The baby has a nosebleed. 1 year old has a nosebleed

In consultations on the site, questions often arise regarding bleeding from the nose. Parents are worried about this, and doctors often do not attach any importance to this, considering this phenomenon to be a weakness of blood vessels and age characteristics. But is this really so, and is this an age-related phenomenon and no measures should be taken to diagnose and treat these phenomena? Let's try to understand this issue in more detail.

Common data.
Bleeding from the nose usually occurs as a result of injuries - then the parents are not so scared, although this is also unpleasant. But if the blood nose goes spontaneously, as if from scratch, without previous trauma - this worries parents. What to do, how to start providing first aid and what to do next? The most correct thing is to contact an ENT doctor, it is these specialists who are involved in establishing the causes and then treating this problem. According to ENTs with nosebleeds, up to 3-5% of children from all their patients come to their clinics - this is a lot. At the same time, nosebleeds equally often occur in both boys and girls, that is, this disease has nothing to do with gender.

Despite the fact that the noses of our babies are small and it would seem that there are few vessels there, but suddenly occurring nosebleeds can be profuse and prolonged, sometimes leading to significant blood loss. In addition, the sight of blood dripping down the face can shock not only the children themselves, but also their parents, especially if they are impressionable and emotional. Such phenomena are due to the peculiarities of the anatomy and physiology of the nose, as well as the blood supply to the nasal cavity and its special structure.

Brief excursion into anatomy.
The nose (its outer, facial part) in a child is small in size, it has a cartilaginous base and a bone at the base. But - this is far from the whole nose, most of the nasal passages are located in the bone, inside - three nasal conchas are separated - external, middle and internal. All these nasal conchas are closely braided with a network blood vessels. Their passages are still quite narrow, and the mucous membrane easily swells and is injured.

The nasal cavity, in order to provide its main functions of warming and purifying the air, neutralizing microbes and viruses, must be abundantly and actively supplied with blood and lymph. The nasal cavity and its passages are fed from the region of two carotid arteries - external and internal. These arteries are fairly large vessels, and the blood in them is under a certain pressure. The branches of these arteries are closely and widely woven into the nasal mucosa, braiding it like tree branches or a ball of thread.

In addition, the peculiarity of the blood supply to the mucosa is such that in the area of ​​​​the nasal septum (a bone-cartilaginous plate that divides the nasal cavity into the left and right halves), “nodules” of vessels are formed, as it were. There are especially many of these "nodules" on the cartilaginous part of the septum in the region of the outermost spout. These "nodules" are scientifically called the Kisselbach zone or the bleeding zone. In it, the vessels lie very shallow under the mucosa and can be easily injured even by careless movement or cleaning of the nose. It is in this place that up to 90% of nosebleeds occur, although more deeply located vessels can also bleed, especially with strong blows in the area of ​​the nose.

Why does bleeding occur?
Bleeding from the nose occurs when the integrity of the walls of the vessels is violated, as well as when there are problems with blood clotting. In this case, nosebleeds can be caused by injuries.
- minor or more serious, and can also occur spontaneously, against the background of full health and a well-breathing nose. All causes of nosebleeds are divided into local, related to the nose itself, and general - which are associated with blood diseases or any other metabolic disorders and diseases.

What could be local reasons.
Local causes of nosebleeds are mainly damage to vessels located on the nasal septum and easily accessible. They can be damaged when different kind circumstances. Mainly:

Picking the nose with pencils or other foreign objects, long-nailed fingers,

Excessively active cleaning of the nose with cotton swabs, and since children are restless, they can twitch sharply and get injured even from the seemingly soft tips of the wand.

Of course, nose injuries can be the cause of bleeding, from minor ones (hit with a toy, hit, fell), to quite serious injuries and accidents with bone fractures on the face and nose (usually this happens during an accident, in adolescence during fights, etc. ).

One more important reason nosebleeds is the presence in the nose foreign objects- these are pieces of food, toys, bones, balls, etc. the object is located deep in the nose, the child tries to pull it out and injures the walls of the nose, or due to the long stay of the object in the nose, the walls become inflamed and ulcerated - bleeding is formed. Such bleeding is especially dangerous in children. early age who can put objects up their nose without adults noticing and do not tell their parents about it. With a foreign body of the nose, periodic spotting is usually manifested, mixed with purulent, and bad smell from the nose and mouth.

Sometimes nosebleeds can be caused by benign formations nasal cavity - polyps, hemangiomas.

Often the cause of nosebleeds can become a deviated septum with periodic bleeding and difficulty in nasal breathing.

Another factor that can periodically cause bleeding from the nose is a developmental defect in the choroid plexus area - there may be expansions of arteries or veins.
- also local causes of bleeding include infectious lesions mucous membranes of the nose or phenomena chronic rhinitis(rhinitis with atrophy or hypertrophy of the mucosa).

One of the common causes of nosebleeds, especially during the hot season or during the heating season, is excessive dryness of the mucous membranes in the nose. Due to dry air, the mucous membrane becomes dehydrated, in the area of ​​​​the nasal septum it sticks together with the walls of the vessels, they lose their elasticity. When the mucus dries up and crusts form, they exfoliate when cleaning or blowing your nose with part of the mucosa and injure the walls of the vessels. As a result, bleeding may occur.

General reasons.
Sometimes nosebleeds are one of the characteristic symptoms of various pathological conditions body, metabolic disorders or blood clotting. In this case, the structure of blood vessels or the properties of the blood itself may be disturbed. Such states include the following:

Blood diseases with clotting disorders or deficiency of clotting components - hemophilia, thrombopenia or thrombopathy, deficiency of clotting factors, hemorrhagic disease.

Damage to blood vessels with increased permeability to blood in inflammation of the vessels (vasculitis). This may be a complication of influenza or measles, with a deficiency of vitamins C and K, vitamin PP or other components. There may also be a hereditary weakness of the vascular wall - then, in addition to nosebleeds, bruises on the body and pinpoint hemorrhages in the skin often occur.

Bleeding from the nose can cause damage to the liver, since the liver is directly involved in the process of hematopoiesis and clotting. This happens with infectious or toxic hepatitis, with the formation of cirrhosis of the liver.

Also, nosebleeds can be a sign of high blood pressure, which happens in children. This usually occurs when serious illnesses kidneys with the formation of renal hypertension, with severe and exhausting physical exertion, serious emotional stress or shock, sunstroke or overheating.

Bleeding may be a symptom of a blood disorder such as leukemia or other tumor processes, some types of severe anemia (aplastic, hemolytic).

But, for the most part, nosebleeds are still not dangerous, although they can disrupt the child’s usual life and cause him inconvenience. Non-dangerous are bleeding that lasts no more than 5-10 minutes, with a slight release of blood. Then the child loses a small amount of blood and this cannot significantly harm his well-being and general condition. But, if such bleeding is repeated from day to day, or even several times a day, this is an occasion to seek help from a pediatrician and an ENT doctor who will prescribe you full examination and identify the cause of such a phenomenon, there is no need to try to find out the reason on the Internet or seek advice from the "experienced".

It is better to know in advance and treat any problems on initial stage than to start the disease and then be treated for a long time and possibly already in the hospital.
Tomorrow we will continue our discussion of this topic and talk about the manifestations of nosebleeds and how to treat them.

Bleeding from the nose. First aid and treatment:

Almost all parents have encountered the problem of nosebleeds in a child. Most often, this condition does not cause much concern: nosebleeds can come from a fight, prolonged exposure to the sun or overwork, but sometimes nosebleeds are the first signs of such dangerous diseases such as decreased blood clotting, renal or liver failure or hypertension.

Causes of nosebleeds

Nosebleeds in children often occur without any visible reasons, such increased bleeding is associated with abundant innervation and blood supply to the nasal mucosa. Many small capillaries can "burst" at the slightest overvoltage, and stopping the flow of blood is not so easy. A single bleeding from the nose should not cause alarm in parents, even if they cannot accurately name its cause, frequent nosebleeds are another matter. Even if they are repeated at intervals of 1 time in several months, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination of the child in order to exclude diseases. internal organs. Most common causes nosebleeds in children of different ages

In infants

The greatest alertness and anxiety in parents is caused by nosebleeds in children under one year old. But it’s not always worth panicking right away - most often, nosebleeds in babies are due to too dry and hot air in the room. Many parents, afraid of catching a cold, do not ventilate the room or place additional heaters in it. Too dry and hot air causes the mucous membrane to dry out, the vessels become brittle and out of the nose there is blood. Usually such bleeding occurs after sleeping, coughing or sneezing.

If bleeding is heavy, often repeated, it is necessary to examine the child to exclude blood diseases - reduced coagulability, anemia, hemophilia; developmental disorders vascular system nasal mucosa or the presence of formations in the nasal passages. Sometimes nosebleeds in young children occur due to the extra diligence of parents who clean and wash the baby's nose 1-2 times daily. Thick cotton turundas or cotton buds(which it is forbidden to clean the nose of a child), can easily damage the mucous membrane, and constant washing makes it dry and thin, which leads to the appearance of blood during or after hygiene procedures;

In children 2-10 years old

Most often, nosebleeds occur precisely at this age, this is due to the abundant blood supply to the mucosa, weak vessels and increased physical activity of children. Nosebleeds can occur due to

  • injuries - coordination of movements in children at this age is not yet sufficiently perfect, therefore frequent falls, bumps and injuries are inevitable. Moreover, for bleeding to occur, it is enough to hit yourself with a toy or “dig deeper” with your finger in the nose;
  • overheating - prolonged exposure to the sun without a hat can cause heat or sunstroke which is often accompanied by bleeding. At the same time, the child becomes lethargic, capricious, complains about headache refuses to eat, nausea and vomiting are possible;
  • elevated motor activity- nosebleeds can come after a whole day of running around, playing and screaming, especially with a sudden change of scenery, a trip on vacation or with drops in blood pressure. Such bleeding occurs more often in the evening hours and is accompanied by whims and crying;
  • foreign body in the nose - non-stop or constantly recurrent bleeding can be caused by damage to the mucous membrane of a foreign body. Young children, usually up to 3-4 years old, love to explore the world with everyone possible ways and often put various small objects up their noses: from beads to pieces of toys. If such an object is not found in time, it can cause permanent bleeding or chronic inflammation;
  • hypertension - a temporary increase in blood pressure can be caused by physical exertion, exposure to the sun or a visit to the bath, but such bleeding, as a rule, does not recur and stops easily. But constantly occurring bleeding can be caused by diseases of the internal organs. Hypertension occurs in diseases of the liver, kidneys, of cardio-vascular system and blood pathologies. In these cases, in addition to frequent nosebleeds, the child has other signs of pathology: fatigue, puffiness of the face or lower extremities, shortness of breath, pain in urination, an increase in the abdomen or increased fragility of capillaries in the skin - bruises appear at the slightest blow or pressure on the skin;
  • pathology of the nasal cavity - blood from the nose can come from a chronic runny nose, sinusitis or sinusitis. Constant inflammation makes the vessels brittle, and the mucous membrane - loose, in addition to frequent bleeding, the child is disturbed nasal breathing, nasal discharge and other signs of the disease appear. In addition to inflammation, the cause of bleeding can be a curvature of the nasal septum - the child may "sniffle", snore or suffer from a chronic runny nose; formations in the nose - polyps, papillomas and other formations not only cause constant bleeding, but also make nasal breathing difficult and slow down physical and neuropsychic development child;
  • SARS, influenza and others viral diseases- influenza viruses, parainfluenza, adnoviruses and some other causative agents of acute respiratory viral infections and colds, have a tropism for the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, they are fixed on it, make it looser, the vessels in it become thinner and bleeding occurs when coughing, sneezing or for no apparent reason;
  • treatment with vasoconstrictor drugs - if the child had been ill shortly before colds and received treatment with vasoconstrictor drugs such as nasol, nazolin, glazolin, and so on, his mucous membrane may also be too dry, and the vessels brittle and weak. Long-term use vasoconstrictor drugs can cause atrophy and thinning of the mucous membrane and cause persistent bleeding;
  • vitamin C deficiency - a lack of vitamin C in food makes the blood vessels weak and brittle, it is especially important to get enough vitamins during the period active growth child, in the autumn-winter time and after any infectious diseases. Signs of hypovitaminosis, in addition to nosebleeds, may be increased fatigue of the child, frequent headaches, pallor skin, fragility of nails and hair, as well as frequent SARS;
  • hereditary diseases- less often, frequent nosebleeds cause diseases such as thrombocytopenia, thrombocytopenia, hemorrhagic vasculitis, systemic lupus erythematosus and others.


Hormonal changes and rapid growth often cause nosebleeds in children from 10 to 14 years old. At this age, nosebleeds, in addition to infectious and hereditary diseases, can be caused by:

  • hormonal changes - girls are more likely to suffer from this, an increase in the level of female sex hormones causes swelling and friability of the nasal mucosa, due to which nosebleeds can occur for no apparent reason several times a week. Such bleeding disappears on its own, as the hormonal background stabilizes;
  • periods of strong growth rapid growth Vessels may "not keep up" because of which they become thinner and more brittle. This is often observed in children aged 12-13 years, who in a few months "bounce" by 10-20 cm and experience problems with joints and blood vessels;
  • vegetovascular dystonia - dysregulation of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system often first makes itself felt during puberty. Adolescents complain of dizziness, sweating, increased or decreased heart rate, headaches, weakness, and nosebleeds.

What to do about nosebleeds

First aid:

  • the most important thing with nosebleeds is not to panic the parents themselves and reassure the child as much as possible;
  • do not tilt your head back with nosebleeds - the blood will flow inside and can get into the respiratory tract, into best case it enters the esophagus and the patient can vomit blood;
  • check for foreign bodies in the nose - if they are there, do not try to pull them out yourself, this can cause additional damage blood vessels and heavy bleeding, which can only be stopped with medical help;
  • when bleeding, you need to put the child on a chair or on your knees and slightly tilt your head forward so that the blood can drain freely from the nasal cavity;
  • ice can be applied to the bridge of the nose or cold compress- in last resort, just soaked cold water cotton wool or handkerchief;
  • at profuse bleeding cotton or gauze swabs with hydrogen peroxide can be placed in the nasal passages.

If the nosebleed does not stop within 10-15 minutes need to urgently take the child to the hospital. There, if necessary, the patient will undergo an anterior tamponade of the nose or use tampons moistened with aminocaproic acid or other drugs that stop bleeding. I can also place in the nasal cavity hemostatic sponge which contains substances that promote blood clotting. In difficult cases, coagulation (cauterization) of the vessels of the nasal cavity or intravenous administration hemostatic drugs.

With regular nosebleeds in a child, the following examinations should be performed:

  • at the ENT - to exclude the presence foreign bodies, polyps and other formations in the nasal cavity, curvature of the nasal septum, chronic atrophic rhinitis and other diseases;
  • the therapist - a complete examination of internal organs - ultrasound of the heart, kidneys, liver;
  • at a hematologist - to exclude hereditary diseases and pathologies of the blood system; It is also necessary to do a detailed blood test, determine the time and factors of blood clotting and check intracranial pressure and arterial pressure. If your child does not have any abnormalities during the examination, and nosebleeds continue to occur regularly, it is recommended:
  • take drugs that strengthen the vascular wall - for example, askorutin;
  • take vitamins C or multivitamin preparations;
  • spend more time outdoors and exercise;
  • install strict regime of the day - go to bed at the same time, and sleep should be at least 8 hours a day. This is especially important for teenagers who spend a lot of time at computers and constantly experience a lack of sleep;
  • protect the child's head from direct sunlight;
  • monitor the hydration of the mucous membrane - be sure to humidify the air in the room where he sleeps or leads most time baby, and also use for moisturizing saline solutions or vaseline gel;
  • drink a decoction of viburnum - it has pronounced hemostatic properties. To prepare it, 10 g of viburnum bark is poured into 1 tbsp. boiling water, insist 15-20 minutes and give the child 1 dess. l.–1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day course of treatment 10-14 days;
  • take a decoction of nettle - has the same properties, it is prepared at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. dry nettle 1 tbsp. boiling water, insist 10-15 minutes, then filter and give the patient 1 tsp-1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals, the course of treatment is 2-3 weeks, then you need to take a break for 2 weeks and repeat the course.
  • infusion of bead and yarrow - is considered a very effective hemostatic agent. Prepare an infusion of 3 tbsp. l. yarrow and 0.5 tsp. medicinal bead on 3 tbsp. boiling water. Take the remedy for 1/3 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals for 7-10 days. If a child has nosebleeds for more than 6 months, consultation of all the above doctors is mandatory, since such prolonged bleeding is characteristic of serious diseases of the blood or internal organs.

03.09.2016 50302

Nosebleeds in childhood is not a rare occurrence. According to studies, 57% of children under 10 years of age had a nosebleed at least once. In the first year of life, such a problem practically does not occur. Mostly children between three and six years of age are affected. adolescence unpleasant phenomena, as a rule, pass.

Parents are especially worried if bleeding occurs at night. In most cases, this is not dangerous and passes after 2-3 minutes. The child's nose is still very small, the nasal passages are narrow, the mucous membrane is loose and sensitive to any influences. In addition, the sinuses are richly lined with blood vessels, which are supplied by external and internal carotid arteries. In the nasal mucosa there is a vascular plexus, which is called the "bleeding zone" or Kisselbach's plexus. In 90% of cases, minor damage to this section provokes bleeding.

Possible reasons

  • fragility of blood vessels;
  • injury;
  • foreign body;
  • dry air;
  • the use of vasoconstrictor drugs;
  • colds.

There are two types of nosebleeds in children:

  • from the upper anterior sections of the nasopharynx - occurs when the vessels are damaged;
  • from the lower back - caused by injuries to the nose, various diseases, with increasing pressure.

In the first case, the blood from one nostril, the flow slowly and quickly stops.

If the vessels of the lower posterior section are damaged, the bleeding is profuse, from both nostrils, it is difficult to stop.

Often in a child from the nose during sleep due to excessive fragility of blood vessels. This happens when there is a lack of vitamin C, which is involved in protein synthesis. Without it, not a single biochemical reaction in the body takes place. It improves immunity, strengthens blood vessels, prevents the development of many diseases. An unbalanced diet, insufficient intake of foods rich in vitamin C leads to vascular fragility and, as a result, to frequent bleeding.

Fragility causes tobacco smoke, dust accumulation, allergy to pet hair.

A common cause of nosebleeds is injury to the mucosa. Small children have a habit of picking their nose with their fingers, sticking small toys and details into it, which injures the delicate shell and causes blood loss.

An increase in pressure caused by physical exertion, hyperthermia, kidney disease can also provoke bleeding. Under no circumstances should you panic. This will not help the situation, and the child will be even more frightened.

Often at night there is blood from the nose in the cold season. This is due to the fact that the air in the room is too dry - hot radiators, additional heaters are turned on, the windows in the room are tightly closed. The mucous membrane dries up, becomes susceptible to any irritation. The nose creates ideal conditions for development inflammatory diseases, rhinitis, bleeding.

The norm is from 45 to 60%, during the heating season the figure drops to 25%. To normalize the situation, you should ventilate the room more often.

Through ventilation is performed at. The presence of an aquarium, a humidifier contribute to the normalization of the level of humidity.

A strong cough, inability to blow your nose normally, sneezing increase pressure in the walls of blood vessels, which leads to their rupture and bleeding.

How to help properly

Nosebleeds start unexpectedly and take adults by surprise. Do not fuss, make noise, excite the child. Such actions will lead to increased heart rate and increased pressure, which will cause a large loss of blood. It is necessary to calm the baby and take control of the situation.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to tilt the head back or lay the child down!

In this position, blood will begin to drain into the esophagus or airways, and may lead to respiratory arrest. In addition, it is impossible to find out whether the bleeding has stopped or not, how intense it is.

If the nose bleeds, do the following:

  1. the child is seated on a chair, his head is slightly lowered to his chest;
  2. close the nostrils with fingertips for 3-5 minutes, during which time the bleeding should stop;
  3. put cold on the bridge of the nose. Give your child a drink cool water or eat ice cream. Cold drink from the inside helps stop bleeding.
  4. moisten cotton swabs in hydrogen peroxide and insert not too deep into the nasal passages;
  5. ensure an influx fresh air- unbutton the neck, open the window.

Important! The legs must be kept warm - this helps to reduce the circulation of fluid in the nasal region and leads to a stop of bleeding.

If the nose is bleeding due to the ingestion of a foreign object, do not get it yourself. Such actions lead to the fact that it will move into the respiratory tract and cause suffocation.

If nasal congestion occurs regularly, you should seek the advice of a doctor. To prevent repeated relapses, the ENT performs cauterization of the mucosa with silver nitrate. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and does not cause pain.

Treatment of vascular fragility begins with the intake of Ascorutin and calcium preparations, as well as vitamin complexes with ascorbic acid, routine. The course of therapy lasts up to 1 month.

Humidity in the room should be brought in line with the norm.

When to call a doctor urgently

  • the general condition deteriorates sharply;
  • become damp and pale;
  • blood flows from the nose for more than 10 minutes, there are no clots;
  • there was a severe head injury;
  • bleeding from two nostrils;
  • vomiting started with spotting, blood began to come from the ear or throat.

Nosebleeds are usually caused by broken blood vessels. However, in some cases it can be caused serious illness Therefore, a doctor's consultation is necessary in any case.

The causes of nosebleeds in children can be very different, ranging from banal overwork (overstrain), ending with strong blows to the nose. In some cases, the underlying cause of bleeding can be a number of quite dangerous ailments and pathologies. Speech in this case is about low blood clotting, hypertension, hepatic, kidney failure and so on. In fact, there are many reasons. But before finding out why baby is coming blood from the nose, it makes sense to get acquainted with the characteristic symptoms of bleeding.


It is immediately worth noting that in babies (2 years, 4 years or 5) characteristics bleeding will be somewhat different than in slightly older children. Depending on the anatomical features the nasal cavity, blood can flow from the nose both immediately and after the appearance of itching in the nose, headache, dizziness, and other things. Most characteristic symptom- external bleeding, when the child has blood from the nose. In some cases, this process may be hidden. Then the blood will flow into the oropharynx.

Children 9, 11, 12 and a little younger will have the following characteristics bleeding:

  • dizziness (especially for impressionable babies);
  • uncharacteristic tinnitus;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • general fatigue in the body and so on.

Nosebleeds may present with various degrees gravity. Take, for example, middle degree. In this case, the flow of blood from one nostril (or both), as a rule, is accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure and severe dizziness. In young children 5 years of age and younger, blue facial skin can often be observed.

Nosebleeds in children, the causes of which are not known for certain, can be intense. Even an adult in this case, in addition to severe discomfort, often experiencing hemorrhagic shock(what to say about babies).

To general symptoms both lethargy and a decrease in blood pressure are added. If the blood from the nose in children is abundant, then there is a high probability of loss of consciousness.

Causes of bleeding in babies

As mentioned above, the characteristic features of bleeding (as well as its causes) in different ages will differ from each other. A baby or baby can experience bleeding more than once. In most cases, it is caused by excessive dryness of the air in the room, when parents neglect to control the air level.

Fearing that the newborn baby will not catch a cold, they do not ventilate the room and additionally install portable heating devices in it. How As a result, excessively dry air irritates the delicate and not yet fully strengthened nasal mucosa and leads to bleeding. What should not be allowed is excessive dryness of the air. It is she who can cause the destruction of blood vessels in the nose, lead to strong cough and to other mild but unpleasant consequences.

If there is blood from the nose every day, then you should be wary and consult a doctor. He will appoint diagnostic examination to identify:

  • hemophilia;
  • low blood clotting;
  • pathologies of the vascular system;
  • neoplasms in the nasal cavity and so on.

Do not rinse and clean the nose too often in children under 3 years of age (this is especially true for young and inexperienced parents). Otherwise, you can damage the mucosa or cause inflammation.

Completely exclude cotton swabs and sticks, they are forbidden to use. Do not forget that frequent cleaning can lead to dryness of the nasal cavity and, as a result, to bleeding.

In what cases does nose bleed in children from 2 to 10 years old

This age is the most risky. Causes of nosebleeds should be sought in high physical activity children. In addition, nosebleeds in children can occur due to the following reasons:

Teenage years

If bleeding in children 6 years of age and younger is usually caused by dry air, then in adolescents the situation looks somewhat different. In this age active hormonal changes. It is the rapid development of the body that often becomes. The key reasons at this age are as follows:

  • Hormonal changes in children who are twelve or more years old may be accompanied by profuse nosebleeds. Most often, girls suffer from them. Nosebleeds appear several times a week. Her main reason(in girls) - an increase in the number female hormones in the body. You should not worry, bleeding disappears as the hormonal background normalizes.
  • In some cases, the blood vessels do not keep up with the increased growth and development of the whole body. They become thinner, more fragile, and nasal cavity at the same time acquires some friability. In addition, bleeding is often accompanied by joint problems.
  • Bleeding from the nose of a child - the reasons may be related to vegetovascular dystonia. It's about about malfunctions of the sympathetic, as well as parasympathetic systems. Most often, this pathology occurs during active puberty. In addition to blood from the nose, teenagers are worried about frequent headaches, intense sweating, general weakness and increased heart rate.

Urgent care

if you have one year old baby or a child aged 6, 10 or more, and you have found nose bleed, do not panic. Just follow these simple guidelines.

It is best to prepare in advance for such problems and collect a first aid kit with the necessary means to stop the bleeding. To do this, consult with your doctor. And most importantly - do not panic, because nosebleeds are not fatal.

Nosebleeds are a common pathology that often occurs in childhood. In most cases, the condition does not cause concern, but sometimes it is fraught with quite serious consequences.

Nosebleeds and its types in a child

Nasal blood loss is the outflow of blood fluid from the sinuses due to damage to the walls of blood vessels.

It is observed in 60% of children. Mostly unpleasant manifestations occur at the age of 2 to 10 years, the peak is from 3 to 8 years.

Often you can stop it yourself, using the simplest methods (cold, hydrogen peroxide). If the blood goes strongly, and this is repeated with enviable constancy, you should definitely pay attention, since pathology can lead to dangerous complications.

It is important to find out the cause unpleasant symptom, since such a condition is caused by somatic or infectious diseases.

According to doctors, about 10% of patients who were taken to the hospital with severe nosebleeds are treated in the ENT departments.

Blood outflows are of two types:

  • anterior - comes from the front of the nose, usually on one side only. It accounts for about 90% of all nosebleeds. Localization occurs, as a rule, in the lower part of the septum. This area contains a large accumulation of small vessels that are easily injured. Often the nose bleeds due to the dry air in the room. As a result, dehydration of the mucosa occurs and cracks in the nasal membrane appear;
  • back - the most dangerous, because it appears due to a violation of the integrity large vessels. The expiration takes place back wall throat. It is very difficult to stop the blood, so you must immediately call ambulance. Occurs with increased pressure or in case of injury. Represents big risk for respiratory tract, because it can provoke aspiration and instant death.

Video - Emergency. "School of Dr. Komarovsky"

Causes of nosebleeds

Pathology occurs due to damage to the walls of blood vessels. Physicians allocate local and common causes the occurrence of an outflow.

  • trauma to the nose or head (fracture of the skull, nasal plate);
  • minor trauma to the mucous membranes (nose picking, insertion of small objects, scratching);
  • postoperative damage to the nasal septum (removal of adenoid tissue, puncture at);
  • abnormal development vascular tissue;
  • inflammatory diseases of the nasal mucosa (, sinusitis, sinusitis);
  • inherited anomaly of the curvature of the septum;
  • neoplasms (tumors, polyps);
  • heavy physical exercise(sports).
  • fragility of the vessels of the nose;
  • infectious diseases;
  • hereditary pathology;
  • dry air in the room;
  • lack of vitamin A, C;
  • hyperthermia of the body (overheating), solar "stroke";
  • increased body temperature;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • jump blood pressure to one side or the other;
  • hormonal changes in the body in adolescents;
  • frequent use of vasoconstrictors and other drugs.

In most cases, bleeding appears due to a violation of the integrity of the vessels near the entrance to the nose. In this place is the Kisselbach zone, which is rich in capillaries. In addition, the mucous membrane here is more tender and fleshy than in other areas.

Children often have nosebleeds at night, which is very frightening for parents. If a bad sign It's a one-time thing, so don't worry.

The main factor that could cause such a situation is nose picking and trauma to the mucous membrane. Another important reason may be too dry air in the room.

If blood loss is accompanied by complaints of dizziness, the child should be taken for examination.

Video - Causes of nosebleeds and how to stop it properly

Features of treatment

Bleeding usually stops quickly and does not require medical intervention. However, sometimes the situation is out of control and stop the bleeding on your own does not work. Doctors should be called urgently if the child has:

  • poor blood clotting (hemophilia);
  • loss of consciousness, fainting;
  • taking drugs that help thin the blood (aspirin-containing, ibuprofen);
  • there is a threat big loss blood;
  • suspicion of a skull fracture (a clear liquid flows out with the blood);
  • there was vomiting with blood clots (possibly damage to the esophagus, ventricle) or outflow of blood with foam.

Children with renal hypertension are subject to emergency hospitalization, severe injury head and nose, impaired clotting.

First aid

In order to stop nosebleeds, it is necessary to carry out simple manipulations.

  1. First of all, you should calm the baby and explain to him that nothing terrible has happened, there is no need to swallow blood.
  2. The child is placed in horizontal position. The body must be tilted slightly forward. If you tilt your head back, then the outflow of blood will only increase, and conditions will be created for it to enter the respiratory tract.
  3. The nostrils are squeezed with fingers for 5-10 minutes, and cold is applied to the bridge of the nose.
  4. After 5 min. swabs soaked in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution are carefully inserted into the nasal passages or vasoconstrictor drops(Naphthyzin, Galazolin). The medicine is instilled in 2-3 drops and the nostrils are pressed.
  5. Tampons should be removed very carefully, otherwise the clot will be damaged, and the bleeding will start again.
  6. The nasal mucosa is smeared with petroleum jelly or Neomycin (Bacitracin) ointment - this will speed up the healing process.

After the bleeding has stopped, the child should be taken to an ENT consultation to prevent recurrence. In addition, it is necessary to accurately identify the cause of nasal bleeding. The condition of the baby is assessed according to the results of rhinoscopy (a method for examining the sinuses using special mirrors). If necessary, the child is cauterized on the bleeding area. You may need to consult a hematologist, neuropathologist, endocrinologist and other specialists.

If the blood does not stop for more than 15–25 minutes, it is urgent to call an ambulance and hospitalize the baby.

To provide first aid, the child should be seated on a chair or on the knees of an adult and slightly tilt the body forward, firmly clamp the nostrils with your fingers for 5 minutes

What can not be done?

When nosebleeds are strictly prohibited:

  1. Blow your nose as it causes increased flow.
  2. Throwing the head back or laying the child on a horizontal surface - in this case, the veins in the head are compressed, the patient's blood pressure rises, which causes even more blood loss. In addition, blood fluid begins to flow down the back of the throat and can enter the stomach or respiratory tract. In this case, vomiting or blockage of the airways may occur, which is fraught with suffocation.
  3. Get it on your own foreign body from the sinuses - this can cause it to move and cause suffocation.

Medications to treat nosebleeds

One of the effective methods of treatment is drug therapy. The doctor prescribes drugs that help reduce capillary fragility and permeability:

  • Askorutin (tablets), taken after meals;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Rutin.

Additionally, the doctor may prescribe:

  • Dicinon - used as a prophylaxis and to quickly stop bleeding. Can be taken as injections or tablets;
  • Aminocaproic acid - intravenously or in the form of drops;
  • Calcium chloride and calcium gluconate - intravenously;
  • Vikasol - used to enhance the action of others medicines and to improve blood clotting.

When heavy bleeding, which are periodically repeated, the doctor may prescribe blood products:

  • platelet mass;
  • fresh frozen plasma.

If the outflow of blood occurred due to injury, the child is discharged;

  • Trasilol.

Medicines for the treatment of nosebleeds - gallery

Asorutin ( vitamin C and rutin) helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, makes up for the lack of vitamin C Dicynon is used in medicine as an "ambulance" to stop bleeding Aminocaproic acid reduces capillary permeability, helps stop bleeding Calcium chloride - a drug that can restore the lack of calcium in the body, which is necessary for the normal process of blood clotting Vikasol contributes to the normalization of blood clotting Kontrykal is used for bleeding caused by injuries, as well as after operations.

Dosage, frequency and duration of use medicines, as well as the form of application, is prescribed only by the attending physician after a thorough examination of the small patient and finding out the cause of the pathology.

Usage drug treatment allows you to improve the situation within 7-10 days.

If the conservative treatment does not work, the doctor may resort to other methods of treatment.

Preventive measures

To prevent nosebleeds, a number of preventive measures to help strengthen blood vessels:

  • air humidification in the room;
  • taking vitamin supplements;
  • use fresh vegetables, fruits, fish, dairy products, citrus;
  • prevention of injuries of the nose and head;
  • avoid eating foods that can thin the blood: apples, tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries, currants;
  • taking drugs that can strengthen the child's immunity and moisturize the nasal mucosa (especially in children who are prone to allergies and frequent colds).

The child should be avoided severe species sports, as well as serious stress (especially after blood loss).

Preventive measures - gallery

Taking vitamins helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase immunity in a child. humidifier supports normal level humidity in the room for a long time Balanced diet with a sufficient amount of micro and macro elements, it has a beneficial effect on the state of the circulatory system

Nosebleeds in childhood are often harmless. However, with abundant outflows, as well as relapses, you should consult a doctor for a thorough examination and identify the cause of the pathology. In any case, contacting specialists will not hurt, since this unpleasant syndrome can be a messenger of a serious illness.