases includes: bowls for food and water, clothes for different cases(walks in summer, winter, going out, traveling...), playpen, carrying bag, house or bed, litter tray or diapers (disposable, reusable), chewing bones, toys, means for hygiene care, harness

Of course, everything that is needed during care, maintenance and education pet impossible to list, but the main things listed above must be purchased immediately.

It is worth considering the main points regarding the care and education of the Russian Toy:

1. Walk. Large physical exercise the toy terrier does not need them. He may well use up energy running from room to room or playing with toys. TO litter tray or a mini-pet gets used to a diaper quickly, so there is no need to walk it early in the morning and in the evening.

The little toy is thermophilic; in cold weather it quickly freezes and can catch a cold. This does not mean that it must always be kept in indoors. It is necessary to walk a Russian toy terrier; the dog should walk in the fresh air for 40-60 minutes a day, this is good for his health, both physical and psychological. It is better to determine the walking time during the day (not in the morning and not in the evening) so that it does not freeze.

In warm weather it is not necessary to wear it, except for beauty. In the cold season, it is recommended to keep walks short and do not let the dog outside without warm clothes. It is not recommended to let a nimble pet off a leash, unless you have the opportunity to walk in sparsely populated places, where there is no transport or stray animals, or when walking in a fenced area.

2. Care of the coat. For a smooth-haired toy, it is enough to brush it once every 5-7 days. Brush long-haired pets daily. During the molting period, it is recommended to use a furminator. Russian Toys do not shed profusely, and there will not be any particular difficulties in caring for their coat.

3. Swimming. Representatives of the breed do not have a specific unpleasant odor, but they need to be bathed relatively often - once every 30-40 days. During water procedures, make sure that no water gets into your ears. They must first be plugged with cotton wool.

4. Claws. It needs to be trimmed once every two months; if you don’t do this, the dog will have difficulty walking. Toy terriers don't wear them down naturally o road surface.

5. Eyes and ears. Required regular inspection about the presence of infections, as indicated by inflammation and excessive accumulation of discharge. It is forbidden to penetrate the inside of the ears; once every 20-30 days you need to clean only the visible part. Wipe the corners of the eyes where discharge accumulates with a cotton swab dipped in warm water. It is believed that the eyes and ears are the weak points of the Russian Toy Terrier, so they need to be looked after with special attention.

6. Anal glands. Due to the overflow of the anal glands, she feels terrible discomfort, and an unpleasant odor appears, which creates discomfort for all household members. To clean the glands, you need to lightly press with your fingers (thumb and index) from the bottom and sides of the anus.

7. Nutrition. It is recommended to feed Russian Toy Terriers premium dry food. It has everything you need for normal development and the life of the pet. Natural way feeding is also not excluded. The diet should contain 20-30% meat low-fat varieties. Owners of such dogs should be aware that they have an underdeveloped sense of satiety, so it is strictly forbidden to overfeed their pet. The dog will eat as long as food is available. Such gluttony can result in obesity, bloating or even volvulus.

Health and diseases of the Toy Terrier breed

At proper care, nutrition and maintenance, the Russian Toy Terrier can live up to 15 years. At the same time, the decorative dog practically does not get sick. But it’s not without problems. The weakest and most susceptible to disease areas: bones, heart, teeth, pancreas and skin covering. The toy owner should familiarize himself with the pet’s predisposition to the following diseases:

  • Eye diseases.
  • Dislocation kneecap.
  • Ear infections.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.

I am glad that it happens very rarely among representatives of the breed.

At six months of age, a toy terrier's teeth change. During this period, it is necessary to ensure that baby teeth fall out. If it is noticed that baby tooth has not fallen out, but the molar has already begun to grow, urgently take your pet to a veterinary dentist for removal.

The bones of the Russian Toy are very thin and fragile. He cannot jump from a height of more than 40 cm. Such a jump can result in a dislocation or even a fracture.

The value of the breed is not only in its miniature size and sociability. The Russian Toy can be an ideal pet for a person who has never dealt with dogs before. This is an animal with a sociable temperament.

Devotion, energy, mobility, unobtrusiveness - this is the basis of the Toy’s character. Aggression is not typical of these dogs, although in some cases they show serious viciousness, especially those individuals who have not received proper upbringing. A Russian Toy, ill-mannered and spoiled by its owners, can turn into an uncontrollable, vicious animal. Such a pet, despite its miniature size, will lead all family members, trying to take the place of the leader.

Toy terriers get along well with all household members and all pets. They treat strangers with suspicion, but once they get to know each other better, they are ready to play and communicate. They play with children with pleasure, but can stand up for themselves if the baby causes pain. You should not leave a dog alone with a child; both the animal and the children may suffer.

The Russian Toy does not perceive himself as a small dog. Therefore, he does not retreat from big dogs. A decorative dog can easily attack guard dog what will bring upon oneself mortal danger. Males are especially prone to dog fighting.

Training and education

Beginning with one month old You need to start training your dog. The Russian Toy is easy to learn and train. But there are some difficulties and features of education:

  • You can’t pamper and praise too much, otherwise she will imagine herself to be the master of the house.
  • It is necessary to suppress emerging aggression, prohibit growling without reason.
  • Do not allow jumping on strangers.
  • Prohibit barking for no reason.

The Russian Toy is a decorative dog, not a service dog. Therefore, the owner himself will handle his training. You can use the advice of a dog trainer to make the training process more successful.

  • Representatives of the Russian Toy breed are freely allowed to stay in hotels and on public transport.
  • The Russian Toy is an excellent hunter of small burrowing animals. It is not for nothing that the name of the breed is loosely translated as “Russian toy burrow dog.”
  • The Toy Terrier is the favorite pet of many celebrities and public people.
  • Russian Toy females are low-fertile (1-5 puppies per litter).
  • Among Russian Toys, long-livers are known with a maximum life expectancy of about 22 years.

Russian Toy - pros and cons of the breed

If you want to have a little “pocket” friend, buy a Russian Toy puppy. It would seem that this ideal breed, which can take root in any family, but with many advantages, mini dogs have their disadvantages:


1. Devotion.
2. Suitable for apartment maintenance.
3. Does not require regular walks.
4. Easy care.
5. Not expensive to maintain.
6. High intelligence.
7. Friendly attitude both to people and to animals.
8. Easy to transport.


1. Bone fragility.
2. Tendency to overeat.
3. Not perceiving one’s own small size.
4. Predisposition to ear and eye diseases.
5. Cold intolerance.

Despite their grace and miniature size, toy terriers are quite strong dogs and rarely get sick. However, this does not mean that you can completely ignore your toy’s health. It's just the opposite. The fact is that diseases of toy terriers can literally turn a ward from a cheerful and active dog into a lethargic and extremely emaciated dog in just a day or two. And infectious diseases can kill a baby in just a few hours.

This is why it is so important for the owner to be attentive to any changes in the behavior and well-being of the pet, and to strictly adhere to the vaccination schedule (especially for puppies and young dogs). And, of course, you should always have your phone at hand. good veterinarian, because Self-medication of such miniature dogs is very risky.

What are the most common diseases that Toys suffer from?

Among typical Toy health problems, several groups can be distinguished:

1.Problems with musculoskeletal system. This is facilitated by both the active and inquisitive nature of the Toychik and the genetics of the breed. Therefore, it is important to closely monitor your pets and not allow them, especially in puppyhood, to jump from great heights. Well, the toy terrier’s habit of always hovering underfoot can end with the owner simply stepping on him. It will help to avoid hereditary pathologies (necrosis of the femoral head and luxation of the patella) serious approach When choosing a pet, it is obligatory to meet its parents and study the breed line.

2. Eye diseases. Genetically determined. Most often these are various types of conjunctivitis and senile catarcts.

3.Tartar, paradatosis and early tooth loss are also very common among Toy Terriers. Prevention of this group of diseases will be balanced diet and regular dental care for your dog.

4. Allergic reactions. They can be foodborne, caused by the bite of fleas and insects, and even by ordinary dust and pollen. Allergies in toy dogs are most often inherited, so it is worth asking the breeder in advance about similar problems among the puppy’s parents.

5. Neuralgic diseases of toy terriers. Among these, the most common are hydrocephalus and atlantoaxial instability. The first appears already in early puppyhood in the form of an increased volume of the skull. In the second case, as a result of displacement of the dog’s cervical vertebrae, the spinal cord, that leads to acute pain and immobilizing the pet. To alleviate the dog's condition, surgical intervention is necessary.

6. Digestive problems. Most often caused poor nutrition, selection of low-quality food, allergies to certain food products, or banal overfeeding of the ward.

7. Other ailments. Like all other dogs, an unvaccinated toy terrier runs the risk of contracting a dangerous canine infection (distemper, enteritis, hepatitis, etc.). He may also suffer from a tick bite - a carrier of piroplasmosis. Well, severe hypothermia is fraught with diseases of the kidneys and bronchopulmonary system.

What should alert the owner?

Toy terrier diseases have the same symptoms and manifestations as other dogs. These include:

Any changes in the dog’s usual behavior (lethargy, the dog looks sad, does not want to play or walk)

Change in the consistency and usual color of the dog’s discharge (diarrhea, constipation, reddish urine, black or white feces, etc.)

Increase in body temperature above 39C

Refusal to eat, increased thirst.

Lack of shine, dull-looking coat, itching, redness of the skin, changes in the color and condition of the mucous membranes

Discharge from the eyes, nose, or ears

Cramps, unsteadiness of gait

Pain, lameness, changes in the position of the paws, their eversion when walking

An attentive owner will always understand that something is wrong with the dog and what could be causing it. It’s one thing if, after being in nature with you, your toy sleeps like a log all day and doesn’t pay attention to the usual sounds. And it’s completely different if the same thing happens for no reason and you clearly understand that it’s just hard for him to stand or walk.

Same thing with diarrhea and vomiting. They can be completely harmless, caused by a minor digestive upset or stress. As a rule, everything goes away within a day and the maximum that may be required is a strict diet and a teaspoon of enterosgel.

Does diarrhea persist for more than a day, does your dog have a fever, is he exhausted and weak? Your dog has vomited all his food, but he still vomits? - Go to the vet immediately!

Often, Toychik owners do not pay any attention to slight itching, dandruff, or sudden, out of the usual schedule, shedding of the dog. As a rule, everything is attributed to fleas or a lack of vitamins. Meanwhile, these symptoms can cause diseases of toy terriers such as allergies, hepatitis, problems with gastrointestinal tract. The cause may also be infection with helminths or inflammation of the paraanal glands.

And, of course, you cannot ignore any manifestations of pain in an animal. They can be caused by injury or hematoma, as well as a number of other diseases.

A competent owner means a healthy dog!

Diseases of toy terriers are very often caused by their improper maintenance. And here there are two extremes. The first is to be afraid to breathe on a dog, as they say. They rush around with her like a small child, they worry that she will catch a cold and, as a result, they don’t walk with her much, and they put on warm clothes as soon as the thermometer drops below 20C. In addition, the pet is stuffed with various tasty treats, without thinking at all about the benefits or harm of this or that product. The “child” asks for it! How can you refuse?!

The second extreme is a disregard for the ward and complete disregard for the advice of the breeder and veterinarian. With such owners, the dog is left to its own devices. They feed her anything. People forget about vitamins already in the second week of the puppy’s stay in the house. Walked when the owner is in the mood.

In both cases, by the age of two, your toy may develop a whole bunch of diseases. Starting from the banal food allergies and injuries to serious problems with the liver, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system. Well, little-walked, “greenhouse” dogs, moreover, easily catch colds and can easily get bronchitis or pneumonia.

Do you want your toy terrier to always be healthy and cheerful? - No problem! Strictly adhere to all recommendations of the breeder or experienced dog handler regarding the maintenance, care and menu of the ward. Do not overfeed your dog and do not give him treats from your table.

Do not ignore daily walks and active games with your pet. Fresh air and movements will perfectly strengthen the dog’s immunity. The main thing is to avoid hypothermia, overheating, jumping from great heights and avoid meeting large, aggressive dogs. It is also not recommended to walk with toy dogs in the rain.

Get ready to welcome into your home little friend, make sure that the little resident is comfortable and safe. Big problems Keeping a toy terrier will not bring benefits, but some features of the breed require additional care knowledge. Even such a small dog must be taught from a young age to cleanliness, to correct behavior in the house. In addition, your pet must get used to hygiene procedures, carry them calmly.

Things that a terrier will need

For a toy terrier, care and maintenance begins with the purchase of things that will make life easier for you and your baby. Stock up on items such as:

  • dog enclosure or playpen (useful for cases when the dog is left at home alone)
  • lounger, bedding or house (for sleeping and accustoming to a place)
  • nail clippers
  • dog shampoo
  • carrying bag (convenient travel attribute)
  • Feeding bowls for food and water
  • toys
  • wool brush (for long-haired types)

That's how optimal set attributes for competent maintenance of a toy terrier.

House rules

If you know, , must understand that the new tenant will settle in the house for 15-20 years. Immediately give the puppy a place. It should be warm, cozy, protected from drafts. Do not place the dog’s house near doors, in the kitchen, or near passages.

Initial begins with seat and toilet training. Having determined the location of your four-legged friend, place newspapers or diapers next to the bedding. Keep track of where your puppy urinates most often. Remove the extra diapers, and move the one he chose for his intimate affairs to the place where you plan to place the toilet tray. When your baby gets there, replace the diaper with a tray.

  • do not allow your dog to sleep on beds, sofas, or chairs (jumping from heights can lead to severe injury or death)
  • do not lift the animal by the paws, armpits and belly, take it under the chest with your index finger, holding it on the sides with the rest
  • watch your movements around the house so as not to accidentally step on the baby, tell your children about the fragility of your pet

Personal hygiene and feeding

Personal hygiene means , eyes, claws and fur of that terrier.

The ears of a toy terrier are examined regularly. Make sure that the dog does not shake its ears; bad smell. If this happens often, contact your veterinarian and he will prescribe drops. To clean the animal’s ears yourself, you need to use your finger wrapped in a napkin. Do not use when caring for ears. ear sticks and matches with cotton wool, they can injure the animal.

The terrier's claws are checked once a month and trimmed as necessary. This should be done carefully. If in doubt, consult a veterinarian, he will tell you how to carry out the procedure correctly.

The weak spot is the teeth of the toy terrier. They need to be monitored constantly. Unfortunately, toy terriers lose teeth not only during puppyhood. The problem is relevant for most small breeds. The cause may be tartar, soft plaque, gingivitis, periodontitis, which affects small dogs.

Advice: In order not to spoil the puppy’s bite, do not pull rags and toys from his mouth. Gently unclench your jaw and pick up the object.

Now about how to wash a toy terrier and with what. There is an objective opinion among experts that it is enough to wash dogs of this breed once every six months. Use special shampoos for washing.

Deciding , consult the breeder. Find a comfortable place for feeding. Doesn't matter, natural food you give either dry food, it must have the correct balance of fats, proteins, and vitamins. Please note that the baby’s body does not digest fresh milk.

Is castration of a toy terrier necessary and why is the tail docked?

The need for castration of a toy terrier depends on the wishes of the owner. If you are taking a dog for fun and do not plan to breed it, then it is better to have an operation. Positive result This procedure will make the baby's temperament more calm. Boys become less aggressive, behave more quietly, bark and fuss less.

By the way, according to statistics, castrated males live 1.5-2 years longer than their non-castrated counterparts.

According to breed standards, it is customary to dock the tail of a toy terrier. This is done by the breeder at the age of 3-5 days.

Remember, caring for a dog is not only about hygiene, walking, and playing. You are responsible for the maintenance, education, health, happy life pet. If you are interested in Toy Terrier diseases and treatment, read our other materials.