Difficult spelling exercises. Moscow State University of Printing Arts

This is one of the topics of the educational manual “Preparing for the Russian language exam. SPELLING". The topic “Spelling Vowels” contains theoretical and practical material that promotes meaningful assimilation of educational material in the shortest possible time, allowing students to improve their spelling literacy and independently prepare for the Russian language exam. Theoretical material is reinforced with a variety of practical tasks, including control test tasks. To monitor the effectiveness of mastering educational material, texts of increased difficulty are offered at the end of the topic.

Compiled by: teacher of Russian language and literature of the highest qualification category, Excellence in Public Education Podstrekha Nila Mikhailovna.



This is one of the topics of the educational manual “Preparing for the Russian language exam. SPELLING". The topic “Spelling of prefixes” contains theoretical and practical material that promotes meaningful assimilation of educational material in the shortest possible time, allowing you to improve students’ spelling literacy and independently prepare for the Russian language exam. Theoretical material is reinforced with a variety of practical tasks, including control test tasks. To monitor the effectiveness of mastering educational material, texts of increased difficulty are offered at the end of the topic.

Compiled by: teacher of Russian language and literature of the highest qualification category, Excellence in Public Education Podstrekha Nila Mikhailovna.

Krasnodar region, Leningradskaya station,municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school No. 1 named after. Z.Ya. Lavrovsky village of Leningrad municipal formation Leningradsky district


Theoretical material

To check the unstressed vowel in the root, it is necessary to select a word of the same root, related in meaning, in which the vowel is in strong position (percussion), for example:

Dedication shine a lantern - sv e t;

I dedicated give life to science - St. I then


In some roots there is an alternation of vowels, which cannot be checked by “stress”.

Perfective verbs cannot be checked with an imperfective verb: “op O "to write" cannot be verified with the word "op" A call", but it is necessary "p about late", "late".

In words of Old Church Slavonic origin with unstressed partial vowel combinations ra, la (in Russian roots they correspond to the full-vowel combinations oro, olo) the root is written a: reins (groove), cloud (shell).

Write down, inserting the missing letters, explaining the spelling of words:

Shut up...shit-dr...shit...shit-m...lit

Earn...reap-earn...for smart...to do m...lym

Annoy...squeeze-dr...knows oz...m-z...mind


Wash down, drink up sleep...shi-sp...shka

...leading to the end-priv...dshiy sp...shi-sp...jester

Conducting in the castle-in...to hide...with five teeth-skr...p

The flag is flying - in... hidden... heart-red...

The child is developing-developing r...luxurious-r...luxury


Roots with alternating vowels.

Morphological group of roots(the spelling of the vowel depends on the suffix-A-)




B e r- / -b and r- (a)

P e r- / -p and r- (a)

D e r- / -d and r- (a)

T e r- / -t and r- (a)

M e r - / - m and r - (a)

Zhe g- / -zh and g- (a)

W h e t- / -h and t- (a)

St e l- / -st and l- (a)

Bl e st-/-bl and st(a)

L about zh- / -l a g- (a)

Sk about h- / -sk a k- (a)

Collect - collect

Lock up - lock up

Pull it out - rip it out

Wipe – wipe and wipe

Freeze - freeze

Squeeze out - squeeze out

Subtract – subtract

Spread - spread and lay

To shine - to shine and become

Exposition – to expound

Jump - jump

Combination, combination

Jump, jump

Phonetic group of roots(spelling of vowel depends on stress).




1) -tv a r- / -tv o r-

K l a n - / - k l o n -

G a r- / -g o r-

2) -za r- / -z about r- (a)

No accent -o-


It is written without accent-A-

Under stress, as heard



Tilt about thread


Prig a r, utv a r


Dawn, roar

Dawn, dawn

Lexical group of roots(spelling of roots depends on the meaning of the word)


Their meaning



1) -m a k-

M o k-

2) -r a vn-

R o vn-

3) -swim-



"immerse in liquid"

"to absorb liquid"

"same, equal"

"smooth, even"

Only in words

Only in a word

In all other words

Exchange and whip the brush

Industrial cabin boots

The equation

Vyr about heed the road

Swimmer, swimmer

Pl y wun

Float, swim


Level, level up, level up, level up (in the ranks)

Remember: por o vnu, p o vesnik

Fundamentally -growing-, -growing-, -growing-vowel spelling depends on

combinations of consonants at the very root:

Grow-: to grow,


Ros-:grew up,

Exception: rostok, moneylender, Rostislav, Rostov, industry

There are many words whose root vowels cannot be checked by stress. Their spelling is determined by the dictionary. The spelling of the most common words should be remembered: panorama, periphery, obsession, object, conductor, disaster, basket, experiment, front garden, etc.

It is necessary to distinguish:

Campaign (event, war) - company (group of people);

Deficit-deficient, defect-defective;

Tape recorder, magnetism, charm-sense of smell;


K-rnaval, b-ton, b-chevka, b-don, badm-ton, el-xir, est-kada, morning-mbovat, sp-rtakiada, subscription, d-zertir, adv-kat, excited rage, k-nonada, d-clamation, k-mponova, v-tchina, d-zenteria, k-lach, ant-gonism, m-nument, scrupulous, dil-tant, k-varny, prov-cation, v-trushka, v-entry, priv-legia, v-negret, dir-ktiva, g-rnizon, adventurer, m-ridian, p-lisadnik, accompaniment, v-lidol, k-morka, v- ntilation, per-feria, decl-walkie-talkie, int-ll-gencia, k-nforka, p-scar, k-rawai, st-pendiation, pig-face, k-bora, def-cit, m-lancholia, k- rdinal, certificate-fiqat, k-loric, obv-give, pr-vintsiya, d-magog, art-llery, r-glament, apl-disments, b-ykot, v-cansia, af-rizm, dosk-nal, bakhr-ma, d-vision, k-rifaeus, app-rtamenty, veterinarian, d-skriminatsiya, an-malia, g-rizont, Izhd-venets, k-rporation, k-rniz, d-kret, g- barites.

Fill in the missing letters and check yourself in the dictionary.

K-tingent, l-quidation, resolution, ref-rat, ham-leon, met-orit, rehab-litation, agr-gat, l-noleum, -ligation, m-tivate, election campaign, metz- nat, n-stalgia, extra-vagant, pes-myst, ob-yanie, primitive, p-spectacular, pr-tokol, preliminary, opt-mist, pan-frame, r-license, ob-lisk, p-patient, orange-ray, par-dox, par-pet, hug, restore, p-liter, podstr-kat, p-liquia, sovereignty, pr-ambula, training, sh- renga, k-varny, cat-goriya, experiment, traf-ret, range-zone, an-nimny, crime-nal, or-ginal, an-mal, stir-up, ep-demic, pr-vincial, civilization, del-gat, exp-dicia, d-nastia, persp-ktiva, m-lancholy, fr-gat, p-rollon, nav-gatsia, exp-nat, compr-mat, k-tastrofa, v- mercurous, competence, pom-resolve, corporate radio, reliable, combination zone.

Select test words and insert the missing letters.

Muddy, stealer, builder of cities, respect...burning, imagination...burning, mind...silence, melt...down, enlightenment, melt...forge, think...for help, sing...in the choir, surround ...life, renewed...revival,...enjoy,...key, spoil...deal, split...up, earthquake...make...plan, move...new, unite, cap...catching story, coloring ...pouring the oven, melting...throwing, softening, teacher, charming, hugging the younger one, fluttering the flag, dedicating poems, disdainful, impression...decay, repentance , connecting, r...luxurious, absorb, b...chew the barge, hide...with the door, bless..., condition...infuse, empower..., relieve from the heat, floor...roll the linen, loosen the crops , f...chew vices, hide...with a seal, a terrible ghost,...mind the meaning, in...invoke boredom, unload...a gun, ask...for a friend,...incite for help,...inflict a wire.

In which rows in all words is an unstressed vowel, checked by stress, missing?

  1. Help...d...document, urgent;
  2. Presentation, d...conducting, d...drawing;
  3. In... new, turn... r, near... zi;
  4. Aqua...real, in vain, tame;
  5. heat, desire, compose;
  6. Pod...rit, hv...ston, pros...lya;
  7. You will over... you, insidious, side;
  8. Charm, close...dream, l...skating;
  9. Get together, tanned, k...mersant;
  10. Per...od, to...sew, preliminary;
  11. S...situation, s...shrink, b...sedating;
  12. Soften, moisturize, simplify;
  13. Straightforward, illumined, square...station;
  14. Ep...demic, plastic...linovy, transform;
  15. Prevail, p...chat, tor...swing;
  16. Depressed, m...glars, m...todika;
  17. Fading...sti, l...cloudy, burning;
  18. V...rshina, support...neighing, regret...leya;
  19. Narrated, loaded, naked;
  20. Del...gat, over...too, ob...essential.

Write down, inserting the missing letters, select test words.

Try on rivals, approximate, approximate a dress, predict the shoots, hit the o-m, write a signature, ripen o-m, remove from the car, equipment, tie a bow, r -father on fate, sit on a bench, drinking tyranny, forester's horn, teacher, stop, undress, consecrate a temple, good illumination, unification, snowy l- wine, put a signature, compiler, use the page, cultivated land, lumps of lumps, a limpid young man, t-dream on the skin, built villages, a sudden hunch dawned on me.

Write it down, correcting any mistakes you made.

Shine with beauty, start work, reader, election campaign, spread out, freeze with happiness, uvirture, charm, hair, sit, dependent, new biret, aquarelle, level the ditch, combine, swimmer, mischief, grow, touch, fire victim, take medicine, blotter, dripping from the cold, graying, defusing the crops, claim, overgrown with moss, meteorite.

Test tasks

1.Indicate the correct answer option, in your opinion.

1.All vowels in the root are checked by stress



2. Alternating vowels can be checked by stress.



3.Verbs with suffix yva – willow can be used as test words



4.In a phraseelection campaignThere was a spelling mistake.



5. Spelling of roots with alternation e//i determined by the presence or absence of a suffix-A-



6.Writing vowels in rootsspeck - crop, equal - evendepends on the suffix-A-



7.Words industry, moneylenderare the exception



8. Choosing a vowel in words prosk a chu and prosk o chu depends on the indefinite form of these verbs.



9. Spelling of rootsgar – mountains, zar – zorobeys the same rule.



10.Vowels in the roots of wordsmeasure, die, reconcileis checked according to the same principle.



Test No.

Unchecked unstressed vowels

1) m... hyster 4) b... kalavr

2)p...rket 5)f...nar


B. Indicate the words in which the letter A is written in the blank.

1) to... tank 4) gastric... nom

2)b...lagur 5)prop...ganda


IN. Indicate the words in which the letter A is written in the blank.

1)k...bluk 4)yoke...rka

2) p...lisadnik 5)k...lchan


G. Indicate the words in which the letter A is written in the blank.

1) n... ligon 4) nav... direction

2)k…rniz 5)adv…kat


D. Indicate the words in which the letter A is written in the blank.

1)t...tank 4)ob...anie

2) in... the hall 5) hug... hug

3) to... rzina

1)man...fest 4)p...scar

2)mach...ha 5)exam...nator


AND. Indicate the words in which the letter E is written in the blank.

1)m...cenat 4)hr...stomatia

2) izhd...crown 5)l...lay

3) stipend

Z. Indicate the words in which the letter E is written in the blank.

1)n...gilism 4)t...rrarium

2) d... firamb 5) cor... dor


AND. Indicate the words in which the letter E is written in the blank.

1)int...ligent 4)b...nocle

2)man...population 5)b...tone

3) priv…legia

It is necessary to distinguish:

Speckled crop

(Words with the root speck have the meaning marked, speckled (spotted cards, marble with splashes). Root crop has several meanings: to lightly sprinkle, to fall in small drops (sprinkle with holy water, rain sprinkles all day long); diligently, delving into the details (painstaking work, sprinkling a novel).


Letter e written in the words saddle, squat and those formed from them (you can check saddles, squat). Letter And written in the word sit and in words derived from it (you can check: sitting)


Test No. 1

Tested unstressed vowels

A. Indicate the words in which the letter A is written in the blank.

1) dr... reap 4) k... meek

2) condition...wait 5) limit...dit

3) donkey...reap

B. Indicate the words in which the letter A is written in the blank.

1)under...us 4)under...under

2) sex... hide the child 5) fall asleep

3) floor...put underwear

IN. Indicate the words in which the letter A is written in the blank.

1) follow... 4) br... thread

2) separate 5) guard

3) level...thread

G. Indicate the words in which the letter E is written in the blank.

1) sanctification 4) develop will

2)op...kunstvo 5)v...trilo

3) in… nt staircase

D. Indicate the words in which the letter E is written in the blank.

1) attack 4) blocking

2) old... 5) kill...

3) st…hat

E. Indicate the words in which the letter E is written in the blank.

1) support 4) m...todika

2) hug the child 5) iz...dka

3) circle around the house

1) remember 4) bring melancholy

2) curl your hair 5) wrap your skin

3)float in the wind

Z. Indicate the words in which the letter I is written in place of the blank.

1) ex...part 4) sch...shove a torch for

2) starting a samovar

3) it hurts to... 5) lick... lips

AND. Indicate the words in which the letter I is written in place of the blank.

1)sk...sing 4)sl...sing

2)sl...sing 5)starting a song

3) wash with water

Test No. 2

Alternation of vowels in word roots

A. Indicate the words in which the letter E is written in the blank.

1) old... army 4) die... army

2) think about it 5) think about it

3) lock up

B. Indicate the words in which the letter E is written in the blank.

1) send away 4) pick up

2) select... 5) lock up

3) mark...those

IN. Indicate the words in which the letter E is written in the blank.

1) spread 4) spread

2)spread 5)bl...become

3) go away

G. Indicate the words in which the letter A is written in the blank.

1) come to sleep 4) lock up

2)pl...vets 5)r...sthenia

3) shape...become

D. Indicate the words in which the letter A is written in the blank.

1) r... spring 4) app... dream

2) z... rnitsa 5) industrial... porridge

3) k...substantial

E. Indicate the words in which the letter A is written in the blank.

1) adjective 4) adjective

2) p...stacker 5) level...opinion

3) approve

1)offer...to live 4)pl...sneeze

2) bend down 5) level... level


Z. Indicate the words in which the letter O is written in the blank.

1) open the door 4) open the door

2) rise...to 5)p...drain


AND. Indicate the words in which the letter O is written in the blank.

1)float...wock 4)exchange...whip

2) beetle... wunets 5) iz... zhenie


Test No. 3

Unchecked unstressed vowels

A. Indicate the words in which the letter A is written in the blank.

1) m... hyster 4) b... kalavr

2)p...rket 5)f...nar


B. Indicate the words in which the letter A is written in the blank.

1) to... tank 4) gastric... nom

2)b...lagur 5)prop...ganda


IN. Indicate the words in which the letter A is written in the blank.

1)k...bluk 4)yoke...rka

2) p...lisadnik 5)k...lchan


G. Indicate the words in which the letter A is written in the blank.

1) n... ligon 4) nav... direction

2)k…rniz 5)adv…kat


D. Indicate the words in which the letter A is written in the blank.

1)t...tank 4)ob...anie

2) in... the hall 5) hug... hug

3) to... rzina

E. Indicate the words in which the letter E is written in the blank.

1)mann...fest 4)p...scar

2)mach...ha 5)exam...nator


AND. Indicate the words in which the letter E is written in the blank.

1)m...cenat 4)hr...stomatia

2) izhd...crown 5)l...lay

3) stipend

Z. Indicate the words in which the letter E is written in the blank.

1)n...gilism 4)t...rrarium

2) d... firamb 5) cor... dor


AND. Indicate the words in which the letter E is written in the blank.

1)int...ligent 4)b...nocle

2)man...population 5)b...tone

3) priv…legia

This work is presented as a test dictation with a grammar task. It can be used to test the spelling and punctuation knowledge of students in grades 7 (end of the school year) - 8 (1st quarter). It can be used as homework or test work. Consists of text in which you need to insert the missing letters and punctuation marks, and also explain their setting.All spellings and punctograms used in the textstudied by students in grades 5-7. The following grammar task is attached to the text:

1) Perform a complete syntactic analysis of the selected sentences.

2) Perform an analysis of words according to their composition, select words with the same root.

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Preparatory dictation.

Complete the tasks for the text:

    Copy the text, insert the missing letters, indicate and explain the spellings; where necessary, select test words.

    Place punctuation marks, explain their placement (indicate grammatical basics, homogeneous parts of sentences, participial and participial phrases, etc.)

    Perform a full parsing of the highlighted sentences.

The sentence to be parsed is highlighted in green.

    Analyze the words according to their composition, select words with the same root, and indicate the root in the words with the same root.Words for analysis by composition are highlighted in blue.

I remember a gr…awe that overtook us on the road.

I s...did with my mother in a wooden barn under a s...l...m(n/nn) roof. In the open gate, cloudy from the constant rain, lightning blazed with blue z... zags. Thor...pliv...cried...my mother pressed me tightly to her chest.

I listened to the sound of rain, to the heavy r...rolls of thunder, to the ear-splitting crackling sound of blows, to the silent rustling of mice in the oatmeal ...oh s...lome.

Having risen, we saw... in the... mouths of (a/o) a diamond mesh of rain and through the (g/s) b...p...read...the drops were already shining...shimmering with rays...of the joyful...summer...sun.

The father harnessed the horses, glossy... from the rain, frightened by the thunder... (impatiently and carelessly... calmly stepping on their feet). The road lined with birches and (o/a) washed by the rain seemed even more fun. A (multi)colored rainbow in...sat (above) the meadow, a bright sun...bl...steel on the backs of cheerfully running horses. I sat next to my father, looking at the blue... puddle-filled road in front of me, the w...dark, bright...snow and still menacing cloud on the table (b/n) of white smoke underneath ...mavsh...gosya (v)gave...ke over the (f/lj)y...th gr...zoy barn. I listened to the cheerful voices of birds in the wonderful sunny world that opened up to me.


New tasks in "Spelling by Rules"

Over the summer, 108 new interactive exercises and 31 dictations were added to the course.

The new exercises are aimed mainly at visual memorization of words using the following rules: spelling vowels after sibilants, using Y, using a soft sign, spelling prepositions and prefixes, using a hyphen, spelling paired, unpronounceable and double consonants, spelling unstressed vowels at the root of a word.
All exercises are checked automatically, which allows you to instantly know your result.
Dictations added mainly vocabulary ones. 29 vocabulary dictations based on different rules and 2 text ones. Including a generalizing vocabulary dictation in N and NN has been added. Out of 250 phrases, 50 are randomly selected. So the computer each time creates a new unique version of the final work. This dictation is also included in the simulator for N and NN.

All exercises have been tested and any technical errors found have been corrected. We are still checking the dictations. This will take a couple of weeks. We will write more about the exploits of the people who helped us test the course. The best testers will be awarded.

Exercises will be offered to course participants as independent work to reinforce the material covered in the webinars.

Well Spelling according to the rules went up in price a little. Work on it continues. Over the fall, it is planned to add several dozen text dictations of different difficulty levels. Buy the course now so you don't have to pay twice as much for it later.

By tradition, when announcing the addition of new tasks, we offer one of them complete for free right now. This is a complex version of a dictation based on a simple rule.

Spelling assignments for grades 9-11

1. Double consonants

Near a neatly trimmed... juniper bush, leaning on a column.. stood the headmistress... of a painting.. of a gallery.. the author of a dissertation on the art of impression..ionism. Listening to the buzzing of bees, she studied the effective program...of the new exhibition and I...really imagined still lifes depicting...scanned creatures, group portraits of the Renaissance era and canvases with al..legorical subjects. Having greeted her colleague..professor - art critic, the headmistress..and I'm sure..about..walked down the alley..heading to the dis..discussion..dedicated..to the painting of the Dutch baroque.. O.

2. Use of b and b

A) On a warm June night... when the surface of the roof shone bright.. from the moonlight.. the general.. the eldest daughter.. proto.. of the yacon, listened to the nightingale.. singing, leafed through the... A comprehensive bi..lingual dictionary to..explain the meaning of the words ad..activation, counter..agent and subject..

B) General..sha ob..zhala grilled..yazh and a bun..on of champignons..on. On Mondays she preferred to flog...strong men...and on Saturdays she desperately scolded the youth...

C) There was an inexplicable silence in the house.. except.. under the windows the steps of the young.. adjutant of the passionate.. admirer of the general..shi could be heard.

3. N and NN in words of different parts of speech

A) The tired traveler...and concentrated...examined the surroundings, shaking off dust from his torn shoes. Delighted with what he saw...he listened to the mosquito's hum while looking into a silver...knockle encrusted with...precious stones. A truly unprecedented..picture revealed to his eyes the un..mown..meadows shone with virgin..beauty, un..frightened..flocks of cranes..solemnly..marched, plucking leaves from the lemon The silvery clouds of the trees were reflected in the glassy surface of the river. On the sand..shoal, the traveler..ik from..rocks..priceless birch bark..letters. Written several centuries ago, they were preserved and not..spoilt..s. The unspeakable... made public... the traveler... and rapturously... danced on the shore. On a quiet, windless evening, he returned to the run-down hotel, clutching an unexpected find to his heart.

B) In honor of Marian’s name day, the table is covered with a knitted tablecloth made of... scanned and black. Flowers given by guests were placed in vases and balloons were hung on the walls. Silver dishes are placed on the table and gilded candlesticks are placed in the corners.

C) Smoked sausages, processed cheese, red cabbage salads, boiled vegetables and finely chopped fruits look effective in glass dishes. In the kitchen, fried cutlets stewed in sauce, meatballs, buttery pancakes with caviar filling are waiting in the wings. And hidden in the refrigerator is an unprecedented dessert, a special ice cream made according to an old recipe, a lemon cake decorated with canned fruit. (B) following the excited...birthday girl, the welcome and long-awaited...guests are seated around the table.

4. Prefixes PRE and PRI

A) While on vacation, the president of a pro..successful company, a pro..proponent of new views and a great..superior businessman, was reminiscing about the great days spent.. in Pr..Carpathia.

B) Having overcome many places, he was finally able to make his dream come true. He came to this southern city and immediately began to explore the local sights. ..h..long buildings, luxurious hotels and prestigious shops.

B) On the Prospect Morsky Boulevard, he sat down on a bench near the tourists who were bickering with the old guide and turned on the radio, muffling the sound. The tourists stopped...the stupid argument and...squinted their eyes and...being tired, they began to search for a place to...haven.

5. Difficult words

A) (Not) far from the (water) (mud) hospital and the (audio) and (video) equipment store, a (snowy) white (three) storey exhibition pavilion made of (iron) concrete and (bluish) white glass appeared. Walking along the (fiery..o) red carpet, we find ourselves in the (extremely) ceremonial (conference) hall where the (press..) conference has just begun and the (gray-haired) (vice) governor reports on the protection of (forest) plantings and construction (water) treatment facilities in the (north) west of our region.

B) On the second floor in the hallway decorated with (white) snow curtains there was an (exhibition) selling food products (bread) bakery and (meat) dairy products. After drinking (cream) soda, we go to the third floor to the (book) magazine department to (would) familiarize ourselves with (educational) methodological and (literary) scientific publications and look through rare books in (ancient) (Church) Slavic language.

C) Having visited the (miracle) exhibition, we (joyfully) - excited - set off along the (brightly) illuminated highway to the nearest railway (road) station where a (bright) blue (electric) train is already waiting for us.

6. Adverbs and adverbial combinations

A) (B) in the middle of September, the weather was clear (for) a long time and the guys and I (for) a lot of walks in the forest, which is (not) (by) - far away. We (in) (what) (would) (then) (n..) began to want to enjoy the last warmth and we went into the forest (in) alone (in) two or (in) three.

B) Once my friends (the) three of us spent several hours (to) a row (to) no avail looking for mushrooms. It seemed that the day passed (in) empty, but I did not want to return (with) anything. And then (in) the distance a small (seemingly) clearing appeared (in) the middle of which stood (a) unusually gnarled stump completely... strewn... with mushrooms. It was a dream come true! The guys instantly became cheerful and rushed to the coveted stump. (C) began to pick the mushrooms (in)discriminately and (in)tossed them into the basket, but (in)soon they noticed that the whole clearing was strewn with chanterelles and milk mushrooms.

B) That day, friends (until) dropped, filled their baskets with (for) one thing and emptied their pockets.. lived (with) the most beautiful foxes on top (for) the show and went (to) their butts (without) holding back laughter and (is) (under) silence, making fun of each other. In the evening, everyone (before) was full of fried mushrooms and left what they didn’t eat (for) the morning.

7. Particles NOT and NOR

A) (N..) looking at (n..) a decently long call (n..) who (n..) approached the door however (n..) who called (n..) stopping. Finally, mom (n..) hurriedly put away (n..) the finished soup and (n..) hastily but confidently.. went to leave. Standing at the door was (n..) who other than (n..) my father’s old acquaintance, Professor Nechiporuk. The guest (as) usual was (n..) clever and (n..) clumsy. (N..) slightly (n..) embarrassed (n..) of the cleaned shoes, he walked along the (n..) probably clean parquet floor of the hallway while (n..) falling silent (n..) for a second.

B) (N..) expected..o – (n..) guess..o the rain predicted by the weather forecasters broke out and I, like (an) evil (n..) grabbed an umbrella! So wet that (n..) I was glad (n..) for the fresh air (n..) for the rainbow!

C) Mom by no means (n..) looked joyfully at the floor and (n..) grinned cheerfully, inviting (n..) the invited guest into the office.


If there is a need to find out which spelling and punctuation rules you make mistakes, we suggest you complete special tasks and self-check your results.

The work can be done in two ways:

a) write text, sentences and words from dictation;

b) print out the task and complete it: copy it, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks, opening brackets (that is, choosing either continuous, or separate, or hyphenated spelling).

I. In the middle (1; 3) interfluve (2;4) the camp of Alexey Mironov’s reconnaissance (8) drilling brigade (1) was located. (Several) (9) patches (1) on the just-raised (6; 12; 14) and outside (7; 14) area (1; 4) long (13) (freshly) cut (15; 14) table finished (1; 12; 14) a_yumin_voe (16; 1) bucket over the fire. And next to it there is a tower and an old (7) house of a k_ntor (1) where they installed (1) a rationalization (31) a pr_sp_built (17; 1) for heating (32) an iron barrel (18) from (under) (19) a burnt (16; 14) ) on the way fuel (7).

The place chosen (14) for the camp (n_) than (9) (n_) differed (10; 1) from dozens of similar (20) camps (1) in such (same) (20) wild (un)similar ( 11; 14) places. The (Mm)Ironovites sailed here (33) on a self-propelled (15) flat (15; 13) barge. (4) They sailed for (several) (9) days, passing (17; 26) even (6; 16) shoals stuck (26 ) on sandy (13) rifts. They landed (8) on the shore to lighten the flat bottom (15) and both of them (16; 14) fell on the moss that was breathing (27) with centuries-old cold (1). If we were to straighten (1) all the intricate (21) loops of the river, it would be (1) one and a half hundred kilometers (22) to the reconnaissance village (23). Families stayed there (2) there at the open (13) hour they welcome (15) open (6; 34) the doors of the dining room there (every) minute (25) chirp (5) helicopters (15) aiming (17) towards the tamper (14) platform_ (4) in front of the food_warehouse (1; 13). A handful of people cut off (14) from all this had such a feeling (24) that they had been fighting (16) with the house for a long time and (not) knew (35; 24) when they would see (5) rubles (14) again for a long time ( not) beautiful (11; 14) houses (36), but neatly (16) built (16; 14) (in) along (25) streets.

II. 1) Yegorushka saw how little (little by little) (15) the sky darkened and darkness descended on the ground.

2) When the night turned (1) the sky lost (1) a rich (1; 3) blackness and roosters were heard far away from (19) the river.

3) At night, people slept haphazardly, lying right on piles of coal and suffocating in the warm and humid air like in a greenhouse.

4) According to local scientists, this failure is (n_) nothing (9) other than an extinct crater.

5) Common sense, firmness and freedom, warm (7) participation in other people's troubles and joys, in a word, all her virtues were definitely born with her.

6) Sometimes in the summer at the dacha he himself painted landscapes (1) and it seemed to him that he had a lot of taste and that if he had studied, he would probably have turned out to be a good artist.

III. Kaz_kiy (21), analogous (1), majority (36), danger (24), dependence (26), next (27), guest (13) yard, holiday (24), be_pr_sta_o (6; 17; 37), hard_ik (28), solve_tka (29), pr_ti, continuity_ost (17; 28), (half) liter (30), (pale) s_rub (15; 1), r_chet (6; 16), uncountable (6; 16; 29), river_nka (18).


Compare your text with the standard one, find and highlight errors. Using the number indicated in brackets, you can determine which spellings and punctuations you made mistakes and create an individual program for improving your literacy. The spelling numbers are indicated in the source text, the punctogram numbers are in the model text.

I. In the taiga interfluve, the camp of Alexei Mironov’s reconnaissance drilling team is located. Several tents on a freshly uprooted (38) and leveled area, (38) a long (39) freshly planed table, (38) a smoked (39) aluminum bucket over a fire. And next to it there is a tower and a wooden office house, (40) where they installed a walkie-talkie, (40) an iron barrel from under (41) fuel burned on the way (41) was adapted for heating.

The place (41) chosen for the camp (41) was no different from dozens of similar camps in the same wild, (39) untrodden places. The Mironovites sailed here on a self-propelled (39) flat-bottomed barge. We sailed for several days, (42) overcoming countless shallows, (42) getting stuck on sandy rifts. They landed on the shore, (40) to lighten the punt, (40) and, (42) exhausted, (42) fell on (41) the moss breathing the centuries-old cold. If we straightened out all the intricate loops of the river, (40) it would be about one and a half hundred kilometers to the scouts’ village. Families remained there, (43) there, at an early hour, the doors of the dining room hospitably open, (43) there helicopters are constantly chirping, (42) aiming at the compacted area in front of the food warehouse. A handful of people, (41) cut off from all this, (41) had a feeling (40) that they had parted with the house a long time ago (40) and who knows when they will again see the chopped, (38) houses that have not been painted for a long time, (41) neatly arranged along a wide street.

II. 1) Yegorushka saw (40) how little by little the sky darkened (40) and darkness fell to the ground.

2) When the night broke, (44) the sky lost its velvety blackness (44) and roosters were heard far from across the river.

3) At night, people slept haphazardly, (42) lying right on piles of coal (38) and suffocating in the warm and humid, (45) like in a greenhouse, (45) air.

4) According to local scientists, (46) this failure is (47) nothing more, (48) like an extinct crater.

5) Common sense, (38) firmness and freedom, (38) ardent participation in other people's troubles and joys - (49) in a word, (49) all her virtues seemed to be born with her.

6) Sometimes in the summer at the dacha he himself painted landscapes, (50) and it seemed to him (40) that he had a lot of taste and (40) that (51) if he studied, (52) then from him, (46) perhaps (46) he would be a good artist.

III. Cossack, similar, majority, danger, depend, next, Gostiny Dvor, idle, incessantly, toiler, lattice, come, continuity, half a liter, pale lilac, calculation, countless, little river.


1. Letters of unstressed vowels in the root, verified and not verified by stress.

2. Separating b.

3. Unstressed case endings of adjectives

4. Unstressed case endings of nouns.

5. Unstressed personal endings of verbs.

6. Consoles –z, -s.

7. Letters of alternating vowels and consonants in the root.

8. Vowel letters in verb suffixes – ova- -eva- iva- iva.

9. Not - neither with pronouns.

10. Not with verbs.

11. Not with participles.

12. Letters oh in participle suffixes.

13. N and nn in adjectives.

14. N and nn in participles.

15. Spelling difficult words.

16. Doubled letters of consonants in the root and at the junction of the prefix and the root.

17. Letters e, And in consoles pre- And at-.

18. Letters O, e after hissing nouns in suffixes.

19. Spelling of compound prepositions.

20. Combined and separate spelling of particles same.

21. Spelling suffixes of adjectives.

22. Spelling of numerals.

23. Suffixes of nouns -chick, -schik-.

24. Letters of unpronounceable consonants at the root of the word.

25. Spelling adverbs.

26. Vowel letters in verb suffixes.

27. Vowel letters in participle suffixes.

28. Nnn in nouns.

29. Letters oh after hissing nouns at the roots.

30. Spelling of the prefix floor- in nouns.

31. Letters s, And after ts.

32. Vowel letters in prefixes.

33. Capital letters in proper names and words derived from them.

34. Letter combinations here you go in verbs.

35. Not with adverbs.

36. Vowels in suffixes of nouns ( –ek-, -hic- and etc.)

37. Nnn in adverbs.


38. Comma in a sentence with homogeneous members.

39. Comma for homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions.

40. Commas in a complex sentence with homogeneous subordinate clauses.

41. Isolation and non-isolation of participle phrases.

42. Isolation of participial phrases and single participles.

43. Comma and semicolon in a non-union complex sentence.

44. commas in a complex sentence with a common subordinate clause.

45. Comma in a comparative phrase with a conjunction How.

46. ​​Punctuation marks for introductory words and phrases.

47. Dash between subject and predicate.

48. Comma in combination none other than And nothing more than.

49. Punctuation in a sentence with homogeneous members and a generalizing word.

50. A comma between parts of a complex sentence.

51. Comma when combining conjunctions in a complex sentence.

52. A comma between parts of a complex sentence.