Dill water: reviews from doctors. Instructions for using dill water for colic for newborns and methods for preparing it at home

As soon as the baby is born, his gastrointestinal tract begins to adjust to receiving and digesting his first food - colostrum, and after a couple of days breast milk or formula. The result of this process is the colonization of the baby's intestines, which were sterile before birth. beneficial microflora. Everything would be wonderful if an almost obligatory stage of this peculiar “tuning” of the intestines were not intestinal colic, caused by excessive gas formation and bloating.

Bloating in newborns is a common problem that affects most families. The cause of the painful condition is the accumulation of gases, which dill water will help get out.

When is dill water needed?

Typically, symptoms of bloating appear during feeding or shortly after the baby has eaten. The baby begins to cry, bringing his legs to his tummy and blushing. In this case, neither stroking the tummy nor rocking in the arms can calm the child down. Relief comes only after the baby soils the diaper and the gases that were bothering him come out naturally.

Sometimes there is no strength to wait for this moment, and the carminative, long known for its beneficial properties and tested by many generations, will help ease the suffering of your beloved little ones - dill water.

How does dill water work?

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This remedy is a solution of fennel oil, popularly called “pharmacy dill”. A solution with a saturation of 0.1% is valuable primarily because it is quite acceptable to use it to save babies from colic almost from birth.

By the way, the drug Plantex is produced on the basis of fennel seed extract. It is a soluble powder that successfully replaces dill water for modern young mothers. The powder dissolves easily in both clean water, and in breast milk. Plantex is used after two weeks from the date of birth.

However, one such remedy will not be enough if the child, in addition to colic, also has symptoms of digestive upset, such as constipation, diarrhea or lack of appetite (we recommend reading:). In such cases, you should definitely show the child to the pediatrician.

For busy mothers, the drug Plantex, which is made on the basis of natural oil fennel and packaged in convenient bags. They contain granules that easily dissolve in water.

What are the benefits of dill water?

Products based on fennel and dill have a number of beneficial properties:

  • help cleanse the body of toxins and support the vital activity of beneficial microflora;
  • improve intestinal motility, relieve spasms;
  • favor the expansion of blood vessels and the flow of blood to all corners of the body;
  • helps reduce pressure on the intestinal walls, expanding it;
  • serve as an effective diuretic;
  • oppress and eliminate inflammatory processes in the body;
  • stabilize the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • regular use of preparations based on fennel and dill helps to increase the passage in the bronchi, reduces the resistance of air flows entering the bronchi, and prevents their stagnation in the respiratory tract;
  • helps liquefy and expedite mucus removal when coughing;
  • promotes the secretion of bile;
  • improves appetite;
  • enhances mother's lactation;
  • excellent remedy for constipation;
  • has an antibacterial effect;
  • improves kidney function;
  • has a mild calming effect, thanks to its properties it has a positive effect on sleep and nervous system;
  • by improving intestinal motility, it allows not only to get rid of constipation, but also to successfully remove gas naturally. That is why dill water helps eliminate painful sensations in the baby’s tummy and normalizes digestion processes.

The healing properties of dill water will also be useful for nursing mothers. Regular use stimulates lactation and helps normalize digestion. In addition, the mild soothing effect of dill water is especially useful for mothers who have recently given birth.

Pharmacy drugs

Today you can easily buy fennel fruits in almost every pharmacy, and large pharmacies with prescription departments can offer a ready-made drug. On commercial packages, fennel seeds are usually labeled as “Common Fennel Seeds.” You can also find them in stores and kiosks where they sell planting material, but for dill water you should buy fennel only in pharmacies. Fennel seeds on shelves in grocery stores and gardening stores may well be treated with some kind of chemicals.

Pharmacy dill water (at a concentration of 0.005–0.1%) is made in sterile pharmacy conditions from fennel seeds. Essential oils of anise, chamomile and others can be added to the composition of such a pharmaceutical product. medicinal herbs, which have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and have antispasmodic properties. The drug can be kept in the refrigerator at home, but you should not use it more than a month after opening the package.

Dill water from the manufacturer KorolevPharm LLC

This drug presented as a “product baby food for children early age" It is an emulsion containing: glycerin, fennel oil (extract) and vitamin B1. The contents must first be diluted with 35 ml of water directly in the bottle. For precise dosage, use the included syringe. It is then convenient for them to measure the dose for one dose - this is 10 drops or about 0.8 ml.

Water is offered to the baby before each feeding, regardless of whether it is morning or evening (when colic especially manifests itself), since the drug has a certain cumulative effect.

An opened bottle can be stored for no more than 1 month in the refrigerator. This is the only negative - before taking the drug you need to warm it a little in your hand or under running water warm water.

Plantex and its analogues

TO pharmaceutical products includes the well-known drug “Plantex”, which is soluble granules of dry aqueous extract fennel seeds with the addition of fennel essential oil. Sold in portioned sachets of 5 grams. The contents of the sachet should be mixed with mother's milk and given to the baby before feeding.

It is also easy to purchase Plantex analogues: HIPP instant tea, as well as BabyCalm, Happy Baby and Babynos preparations (more details in the article:). To brew the instant drink for babies with fennel HIPP, pour boiling water over a spoonful of tea granules. The granules dissolve easily and quickly, then the drug must be cooled and given to the newborn when it has cooled.

Preparations based on simethicone

There are also alternative drugs produced on the basis of the synthetic ingredient simethicone - "Sab Simplex", "Simethicone" and other analogues. Of course, all these preparations cost some money, while dill water can be made at home without much difficulty.

How to prepare dill water at home?

Recipe No. 1

  1. Pour a teaspoon of fennel seeds ground using a blender or coffee grinder into a cup (250 ml).
  2. Pour boiling water (but not steep). Leave for 40-45 minutes and then filter through several layers of gauze or a hair sieve.

It is good to add one spoon of this infusion to expressed breast milk or baby formula and give it to the baby. Sometimes infants are given 15 drops of infusion from a pipette directly onto the tongue. This homemade dill water can be stored for only a day. In the morning you need to prepare a fresh infusion.

Recipe No. 2

Water is also prepared on the basis of fennel essential oil; for this purpose, 0.05 g of oil is diluted in 1 liter of water. The solution can be kept in a cold place for a month. Before giving such a solution to the baby, it must be warmed up. You should not use a microwave for heating - it is better to pour a little solution into a clean cup and place it in a vessel with hot water.

Recipe No. 3

It is noteworthy that in the absence of fennel fruits, a carminative can be prepared using ordinary dill using the old method, tested by our great-grandmothers. For this, 1 tsp. dill seeds must be poured with 1 cup of boiling water and left for 1 hour, then filtered.

It is also good to brew a kind of tea from fresh dill, for which 1 tablespoon of chopped fresh herbs is poured into 100 ml of boiling water and left for 1 hour. Then also cool, filter and use later as dill water.

In order to bring the conditions for preparing the product at home as close as possible to sterile ones, the water for preparing the product, regardless of the recipe chosen, must be taken cleaned and all utensils must also be rinsed with boiling water. Newborn babies up to one month old should be given exclusively freshly prepared product.

Fresh dill water from green branches will also perfectly help a newborn - our grandmothers, who did not have access to a store-bought range of medicines, knew this recipe

Dosage of drugs

The dosage of dill water and methods of its use are determined separately for each specific case. Recommendations for the use of the products are described in detail in the instructions and descriptions to them. If you suspect a child has an allergic reaction to some of the ingredients of the drugs, you need to be especially careful.

Should not be abused dill water, since its excess can, on the contrary, increase gas formation in the intestines of a newborn and lead to constipation. The number of doses of the drug should be increased gradually, carefully monitoring how the baby’s body reacts to this.

Frequently asked questions

  • How to properly give the drug to a newborn? From a syringe, a small spoon (you can use a coffee spoon) or from a bottle equipped with a dispenser. You should not use a bottle with a regular pacifier, since an excess of dill water and its frequent use can provoke an overdose in the baby and disturbances in the functioning of the stomach, and increase gas formation.
  • How much dill water can you give a child? No more than 1 teaspoon at a time.
  • How often should a newborn be given the drug? It is optimal to do this 3 or 4 times a day before/after meals or between feedings. If, when taken with such a frequency, there are no negative reactions it is not detected in the baby, but you can increase the number of doses of dill water to 6 times a day.
  • What to do if the baby does not want to drink? Mix dill water with breast milk or a mixture if the baby is artificial.
  • Are there any limits regarding application time? Newborns can be given dill water starting from 2 weeks of age (we recommend reading:

Problem strong gas formation in newborns is familiar to almost every mother, because it causes pain and discomfort not only to the baby, but also to the parents, who practically do not sleep during this period. To ease the suffering of the baby, and at the same time their own lives, parents are ready to do anything. Nowadays, to solve the problem of colic in newborns, there are various drugs, and, nevertheless, the most famous, effective, and most importantly, safe means considered dill water.

As a rule, colic occurs in newborns around the third or fourth week of life. This can be determined by how the child suddenly turns very red, twists his legs and bursts into a “wild” cry. The duration of attacks can be quite long, up to several hours. Typically, colic occurs at the beginning of the feeding process, or some time after it. In general, increased gas formation in newborns is due to the intestines getting used to the new conditions of eating food outside the womb, and in itself the consumption of only one mother's milk promotes the formation of gases. But not always only these reasons are associated with intestinal colic and flatulence. In some cases, colic may be a consequence of dysbiosis caused by the mother taking antibiotics after childbirth.

Fortunately, nowadays there are remedies that help cope with this problem in children. For example, the same drug “Plantex” based on fennel fruits. The product is sold in bags; it can be used from two weeks of a baby’s life for gas and colic. Others effective drugs There are also “Sub-simplex” and “Espumizan”, however, dill water is considered a more common way to fight for the baby’s calmness and no less effective.

Dill water for a newborn.
Fennel is considered the most effective among medicinal herbs that are used to relieve colic in newborns. By appearance and by use this plant very reminiscent of ordinary dill. It was cultivated in ancient times and was used both in medical purposes, and in the field of cosmetology, which is still relevant today. In pharmacy chains there are a huge number of fennel-based preparations, which, in addition to reducing gas formation in babies, help improve the lactation of a nursing mother, normalize the digestion process in babies, and also have a slight calming effect. By the way, a nursing mother should use dill water to improve lactation only when necessary.

Dill water or a special fennel infusion is prescribed for almost every baby. It should be noted that this herbal tea is based not on dill seeds, but on fennel seeds, and the product received its name due to its external similarity to dill.

Recipe for making dill water.
To make dill water, purified water (liter) is combined with essential oil fennel or dill oil (0.05 g), which can be purchased at the pharmacy. According to the instructions, this solution can retain its beneficial properties within thirty days. A similar recipe is used in modern pharmaceuticals. If you look at others herbal teas such an effect, then usually herbs that have a calming effect (usually chamomile) are added to their composition.

At home, to make dill water, take three grams of pre-finely chopped fennel fruit and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Infuse this mixture for twenty to thirty minutes, and then strain it through gauze folded in several layers. Add the resulting dill water infusion one teaspoon at a time to your baby’s formula or expressed milk.

Making dill water at home.
Very often, mothers prepare dill water not from fennel, but from dill. Pour a teaspoon of dill seeds into 200 ml of boiling water and leave for an hour. Next, the infusion is carefully filtered and used as directed (usually a teaspoon three times a day). To prepare the infusion, it is better to use special water that has been thoroughly purified. It is worth noting that therapeutic effect This dill infusion is slightly lower than the original one based on fennel. Usually the effect lasts no more than fifteen minutes.

The main reason why this folk recipe is still relevant today, explains high prices for ready-made herbal teas with a similar effect.

Dosage of dill water for a newborn.
It is best to give your baby dill water from a bottle, but if the mother is breastfeeding without additional use of dry formula, it is recommended to do this with a teaspoon so as not to accustom the baby to a pacifier or bottle.

The dosage of dill water directly depends on the age of the child. When you first take it, you need to monitor the baby’s reaction, since fennel can cause allergies, although this happens quite rarely. Optimal dosage Dill water for newborns requires one teaspoon before meals. First, you should give your baby dill water three times a day if allergic reactions no, then gradually increase the number of techniques to six. Fifteen minutes after administration, intestinal colic gradually subsides. I note that the dosage of dill water in the form of ready-made pharmacy teas may differ from this, so when taking it, you should carefully read the instructions.

Taking dill water as a remedy for flatulence is advisable only if it is not associated with a more serious disease, for example, dysbiosis. Main manifestations of this disease are frequent disorders digestion, loose or very thick stools. To diagnose the disease, stool tests are prescribed for the presence of bacteria, and probiotic-based medications are also prescribed. The course of treatment is usually quite long, but very effective.

There is probably not a single mother who has not heard about the problem of intestinal colic in babies. According to statistics, every third person experiences this phenomenon. It is impossible to calmly watch how the baby blushes, strains, draws in his legs, starts crying - and all this for several hours, sometimes every day.

Parents turn to doctors and the experience of older generations and often hear that dill water is needed for a newborn. Let's figure out what it is and whether it is worth spoiling a child's fragile stomach by using this remedy.

Instructions for the drug

Dill water is a remedy for colic for newborns; The instructions for the medicine explain the use of this drug:

  • The fruits of garden or pharmaceutical dill (fennel) can be used to treat colicky pain in the intestines, flatulence, and constipation. Dill water has antispasmodic, carminative and choleretic effect and can be used to treat babies from birth

From dried fruits fennel to prepare dill water:

  1. pour a tablespoon of seeds into 200 ml of boiled water (about a glass), cover with a lid;
  2. put in a water bath and boil for a quarter of an hour;
  3. then cool and filter through cheesecloth into a glass, and squeeze out as much juice from the raw materials as possible;
  4. then add boiling water so that you get a whole glass;
  5. Children under three years of age are given this infusion up to 6 times a day, half a teaspoon of fennel water.

What is infant colic?

Colic is a phenomenon that is not fully understood.

  • The most popular explanation is digestive system The baby is not yet ready to switch to breast milk or formula; food is poorly digested, causing the release of gases. Gases stretch the intestines, causing the baby to experience excruciating pain.
  • There are other theories. For example, the founder and director of the Center that studies child sleep disorders, Mark Weissbluth, believes that “colic” is most often nothing more than the result of a child being overexcited from lack of sleep.

In his opinion, only one fifth of babies who regularly cry unknown reasons, suffer from gases in the intestines. The “rule of three” will help you determine that the baby really has colic: the baby cries for at least three hours every day, three days a week (or more often), and this period lasts for at least three weeks.

With colic, babies do not lose their appetite, gain weight well and do not have any other symptoms except regularly repeated prolonged crying. However, it is almost impossible to determine why a newborn is suffering.

Doctors say standard phrases and give the same type of recommendations to reduce symptoms. What to do if the doctor diagnoses your newborn with “ intestinal colic"? Most often, pediatricians prescribe a lot of medications to children. Why mass? But because none of the “colic medications” has proven effectiveness.

Note! There has not been a single study that has shown that such a remedy actually reduces the painful manifestations of intestinal immaturity in newborns.

Parents are encouraged to empirically select for their baby the medicine that seems most effective (or maybe the problem itself will simply disappear by then). And here moms and dads have a choice: to stuff their child at random medicines, which have both contraindications and side effects, or turn to proven methods that really help parents relieve their babies' pain.

Is it possible to prepare medicine at home?

It’s very good if you grow fennel in your own garden, so you can be sure that the medicine you prepare yourself will not harm your baby. Before brewing dill water for a newborn, you need to collect the seeds, peel them and dry them.

If you do not have the opportunity to grow fennel, purchase ready-made seeds at the pharmacy.

How to do dill water, useful for a newborn? Take a tablespoon of fennel fruits and chop them. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over the resulting raw material and place in a dark place for one hour. Strain into a container with a lid. Dill water for newborns, prepared at home, is stored in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

An hour before taking the medicine, pour a little into a clean bowl, cover with a napkin and leave on the table so that the fennel water warms up to room temperature. Babies under one month of age should prepare fresh dill water every time.

How to properly give medicine to a child?

It doesn’t matter how the medicine was prepared, the regimen for taking dill water is always the same. Before giving dill water to a newborn, you need to check whether it will cause an allergic reaction:

  • Give your baby half a teaspoon of fennel water, preferably in the morning, before feeding;
  • Then monitor your baby throughout the day for any reaction;
  • If everything went well, the next day give the child water in the morning, afternoon and evening, one teaspoon at a time.

Both infants and children who are on artificial feeding, the easiest way to give fennel water is from a spoon.

  1. If the baby refuses to drink it, you can mix the medicine with breast milk or formula in a 1:1 ratio and try giving it to the child;
  2. If nothing works out anyway, then fennel water is mixed directly into the food bottle for the artificial ones.

You will have to tinker with the baby;

  • Buy a 5 ml syringe at the pharmacy or take a syringe for the Nurofen medicine;
  • Take 5 ml of fennel water and try to give it to your baby as a pacifier, slowly pouring the contents into the mouth;
  • Most often, children begin to suck the tip of the syringe and do not protest against this method of obtaining the drug;
  • If the baby rebels against water, then there is no need to increase his stress; you need to try other ways to help with colic. Which ones, read in the article Medicine for colic for newborns >>>

Important! The exact dosage your baby needs should be determined by your pediatrician.

Contraindications for use

Like any other medicine, dill water has a number of contraindications. Fennel lowers blood pressure, so hypotensive patients should not use drugs based on it. Sometimes dill water can cause allergies in a baby, so it is especially important to start giving it gradually, carefully monitoring the child’s condition.

The fennel-based product may increase gas formation. In this case, you will have to stop taking it.

There is no 100% guarantee that dill water will help the baby. In families in which infant colic Dill water is used for newborns; you can hear different reviews of this medicine. For some children, according to their parents, this remedy helped, others did not notice the difference.

My opinion is that the placebo effect is at work.

  1. You give the drug, internally calm down and relax;
  2. You begin to take your baby in your arms more often and talk to him affectionately;
  3. The child relaxes, feeling your calmness;
  4. IN calm state It’s easier for him to fart, or to experience a little tension inside his tummy.

Be healthy and know that sooner or later any colic will go away and you and your baby will be able to spend your days and nights completely calmly!

Colic is a phenomenon that most newborn babies experience. Every mother asks the question: how to relieve painful sensations baby? Dill water has proven itself to be fast and effective. Eliminating spasms in gastrointestinal tract For babies, water relieves colic and pain.

What is included in dill water?

Despite the name, it consists this remedy from fennel, or rather from its seeds. Since ancient times, fennel has been used by healers to combat gas formation in newborn children and adults. You can prepare the infusion yourself or buy it at the pharmacy. This plant is absolutely safe for infants and has a number of beneficial properties.

“Magic” properties of dill water

  1. Improves digestion
  2. Reduces gas formation
  3. Promotes the removal of gases
  4. Reduces the number of intestinal spasms
  5. Calms
  6. Has anti-inflammatory properties
  7. Effectively increases lactation in nursing mothers

Buy or make it yourself?

You can buy dill water only in special pharmacies where they prepare medicines according to individual recipes. Such pharmacies are not found often, and dill water is constantly needed during periods of increased gas formation in a baby. Therefore, many parents have learned to prepare dill water themselves. Plus, it's not difficult at all.

Methods for preparing dill water

How to prepare this medicine yourself at home? There are various ways manufacturing, you can choose any of them. The main thing is to cook using purified water and quality ingredients. Otherwise, the baby may develop an allergy.

Recipe No. 1

  • Fennel (chopped fruits) – 2-3 gr.
  • Water – 250 ml.

To prepare the infusion, purchase fennel fruits at any pharmacy, grind them into powder and pour boiling water over them. Infuse the dill water for 30 minutes, then strain.

Recipe No. 2

  • Fennel seeds – 1 tsp.
  • Water – 250 ml.

Grind the fennel seeds and pour into the pan. Add boiling water to the seed powder and leave the infusion to simmer in a water bath for 20 minutes. Add boiled water, as much as needed until the required quantity. Cool the infusion and strain.

Recipe No. 3

Fennel is called “pharmaceutical dill,” so you can prepare water using the dill itself.

  • Dill seeds – 1 tsp.
  • Water – 250 ml.

Dill seeds should be brewed with boiling water, left for 1-2 hours, and strained.

Recipe No. 4

  • Fresh dill – 1 tbsp.
  • Water – 150 ml.

Finely chop the dill and pour boiling water over it. The dill water should steep for 1 hour, after which it should be strained.

Recipe No. 5

The method by which dill water is made in pharmacies. To implement it, simply mix the ingredients.

  • Fennel essential oil – 0.05 g.,
  • Water – 1 l.

How to store?

Store the prepared dill water in a glass container in the refrigerator. Maximum term storage – 30 days. Then you need to cook fresh preparation. The shelf life of purchased dill water is the same.

Before giving the infusion to your baby, warm it to room temperature. To do this, pour in advance required quantity into a bottle or spoon and leave the water to warm up naturally.

At what age is it allowed to give?

Dill water is prescribed at the first manifestations of increased gas formation. Most often this happens at 2-3 weeks of a child’s life. However, it happens that this infusion recommended from the first days of life. In any case, before giving your baby anything other than breast milk, you should consult your pediatrician. Allergies from dill water practically do not occur, but you should be careful when introducing a new product.

How much to give to a baby?

The attending physician will decide how many drops of infusion to give your baby. But it is usually recommended to start taking the infusion with 1 tsp. 1 time per day. If the allergy does not manifest itself, increase the number of doses to 3 times a day. Water should be given before meals. In some cases, the drug is prescribed up to 6 times a day.

How to take the infusion?

Some kids are happy to drink dill water from a spoon as much as they are given. But not all babies like the spicy taste of the infusion. IN in this case Add the product to a bottle of formula or breast milk. If you are not using a bottle, dilute the infusion with breast milk in a spoon. Sometimes mothers try to give their babies water using a special syringe (without a needle, of course). But be very careful when using the syringe, as the newborn is at risk of choking.

Allergy to dill water

In some cases, children are allergic to dill/fennel. The allergy may appear as a rash on the face or hands. In this case, be sure to use antihistamines. Your doctor will have to decide whether to give your baby dill water in the future if an allergy appears.

How else can you help your baby with colic?

At increased gas formation You can not only prepare dill water for your baby, but also significantly help him in other ways.

  1. Place a warm diaper on your baby's stomach. You can heat it up with an iron. Make sure that the diaper is not too hot.
  2. Wrap a wool scarf around your baby's belly. Do not tighten the scarf, its main function is warmth.
  3. Hold your baby close to you with your tummy. Carry him in this position in your arms, rocking and soothing him, as long as necessary.
  4. Place a warm diaper on the baby's stomach and lightly press the abdominal area with your palms.
  5. Give your baby a massage. To do this, you need to consult with a specialist; you can’t just knead a baby’s belly.
  6. After consulting with your doctor, you can give your baby Plantex and Baby Calm for prevention. To eliminate increased gas formation - Espumisan L, Bobotik.

The gastrointestinal tract in newborns is just developing. Colic is a normal process that the vast majority of children go through. Most often, the baby’s tummy stops tormenting him at 3 months. Be patient and calm. Give your baby even more warmth and affection, and remember that this period will pass very soon.

From the video you can learn about massage techniques for colic in infants.

This medicine is often used for increased gas formation in children. In addition, the use of Dill water has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, relieves stress, removes painful cramps in the stomach, has a choleretic effect, relieves irritability, promotes expansion . The drug may also be useful for adults as prophylactic against diseases digestive tract.

The basis of the medicine is not ordinary dill growing in gardens, as many people who are interested in how to make dill water at home think, but ripe fennel fruits. These include anethole, anisic acid and anisaldehyde. These components have calming , expectorant , antibacterial And antispasmodic action. Dill oil, which is the basis of the drug, is made from fennel fruits. It is also present in such a popular product as Happy Baby .

Indications for use

For infants, the medicine is used to improve intestinal function and reduce the accumulation of gases.

For adult patients, experts can recommend Dill water for diseases of the digestive tract with intestinal spasms, pain in the gastrointestinal tract, increased And . In addition, it is prescribed to normalize and digestion.

The drug acts as vasodilator , so it is often taken in the first stages coronary insufficiency , , hypertension , arterial hypertension . This remedy is also recommended for infectious And colds diseases of the upper respiratory tract And without separation sputum .


Do not take the product if your body is hypersensitive to dill oil.

Patients with arterial hypotension You can use the medicine only under the supervision of a specialist.

Side effects

Negative side effects appear rarely when taking the drug. IN isolated cases patients complained of the development of skin : redness, slight , .

Instructions for use of Dill water (Method and dosage)

There are several ways to prepare this medicine at home. Let's give two main ones.

Before preparing the medicine, you need to buy fennel seeds (pharmacy dill). It is better to use well-filtered or bottled drinking water.

First recipe: you need to grind 1 tablespoon of fennel seeds and pour 1 liter cold water, bring the mixture to a boil in a water bath and cook for 15-20 minutes, then strain through several layers of gauze.

Second recipe: you need to grind 1 tablespoon of fennel seeds and pour 1 liter of boiling water over them, leave covered for 60 minutes, and then strain.

If you do not chop pharmaceutical dill, the infusion time increases by 15-20 minutes.

Instructions for use of Dill water for babies indicate that it should be given 3-6 times a day, 1 teaspoon. The same as in the case popular remedy Happy Baby, this should be done before feeding. You can give the medicine from a spoon, from a bottle, or using a syringe without a needle.

The effect of the product becomes noticeable approximately 15-20 minutes after application. To exclude the occurrence of allergic reactions, it is better to start taking the drug with small doses, gradually increasing them.


In case of drug overdose, there is a sharp decrease in .


Data about drug interactions not provided.

Terms of sale

Over the counter.

Storage conditions

The medicine should be stored in the refrigerator.

Best before date

The shelf life is no more than 30 days.

Dill water for newborns

Dill water is often needed for infants, but it is quite difficult to find in pharmacies. It is prepared only where there are prescription departments. In a big city getting it is not a problem, but in small populated areas it can be difficult. In this case, you need to know how to prepare Dill water for a newborn yourself and how to give it correctly.

You can buy fennel seeds at a regular pharmacy. In addition, you can grow it in your garden and dry the “umbrellas” of the plant. After they dry, all that remains is to separate the husks, and you can start cooking.

Any recipe for Dill water for newborns is suitable. For adults, the medicine is prepared in the same way as for infants. You can, for example, take 1 teaspoon of seeds from the package, pour a glass of boiling water and close the lid tightly. The mixture should simmer for 1 minute, and then leave it for 30-40 minutes. When you strain the liquid, you will get natural dill water for newborns. It is advisable to do it every day so that the broth is fresh.

The instructions for the drug indicate how and how much to give to the newborn. The same dosage scheme is provided for the product prepared at home.