Which apples contain the most vitamins? Useful properties of apples.

Tell us what vitamins are in apples? Even in my distant childhood, my mother always said that these fruits are the healthiest. Apples were always on our table, and real, homemade ones, since we picked them in our garden. I read that fruits contain a lot of useful substances. It would be interesting to know which vitamin they contain the most.

Much has been said and written about the benefits of apples, and their popularity is well deserved. What other fruits can you eat? all year round without doubting their quality? Of course, there are a lot of imported apples on supermarket shelves, but why are ours any worse? Fragrant, juicy, crispy and at the same time low-calorie - this is a real vitamin bomb! At proper storage they are able to last until the next harvest without losing their taste and nutritional qualities. Why are these fruits so beneficial, and what vitamins are in apples?

The effect of apples on the human body

Undoubtedly nai great benefit apples are brought in in winter, when in force natural causes vitamin diet limited. They are universal remedy from vitamin deficiency, and also strengthen the body as a whole. Regular use These fruits, rich in fiber, will normalize digestion and reduce cholesterol. In addition, the sweet pulp “launches” brain processes. And the fruits also help get rid of harmful substances– accumulated waste and toxins. They will also help with diseases of the kidneys, thyroid gland, heart and nerves.

You shouldn’t get too carried away with fruits – it’s enough to eat three pieces a day, preferably of different varieties. Moreover, this should be done a couple of hours after the main meal or half an hour before it.

What vitamins are in apples?

Apple vitamin composition varied, but most of all they contain vitamins C and PP. In addition to them, there is a whole group of vitamins B, as well as K, A and C.

Of the minerals, potassium is the predominant mineral. In second and third place are calcium and phosphorus, respectively. It also contains magnesium, sulfur, and boron.

Main share chemical composition(80%) belongs to water.

How to choose the healthiest apples?

All apples are tasty and healthy, but their composition is heterogeneous. It depends on the maturity and even the place where the crop is grown. In this regard, different types different ones predominate useful material, For example:

  • sour apples have the maximum content of “sour” vitamin C;
  • green apples are rich in iron;
  • Red apples contain a lot of glucose;
  • yellow fruits are good for vision;
  • varieties with a pronounced aroma have antimicrobial properties;
  • wild fruits have an enhanced anti-inflammatory effect.

Apples are the most common fruit in the world, they are grown on all continents, and the number of varieties numbers in the thousands. The health benefits of apples are explained by their excellent composition, which contains vitamins, minerals, and organic acids.

Apples are a hypoallergenic fruit, for this reason applesauce They are used as the first complementary foods for babies, and apple juice and compote from dried fruits, the benefits of which are known to every mother, are the first permitted baby drinks after breast milk.

Historical facts

In various cultures and eras, the apple symbolized fertility, health, and wealth. There are many tales and legends where this fruit is mentioned. Everyone knows the Ancient Greek myth about the “Apple of Discord” given by Paris to the goddess Aphrodite for her promise to help steal the beautiful Helen, as well as about the 12th labor of Hercules where we're talking about about golden fruits. Slavic legends and fairy tales also contain rejuvenating apples, and in rituals they were often used for washing.

Today, there are no legends about apples and no books are written, except perhaps culinary ones, since there are countless dishes in which this fruit is used and almost every country has its own traditional treat with apples. For example, strudel, charlotte, baked goose with apples, in caramel, as well as drinks such as cider, grappa, apple wine, or just juice.

Biochemical composition

The benefits of apples for the human body are associated with their composition, rich in fiber, pectin and minerals.

The nutritional value

Despite their high sugar content, these fruits are dietary product, since it consists of 80% water. The average calorie content of 100 grams of product is 47 kcal, which the body receives from the following substances:

per 100 grams of product nutrient content g
Squirrels 0.4
Fats 0.4
Carbohydrates 9.8
Alimentary fiber 1.8
Organic acids 0.8
Water 85.7
Unsaturated fatty acid 0.1
Saturated fatty acids 0.1
Sugar 9
Starch 0.8
Ash 0.5


What vitamins are contained in apples, see the table:

per 100 grams of product vitamin content mg
Vitamin A 0.005
Vitamin B1 0.03
Vitamin B2 0.02
Vitamin B5 0.07
Vitamin B6 0.08
Vitamin B9 0.002
Vitamin C 10
Vitamin E 0.0002
Vitamin K 0.002
Vitamin PP 0.3


What minerals are in apples, see the table:

per 100 grams of product mineral content mg
Calcium 16
Potassium 278
Iron 2.5
Zinc 0.15
Magnesium 9
Phosphorus 11
Sulfur 5
Chlorine 2
Bor 0.25

Benefit for health

Nutritionists recommend eating one fresh apple daily for health, thereby covering 20% daily requirement body in vitamins and minerals. Baked in the oven without pits, soaked, dried or compote, they are also healthy for humans.

Healing properties:

  • Green apples are good for diabetics as they reduce and normalize blood sugar levels.
  • They give strength and strengthen the immune system, and in combination with honey their beneficial properties are doubled.
  • Reduce blood cholesterol levels, normalize arterial pressure, normalize the permeability of vascular walls. Rich in fiber, they improve intestinal function and eliminate constipation.
  • The content of chlorogenic acid improves liver function and clears the ducts of stagnant bile.
  • are contained in significant quantities and help the body cope with a number of diseases, for example, iron prevents the development of anemia, iodine as a disease prevention thyroid gland, as well as potassium and magnesium, normalize metabolic processes in the body and help resist stress. It is recommended to regularly bake the fruit in the oven or from dried fruits cook and drink compote.
  • Tannins contained in skins are a good preventive measure urolithiasis, and also strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  • A number of nutritionists recommend eating the fruit, including the entire seed pod and seeds. This is due to the fact that the bones contain vitamin B17 amygdalin, which helps prevent cancer diseases. Although some experts question these properties of the bone, arguing that such an “anti-cancer” effect has no scientific basis.
  • Juicy and crispy fruits promote quick saturation, cleanse the body of toxins and normalize metabolism. It is useful to do apple fasting days 2 – 3 times a month.

Apples are useful not only in their raw form, they can be used to prepare a lot of dishes, as well as preparations. For example, dried fruits will help you out in winter - both adults and children love the tasty and healthy compote. However, you should not overuse these fruits, because along with their beneficial properties, they can cause some harm and also have some contraindications. Thus, green fruits are harmful to the body when increased acidity.

Nutritionists also note that the product in its raw form is harmful at night, as it gives vigor and does not at all contribute to restful sleep.

Baked apples

In a number of diets, during the rehabilitation period, with intestinal infections and gastritis, doctors recommend including baked fruits or compote in the menu, the benefits of which lie in their good digestibility and the energy they give to the body, since they contain pectin. In this form, the fruit does not irritate the mucous membrane and is quickly digested, absorbed almost completely.

And also for babies under one year old, it is preferable to cook baked apples in the oven, since fresh ones can be harmful with a large amount of ascorbic acid, which irritates the gastric mucosa. It is worth giving preference to green and yellow varieties, as red ones can cause allergies.

Pickled apples

Soaked apples are not only not harmful, but very healthy. Special way preparing fruit for the winter - soaking in oak tubs, with the addition of forest berries and leaves gives a specific taste and aroma. Soaked fruits retain for a long time almost all the beneficial substances characteristic of fresh ones, and in the process of their preparation they produce tannin, which promotes the removal of stones, which is a preventative against periodontal disease.

Compote from dried fruits

Dried fruits in addition to excellent taste qualities They can also bring great benefits to human health; a decoction of dried fruits (compote) strengthens the immune system. Dried fruit contains almost all the vitamins found in fresh apples. For example, dried fruit compote is prescribed for atherosclerosis, as well as for constipation. Compote from dried fruit is harmful if you have stomach problems.

Apples are healthy and tasty fruit, and most importantly, it grows in our own country, which means it is more accessible, and at the same time contains even more vitamins and minerals than, for example, exotic, more expensive citrus fruits.

Apple beneficial properties

Central Asia is considered the native continent of the wild apple tree. From there came all the varieties that are known to us today. There are about 7,500 varieties of apple trees around the world, adapted to different climatic conditions. They are eaten, used in cooking and cosmetology. They are also included in most diets due to their low calorie content.

80% of this fruit consists of water, and 20% of useful elements, such as boron, phosphorus, zinc, organic acids, iron, calcium, sulfur, magnesium, selenium, folate, chlorine, potassium, fiber. The vitamins contained in an apple are: A, E, B1, B6, PP, C.

Their quantity depends on storage and growing conditions, as well as on the type, maturity and even color:

  • a sour apple is more saturated with vitamin C;
  • wild-growing ones have more anti-inflammatory and pectin elements, starch, fiber;
  • green ones have more iron than red ones, but they contain less starch.

An apple grown in season and picked from a tree will bring much greater benefits than a stale winter apple or a store-bought one.

Apple beneficial properties. The effect of vitamins and elements on diseases

An apple saturates our body with fiber, and the minerals and dietary fiber it contains are an indispensable storehouse of beneficial elements for the body.

What vitamin in an apple will protect you from disease?

The main feature that an apple has is its saturation with vitamin C, which not only affects immune system, but also strengthens blood vessels, making them impenetrable to toxins. This will help restore the body after severe illnesses.

In addition, it improves overall well-being, regenerates cells and increases their tone. And the content of phytoncides (natural antibiotics) makes fruits an indispensable prophylactic against diseases such as influenza, dysentery, Staphylococcus aureus.

The apple itself does not contain any antiviral enzymes. The composition can affect the strengthening of the walls of blood vessels and help the body reject toxins and remove them.

Tannins and digestion

To help ascorbic acid Tannins also come in, which strengthen the blood vessels even more. So a couple of fruits a day is good preventive measure from a cold.

These substances, together with acids (citric, malic, tartaric), help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system generally. They prevent constipation, increase appetite, improve digestion and intestinal microflora, and remove toxins.

Due to these beneficial properties, apples are recommended to be eaten:

  • To combat indigestion and congestion in the intestines, eat a couple of sour apples every morning on an empty stomach. For stable stomach function, it is advisable to do a fasting day, eating only an apple once every three weeks.
  • With obstipation - low acidity, every day you need to drink 2 tbsp. juice from sour apples.
  • With increased acidity, inflammation of the gastric mucosa, as well as peptic ulcer Duodenum - 1.5 hours before meals you should eat a sweet apple.
  • Baked - indispensable for those suffering from high acidity gastric juice and heartburn.

Potassium and urolithiasis

An apple rich in potassium and tannins will help with urolithiasis and gout. This occurs due to the fact that these substances do not allow salts uric acid precipitate.

At frequent use of these fruits (one apple a day) you can forget about urolithiasis (it is detected by urine analysis and the presence in it high content salts).

Potassium and gallstone disease

Due to the fact that apples have choleretic effect(since they have eleven times more potassium than sodium), they contribute to the prevention and treatment of cholelithiasis and prevent the appearance of cholecystitis in the blood.

Iron and anemia

Antioxidants and the cardiovascular system

Apple has a diuretic effect, which will help relieve swelling during pregnancy and diseases of the vascular system. It makes them an indispensable assistant during treatment arterial hypertension, heart failure and atherosclerosis.

This fruit strengthens the cardiovascular system due to the action of antioxidants and will help cope with a heart attack.

  • the risk of heart disease will be reduced by two Antonovka apples eaten an hour before breakfast;
  • will help with hypertension fasting days(two kg of apples in six doses per day);
  • Three apples a day will replace tablets with antioxidants or multivitamins.

Pectin and cholesterol

Pectin improves the condition of teeth. Due to its bactericidal properties, it cleans plaque on enamel and carries out sanitation. oral cavity. A chewing thoroughly acts as a massage for the gums, improving blood circulation. Therefore, the beneficial properties of apples are recommended for use in diseases of the oral cavity.

  • 4 fruits help normalize cholesterol levels in the liver;
  • 10 grams of fiber (0.5 product with skin) reduces cholesterol in the body by 19%, five cups of green tea and one onion will help enhance this effect;
  • An apple can be used instead of toothpaste, eaten after the main meal, and the acids destroy up to 97% of bacteria.

Iodine and the thyroid gland

Endocrinologists recommend apples as prophylactic from thyroid diseases, as they contain a high iodine content. For diseases endocrine system It is advised to take crushed seeds, not fruit pulp. Six seeds contain the daily requirement of iodine and have a pleasant bitter taste.

Apple is not only a tasty and affordable fruit, but also a popular dietary product.

It contains a fairly large amount of substances beneficial to the body, which enhance metabolic processes in the body, saturate it with vitamins and minerals, which has a positive effect on the functioning of all organs and systems of the body.

So what exactly are the vitamins that apples are rich in? Let's look at this using a table as an example.

Vitamins contained in apples (per 100 grams of pulp)

It is worth noting that different varieties of apples contain different amounts of vitamins. Sour apples are considered the healthiest, as they contain the highest amount of vitamins.. Red fruits contain more sugar, but they have fewer vitamins.

Green apples are considered the healthiest; their peel contains a lot of fiber, so it is better to eat them unpeeled. The high content of vitamins and iron compensates for the lack of sugar in these fruits.

What about daily norm?

Just 2 juicy apples can provide the body’s daily need for ascorbic acid.

Green fruits with sourness contain a large amount of vitamin C. One large apple contains approximately 50 mg. The vitamin H content in the fruit is only 1/5 of the daily requirement. Vitamins of group B, and in particular B1 and B2, will cover the daily need for them by only 1/7. But there are much less other B vitamins in an apple.

Red apples contain a quarter less vitamins, but this type of fruit will delight you with its bright and sweet taste. They can be consumed without restrictions, the gastric mucosa will not be damaged.

In what form are apples healthier?

Apples are used in cooking to prepare many different dishes: salads, side dishes, used as a filling for baked goods, baked with nuts and honey. They are used to make jam and marmalade, mousses, marmalade, and compotes. But still large quantity vitamins are preserved in apples in dried, baked form, as well as in freshly squeezed apple juice.


Due to the high content of pectin in this fruit, the body is quickly satiated, fresh apples beneficial effect on intestinal motility, cleansing it of harmful substances. Eating fresh fruits will have a positive effect on your skin, your complexion will improve, and you will become healthier. In addition, pectin is able to remove excess cholesterol accumulated in the liver.


Such apples are digested much better than raw ones. During baking, a significant amount of vitamins is destroyed, so apples become less healthy. Baked apples cope well with constipation, dysbiosis, various intestinal diseases, hepatitis and chronic pancreatitis. This product carefully restores the functioning of the digestive system after surgical intervention V abdominal cavity. Baked apples will be wonderful remedy against cough

Pectin removes breakdown products of used medications.


Dried fruits contain a lot of iron, carbohydrates and fiber, but destroyed during drying. Dried apples are recommended to be consumed as a source of carbohydrates; the caloric content of such a product is 6 times higher than in fresh fruits.


The juice will help improve the functioning of not only the digestive system, but also the genitourinary system.

Jam, jam, marmalade

During heat treatment, about 30% of the vitamins contained in fresh fruit. But there is a sufficient amount of fiber and pectin in jam and marmalade. It is these substances that can reduce the level bad cholesterol, will improve the digestive process.

Combination of apple with other products

Apples go well with sweet and sour fruits, as well as fermented milk products.

You can also combine them with olives, sour cream, fresh herbs and foods containing protein (cottage cheese, nuts, cheese). Can cook variety of salads based on these components.

But the combination of an apple with protein products of animal origin (meat, fish, eggs), as well as legumes and mushrooms is undesirable and harmful to the body. This is explained at different speeds digestion of such products.

Nutritional value of apples, as well as the content of trace elements in them

Apples contain a huge amount of fiber, dietary fiber and water. In addition, this fruit is low-calorie, it can be included in both health-improving and dietary menus.

Apples contain large amounts of the microelement iodine. That's why Eating apples will be an excellent preventive measure against various endocrine diseases . The iodine content in the seeds is high, so it is recommended to eat the apple with them.

The nutritional value Quantity (g)
Squirrels 0,4
Fats 0,4
Carbohydrates 9,8
Fatty acid 0,2
Water 86,3
Starchy substances 0,8
Organic acids 0,8
Fibers 1,8
Ash 0,5
Mono- and disaccharides 9
Calorie content of fruit - 47 kcal
Microelements Amount (mg)
Fe 2,2
Zn 0,15
I 0,002
Cu 0,11
Mn 0,047
Se 0,0003
Cr 0,004
F 0,008
Mo 0,006
B 0,245
V 0,004
Co 0,001
Al 0,11
Ni 0,017
Rb 0,063

The benefits of apples

Apples in children's diet

It is not for nothing that apples are used as the first complementary food product. After all, this fruit will be able to improve the functioning of the intestines and cleanse the child’s body of harmful substances. This effect of the apple is explained by the presence of fiber in it.

Beneficial properties of apples for adults

First of all, apples are a source of vitamins and microelements. This fruit protects the lungs from harmful impurities in the air, as well as tobacco smoke, as it contains antioxidants. Pectins promote the active secretion of bile and reduce cholesterol levels, which ensures the health of blood vessels and the heart. Apple juice will be especially useful for low acidity and constipation. The juice of this fruit has an antimicrobial effect; it kills the pathogens of dysentery and staphylococcus.

For the elderly

Very often, older people suffer from constipation, so apples will help solve this problem. To do this, you need to eat a boiled apple with milk for breakfast. Regular Eating apples will help maintain dental health even in old age..

Apples for pregnant women

Eating sweet and sour fruit will protect expectant mother against anemia, as it contains a large amount of iron.

Apples also have a diuretic effect, which will help prevent swelling.

You should eat apples daily to protect your unborn child from dermatitis, allergies and asthma.

Apples can be consumed not only to prevent many diseases, but also to treat them. Some diseases can be cured by eating this fruit:

  • anemia (apples will increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood due to their significant iron content);
  • cardiovascular diseases (this fruit reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels);
  • rheumatism (the benefit of apples for this disease is to speed up the healing process);
  • night blindness (apples can improve vision);
  • dysentery (recovery occurs due to antimicrobial action fruit).


Apple seeds should also be consumed with caution. A small amount of them will only benefit the body, since the seeds are a source of iodine. And here overuse can cause harm, because they contain hydrocyanic acid - a strong poison.

Why are these fruits considered so healthy? What vitamins are contained in apples? It is this topic that we dedicate our today's review.

Why was the “most beautiful of the beautiful” Aphrodite given an apple? Is it really possible that ancient Greece nothing else grew? One theory says: it was the most revered (and rare at that time!) fruit. In Rus', at one time, a guy who wanted to propose to a young lady solemnly handed her a huge red apple. Even now, some Indian and South American religious denominations worship apples. And in some places they are called a symbol of life, hinting at the fall of Adam and Eve.

Vitamins contained in apple

Let's try to list the vitamins contained in an apple, because out of 15 it is vital necessary for a person There are as many as 12 of them. Almost the entire set!

However, we will consider only those vitamins that are most abundant:

  1. It’s not for nothing that it’s in first place on the list: a pair of green “sevens” will fully provide it daily norm. Immunity, blood vessels, nervous and cardiovascular system, - the body simply needs it!
  2. B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B9, more about them) fight depression and stress, supporting the central nervous system. They also break down fats and carbohydrates, heal chapped mucous membranes (sticking on the lips, for example, is caused precisely by a lack of these vitamins), fight oily hair, delay the occurrence of irreversible age-related changes on the face and body;
  3. Vitamin P (rutin) promotes normal state blood vessels - its lack provokes varicose veins veins and capillary fragility.

    Did you know?
    Determining whether the aromatic fruits you bought have enough vitamin P is very simple: it is its presence that provokes the darkening of the cut. If the flesh of apple slices quickly turns brown and becomes slightly tart in taste, you can be sure: they contain vitamin P, as well as tannins, which ensure better absorption. Do you want to add such fruits to your salad, but are you worried that after a while it will look unaesthetic? Sprinkle the freshly cut pieces with a weak solution of lemon juice.

  4. Vitamin H (biotin) is a component necessary in the formation of regulating carbohydrate and protein metabolism enzymes. Indirectly participates in the synthesis of DNA and RNA.

And yet, how many vitamins are in one apple?

Before you find out how many vitamins are in one apple, take a look at its color. Red or green? The first one is sweeter. The second is more useful.

Green apples with sourness can boast high content vitamin C - in the large “seven” there is about 50 mg of it - as well as iron. A couple of juicy fruits will more than provide a person’s daily requirement of ascorbic acid, but the biotin (vitamin H) in an apple is 1/5 of the daily requirement. Vitamins B1 and B2 are approximately 1/7, and all other B vitamins are even smaller. Still, you won’t be able to eat apples alone!

Red apples have a quarter less nutritional value, but they are much sweeter and more tender - such fruits can be eaten in almost unlimited quantities and without worrying about the stomach lining. Although it is better for those suffering from ulcers to consume them baked. And those prone to allergic reactions- exercise caution.

Did you know?

  • A magical set of apple benefits can help in the fight against smoking! For this purpose, you need to eat only these fruits (of any color) for 4 days and green tea, slightly sweetened with a spoon of honey. Questionable recipe? Try it anyway! It certainly won’t do any harm; on the contrary, the body will be cleansed and the figure will become slimmer.
  • Just one large apple, eaten early in the morning, can replace a cup of coffee. Their tonic and invigorating effect is approximately the same, the main thing is to overcome the habit!

What are the benefits of apples?

What are the benefits of apples and why are they called “fruits of beauty”? Let's try to guess! It won't be difficult, because we already know something.

They stimulate the appetite, delight the eye and sense of smell, promote digestion, help the kidneys work, providing a slight diuretic effect, are effective against hypertension, the pectin contained in them magically affects peristalsis and removes cholesterol - is this really not enough? The choleretic properties of apples favor the functioning of the liver; the easily digestible sugars in them do not interfere with the pancreas at all, allowing you to absorb the magical fruits in almost any quantity. When eating them, remember about the seeds: only four pieces contain the daily requirement of iodine.

But healing apples also help regulate blood sugar levels and promote work lymphatic system and give you the opportunity to lose weight. The video we have proposed will tell you not only what vitamins are contained in apples, but also (by the way!) about the apple diet.