Gum care when wearing dentures. Proper gum care

Almost everyone knows how to properly care for their teeth, and only a few know about proper gum care. But beautiful and strong teeth cannot exist without healthy gums.

How to keep your gums healthy

In fact, maintaining oral health is not difficult, just follow the rules of hygiene. It is necessary to carefully and regularly brush your teeth and interdental spaces, visit the dentist and perform preventive procedures, then gum problems will never bother you.

Particular attention should be paid to cleaning the space between the teeth. Many people neglect this, however, gum inflammation in most cases occurs due to stuck pieces of food.

Some people shift all responsibility for caring for their oral cavity to the dentist. In fact, the doctor can remove plaque and treat the disease when it occurs, but the most important task is daily care It's up to you.

What should a toothbrush be like?

A toothbrush should be of medium hardness. Bristles that are too rough can cause damage, while bristles that are too soft may not be able to fully remove plaque.

If your gums bleed in the first few days after using your new toothbrush, don't worry. At this time adaptation occurs. If unpleasant symptoms last more than three days, you should choose a brush with softer bristles.

Why is it important to brush your teeth?

As you know, plaque forms on teeth. Daily brushing of teeth and interdental spaces is necessary to remove it. If this is not done, the plaque will increase, which will lead to disease not only of the teeth, but also of the gums.

Proper nutrition

Plays an important role in the health of teeth and gums proper nutrition. The lack of essential microelements in the body is considered one of the most important causes of problems.

The most essential vitamin for healthy teeth and gums is vitamin C. It helps improve the functioning of all organs and strengthen immunity to various diseases. That is why it is necessary to consume products with its high content: citrus fruits, milk, cottage cheese, fish, etc.

What to do in case of inflammation

When the first signs of inflammation of the gum tissue are detected, it is necessary to begin treatment immediately. Otherwise, it may lead to more serious problems.

Once a day, rinse your mouth vigorously with a decoction of medicinal herbs. Chamomile, ginseng and calendula are great. This will help get rid of harmful bacteria and heal inflamed areas.

  1. It is recommended to rinse your mouth after every meal warm water. This is necessary in order to get rid of stuck pieces of food that lead to inflammation of the gum tissue.
  2. If you are wearing removable dentures, after eating they need to be removed, thoroughly washed and cleaned.
  3. Massage your gums from time to time by massaging them with a soft toothbrush or your own finger. This will improve blood circulation and prevent periodontitis.
  4. Train yourself to use dental floss. Enough 3-4 times a week – and your gums will be in perfect order.
  5. Toothpaste needs to be changed every 1-2 months. Otherwise, it will become addictive and its use will not give the desired result.
  6. Your toothbrush needs to be changed every 3-4 months, as over time harmful microorganisms begin to develop on it.

Home care products

Nowadays, stores offer a huge selection of gum care products. The most common of them are rinse aids. You can prepare this at home. Here are some recipes:

  • One of the most simple wayssaline solution. Sea salt is best, but regular salt will work too. Add 1-2 teaspoons to a glass of warm water and stir - the rinse is ready. You can add a pinch of soda to it.
  • Parsley has an excellent effect. It is suitable not only for medicinal purposes, but also for for preventive purposes. Pour 5 tablespoons of dry or fresh plant with 200-400 ml of water and put on fire for 5-7 minutes. After this, strain and cool.
  • Can be used for preventive purposes various oils, for example, flaxseed, olive or sea buckthorn. They not only protect against oral diseases, but also make teeth white. Simply dampen a cotton pad or small piece gauze in oil, wipe your teeth and gums with it.
  • One more thing effective remedy for gum care at home - aloe juice. Cut one leaf of the plant and rub it on the gum tissue for a few minutes.

Everyone knows that they need to brush their teeth and take care of their oral cavity. There are many means and various drugs for this. Pharmaceutical industry regularly pleases us with new products in this area, which is cheerfully broadcast on TV by white-toothed beauties.

But, despite all efforts, approximately 40(!)% of the adult population globe suffers from gum disease, leading to tooth decay and loss. Moreover, in prosperous developed countries people get sick more often, although there are services available to them best achievements modern dentistry.

What causes your gums to suffer?

The condition of the gums directly depends on general health person.

Due to weakened immunity, work is disrupted endocrine system. Vitamin and mineral deficiency, stress and poor nutrition- all this cannot but affect the gums.

The food culture also leaves much to be desired. Consumed modern man the food is soft and can be swallowed without chewing.

A lot of smart and adult people simply do not know how to properly care for their oral cavity. Accordingly, they cannot teach this to their children, who eventually develop the same problems.

Over time, periodontal disease develops - this is a group of diseases, the main of which are periodontitis, gingivitis and periodontal disease itself. These diseases are very difficult to treat.

Periodontal disease occurs from insufficient blood supply to the gums. This leads to tooth mobility and tooth loss.

Gingivitis is caused by bacteria. They create dental plaque - a transparent film in which they quietly live and multiply, penetrating inside the gums and damaging the integrity of the tissue.

Periodontitis occurs due to poor hygiene oral cavity, they can also be caused by human biology. With this common disease, “pockets” form in the gums, into which the infection penetrates deeply.

Gums can become inflamed due to a number of diseases: diabetes mellitus, poor clotting blood and so on. If your gums become loose and bleeding, you should definitely undergo a physical examination and visit a dentist.

1. Regularly eat fruits with a hard structure and raw vegetables. This promotes blood flow to the gums and the best cleansing teeth.

2. Eat right. Lack of vitamins and minerals (especially vitamin C and calcium) has a detrimental effect on gums.

3. Reduce consumption of sweets, especially refined sugar. It is advisable to brush your teeth after every sweet or meal. If this is not possible, then at least rinse your mouth with water.

4. It is advisable to buy a brush of medium hardness to cope with plaque, but should not injure the delicate skin of the gums. Gingivitis can develop from either poor care for the oral cavity, and from too intense cleaning.

5. Brushing your teeth at least twice a day, using circular movements. The villi must penetrate between the teeth.

6. The upper and lower jaws are cleaned separately. The front ones are cleaned first, then back teeth. First - the outer surface, then - the inner. The procedure is completed by cleaning the chewing surfaces. Direction - from gum to top edge crowns

7. The tongue also needs to be cleaned. A dirty, bacteria-infested tongue is a source of odor and a breeding ground for bacteria.

8. After cleaning your teeth and tongue, you need to massage your gums. In this case, you can use a small amount sea ​​salt. The simplest massage: grab the gum between two fingers (thumb on the inside, index on the outside) and rub.

9. Cleaning time - 2-3 minutes. After this, the brush should be washed with soap. The service life of one brush is no more than 3 months.

10. It is advisable to use toothpaste without fluoride or regular soda.

11. Plain salted water is perfect for rinsing. Use special liquids no need, they destroy both harmful and beneficial bacteria.

12. The space between the teeth should be cleaned regularly with a toothpick or dental floss.

Folk remedies

If periodontal disease has begun, you can combine the treatment prescribed by the dentist with the use of lotions, rinses and applications with infusions and decoctions of various herbs.

Rinsing gives a good effect when regular use within one to two months. For them you can take lingonberry leaf, oak bark, agrimony or calendula flowers.

Rinsing with infusion of golden mustache, propolis or walnut leaves has a strong anti-inflammatory effect.

You can significantly ease the course of the disease by massaging your gums twice a day and gently rubbing fir or sea buckthorn oil into them.

Video: about gum health in the “Cheap and Cheap” program

Video: Gums hurt: what to do in the “Live Healthy” program

Every person interested in how to maintain healthy gums must follow some rules. To ensure that your smile always remains beautiful, you must not only visit the dentist periodically, but also eat right. A specialist will always help you choose the products necessary for oral hygiene.

An unhealthy lifestyle can trigger diseases that can lead to tooth loss. You need to be careful about your health to prevent gingivitis and periodontitis.

Healthy gums are the key to a beautiful smile

The condition of the teeth depends on how a person cares for his gums. Gingivitis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the gum mucosa. Most often it occurs due to the active proliferation of bacteria on dental plaque. Harmful microorganisms penetrate the gums and begin to secrete enzymes and toxins, causing inflammation.

Gingivitis is believed to be caused by internal and external factors. TO internal factors include: pathological bite, vitamin deficiency, improper functioning digestive system, decrease protective forces body. External factors are: burns, injuries, exposure to aggressive substances and infections.

Very often, gingivitis occurs due to the formation of tartar or plaque, smoking, infection and chemical irritation. In most cases, the disease has infectious nature and develops as a result insufficient hygiene oral cavity. The use of certain drugs, for example, birth control pills, can also cause gingivitis.

Recognize terrible disease quite simple. Its signs are:

  • redness of the gums;
  • its bleeding when eating solid foods, such as apples.

If you notice signs of gingivitis, you need to urgently consult a dentist, because if you do not eradicate the disease, initial stage, then the consequences can be disastrous. Without adequate treatment, gingivitis can develop into periodontitis - destruction bone tissue tooth socket and the appearance of space between the gum and the root of the tooth. If this happens, the mobility of the tooth will increase and, when the bone is destroyed significantly, it will simply fall out.

How to properly care for your gums at home

The condition of your teeth directly depends on the health of your gums. To ensure that your smile is always beautiful, follow these rules:

1. Don't put off visiting the dentist. Visit your doctor for preventive purposes at least once every six months. Recommendations from a specialist regarding oral hygiene are priceless. The dentist will be able to remove dental plaque through medical procedures, thereby preventing the occurrence of gingivitis.

3. Adequate oral hygiene will help prevent gingivitis. If you are faced with the early stage of gum inflammation, then start using special toothpastes and rinses. These products should contain herbal extracts, as well as essential vegetable oils.

4. Consult a specialist about how to alternate medicines to prevent addiction to them.

5. Rinses and toothpastes that contain antiseptics can be used in the presence of inflammation. The duration of use of such products is determined by the dentist. Abuse of them can cause the development of oral dysbiosis.

6. Massage your gums every time you finish brushing your teeth. To do this, make several circular movements with your toothbrush. The teeth should be closed.

7. Use dental floss and toothpick very carefully. Too active removal of food debris can cause damage to the gingival papillae and the appearance of gaps between the teeth.

8. Watch your diet. Reduce the quantity flour products, rich fast carbohydrates. Such products provoke the growth of dental plaque, which serves as an optimal environment for harmful microorganisms.

9. Every time after eating soft and sweet foods, eat hard vegetables and fruits, such as carrots, cucumbers, apples. Such food promotes the active production of saliva, resulting in cleansing of the oral cavity.

10. Eat more protein-rich foods. These substances are necessary to renew the mucous membrane of the mouth and gums.

11. Avoid developing hypovitaminosis. The health of the gums is determined by the presence of vitamins A, B, C and D in the body. Special preparations will help compensate for the lack of vital compounds.

12. Retinol has a huge impact on metabolic processes. If there is not enough of it in the body, then the teeth can become mobile, and the surface of the tooth enamel can become uneven. In addition, retinol deficiency is fraught with insufficient salivation and gum disease. This substance is found in animal liver, milk, as well as orange-yellow vegetables and fruits.

Healthy and beautiful teeth are a sign that the body is getting the most useful vitamins and minerals and functions correctly. But due to various factors teeth may be subjected to serious illnesses oral cavity. Regular blood when brushing your teeth may indicate the early stages of periodontitis. And this is a very serious inflammation of the gum tissue, which can ultimately result in tooth loss. In order to avoid this, you need to take proper care of them and, in case of any problems, seek help from a specialist. But, as you know, prevention is better than cure.

  • Related article: .

Modern means a wide variety of oral care products. But unfortunately, they do not give 100% effect, and besides, ordinary toothpaste is not enough for ideal care. Mouth rinses have also become very popular. Their positive side is that they really do a good job of cleaning the mouth from food particles and eliminating bad smell. But this is not enough care to prevent gum disease.

  • It is very important to floss after every meal. It will help remove food debris that remains between the teeth, and unlike a brush, it penetrates into hard-to-reach places better. You can also use toothpicks for this, but do this with caution, as you can damage your gums.
  • Proper nutrition plays an equally important role in dental health. After all, there is a lack in the body useful microelements very often leads to gum problems. Most essential vitamin for dental health there is. It improves the functioning of all organs and systems, as a result of which immunity to the occurrence of diseases is developed, thus the gums remain healthy. Therefore, regularly consume foods with a high content of it, these are: dairy products, fish, offal, vegetables and citrus fruits.
  • Speaking about oral hygiene, you need to know that Toothpaste needs to be changed every month. Because with prolonged use of the same paste, addiction may occur and its use will not give any results.
  • Also Every three months you need to change your toothbrush, because microbes can multiply on it.
If you care about your health, you should remember to prevent gum problems. To do this, you must undergo a dental examination every six months. This way you can eliminate serious illnesses on early stage and prevent others from appearing.

You can take care of your gums yourself folk remedies. After all, the composition of home remedies does not contain harmful substances, since their action is homeopathic, which means natural and safe.

Home remedies for gum care

Homemade oral care products will help prevent the development of many diseases and also cleanse harmful bacteria and germs. The easiest way to care for your gums is to prepare homemade rinses. But there are also many other methods:

  1. The easiest way to prevent gum problems is saline solution. You just need to dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt and a little soda in a glass of warm water. It's good if regular salt replace the sea one, this way the effect will improve. This composition must be rinsed after every meal or at least once a day.
  2. Using parsley helps a lot(read about). It not only prevents the occurrence of oral diseases, but also treats them. In addition, it copes with such problems as bad breath. To prepare a decoction from this medicinal plant you need 2 tbsp dry or fresh leaves Pour a glass of boiling water over the parsley and simmer a little. Rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth before going to bed.
  3. good antibacterial effect gives aloe juice. It doesn’t take much time to prepare a gum care product from it. Just wipe your teeth with a scarlet leaf once a day and forget about problems with them.
  4. It's impossible not to remember healing effect medicinal herbs. To prevent oral cavity, you can use chamomile, calendula, green tea, St. John's wort, thyme, sage, oak bark. A decoction is made from them, which is used to rinse the mouth several times a day.
  5. Different oils have a good effect. For example, sea buckthorn, eucalyptus, mint, cinnamon and tea tree. To do this, dip a piece of cotton wool or a cotton pad in oil and wipe your teeth. You can do this several times a day. You can not only avoid periodontitis, caries, etc., but also make your teeth white.
  6. One of the ancient ways to care for the oral cavity was using brine sauerkraut . His healing effect has been proven by many scientists, because such cabbage contains a lot table salt and lactic acid. These substances help teeth be strong and healthy.
Video, if your gums bleed, oral care tips:

Keeping your gums healthy is not at all difficult. To do this, you just need to not neglect simple rules hygiene and during treatment of even the slightest dental problems. They will also help with oral care simple recipes home remedies. Pamper your teeth with a pleasant combination natural ingredients, and your smile will be irresistible!

In order to have beautiful and healthy teeth, incredible It is also important to monitor the condition of your gums. Many dental diseases are characterized precisely by the fact that inflammation develops in the periodontal tissues, that is, the gums.

This may subsequently cause serious problems, for example, loosening and even loss of teeth. To avoid this, you should strengthen your gums.

Hygiene rules as the basis of treatment for periodontal disease

None of the strengthening methods will give positive result if the rules of oral hygiene are not strictly observed . This is the first thing doctors talk about when planning treatment for periodontal diseases..

So here they are:

  1. Brushing your teeth should be done at least twice a day. In case of weakening of the gums and the onset of the inflammatory process, this should be done more often - after every, even small, meal. This also includes “snacks” of sweets.

    Important clean in the first few minutes (5–10), since it has been proven that the most negative impact microorganisms and bacteria are observed after 30–40 minutes.

    During the cleaning itself, you should also use correct technique , that is, correctly perform the cleaning movements themselves, which should be “sweeping”, with the brush positioned at an angle of 45°.

    The chewing surfaces are cleaned with a straight brush, and internal walls front teeth – in a vertical position.

  1. Diet is also important to follow. Multiple snacks and eating on the run should be avoided. This will help keep your mouth clean longer.
  1. Flossing. It can be used to clean those areas that the bristles cannot penetrate. You should use a toothbrush and floss (dental floss) together.

  1. Quitting bad habits.
  1. Rinse. If it is not possible to use a brush, it is recommended that you at least rinse your mouth thoroughly.
  1. If the patient has any dental structures installed (braces, implants, etc.) also use additional tools for hygiene.

The best option for quality hygiene at home is to use an irrigator. This device will allow you to thoroughly clean even the most difficult to reach places.

In addition, it helps strengthen the gums through a massage effect, which turns out to be a directed stream of liquid.

Suitable toothpaste

There are a number of pastes that you can use to improve the condition of your teeth and gums and strengthen them at home.

Such pastes can be divided into two large groups.


The first contains those who contain substances that have a strong antiseptic effect. These include, for example, the well-known chlorhexidine, as well as phenyl salicylate and hexetidine.

It is advisable to use them only during periods when exacerbations begin inflammatory processes. The duration of use depends on the specific condition of the gums, but should not exceed two to four weeks.


The second group acts somewhat differently. They are based on anti-inflammatory substances of plant origin..

Since they do not use strong antiseptics, such pastes can be used long time without taking breaks. This approach has a long-term strengthening effect.

  • "Parodontax F", UK.
    Among active ingredients extracts medicinal plants(sage, myrrh, St. John's wort, peppermint, as well as chamomile, echinacea and ratania), sodium fluoride, zinc citrate and other mineral salts.

    Here, the antibacterial, hemostatic and astringent effect of plant components is combined with the fact that salts help remove infiltrate from the gum tissue. Thus, inflammation and swelling are reduced, and the soft fabrics.

    The average price of a package (75 g) of Parodontax F is about 190 rubles

  • LACALUT Fitiformula, Germany.
    It contains the following active substances, such as extracts of St. John's wort, myrrh, ratania, sage, sodium fluoride and aluminum lactate. With their help, the gums become denser, bleeding and inflammation are reduced. The presence of fluorine inhibits the development and reduces the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

    The average cost of this paste is about 200 rubles per package of 75 grams.

Using medicated rinses

IN in this case the word “medicinal” should refer primarily to first group these products, which, like pastes, contain strong antiseptic substances. They prefer use during periods of inflammation, in parallel with the main treatment.

But second group rinse aids can strengthen gums, especially if you use them long period. In addition, such funds will speed up the recovery process.

For example, here are three possible options choice:

  • "PRESIDENT Classic Plus", Italy.
    Unlike many other products, this mouthwash does not contain alcohol. Therefore, it can be used to conduct gum strengthening courses for children starting from the age of six.

    The cost of 250 ml of solution is about 200 rubles.

  • "FOREST BALM", Russia.
    There are several options with various combinations of extracts of St. John's wort, oak bark, nettle, yarrow, celandine, sage, chamomile, fir, as well as cedar oil and propolis.

    Price for 250 ml is about 90 rubles.

  • "MEXIDOL -Dent Professional", Russia.
    The amino acid complex contained enhances local immunity, and methylhydroxpriridine succinate (Mexidol®) reduces inflammation of the mucous membrane.

    The cost of 250 g is approximately 135 rubles.

Special ointments and gels

At home, therapeutic and prophylactic gels and ointments that help restore tissue health and strengthen them can be successfully used to care for gums if they need to be strengthened.

These remedies also make it possible to prevent further relapses of inflammation if used correctly.

In each individual case, the courses last for a different time.

  • "Solcoseryl", ointment.
    The trophic effect of the active components helps to normalize the condition and improve processes in tissues even with significant inflammation.

    The remedy is applied thin layer massage movements onto the mucous membrane of the gums once a day at night. It is advisable to repeat courses of two weeks every four months.

    The cost of a 20 g tube is from 215 rubles

  • "Asepta", gel.
    Contains, among other things, propolis extract. It allows you to eliminate not only inflammation and its symptoms, but also the causes of weakening of the gums and deterioration of their condition.

    A tube with a capacity of 10 g costs about 185 rubles.

Don't know? This is our next publication.

In this article we will talk about why, if you have braces in your mouth, it is better to buy Oral-B Super Floss.


To improve blood microcirculation in gum tissues, helping to activate metabolic processes and strengthen natural defenses, apply special massage. There are various ways its implementation and techniques that can be easily performed at home.

Such It is advisable to carry out procedures daily, especially during periods of onset of inflammatory processes.

Watch the video for basic massage techniques:

Finger massage - techniques

The most effective massage is considered to be performed when a combination of all the techniques used is used.

Movements should be made large and index fingers starting from the center of the jaw. The direction of movement is towards the teeth, that is, on lower jaw up, and on the top down.

  • Stroking should be applied first to prepare the tissues and last to complete the entire procedure. If there are inflamed areas, then they move on to them after treating healthy ones.
  • Rubbing should be carried out with sufficiently strong pressure on the gums.
    Consistently perform short rubbing (in a circular motion) of the finger pads in small areas throughout the jaw and long spiral movements covering all soft tissues on each jaw.
  • Push-ups – grab a small area of ​​tissue, performing a gripping vertical movement simultaneously with a rotational one.
  • Squeezing should be carried out with both fingers (index and thumb) for a short time.

Can additionally massage using toothbrush , during daily hygiene procedures.

Active massage zones

In progress therapeutic massage, it is imperative to capture the so-called point zones. They are located on the vestibular (outer) side along the soft tissue border.

The main attention should be paid to the places where the internal parts of the teeth are located., and not the spaces between them.

Massaging individual points can have an additional positive effect on some internal organs, in particular, on the components of the digestive system. This also indirectly contributes to the further strengthening of the gums.

Vitamins and nutrition

The health of periodontal tissues and mucous membranes directly depends on the presence necessary substances and elements in the daily diet.

Here short list products that should always be on the table:

  • citrus,
  • dairy products;
  • green;
  • fish and seafood;
  • nuts;
  • garlic and onion.

Various multivitamin complexes containing everything necessary for tissue health also help strengthen gums. Among them are Vitrum, Elevit, AlfaVit and others.

Traditional methods

There is also popular folk recipes, which can be combined with all of the above.

  • Gargling with tinctures or decoctions of some medicinal plants. Used chamomile, oak bark, sage, mint together or separately. Rinsing is carried out only with products that have cooled to room temperature.

  • Rinse a solution of regular (rock) or sea salt. Usually take 1–1.5 tablespoons of salt per glass of water. You can also use not too coarse sea salt as additional means for massage with light rubbing movements.
  • Rinses are also used divorced alcohol solution celandine, which is easy to prepare yourself from herbs, chopped into a liter jar and filled with alcohol.
  • Has a good effect horseradish tincture which is used for rinsing. The grated root of the plant is poured with boiling water and left to cool completely.
  • Freshly squeezed sorrel juice Also used for rinsing the mouth. To do this, it is diluted with clean, lukewarm water in a ratio of one to three.

Home techniques for strengthening gums subject to all rules for their use give very good effect and maintain excellent health for a long time.

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