What city should an Aquarius live in? Ideal place to live according to your zodiac sign

Greetings, dear MK moms!

Today I want to talk to you about an astrological topic. For those mothers who don’t know me yet, I’ll introduce myself: my name is Anzhelika Zhuravskaya, I’m a lot interested in astrology, philosophy and psychology.

For the last 9 years, my main area of ​​interest has been astrology. I even became an astrologer to plunge headlong into this abyss of knowledge. You can get to know me better.

Today I would like to discuss with you one simple question: DO YOU NEED TO LIVE ACCORDING TO YOUR HOROSCOPE???? Or is it better not to bother?

For those who don’t really know what a horoscope is, here’s a little introductory material: http://www.astrodata.lv/yourgoroskop.html

To make it easier for us to communicate today, I’ll start with my own example.

Even though I am an astrologer, I live by 50 percent of my horoscope. Naturally, my horoscope, like a multiplication table, has been “sitting” in my head for many years. And even if I don’t think about it, I can “connect” to it at any time and anywhere.

For example, I’m riding on a bus and thinking: maybe I should try to get involved in charity work? Will it work?

So what happens next? And then I simply begin to remember my horoscope and exactly those zones, segments and astrological indicators that could indicate or refute my desire to rush to help those in need. And thus I still live according to the horoscope.

But to say that I fanatically watch every day and check my every step with the horoscope - well, no. I like to LIVE, which means being a little adventurous. Therefore, I do not live 100% according to the horoscope.

However, the most important decisions In my life I still look at the horoscope. So, for example, I was looking for a second husband)

Thanks everyone for the discussion!


astrologer Anzhelika Zhuravskaya

Astrology is one of the exact sciences, which turns into inaccurate sciences due to the characteristics of the human brain, both those giving advice and those receiving it. In this regard, you, Angelica, are a proven person who minimizes deviations on the advisory side 😀)

Now the sketch of the future is very relevant for me, since a complex issue needs to be resolved. I’ve been stalling for 2 years, under both temporary and financial restrictions, and I’m very tired of it. I’m tossing around the choice of whether to look for another permanent job “for my uncle”, or to continue free flight, or even if it’s time to go on maternity leave...

I have never done a horoscope, because... No matter how hard I try, something always happens that prevents me from doing it. That's why I'm not trying anymore. And if I did, then most likely, like many, I would remember the horoscope after the event, because... as already mentioned, you still need to correctly understand what it’s about, and an accurate and undeniable understanding, as I understand, especially after Tina’s example, can only come after the event.🌷

one example from my horoscope - on a certain date, there will be some kind of official celebration, something official, and a meeting with older relatives, acquaintances, a pleasant meeting. Peace within..
I kept waiting for something like this to happen.
And that day we buried my grandmother.. But really - officially, and meeting people whom she had not seen since childhood - relatives, and calmness - perhaps because it was all over, she was very sick.

But I was expecting some kind of pleasant event, but it turned out to be not very good.

Angelica, in my horoscope for a couple of years, the planets are stacked in such a way that there is a possibility of a car accident. This is what I remember very clearly often, but it’s good that I know this - I’ll be careful. And if I didn’t know, I might not have been careful. Therefore, a horoscope is a necessary thing! 👍👍

I’ve already done my annual horoscope twice, but I can’t say that I live by it.
My horoscope is recorded on audio (the astrologer recorded it himself), you can listen to it every day, but for 2 hours, it’s kind of lazy 😀) so I listened to it 3 times a year 😀

To be honest, I don’t remember dates and events, but I only understand that they are coming true when I listened to the horoscope a couple of times, that is, I listened to it over the past time..

Soon my annual horoscope will end, I will do it again. Why? Don't know.

My husband does this to calm down. When he has problems in business, then in the horoscope he listens to what will happen ahead, what will be good, and he easily overcomes any problems.
HE needs a horoscope to calm him down.

And for me, just like that.. 😉

Yes, I remember the situation with your sister. To live or not to live according to a horoscope is everyone’s personal choice. Even before studying astrology, I realized that the most valuable thing in our life is the right information at the right time and in the right place. And what to do with it - everyone decides for himself. Yes, in December, perhaps I will be a little freer. And in February the second part of the project will begin again and I will be like a squirrel in a wheel.😉

Angelica, thank you very much, of course, for the invitation! But unfortunately, I work until 18..☹And if personally, everyone has their own price, of course, but for me, where can I find out your price? Just in case.. What if I decide and I’ll make an appointment with you to draw up a personal...😀

I ordered a horoscope for my sister in February.... I’m still impressed... looking at her from the outside and reading the horoscope... I see that she is 100%... about life according to the horoscope... specifically does not follow it ...but of course something echoes whether you like it or not...
I’m also already ready for the horoscope... I want it for a year... but for now I see that you are very busy... I hope I’ll order in December (I’ll just have the money)... I hope everything works out for us

And you come today at 18:15 to our seminar about horoscopes. Address: Merkel 11, 3rd floor, room 315A, ASTRODATA. The seminar costs 5 Ls, but I personally invite you for free since you want, but you value a full consultation. The seminar will be led by me and my colleague. See if everything is wrong with you. Compare and then tell us on MK😉😉

Unfortunately, for financial reasons I’m postponing my personal horoscope for now. But what I received in the form of general outlines of my daughter’s behavior and development very accurately conveys what is happening in real life. As for believing in horoscopes as such, I believe that they provide direction. In a situation where, like now, when I don’t know where to move, I would definitely listen

I may believe in horoscopes, but I’ve never cast one professionally in my life. To live by it... Well, I think it’s as if you lived by what a fortune teller told you. I don’t think it will be correctly compiled, with Something seems wrong to me, the tarot cards (which usually lie correctly and correctly) in my face were not obeyed at all. Therefore, as if to guess, well, I think the tarot reader is at the level, but as cards he has stars, I don’t risk going. Although if I won, I would go, just for fun! But this is still a rather expensive pleasure for me. And if I also live by this...

Irina, I agree with you: astrology is a “little thing”, and it’s really important not to get stuck in the horoscope. There are so many nuances that sometimes even doubts arise: is it even possible for a mere mortal to understand what exactly a horoscope hides. This is why you cannot live 100% according to your horoscope. I, too, have observed many times how life turns out to be more cunning than the astrologer’s brain. For example, my youngest child is going to a competition, and he is 9 years old. I look at the horoscope and see: there is no victory, but there are injuries. I tell my dad: there’s no need to go, he might get hurt, they’ll beat him. But in fact, already from the beginning of the competition, our kid dropped out due to a weak result and no one beat him. But at the end of the day, he tripped over some wire in the gym and broke his lip until it bled. It’s both painful and offensive, but not quite in the way I expected. And this “not quite true” is present in forecasts very often. Therefore, you don’t need to believe them 100%. 😀

Good day, Olesya! I really remember our conversations with you about your career. Somehow these topics remained in my memory. I remember that then you had the 12th cycle, which gave your career a powerful boost. The good news is that you will soon be able to rest. I can’t guarantee about the fireplace and embroidery, but always 3-4 years after such a strong takeoff there is a quality rest, rethinking and new stage, but already harmonious and for the family 😀 you deserve it 😀

Which country is better for me to live in? Or which countries suit you according to your zodiac sign.

Vedic Astrology - Jyotish, in addition to the basic characteristics of a person's horoscope such as character, studies and talents, personal and family life, purpose also describes such an interesting factor as a place on the planet to live where a person will feel comfortable and at ease.

This can be considered in different ways:

By rising sign zodiac in the chart (attention: the calculated sign according to Jyotish differs from the “newspaper versions”,)

by Nakshatras (there are 27 of them in Vedic astrology)

by strongest planet in the chart

or by the combination of these factors when considering full horoscope astrologer.

Of course, many received this experience spontaneously, having emigrated to another country, while others, having moved, received a lot of negativity, although there were no prerequisites for this. Living for a long time in Germany, and while consulting people, I heard a lot of complaints from immigrants living in Europe about how they failed to adapt here and how wonderful life was near Aktobe, although this did not correspond to common sense. And when consulting residents of the CIS, I often hear about how they would like to live in Europe or simply “abroad.” Of course, the point here is not the circumstances that all these people describe, but what strong energy of the planet and sign influences human destiny, creates an attraction in one direction or another, and whether after the move there will be success or whether fate may turn out even more difficult.

For example, strong influence Saturn is the West, therefore, moving to the West, a person with a strong Saturn will feel attuned to this planet and the harmony that arises in life. This happened to me, I always wanted to travel and did it as best I could, and the influence of my Saturn helped in this and in accordance with my Zodiac sign Aries, I ended up in Germany. At first I thought about going back, where everything was clear and decided. But having felt the energy of the country, he stayed forever. Despite the fact that at first I associated this with high social support and the possibility of growth and, of course, the absence of the oppressive stress factor that permeates the post-Soviet space, my horoscope, nevertheless, worked.

It may seem that everything in life is predetermined by our horoscope, but ancient astrological texts describe that the predetermination of events constitutes only 80% of the horoscope, and 20% remains for free choice person. This is where man differs from the animal world. When choosing the path to harmonize the horoscope, we can use the practices of meditation, yoga, studying astrology and developing our consciousness. This will always help you make the right choice.

Another deeper understanding and meaning in life that I try to share with others is the principle: “It’s good - where I am,” that is, the disclosure of the higher self, gives much more harmony and happiness than trying to look for the country “where there is happiness” , it is enough to understand your goals in life and determine your priorities, how everything else will fall into place and the choice will determine where, in the end you will come to your happiness and fulfillment or get new opportunity start over again.

In any case, you can use all the tools to achieve your goal and understand where it is better to live, whoever is interested in how, is always happy to share his experience. And now you can look at your sign and think about whether I live there and where it’s better to live, I remind you once again that the zodiac sign here is not considered a “newspaper” sign, but a calculated one,

Countries of the World and Dominant Signs

Ptolemy, who is considered the father of Western Astrology, divided the entire world into various signs. This list was subsequently modified by other astrologers and forms the basis of the predictions. The distribution of countries according to Ptolemy's signs in the 2nd century AD in one degree or another resembled the Nirayana system, since Ayanamsha in that period was at one or one and a half degrees.

Varahamihira devotes two chapters on the assignment of constellations to various regions of India and some neighboring countries. They were assigned on the basis of Nakshatras or constellations, which to this day have power in one degree or another. This is also based on the Nirayana system. The pattern on which they were divided is known as the Kurma Chakra, which is described in a separate chapter.

Below is the traditional distribution of countries by sign:

1. Aries (Mesha): England (UK), France, Switzerland, Germany,

Denmark, Syria, Part of Poland, Japan, Palestine, Lebanon.

Cities: Birmingham, Marseille, Florence, Verona and Naples.

2. Taurus (Vrishabha): Ireland, parts of Switzerland, Holland, Iran, southern Russia, Cyprus, parts of Poland, Greece, Georgia, the Netherlands.

Cities: Dublin, Leipzig, and St. Louis

3. Gemini (Mithuna): USA, Canada, southwest England, Belgium, Italy, Wales, Lower Egypt, Armenia, Sardinia.

Cities: London, Versailles, Melbourne, Plymouth, and San Francisco, Hampton, Wolver.

4. Cancer (Karka): some parts of Holland, Scotland, New Zealand, Paraguay, Northern and West Africa, Mauritius.

Cities: New York, Algiers, Tunisia, Venice, Manchester, Genoa and Amsterdam.

5. Leo (Simcha): Italy, part of France, Sicily, Bohemia, Northern Romania.

Cities: Mumbai, Chicago, Damascus, Bristol, and Philadelphia, Blackpool (Note: some ancient texts attribute the Pisces rush to the city of Mumbai)

6. Virgo (Kanya): Turkey, Brazil, West Indies, Greece, Mesopotamia from Tigris to Euphrates, California, some part of India.

Cities: Paris, Lyon, Jerusalem and Los Angeles

7. Libra (Tula): Austria, Indochina, Tibet, upper Egypt, Northern China, Japan, Argentina, Burma, Alaska, parts of India, Portugal.

Cities: Frankfurt, Sheffield, Lisbon, Antwerp, Charleston, Vienna,


8. Scorpio (Vrishchika): Norway, Bavaria, Algeria, Northern Syria, Sweden, Brazil, Fez (Morocco).

Cities: Washington, Dover, Liverpool and Baltimore, Cincinnati (USA), Halifax (Canada).

9. Sagittarius (Dhanu): Spain, Saudi Arabia, Hungary, Madagascar, Australia.

Cities: Cologne, Toledo, Sheffield, and Rothenburg, Nottingham (UK), Toronto (Canada), Bradford (UK).

10. Capricorn (Makaraa): Part of India (especially Northern India), Punjab, Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Greece, Mexico, part of Iran, Afghanistan, Bangladesh.

Cities: Oxford, Brussels, Brandenburg.

11. Aquarius (Kumbha): Russia, Sweden, some part of Arabia, lower Sudan, part of Poland, Libya.

Cities: Brighton, Hamburg and Bremen, Salisbury (Rhodesia).

12. Pisces (Mina): Portugal (Germany), Egypt, Norway, Normandy, Sahara Desert.

Cities: Alexandria, Lancaster, Southport and Preston.

It should be noted that a country as a whole may have one dominant sign, however different signs govern different regions of the same country. 

For those who want to understand this in more detail, a question about a personal horoscope.

Countries are like people... Each has its own character, its own face, its own problems, a certain evolutionary task and destiny, which becomes history. Each has its own zodiac sign, its own horoscope. The relationship of a country with a sign is connected not only with the Sun in the horoscope of the state, but with geographical location this or that region of the earth, with certain nations, nationalities, state entities at the national-territorial level. In countries and peoples, you can notice the influence of one sign or another in conjunction with the influence of a planet. Therefore, you can find discrepancies in the relationship between countries and signs in different astrological texts. A country can be influenced by two or three signs, depending on the nature of the lands and ethnic groups included in it. At the same time, there is an archetypal correspondence between national psychology and a certain zodiac sign. The twelve signs of the Zodiac are twelve types of attitudes to life, twelve zodiac characters of different countries and peoples. For example, the sign of Russia, like Canada, is Aquarius, and the sign of the United States is Gemini.

Each of us has our own Zodiac sign, this is the sign where the Sun is located in our horoscope. Each has its own world, its own environment and even its own country. Of course, to determine in which country we could best realize our potential, we need to use the relocation horoscope, i.e. having built your natal horoscope to another place. We also need to determine in what place it is better for us to celebrate the upcoming birthday. individual horoscope, choosing the best place for us to meet the solarium. But this can be done at an individual astrological consultation, but what to do if there is no opportunity to consult with an astrologer?

Then you can use a general approach; it will not answer your questions about what awaits you in a new place, but will give you the opportunity to find out the consonance of your Zodiac sign with a certain country. Each sign has countries that, theoretically, suit them best. Why theoretically? Because in practice, don’t forget, all horoscopes are individual and include many factors that provide individual settings, and they can run counter to the general typology. And yet, if you don’t know where to go to have a better rest, look at which country corresponds to your zodiac sign. You can return to your astrological homeland, for starters, at least mentally. Here is the ratio of countries, national characters and signs:

Aries on the globe
In ancient times, this zodiac sign patronized Sparta. The Spartans harmoniously combined all the traits typical of those born under the sign of Aries: determination, asceticism and belligerence. Sparta's successor modern world became Germany, whose inhabitants, to a lesser extent, however, are characterized by the above qualities. This does not mean that all Aries must necessarily go for permanent residence in Germany. Aries will feel at ease in passionate Spain (Leo sign), dynamic America (Gemini sign), and in Russia (Aquarius sign). Aries will feel good. Aries also patronizes regions Southern Russia, Tatarstan, Kalmykia, Kazakhstan, Palestine, Africa, Spain, Crete, Turkey, South Africa, Mexico, Cuba, Uruguay.

Taurus on the globe
Taurus and its ruler, Venus, in astrology are associated with everything that blooms and bears fruit. Therefore, areas with rich nature are associated with it: Moldova, Bulgaria, a significant part of Ukraine. Typical Taurus people in these countries can feel quite confident. This is a very “earthly” sign, and the peoples inhabiting these countries value comfort and peace, the warmth of the hearth. Since ancient times, various types of deities have been revered here, providing protection to the home and family. Great value given to love. At the same time, Taurus is highest degree a calm and balanced sign. However, there are other places where they will be happy. These are, for example, the regions of the Virgo sign - rational to the smallest detail Switzerland and Japan, harsh and ascetic Tibet (Capricorn), and leisurely, calm Estonia and Finland (Pisces). Ukraine, Moldova, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Switzerland, partly Norway, Taiwan, Australia . Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn feel good in these countries.

Gemini on the globe
In ancient times, Greece was under the sign of Gemini, having absorbed into its culture the most diverse traditions of the civilizations that preceded it. IN this moment The USA is a similar “cosmopolitan”. Gemini also patronizes Greece, Belgium, Armenia, Italy, Yugoslavia, Korea, UAE, Singapore, Madagascar. Cheerful, friendly, somewhat carefree, optimistic, Geminis always accept their difficulties tolerantly, and if a friend gets into trouble, they will immediately provide help. The path can also be described as modern life and development of countries and peoples about which we're talking about. The desire for life support and one hundred percent functionality of everything that surrounds is the defining quality of Gemini. They also value their traditions, great attention pay attention to the rights and freedoms of people on their territory. Libra, Aquarius and Gemini themselves feel good in these countries. Fire signs Aries and Leo also do not feel any disharmony here.

Cancer on the globe
This is a sign of purity, preservation of traditions and humanism. The most striking example of a Cancer country is India, which lives a rather closed life, unlike the “twin” countries, but despite this, it also has a complex mixture of cultures. This is due to the fact that in the history of the country they did not replace each other, but overlapped one another. Cancer is also Uzbekistan, partly middle Asia, Holland, Scotland, Denmark, Canada, Paraguay, New Zealand. Cancers are individualists and often deliberately leave one or more “doors” closed in their nature. They are vulnerable, warm-hearted, kind. At the same time, if there is a danger of encroachment on their inner freedom, Cancers go on the attack. The peoples inhabiting the countries of Cancer have extremely rich internal spiritual potential. It was here that secret teachings and religions were and are being born, which then become the property of humanity. Gurus and teachers who strive to convey the truth to people find their place here. In material terms, in the countries of Cancer, both prosperity and the last degree of poverty can be manifested, but the attitude towards material property among these peoples is similar - this is not a priority area for them. Pisces, Cancers, and Scorpios need to go to the Cancer regions. “Earthly” Taurus will find useful connections and acquaintances here, Virgos will find true friends.

Lion on the globe
The Lion Country is an eternal theater, a demonstration of its color, uniqueness and beauty. A lion - strong sign, bright nature, self-sufficiency, dignity, certainty. All this is about the character of the peoples inhabiting the regions of Leo. Great importance is attached to external attributes, which are elevated to the rank of art. First of all, this is architecture. Majesty and steadfastness, solidity and strength. Public events and spectacles in which the character of the crowd appears have also long been features that characterize these countries. Such countries include Spain. A country that partly corresponds to the Leo type is also France - the “world podium”, the country creative people, and the only Western power to seriously resist the influx of American aesthetics. However, the influence of the neighboring sign, Virgo, is also noticeable in its culture. The Czech Republic, Italy, Iran, Hungary, Poland, and Brazil are also under the sign of Leo. It is pleasant for Sagittarius, Aries, and Leo to live in the Leo regions. Libra will find new friends here, and Gemini will learn a lot of interesting information.

Virgo on the globe
This sign is associated with caring for the family hearth, careful attitude towards material property, consistency, accuracy, certainty in everything, without “outbursts” and extremes. Virgos care about nature. They are inquisitive, and they value intelligence above all else. Calmness and functionality prevail in residential premises. Scrupulous, pedantic, and seeing the meaning of existence in serving one’s work, the sign of Virgo is traditionally associated with countries such as Japan and Switzerland. Under its influence are: Belarus, the Baltic states, Germany, the Czech Republic, Vietnam, Canary Islands. Taurus, Capricorn, and Virgo will find it easy to stay here. Staying in the countries of Virgo will have a beneficial effect on the well-being of Cancers and Scorpios.

Libra on the globe
Poise, grace, style - these are the main external characteristics this sign. From modern countries This image is most clearly demonstrated by England - “a country of ladies and gentlemen”, combining two such extremes as monarchy and democracy. Libra is a balanced, sophisticated, artistic sign. The aesthetic component is of great importance. Completeness of form in everything. At the same time – excellent taste, absence of “flashy” elements or pretentiousness. Strictness and certainty. All these qualities fully manifest themselves in the culture, way of life and living conditions of the peoples inhabiting the countries of Libra. Under the patronage of Libra are: Great Britain, China, Burma, Austria, France, England, Syria, Saudi Arabia. Staying in countries and cities under the influence of this sign is favorable for Libra, Gemini and Aquarius. They feel good there and fire signs– Leo and Sagittarius. It is good for Virgos to go shopping to the domain of Libra.

Scorpio on the globe
Under this sign there are “biting” countries, mainly of the Islamic trend. It is in them that there are tendencies inherent in Scorpio: the desire to suppress instincts and transform them into spirituality, isolation on one’s ideals and principles. Separately, we can highlight Iran and Afghanistan. Scorpio is a sign of extremes and contradictions. But he is extremely strong spiritually and physically. Rich historical past and present. Strength and authority are combined with nobility and the need for self-sacrifice. Pride in one’s people, a sense of belonging to a unique ethnic group. At the same time, the real property situation is not put at the forefront. The main thing is inner wealth. Emotionality, mobility, depth are the character traits of the peoples inhabiting these lands. Under its influence are Azerbaijan, Turkey, Indochina, Iran, Afghanistan, Hungary, Cuba, Iceland, Cambodia, Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia. Staying in countries and cities ruled by Scorpio is favorable for Cancers, Virgos, Capricorns, Scorpios and Pisces.

Sagittarius on the globe
Have you already noticed that Sagittarians are idealists? Such a typical idealist in literature is Don Quixote. And his homeland, Spain, is precisely under the sign of Sagittarius. You remember that the Spaniards were brave sailors and traveled, like any Sagittarius, over very long distances. The sign is very “human” - both in a positive and negative sense. Breadth of nature, desire for luxury. Conquests, expansion of borders. Philosophical depths and creative achievements. Among the “sagittarius” countries one can also name Australia, New Zealand, Hungary, Slovenia, this includes France, Poland, Yugoslavia, Brazil, Georgia, Cyprus, Portugal, China, Argentina. These countries are attractive for Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Libra, Aquarius.

Capricorn on the globe
Germany is considered one of the most conservative countries under Capricorn, its western part excluding Bavaria and the territory of the former GDR. Both Koreas and Mongolia also belong to Capricorn countries. Among the countries of the Arab world under this sign are Saudi Arabia, Scandinavia, Germany, Tibet, Nepal, Mexico, Ireland, Israel. This sign is characterized by a desire for clarity and clarity of positions, to achieve goals determined in advance, and practicality. Career growth that occurs consistently, according to a clearly verified scheme, but always according to individual laws. IN architectural features prevail classic shapes, in culture and art a lot of space is given to root traditions. In countries and cities under the influence of Capricorn, it is good to live, work and relax for Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

Aquarius on the globe
The “Aquarius” countries include Japan, Finland, Lebanon, as well as the north of the European part of Russia approximately to Tula, Canada, Sweden, Argentina, Peru, and Chile. In the character of Aquarius and the ethnic groups inhabiting their countries, internal wealth, depth, and the need for knowledge are combined with recklessness, ease, and even, to some extent, irresponsibility. Aquarians are individualists and hunters of everything new and unknown. They value community and collectivism, but feel bad when alone. At the same time, they value freedom and are very freedom-loving. This sign consists of such paradoxically combined forms of character. It is good for Aquarius, Libra, Gemini, Sagittarius and Aries to share the territory with Aquarius.

Pisces on the globe
Egypt, where people live in a very special rhythm, Iceland and Portugal are considered typically “fishy” countries. Among the areas within countries under the auspices of Pisces are Normandy in France and Calambria in Sicily. Countries of the Pisces sign: Portugal, Indonesia and the countries of Oceania, Iceland, Romania, Finland, Nepal, Philippines, Ceylon, Palestine, Venezuela, Hawaii, Colombia. Secrecy, craving for knowledge of the unknown, occult sciences and practices. Rituals and associated thousand-year traditions, as well as amazing intuition developed under the influence of mystical forces. By visiting here regularly, you can develop abilities that were previously dormant in you, as well as open secret doors to new areas of life, the world... One of the defining qualities of these peoples is talent in the most various types art. For creative people It will be comfortable and good here. Signs that are suitable for a long stay in the territory of Pisces: Pisces, Scorpios, Cancers, Taurus, Capricorns.

Aries love to live in big cities, although not the noisiest parts of them. They are tuned to the urban look, to the availability of nearby industrial enterprises and sports institutions. However, a forced move is unlikely to benefit Aries.

For Taurus, green places for walks are suitable: parks, squares, gardens. Moving will be favorable for them only if it is connected with career growth. Otherwise, it is better not to disturb the Taurus family man, who is accustomed to the comfort of home and his favorite food stalls not far from his own home.

Gemini, on the contrary, just give frequent shifts situation. If they wanted, they would have at least ten houses and apartments, as long as they had a lot of light and they were all different from each other. It's good if there's a lot of people scurrying around nearby public transport, nightclubs or cinema signs sparkle with lights.

The place of residence for Cancer is the house in which he was born. They don’t like to move, and if they do, then everything in Cancer’s new home will be “like home.” It’s good if it’s near a river or other body of water. Even better - Raku has a small fountain for the house.

Leos love large luxurious houses with appropriate interiors. They are partial to antiques. There must be streets around the house and many places for romantic dates, because Leos are wonderful suitors.

Virgo is better off moving to the south. Virgo can get sick from a sudden change in climate. If Virgo decides to change her place of residence, it is better not to stop her, especially not to impose on her, in your opinion, housing. Virgos love bright, spacious apartments, furnished in high-tech style.

Libras are drawn to beauty; they cannot do without theaters, exhibitions, and creative performances. They are able to go a long way in search of ideal housing by their standards. It is better if it is as harmonious as possible, something between a cozy house and an elite apartment.

A cozy home with a pond next to it will suit Scorpios. These, perhaps the most mysterious signs, need power and want change from time to time. In their home you can often see green gazebos, because Scorpios react negatively to being close to industrial enterprises.

Sagittarius loves space and the absence of people. Prestigious penthouses suit him, and let there be more foreign ones nearby, for example, a travel agency. By the way, Sagittarians themselves are not averse to traveling - this is how they broaden their horizons and gain perspectives.

Capricorns should move sooner. They love to live where they feel safe. It's best if they settle where someone lived interesting person. It’s even better if a house under construction can be seen from the window of their home.

Aquarians will be happy to settle where they have never been before. They will easily make friends, and their house will be full of all sorts of unusual gifts. And their home will be filled with appliances and everything that can be plugged into an outlet.

Fish need water. Preferably a calm one, in which, by the way, at least small fish should swim. It would be good if their home was surrounded by parks or other places where Pisces could rest their souls.

Astrology influences not only our tastes and choice of partners. You can see how choosing where you live can change your entire destiny. Where you live, work, and where you like to relax really affects your destiny. Think about it, have you had difficulty finding love in your city? Or maybe in some corners of the planet, where you were for the first time, you felt as if you had come home?

Where is the best place to make a great career? Where is the best place for you to marry your lover or where to find someone with whom you want to live for the rest of your days? Pay attention to your horoscope and find answers to many questions and solutions to hundreds of problems.

Contact an astrologer to analyze the current place of your life or work. He will tell you in which area your life would be more successful.

Cities and countries, like people, have their own horoscopes, which are determined based on the time of their founding. If you have already decided where you want to move, we recommend consulting with a professional. A specialist will help you draw up a relocation map and indicate the most suitable time for this.

This technique is called astrological geography. An astrologer specializing in this field will be able to find the best place for you anywhere in the world. They put your map on the world map and see which points are the most successful and energetically strong for you.

Astrological geography has many supporters. Read our forecast to get your own perspective on cities and countries and find out how they might apply to you.


San Francisco! This city gives you the bustle and pace you need. Top countries for residence: Canada and France.


Japan will be perfect for you; the rhythms of this country are akin to Taurus. You will also feel good in Belgium and Australia.


The capital of Great Britain is the best place on earth for Geminis. But also suitable: Mexico, Canada and Denmark.

Country of Crayfish - Spain. Here the importance of family and clan is great, which is so important for Cancers. Other countries for a comfortable life: Great Britain, USA.

Manhattan is a place of glitz, theater and entertainment, so necessary for Leo. You will also be comfortable: Los Angeles and San Francisco.


Strict rules and tradition will be best perceived by Virgos in Washington. Other happy places for you are: Paris and some cities in Italy.


Japan and New Orleans are the most comfortable places for Libra to live. But you will feel at home in Germany, China and France, as well as the Danish city of Copenhagen.


The country of Scorpios is Switzerland. The strongest financial institutions and secret organizations are located here, which is so attractive to Scorpios. In Spain or countries South Africa you can give free rein to your passions.


City of Toronto with big amount emigrants and a mixture of cultures is impossible would be better suited for Sagittarius. It will be good for Sagittarius in Belgium and Denmark.


Italy is a country with the Sun in Capricorn; it suits him perfectly for life and travel. Capricorn will feel good in both China and Australia.

Mexico is mysterious and enigmatic, which is very attractive to Aquarius. But it will be good for Aquarius in Hamburg and New Orleans.


Venice is a Mecca for creative and gifted people. This city on the water with intricate canals, ancient buildings and secrets will become best place in the world for people born under the sign of Pisces. Pay attention also to Spain, Germany and Sweden.