What is the difference between hypertension and hypertension. Difference between upper and lower pressure

Arterial hypertension(hypertension, hypertension) - this is a disease of cardio-vascular system, in which the blood pressure in the arteries of the systemic (systemic) circulation is steadily increased. In the development of the disease, both internal (hormonal, nervous systems) and external factors (overconsumption table salt, alcohol, smoking, obesity). Let's look at what this disease is in more detail below.

Arterial hypertension is a condition that is defined by a persistent increase in systolic pressure up to 140 mmHg. century or more; A diastolic pressure up to 90 mm Hg Art. and more.

A disease such as arterial hypertension occurs as a result of disturbances in the functioning of regulatory centers blood pressure. Another cause of hypertension is diseases internal organs or systems.

Such patients have severe headaches (especially in the morning) in the occipital region, causing a feeling of heaviness and staleness in the head. In addition, patients complain of bad dream, decreased performance and memory, as well as characteristic irritability. Some patients complain of painful sensations behind the sternum, difficulty breathing after doing physical work and blurred vision.

Subsequently, the increase in pressure becomes permanent, affecting the aorta, heart, kidneys, retina and brain.


Arterial hypertension can be primary or secondary (according to ICD-10). In approximately one in ten hypertensive patients, high blood pressure is caused by damage to an organ. In these cases we talk about secondary or symptomatic hypertension. About 90% of patients suffer from primary or essential hypertension.

  • no symptoms of internal organ damage;
  • With objective signs damage to target organs (in blood tests, during instrumental examination);
  • with signs of damage and the presence of clinical manifestations (myocardial infarction, transient disturbance cerebral circulation, retinopathy of the eye).


The essence of the primary arterial hypertension- a persistent increase in blood pressure without an identified cause. Primary is an independent disease. It develops against the background of heart disease and is most often called essential hypertension.

Essential hypertension (or hypertonic disease) does not develop as a result of damage to any organs. Subsequently, it leads to target organ damage.

It is believed that the disease is based on hereditary genetic disorders, as well as disorders of the regulation of higher nervous activity caused by conflict situations in the family and at work, constant mental stress, an increased sense of responsibility, as well as excess body weight, etc.

Secondary arterial hypertension

As for the secondary form, it occurs against the background of diseases of other internal organs. This condition is also called arterial hypertension syndrome or symptomatic hypertension.

Depending on the cause of their occurrence, they are divided into the following types:

  • renal;
  • endocrine;
  • hemodynamic;
  • medicinal;
  • neurogenic.

According to the nature of the course, arterial hypertension can be:

  • transient: a rise in blood pressure is observed sporadically, lasts from several hours to several days, normalizes without the use of medications;
  • Labile: this type of hypertension is considered to be the initial stage of hypertension. Actually, this is not a disease yet, but rather a borderline state, since it is characterized by minor and unstable pressure surges. It stabilizes on its own and does not require the use of drugs that lower blood pressure.
  • Stable arterial hypertension. Persistent increase in blood pressure, which requires serious supportive therapy.
  • crisis: the patient experiences periodic hypertensive crises;
  • malignant: blood pressure rises to high levels, the pathology rapidly progresses and can lead to severe complications and death of the patient.


Blood pressure increases with age. About two thirds of people over 65 years of age have hypertension. People over 55 years of age with normal blood pressure have 90% risk of developing hypertension with time. Because elevated blood pressure is common in the elderly, such “age-related” hypertension may seem natural, but elevated blood pressure increases the risk of complications and mortality.

They highlight the most common reasons hypertension:

  1. Kidney diseases,
  2. Men are over 55 years old, women over 60 years old.
  3. Adrenal tumor
  4. Side effects of drugs
  5. Increased blood pressure during pregnancy.
  6. Hypodynamia, or inactivity.
  7. History of diabetes mellitus.
  8. Increased blood cholesterol (above 6.5 mol/l).
  9. High salt content in food.
  10. Systematic abuse of alcoholic beverages.

The presence of even one of the listed factors is a reason to start preventing hypertension in the near future. Neglecting these measures will most likely lead to the formation of pathology within several years.

Determining the causes of arterial hypertension requires ultrasound, angiography, CT, MRI (kidneys, adrenal glands, heart, brain), studies biochemical parameters and blood hormones, blood pressure monitoring.

Symptoms of arterial hypertension

As a rule, before the appearance various complications, arterial hypertension quite often occurs without any symptoms, and its only manifestation is an increase in blood pressure. In this case, patients practically do not present complaints or they are non-specific, however, it is periodically noted headache on the back of the head or in the forehead, sometimes you may feel dizzy and have a ringing sound in your ears.

Arterial hypertension syndrome has the following symptoms:

  • Pressing headache that occurs periodically;
  • Whistling or ringing in the ears;
  • Fainting and dizziness;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • "Floaters" in the eyes;
  • Cardiopalmus;
  • Pressing pain in the heart area;
  • Redness of the facial skin.

The described signs are nonspecific and therefore do not raise suspicion in the patient.

As a rule, the first symptoms of arterial hypertension make themselves felt after the pathological changes in internal organs. These signs are intermittent and depend on the affected area.

It cannot be said that the symptoms of hypertension in men and women are significantly different, but in fact, men are indeed more susceptible to this disease, especially age group from 40 to 55 years. This is partly due to the difference physiological structure: men, unlike women, have greater body weight, and accordingly, the volume of blood circulating in their vessels is significantly higher, which creates favorable conditions for high blood pressure.

A dangerous complication of arterial hypertension - acute condition, which is characterized by a sudden rise in pressure by 20-40 units. This condition often requires calling an ambulance.

Signs you should definitely pay attention to

What signs should you pay attention to and consult a doctor, or at least start measuring your blood pressure yourself using a tonometer and recording it in your self-monitoring diary:

  • dull pain in the left side of the chest;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • pain in the back of the head;
  • periodic dizziness and tinnitus;
  • deterioration of vision, appearance of spots, “floaters” before the eyes;
  • shortness of breath on exertion;
  • cyanosis of hands and feet;
  • swelling or swelling of the legs;
  • attacks of suffocation or hemoptysis.

Degrees of arterial hypertension: 1, 2, 3

On clinical picture Arterial hypertension affects the degree and type of disease. In order to assess the level of damage to internal organs as a result of persistently elevated blood pressure, there is a special classification of hypertension, consisting of three degrees.

1st degree

At the first stage, there are no objective symptoms of target organ disorders: heart, brain, kidneys.

2nd degree arterial hypertension

The second degree of the disease comes with systematic and persistent surges in blood pressure, the patient needs rest, drug treatment, hospitalization.

3rd degree hypertension

Systolic is above 180 mm Hg, diastolic is above 110 mm Hg. Grade 3 is considered a severe form, the pressure is stably at the level of pathological indicators, occurs with severe complications, and is difficult to correct with medications.

How does arterial hypertension occur in children?

Arterial hypertension in children is much less common than in adults, and remains one of the most common chronic diseases in pediatrics. According to various studies, the incidence of this pathology among children and adolescents ranges from 1 to 18%.

The causes of childhood and adolescent hypertension usually depend on the age of the child. Most pathologies cause kidney disorders.

Uncontrolled excessive intake of drugs from the group of adrenergic agonists can increase blood pressure. These include naphthyzin and salbutamol.

Risk factors for developing arterial hypertension include:

    constant psycho-emotional stress, conflict situations in family and school;

    the child’s personal characteristics (anxiety, suspiciousness, tendency to depression, fear, etc.) and his reaction to stress;

    excess body weight;

    peculiarities metabolism(hyperuricemia, low glucose tolerance, imbalance of cholesterol fractions);

    excessive consumption of table salt.

Prevention of arterial hypertension should be carried out at the population and family levels, as well as in risk groups. First of all, prevention consists of organizing healthy image life of children and adolescents and correction of identified risk factors. Basic preventive measures it is necessary to organize in the family: the creation of a favorable psychological atmosphere, correct mode work and rest, nutrition that helps maintain normal weight body, adequate physical (dynamic) load.

Complications and consequences for the body

One of the most important manifestations of hypertension is target organ damage. Patients with arterial hypertension usually die in early age. The most common cause of death among them is heart disease. Renal failure is also common, especially in individuals with severe retinopathy.

The most significant complications of arterial hypertension include:

  • hypertensive crises,
  • cerebrovascular accidents (hemorrhagic or ischemic strokes),
  • myocardial infarction,
  • nephrosclerosis (primarily shriveled kidney),
  • heart failure,
  • exfoliating


Diagnosis of arterial hypertension is carried out based on the results of changes in blood pressure. History, physical examination and other research methods help identify the cause and clarify target organ damage.

Diagnosis of arterial hypertension is based on the following types examinations:

  • ECG, analysis of the amount of glucose and general analysis blood;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys, determination of the level of urea, creatinine in the blood, general urine analysis - are carried out in order to exclude the renal nature of the formation of the disease;
  • Ultrasound of the adrenal glands is advisable to perform if pheochromocytoma is suspected;
  • hormone analysis, ultrasound thyroid gland;
  • MRI of the brain;
  • Consultation with a neurologist and ophthalmologist.

When examining the patient, lesions are revealed:

  • kidneys: uremia, polyuria, proteinuria, renal failure;
  • brain: hypertensive encephalopathy, cerebrovascular accident;
  • heart: thickening of the cardiac walls, left ventricular hypertrophy;
  • vessels: narrowing of the lumen of arteries and arterioles, atherosclerosis, aneurysms, aortic dissection;
  • fundus: hemorrhages, retinopathy, blindness.


Normalizing blood pressure and correcting the influence of risk factors help to significantly reduce the likelihood of complications from internal organs. Therapy includes the use of non-drug and drug methods.

For treatment and examination for hypertension, you need to see a doctor. Only a specialist, after a full examination and analysis of the examination results, will be able to correctly diagnose and prescribe competent treatment.

Non-drug treatments

First of all, non-drug methods are based on changing the lifestyle of a patient suffering from arterial hypertension. It is recommended to avoid:

  • smoking, if the patient smokes;
  • use alcoholic drinks, or reducing their intake: for men up to 20-30 grams of ethanol per day, for women up to 10-20, respectively;
  • increased consumption of table salt with food, it must be reduced to 5 grams per day, preferably less;
  • a diet limiting animal fats, sweets, salt and liquids if necessary;
  • using medications containing potassium, magnesium or calcium. They are often used to reduce high blood pressure.

Medicines for arterial hypertension

Drug therapy should be prescribed taking into account the following recommendations:

  1. Treatment begins with small doses of drugs.
  2. With absence therapeutic effect it is necessary to replace the use of one drug with another.
  3. The interval between degrees must be less than 4 weeks, unless necessary rapid decline HELL.
  4. Use of medications long acting to obtain a 24-hour effect with a single dose.
  5. Application of optimal combination of devices.
  6. Therapy should be permanent. It is not allowed to use the drug in courses.
  7. Effective blood pressure control throughout the year helps to gradually reduce the dose and amount of medications.

It is recommended to constantly change medications prescribed by a specialist for arterial hypertension, alternating analogues. Otherwise, an addiction effect is observed when a productive drug for cardiac hypertension is no longer able to stabilize normal blood pressure.


Along with lifestyle Special attention In the prevention of arterial hypertension, nutrition is given importance. Need to eat more natural products, without any additives or preservatives (if possible). The menu should contain a sufficient amount of fruits, vegetables, unsaturated fats (flaxseed, olive oil, red fish).

The diet of a patient with hypertension must include fiber. It is this that helps lower cholesterol levels in the blood and prevents its absorption. Therefore, it is worth eating more fruits and vegetables.

In the presence of excess weight it is necessary to reduce the daily calorie content to 1200-1800 kcal.

What is better to avoid if you have arterial hypertension:

  • fish and meat fatty varieties, sausages store-bought, canned food, smoked meats, lard, cheese;
  • margarine, pastry cream, butter in excess (you can spread butter on the bread with a thin, translucent layer);
  • sweets (cakes, cookies, candies, sugar, pastries);
  • alcoholic drinks, strong tea (this applies to both green and black tea), coffee;
  • too salty, spicy, fatty foods;
  • store-bought mayonnaise, sauces and marinades;

What a patient with hypertension should know and do:

  1. support normal weight and waist circumference;
  2. exercise regularly;
  3. eat less salt, fat and cholesterol;
  4. consume more minerals, in particular potassium, magnesium, calcium;
  5. limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  6. stop smoking and using psychostimulants.


The higher the blood pressure and the more pronounced changes in the retinal vessels or other manifestations of target organ damage, the worse the prognosis. The prognosis depends on pressure indicators. The higher its indicators, the more pronounced the changes in blood vessels and internal organs.

At diagnosis of hypertension and during evaluation possible consequences experts mainly rely on indicators upper pressure. If all medical prescriptions are followed, the prognosis is considered favorable. Otherwise, complications develop that make the prognosis questionable.


Typically, prevention of this disease is to comply proper nutrition and in performing physical exercises that significantly improve the well-being of sick or healthy people. Any physical exercise in the form of running, walking, swimming, exercise and breathing exercises only contribute to increased working capacity and significantly stabilize high blood pressure.

If hypertension is detected, there is no need to despair; it is important, together with your doctor, to take an active part in selecting effective treatment.

Patients with this disease often have to change their normal daily routine to stop the progression of the pathology. These changes concern not only nutrition, but also habits, the nature of work, daily stress, rest schedule and some other nuances. Only if you follow the doctors' recommendations, the therapy will be quite effective.

Arterial hypertension (Arterial hypertension)

Hypertension and hypertension. What is the difference?

Arterial hypertension (hypertension) - chronic illness, characterized by constant or almost constant increased blood pressure. Arterial hypertension is often confused with arterial hypertension - a syndrome of persistent increase in blood pressure from 140/90 mm. Hg st and above.

The fact is that increased blood pressure is not always hypertension. In this case, for setting accurate diagnosis always required additional research, because arterial hypertension may be associated with some disease affecting other organs other than the heart. Treatment of arterial hypertension- this is a fight primarily against the disease that was its cause, and not just lowering blood pressure to acceptable numbers.

Arterial hypertension may occur unnoticed by the patient himself, manifesting itself in episodic headaches, irritability, and dizziness. memory deterioration, decreased performance.

Arterial hypertension takes a leading place among the main reasons for shortening life, since it contributes to the development of such dangerous diseases, such as angina, myocardial infarction and stroke.

Causes of arterial hypertension

Depending on the reasons that caused the development of arterial hypertension, there are following forms diseases:

Complications of arterial hypertension

People often tend to be rather indifferent to own health and do not carry out any treatment even with a confirmed diagnosis of hypertension. We wave our hand at ourselves and say: “Well, now, die? We lived with hypertension, and we will continue to live!” However, the fact is that hypertension is a very insidious disease.

A person can live for a long time without even knowing about his illness, without complaining about his health, although sometimes he may experience attacks of deterioration in health, weakness and dizziness. However, even in this case, as a rule, we attribute everything to overwork or stress. And in vain! It is at such moments that it is better to do measuring blood pressure– this will help prevent a lot of health problems in the future.

Arterial hypertension affects the so-called target organs – organs that are most sensitive to increases in blood pressure. Dizziness, headache, noise in the head, deterioration of memory, performance – these are initial manifestations deterioration of cerebral circulation.

Severe form arterial hypertension may lead to cerebral infarction or cerebral hemorrhage. Enlargement (hypertrophy) of the left ventricle of the heart in the distant future is the cause of cardiac asthma, pulmonary edema, and chronic heart failure.

Patients with untreated arterial hypertension in approximately 43% of cases, they die from complications associated with chronic heart failure, 36% - from coronary artery insufficiency, 14% - from cerebrovascular causes (changes in the condition of blood vessels), 7% - from complications resulting from nephrogenic hypertension.

Treatment of arterial hypertension at GUTA-CLINIC

Diagnosis and treatment of arterial hypertension at GUTA-CLINIC is carried out using the most modern laboratory and diagnostic methods, recommended by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and specialists of the Russian Medical Society for Arterial Hypertension (RMSHA)

Specialists GUTA-CLINIC will individually select for you the most modern, effective, safe antihypertensive drugs in an adequate dosage to achieve the best therapeutic effect, and will also prescribe a set of measures aimed at eliminating risk factors for high blood pressure.

Remember that in the absence treatment of arterial hypertension leads to such cardiovascular diseases. such as myocardial infarction and cerebral stroke.

Take care of your health, sign up for a consultation with a specialist and start the path to a healthy life!

Additional materials on the topic

Difference between upper and lower pressure. Differences and Comparison

What is high blood pressure?

High blood pressure is defined as systolic blood pressure above 140 mmHg. and diastolic blood pressure above 90 mm Hg. for 2 or more readings taken during 2 different clinic visits. Hypertension is divided into four categories.

1. Normal - systolic less than 120 mm Hg. diastolic below 80 mm Hg.

2. Preliminary hypertension - systolic 120 - 139 mm Hg. diastolic 80-89 mm Hg.

3. Stage I - systolic 140 - 159 mm Hg. diastolic 90 - 99 mm Hg.

4. Stage II - systolic above 160 mm Hg. diastolic above 100 mm Hg.

Hypertension can be divided into primary or essential hypertension and secondary hypertension. Hypertension has no causes as such; secondary hypertension does. Severe hypertension above 180/110 mmHg. may cause receptor damage. Hypertensive damage to receptors, in turn, can lead to encephalopathy, hemorrhagic stroke (intracranial hemorrhage), myocardial infarction, left ventricular failure, and acute pulmonary edema.

The pathogenesis of hypertension is extremely complex. Cardiac output, blood volume, blood viscosity, vascular elasticity, innervation, humoral and tissue factors influence blood pressure. Typically, high blood pressure occurs in older people.

Disorders that can lead to secondary hypertension: Endocrinological: acromegaly, hyperthyroidism, hyperaldosteronemia, excessive secretion of corticosteroids (Cushing's), pheochromocytoma

Kidney diseases: chronic illness kidney, polycystic kidney disease

Chronic diseases: collagenosis, vasculitis.

Hypertension during pregnancy is very dangerous. Hypertension and seizures characterize eclampsia, which can lead to premature detachment placenta, polyhydramnios and fetal death.

What is low blood pressure?

Low blood pressure can be caused by: decreased blood volume, dilation peripheral vessels and decrease cardiac output. Reduced blood volume may be caused by bleeding, excessive water loss due to polyurea, diuresis, water loss due to skin diseases and burns. Peripheral vasodilation may be associated with the use of drugs such as nitrates, beta blockers, calcium channel blockers.

During pregnancy, blood vessels dilate, blood viscosity decreases and blood volume increases, which leads to a decrease in blood pressure, especially during the first two trimesters. Endocrinological causes such as hypoaldosteronism, corticosteroid deficiency may lower blood pressure.

Diabetes causes low blood pressure, especially due to diabetic autonomic neuropathy. Exist different kinds hypotonic shock. Hypovolemic shock due to reduction in blood volume. Cardiogenic shock due to a reduction in the heart's ability to pump blood. Neurogenic shock due to reduced sympathetic tone or excessive parasympathetic input. Anaphylactic shock because of allergic reaction. Strong decline blood pressure can reduce organ perfusion and lead to ischemic stroke, myocardial infarction, acute renal failure, intestinal ischemia.

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Arterial hypertension: definition and main degrees of the disease

The negative consequences of high blood pressure are known to almost every person. However, many of us do not seek to control it, justifying our actions by saying that they are elevated readings are the norm for them, so to speak “working pressure”.

Changing the level of pressure, increasing or decreasing, directly affects a person’s overall well-being. Contributes to the occurrence of the following unpleasant symptoms.

Arterial hypertension (AH), or as it is otherwise called hypertension, is a systematic increase blood pressure higher than 140 by 90 mm. Hg Art.

This is one of the most common diseases in modern society. It mainly affects people aged 25 years and older.

Women in general are more prone to attacks of hypertension than men. However, it is worth noting that in Lately, this disease is increasingly being diagnosed in children and adolescents. Helps rejuvenate the disease modern conditions life and environmental degradation.

In Russia, hypertension is the main cause of disability. This disease greatly increases the risk of heart attack and stroke, and can also cause death.

Classification of blood pressure levels:

According to WHO, the following blood pressure levels are distinguished.

Risk levels of hypertension

To determine the level of risk, you must pay attention to the following factors.

  • Gender and age of the sick person.
  • Hereditary predisposition to the disease.
  • High blood cholesterol levels.
  • Smoking, drinking alcohol and other bad habits.
  • Presence of excess weight.
  • Unhealthy lifestyle: stress, lack of sleep, sedentary work, etc.
  • The presence of diseases of organs that are primarily affected by hypertension (heart, brain, retina, kidneys).

Left ventricular hypertrophy is the main risk factor. It occurs due to the fact that with this disease the load on the heart muscles increases significantly and a compensatory increase in their thickness occurs, which is fraught with the risk of heart failure, heart rhythm disturbances, myocardial infarction, and sudden coronary death.

Even at the most early stages Hypertension reduces blood supply to the brain, which leads to headaches, dizziness and generally general decline performance.

The prolonged course of the disease can lead to microinfarctions of the brain, as well as to a decrease in the brain mass itself. As a result, memory impairment, decreased intelligence, and in severe cases leads to dementia.

The kidneys are also significantly affected by hypertension. Hypertension leads to sclerosis of blood vessels and kidney tissue and disruption of their function.

The content of urea and its breakdown products increases in the blood. A urine test shows the protein content. There is a risk of developing renal failure.

Depending on the above factors, the following degrees of arterial hypertension are distinguished.

  • The first degree of risk indicates a less than 15% probability of cardiovascular complications in the patient over the next ten years.
  • The second degree of risk – the probability is 20%.
  • The third degree of risk is 30% probability.
  • The fourth degree of risk is a probability of more than 30%.

Varieties of stages of the disease

The stages of hypertension directly depend on the level of damage to internal organs suffering from high blood pressure (target organs).

Stage I. Absence of diagnosable target organ damage.

Stage II. At this stage of the disease, damage to one or more organs is observed: an enlargement of the left ventricle, the presence of “plaques” in the vessels, the presence of protein in the urine, increased content creatinine in the blood, vasoconstriction of the retina.

Stage III. In total, the lesions of internal organs listed above include: clinical manifestations diseases of the heart (arrhythmia, angina pectoris, heart failure, heart attack), brain (encephalopathy, stroke, cerebral circulatory disorders), retina (hemorrhages), kidneys (increased creatinine content and development of renal failure), blood vessels (aortic aneurysm).

If left untreated, rapidly progressive hypertension is fatal within one year.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment should begin when the first symptoms of the disease occur. On initial stages It is customary to use non-drug treatment methods for hypertension.

Treatment with medications should be started for stage 2 hypertension, since at this level of blood pressure, non-drug treatment methods will not be effective.

However, any medicines should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor, after undergoing a medical examination.

When treating hypertension, it is necessary to constantly monitor blood pressure levels and keep a special monitoring diary.

Hypertension is the plague of the 20th century, causing thousands of heart attacks and strokes each year and claiming many lives. Every person must know what hypertension manifests itself in, how to recognize it and how to deal with it. Today we will look at two concepts - “hypertension” and “hypertension” - and try to understand the difference between them.


Hypertension (hypertension) is a chronic disease characterized by a long-term and persistent increase in blood pressure. However, this term includes not only an increase in blood pressure, but also an increase in general tone, including muscle tone.

Arterial hypertension is a persistent increase in blood pressure. In fact, this is not a diagnosis, but a statement of the fact of the patient’s body condition.


Essentially, hypertension and hypertension are the same thing, with the exception that hypertension is a diagnosis, and hypertension is a statement of the fact of increased blood pressure. Blood pressure is the pressure in the bloodstream, which is maintained at a certain level and depends on the constant beats of the heart. IN in this case the heart works like a pump, it produces approximately 70-90 contractions per minute. When measuring blood pressure, we take into account two numbers: systolic pressure (at the moment of contraction of the heart muscle) and diastolic pressure (at the moment of its relaxation). Arterial hypertension is usually called a rise in pressure above 140 and 90 units.

Conclusions website

  1. Hypertension (hypertension) is a periodic or systematic increase in blood pressure. Hypertension is a persistent increase in blood pressure.
  2. Hypertension is a disease, hypertension is a symptom of this disease.

Normal blood pressure for healthy person of any age is 120/80 mmHg. The first indicator indicates the pressure during contraction of the heart, and the second - during relaxation.

Also important indicator the average is considered, it is calculated by multiplying the first data by double the second indicators, the resulting number is divided by three and the desired result is obtained.

If the patient has arterial hypertension in the form of increased blood pressure, the measurement indicators are 140/90 mmHg. Hypertension is distinguished by the fact that it combines essential hypertension and increased muscle tone.

The difference is that arterial hypertension can be triggered not only by diseases of the cardiovascular system, but also by increased pressure in various cavities of the whole body.

Arterial hypertension is accompanied by persistent and constant increase pressure in blood vessels.

Arterial hypertension, in turn, is distinguished by the fact that it is a disease in which high blood pressure is only a separate, but far from the main symptom.

Violation of the body's condition occurs with frequent stress, anxiety, and physical overexertion. And, most importantly, it is almost impossible to get rid of the disease without using special treatment in the form of medications and other methods of therapy.

In this case we're talking about specifically about arterial hypertension.

What is the difference between hypertension and hypertension

In the case when blood pressure increasingly exceeds 140/90 mmHg, this indicates the presence of arterial hypertension. That is, such a concept is a symptom characterized by an increase in indicators, and not separate disease, as many mistakenly believe. Arterial hypertension indicates a certain state of the patient’s body at one time or another.

Arterial hypertension is also associated with increased blood pressure, but it is a specific disease. Meanwhile in Everyday life It is believed that hypertension and hypertension are one and the same thing, without going into details.

Hypertension, in turn, can be symptomatic and essential in origin.

  1. Essential, or primary, is a disease that has a main symptom and root cause in the form of an increase in blood pressure above normal indicators, that is, arterial hypertension.
  2. Symptomatic or secondary hypertension is accompanied by an increase in blood pressure due to the development of diseases of other internal organs such as the kidneys, heart, lungs, and thyroid gland. If you treat only one high blood pressure, trying to reduce it with any possible ways, and not paying attention to other factors, the disease cannot be cured. However, after the underlying disease is treated, hypertension gradually disappears.

To summarize, we can safely say that hypertension and arterial hypertension are practically the same thing, since both concepts are similar and imply an increase in blood pressure above normal.

The differences lie primarily in terminology rather than in medicine, defining hypertension as a symptom rather than an underlying disease.

Causes of high blood pressure

Hypertension can be caused by:

  • Genetic abnormalities;
  • Disruption of the endocrine system;
  • Disease nervous system;
  • Some kidney diseases;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Excessive smoking, consumption of alcoholic beverages and salty foods;
  • Increased body weight;
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Using glucocorticosteroid drugs or contraceptives;
  • Hormonal changes in the form of menopause.

Hypertension is usually caused by frequent stress, regular physical or emotional overload.

A similar disease often develops if a person has a genetic predisposition; it can also be caused by a concussion, atherosclerosis and other age-related changes.

Hypertension has symptoms that resemble normal fatigue:

  1. Throbbing and pain in the head, dizziness, tinnitus;
  2. Increased irritability, tension and anxiety;
  3. Feeling of chills combined with increased sweating;
  4. Redness and swelling of the face;
  5. Decreased performance;
  6. Memory impairment.

How is hypertension diagnosed and treated?

To identify health problems, first of all, blood pressure levels are measured; in addition, the doctor prescribes an ultrasound of the kidneys, an electrocardiogram, and an echocardiogram. Get more detailed information possible using general and biochemical analysis blood tests, urine tests and hormonal levels patient.

Treatment involves the use of both medications and non-drug methods therapies that the doctor selects individually. This helps prevent the development of the disease, protects internal organs from damage, eliminates the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood, and also prevents the occurrence of kidney and heart failure, heart attack and stroke.

Non-drug methods include maintaining a healthy lifestyle. For obese people, a certain diet is prescribed, aimed at reducing body weight and cleansing the body of accumulated toxins. Animal fats are excluded from the diet; it is recommended to eat dairy products, vegetables and fruits more often.

In addition to correcting your diet, it is important to reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages, salty foods and stop smoking as much as possible. Additionally, it is necessary to moderately load the body, trying to avoid excessive physical activity.

If hypertension is detected, the doctor measures blood pressure. If the development of the disease is suspected, the patient is sent for an electrocardiogram, x-ray examination chest.

The blood is examined for the level of hemoglobin, cholesterol, calcium, and glucose. A urine test is also performed to determine the level of uric acid, phosphates, protein and glucose.

If a patient is diagnosed with the first stage of the disease, accompanied by mild form, treatment is to use non-drug methods therapy. The patient takes herbal sedatives, quits smoking, reviews his diet.

  • Quitting smoking, first of all, the patient prolongs his work blood vessels and internal organs, thereby improving general well-being and reducing blood pressure. Deny bad habits it is necessary gradually, using any convenient method.
  • By limiting salt intake during meals, the patient corrects the level of fluid in the body, due to which the kidneys and the cardiovascular system has the ability to function without additional stress, which normalizes blood pressure.
  • To improve the condition, it is recommended to walk and swim more often; physiotherapy. It is important that physical activity is constant, but light. Excessive physical activity can adversely affect your health, so it is recommended to exercise a little every day and avoid unnecessary stress on the body.

If there is no result after non-drug treatment, the doctor prescribes diuretics, ACE inhibitors, calcium antagonists, sartans, beta blockers. For better effect drugs are combined.

Thus, hypertension differs from essential hypertension in that it is not considered an independent disease, but can be accompanied by a persistent and prolonged increase in blood pressure

If I diagnose arterial hypertension, the first thing I do is treat primary disease. Hypertension is capable of changing blood pressure with the help of a certain emotional state And physical activity. Learn more about the treatment and types of hypertension in the video in this article.

Enter your pressure

Latest discussions.

Increased blood pressure is becoming an increasingly common pathology, occurring not only in older people, but also in young people. The danger of this disease lies in the frequent absence of signs of pathology in the early stages, and in the development of consequences or complications. Early detection hypertension or hypertension can prevent the development of such serious illnesses, like stroke, heart attack and many others. So what is the difference between hypertension and hypertension?

Hypertension or hypertension?

From the point of view of traditional definitions, hypertension is an increase in tone, and hypertension is an increase in pressure. The term hypertension is more correctly used when defining increased tone a non-hollow organ, such as a muscle. Hypertension indicates increased pressure of fluids, such as blood or lymph.

However, both terms, hypertension and hypertension, are used in medical practice, as a designation for a condition associated with increased blood pressure.

It is a disease whose main characteristic symptom which is hypertension, that is, increased blood pressure. Hypertension can be called primary arterial hypertension.

The causes of hypertension can be various factors associated with:

  • the presence of an obstruction to blood flow, which may occur due to increased tone of small arteries caused by prolonged psycho-emotional stress;
  • an increase in the amount of sodium in the bloodstream, resulting from increased salt consumption;
  • increased nutrition, the consequence of which is obesity;
  • prolonged exposure to stressful situations;
  • predominance sedentary image life, especially for men;
  • smoking.

Most often plays a role hereditary predisposition and the combined effect of several factors.


Unlike hypertension, hypertension is secondary pathology, that is, this is one of the symptoms of the underlying disease.

The causes of secondary arterial hypertension may be:

  • diseases of the peripheral and central nervous system, such as tumors;
  • pathology of the heart, great vessels, for example, heart defects;
  • various endocrine diseases, for example, when the adrenal glands are involved;
  • kidney diseases: urolithiasis, chronic renal failure and others;
  • reception medicines, such as glucocorticosteroids, adrenomimetics and others.

Differences in clinical manifestations

Arterial hypertension and essential hypertension should be distinguished by a number of features, thanks to which a medical specialist can assume the presence of this particular disease.

Primary arterial hypertension is characterized by a stable increase in blood pressure, the numbers of which rarely reach large values. However, after the pressure rises, it does not decrease on its own, so it is necessary to take antihypertensive drugs, selected by the doctor after examination.

Main symptoms:

  • headaches of varying intensity and character, often observant patients know what kind of pain they have when their blood pressure rises;
  • dizziness, especially often occurring along with headache, after a provoking factor;
  • weakness, irritability, fatigue;
  • cloudiness in the eyes, flickering of spots is a consequence of vascular disorders;
  • tinnitus, nausea.

Sometimes it happens that hypertension does not manifest itself for a long time; it is diagnosed thanks to a routine examination.


Secondary arterial hypertension is one of the most frequent illnesses in the world, it accounts for 95% of all cases of high blood pressure. Hypertension does not depend on physical activity, pressure figures reach high values, often systolic pressure is more than 200 mm Hg. Art.

Main manifestations:

  • headache, which is an intermittent symptom;
  • dizziness, fainting;
  • facial redness associated with the reaction of superficial small vessels to increased pressure;
  • symptoms characteristic of the underlying disease.

Diagnosing secondary hypertension and identifying its cause is not difficult when the underlying disease is already known. If you do not treat the disease that causes hypertension, then antihypertensive therapy often does not bring results.

Diagnostic measures

Hypertension and hypertension, the differences of which are obvious, are detected using the same research protocols. This is due to the fact that a conclusion about primary hypertension can only be made in the absence of any pathology that caused an increase in pressure.

To do this, it is necessary to conduct a number of studies, such as:

Laboratory tests:

  • general clinical blood and urine tests;
  • blood chemistry;
  • blood test for thyroid hormones, sex hormones;
  • urine analysis according to Nechiporenko;
  • lipidogram.

Instrumental diagnostics:

  • electrocardiogram;
  • Ultrasound abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space, pelvis, thyroid gland, central and peripheral vessels;
  • Echo-CG;
  • and blood pressure;
  • methods for studying renal blood flow, rheoencephalography;
  • CT scan of the brain.

Based on the results of each study, the doctor can recommend other clarifying diagnostic methods and consultation with related specialists, for example, a nephrologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist, neurologist, angiosurgeon and others.

Taking medications to lower blood pressure is recommended only when the increase is pathological character. A single recorded pressure above 139/89 mm Hg. Art. is a reason to re-measure blood pressure after a certain period of time. It is advisable to carry out this in conditions that are comfortable for the patient, for example, on a day off from work, every three to four hours at home, independently measure the pressure and record the numbers in a notebook. On return visit You should show the measurement results to your doctor.

Blood pressure correction is carried out to prevent consequences affecting a person’s quality of life. Regardless of the root cause of the pathology, with a long uncontrolled course, persistently elevated blood pressure has a detrimental effect on almost all organs and their functioning. The heart, kidneys, brain are primarily affected. great vessels, for example, the aorta.

Before the beginning drug therapy, it is necessary to carry out activities aimed at lifestyle, for example, establishing a regular physical activity, balance the diet, gradually reduce the number of cigarettes smoked until you completely quit them and other measures.

The principles of treatment of secondary hypertension and essential hypertension will not differ in the main points, however, in the treatment of secondary hypertension, the underlying disease comes first. successful treatment is mandatory to follow medical recommendations and the patient’s patience, because it is rarely possible to select adequate therapy the first time.

All antihypertensive drugs are prescribed only by a specialist who will recommend a combination of medications to adequately normalize blood pressure in a particular patient. You should not self-medicate, because the composition of the medicine or its use can lead to a deterioration in your health.


Hypertension and hypertension should not be considered various diseases. What is the difference between them? Only in the primary factor, which served as a trigger for the development of a series pathological processes leading to increased pressure. Many patients have a combination various factors, because the human body is a harmonious system, a breakdown in one organ will lead to trouble in another, and sometimes in the whole organism.