Ear diseases in dogs. Allergies and ear mites

If your animal is sick, one of the reasons may be ear disease in dogs. Nothing pleases an animal lover more than a cheerful and cheerful dog. After all, he jumps so cheerfully when you enter the house, brings a ball and slippers. He is happy if you give him a full bowl of tasty and nutritious dog food. But at one point you notice that the dog has become sad, does not respond to toys offered to it, refuses to eat, is lethargic and boring. What happened, what is the reason for such dramatic changes in behavior?

External signs of ear disease in dogs

Any dog ​​owner, regardless of the breed, size or age of the animal, can easily recognize that his pet has ear problems.

Ear diseases in dogs may externally manifest themselves as the following:

  • The animal scratches its ears vigorously, to the point of frenzy, very often until bleeding wounds appear;
  • The dog's ears are swollen, red, signs of inflammation are clearly visible;
  • Liquid discharge comes out of the ear openings; if you sniff, you can easily smell an unpleasant putrid odor;
  • When moving, the dog constantly shakes its head or tilts it to one side, in the same direction;
  • The animal does not allow her ears to be touched, twitches and tries to bite when the owner tries to see what is going on in her ear.

In case of ear damage in dogs, you should not try to help the animal yourself and self-medicate. This is extremely dangerous for the dog and can lead to total hearing damage and deafness, and in especially severe cases, even to the death of your animal.

You need to immediately contact veterinary medical institutions, so do not put the disease on hold, but urgently take your dog to a veterinarian. Remember that no price for a doctor’s consultation, even an inflated one, is worth the health or life of your most devoted friend.

Causes of ear diseases in dogs

There are many causes of ear disease in dogs of this kind, however, ear diseases can be divided into the following main groups:

Veterinary science considers various allergic reactions to be one of the main causes of ear disease in dogs. They completely affect all organs and tissues of your dog, including its hearing organs. If the dog's ears have a swollen appearance, severe redness in different parts of them, severe or moderate pain. This is the first and main reason for visiting a veterinary clinic.

Allergies and ear mites

Very often, dog owners mistake an allergic reaction in the ears for an infectious disease and begin to self-medicate using strong antibiotics. This is the wrong approach, and such unfortunate owners can only aggravate the animal’s condition, even leading to death.

Veterinarians do not recommend treating the animal yourself, since antibiotics do not help in case of allergic diseases. It is necessary to use antihistamines that effectively eliminate allergic reactions in their early stages.

If there is significant swelling, you need to give the dog diuretic diuretics; this will easily relieve the unpleasant symptom. It is necessary to clarify in time which allergen provoked the occurrence of such a reaction and in the future to prevent the animal from coming into contact with it.

By themselves, ticks do not harm the dog, but as their population increases, waste products of these insects begin to accumulate in the ear. Harmful substances negatively affect the mucous and delicate skin of the ear and cause irritation. This irritation is also allergic in nature, but of local significance. At the same time, the dog begins to intensively comb its ears, severely injuring the skin of the auricles with its claws.

In this case, you also need to contact a veterinarian, where your pet’s ear will be cleaned with special tools and treated with antiseptic drugs. Removing ticks from the ear and eliminating the process of contamination with waste products of these insects.

Infectious diseases

A variety of microorganisms, such as fungal cultures, bacteria and viruses, can easily provoke the development of infectious diseases in the dog’s ears. Fungal infections are considered the most dangerous. Usually, an adult dog easily resists this scourge, however, if the animal has a weakened immune system. For example, as a result of hypothermia or poor nutrition, a fungal microorganism begins its active growth. This can cause very severe inflammation of the dog's pinna and middle ear.

In such cases, it is necessary to go to the doctor with your dog. Moreover, neither antibiotics nor antihistamines can help you. A more serious solution to this problem is needed.

It is necessary to identify the type of pathogenic microorganism, fully examine the animal, eliminating the state of stress, boost immunity, and only then prescribe antifungal drugs. It is best to do this in a hospital setting at a veterinary clinic. Dogs are also prescribed strong immunomodulators and hepatoprotectors, which protect the animal’s liver from damage caused by the inflammatory process.

Foreign bodies in the ears of an animal are most often of plant origin. These are various twigs, blades of grass, leaves, lumps of earth. They get into the dog’s ear while the dog plays, rolls on the grass and comes into contact with the surface of the ground in every possible way.

Most often, dogs living in forest areas, service dogs and hunting dogs suffer from this disease. But it’s true that ordinary pets that are taken for a walk in a city park can also suffer in this way. Here, not only scratches and other damage to the skin of the auricle are dangerous, but the infection caused by them. In this case, the dog is treated very simply; the veterinarian uses tweezers to pull out the foreign body from the animal’s ear and treats the resulting mechanical damage with antiseptic drugs.

Hormonal disorders and the influence of yeast fungi

Disorders of the animal's endocrine system very often affect the hearing organs and seems to be one of the most serious and dangerous diseases that should be treated immediately. Hormonal imbalances are the main cause of various skin lesions (dermatitis, dermatosis) and various autoimmune diseases. Often the disease occurs due to an imbalance of sex hormones and malfunctions of the thyroid gland.

If an animal undergoes an intensive course of treatment with glucocorticosteroids, this can also provoke side effects in the form of disruption of the hormonal system of the dog’s body. Such diseases are usually very difficult to diagnose. To clarify the cause of the disease, it is necessary to conduct a biochemical blood test, ultrasound diagnostics and fluoroscopy.

The treatment is also very difficult and complex; for this you need to take special medications. Which normalize the secretory function of various endocrine glands of the dog in order to remove excessive production of hormones. Therapy should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor, preferably in a hospital setting. After all, when trying to quickly cure a dog’s hearing organs, you can cause irreversible harm to the rest of the animal’s body.

Colonies of yeast fungi, which often settle in the ear canals, also cause serious damage to the animal. In this case, liquid exudate with an extremely unpleasant putrefactive odor is released from the auricle.

The disease must be treated urgently, since there is a high probability of serious blood damage - sepsis. A veterinary clinic specialist, in this case, will prescribe you antibacterial drugs and fungicides.

As you can understand from the article, you should not neglect the condition of the ears, carry out care measures in a timely manner, monitor the state of the immune system, and give the animal high-quality and balanced food. Only in this case the animal will always be healthy and will be able to delight with its devoted behavior and fun games.

Nowadays, many owners of four-legged pets know firsthand about ear ailments in their pets. Thus, according to foreign statistics, ear inflammation in dogs accounts for a fifth of all diseases encountered in the veterinary service. This problem becomes especially relevant in the fall, although it occurs quite often in the summer.

The dog is most often bothered by external inflammation and this happens less often.

In dogs it is caused by pathogens, bacteria and fungi. Most often these are streptococci, staphylococci, fungi, anaerobic bacteria and microscopic skin-beetling mites. Such pathogenic microflora is often found in the animal’s body in a sleepy, latent form, and when certain favorable circumstances occur, it wakes up and gives impetus to the development of otitis media and other diseases. The starting point could be an allergic reaction to poor nutrition or hypothermia.

Ear inflammation in a dog is very painful. It turns red and swells inside. The animal is lethargic, suffers from fever, shakes its head, tries to scratch the sore organ and tilts its head towards the sore ear. At the beginning of the disease, a catarrhal light liquid is released from it, which over time turns into purulent exudate. If not treated promptly, ear disease in dogs can lead to serious complications, including inflammation of the brain, which often leads to the death of the animal.

To cure ear disease in dogs, this must be done by a veterinarian. And before contacting him, your four-legged friend needs to be given first aid. To do this, the dog's external auditory canal is thoroughly cleaned using a cotton swab moistened with vegetable or petroleum jelly. Then they dust the sore spot with special powders and contact the veterinary service. There the animal is examined and a bacteriological analysis of the condition of the diseased ear is carried out. Based on the results obtained, a suitable antibiotic, ointment, painkillers and other medications are prescribed. Sometimes the doctor prescribes the application of special bandages or pus-retracting compresses. Vishnevsky ointment helps very well with purulent inflammation.

If, according to the results of bacteriological analysis, an ear mite is recognized as the culprit of ear disease in dogs, then the sick animal is also first thoroughly cleaned of dry scabs and crusts. Then they begin to treat both the diseased and healthy ear with an anti-scabies composition. This could be Bars, Otovedin, Amit, Decor, and other medicines. Depending on the weight of the animal, the dosage of drops is selected. Therapeutic treatment is carried out twice a day for seven to ten days. After three or four weeks, the treatment course can be repeated.

Dogs become infected with ear mites through fleas, flies, or directly through contact with sick four-legged animals. However, ear disease in dogs has its own patterns and depends on the breed of the individual.

Very often, otitis media affects lop-eared dogs, poodles and cockers. In shepherds, the culprit is the wide open ear canal, where dust with all kinds of bacteria can easily fly in. And in lop-eared pets, poor ventilation becomes the culprit of canine ailments. Rarely, ear disease occurs in animals with cropped or small erect ears.

Hereditary factors are also to blame for ear infections in dogs. If the mother of the individual suffered from otitis media, then ear ailments are quite possible in her puppies.

Do not forget that periodic examination of the animal in advance will save the dog from many diseases. To do this, she needs to be taught from childhood to cleaning her ears and other hygiene procedures. Today, owners can choose to use Wetzim drops and special preventive powders. The main thing is not to overdo it and not to disturb the healthy microflora in the dog’s ear. It is advisable to show an animal that has suffered from otitis media to a veterinarian once a year and strictly follow his useful recommendations.

Ear diseases in dogs are very unpleasant phenomena that can bother not only people, but also our smaller brothers – dogs. Moreover, for pets, these ailments are a real test, since their ears are more vulnerable and sensitive than human ones. How to recognize ear diseases in time, and what measures should be taken to help your pet?

Photos of ear diseases in dogs

Ailments affecting the ears are accompanied by pronounced symptoms. Therefore, even a person who is far from medical and veterinary sciences can notice that the dog is worried about ear disease:

  • the dog begins to scratch his ears frequently and intensely, often scratching until they bleed;
  • the ears are hyperemic, inflammatory processes and swelling are observed (the tips are often affected);
  • an unpleasant, purulent odor emanates from the ears;
  • possible release of inflammatory fluid;
  • the dog may constantly tilt its head to one side, this is especially noticeable when moving;
  • The pet reacts painfully to any touch to the ears.

Naturally, illness does not improve the pet’s mood. The dog becomes irritable and may become depressed and not make contact. If a pet does not greet its owner at the door, there is reason to worry about its well-being.

In fact, according to statistics, ear diseases in dogs are very common. About 20% of dogs in the world are affected by ear mites alone, but these are only registered cases, so there are actually many more sick animals.

Why do diseases occur?

Diseases can be very diverse, depending on the pathogen and causes. The following factors can be noted that provoke the appearance of ear disease:

  • allergic reactions;
  • atopic manifestations;
  • ear mite;
  • secondary infection;
  • primary infection, which can be caused by fungal, yeast-like, viral or bacterial microorganisms;
  • a foreign body, and the dangerous ones in this case are often grass stems, which often cause damage to the animal’s ears;
  • injury;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • penetration of large volumes of water into the ear canal (it is important to take this into account when bathing your pet);
  • hereditary pathologies;
  • immunological diseases;
  • oncological diseases of any etiology.

Manifestations and method of treatment directly depend on what triggered the disease.

Ear diseases caused by allergies

An allergic reaction affects the entire body, including the sensitive, delicate tissues of your pet’s ears. In addition, problems of this nature often signal the development of an allergy.

Swollen, red, painful ears are a good reason to visit a veterinary clinic, as this condition is often accompanied by serious complications.

Often, with weaker signs, owners make the mistake of starting to “treat” their pet for a non-existent infection, using strong antibiotic drugs. Such therapy often leads to a critical condition of the dog.

Veterinarians do not recommend self-medicating pets. Elimination of allergic manifestations requires the use of antihistamines (antiallergic) drugs. For severe edema, therapy is supplemented with diuretics - diuretics that relieve this symptom. It is important to find out which allergen provoked such a reaction in order to subsequently avoid a painful condition.


Therapy for this disease may include the following measures:

  • Taking antihistamines that eliminate signs of allergies - itching, swelling, redness, etc.
  • The use of drugs against ear mites: “Bars”, “Otokan”, “Tsipam”, “Anandin” and other drugs in the form of ear drops. Less commonly prescribed medications are in the form of injections, for example, Dectomax.
  • Before applying medications it is necessary. For these purposes, you can use hydrogen peroxide (3% solution), cosmetic baby oil or pre-sterilized vegetable oil.

Infectious diseases

Infections are the largest group of diseases caused by various pathogenic agents. Among them, the most dangerous are fungal microorganisms. In a healthy dog, the body is able to resist this pathogen, but in certain unfavorable situations that significantly reduce immunity, the fungus provokes severe inflammation. This is often observed against the background of severe stress, prolonged infectious infections, advanced forms of illnesses, etc.

In this case, the strongest antimicrobial agents are not able to resist the pathogen. Timely diagnosis of the pet’s condition is important here. A series of microscopic examinations, tests for allergens, and inoculation of the material on a nutrient medium are prescribed.

Effective treatment of ear diseases in dogs can only be prescribed after identifying the type of pathogen. Immunomodulators are prescribed, as well as drugs with hepatoprotective effects that protect the liver.

Foreign objects in the ears

In most cases, dogs suffer from the penetration of plant components into the ears - a piece of branches, grass, bark, etc. Naturally, this phenomenon is more often observed in service and hunting dogs working in the forest area. But an ordinary trip to the park can lead to similar consequences.

But it is not so much the damage to delicate skin that is dangerous, but the likelihood of pathogenic microorganisms entering the wound. Therefore, it is important to inspect the dog’s ears after walking.

Treatment consists of removing the foreign object, and if inflammation has already developed, then antibiotic therapy or antimicrobial drugs are used (depending on the pathogen).

Injury to the ear canal

A similar phenomenon often happens with pugnacious pets, who do not miss the opportunity to measure their strength with their relatives. The thin tissues of the ears are the first to suffer in this situation. And not only representatives of fighting breeds have such a character.

In some cases, in order to protect ears that are prone to damage, this practice is applied only to some breeds.

If damage occurs, veterinarians recommend seeking professional help rather than trying to cure the dog yourself. In addition, there are risks of contracting your pet or other dangerous diseases.

Yeast-like pathogens and hormonal disorders

This pathology is one of the most dangerous ear problems. Hormonal imbalances often become the causes of various types of dermatitis, dermatoses, and autoimmune manifestations. More often, the body reacts negatively to an imbalance of thyroid hormones, sex hormones, as well as to taking glucocorticosteroid drugs.

These conditions are extremely difficult to diagnose. To identify them, a biochemical blood test, ultrasound, and x-ray are prescribed.

Treatment is also very serious, requiring the use of drugs that can normalize the secretory secretions of excess hormones. Therapy must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist, since trying to cure the ears can cause irreparable harm to the entire body.

Often, inflammatory processes, accompanied by copious discharge of exudate from the ears, are complicated by the appearance of colonies of pathogenic yeast. A clear sign of the disease is wet skin with an unpleasant, purulent odor. Such phenomena are extremely difficult to cure in dogs with long ears - greyhounds and others.

The disease requires emergency treatment, as there is a high risk of developing blood poisoning - sepsis. The veterinarian prescribes complex treatment - drugs against bacteria, fungicidal agents.

Dogs' ears require special attention. You should definitely inspect them after walks and, if necessary, rinse and clean the sinks from excess sulfur, dirt, and dust. For some breeds, treatment is mandatory, regardless of the condition of the organ. Care will also allow you to promptly identify ticks and remove them without consequences. You should refrain from self-treatment; it is better to entrust your pet’s health to professionals.

Often dog owners have to deal with such a problem as neck disease in their pet. The fact that your pet’s ears hurt is not difficult to notice by the behavior of your dog: he often begins to scratch his ears with his paws, shake his ears, and various kinds of discharge appear from his ears. Moreover, an unpleasant odor emanates from these secretions.

Ear disease is most common in those breeds of dogs that have long floppy ears - setters, dachshunds, Afghan hounds, spaniels, beagles, etc. And this is due to the fact that the ears of such dogs often lie on the floor and are poorly ventilated.

Causes of ear disease in dogs.

  • Ear mites.
  • Inflammation of the middle ear.
  • Inflammation of the outer ear, including otitis externa.
  • Allergic and skin diseases.
  • Trauma in the ear area, incl. ear hematoma.
  • Foreign bodies that enter the dog's ear while walking (dry grass, plant seeds, etc.) initially lead to irritation of the delicate skin of the ear and the development of inflammation.
  • As a result of bacteria, viruses, fungi and yeast entering the ear canal.
  • Disease of the endocrine glands (hypothyroidism).
  • Various types of hereditary and immune diseases, as well as cancer.

Ear diseases

This disease is usually common among lop-eared dog breeds; inflammation of the outer ear is especially common in hunting dogs due to the fact that they have to swim a lot during hunting.

The disease in dogs is accompanied by itching in the area of ​​the auricle, as a result of which the dog strongly scratches its ears with its paws or rubs them on various objects. The disease is accompanied by swelling and sometimes eczema in the ear area. An unpleasant specific smell comes from the ears, which has a sickly sweet or fetid aroma. Upon examination, we note redness and swelling of the external auditory canal. A sick dog loses its appetite, and sometimes its body temperature rises. There are two types of discharge in dogs - serous and purulent.

Inflammation of the middle ear in dogs

Inflammation of the middle ear in a dog occurs, most often as a result of an infection from the outer ear entering the eardrum, as well as as a result of local and general infection in the dog ().

The disease in a dog is accompanied by pain when opening its mouth, difficulty chewing, sometimes there is discharge from the eyes, strabismus, the dog may twist towards the affected ear. A sick dog's body temperature rises and its appetite disappears. If complications occur, the dog may experience meningitis or inflammation of the vestibular apparatus, accompanied by incoordination of movement.

The most common ear mites in dogs are: otodectosis. The disease is accompanied by itching, the sick dog shakes its head, scratches its ears on various objects or tries to comb the affected areas of the skin with its paw claws. Subsequently, as the inflammatory process in the auricle develops, first serous and then purulent-ichorous exudate begins to be released from the ear canal, which, when flowing out, sticks together the hair of the lower edge of the auricle. This exudate, when dried, forms scabs and crusts of gray or light brown color on the inner surface of the ears, as well as in the external auditory canal. When the eardrum is perforated, a sick dog's appetite worsens, body temperature rises, the dog develops bow-headedness, nervous attacks and convulsions.

The diagnosis of otodectosis is made based on the symptoms of the disease, which must be confirmed by the results of a microscopic examination of scrapings from the inner surface of the skin of the ears, for the presence of the mite – Otodectes cynotis.

Among ticks, ear disease in dogs can cause.

Allergic otitis media in dogs

Allergic otitis in dogs often occurs as a result of an allergic reaction to the food consumed or as a result of a hormonal imbalance in the dog's body.

An ear hematoma in a dog occurs as a result of mechanical damage to the large blood vessels located in the delicate ears of dogs. A hematoma in a dog can occur as a result of scratching the ear with claws, or from the bites of another dog. In lop-eared dog breeds, hematoma can sometimes occur from shaking their long ears. With a hematoma, bleeding occurs in the vessels in the ear, between the cartilage and skin (on the outer surface of the ear) or between the cartilage and the perichondrium (on the inner surface of the ear).

A hematoma on a dog’s ear appears quite quickly shortly after injury. The auricle becomes thickened or swollen, the ear loses its inherent elasticity and sag. And a dog with erect ears has all the corners of his ears hanging down. In its initial stage, the hematoma is hot upon palpation, and upon visual examination the skin is reddened and bluish. A dog's hematoma itches and bothers it. Such a dog shakes its head or tilts its head to the side of the damaged ear, trying to reach it with its paws. Three days later, on palpation at the site of the hematoma, due to the accumulation of air, crepitus appears (the ear seems to crunch). After a few more days, with a small hematoma, the veterinarian notes its thickening and decrease in pain. If the hematoma is large, then the dog’s ear begins to rot.

Foreign body of the auricle

When a foreign body (grass, grass seeds, plant awns, etc.) gets into the ear, the dog begins to shake its head violently, while it whines and rubs its head on the ground, floor, etc. Upon careful examination of the auricle, we find a foreign body.

Ear eczema in dogs

Ear eczema in dogs appears as a result of a variety of external irritants that have a harmful effect on the dog’s ears. Irritants can be: dust, various chemicals, pollen, water, sulfur, etc. Sometimes eczema in dogs can be a concomitant complication of diseases that are caused by tick or flea bites.

When affected by eczema, the dog scratches and shakes the ear that is affected by eczema and becomes irritable. On examination, the affected ear is red and swollen. When examined on the surface of the auricle, you can sometimes find bubbles that burst when pressed, releasing a light or brown liquid. The auditory canal of a sick dog is sometimes filled with foul-smelling exudate.

Tumor of the ear in dogs

Tumors in the ear canals in dogs have recently become quite common. They are registered in dogs over 5 years of age who have previously suffered from certain ear diseases and have not undergone full treatment.

When examining such dogs, we visually register the fusion of the auricle with loose folds. At the same time, an unpleasant odor is heard from the dog’s ear.

Diagnosis of ear diseases in dogs

As with other diseases of domestic animals, the diagnosis of ear diseases in dogs is carried out comprehensively.

When visiting a veterinary clinic, diagnosis of the disease begins with a clinical examination of the sick animal.

*During a clinical examination, the veterinarian uses an otoscope to examine the external auditory canal. During the examination, the specialist carefully examines the cavities of the outer and middle ear, assesses the condition of the eardrum, skin, and the presence of swelling. During the examination, the veterinarian excludes the presence of foreign bodies, spinous processes of grass, and ticks in the ear canal. When performing an otoscopy, the veterinarian can register exudate from the outer ear, redness of the skin, pain at the base of the ear on palpation, bulging of the eardrum into the canal area - all this tells the specialist about swelling in the middle ear cavity.

*Laboratory tests, including:

  • A general blood test to determine, among other things, whether the dog has allergies. To exclude hypothyroidism, a blood test is performed to determine the amount of hormones - thyroxine and triiodothyronine.
  • To study microflora, diagnose tumors, autoimmune diseases, hyperplasia of the sulfur gland and determine microflora for sensitivity to antibiotics, cytological analyzes of secretions secreted from the ear are carried out in a veterinary laboratory.
  • Microscopy of skin scrapings and ear gland exudate is performed for the presence of mites, pathogenic microorganisms and signs of autoimmune diseases.

*If, during laboratory research, the veterinarian did not receive the necessary data to make a diagnosis. Then in veterinary clinics they resort to radiography, with the help of which a specialist can detect tumors and polyps of the nasopharynx, leading to chronic otitis.

*In large veterinary clinics, your sick dog can undergo computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Using these research methods, a veterinary specialist can obtain more complete data about the condition of the middle ear cavity in a dog and the possibility of involvement of neighboring organs, including the brain, in the inflammatory process.

Having made a diagnosis of otitis media, the veterinarian prescribes appropriate treatment for the sick dog.

Treatment of otitis media in dogs

Having established the cause and form of otitis, the veterinarian prescribes appropriate treatment for the sick dog. Treatment should be comprehensive and aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease.

Purulent otitis media in dogs

Treatment of this form of otitis begins with freeing the ear canal from accumulated exudate. In the case when pus accumulates behind the eardrum and puts pressure on it, and also when, during the examination, the veterinarian discovers visible abscesses, it is necessary to make a small incision and clean the ear cavity of purulent exudate, and treat the wound with an antiseptic. In mild cases of purulent otitis, the veterinarian is limited to local treatment - Otipax, Fugentin, Tsipromed, Normax, etc. In severe cases of the disease, in addition to local treatment, antibiotics are used, based on the results of titration of the inflammatory exudate carried out in the veterinary laboratory for sensitivity to a particular antibiotic (amoxicillin, ampicillin, oxytetracycline, cephalosporin drugs, etc.).

In order to maintain immunity and speed up recovery, the dog is given medications such as Gamavit, Immunofan, Ribotan, Vitam, Fosprinil and other vitamin preparations.

To relieve pain in the ear canal area, medications such as Otipax and Framycetin are used. These drugs additionally have a good anti-inflammatory effect.

Allergic otitis media in dogs

Treatment should begin with a strict three-month diet. To eliminate itching, a sick dog is prescribed antipruritic drops - Triderm, Bars, Sofradex, Otodepin, etc. If the allergy is of a constant seasonal nature, then antihistamines are used - diphenhydramine, suprastin, hydroxyzine, etc.

Tick-borne otitis media in dogs

In case of otitis caused by ear mites, the following drugs are used to kill mites: Bars, Fipronil, Thiamethoxam, Cyfluthrin, Pyriproxyfen, Dana Spot-ON, Dana Ultra NeO. Additionally, if there are symptoms of purulent otitis, purulent otitis is treated.

Fungal otitis in dogs

In dogs, this form of otitis can be either an independent disease or a secondary one.

For this form of otitis, ointments or drops based on miconazole, nystatin, clotrimazole, ketoconazole and other antifungal agents are used. As an adjuvant and for cleaning the ears in this form of otitis, a complex drug is used - Oritsin, Anandin Plus, Nitrofungin, Oridermil, etc.

Traumatic otitis in dogs

Veterinary specialists treat traumatic otitis using locally healing drugs. To suppress pathogenic microflora, antibiotics with a wide spectrum of action are added to these drugs.

When treating traumatic otitis, first of all, the wound is treated and the foreign object is removed.

Prevention of ear diseases in dogs is based on preventing the causes that can lead to ear diseases in dogs.

  • Clean your dog's ears regularly to remove dirt and dust.
  • When bathing your dog, be careful not to get water into your dog's ears. If water gets into the ears, they must be dried using a towel or cotton swabs.
  • It is advisable to cut off the existing long hair in the dog’s ears so that it does not get into the dog’s ears.
  • It is necessary to prevent the dog from becoming hypothermic while walking, etc.
  • Avoid exposing your dog to other dogs that have ear mites or ear diseases.

Carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene of the dog (). Check your ears regularly for signs of inflammation.

Ear diseases in dogs are quite common among four-legged friends.

The pet’s anxious state is immediately visible, as the dog shakes and shakes its head and tries to scratch its ear all the time. And upon external examination, you will immediately notice redness and sometimes purulent discharge.

Ear diseases in dogs.

There are not so many causes of ear diseases in dogs, so let’s look at each of them:

According to statistics, the most susceptible to ear diseases are dog breeds with long, floppy ears. And there are plenty of reasons for this: dogs “sweep” the floor and the ground with their long ears, the ears are not ventilated, and if water gets into the ear, the owner cannot immediately notice and wipe off the moisture, like in pets with erect ears.

Now, let's look at the symptoms of major ear diseases in dogs.

  • in case of mechanical damage to the ear, which can be caused by blows, bites, pressing, etc., a cavity forms under the skin of the auricle. It is in this cavity that blood accumulates - a hematoma. The danger is that after two or three days a blood clot appears, and if microbes penetrate the hematoma, inflammation will begin.

The first signs of an auricular hematoma are an increase in the size of the ear and the appearance of a swelling on the inside or outside of the auricle. The pet behaves restlessly and shakes its head for no reason. If the hematoma is infected, then traces of suppuration are visible at the site of the swelling.

  • A common disease in dogs is inflammation of the outer ear (otitis), which affects not only the skin of the auricle, but also the external auditory canal. Inflammation of the outer ear tends to occur in both acute and chronic forms. The causes of this particular disease can be all of the above, and even a breed predisposition.

When the outer ear is inflamed, the four-legged pet begins to rub the sore ear with its paws and shake its head. The general condition of the animal worsens, the dog is either restless or depressed. Possible refusal of food.

If you lightly press on the sore ear, you will hear a characteristic squelching sound and you may see a dark brown liquid with an unpleasant odor in the ear canal.

  • Inflammation of the middle and inner ear in dogs means that an infection (hemolytic streptococci or staphylococci) is present. Inflammation begins with problems of the middle ear, and then progresses to inflammation of the inner ear.

Moreover, the disease is often complicated by suppuration. In most cases, smooth-haired dogs are susceptible to these diseases.
The purulent form of the inflammatory process is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, discharge of pus from the ear, vomiting, and loss of appetite. The disease torments the animal, so the dog tilts its head towards the painful ear.

  • Otodectosis (ear scabies) in dogs appears after infection with microscopic skin-beetling mites.

In addition to the restless and irritable state inherent in a sick dog, the animal constantly shakes its head. When examining the inner surface of the ear, you will find scratches, suppuration, and dark scabs. This is the beginning of the development of the inflammatory process. The first days of the disease are characterized by a decrease in the pet’s appetite, however, over time, the dog eats as usual as it gets used to its condition.

Pregnant dogs suffering from otodectosis need special attention, since there is a risk of exacerbation of the disease, as evidenced by seizures and convulsions in the animal.

The complex form of this disease manifests itself in the flow of purulent masses from the ears. The disease is dangerous because it can affect the brain membrane and cause meningitis, which will lead to the death of the animal.

How to treat a dog's ears.

If you notice the above symptoms, you should contact your veterinarian, as complications are possible. As a rule, the dog doctor, after examination, will carry out a procedure for cleaning the ear canal and select the appropriate antibiotics after taking a scraping from the ear to determine the causative agent of the disease.

Before visiting a veterinarian, do not try to treat your dog’s ear with any medications yourself, as this may distort the test results.

Remember that before applying the medications prescribed by the doctor, the inner surface of the ear should be thoroughly cleaned of secretions.

Cleaning should be done with a dry cotton swab, previously soaked in lotion or baby oil. Hydrogen peroxide should only be used for cleaning if recommended by a veterinarian.

How to treat ears in dogs.

Treatment of dog ear diseases is carried out depending on the type of disease and under the supervision of a veterinarian:

Ear hematoma in a dog.

If there is an ear hematoma, cold should be applied to the dog's head in an upturned state and a tight bandage applied. This procedure must be carried out for two days, and then, after the swelling has subsided, Otodepin or a herbal medicine that contains pine essential oil is applied to the hematoma. With this method of treatment, after a week, a maximum of ten days, the hematoma is cured.
The drug Traumeel, which is administered subcutaneously twice a day, helps stop the development of a hematoma or quickly lead it to regression.

Otitis in a dog.

If your dog has otitis media, you will have to trim the hair inside the ear. Then you need to thoroughly clean the auricle of crust, scabs, and discharge. This is best done with Aurican ear drops or Yodez disinfectant solution. And apply Prednisolone ointment 0.5% to the treated surface of the auricle.

After the veterinarian carries out a novocaine-antibiotic blockade, the ulcers should be lubricated with Otodepine or Pikhtoin.

As a rule, for complex therapy for chronic inflammation of the outer ear, one of the composition options is used:

  1. 3 ml of propolis tincture and 1 ml of Dexamethasone with the addition of 1% Dioxidine.
  2. 15 ml Hemodez with 5 ml propolis tincture.

Ear drops should be instilled 2 times a day, trying to evenly distribute the composition throughout the auricle. Then carefully fold the dog's ear in half and rub both halves against each other.

If otitis is caused by an allergic reaction of the animal's body, then injections of Traumeel or Echinacea Compositum will be effective. The drug Traumeel S, produced in the form of a gel, is used externally.
- inflammation of the middle and inner ear in dogs requires complex antimicrobial therapy. Broad-spectrum antibiotics - Albipen, Neopen, Gentamicin - will cope with this perfectly. When using novocaine-antibiotic blockade, it must be combined with antihistamines. In this case, Otodepin, pine alcohol or geranium extract will help.

But! The dog must be under the supervision of a doctor.

Otodectosis in a dog.

Treatment of the affected ear with otodectosis takes place in several stages. The ears are constantly cleaned of crusts, scabs and discharge. The ears are treated with anti-scabies compounds (Bars, Aurikan, Decor-2, Otovedin, Epacid-Alfa). Also, for treatment, use any of the therapeutic agents (Tsipam, Otovedin).

The anti-scabies acaricidal composition must be injected into two ears, even if one of them is affected by otodectosis.

If otodectosis is complicated by otitis, then you cannot do without antibacterial agents, preferably tetracycline.

Prevention of ear diseases in four-legged friends is as follows:

  • Be careful not to let water get into your animal's ears. If there is liquid in the ear, blot it with a towel or cotton swab.
  • The pet should not be overcooled.
  • Check your ears regularly and clean them regularly.
  • If the breed requires it, trim the hair in the dog's ear canal.

Any disease is always easier to prevent!