Care - Siamese cats. Siamese kitten: description of the breed, character, care and feeding characteristics Caring for a Siamese kitten

To furry pet and the darling of the family, the Siamese cat, was always cheerful, healthy, you should take proper care of him, because this particular breed requires special care. Siamese kittens cannot be called hardy, so in the first months of life you need to treat them with special care: avoid hypothermia, stressful situations and, of course, provide balanced diet. As the kitten grows up, it will become stronger and will not need such reverent attention. If you want your Siamese to live more than 20 years (this is possible), create him good conditions, feed him correctly, observe sanitary standards, give him attention, and he will delight you for a long time.

The ideal temperature for keeping Siamese cats is +25-28 C. This is necessary so that your handsome cat retains its beautiful color and does not darken, which happens not only with age, but also because the animal is constantly in an unheated place. Hence the moderate temperature, non-humid air, and the absence of drafts - this is what a Siamese cat, especially a small one, needs. If it gets cool in the off-season, have a special house for your pet and a warm rug. Turn on the heater and you will see the cat snuggle up to it.

Now about the wool. Siamese hair is quite short and there is no undercoat, which is why special “maintenance” is not necessary. It is enough to run a damp hand over the wool and thereby remove the excess first. It is also not necessary to comb the Siamese, because its fur does not tangle. However, if there are clear and frank wishes of your pet, then pamper him by combing his fur with a special brush. You will definitely be rewarded with purrs and affection! Also, by combing and massaging the skin, you will eliminate the possible occurrence of dandruff. The fur of Siamese cats is not prone to getting dirty quickly, so there is no need to bathe them constantly and periodically; once a month will be enough. But it is important to teach bathing from childhood.

And of course, the cat’s “toilet” must be kept clean: excess should be removed from it after each visit.

The following advice applies in principle to all indoor cats that do not go outside at all. Quite often you can hear from owners that a cat spoils furniture, wallpaper, and carpets with its claws. Yes, it’s not easy, but it’s still possible to solve this common problem. Little kitten You can lightly trim the claws while they are soft. Having tried to climb up the curtains or carpet several times and fallen, he will forget about this desire.

Be sure to purchase a special sharpener for cat claws, or you can simply install a birch log at home, which will be both an original addition to the interior and a claw sharpener for the cat. Every time a mischievous kitten tries to attach his claws to the furniture, carry him to a tree or a sharpener, placing his paws where they belong. Cats that are allowed outside, of course, solve this need in the trees.

In general, Siamese get used to a leash surprisingly without any problems. This is a huge plus, because if you do not plan to let your pet out alone, you can resort to walks with a leash. It’s even better if you have a personal plot: take a four-legged animal with you, it will be very useful. Siamese are excellent hunters and sitting in ambush will not be amiss for them, as well as breathing in the country air.

If you are really concerned about the health of your cat, pay attention to his eyes - they are the real “signal lights” of health. If you notice excessive mucous discharge from your eyes, do not try to folk ways treat, just contact in a timely manner veterinarian. Small accumulations of mucus should be removed with a soft swab.

And be sure to make sure that your pet always has a clean plate: there should be no dried food leftovers in it. Feed him competently, in a balanced manner, not limiting himself to just dry food or, even worse, leftovers with common table. Let your cat get used to the routine right away, eating at the same time and not expecting handouts when your family eats. Premium food with vitamins, minerals, meat (except pork and liver, not fried and without spices), less often fish and chicken, scalded with boiling water, and fermented milk products - this is what, of course, should dominate the diet. It’s great if you add vegetables, wheat germ and oats to your diet, vegetable oil. The cat must have drinking water. Eliminate canned food, smoked foods - everything that is not good for us people. In general, cats themselves are able to make remarkable corrections. own food, if you give them the right to choose from healthy products. The main thing is to monitor your cat’s weight and limit his food if he is actively gaining it. A healthy, well-fed, well-groomed Siamese will always be cheerful, cheerful and affectionate!

Moving can be stressful for a kitten of any breed. That's why normal reaction baby during a housewarming party - hide under the bed or bathtub. Don’t lure him out, but just leave a feeding trough, a drinking bowl with clean water and a tray. Try not to make noise so that the baby understands that he is safe. After a few hours, appetite and curiosity will take over, and the kitten will leave the shelter.

Representatives of this breed are distinguished not only by their curiosity, but also by their strong temperament. They love to play and quickly become attached to all family members, including. They begin to pay attention from an early age: almost constantly. This is how your pet tells you that it wants to play or asks for food. Do not ignore him, it is possible that he may take revenge.

Siamese cats are considered long-lived (they live on average 14-16 years), have good health from nature. To maintain tone and a constant source of energy, they need a balanced diet. Discuss the composition and diet in advance with the breeder and veterinarian. Remember that not all food on your table is good for Siamese kittens. Never give them fried, fatty, sweet or spicy foods.

Siamese cats are a short-haired breed, so care for their fur is minimal. Bathe kittens only when necessary, for example if there are fleas. Kittens and even adult cat Brush at least once a week. Trim the claws as they grow. Accustom your animal to this procedure from an early age. Place him on your lap, lightly press on the paw pads and trim 1-2 mm from each claw, stroking and calming the kitten.

Be sure to place or nail a scratching post to the wall. You may need several of them, since Siamese kittens are very energetic and love to climb and climb. For this reason, in the first months of life, keep the kitten away from balcony railings, windows without nets, and wires. Do not allow children to play with small shiny objects: jewelry, caps, buttons, tinsel. Let the kitten have his own toys. Representatives of this breed will appreciate fishing rods and feather toys.

This breed is miniature and light. She is very flexible and sophisticated. It is simply impossible to confuse this cat with another - they have their own specific coloring, which is not similar to others. The remarkable thing about this breed is that throughout its history it has never been crossed with another breed. That is why they have perfectly preserved their original appearance.

Personality of the Siamese cat

The character of Siamese cats is truly unique in its own way. Their temperament is very hot, they have always dictated and will dictate their independence, they are excellent hunters and very stubborn animals. But, despite their hot and quick-tempered character, they become attached to a person like no other. Thanks to their insight, they very subtly sense the mood swings of their owners. Siamese cats do not trust strangers or unfamiliar people. There is a misconception that a Siamese cat can attack its owner. But this is not true at all. She would never harm anyone without a reason. On the contrary, if you treat her kindly, she will also be kind to you. I always loved when others paid attention to her. She loves to play and frolic. But she will also endure loneliness quite calmly if the owner needs to go somewhere. However, after your long absence, do not forget to give her due attention, play with her and communicate. Like this characteristics of the Siamese cat given by experts.

Caring for Siamese cat kittens

What is Siamese cat care? Everything is the same as caring for any other cat, plus some nuances in terms of disease prevention. Grooming should be minimal because Siamese cats have short fur. They need to be bathed only if there is a special need for it (for example, the appearance of fleas). You need to comb it once a week. From time to time, growing claws need to be trimmed. It is important to initially accustom the animal to this procedure. Remember that there must be a scratching post in the house. Perhaps even several, because kittens always have a lot of energy and need to move all the time. Because of this, kittens need to be kept away from all kinds of railings, open windows and windows, wires. This is how easy it is to care for Siamese kittens. Now you know how to care for a Siamese cat.


Nutrition of Siamese cats

The next question to consider is what to feed Siamese cats. The first and main requirement is the constant support of a variety of food for the Siamese cat. Another unspoken rule is to make sure that your cat always has fresh water, because they drink often and a lot. Food should be rich in protein. Especially if it's Siamese kitten nutrition. From meat you can give lamb, poultry, rabbit. Siamese cats are excellent with fish, especially tuna and cod. Cottage cheese and cottage cheese will also be useful. Rich necessary vitamins egg yolk. Don't forget about the benefits of dry food. It is always made high in calories and rich in vitamins. There is food separately for kittens and separately for adult cats. It differs in its composition and amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Feeding Siamese kittens V early age should occur frequently - up to six times a day. With age, the number of feedings gradually decreases to two, or even once a day. If you feed your cat once a day, it is better to do it at night. If you find out that somewhere is carried out

Feeding a Siamese cat is not too different from feeding cats of other breeds. However, there are nuances in this issue that the owner must know.

Siamese cats can be capricious when choosing food. Like real gourmets, they meticulously evaluate the quality and composition of food, so the main task of the owner is not only to select proper diet, but also to please the fussy Siamese. With food, the cat should receive all the substances it needs.

What to feed a Siamese cat?

The type of feeding for Siamese cats largely depends on the preferences of the pet. You can feed your cat ready-made food, natural food, or choose mixed feeding. Ideally, the cat’s tastes and the owner’s choices coincide, but this does not always happen. Each pet is individual and its food preferences cannot always be predicted.

Feeding with natural products

For Siamese cats, it is important to create the right diet with the optimal ratio of nutrients. And since it is not always possible to please her, the composition of products containing these substances is determined individually. For example, some Siamese do not like rabbit meat, in which case it is replaced with chicken or turkey. There is no need to be lazy when choosing your cat’s food experimentally. It will take a little time, but your pet will be filled with gratitude.

Food is offered in the form of porridge of varying thickness. Such porridge may consist, for example, of grated vegetable raw carrots, boiled oatmeal and chopped pieces of meat. If the cat chooses pieces of meat from the bowl and refuses to finish the rest, you should change the cereal or add meat that has been twisted in a meat grinder.

At natural nutrition The Siamese cat is given:


It should be lean. Well-suited beef, lamb, chicken, turkey, rabbit, etc. Before feeding, it is boiled or scalded and cut into small pieces. Some owners offer Siamese raw meat. In this case, it must be frozen. Meat pieces can be cut and frozen in portions, defrosting immediately before use. Typically, meat makes up 2/3 of the diet.


A very useful component of the diet, which some cats may ignore. For a Siamese cat it will be useful: heart, liver, lung, udder, tripe. Invite your pet to try each of the products, let her choose according to her taste.


Despite the fact that fish is the favorite food of the Siamese cat, it should not be abused. It is enough to include this product in your pet’s diet no more than 2 times a week and instead of meat. Preference should be given to fish low-fat varieties: navaga, cod, flounder, tuna, etc.


Siamese cats can only be given boiled yolk. This good source useful vitamins.


Oatmeal, corn, rice, barley grits. They are used to cook porridge in water. Cereals in the form of flakes can simply be steamed with boiling water.

Vegetables and greens

It is important not to overdo it with vegetables in the diet of Siamese cats, as this breed does not digest fiber well. In small doses you can give boiled cabbage, carrots, potatoes, fresh cucumbers, sprouted greens, etc.


Siamese cats are suitable for low-fat cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, unsweetened yogurt, sour cream, butter. It is not recommended to give fresh milk to adult cats.

Like other cats, Siamese should not be given hard chicken and fish bones, fatty meat (pork, duck), smoked, salty and sweet, as well as legumes, spices and salt.

Feeding prepared food

Ready-made industrial food for Siamese cats can be a real salvation if natural feeding does not work out and the cat turns up its nose at cooked food. Also, this type of food is great for those new to caring for and maintaining Siamese.

In ready-made feeds, premium and superpremium quality ( Hills, Purina Pro Plan, Royal Canin, etc.) contains everything necessary for a cat in an optimal ratio nutrients, vitamins and microelements. You need to buy them exclusively in specialized stores. Before paying, you should study the composition and check the expiration date of the product.

You need to select ready-made food taking into account individual characteristics cats: gender, age, physiological state, lifestyle, etc.

It is good if, before purchasing, the animal was accustomed to ready-made food. In this case, it is advisable not to change the brand.

Ready-made food can be wet, dry or in the form of “snacks”. Combining species in one meal is not recommended, as is mixing products from different manufacturers.

If the Siamese cat does not like this or that finished product, do not rush to refuse of this type feeding. You can offer your pet several types of ready-made food of different brands, perhaps she will like something. First you should give wet food, and then, at another meal, dry of the same brand.

Mixed food for Siamese cats

Mixed feeding of Siamese cats is not encouraged by many veterinarians and breeders, since gastrointestinal tract cats have difficulty adapting to different types food, and this is fraught with digestive problems. This type of nutrition is justified only as an intermediate stage when transferring a cat from one type of food to another.

Feeding pregnant and lactating Siamese cats

In the first weeks of pregnancy, the Siamese cat is switched to special food. Industrial feed for pregnant cats are enriched with calcium, vitamins and microelements in an optimal ratio. When eating natural products the proportion of proteins and carbohydrates increases, and special ones are introduced into the diet vitamin supplements(only after consulting a veterinarian!) and limit treats and delicacies. The pet should be fed at least 3 times a day.

Starting from the fourth week of pregnancy, the cat needs food that contains a lot of protein, so from mid-term until birth the amount of food is increased by about 40-50%. At the same time, you need to make sure that the animal does not overeat, as this can lead to obesity and complications during childbirth.

Next important period– 1-2 weeks before birth. As a rule, the cat's appetite decreases at this time due to higher pressure on abdominal cavity, so the pet is fed in small portions, but more often.

A cat during lactation needs food, rich in carbohydrates. Calorie consumption during this period increases 2–3 times. If the cat eats ready-made food, problems with the diet usually do not arise. During this period, some owners offer the nursing cat ready-made kitten food. When feeding natural products, the diet is also adjusted based on the cat’s preferences; the pet should not be limited in food - the amount of food eaten should depend only on the cat’s appetite. When feeding 4 or more kittens, a cat with this diet does not face obesity.

Feeding kittens

The best food for newborn kittens is mother's milk. His baby should receive until about 2 one month old. If for some reason the mother cannot feed the kitten, it is given special substitute mixtures. A newborn should eat every 2 hours.

From about 6-10 weeks of age (owners have different opinions about the timing of introducing the first complementary foods for Siamese cats), kittens are given the first complementary foods: boiled beef, passed through a fine meat grinder, boiled fish, homemade cottage cheese, dry yeast.

To prevent your kitten from growing up to be picky, accustom your baby to a variety of natural food. If the animal subsequently receives ready-made food, then complementary feeding can be started with a special ready-made feed for kittens. It is selected based on the age of the kitten.

What to feed a Siamese kitten?

Siamese kittens natural feeding give:

Approximate feeding ration for Siamese kittens (per 1 kg of live weight):

1. Raw sea fish (30 gr.), beef liver (5 gr.), boiled cereals(4 gr.), vegetable oil (2 gr.), water (4 gr.), dry yeast (0.2 gr.).

2. Raw beef (20 gr.), beef liver(10 g), boiled oatmeal (4 g), vegetable oil (0.2 g), water (10 g), dry yeast (0.1 g).

3. Raw sea fish (20 gr.), cottage cheese (10 gr.), boiled oatmeal (4 gr.), vegetable oil (0.3 gr.), water (9 gr.), dry yeast (0.2 gr.).

How often to feed a Siamese kitten

The frequency of feeding a baby is directly related to age:
At 2-3 months– about 6 times a day ( daily norm? about 150 gr.).
At 4-6 months the number of meals is reduced to 4-5, the serving size is increased.
From 6 months to one year kittens are transferred to 3 feedings a day, and then to 2 feedings a day (morning and evening, respectively). Volume of food? as for adult animals.

Rules for feeding a Siamese kitten

The kitten should be fed at the same time in the same place. A precise diet improves the functioning of the digestive organs and has a beneficial effect on the absorption of food. Food is given to the kitten warm, in crushed form. There must be fresh boiled water next to the food.

Siamese breed, character description and appearance which will be presented later in the article, differs from other domestic animals in their special gracefulness and even majesty. These are the only ones that have not crossed with European breeds cats, and therefore the pristine nature of their eastern roots has been preserved.

Description and photo

Many people are well aware of what Siamese look like, because these beauties are extremely popular. However, they are often confused with Orientals or Thais. So that there is no more confusion, we will tell you about the most important features appearance, as well as the behavior and character of these cats.

Did you know? Katie, a member of the Siamese breed, could lay claim to the title of the fattest cat in the world in 2003. At the age of 5, she was given hormones that were supposed to tame her interactions with cats. But these hormones provoked an increase in the animal’s appetite. As a result, this one reached a weight of 23 kg, which is heavier than the average six-year-old child.


Country of origin: Thailand Time of origin of the breed: 1960s

Weight: 3-5 kg Litter: 4-6 kittens

EMS code: SIA Lifespan: 13-15 years old The color of Siamese cats is white or light shades with points (mask, paws, ears and tail). Based on the color of the points, the main colors are divided into:

  • seal point;
  • chocolate point;
  • red point;
  • blue point;
  • caramel point;
  • lilac point;
  • background point;
  • cream point;
  • cake point;
  • tabby point;
  • cinnamon point;
  • tortie tabby point.

Cat character

In general, the character of Siamese beauties is strongly influenced by upbringing. If there is a calm atmosphere in the house where the pet lives, then it will behave in the same balanced and non-capricious manner. But, at the same time, if this animal is offended by a person, then it can be very aggressive towards the offender, as it is distinguished by vindictiveness. It is also worth noting that Siamese love children and quickly find a common language with them.

They love activity, so they will gladly take part in children's games. But children should not touch the animal by the tail or squeeze it with their hands, since Siamese will not tolerate the role of a living toy. In such situations, they may use their teeth and claws. - Siamese are loyal, sociable and loving. They painfully experience loneliness and miss their owners in their absence. Also, such pets are jealous and do not tolerate rivals and strangers

in the house. These stubborn and wayward dogs are very smart and smart, so it will not be very difficult to train them.

History of appearance

Thailand is considered the birthplace of Siamese cats. More than 600 years ago it was called Siam. There, these animals were revered, believing that they were the guardians of temples and escorted dead people to the afterlife. There was a belief among the Thais that fate favors those people who have a cream color (seal point) in their home. But only a few could have such an unusual advantage. Entire scientific works have been devoted to these pets. One of them is called “Treatise on Cats” (“Tamra Maew”). This work can still be seen today in the country's National Library.

A society was created in Thailand that worked towards protecting the Siamese from extinction. Representatives of this society presented such pets to Queen Victoria of England in 1870. Somewhat later, lovers of Siamese beauties established their society in the USA. Around the 1960s, such pets began to appear in the apartments of residents of the former CIS countries. Representatives of bohemia and the intelligentsia became the happy owners of these animals.

Choice and cost of a kitten

It is best to purchase (we are not only talking about the Siamese breed) at the age of 2.5-3 months. At such a time, pets are already independent and have managed to adapt to social existence. You should buy Siamese either from a trusted breeder or from a nursery that has positive reviews from other animal lovers. In order to get rid of all doubts, you can additionally order an expert assessment of the cat’s condition from an independent veterinarian. It is also advisable to get to know the kittens’ parents and observe how they behave. The baby should be cheerful, playful and curious. Those who care about coat color, you can see his paw pads and nose, since they are the very first to color, usually during the first two weeks of life. Light-colored paws are found in cats with lilac and chocolate colors, while darker paws are found in seal and blue-point cats.

Important! You should not buy Siamese cats from random sellers. You need to trust only trusted breeders. Otherwise, there is a risk of acquiring a weak or not purebred pet.

The price of purebred Siamese cats can range from $120 to $900. The cost is determined by a number of factors: the purebred of the animal, its appearance, and the fame of the nursery. Of course, you can find advertisements on the Internet where Siamese are sold much cheaper, but the purebred breed of such animals is extremely doubtful.

Living conditions and proper care

Siamese pets are clean animals. They independently monitor the cleanliness of their fur, so you will only need to intervene in this process from time to time.

Necessary accessories

Before you bring this graceful pet into your home, it is recommended to purchase some accessories that will help you care for your cat. These include:

  • a comb with frequent but not sharp teeth for combing out the animal’s fur;
  • special toothpaste;
  • cat litter;
  • bowls for feeding.

Did you know? The largest litter among pets was recorded in 1970. A Siamese cat living with a UK family has given birth to 19 kittens. Among them, unfortunately, only 15 survived.

Features of caring for the breed

Siamese have short hair and no undercoat. In this regard, cats need to provide warmth and minimize drafts in the house. If at some point the room is not warm enough, you will need to insulate the pet’s resting place.

What to feed a Siamese cat?

Diet is incredibly important for Siamese cats, so nutrition should be compiled based on some of the pet’s parameters:

  • age;
  • Lifestyle;
  • physiological state.

Important!It is necessary for the animal to have Free access to the water.


IN daily diet Siamese babies (up to 10-12 weeks of age) should include the following products:

  1. Boiled meat. Beef and chicken can be used.
  2. Offal.
  3. Boiled sea fish. You can give it once or twice a week, but be sure to remove all the seeds first.
  4. Baby food. Cats are very fond of various meat and vegetable-meat purees.
  5. Fermented milk products (preferably low-fat).
  6. Eggs, namely the yolk. Can be given no more than twice a week.
Kittens also love to eat vegetables and herbs. Such products must first be grated on a fine grater or thoroughly chopped with a knife. Then the vegetables are mixed with fish or meat, forming a porridge-like mass. Bone meal and other special feed additives can serve as a source of calcium. They need to be added to regular food, mixed until smooth.


The fickle nature of Siamese cats is also reflected in their taste preferences, which can sometimes cause confusion. Pets can eat fruits, nuts, mushrooms, etc. But despite all this, the basis of the diet should be:

  1. Offal and raw meat. It is very important to remove all bones and films. To prevent cats from becoming infected with helminths, the meat must first be frozen for 24 hours. The best option The meat will be cut into pieces and then frozen.
  2. Boiled low-fat sea fish. Tuna, cod, navaga, flounder and others are suitable. Should not be given to Siamese river species fish, since they contain the enzyme thiaminase, which destroys B vitamins.
  3. Fermented milk products. Curdled milk, cottage cheese, sour cream and others. In this way, it will be possible to replenish the cat’s body’s need for calcium.
  4. Eggs (yolks), beef liver. It is necessary to feed cats such products, since they contain vitamin A. It is recommended to give them no more than twice a week.

Important! Excess meat in the diet of Siamese cats can cause darkening of their fur.

Strictly prohibited:
  • fish and chicken bones;
  • legumes;
  • fatty meats (pork, duck);
  • whole milk;
  • spices;
  • smoked meats;
  • salty;
  • sweet.
It is recommended to accustom the animal to regular feeding (at the same time). The frequency of meals should be reduced from six times (kittens up to 3 months) to two times (cats from 9 months). All food should be at room temperature, not too cold and not too hot. Any remaining uneaten food should be removed 30 minutes after the pet has eaten.

Hereditary diseases and necessary vaccinations

Siamese cats have piercing blue eyes. A gene that can cause visual impairment and strabismus is responsible for the presence of this feature. In addition to this, hereditary typical pathologies are hooks, kinks and knots on the tail. Also quite often, young Siamese can exhibit diseases of the respiratory system. In particular, calcivirosis can often be diagnosed - a disease of the upper respiratory tract. Young kittens may have problems with balance and coordination. A clear sign of such a pathology is the animal’s head thrown to one side. Shows himself this way genetic defect in development inner ear, which provokes a malfunction in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.

Also, the breed of cats in question is prone to diseases nervous soil, including psychogenic alopecia. If there is a psychologically uncomfortable atmosphere in the house in which the pet lives, the animal will lick itself until bald spots form on its fur coat. In addition to the above pathologies, the breed in question is also characterized by the following diseases:

  • asthma;
  • adenocarcinoma small intestine(cancer disease);
  • achalasia of the esophagus (increase in its size, which complicates the process of food intake);
  • malignant neoplasm in the lungs;
  • hyperesthesia (increased sensitivity).

Important! Siamese cats are prone to allergies. This process can be provoked by food, cigarette smoke, various kinds aerosols with a strong odor, dust, flea bites.

How long Siamese live depends on the conditions under which they are kept and compliance with care recommendations. In particular, timely vaccinations are important. The first vaccination should be given to kittens at 12 weeks of age. The next one is after a month. These pets need to be vaccinated mandatory, since the breed in question is prone to infectious lesions and can get sick with the most severe and difficult to tolerate diseases.

For example, other breeds can suffer rhinotracheitis (runny nose in cats) almost unnoticed, when Siamese are sick for a long time and may even die. It is very important to vaccinate your pet against (panleukopenia), as this disease will be fatal for an unvaccinated pet. Siamese cats must be vaccinated against rabies. Siamese cats are among those pets that require special care. But those who have placed this graceful beauty in their home will be grateful for the faithful and devoted love of their pet.