Fat Chihuahua. Kobe and Deer options for Chihuahuas: pros and cons

What types of Chihuahuas are there - a question that interests many fans of these cute little ones who love their funny appearance and loyal character. In this article we will try to give the most detailed answer to it.

Before talking about the differences, it is worth highlighting general signs, characteristic of these dogs:

  • average duration life is about 12 years;
  • tiny height (from 15 to 23 cm) and weight (from 500 grams to 3 kg);
  • the head is shaped like an apple, there is a fontanel on top - a non-ossified part of the skull;
  • the transition from the forehead to the nose is pronounced;
  • pointed muzzle, large erect ears, large dark eyes;
  • characterized by high activity;
  • smart, easy to train;
  • fur comes in different colors;
  • They have a loyal and friendly character and are good with children.

Every dog ​​has his own individual characteristics, but these signs are common to representatives of the breed.

Officially accepted varieties

There are species recognized by professional dog handlers, and there are those that are artificially bred by breeders for profit, the so-called false types. Let's take a closer look at which of them dog breeders consider to be generally accepted.
Animals are divided into several subtypes. First of all, long-haired and smooth-haired dogs are distinguished.

Long-haired cats are characterized by the presence of soft, non-curly hair with a fine structure. There is an undercoat of low density. More elongated hair is observed in the area of ​​the ears, neck, back of the paws and tail.

Smooth-haired cats are characterized by shorter, denser fur that lies close to the body. It is soft and smooth to the touch; in some areas the hairs may be slightly longer than on the whole body.

If a dog has a mixed or intermediate coat type, this is considered a deviation from the norm.
Based on body parameters, there are varieties of cobby and dir.

Cobbies have a dense and stocky body structure; in addition to these characteristics, they can be distinguished by the following characteristics:

  • large head;
  • large round eyes located far from each other and a snub nose, thanks to which they are also called “baby-face”;
  • ears not too much big size, located far apart, wider at the base;
  • well developed chest;
  • small, dense, developed limbs;
  • powerful tail with a seal in the middle;
  • the coat is dense with a pronounced undercoat;
  • When moving, they push off with their hind legs, making a strong push.

Chihuahua Deer in their structure resemble tiny fawns, which is why they are also called “deer-like”.

These animals have the following characteristics:

  1. small head;
  2. elongated muzzle;
  3. the ears are large, reminiscent of the ears of a bat;
  4. small chest;
  5. the legs are long and thin;
  6. the tail is long and thin;
  7. the coat is of moderate thickness, there is almost no undercoat;
  8. in order to move they have to do more steps, because their paws push off much weaker than those of a cobby.

Both body types are recognized by dog ​​breeders, but more often they prefer cobbies for breeding.

Interestingly, these varieties of the Chihuahua breed are rarely found in pure form, most animals have traits of both, which is quite acceptable.

False types

In addition to the listed options, there are other body types of dogs of this breed. They are also called intrabreed lines.

  • It must be taken into account that these options are not recognized by serious dog handlers and are unlikely to be able to participate in exhibition activities.

Therefore, if you intend to breed, choose individuals that best meet the standards.

Domestic breeders have developed subspecies that differ from the generally accepted ones. Let's look at them in more detail:

Pekingese subtype - they are distinguished by an excessively snub nose and bulging eyes, making these dogs unlike ordinary representatives of the breed and giving them an external resemblance to pugs. These individuals have defects and shortcomings that exclude the possibility of further breeding and participation in exhibitions.

Aboriginal species - animals are characterized by such characteristics as excessive high growth Compared to others, the pointed shape of the skull is not round enough, the distance between the eyes and ears is too small.
The English subspecies has a coarse, weighty build.

The extreme subtype is characterized by such features as big forehead, very bug-eyed eyes, a strong snub nose and very short limbs, which makes it difficult for babies to move.
The exotic subtype is similar to the previous one, it is distinguished only by the smaller size of the individuals.

  • Classic - resembles the dire type, but the shape of the skull is simplified, the forehead is flat, the muzzle is strongly lowered, and the feet are located at an irregular angle.

The price of purebred dogs is much higher than the cost of representatives of false types, which is why breeders breed them.

Possible defects and shortcomings

Deviations from standards are divided into shortcomings and defects.

Dogs have the following disadvantages:

  • the absence of some teeth or the presence of double ones;
  • jaw deformation;
  • very pointed ears;
  • excessively short neck;
  • stretched torso;
  • legs too short;
  • the hind legs are located too close;
  • inverted elbow position;
  • an incorrectly placed, curled or too small tail.

The International Federation of Cynologists allows the possibility of some deviations in the physique and in the proportions between parts of the body. However, they should be as close to the standards as possible.

We separately list the vices that will lead to disqualification:

  1. pronounced aggression or cowardice in behavior;
  2. drooping or short ears;
  3. very elongated body;
  4. absence of a tail;
  5. the presence of bare areas of skin in smooth-haired individuals;
  6. excessively long, thin or shaggy hair in long-haired dogs;
  7. weight over 3 kg;
  8. the presence of a large fontanel.

Height differences

These dogs are the smallest of all living on the planet. The Guinness Book of Records includes a dog of this breed, Boo-Boo, which is considered the tiniest dog. Her height is 10 cm in height and 16 in length, and her weight is 675 grams.

However, professional dog handlers do not officially distinguish these types of Chihuahuas as mini or supermini. Such deviations are considered a disease of dwarfism or the result of untimely birth.

Excessively small dogs are not suitable for further breeding and participation in exhibitions.

In addition, they have a more fragile body structure than their counterparts, an incomplete set of teeth and reduced immunity.

Their lifespan is no more than 10 years. Caring for such a pet will require a lot of effort and time, so it is worth assessing all the risks before purchasing.

The rules for caring for micro pets are as follows:

  • miniature dogs should not be dropped;
  • you need to look at your feet all the time so as not to step on the baby;
  • Children should not be allowed to play with pets, as they may die as a result of careless handling;
  • you cannot take them to bed with you, this may result in a fall and injury;
  • exclude the possibility of playing with other animals;


  • for puppies, you must follow a diet: they are not given pearl barley porridge and milk to avoid health problems;
  • You should not skip feeding puppies, this can cause hypoglycemia in your pet and lead to his death;
  • for some time the small dog is fed pre-chewed food;
  • don't let kids get severe stress, this is also fraught with hypoglycemia and seizures.

When purchasing such pets, be careful: they often have genetic diseases organs of vision, breathing, of cardio-vascular system etc. Don't trust breeders who talk about new varieties. Of course, not all representatives of intrabreed deviations are ugly and sick, but it is better to be safe.

Study the established standards in advance, this will help you avoid problems and worries with a sick pet. Focus on the puppy's pedigree, the parents' exhibition achievements and the experience of dog breeders.

Remember that no matter what type of Chihuahua you choose, you are responsible for its care and care. Each dog is individual, but it will always respond to the love and care of its owner.

Currently, both types of breed are popular in the world, but short-haired dogs are still more common.

Character traits

Chihuahuas are energetic and playful. They make affectionate and obedient pets. They are affectionate and most often friendly towards people, although they can be somewhat distrustful of strangers.

However, these dogs also have such, as selfishness and willfulness, which are fully manifested if the owner pays little attention to the pet, does not educate or train it.

In addition, Chihuahuas can be very jealous, do not tolerate loneliness well, and tend to choose only one owner for themselves, whom they treat as their property.

These dogs are quite capable of getting along with other pets in the house, but only if they do not encroach on the attention of their personal owner.

Accepted standard

The Chihuahua is a small, graceful, proportionally built dog. For males, a square body format is preferable, while for females a slightly higher elongation index is acceptable.

The head is rounded, with a pronounced transition from the forehead to a rather short muzzle, tapering towards the nose.

The ears are large, erect, triangular in shape, widely spaced and turned forward.

The eyes are large, round, and their most preferred shade is dark brown.

The color of the nose can be either black or the same color as the main color.

The neck is quite thin and long, but not excessively. The back line is straight, the croup is slightly sloping. The chest is deep, with convex ribs, the stomach is tucked.

The limbs are straight, set parallel, with the hind legs slightly longer than the front.

The tail is undocked, middle length, highly placed. As a rule, it is carried slightly above the line of the back. U longhaired chihuahua is richly covered with decorative long hair.

Types depending on size

Here are the types of Chihuahuas that vary in weight and size.


The weight of a standard Chihuahua is 1.5-3 kg.

This is the healthiest and variety of this breed.

Standard-sized Chihuahuas are small enough to get along in even the smallest apartments and to become constant companions for their owners during shopping trips or travel.

At the same time, these dogs are devoid of signs of dwarfism, since when breeding standard Chihuahuas, there was no provision for a tendency to reduce the size of the animal.


The weight of such dogs ranges from 1 to 1.5 kg. At the same time, in appearance, minis do not differ too much from standard individuals in terms of physique, although some of them may show signs of dwarfism.

In general, they are in good health, but are more prone to injury.


- These are tiny dogs whose weight is 0.5-1 kg. May be predisposed to a range of diseases associated with dwarf breeds, such as hydrocephalus, also have accelerated metabolism, which makes such Chihuahuas very vulnerable to both cold and heat.


Only standard-sized bitches are suitable for breeding, since for a mini-sized Chihuahua girl, and especially micro-sized, bearing offspring, giving birth and feeding puppies is an unbearable burden and can cost her life.

Varieties according to body shape

Here are described the varieties of the breed, the differences of which are in the shape of the body.


Representatives of this type have a rather stocky and dense build. They have a large head with a convex forehead and a shortened muzzle, large, widely spaced and at the same time bulging eyes. The ears of these dogs are relatively small and widely spaced.

The neck is strong and muscular, the back is strong and wide enough for an animal of such small size. The chest is deep, wide and powerful. The preferred tail for a cobby is saber-shaped, not thin and not too long.

The limbs should also not be long; they are strong and well-muscled, with well-defined angles of articulation.

The movements of representatives of this type should express the strength and energy inherent in the Cobby Chihuahua.

Dir This type of build is often called “deer build.”

They have a medium-sized and rather narrow head with an elongated muzzle and a less convex forehead. The ears are large and set quite high.

The physique is neither powerful nor muscular - the back is narrower, the chest is also not so deep and not so wide.

The limbs are less muscular, thinner and visually look longer than those of the Cobby. The tail is long and thin. Such a dog moves easily, as if barely touching the ground; there is almost no sense of strength or power in its movements.


Although many breeders prefer to breed Cobby-type dogs, most modern Chihuahuas are neither of this type nor of the Deer variety, but are something in between.

Types by coat type

Here you will get acquainted with the types of Chihuahuas with different types wool


The coat is smooth, close to the body, soft and silky with poorly developed or even completely absent undercoat.


The coat is thin, soft and quite long. Can be straight or slightly wavy. The undercoat may be either developed or completely absent.

The fur forms beautiful fringes in the form of a “collar” on the neck, “pants” on the hind legs, as well as fringes along the edges of the ears.


Sometimes there are transitional type Chihuahuas whose coat is longer than that of the smooth-haired variety, but shorter than that of the long-haired variety.

Due to the fact that the breed standard allows only two types of coat, such dogs are considered a defect in the breed and are not allowed for breeding or exhibitions.


Hairless Chihuahuas have always existed since the appearance of this breed.

Chihuahuas without hair look very unusual - their skin, usually one of beige or grayish-blue shades, looks perfectly smooth, which makes these animals look like elegant porcelain figurines.

It should be remembered that a hairless Chihuahua, especially if it is mini or micro, needs especially careful care and careful attention to its health.

What do the varieties have in common?

Common features that unite everything Chihuahua varieties into one breed are the character traits inherent in them:

  • intelligence;
  • loyalty to the owner;
  • affectionateness;
  • courage and even cockiness towards other dogs.

They are also united by the fact that all varieties of Chihuahuas, regardless of their build type, coat length or size, are ideal as pet and get along great even in the smallest apartments. IN long walks they don't need it, and complex care no need for them.

All representatives of this breed must be handled with care and caution, which is why Chihuahuas are recommended as pets for the elderly, but should not be bought as a gift for children.

What is the difference?

The size of the dog and the type of its build not least determine its health and life expectancy. Minis and micros live shorter lives than standard-sized Chihuahuas.

And short-haired individuals, more than long-haired ones, need to wear warm clothes even in cool weather.

Cobby type dogs are generally more hardy and strong than dire type dogs, which tend to be overly lightweight.

Basic colors

For a Chihuahua, any color, solid or mixed, is considered acceptable.

Most ;

  • wolfish;
  • brindle;
  • reddish.
  • Two-color and three-color color types are also very popular.

    Fawn or cream colored dogs may have a darkening on their face called a mask. Its size varies from a slight blackening around the nose, to a mask reaching almost to the level of the forehead.

    Conclusion and conclusions

    There are many varieties of Chihuahuas in the world.

    These small, energetic dogs can be either smooth or long-haired, and the variety of colors they have is not often found in other breeds.

    Their sizes range from tiny ones that fit in a micro Chihuahua's bowl, to dogs weighing 3 kilograms, which are more convenient to lead on a leash than to carry in your arms or in a purse.

    But, regardless of what type a pet of a given breed belongs to, it needs care, love and attentive attitude from the owner.

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    You've probably heard that there is a Coby type of Chihuahua? Today we will tell you how to distinguish between the “cobby” type and the “dir” type among puppies. We will also discuss specifically the type of cobby - what it should look like according to the standard and how to properly care for it.

    The Chihuahua is always at the peak of popularity, and she seems to love it. When choosing a puppy, it’s difficult to decide which one to choose because the puppies are all so cute. It is difficult to distinguish between the different varieties of the breed, especially if you are an inexperienced breeder dreaming of a little mischief.

    Breed types

    What is Kobby (Kobi) and why does such a variety exist? Because the desire to have a stocky Chihuahua puppy was too great among the large population. The breeders worked and got this kind of slender type with a short neck, a more massive head and widely spaced ears. Cobby is denser than deer and more muscular. Half of the entire population of the planet wants to have the stocky type; it is believed that they have thicker fur and shorter legs, they are calmer and more obedient.

    The “deer” type is called only “deer” and doggy of this type has a leaner build, a smaller apple-shaped head and sparser coat, with a not very lush undercoat. The deer type of Chihuahua has a small chest, a narrower muzzle and long ears. They are lighter in weight, therefore the dog’s movements differ from the previous type - the hind legs push off the ground weaker. Therefore, the steps are noticeably shortened and it turns out that the sneeze seems to be mincing.

    Breeders also divide the breed into long-haired and smooth-haired, distinguished by color and behavior. There are several more false types, but we’ll talk about them another time. If you have decided that you want to buy a Cobby type dog, then after studying a little information about the standards, you can do this without any problems. Let's find out in more detail what a stocky representative of the mini breed looks like.

    What does a stocky "type" look like?

    When purchasing a puppy, you look at its behavior, appearance and, of course, get what you want. But how can you avoid making mistakes and choose exactly the dog you need? The Cobby type Chihuahua has the following characteristics:

    • Large and round head, resembling an apple;
    • Shortened muzzle;
    • Large eyes and an upturned nose are also called “baby face”;
    • Small ears, but wide at the base;
    • Short legs, but dense;
    • Large chest;
    • The distance between the eyes and ears is noticeably wider than that of dirs;
    • The tail is more compacted at the base and narrowed at the end, short;
    • The body is powerful and muscular;
    • Dense undercoat and thicker coat;
    • The back is straight;
    • The movements are rougher and the stride is wider, thanks to the push of the hind legs.

    How not to make a mistake

    But these are not all the characteristics by which you need to choose a Coby-type Chihuahua puppy. The fact is that there is no specific standard for each type. That is, both the dir and the cobby may not be exactly as described, especially if you buy a puppy from your own hands. To avoid getting a sick puppy, you need to pay attention to some details.

    Too little weight in a puppy may indicate the presence of diseases, even more so if its parents are too small. You shouldn't buy a puppy for your soul if he will be sick forever.

    Yes, these representatives are the smallest dogs in the world, but you shouldn’t get hung up and run after fashion, because this breed also has its own limits, below or above which you shouldn’t “move.”

    After all, you want the dog to be able to give birth if you buy a girl. And for a chihu with a tiny weight, labor is very difficult.

    For example, at 3 months it should not be less than 400-500 grams. Don’t be alarmed, then the moment of active weight gain comes. But if it’s less, it’s worth considering whether you need to purchase it. A normal Chihuahua grows up to 1.5-3 kg if properly kept. If you overfeed your dog, it may weigh even more, and this is already dangerous to health.

    Pay attention to the jaw - the puppy should already have 12 incisors and canines. If this set is not available or the teeth are positioned incorrectly, crookedly, they are not white, but of a different color - refuse to purchase. The fact is that Chihuahuas can suffer from the accumulation of plaque, and then tartar, due to improper teeth structure or malocclusion.

    Then such problems quickly develop into periodontitis and bleeding. It hurts the dog and you too. It’s better to warn in advance than to go to hospitals later. By the way, get into the habit of caring for your teeth and checking their appearance, as well as brushing them with a special toothpaste. In short-faced types of Cobies or false breeds with too narrow muzzles, such problems come first.

    When buying any type of Chihuahua, inspect it and feel its belly to make sure there is no bloating, look into the ears so that they do not emit a bad odor and are clean, and the eyes should also not emit cloudy contents.

    Decorative Chihuahua dogs of the Kobi type have a sweet character, doll-like appearance, and small size. There are officially recognized and artificial species. The latter appeared to obtain money by deceiving buyers.

    There is an official division into long-haired and smooth-haired dogs. The former's hair is soft, silky, and does not frizz. There is undercoat.

    The second one has hair short length, but at the same time dense. Just such dogs come in two types - cobby and deer-type.

    In addition to the official ones, they also offer false types. If you are looking for a cobby then beware of the purchase artificial look instead of him.

    Representatives of the “aboriginal type” are brought from Mexico. They are distinguished by a sharp muzzle, closely spaced eyes and ears.

    At the same time, the pet has significant weight, violating the standard for the breed. He also has big tail. The “English type” is distinguished by its massive build, rough bone structure, and unusually high weight, exceeding that of a cobby.

    “Extreme type” dogs have doll-like heads that appear artificial. Their eyes are too bulging and their limbs are too thin. They are true dwarfs.

    Representatives of the “exotic version” are even more miniature compared to the extreme one. " Classic version"reminiscent of the dir type, but has a more simplified skull shape, an incorrect angle of the feet, and an overly elongated muzzle.

    Differences in temperament, height and color

    The psyche is characterized by instability, which manifests itself a year after birth.

    Smooth-haired pets often show a quick temper, but are also more active. In contrast, long-haired dogs are soft, calm, and flexible.

    A mandatory rule is that the eyes and nose in all cases correspond to the color of the hair.

    • White, black, red, chocolate, sable, and wolf shades are now considered fashionable. There are dogs with two and three colors.

    Moreover, all variations of the Chihuahua are considered the smallest breed. For standard types there is no division into mini/micro (supermini).

    At the same time, you can meet miniature representatives, but they become this way due to the presence of a disease (dwarfism) or due to their birth as a result premature birth. Non-standard pets usually cannot be bred, are not suitable for exhibitions, and have a shorter life expectancy.

    Body Options

    Currently, two body types for Chihuahua dogs are recognized as standard:

    • cobby;

    Note that the Coby type Chihuahua has a dense, stocky body structure. Characteristic signs for its representatives:

    1. very large head volume;
    2. large round eyes, snub nose;
    3. ears are smaller in size;
    4. increased interval between the right and left ear;
    5. compacted hairline with undercoat;
    6. when moving, the rear lamps make a strong push;
    7. the paws are short in length, but are muscular and dense;
    8. There is a powerful tail with a seal in the center.

    Representatives of the dir type resemble a small deer. Unlike cobbies, they are distinguished by their lightness, grace, elongated muzzle, and thin paws.

    Disadvantages and vices

    All deviations from standard parameters for Chihuahuas are divided into two types:

    • flaws;
    • vices.

    Options for disadvantages:

    1. some teeth are missing;
    2. presence of double teeth;
    3. jaw deformation;
    4. pointed ears;
    5. shortened neck;
    6. elongation of the body;
    7. shortened legs;
    8. too close hind legs;
    9. inverted elbow position;
    10. incorrect placement of the tail, its curl, short size.

    Vices leading to disqualification

    • manifestation of aggressiveness or cowardice;
    • the presence of features characteristic of the deer version (atypical or overly stylized build, sharpened head, elongated legs and neck, excessive thinness);
    • presence of floppy or short ears;
    • body too long;
    • no tail;
    • identifying bald spots for smooth-haired breeds;
    • detection of excessively long thin or shaggy hair for a long-haired breed;
    • body weight exceeds 3 kg;
    • the presence of a large fontanel.

    Dog handlers' opinions

    Breeders engaged in professional dog breeding do not recognize Chihuahua breeds that differ from the official options considered.

    Other variations will be taken into account only if they meet all the requirements for the breed to the maximum extent possible.

    Most often, the cobby type is chosen for breeding. At the same time, serious dog handlers completely exclude the previously discussed false types.

    In their opinion, mixed Chihuahuas appear due to erroneous crossing, negligence of the owners of the nursery, and the occurrence of marriage in the tribe.

    The International Cynological Federation provides for certain deviations within the breed regarding proportions and physique.

    According to the organization, all dogs with very high legs, a lightweight skull and body should be discarded.

    Let us note that it is almost impossible to find a pure Chihuahua of the Cobby type. The majority of representatives have features of both standard varieties.

    Therefore, when choosing a purebred pet, you should study the performance results of its parents at exhibitions and take into account the experience accumulated by the breeder.

    If you need a pet for yourself, and not for competition, then you should also make a choice with caution, so as not to end up as the owner of a sick dog. At the same time, a high-pedigreed Cobby puppy will be quite expensive, which cannot be said about the price of a false type.

    Chihuahua is the smallest dog breed. These lively and courageous companion dogs appealed to many, and now the breed is at the very peak of popularity. In the article I will look at what types there are, dividing Chihuahuas by body type, coat and size, and also analyze the characteristics of each variety.

    There are several types of these babies. First of all, Chihuahuas are divided according to differences in body type. According to the breed standard adopted by the English Kennel Club, today there are 2 species:

    1. Cobby;


    “Cobby” translates as short, which is the main parameter of this type.

    Distinctive features baby cobbies:

    • the large head resembles the shape of an apple;
    • filled short muzzle “baby face” with a snub nose;
    • large bulging round eyes, set quite wide;
    • triangular ears are large, stand upright, located far from each other;
    • the body is more massive and stocky, with a deep chest;
    • the coat is short, dense, there is a small undercoat;
    • paws are short, rather strong;
    • the tail is quite dense and covered with hair.

    The movements of representatives of this type should express the strength and energy inherent in the Cobby Chihuahua.

    These dogs are more graceful and resemble small fawns. The name of the variety “deer” is translated from English as deer.

    Chihuahuas of the Dir type are distinguished by the following characteristics:

    • the head size of the “fawns” is much smaller;
    • the muzzle is longer than that of a cobby;
    • their ears are compared in shape to the ears of a bat;
    • the body is leaner with a narrow chest;
    • paws are thin without pronounced muscles;
    • the tail is thinner and longer;
    • mincing gait;
    • The coat is not so dense, there is practically no undercoat.

    Despite the fact that the standard allows both varieties on equal terms, breeders and amateur dog breeders in Russia for the most part prefer Cobby-type Chihuahuas!

    In the USA, preference is increasingly given to the second deer type.

    In addition to Cobby and Deer, some breeders are trying to distinguish other varieties - Pekingese (the structure of the muzzle has a flattened shape, the expression is more similar to that of a Chihuahua), English (the dogs are even more massive and dense than Cobby), Aboriginal (the body structure is similar to dir, but the ears and eyes are set too close to each other) and others.

    High-quality nurseries and professional breeders say that you should not purchase representatives of the breed whose appearance is not included in the standard. These varieties are not recognized by specialists.

    Separation of dogs by coat

    Regardless of body type, Chihuahuas come in long-haired and short-haired varieties.


    The first type includes babies with long hair. They appeared much later than the shorthaired ones. They were developed in the mid-20th century in Great Britain by crossing short-haired Chihuahuas with Papillons.

    Longhaired Chihuahua

    The new look is soft long hair and tassels on the ears. The necks of long-haired babies are decorated with a fluffy collar, and so-called “pants” are formed on their paws.

    The hair is very thin and straight, light waves are acceptable, but not curly. The presence of undercoat does not matter.


    The second type includes representatives with short hair. The hair structure is soft, even and smooth. The fur fits tightly to the skin and does not bristle. Slightly longer hairs are acceptable on the neck and tail than on the rest of the body.

    The coat should be shiny. If it falls out and has a faded appearance, breeders recommend changing the pet’s diet.

    It is enough to brush these dogs a couple of times a week with a stiff brush. Seasonal shedding is rare in domestic Chihuahuas. Due to the absence sharp changes temperature, hair loss becomes uniform and year-round.

    In winter, when the temperature reaches sub-zero temperatures when going outside, dogs must be insulated with protective overalls.

    Types of colors

    Such large quantity There are no acceptable colors like Chihuahuas. The IFF classifies only one color as prohibited - marble (or mell).

    Possible colors do not depend on the type and length of the pet’s coat:

    • solid color (allows small spots) white on the chest or fingers);
    • plain with markings (larger white spots on the head, chest, paws and tip of the tail are allowed);
    • white with spots (in in this case white color is the main color, spots of a different color occupy no more than 20% of the pet’s body);
    • tricolor color (on the main white color, which occupies more than half of the body, spots of two additional colors are acceptable).

    The most common colors are red, black with white markings, and black tricolor. Rarer options include chocolate, brindle, white, blue-gray and lilac with a noble pink tint.

    Marbled puppies most often have serious health defects - deafness, blindness or illnesses incompatible with life! The selection of such individuals is strictly prohibited!

    Classification by size

    The breed standard does not indicate height at all. Usually 18-25 cm at the withers is considered the norm. But there is a clear indication of the weight of the pets:

    • weight up to 600 g adult dog– disqualifying defect;
    • mini Chihuahua - pets weighing from 600 to 1,800 g;
    • the “standard” category implies a weight from 1.8 to 3.5 kg.

    Males of this breed are usually slightly smaller than females.

    The lighter the dog's weight, the higher-quality representative of the breed he is considered. However biggest problems Health problems arise specifically in mini-Chihuahuas.

    When choosing a puppy, many lovers look first of all at the miniature size and closeness of the muzzle to the “baby face” expression. Professionals advise paying more attention to the baby’s health.

    Regardless of weight, body type and coat length, the Chihuahua will become a devoted and loving family member.