Let's learn about the symptoms and treatment of spinal hernia. Spinal hernia: treatment and symptoms

Spinal hernia is becoming increasingly popular among diseases. It is a rupture in the intervertebral disc, after which part of the nucleus leaks out.

This pathology is observed in most cases in people aged 25-45 years, although there have been cases when it also affected children. This is a very serious disease, as it can even lead to disability.

But it’s even worse when the spinal canal narrows due to a hernia, since this in the future can lead to an inflammatory process of the nerve roots, as well as spinal cord.

This is a very painful condition, sometimes the leg muscles can even become paralyzed, sensitivity can disappear, and the pelvic organs stop working normally. Treatment of this disease cannot be delayed.

Main reasons

It is believed that the main reasons due to which a vertebral hernia appears are:

  • changes with age in the disc;
  • spinal injuries.

Disc changes

Intervertebral discs are quite strong in structure, but they can still be susceptible to injury. There are no blood vessels in the disc between the vertebrae; nutrition is provided by absorption through the surrounding tissue.

Especially plentiful food occurs when a person makes any movements. But many people lead a sedentary lifestyle, which ultimately leads to very poor nutrition.

This makes the discs not so durable. From this you can expect the appearance of a hernia. Thus, the cause of its occurrence is inactivity.

Also, a hernia can appear due to the destruction of the fibrous ring, since it is designed for a certain load, and when it exceeds the norm, the ring loses its shape.

This process can continue for a long time. And one awkward movement, even sneezing, can provoke the appearance of a hernia.

Spinal injuries

Spinal trauma is also considered to be the cause of a hernia. And it may appear:

  • from a sharp blow;
  • due to pressure on the spine;
  • from flexion and extension of the back;
  • monotonous movements.

Thus, small cracks appear through which the core emerges.

Other causes of pathology

There are other reasons that can cause a vertebral hernia. This can be influenced by genes:

  • metabolic disease;
  • hormones;
  • changes in the osseous-ligamentous apparatus, due to which water-salt metabolism broken.

A spinal hernia can occur due to other diseases:

  • curvature of the spine;
  • diseases associated with viruses;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • diseases of internal organs.

People who have degenerative stenosis should also be wary of this disease. It affects the central or root canal in the spine, as well as the opening between the vertebrae.

And this exposes the patient to a hernia. This disease can affect both adults and children.

Risk factors

There are risk factors for hernia that can be avoided, and there are those that are inevitable. The second include:

  • processes that occur with old age (in this case, the discs between the vertebrae wear out and become vulnerable to injury, since they are very fragile);
  • women, since they get this problem more often than men;
  • injuries received;
  • surgical operations.

There are also factors that can be avoided by taking medications, the right image life. These include:

  1. Physical activity. In this case, it is worth considering for people who constantly expose themselves to stress, as well as those who have been in sitting position etc.
  2. Lack of physical labor or, conversely, overexertion. Here it is worth worrying about those who do not strengthen their muscles, do not do any exercises, as well as those who expose the body to a sharp excess of stress.
  3. Smoking, as it leads to poor nutrition of the discs between the vertebrae.
  4. Excess weight, which also worsens health.

The reasons why a vertebral hernia develops may be related to a person’s work. The following people should be wary of the problem:

  • who drives for a long time, more than two hours (this includes not only truck drivers, but also a person who for a long time is stuck in a traffic jam);
  • who works with a computer for a long time, more than four hours (there are a lot of such professions);
  • who constantly lifts weights (loaders, etc.).

Diagnosis and symptoms

IN modern medicine a hernia is diagnosed different methods. If it is detected in the early stages, then they can get by by tapping it with a hammer, which tests the tendon reflexes.

And at all other stages of the development of the disease, computer and magnetic resonance imaging are used. X-rays are also taken.

The symptoms that appear depend on where the vertebral hernia appears.

In the cervical spine the following reaction is observed:

  • fingers go numb;
  • your shoulder and arms begin to hurt;
  • sometimes you feel dizzy and also have pain;
  • the pressure becomes abnormal.

IN thoracic region the following symptoms appear:

  • Constant pain in the area where the thoracic region is located;
  • presence of scoliosis.

A hernia in the lumbar region leads to the following symptoms:

  • the toes and groin become numb;
  • pain radiates to the lower legs, as well as to the feet;
  • lower back pain for a long time.

Also, the place where the vertebral hernia appeared often swells due to inflammation, swelling appears, the back hurts, and the muscles become weak.

When a person receives a large load, the pain increases; it cannot be tolerated when the disease reaches a late stage.

Treatment and prevention

This pathology must be treated immediately, as this disease develops rapidly. Exist conservative methods:

  1. Spinal traction. It will help relieve pressure on nerve endings, and will also reduce tension and swelling.
  2. Treatment with leeches. Effective procedure, which will normalize the pressure, relieve pain, and improve the condition much.
  3. Reflexology, with the help of which needles are inserted into active points.
  4. Vacuum therapy. It relieves pain, toxins are eliminated, and fluid circulates normally in the body.
  5. Electrophoresis. This is the interaction of drugs and electrical current.
  6. Magnetopuncture. A magnetic field is used to influence the points.
  7. Manual therapy.

It is always better to prevent a disease than to treat it. To do this, you should strengthen your muscles, lead a healthy and active lifestyle, monitor your posture, do gymnastics, and also monitor how heavy objects you lift.

By the way, swimming, walking, and cycling are very useful. Those who work in an office should take a break from work and stretch their muscles a little.

So there are different reasons, due to which such pathology appears. Once it is discovered, it must be treated immediately.

Intervertebral hernia is a pathology that is characterized by rupture of the intervertebral disc ring and the release of contents beyond its limits. The intervertebral disc itself is oval in shape and consists of cartilage tissue, which performs a connective function. In the center of the disc is the nucleus pulposus, which is responsible for shock absorption of the spine and is held in place by a dense fibrous ring. With age, intervertebral discs may lose their elasticity, which is preceded by chronic diseases musculoskeletal system, congenital tissue weakness, heavy physical activity and previous injuries.

In case hernial protrusion occurs in the direction nerve fibers, pain occurs. If the patient has mild It's a dull pain in the back, which stops after rest, this indicates initial stage diseases. When the pain syndrome increases, it appears acute attacks“stiffening” of the back, and the pain radiates to the lower or upper limbs- this is a sign that the hernia has reached large sizes. If treatment is not started in time, a lot of concomitant diseases arise, which lead to complete immobilization of the patient and disability.

Intervertebral hernia has no age limit. The disease affects people from twenty to fifty-five years of age. IN last years The incidence of spinal hernia has increased significantly. This is due to a sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical training among middle-aged and older people.

Most often, intervertebral hernia is diagnosed in the lumbar region, this is due to the anatomical feature of the lumbosacral junction and maximum load, which falls on this part of the spine. Hernias of the thoracic and cervical spine spine problems occur much less frequently.

Types of intervertebral hernias

All intervertebral hernias are divided into primary and secondary. Primary ones occur after spinal injury and under the influence of heavy physical exertion. Absolutely may be at risk healthy man, which does not have any prerequisites for the occurrence of the disease.

Secondary ones form after a long degenerative process intervertebral discs, congenital pathologies, destruction and drying of the disc membranes.

Based on the location of the hernia, there are:

  • cervical (cervical) hernia;
  • hernia of the thoracic (thoracic) region;
  • hernia of the lumbar (lumbar) region.

Based on the size of the part of the hernia that extends beyond the vertebra, there is the following classification:

  • protusion (hernia no more than 3 mm in diameter, symptoms may be absent);
  • prolapse (hernia reaches 3-5 mm in size, accompanied by bright severe symptoms);
  • developed hernia (protrusion is more than 6 mm, accompanied by rupture of the fibrous ring and exit of the nucleus pulposus, disc sequestration may form).

Topographic classification of hernias consists of:

  • posterior (characterized by severe complications on the spine, the hernia protrudes back into the spinal cord and causes compression);
  • anterior (the hernia extends to the anterior part, often has no symptoms, and responds well to conservative treatment methods);
  • lateral or lateral (protrusion occurs through the openings of the roots of the spinal canal);
  • Schmorl's hernia (manifested by a vertical exit of the disc into the upper or bottom part vertebra).

From an anatomical point of view, intervertebral hernia occurs:

  • free (the connection between the intervertebral disc and the structure is preserved);
  • moving (a hernia under the influence of physical activity can either move or return to its place);
  • sequestered or wandering (refers to the most dangerous type, the hernia completely loses connection with the affected disc, can move into the spinal canal and compress the nerve endings).

Despite a large number of types of hernias, in medical practice Mixed types of protrusions are often found. This makes diagnosing the disease difficult, since symptoms can overlap and concomitant diseases arise. In order to put accurate diagnosis and pick up necessary treatment, must pass comprehensive examination spine and the entire musculoskeletal system.


Intervertebral hernia can occur secretly; in the first stages of the development of the disease, there are practically no symptoms, the patient does not feel discomfort and continues to lead a normal lifestyle. As the hernia develops, grows and damages parts of the spinal canal, the patient begins to complain of pain, general fatigue and loss of sensation in the affected area of ​​the spine. Depending on the location of the formation, the symptoms of a spinal hernia may vary.

Symptoms of a herniated cervical spine include constant headache, dizziness, and possible pressure surges ( sharp increase or decrease). Aching, constantly increasing pain in the arm and shoulder joint, numbness in the fingers indicate pathological processes in the spine.

A hernia of the thoracic spine is manifested by pain in the chest when bending over, sharp turns of the body, or staying in one position for a long time. Against the background of a hernia, scoliosis or kyphoscoliosis may develop.

For hernia lumbar region the main symptom is prolonged aching pain in the lower back; it can last for several months, intensifying with loads on the spine. Often the patient attributes this sign to fatigue and is in no hurry to see a doctor. When nerve fibers are damaged and the hernia enlarges, the pain syndrome spreads to the area lower limbs: numbness occurs in the toes, pain spreads along the back lateral surface of the thigh and down to the foot. In addition, the patient complains of numbness groin area. Launched form intervertebral hernia can cause complications on genitourinary system. The patient has difficulty urinating (urinary incontinence or retention), and numbness of the perineum is observed.


Prolonged absence of treatment entails pathological changes in the patient's gait. A herniated disc can cause paralysis and disability.


Intervertebral hernia can occur due to genetic predisposition to the disease, and under the influence external factors: injuries, stress, unhealthy lifestyle. The main causes of spinal hernia are:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • spondylitis ( infectious lesion spinal tissue);
  • birth defects, scoliosis, curvature of the spine;
  • sedentary image life, sedentary work, heavy physical activity;
  • sports injuries and consequences of road accidents;
  • smoking (smokers have a decrease in the level of oxygen in the blood, this interferes with the nutrition of body tissues);
  • obesity ( excess weight provokes additional stress on the lumbar spine);
  • high growth(men with a height above 180 cm and women with a height of 170 cm are at risk).


When the first symptoms of a spinal hernia appear, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination and examination by a vertebrologist, neurologist and neurosurgeon. Having studied the character pain syndrome by identifying in which body position discomfort most often occurs and eliminating accompanying illnesses, additional diagnostic measures are prescribed.

The most accurate diagnosis can be made using magnetic resonance therapy. This method is quite new and has been used in diagnostics for about twenty years, but despite this, it allows one to accurately determine the location of the hernial formation, the size and presence of damaged nerve structures.

Computed tomography of the spine allows you to see the condition of bone tissue in three dimensions, but is practically useless to see muscle fibers. This method is carried out using ionizing radiation.

X-ray makes it possible to obtain a picture of the spine in a standing position, while showing only the condition of the bones, for soft tissues this method not used. X-rays are prescribed to exclude or confirm suspicions of other diseases that could provoke a hernia.

The main goal of diagnosis is not only to study the protrusion, but also to identify the causes of the disease, since first of all it is necessary to eliminate the provoking factor.


By promptly applying for medical care and starting complex treatment spinal hernia, you can do without surgery. A hernia responds well to conservative treatment methods, the main thing is to carefully follow medical prescriptions. In 80% of all cases of diagnosis of intervertebral hernia, the disease goes away on its own, because over time the hernia tends to dry out and decrease in size. This is a natural process in human body, which lasts from six months to a year. It is impossible to speed it up if the patient is bothered by discomfort in the back or strong pain, doctors prescribe drug treatment, special physical exercises and massage.

Drug treatment

Treatment of a spinal hernia begins with taking medicines, which will help relieve the main symptoms of the disease and relieve pain. Often, a hernia occurs in parallel with inflammatory processes or infection. The duration of the drug course of treatment does not exceed one month. Patients are prescribed the following medications:

1 Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Help relieve inflammation and a feeling of tightness in the spine. NSAIDs relieve moderate pain; for acute pain, they are useless. 2 Corticosteroids. Prescribed to reduce swelling of soft tissues at the site of injury. The duration of taking such drugs is no more than a month. 3 Muscle relaxants. Used to remove muscle spasms. After entering the body, they block neuromuscular impulses, resulting in relaxation of the striated muscles. 4 Opiates. They belong to the narcotic group of medications and are available only with a doctor's prescription. Used for very severe pain when conventional painkillers do not help. In some cases, when the intervertebral hernia has reached a large size and affected the nerve endings, the patient may need high dose opiates, therefore such drugs are used only under the supervision of medical staff. 5 Antidepressants. Promotes the release of endorphins and relieves pain. This group of medications has a hypnotic effect. 6 Vitamins. The B group of vitamins relieves pain and restores tissue sensitivity, vitamins A, C, E are involved in cell restoration, vitamin D strengthens ligaments and bone tissue, often prescribed together with calcium.

To maintain the body, the doctor may prescribe biogenic stimulants:

All medications should be taken only after consultation with your doctor. They help cope with discomfort and pain, but they are not able to completely cure intervertebral hernia.

Blockade for spinal hernia

One of effective ways The fight against intervertebral hernia is blockade. In medical practice, two types of blockades are used, depending on the method and location of injection: transforaminal and intralaminar. The transforaminal blockade is introduced towards the exits of the spinal canals from the intervertebral foramina. Intralaminar - inserted along the midline between the vertebral processes and is the most common.

The blockade has a short-term effect of pain relief in the affected area of ​​the spine. The drugs are administered only to the superficial muscles, so the relief obtained lasts about a week or two.

Epidural blockade is performed for acute pain syndrome, often occurring in the lumbar spine. The manipulation is carried out exclusively in a hospital using special equipment and lasts about two hours. The doctor introduces active substance and using a fluoroscope observes how it spreads along the spine. In the first hours after the blockade, the patient may feel a burning sensation, numbness and weakness in the limbs. But when correct implementation procedures, any side effects excluded.

Contraindications to spinal blockade:

Surgery for spinal hernia

Removal of intervertebral hernia by surgical intervention is carried out only in extreme cases when conservative methods do not give the desired result and acute pain cannot be treated with medication.

During the operation, the surgeon makes a small incision 3-4 centimeters long and spreads muscle tissue to gain access to the spine. After this, the damaged nucleus pulposus and part of the fibrous ring are removed. If after removal the compression of the spinal nerve root does not disappear, it will be necessary to remove part of the vertebra. During the operation, the muscular-ligamentous apparatus remains intact and musculoskeletal function the spine is not lost.


Removal of intervertebral hernia. Operation.

Treatment with folk remedies

Over the years, recipes traditional medicine do not lose their relevance. Tinctures and compresses from medicinal herbs provide positive influence on the patient’s well-being, eliminate the main symptoms and eliminate pain in the spine.

Tinctures from cinquefoil

♨ Take 100 grams of cinquefoil root and pour 1 liter of vodka. Leave for twenty-one days in a dark place, shaking the container periodically. Take one tablespoon with 50 ml of water three times a day. You should drink it half an hour before eating.

Except internal use, cinquefoil tincture can be used as a rub. It is prepared as follows: mix 100 grams of cinquefoil roots with one hundred grams of elecampane roots, 100 grams of sweet clover and 150 grams of green seeds of steppe hemlock. Place everything in a three-liter jar and fill to the top with forty-proof alcohol or vodka. Let it brew for 21 days in a dark place. Then rub two to three times a day into the affected area of ​​the spine.

Comfrey root rub

♨ Take 50 grams of comfrey root and pour 0.5 liters of sunflower oil. Let the mixture brew for ten days. Use as a rub before a light massage.

Additional Information!

Comfrey root has a restorative effect on cartilage tissue. Regular use of the tincture will help speed up the healing process.


In case of a spinal hernia, it is very important to prevent muscle atrophy, because with a pronounced pain syndrome, the patient tries to reduce any physical activity to a minimum. Very effective method in such a situation, therapeutic massage is considered, which is performed only by a specialist on the recommendation of a doctor. A massage session will not only help you relax and relieve pain in the spine, but also improve blood circulation and reduce the excitability of nerve endings.

Massage is recommended in the absence of acute pain, when the spasm is mild. The duration and intensity of the procedures depends on the size of the hernia and the degree of development of the disease. On average, patients are recommended to undergo a massage course of twenty sessions; the entire complex can be repeated no earlier than three months later. This method hernia treatment is used in combination with other methods of spinal restoration.

Physical exercise

Therapeutic exercises for intervertebral hernia will help strengthen the spine and muscles, relieve joint pain and prevent back stiffness. Any physical activity should be smooth; you should not exhaust your body during the first sessions. Excessive tension in the spine will not only not help cope with the hernia, but will also aggravate the patient’s condition. To start training at home, be sure to consult your doctor. If pain occurs during the exercise, you should immediately stop exercising and rest for a while.

Exercises for the spine

1 Lying on your back, bend your knees, pressing your feet firmly to the floor. Raise your buttocks, while your shoulders should touch the surface. Stay in this position for ten seconds, taking a deep breath. Repeat eight times. 2 Lie on your back with your hands clasped under your knee. Slowly pull the right one, then left leg to the chest. While you perform the exercise with one leg, the other should remain in horizontal position. Repeat five times. 3 Lying on your back, bend your knees and fold your arms across your chest. Slowly raise your pelvis and stay in this position. Perform ten approaches. 4 Lying on the floor, clasp your hands on your chest, knees bent together. Perform body turns left and right. You can also turn only your legs, while the body must remain in its original position. Do ten times. 5 Get on all fours, keep your head straight. Having relaxed a little, your back should “sag” down. Then arch your back up. Do five approaches. You can gradually increase the number of exercises performed.


Treatment of intervertebral hernia without surgery.

Do they take you into the army with a herniated disc?

Intervertebral hernia is not a disease for which military service is contraindicated. If we talk about the asymptomatic course of the disease and the absence of pain, then there are no obstacles to serving in the military. However, to answer this question definitively, a specific case must be carefully examined. A young man preparing for the army must undergo full diagnostics spine and medical examination. If doctors do not identify pathologies in the development of a hernia, the disease is not congenital in nature and does not interfere with leading a normal lifestyle, then there will be an army.

An obvious contraindication is acute pain, “shooting” in the lower extremities and the presence of three or more damaged discs in the vertebra.

Intervertebral hernia is a disease that does not pose a threat to the patient’s life. By starting treatment for a hernia in a timely manner, you can avoid its complications and do without surgery. Active image life, sports and proper nutrition will be an excellent disease prevention.

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Intervertebral hernia is a disease that is becoming more and more common these days. A herniated disc is a certain stage of the degenerative process occurring in the spine, which consists of deformation and protrusion of the intervertebral disc, accompanied by rupture of its fibrous ring.

In most cases, spinal hernia is diagnosed in people between 25 and 45 years old. One risk group consists of people of asthenic build, leading sedentary image life and spending a lot of time reading books and the computer. Their vertebral hernia usually appears after 40 years. Another risk group includes young boys and girls aged 20-25 who are seriously and intensely involved in sports.

Intervertebral hernia is the most severe manifestation (otherwise known as a complication). If the treatment of osteochondrosis was not carried out efficiently and in a timely manner, then a hernia of the spine will be its natural development. Consequently, many aspects of the diagnosis and treatment of osteochondrosis are similar to those in the case of vertebral hernia.

Typically, a herniated disc occurs when pressure increases inside the intervertebral disc. The following factors can lead to increased pressure inside the disc:

  • Injuries. A hernia can be caused by falling on your back or swipe on the back. “Whiplash” is a sudden jerk of the head forward and then back. Quite often, hernias appear after an accident; usually the first symptoms appear 1.5-3 years after the accident.
  • Heavy physical activity. In the presence of osteochondrosis, a hernia can form when lifting weights, especially when bending over.
  • , curvature of the spine ().
  • Overweight body.
  • Sedentary lifestyle, prolonged sitting.
  • Bad habits, smoking.

The lack of regular moderate physical activity, like smoking, leads to a decrease in blood oxygen saturation, which leads to hypoxia of the intervertebral discs.

The causes of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the vertebral discs are not fully understood. They can be the result of a violation of any metabolic processes in the body. The main cause of intervertebral hernia is. The likelihood of a hernia forming against the background of existing osteochondrosis is very high.

The structure of the intervertebral disc consists of a gelatinous nucleus pulposus (in the center), which is surrounded and supported by an annulus fibrosus (consisting of fibers and resembling tendons). The disc tissue does not have its own blood vessels, so its nutrition is provided by nearby tissues, and nearby muscles play an important role in this process.

Functional purpose of intervertebral discs:

  • shock-absorbing function;
  • protect the vertebrae from mechanical damage;
  • provide mobility.

The pathological process in the spine can be divided into the following stages:

  • Intervertebral disc degeneration: Over time, the core of the disc becomes dehydrated and the thickness (height) of the disc itself decreases;
  • Prolapse(): cracks appear in the annulus fibrosus, which significantly reduces the strength of the disc. Under the influence of increasing pressure, the fibrous ring begins to bulge between the vertebrae;
  • Rupture of the annulus fibrosus disc: as a result of a rupture, a fragment of the nucleus pulposus leaks out, which is actually a herniated intervertebral disc;
  • Hernia sequestration: when the connection between the disc core and its free fragment, which can move in the spinal canal, is disrupted, a herniated sequestration is formed.

First two stages pathological process are the initial stages of osteochondrosis. The formation of a vertebral hernia (final destruction of the intervertebral disc) in most cases is provoked by a strong short-term load on the spine as a result of a blow to the back, a fall, an attempt to lift a heavy object, etc.
The moment a hernia forms is usually felt as a “crunch” or “click in the back”, followed immediately by severe pain.

The direction of hernia protrusion may be different. If the hernia extends forward or to the sides, work disturbances and pain occur. internal organs. A prolapse of a hernia into the spinal canal has more severe and complex consequences.

Vertebral hernia - first symptoms

Typically, the symptoms of an intervertebral hernia are quite vague, and they are very easy to confuse with manifestations of radiculitis or neuralgia.

Symptoms indicating possible availability hernia:

  • pain in one or another part of the spine, which sometimes occurs in the buttock, etc.;
  • numbness in various areas backs;
  • increased pain when coughing, sneezing;
  • sudden weakness of the leg muscles; painful sensations in the back when turning, bending the body.

Any of these symptoms is a reason to consult an appropriate specialist.
The clinical manifestations of a spinal hernia depend on its size, location and direction of the hernial protrusion.

Most often, intervertebral hernia appears, less often in the cervical region and most rarely in the thoracic region. The occurrence of a hernia in lower section spine is explained by increased loads on it and anatomical features ligamentous apparatus. Symptoms of the disease depend on the location of the hernia.

Symptoms of a herniated cervical spine:

  • pain in the arm or shoulder;
  • numbness of fingers;
  • combination of headache with dizziness;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • weather dependence.

Symptoms of a herniated thoracic spine:

  • constant, especially when staying in a static position for a long time;
  • combination of pain with manifestations of scoliosis or kyphoscoliosis.

Symptoms of a hernia of the lumbar spine:

  • regular pain (over three months) in the lumbar region;
  • numbness of the toes;
  • numbness in the groin area;
  • isolated pain in the lower leg or;
  • pain in the leg, which occurs more often along the back, less often along the lateral and front surface of the thigh;
  • a feeling of tingling, “goosebumps”, a feeling of “cottonness” in the lower part of the body.

Cervical spine: 1-2 mm - small; 4-6 mm - large.
Thoracic and lumbar regions: 1-5 mm - small; 6-8 mm - average; 9-12 mm – large.

There are two stages in the development of the disease, each of which has its own symptoms.

  1. At the stage of cracks in the fibrous ring and protrusion of the nucleus pulposus in this area of ​​the spine, blood circulation is gradually disrupted and swelling forms, pain appears, which causes tension and muscle spasm. Expressed muscle tension, in turn, stimulates the development of the dystrophic process in the affected area. The pain may be short-lived and insignificant, but gradually increase.
  2. At the second stage, the nature of the pain syndrome changes. The so-called “” appears, resulting from compression and pinching of the nerve roots. Swelling and inflammation of the nerve occurs, which is accompanied by acute pain, muscle weakness, loss of sensation in the area for which the affected person is responsible nerve root. In the area of ​​the intervertebral hernia, dry skin and impaired sweating may be observed. The consequence of this syndrome can be paresis and paralysis of the muscles of the lower extremities, dysfunction of the pelvic organs.

The most accurate information when diagnosing an intervertebral hernia is obtained when carrying out, as well as. X-rays can reveal changes in bone tissue spine, tomography will help detect changes in surrounding tissues.

The tactics for treating a hernia are determined by the stage of development of the disease and the patient’s condition. The main goal is to eliminate the pain symptom.

On this moment There are two ways to treat a herniated disc: alternative and surgical.
An alternative method is effective on early stages diseases and represents A complex approach, including acupuncture, acupressure, herbal medicine, spinal traction, etc.

An intervertebral hernia is a characteristic protrusion or prolapse caused by fragments of the intervertebral disc into the spinal canal. Intervertebral hernia, the symptoms of which appear due to the patient receiving an injury or if he has osteochondrosis, among other things, manifests itself in the form of compression of the nerve structures.

general description

The connection of the individual vertebrae that make up the spine is formed with the help of intervertebral discs, which have significant density. These disks consist of a core located in their center, as well as strong rings, this is the surrounding core, the rings, in turn, consist of connective tissue. It is thanks to the intervertebral discs that the spine has its inherent flexibility and strength. Often, however, various diseases of the spine are observed, which involve the destruction of intervertebral discs (for example,), which can also lead to the appearance of intervertebral hernias.

Considering the fact that the main load that affects the spine as a whole is concentrated in the lumbar region, it is in this part of the spine that an intervertebral hernia often appears. In addition, localization of the intervertebral hernia is also possible in the areas of the cervical and thoracic regions, which, however, is observed in practice in extremely rare cases.

If we consider the age category, to the greatest extent susceptible to the appearance intervertebral hernia, here experts indicate a range of 25-50 years. It is noteworthy that intervertebral hernia in old age is an extremely rare phenomenon, which is explained by the peculiarity age-related changes, due to which the spinal disc is less susceptible to mobility. As for childhood morbidity, here, although rare, the possibility of an intervertebral hernia is also noted, while its formation is predominantly congenital. To top it off, we note that this pathology accounts for about 25% of cases of disability.

Causes of intervertebral hernias

Most often, the causes of intervertebral hernias are: various kinds metabolic disorders, injuries, osteochondrosis, infections and poor posture.

As a rule, an intervertebral hernia appears as a result of increased pressure directly in the intervertebral disc. There are a number of factors that contribute to the growth of such pressure in the intervertebral disc, which may result in the development of an intervertebral herniation. Let us highlight the main reasons that contribute to increased pressure in the area of ​​the intervertebral disc:

  • Injury. In particular, this could be a strong blow aimed at the back or a fall on it.
  • Osteochondrosis. A history of this disease is a predisposing factor to the appearance of a hernia. As a kind of impetus for its appearance, a significant load is determined (for example, when lifting something heavy, including when lifting it from the ground).
  • Body weight indicators exceeding the norm.
  • Various degrees of spinal curvature.
  • A sudden turn of the body to the side.

In addition, there are also specific categories of people who are most predisposed to the appearance of intervertebral hernia:

  • people who spend more than two hours driving a day;
  • people who work on a computer for more than four hours a day;
  • people who, for one reason or another, lift weights every day.

Lumbar intervertebral hernia: symptoms

The main symptom characteristic of a hernia of this section is the appearance of pain localized in the back and, in fact, the lower back. Until the moment when the hernia has acquired a large size (that is, its protrusion into the spinal canal has not yet been made), and the pressure it produces on the roots of the spinal cord can be defined as insignificant (which generally characterizes the initial stage of the disease in question), the patient faces with dull and intermittent lower back pain (also known as). Running, coughing, sitting, standing and sneezing for long periods of time lead to increased pain ( this manifestation is not permanent, the pain subsequently disappears).

An enlargement of the hernia, which occurs some time after the onset of the disease, or its sudden breakthrough leads to an increase in pain and its irradiation to the leg, thigh or buttock. This, in turn, is defined as radiculitis, and its course is accompanied by sciatica - shooting and increased manifestation of pain. Basically, this type of pain appears as a result of a sudden change in body position or when lifting heavy objects.

In addition to pain, a symptom such as numbness is also often noted. It can affect either one or both legs, and its course is accompanied by characteristic weakness and tingling. The appearance of numbness indicates compression of the spinal cord roots by a herniation.

In addition to the already listed symptoms characteristic of lumbar intervertebral hernia, there is also a limitation of mobility, in particular regarding the lower back. Severe pain, as a rule, provokes tension in the back muscles, which, in turn, leads to the fact that the patient is simply unable to straighten his back completely. As a result, after some time (within six months to a year) after the appearance of the hernia, the patient experiences a violation of posture (or).

In addition to the listed symptoms, in some cases there are stool disorders (diarrhea, constipation), urination disorders (in the form of incontinence or urinary retention), including those that occur against the background of the impact of an intervertebral hernia.

Intervertebral hernia of the cervical spine: symptoms

As in the previous case, the occurrence of a hernia in this section is accompanied by injury or damage that directly affects it.

A characteristic manifestation of symptoms in case of intervertebral hernia of the cervical spine is pain in the arm, the appearance of which is unexpected, this happens due to pinching cervical nerve. The pain is piercing, extending from the shoulder to the hand. Sometimes there is a feeling of numbness combined with tingling.

The most common sections in the spine in which this disease is concentrated are sections C5-C6/C6-C7. Next in prevalence are C4-C6 and, as the rarest, C7-T1. The peculiarity of the intervertebral discs of the cervical region is their small size and proximity to the spinal nerve, which indicates the possibility of pinching the nerve and the appearance of severe pain even with a slight protrusion.

With a hernia in the cervical 4-5 level, where the nerve root is located near the 5th disc, there is weakness in the deltoid muscle, located in the upper arm. The patient also experiences significant pain localized in the shoulder area. With a hernia in the cervical level 5-6 when the nerve root is located near the 6th disc, patients experience weakness in the biceps, as well as weakness in the muscles of the wrist. There is a spread of symptoms such as pain, numbness and tingling to the side thumb On the hand.

If a hernia appears in the cervical 6-7 level when the nerve root is located near the 7th disc, in the triceps, patients experience weakness with its subsequent spread to the forearm, in addition, the weakness also affects the finger extensor muscles. Pain, numbness and tingling extend to the middle finger.

When a hernia forms in the cervical 7-T1 level when the nerve root is located near the 8th disc, weakness occurs when trying to squeeze the hands. The patient experiences the previously listed manifestations in the form of pain, numbness and tingling, the spread of these manifestations occurs from the shoulder to the little finger.

Intervertebral hernia of the cervical spine, the symptoms of which we have examined, are only general manifestations which may indicate the presence of a hernia. Each specific case is subject to consideration, because various variations in symptoms are possible depending on the characteristics that are generally inherent in the body. For this reason, I would like to warn the reader against hasty conclusions regarding own state, the type of disease relevant to it, and, of course, independent attempts at treatment based on possible assumptions.

Thoracic hernia: symptoms

As a rule, an intervertebral hernia that occurs in the thoracic region is accompanied by pain concentrated in the back (its upper part), and an increase in these sensations is observed when sneezing and coughing. It should be noted that the resulting pain is not a manifestation unique to a hernia - in this case it is necessary to differentiate between diseases of the lungs, heart and kidneys, as well as gastrointestinal disorders and diseases that may be relevant to the musculoskeletal system. In particular, there is a mass various diseases spine, which are characterized by similar symptoms: tumors, infections, spinal fractures in the background, certain metabolic disorders, etc.

When a hernia forms in the area of ​​the spinal cord, the appearance of myelopathy (spinal dysfunction of the brain) becomes possible, which causes serious sensory disorders, imbalance when walking and moving, weakness affecting the lower extremities, problems with the intestines or bladder.

The symptoms of the disease are determined based on the size of the hernia and the area of ​​its location (central, lateral or central-lateral).

  • Central location. The onset of pain is usually noted in the upper back, which subsequently leads to myelopathy. Based on the size in combination with the force of pressure exerted on the spinal cord, the specific degree of the disease is determined. The spinal cord in the thoracic region is surrounded by a small free space. The resulting hernia begins to exert a certain pressure on the spinal cord, which, in turn, leads to dysfunction noted in the nerve endings. Moreover, sometimes such a hernia can lead to paralysis in the lower extremities.
  • Lateral location. The impact of a hernia in the form of pressure is exerted on the nerve endings concentrated in the area of ​​the back, which manifests itself in the form of severe pain that occurs in abdominal cavity and chest wall.
  • The location is central-lateral. This location determines the most various symptoms in the form of numbness, pain in various parts, etc.

Treatment of intervertebral hernias

Based on the current size of the formation and its location in combination with the stage that determines the disease and the presence of complications arising from it, the appropriate treatment is determined.

Mainly the required effect is achieved through the use of conservative therapy. The need cannot be ruled out surgical treatment which involves removing a hernia. This treatment is used in accordance with specific indications, aimed at preventing the development of various severe complications, as well as in the absence of proper effectiveness from the use of conservative methods of therapy.

Diagnosis and treatment of the disease is carried out by an orthopedist, neurosurgeon and vertebrologist.

Intervertebral hernia

Most common reasons the occurrence of intervertebral hernias in humans - all kinds of metabolic disorders in the body, osteochondrosis, injuries, poor posture, infections.

Typically, a herniated disc occurs when the pressure inside the intervertebral disc increases. Eat various factors, which can lead to an increase in pressure inside the intervertebral disc, which can ultimately lead to the development of an intervertebral herniation.

We list the main reasons for increased pressure in the intervertebral disc:
1. A herniated disc can develop as a result of injury. Thus, the cause of an intervertebral hernia can be a fall on the back or a strong blow to the back.
2. If you have osteochondrosis, a herniated disc may occur during heavy lifting. That is, another reason for the occurrence of intervertebral hernia is lifting weights from the ground.
3. Body weight is higher than normal.
4. A sharp turn of the body to the side.
5. Curvature of the spine.
Depending on the size, location and stage of development of the intervertebral hernia, the manifestations and symptoms of this disease vary.

Let's look at the main signs and symptoms of an intervertebral hernia.

1. The main symptom of a herniated lumbar disc is pain in the back and lower back. When the hernia has not reached a large size (that is, has not protruded into the spinal canal) and puts slight pressure on the roots of the spinal cord (usually this condition is characteristic of the initial stage of the disease), the patient experiences unstable, dull pain in the lower back (so-called lumbago). When coughing, physical activity, running, sneezing, standing or sitting for a long time, the lower back pain in a patient with a herniated disc increases.
After a certain period of time, when the hernia increases in size or suddenly breaks through, the pain increases and begins to “radiate” to the buttock, thigh or legs (so-called sciatica). Typically, with radiculitis, ischalgia is observed - severe, shooting pain. As a rule, such pain occurs after lifting weights or with a sudden change in body position. Besides pain, numbness may occur in some areas of the skin on the legs.

2. Limited mobility in the lower back. With a lumbar disc herniation, severe pain usually causes tension in the back muscles, so the patient is unable to fully straighten his back. As a result of this, after a certain period of time (from 6 months to a year) from the moment the hernia forms, the patient experiences a violation of posture (scoliosis, kyphosis).

3. Common symptom herniated disc – a feeling of numbness, weakness and tingling in one or both legs. This sign indicates that the hernia is compressing the roots of the spinal cord.

4. There may be disturbances in stool (constipation, diarrhea), urination (urinary retention or, conversely, incontinence), as well as impotence caused by intervertebral hernia.

Depending on the size and location of the intervertebral hernia, its stage of development and the presence of complications of the disease, treatment is prescribed.

Conservative therapy often has a significant effect.
1. Avoid sharp turns and uncomfortable positions. Any movements must be performed with caution.
2. Massage, physiotherapy, stretching the spine.
3. Thermal and physiotherapy procedures are useful.
4. Taking anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, ortofen, indomethacin, ibuprofen), as well as painkillers, drugs that have a relaxing effect on muscles (such as tizanidine, diazepam).
5. Novocaine blockades
6. It is recommended to wear a soft corset.

Treatment of intervertebral hernias surgical methods. Operations to remove hernia.
After examining a patient with an intervertebral hernia in acute period and receiving data, a decision is made to carry out the operation. The operation can be performed either immediately or delayed (depending on the indications). In some cases, surgery to remove a hernia is the only possible means preventing the patient from developing severe complications (such cases include, for example, a large hernia that compresses the spinal cord or blood vessels). If conservative treatment methods do not provide any effect, surgery intervertebral hernias also shown.

The essence of the operation is that the hernia is removed, and the spine is special methods is stabilizing.
This type of surgery is associated with significant risks (there is a possibility of damage to the spinal cord and nerves). Wherein surgical intervention is currently the only treatment for intervertebral disc herniation that brings a visible effect.