Treatment of a runny nose in a 2.5 year old child. Traditional medicine recipes. Basic therapeutic measures

A runny nose is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa that causes copious discharge mucus. Most often, a runny nose is caused by viruses, and with the help of the mucus that forms, the body tries not to miss the infection in lower sections respiratory system, as well as neutralize viruses due to the special substances it contains. Therefore, we can say that a runny nose is a natural defensive reaction in response to unfavorable factors. Not only viruses, but also bacteria and many factors of a non-infectious nature - allergens, air dust, harmful gases, can cause such a reaction. foreign bodies in the nose.

Many people talk about hay fever also for pollen allergies: medically, as allergic rhinitis called the disease is an allergic reaction of the upper respiratory tract. It is most often caused by pollen. What helps and how is it treated? Those who suffer from hay fever, sneezing, runny nose and red eyes often spoil the joy of beautiful weather.

Pollen allergy often suffers from transverse allergy

Often products are not allowed. Almost a third of patients with allergies to alder, hazel or birch pollen also have problems with apples, pears or nuts. This is called cross allergy. This is because, for example, hazelnuts contain similar proteins to nut pollen. These patients then suffer not only in spring hay fever, but also in the fall, when they eat, for example. In some cases, apples even cause intestinal colic, flatulence or diarrhea.

What is dangerous about a runny nose in a 2 year old child?

This phenomenon is very common. This is due to the still insufficient formation immune system, and also in many cases - with the beginning of visiting children's institutions, where the concentration of viruses and bacteria is high. Some parents do not consider a runny nose a disease if there are no other symptoms, and simply ignore it. However, it is worth knowing that with rhinitis, anatomical features children of this age very often develop, and there is also a high risk of transition inflammatory process V chronic stage. A prolonged absence of nasal breathing leads to disruption of oxygen metabolism, disruptions in physical development baby, changes in the processes of formation of the facial skeleton, etc. Taking this into account, it is imperative to treat a runny nose in a 2-year-old child, and then we will look at what to do about it.

Some months for hay fever

Typical hay fever is an annual seasonal occurrence of symptoms in the spring and summer months, according to the flowering of the plants responsible and strong weather dependence: After the rainy period, symptoms improve or disappear in the short term even due to rain, pollen from the air flushes , and in windy sunny weather there is an acute deterioration.

Causes and triggers of hay fever

The so-called perennial complaints against are characterized by all-weather these symptoms arise, for example, always in contact with a cat or always lying on a mattress in house dust mites or always when wearing latex gloves. For the development of hay fever or pollen allergy, two factors are decisive: modern ideas: genetic predisposition and factors environment.

How to get rid of a runny nose in a child?

Not all types of runny nose in children require treatment. medications. In most cases, as already mentioned, a runny nose is associated with viruses, and in this case, to treat it, it is enough to follow simple rules who will help children's body fight the infection. So, for treatment viral runny nose A child aged 2 years must:

Causes of hay fever: Too little dirt and infection and poor nutrition

Among the environmental factors that can cause allergic rhinitis include, for example, air pollution and lifestyle, such as housing, eating habits, pet ownership. The Western lifestyle favors hay fever or pollen allergies mainly for the following three reasons.

Other risk factors for hay fever

Too little dirt: household cleaning and disinfectants destroy microbes and thereby avoid preparing the immune system. So there are children who grow up on farms, a significant reduction in the risk of developing allergies. Too little infection: Those who often get infections in childhood seem to be immune later against pollen allergies. Children who have a large number of siblings or early visits to nurseries and kindergartens often have some infections more low risk development of allergies. Poor nutrition: Preservatives and additives, and the excess of certain dietary fats, seem to induce the immune system onto the wrong path of war, so that it is directed against actually non-pathogenic substances. Overexposure to an allergen, such as birch or house dust, or occupational contact such as flour, can contribute to the development of hay fever with associated symptoms. The importance of high dust mite exposure and keeping pets in apartments is controversial.

  1. Ventilate the room more often, humidify the air, maintaining normal parameters temperature and humidity for a children's room.
  2. Regularly remove accumulated mucus from the nasal cavity. Not all children at the age of two can blow their nose on their own, so parents need to pump out the mucus using a small rubber bulb or a syringe without a needle.
  3. Moisten the nasal passages, preventing mucus from thickening and drying out. To do this, it is recommended to use either regular saline, instilling it into each nostril approximately half a pipette at intervals of 30 - 60 minutes, or use special pharmaceutical products based on sea salt.
  4. Giving your baby as much fluid as possible will also help prevent mucus from drying out and also help remove toxins from the body.
  5. Ensure that the child's head is elevated during sleep, which will allow mucus to be released better.
  6. Observe for baby low calorie diet with an abundance of fruits and vegetables (so that the body spends energy on fighting the disease, and not on digesting complex foods).
  7. If there is no fever, take regular walks in the fresh air.

Medicines for the common cold for children

Long-term test results have been interpreted to mean that high concentrations of allergens from house dust mites, or pets increase the risk of allergic reactions against these allergens. New research is now showing the opposite is true.

The role of heredity in hay fever

It wasn't classic hereditary disease since the 1920s, that inheritance is always passed on from parents to children. Nevertheless, allergic diseases parents are a significant risk factor for the development of allergies in a child. The risk of allergies in the normal population is about 15 percent, but increases to 30 to 50 percent if one parent has allergies and 50 to 90 percent if both parents have allergies.

Any medications for the treatment of runny nose in children should be used only on the recommendation of doctors. This also applies to vasoconstrictor drops which parents often use independently and incorrectly, and to antibacterial drops into the nose, which are indicated only when bacterial rhinitis, and to antiallergic drugs necessary for. You should also not try to cure a child’s runny nose. folk remedies, which are often ineffective or can harm the child’s body.

First of all, pollen causes hay fever

Disease triggers include pollen from trees, grasses and grasses, as well as animal hair, indoor allergens and occupational allergens.

Season for hay fever increases

In recent years, the suffering of hay fever sufferers has been increasingly revealed. Due to increasingly short and mild winters, flowering begins partly in January and February.

Pollen begins during mild winters in January and can last until October. The most important early bloomers are hazel and alder, followed by willow and birch, which often begin to bloom in mild weather. Birch pollen in particular has a high allergic potential. To make matters worse, pollen changes every year through genetic mutation. These mutations are likely caused by air pollution.

Rhinitis is a pathological inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose, in which increased amount secret. A runny nose in a 2-year-old child can occur for various reasons. Provocateurs may be infectious or viral infection, hypothermia, allergies. Whichever of these factors turns out to be key, parents must know how to properly treat their child.

Another important group that causes allergies is meadow grass. In addition, rye pollen, corn, anthill and oilseed rape also play a role in hay fever. In late summer, the pollen season expands with other species. Ragweed is a particularly high allergenic pollen. Orgy originated in America and quickly spread to Europe. The plant can produce up to a billion pollen. It only takes a few to cause an allergic reaction.

In addition to the plants mentioned, it is of course possible to develop allergies to other pollens, such as pollen from deciduous and coniferous trees and flowering plants. However, this pollen has a lower allergenic potential than the prairie grasses mentioned above.

This applies to both 2-year-old children and older children. It is at this age that the child’s immunity is not yet perfect. Protective functions organisms cannot yet fully fight attackers pathogenic bacteria and allergens. There are a lot of options – they will be discussed further.

The main causes of children's runny nose

A child may develop rhinitis due to the most various reasons. The main factors that can provoke these unpleasant symptoms in a 2-year-old child are described below:

Hay fever: these tests help diagnose

If hay fever is suspected, it is important to find the trigger and prove the link between the symptoms and the allergen. Accurate diagnosis is critical for effective therapy. Blood tests to determine whether hay fever is milder than skin tests, but are not as specific.

Tests for suspected pollen allergies are carried out by specially trained allergists. This could be a trained family allergy doctor, ear, nose and throat doctor, pulmonary specialist, skin specialist, or pediatrician. In addition, some larger clinics also have allergies to ambulance.

  1. Infectious or viral lesion. Often it is viral infections that cause snot in a child at this age. In this case, snot by itself does not appear - it is only a symptom of the infection itself. The baby may notice redness in the throat, hoarseness, lethargy, and fever.
  2. Allergic childhood rhinitis. Quite often, a runny nose means an inadequate response of the body’s immune system to various factors(particles of dust or wool, flowering plants, food products). In this situation, the baby will not be able to cure the snot until all contact with allergens is stopped. The child will also be prescribed special drug therapy.
  3. Hypothermia. If you and your baby are caught in the rain and your baby’s feet get wet, he is guaranteed a runny nose the next day. When a child is 2 years old, it is still difficult for his immune system to cope with the burden of a sudden cold. This factor explains the appearance of snot.
  4. Physiological runny nose. This type of rhinitis should not cause much concern for parents. When a baby is just born, his nasal mucosa is imperfect. The runny nose will continue until the baby adapts to the new environment. The natural runny nose of infants goes away on its own as soon as the mucous membrane matures.

A child has a stuffy nose - what to do?

As soon as parents notice that their child has begun to sniffle, they begin to wonder how to quickly cure a runny nose in a child. In order for the rhinitis treatment process to bring maximum results, you must follow certain rules. Only in this way will you be able to quickly get rid of an unpleasant symptom.

Provocative tests for hay fever

In addition to skin tests, hay fever is used in some cases. The allergen is either applied directly to the nasal mucosa or conjunctiva of the eyes, or inhaled during a bronchial challenge test. Although positive challenge tests provide evidence of an allergy to the allergen being tested, they carry more high risk for health reasons and should always be performed under emergency conditions, preferably in a clinic. The benefits and risks of undertaking challenge trials need to be carefully considered, meaning they should only be undertaken if they can be used as a consequence for the patient, such as more effective treatment.

First of all, you need to leave the baby at home for several days if he visits kindergarten. This is how you can stabilize the situation, preventing the disease from developing further. Remember that if a child has a stuffy nose, it can be easily dealt with. If the disease progresses to chronic form, this will be much more difficult to do.

Blood tests are gentler than skin tests, which are often perceived as unpleasant by patients. The doctor first takes blood from a vein. In the laboratory, the specific allergy is then determined. Routine tests blood are more sensitive. The allergen is suspected to cause hay fever while bound to the filter paper, and when the blood sample contains an antibody to birch pollen, these antibodies also bind to the filter paper, resulting in a detectable chemical reaction on the filter paper.

Hay fever treatment: What treatment options are available?

Untreated hay fever is not just a small thing. This affects the quality of life of the people affected and is the most big factor risk. Almost one in two people allergic to pollen suffers sooner or later from asthma.

Floor Transition from hay fever to asthma

This "allergic march" has a simple explanation: If hay fever is not treated adequately and the nose is so, people automatically breathe through their mouth. Allergy-causing pollen gets into the bronchi and lungs immediately and causes inflammation. This may lead to chronic asthma.

Once you have decided how, organize for him bed rest. Let the baby lie half-sitting, resting his head and shoulders on the pillow. In this position, it will be easier for the mucus to come out. The latter will help the baby begin to breathe better through his nose.

Treatment of a runny nose in children 2 years of age must be accompanied by the use of large quantity liquids. If your baby refuses to drink plain water, prepare cranberry juice or currant juice for him.

Hay fever and mucous membranes of the nose and eyes are affected. Another reason why treatment of hay fever is so important. There are fundamentally three main elements: avoidance causing allergies substances that treat symptoms through medications and desensitization, resulting in best case scenario that there is no allergic reaction to a specific allergen.

Allergens: Avoid triggers of hay fever

Without an allergen, that is, without pollen, there is no hay fever. The most important measure is the avoidance of allergenic substances, which is called allergen avoidance. Whether it involves allergens from pet dander, food, or certain medication ingredients, this approach is also relatively easy to implement and effective. avoiding pollen, however, is almost impossible.

These berries are rich in vitamins C, which help fight colds.

Warm drinking also has a positive effect on the condition of the throat, relieves inflammation, stimulates protective forces body. Doctors recommend giving a sick child at least a liter of drink per day.

Other effective remedies

Every person should know a few weeks or months of flowering time of his plant allergies. However, this assumes that the allergy-causing pollen has been accurately identified and recognized. Good help allergy diary. After clearing from the doctor what causes pollen complaints, the pollen calendar is an indispensable assistant.

Drug treatment for hay fever

You can obtain information about pollen from your local daily newspaper section, through the telephone information line of the German Pollen Information Service or the German Weather Service. Doctors currently have several drugs and medications available that have different mission profiles and can be given in combination.

Basic therapeutic measures

  1. Vibrocil - this medicine is approved for use even in the youngest patients - starting from infancy. The course of treatment does not exceed one week. A noticeable result can be seen within two minutes after instillation of the nose. The effect lasts for 7 hours. Instillation should be done 2 drops into the nasal passages using a pipette. It is necessary to act only as indicated in the instructions. Before putting Vibrocil on your child’s nose, it is advisable to thoroughly clean the baby’s nasal passages of excess mucus and crusts. This way, the medicine can reach you faster maxillary sinuses. Despite the relative safety of the medicine, check all the details with your doctor before treating snot in a 2-year-old child with Vibrocil.
  2. Nazol Baby - these drops have a beneficial effect on the treatment of a runny nose in a child, but they must be used with great caution. Stop instillation after 3 days, otherwise an overdose may occur. For children aged 2 years, the dose is 2 drops in each nostril. After use, be sure to wash and dry the pipette. Do not forget to consult your doctor before treating a child’s runny nose with this drug.
  3. Polydexa - the effectiveness of the drug has been clinically proven and does not depend on how long the child’s runny nose lasts. The product is available in the form of a spray. The instructions in the package insert say that patients from the age of two can use the medicine. Full treatment course is 6–8 days. The effect appears quickly - within two minutes after instillation. Nasal breathing will remain free for another 10 hours. The child needs to do 1-2 sprays for each nasal passage. This drug should not be used if the child has been diagnosed with kidney failure.

Traditional medicine recipes

If necessary in short time cure a child's runny nose, as complementary therapy you can ask for advice alternative medicine. Please note that the recipe for one year old baby and a 2-year-old child may have significant differences.

Immunotherapy for hay fever

Three stages drug treatment hay fever. Used topically as eye drops, nasal spray or metered dose inhaler for the lungs, but possibly also as a tablet for severe allergic reactions. In addition to the allergen and multi-stage drug therapy is currently considered standard therapy. Hyposensitizing therapy involves regular administration of an allergen in initially very low concentrations, which slowly, gradually, gradually reduce the body's sensitivity to the allergen, making it practically insensitive to the allergen.

When parents follow all the doctor’s instructions, but the baby does not recover for a long time, traditional medicine will also help.

If the child is already 2 years old, then after consultation with the attending physician, you can use drops from natural ingredients. For example, for making medicine onion or potato juice mixed with honey and vegetable oil. Instillations should be carried out before three times per day, having first cleared the nasal passages.

Helps you overcome a cold quickly Fresh Juice from the Kalanchoe plant. It acts as a powerful disinfectant and anti-inflammatory agent. Children are allowed to use this medicine if they first dilute it with water in an equal ratio.

This is required in order not to destroy the structure of the sensitive nasal mucosa. For one nostril, 1-2 drops of the product will be enough.

If you periodically remove excess mucus from your baby's nose, it will be easier for him to breathe. To consolidate the result, you can do a massage paranasal sinuses nose To do this, you need to lightly press on points located slightly above the wings of the nose. Such actions will reduce swelling and improve breathing.

For children over 2 years old, hot drinks are suitable for the treatment and prevention of rhinitis. foot baths. Pour about 10 liters into the basin hot water, and also add a small amount of dry mustard (about 3 tablespoons). At the beginning of the procedure, the water temperature should be at least 42˚C. Gradually, water must be added.

A severe runny nose is a very common symptom among children of all ages. The situation of sudden rhinitis is especially familiar to parents of a two-year-old child. The reason may lie either in an acquired infection in a children's group or in an untreated previous runny nose. If a child often suffers from colds, it means that for some reason his immune system is weakened.

In this case, the baby will often develop a runny nose. Regardless of what caused the snot, rhinitis must be stopped on time. Parents should not forget that they need to consult a pediatrician before treating their child’s runny nose.