Trichiasis. Diagnosis and treatment

Constant feeling foreign object in the eye, pain from bright light, frequent blinking and watery eyes can cause improper eyelash growth. Doctors call this disease trichiasis.

It is better to start treatment of trichiasis as early as possible so as not to get advanced forms of the disease, in which ulcerations appear on the cornea of ​​the eye. They will be difficult to cure.

The inversion of the ciliary edge into the eye, in which the eyelashes grow towards the cornea, is called “ocular trichiasis”. This condition is different from entropion, which often occurs in older people. Here the eyelashes grow towards the cornea with the normal position of the eyelid itself. Trichiasis is included in ICD-10 (international classification of diseases), and according to it has code H 02.2.

There are several types of ocular trichiasis.
Complete, when the entire ciliary row is located near the cornea or partial, with only individual hairs growing inward.
Bilateral (on both eyes) or unilateral (on one, respectively).
Distichiasis is the presence of an extra row of eyelashes growing towards the eyeball.
The presence of two additional ciliary rows (very rare) is called districhiasis.

With trichiasis, abnormal hairs do not always have the usual thickness and color. Most often they are very thin and colorless. It is not easy to notice them with the naked eye in a mirror; sometimes ophthalmologists cannot see them with a slight magnification of the slit lamp during an examination. Here you need both a lamp with strong magnification, as well as additional tests and examinations, including biomicroscopy of the edges of the eyelashes and cornea.
Doctors note that trichiasis occurs quite often and is not a rare exception.

Symptoms and manifestations of trichiasis of the eyelid

Symptoms of the disease will include:

  • from bright light.
  • Copious, constant lacrimation.
  • Frequent, constant blinking caused by the sensation of a foreign object in the eye.
  • Redness of the cornea.

In later stages:

  • Pain and stinging caused by microulcers.
  • Squinting of the eye.
  • Intense redness.

Symptoms will increase as the eyelashes grow.

Why does trichiasis occur?

Improper eyelash growth is most often secondary. This is a reaction of the eyelid to a previously existing inflammatory disease of the eye (conjunctivitis,), chemical burn(alkaline, acidic) or injury.

As a result primary disease A scar forms on the ciliary edge, which is what contributes to the abnormal growth of eyelashes towards the cornea of ​​the eye. In some cases inflammatory process provokes the death of eyelash hair follicles, which also causes their improper growth.

Repeated eye surgeries or can also cause trichiasis.
In some cases, it is not possible to establish the cause of trichiasis.

With prolonged improper growth of eyelashes, they rest against the cornea and contribute to the formation of microscopic ulcers on it. It's already launched form diseases.

How is eye trichiasis treated?

Treatment of trichiasis involves several methods. However, this disease cannot be cured with medications; it requires more drastic measures.
With the help of anti-inflammatory ointments and drops, you can only relieve the symptoms of inflammation and irritation caused by improper eyelash growth, but you cannot stop their growth.
Treatment is carried out in several ways.

  1. Epilation. Mechanical removal of abnormally growing hairs is the easiest and most painless way to get rid of them. The doctor removes the incorrectly growing hairs with tweezers and the problem is solved.
    In some cases, only one removal is enough for trichiasis of the eyelid to go away forever. However, most often this procedure will have to be carried out continuously approximately every 10 weeks.
  2. Electrolysis and laser hair removal. If the area is affected by trichiasis, small ophthalmologists recommend removing them using electrolysis or laser.
    These methods are good because the hair follicle will be destroyed and it will not be able to grow again.
    It is better to carry out the procedure in a good ophthalmology clinic, since the quality of the result depends on the professionalism of the doctor. And this, in turn, will affect not only the removal of hairs, but also the period during which they will not grow.
  3. Surgery. In difficult cases, when hairs grow again and again, as well as with distichiasis and districhiasis, surgery. During this procedure, a flap of skin containing abnormal eyelashes is first removed. Then plastic surgery is performed: a flap taken from the mucous membrane of the lip or eyelid is implanted in place of the removed area. For plastic surgery for madarosis (disappearance of eyelashes), material from eyebrows and parts of cartilage are also used.
    The operation is performed in a hospital setting (duration of stay is up to 3 days), the duration of the operation itself depends on the complexity of the manipulations performed. May take from 20 minutes to 1 hour. Much attention should be given to processing postoperative wound, after that you definitely need to take a course antibacterial drops(this will avoid postoperative bacterial infection).
  4. If there are ulcers on the cornea. In this case, not only the removal of the ciliary row on the eye is carried out, but also the treatment of ulcers. To do this, after the operation, a course of antibacterial drops and ointments with an antibiotic is prescribed to heal the ulcers. Measures must be taken to prevent infection of surgical sutures.
    According to ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases), trichiasis may require up to 10 days of sick leave after surgery.

A little about the prevention of trichiasis of the eyelid

To avoid this unpleasant disease, like trichiasis of the eyelid, inflammatory eye diseases (especially blepharitis) should be treated promptly. An inflammatory process that is not treated in time contributes to the degeneration of eyelash hair follicles and their abnormal growth.
Burns (especially chemical burns) should be avoided and wounds and sores should be treated promptly.
In the prevention of trichiasis, it is very important to carry out timely and adequate treatment of the primary disease.
In addition, it is important to identify trichiasis as early as possible, preventing the formation of ulcerations on the cornea of ​​the eye. This will get rid of the problem quickly.
Another important aspect will be the choice of clinic for treatment. The professionalism of ophthalmologists is important here.

Trichiasis is a pathological process in which there is abnormal eyelash growth towards the eyeball. Such a violation not only causes significant discomfort, but also causes the development of more serious disorders.

Clinicians note that such pathological eyelash growth is one of the most common disorders in ophthalmology. Due to the fact that incorrect placement of eyelashes constantly irritates the organ of vision, this provokes inflammatory and infectious processes ophthalmological nature.

Clinically, this disorder is characterized by increased lacrimation, inflammation, and increased sensitivity to light stimuli. Due to the fact that the pathological process also has external characteristic features As a rule, there are no problems with making a diagnosis.

Trichiasis has no clear age and gender restrictions, therefore it is equally diagnosed in both children and adults. However, it is noted that in older people this disorder is diagnosed somewhat more often.

According to the international classification of diseases of the tenth revision, trichiasis is classified as a separate category, therefore the ICD 10 code is H02.0. It should also be noted that trichiasis of the lower eyelid is often acquired rather than congenital.

First of all, it should be noted that the etiology congenital form Until now, scientists have not been able to establish. Regarding the acquired form pathological process, then the following etiological factors should be highlighted:

  • trachoma;
  • cicatricial pemphigoid;
  • eyelid defects after surgery;
  • improper healing of sutures after surgery;
  • chemical or thermal burns organs of vision;
  • consequences of mechanical damage;
  • personal history of acute or chronic blepharitis;
  • degenerative changes in the orbital conjunctiva;
  • persistent type herpetic infection;
  • impaired production of tear fluid;
  • inflammation of the lacrimal gland.

There are no third-party pathological processes that can act as an etiological factor for this disease.


Based on the nature of their origin, only two can be distinguished possible forms development of this disease:

  1. congenital.
  2. acquired.

Based on the nature of the localization of the pathological process, the following forms are distinguished:

  • local;
  • diffuse.

As for the area of ​​damage to the organs of vision, most often the pathological process is unilateral; bilateral pathology is practically not diagnosed.

Only a qualified specialist can determine exactly what form of the disease is taking place by carrying out all the necessary diagnostic measures. That is why to carry out self-treatment strongly not recommended. This is fraught with the development of serious complications.


Trichiasis in children and adults is characterized by the following clinical picture:

  1. constant increased lacrimation.
  2. increased sensitivity to light stimuli.
  3. decreased visual acuity.
  4. redness and swelling of the conjunctiva.
  5. the formation of erosions on the cornea, which long time don't heal.
  6. spasm of accommodation.
  7. I get a headache when looking at the light.

In addition, due to the increased production of tear fluid, crusts form in the corners of the eyes and on the eyelashes. There is also a cosmetic defect due to the fact that the eyelashes grow inside the eye. No asymptomatic clinical course was observed.


For advice please contact ophthalmologist. To begin with, the doctor conducts visual inspection patient and finds out the following:

  • how long ago the first manifestations began;
  • Do you have a history of burns, eye injuries, chronic ophthalmological diseases;
  • whether you have had surgery on the affected eye;
  • personal and family history is ascertained, since it cannot be ruled out genetic predisposition to such a pathological process.

Put accurate diagnosis based only initial examination is not possible, so several are used diagnostic techniques, namely:

  1. visometry.
  2. biomicroscopy using a slit lamp.
  3. biomicroscopy with contrast agent.
  4. analysis of tear fluid.

Due to the fact that the clinical picture may be somewhat ambiguous, it may be necessary to differential diagnosis regarding such pathological processes:

  • distichiasis (quite common in humans);
  • entoprion;
  • epiblepharon;
  • turning of the eyelids.

Based on the results of the study, the doctor can determine an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment. Self-medication, especially through traditional medicine, is excluded.

IN in this case this is impractical because folk remedies do not provide the desired therapeutic effect.


Treatment of trichiasis of the eyelids is carried out only through integrated approach– pathology is removed and applied medications in the postoperative period.

It should be noted that simply removing eyelashes with tweezers is impractical, since due to their rapid growth the procedure must be repeated every thirty days. This will lead to trauma and inflammation with subsequent ophthalmological diseases.

In order to remove an ingrown eyelash, the following surgical methods are used:

  1. diathermocoagulation - in this case, eyelash removal is carried out using a special needle-type electrode.
  2. argon laser coagulation.
  3. electrolysis.

In addition, traditional surgical intervention– a through resection of the affected eyelid is carried out, followed by plastic surgery of the edges and layer-by-layer suturing of the area.

In some cases, cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen may be used, but this method of treatment has its own limitations. Negative consequences– tissue areas may die, which also leads to a cosmetic defect.

Concerning drug therapy, then it is used only after the operation. Your doctor may prescribe the following medications:

  • antibacterial;
  • antiseptic solutions;
  • anti-inflammatory.

It should be noted that almost all drugs are prescribed only for local application. In some cases, antibiotic therapy may be prescribed to prevent the infectious process.

As a rule, patients are recommended to apply antibacterial ointment at night. in three days after the operation, however, it should be understood that everything depends on the individual characteristics of the patient.

Prognosis and possible complications

The prognosis will depend on the timeliness of the start of treatment and the etiological factor that caused the development of such a pathological process.

In general, if you consult a doctor in a timely manner, complications are excluded. However, it should be understood that the root cause must be eliminated first, since relapse cannot be ruled out in any case.

TO possible complications should include:

  1. decrease in visual acuity up to its total loss and human disability.
  2. chronic ophthalmological diseases - most often blepharitis and conjunctivitis.
  3. inflammation of the lacrimal gland.
  4. inflammation of the skin around the affected organ of vision.
  5. constant lacrimation.

You can avoid the development of such aggravating diseases if you start specific treatment in a timely manner.


Regarding this disease, one should adhere to preventive recommendations regarding etiological factors. In addition, you must follow the general rules:

  • visual hygiene;
  • proper use of contact lenses;
  • timely treatment of all infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • strengthening the immune system.

You should also remember that self-medication can lead to complications, therefore, when the first symptoms appear clinical signs you need to seek help from a qualified specialist. You regularly need to undergo a preventive examination by an ophthalmologist.

Face advertising campaign DIOR ADDICT ULTRA-GLOSS, Dior lip glosses, became Jennifer Lawrence (I will forever remember her as Katniss from the Hunger Games, although you won’t recognize her here :)) The makeup we created with Dior cosmetics is made in a similar style, fresh, natural, with skin glowing from within, open eyes and natural gloss on the lips. The first part of Dior makeup 1 is dedicated to creating the ideal tone, there are also photos before and after makeup, check it out if you haven’t watched it yet. Also...

It’s me again with my cleansing :) I bought a gel to cleanse my eyelids and now I don’t understand how to cleanse my eyelids themselves. Everything is clear with the eyelashes - one pad is under the eyelashes, with the other we clean it from top to bottom. What about the eyelids, also from top to bottom? There the lines go differently. Oh, getting confused again..


Lena, look
This issue was discussed in detail. I will give only part of my answer

6.11.2000 0:48:38, INGA
I rarely have time for such a long procedure. This is how they remove it in salons and it is the least traumatic.

I apply a cosmetic wipe (made of non-woven material, otherwise a thread might get into the eye from the cotton wool), and wait a little (sec. 15). During this time, my remover successfully dissolves everything, and all I have to do is gently remove my makeup, slightly downwards and towards my nose in one movement.

Along these very lines, just be very careful and gentle, don’t pull the skin...

I believe that eyelash loss after childbirth is not normal.
I need to see an ophthalmologist.
they will do a very simple and quick demodex test
demodex can cause eyelash loss and no vitamins and castor oil you can't get him out.
in general - see a doctor.

Therefore, you need to drip every hour, and if you have the patience, then every half hour. Do not be afraid of an overdose, chloramphenicol is practically not absorbed from the conjunctival cavity and has only a local effect. When we sleep, thermostat conditions are created behind closed eyelids, and bacteria “not killed” during the day begin to multiply. That is why, with chronic conjunctivitis, the only sign may be eyelashes sticking together in the morning. Of course, you could continue to instill drops frequently - this is very effective measure , but both the patient and the caregiver need to get some sleep. Therefore, before going to bed, you need to put tetracycline ointment behind your eyelids, it antibacterial action
...Of course, one could continue frequent instillation of drops - this is a very effective measure, but both the patient and the caregiver need to get enough sleep. Therefore, before going to bed, you need to put tetracycline ointment behind your eyelids; its antibacterial effect will last until the morning. If the child is put to bed during the day, then apply the ointment during the day before bedtime. I don’t like to prescribe ointment while I’m awake: it blurs my vision, makes my eyelids sticky, and creates a feeling of discomfort. It is better to instill drops during the day.

After 1-2 days, when the symptoms of conjunctivitis subside, you can switch to instilling drops 6 times a day and be sure to apply ointment before bed. It is necessary to treat until the symptoms disappear and for another three days - otherwise the single surviving bacteria begin to multiply, and we get chronic conjunctivitis with especially resistant to an...

Maybe someone knows some tricks, quite often I find small eyelashes in one or the other eye... you can see that he rubs his eyes with his fists and the eyelash gets in... it doesn’t bother her, but I still have to take it out, I tried rubbing it to the inner corner, it doesn’t work ,albucid was dripping, but it didn’t come out.. here it is again (what should I do? Products for cleaning the skin of the eyelids from makeup (those who do not use decorative cosmetics for the eyes can use the products specified in paragraph 1). Moisturizing face cream.
A face mask according to your skin type (nourishing or preventing skin aging should be started immediately after


teenage years

- first with masks made from fruits and vegetables, after special...

...A stone for erasing rough skin on the feet.

03.10.2003 08:08:17, Diana

Try to use special, non-falling cosmetics. It must be hypoallergenic. After all, the eyes are constantly in contact with the polymer material from which the lenses are made. Because of this, the skin of the eyelids and the eyes themselves become very sensitive. They react to the slightest irritation with redness, lacrimation or itching. Here no one can resist the desire to rub their eye with their hand, but this is precisely what should not be done. Therefore, it is best to buy cosmetics with the letters “V.A.” on the packaging. This means that she has passed ophthalmological control. Such cosmetics are recognized as safe for those who wear contact lenses. Great importance
It also has the consistency of decorative products. If powder and blush can be crumbly, then shadows should...

...It is better not to use cotton swabs or brushes. It is also not recommended to comb your painted eyelashes. After all, particles of crumbled mascara will definitely fall on the surface of the lens. Then you will have to pull it out, wash it and put it back in. At the same time, the skin of the eyelid is stretched once again. You also need to wear lenses to remove makeup. Eyelids and eyelashes need special solutions designed for eye makeup removal. All movements should be point-to-point and wet. Then you need to wash off the mascara using two damp cosmetic pads: one is placed on the lower eyelid, and the second is moved along the eyelashes from top to bottom. In this case, the paint does not get onto the surface of the lenses. After removing makeup, apply cream to your eyelids. Many companies - Christian Dior, Lierac, Vi... Washing off mascara with soap and water can cause irritation of the conjunctiva of the eyes, fine wrinkles and brittle eyelashes. It is convenient to remove mascara from eyelashes with a stick with cotton wool wound at the end, soaked in cosmetic milk or vegetable oil. This is done with helical movements from the roots of the eyelashes to their ends.
...Remember, if you can color your eyebrows yourself, it’s easier and safer to color your eyelashes with a specialist (he works only with professional paints, which guarantees more durable coloring and flexible color selection). The color of the eyebrows should be one or two shades darker than the hair, and the eyelashes should be one or two shades darker than the eyebrows. To color your eyebrows and eyelashes at home, you will need eyelash and eyebrow dye, rich eye cream, cotton pads, a brush or a cotton swab. It is necessary to wash your hands with soap, clean the eyelid area with eyelid makeup remover, apply the cream to the eyelids, without touching the eyelashes and eyebrows. Depending on the type of paint, prepare it by mixing it with an oxidizing agent until smooth. Then with a brush or cotton swab


carefully apply color to the entire eyebrow, starting from the tail...

very, very useful tips, thank you very much for the article! I will now know how and what to do. I have my own product for strengthening eyelashes, proven, French and not hormonal, I even used it during pregnancy. And I’ll try a massage in the evening)) at the same time I’ll relax eyes)

07/17/2012 17:12:09, Coquette)) For this purpose, a 20% solution of sodium sulfacyl (ALBUCID) is instilled into the child's eyes. The solution is instilled 1 drop alternately onto each retracted lower eyelid. Then close the eyelids and gently wipe both eyes. 1 drop of a 20% solution of albucid is instilled into the conjunctival sac of both eyes again 2 hours after birth - already in the neonatal department. Girls in maternity ward


1-2 drops of a 1-2% solution of silver nitrate are instilled into the genital slit.

Immediately after birth, the neonatologist should warm the newborn by placing him on a table with a radiant...

Scratches and cuts are also possible. Since the hair is removed without the root, after a day or two it can again be found on the surface of the skin. Moreover, until the hair reaches a significant length, it will be quite stiff, which can cause discomfort.
During pregnancy, shaving is completely acceptable. Before shaving, take a warm shower and massage your skin. Heat expands pores, makes hair and skin softer, more moisturized, and therefore the procedure will be easier to carry out. You can reduce the risk of irritation by using special razors for women. Firstly, such a machine is more convenient in shape, it is more comfortable to hold in your hand, and it does not slip. Secondly, it has a special strip with softening and moisturizing components. Pay attention to the means......If the hair is ingrown, a thin sterile needle will come to your aid (the one that comes with a disposable insulin syringe is best suited). After wiping the ingrown hair with an antiseptic, use a needle to carefully remove the hair from under the epidermis, then reapply the antiseptic. If the hair has grown in in a place that is inconvenient for manipulation, you can address this problem to a cosmetologist.

The annotations for household epilators indicate that their use is not recommended during pregnancy. However, apart from
...It's a delusion. Face creams often contain runny oils that can get into the eyes and cause irritation. Facial products may have more aggressive components that will negatively affect the condition of the skin of the eyelids.

Under no circumstances rub the cream into your eyelids or stretch the skin. Apply it with light circular or patting movements: along the upper eyelid from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, along the lower eyelid - from the outer to the inner. It is not recommended to come too close to the eyelash edge: the cream may get into the eyes and cause irritation. It is optimal to stay close to the bone. You can't go to bed without taking off... Apply the oil to a cotton pad, blot your eyes, then rinse your face cool water. But using soap or facial foam is not recommended, since such cosmetics dry out the delicate skin of the eyelids and, ultimately, can lead to the premature appearance of wrinkles. Expired medications may cause allergic reaction
or irritation of the skin of the eyelids, so always pay attention to the expiration date and throw away spoiled cosmetics, even the most expensive ones, without regret.

Among the activities useful for the prevention of ARVI is hardening. This procedure not only strengthens the immune system, but also tones the skin, normalizes vascular tone, and prevents aging. Daily hardening procedures may include a 5-minute contrast shower. Pour alternately warm (38-40°C) and cool (20-22°C) water for 30-40 seconds over the entire body (if you did this procedure before pregnancy) or only the legs to the knees (if you decided to try it for the first time). Always finish the procedure with cool water. Walking barefoot on the floor, or on grass and sand in summer, is also useful. If you have never done this, you can start at any time, at any stage of pregnancy, as long as you do not have pregnancy complications. The earlier the better. Over time, the temperature of the cool part contrast shower


09/14/2006 10:44:18, owlet Girls, how to remove swelling from the eyelids. Lately

I have a persistent feeling of lack of sleep (I sleep normally), my eyelids seem to be swollen, and my eyelashes are hanging out more than usual. I can’t understand the reason, but an allergy is ruled out. The worst thing is, it seems to me that this problem occurs regularly. Perhaps my eyes are too sensitive. What to do, tell me? I don’t know anything else other than tea lotions. And who generally takes care of their eyelids (specifically, the eyelids and not the skin around the eyes)? Please share, very... Eyelashes are the hair that frames the lower and upper eyelids of the eye. Biologically, cilia are bristly hairs that grow in 1-2 rows along the edge of the lower eyelid and in 2-3 rows along the upper eyelid. The total number of eyelashes in a person is 250-400. The main function of eyelashes is protective; they are necessary to prevent contact with the eyes. small insects

and specks. Sometimes, for a number of reasons, eyelash growth disorders develop. They can fall out, grow in the wrong direction, etc. One of the disorders is the ingrowth of eyelashes into the skin, this pathology

called trichiasis.

Reasons for the development of the disease

As a rule, an ingrown eyelash is a secondary phenomenon. That is, trichiasis is caused by some primary factor.

Sometimes observed congenital disorder growth of eyelashes, leading to their ingrowth.

Clinical picture

An eyelash can grow into the skin upper eyelid, and eye tissue. Sometimes a lost eyelash gets caught in the lacrimal gland, which causes the sensation of a foreign body in the eye.

When an eyelash grows into the skin of the upper eyelid, one can observe the formation of an epithelial tubercle through which the eyelash is visible.

If the eyelashes change the direction of growth towards the eyeball, then when blinking they irritate the cornea, leading to erosion formations. Patients often develop photophobia and blepharospasm. This condition causes frequent blinking, which complicates the situation.

The degree of corneal injury depends on several factors:

  • Number of ingrown eyelashes;
  • Duration of the pathological process.

As a result of injury to the cornea, infection of the eye tissues, development of superficial keratitis and clouding of the cornea can occur.

Trichiasis may be local when an ingrowth is detected limited quantity eyelashes (1-2) or widespread. Most often, widespread trichiasis develops after an injury, which results in the formation of scars on the tissues of the eyelid or its inversion.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of trichiasis and other eyelash growth disorders is based on taking an anamnesis and conducting a series of physical studies. Instrumental and laboratory examinations are not assigned.

When collecting an anamnesis from a patient with ingrown eyelashes, it is necessary to find out whether there have been injuries to the eye or eyelids in the past, and whether the person suffers from chronic inflammatory diseases of the organs of vision. It should be clarified whether there have been any cases of ingrown eyelashes in close relatives.

Physical examinations include:

  • Checking visual acuity;
  • Behavior of external examination of the eyes, eyelids, conjunctiva.

In addition, biomicroscopy of the eye is prescribed. This research method involves conducting a detailed study of eye tissue using a special apparatus. The apparatus for biomicroscopy includes a powerful light source (slit lamp) and a microscope. The study allows you to examine the condition of the cornea, its thickness, the presence of damage and their nature. The duration of the procedure is about 10 minutes, there are no contraindications to its implementation.

Incorrect growth of eyelashes and their ingrowth must be distinguished from entropion of the eyelids and distichiasis (an anomaly in which the growth of an additional row of eyelashes is noted).


The main goal of treatment is to eliminate the discomfort caused by ingrown eyelashes and prevent injury to the cornea of ​​the eye.

If ingrown eyelashes are the result of a chronic inflammatory process, it is necessary to direct efforts to cure the underlying disease.

Non-drug treatments

  • Epilation of ingrown or incorrectly growing eyelashes. This is a fairly common, but not the most effective treatment method, since as the eyelashes grow, the removal operations have to be repeated. And as a result of frequent hair removal, eyelashes become thin and lose pigment.
  • Diathermocoagulation. This method is used when it is necessary to remove single ingrown or abnormally growing eyelashes. The method is based on destruction hair follicle using current conducted through a thin electrode.
  • Laser coagulation, just like the method described above, is used to remove individual eyelashes that have changed the direction of growth

Drug treatment

Medicines are used to relieve inflammation after removal of an ingrown eyelash. For inflammation of the conjunctiva, drops with antibiotics are used - chloramphenicol, sulfapyridazine, etc.

For inflammation of the eyelids, both external agents (ointments or antibiotic solutions) and antibacterial agents in tablets. If the inflammatory process has captured the cornea, as well as to prevent inflammation when the cornea is damaged by eyelashes, use the following eye drops, like Sulfacyl or Norsurfazole.

As rehabilitation therapy drops containing vitamins are prescribed.


In case of injuries, scar changes or eversion of the eyelid, behavior is indicated plastic surgery. The goal of treatment is to eliminate the causes leading to improper eyelash growth.

Further observation

After removing ingrown eyelashes and drug treatment The patient's condition should be monitored for some time. The fact is that relapses of the pathology are possible, so it will be necessary re-delete ingrown or improperly growing eyelashes.

Treatment with traditional methods

It is impossible to remove an ingrown eyelash using herbs. However, herbal medicine can help relieve eye inflammation, so traditional methods can be used after removing ingrown eyelashes medical institution to prevent relapse.

An infusion of blue cornflower, linden flowers or calendula will help relieve inflammation. To prepare the product, brew a teaspoon of raw material with half a glass of water. After cooling, the broth is used to prepare eye lotions. After placing cotton pads soaked in the broth on your eyes, you need to lie down in a darkened room for 10 minutes.

To relieve inflammation from the eyes, you can use regular tea. To do this, soak cotton pads in the tea leaves and place them on the eyes. You can use black or green tea, but it must be without artificial additives.

Prognosis and prevention

The prognosis for impaired eyelash growth is favorable. With proper treatment, it is possible to completely get rid of the pathology.

Prevention of ingrown eyelashes involves avoiding injury to the eyes and eyelids, timely treatment inflammatory diseases.

After a burn or injury to eye tissue, surgical treatment is necessary to prevent the development of trichiasis. primary processing wounds on the eyelids.

An ingrown eyelash is a pathological process of abnormal hair growth, in which ingrowth into the mucous membrane of the eyelid occurs, the development of inflammatory and infectious reactions. If left untreated, complications may occur with disruption visual function, suppuration, scarring of the cornea of ​​the eye. Treatment is carried out by an ophthalmologist. If necessary, the patient is referred to related specialists - a dermatologist, an infectious disease specialist, a surgeon.

Trichiasis is a consequence of several causes and provoking factors:

  • blepharitis, which is characterized infectious inflammation along the edge of the eyelid. The disease can be caused by bacteria, saprophytic fungi, viral agents, and demodicosis;
  • the presence of psoriatic plaques on the skin of the upper eyelid, resulting in difficulties in hair growth;
  • trichomoniasis lesion - trachoma of the mobile fold;
  • herpetic rashes on the skin in the eye area;
  • trauma – due to wounds and abrasions. After operations, a connective tissue scar is formed, which can cause a condition where eyelashes grow inside the eye;
  • disruption of the lacrimal glands with hypofunction of tear formation;
  • entropion or inversion of the eyelids, in which, due to muscle weakness, the edge may spontaneously curl;
  • autoimmune pathology (systemic lupus erythematosus, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, keratoconjunctivitis) provokes skin disorders;
  • barley (an inflammatory element with purulent contents inside), pus penetrates deeply into the skin and into the hair follicles with impaired hair growth and pyogenic melting of the roots of the eyelashes;
  • allergic reactions to cosmetic products (mascara, pencil, cream, gels, lotions);
  • extension or frequently used lamination procedure.


In a condition where the eyelash has grown into upper eyelid, may develop clinical symptoms lesions of the skin of the periorbital zone and the eyeball:

  • inflammation with the formation of an edematous ridge along the edge, redness, local hyperthermia;
  • pain, discomfort of a foreign object, a swollen eyelid can rub the surface of the eye and cause pain when blinking;
  • increased tearfulness leads to temporary deterioration of vision; in the absence of therapy, the risk of permanent changes in the human visual system increases;
  • a burning sensation when the eyelash begins to grow into the cornea, which poses a danger of its deep penetration inside and the appearance of scratches on the cornea;
  • redness occurs due to stagnant accumulation of tear fluid and blood at the site of rubbing;
  • increased risk of secondary infection with the formation purulent discharge, irritation of mucous membranes, formation of ulcerative processes;
  • the appearance of crusts, especially after sleep;
  • photosensitivity, as a consequence hypersensitivity, accompanied by headache, spasm of accommodation.

Treatment of ingrown eyelashes in the upper eyelid

Depending on the stage of ingrowth, the development of concomitant symptoms, and the presence of complications, treatment is carried out at home after consultation with an ophthalmologist. In the hospital, medication and minimally invasive correction methods are used or surgical operations are performed.

At mild stage Ingrown hairs can be resolved by styling eyelashes using special oil-based serums. With frequent recurrence and development of inflammation, medical intervention is required.

Removal with tweezers

Removal of ingrown hairs using tweezers can only be carried out by a specialist, since independent attempts can lead to thinning of the hair. When examining the eyelashes from the outside, it is difficult to recognize the pathology, which creates difficulties in further therapy.

If there are one or two ingrown hairs, the ophthalmologist can remove them with tweezers and prescribe special drops to prevent infection and heal the wound at the site of manipulation. The doctor uses local anesthesia. Available high risk re-ingrowth.

Surgical assistance

In the presence of large quantity ingrown hairs and atypical symptoms are used surgical method treatment.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia.

During the operation, the surgeon makes a through incision with plastic surgery of the edges. If necessary, external arching of the eyelid is performed to give it anatomical shape And correct location row of eyelashes. Finally, layer-by-layer stitching of tissues is carried out with self-absorbable threads. During plastic surgery, the abnormal part is excised and a flap is sewn in from the mucous membrane of the lips or a healthy eyelid.

The recovery period is 3–5 days. It is important to monitor the condition of the postoperative wound, the speed of healing, and apply antiseptic treatment medications, if necessary, instill drops of artificial tears.


Minimally invasive methods for correcting ingrown eyelashes with minimal side effects And fast recovery used in an ophthalmological hospital:

  1. Electrolysis. The essence of the method is the impact of an electric pulse flow on the hair follicles through a thin needle with the aim of its complete destruction. It is possible to use electroplating and/or thermolysis. Sometimes during manipulation there is slight pain, which is relieved with local anesthesia.
  2. Cryotherapy to destroy the root of eyelashes. Apply a liquid nitrogen or argon. There is rapid destruction with minimal pain. There is a risk of involvement of healthy tissues in the process due to the lack of regulation of the depth of penetration of freezing substances.
  3. Laser destruction of the hair follicle using an ionized argon beam. Most effective way elimination of the pathological process with minimal contraindications.

IN complex therapy To relieve symptoms of ingrown eyelashes, the use of medications and traditional medicine recipes is effective, which can only be used after consultation with your doctor:

  1. To eliminate pain and redness of the eye, apply a clean cotton swab moistened warm water, procedure duration is 10–15 minutes. You can use a weak solution of chamomile or tea leaves.
  2. Compress with corticosteroids. A solution is applied to a cotton swab: Prednisolone (1 ampoule of 2 ml), mixed with 5 ml of distilled water. Helps eliminate swelling, hyperemia and hyperthermia.
  3. Artificial tear drops help combat dry mucous membranes, prevent scarring of the cornea and relieve burning sensation in the eyes.
  4. Aloe is grated on a fine grater and applied as a bandage to the eyelid. The compress has a softening, cooling and anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates wound healing.

Preventive measures against ingrown eyelashes

In order to prevent ingrown eyelash hairs, you should adhere to some rules, including:

  • daily hygiene - morning washing, removing makeup with hypoallergenic products, prohibiting touching your eyes with dirty hands;
  • compliance with the rules for using contact lenses;
  • timely elimination of violations in the functioning visual apparatus(infections, increased tear production, bacterial pathologies, pimples on the eyelids);
  • general strengthening of the immune system;
  • passing preventive examination see an ophthalmologist at least once a year.

For effective and quick treatment eyelashes that have grown into the upper eyelid, you must follow the recommendations of your doctor. You should stop trying to remove ingrown hairs on your own to avoid complications and infection of the eyelids.