A round table “disabled people and volunteers: aspects of interaction” was held at the RGSU.

The role of volunteering in organizing social

support for families raising disabled children and

children with disabilities health.

Aleksandrova O.G., primary school teacher,

Bazolina N.N., primary school teacher,

Pominova O.G., primary school teacher.

Volunteering is becoming increasingly popular among young people. In a number Russian regions new projects are being launched to create youth volunteer services.

The problem of disability is relevant in modern society. Disability means a significant limitation of life activity, which leads to social maladjustment, which is caused by developmental disorders, difficulties in self-care, communication, learning, and mastering professional skills in the future. The acquisition of social experience by children with disabilities and their inclusion in the existing system of social relations requires certain measures from society and the family. additional measures, means and effort. As a result, a family with a disabled child finds itself in difficult life situation, she experiences social, psychological and material problems.

In order to attract public attention to the problems of families with disabled children, volunteers and philanthropists take part in the friendly work of specialists and parents, which leads to full development personality of disabled children, to their socialization and integration into society.

In Russia, the first experience of organized volunteering, which then gave impetus to the development of the volunteer movement throughout the country, appeared in Moscow and St. Petersburg in the early 90s. By the beginning of 1997, ideas volunteering became more widespread in Siberia, Nizhny Novgorod and other regions of the Russian Federation.

The school staff has developed and is implementing a social rehabilitation program to support families in difficult life situations. In the implementation of which volunteers and volunteers - students of Stavropol universities - take part. Volunteering allows students to feel needed, capable of creating, doing good, and experiencing their active participation in social support, which is so necessary for a disabled child. Within the framework of the direction “Social support for families with disabled children in difficult life situations,” teachers, volunteers, volunteers and parents of disabled children are implementing a number of actions and events: raids “My Clean City”, “To You, Veterans”, “ Birds are our friends"; sporting events“Dad, mom, I am a sports family”, “Come on, girls”, “Come on, boys”; excursion and tourism events “My dear land”, “Sea, sun and me!”; educational and correctional classes, artistic and creative activities (classes in the artistic and creative workshops of the theater-studio “Inspiration”), trainings, consultations, business games, round tables. The school’s teachers annually carry out the “Step Toward” campaign, and volunteers are invited to participate in it. Every two months, the school holds a now traditional voluntary action to help parents of preschool children with hearing impairments living in remote areas of the region. The school takes part in the Good Children of the World movement.

Territorial monitoring of families with disabled children in difficult life situations is carried out annually.

A support center for helping families of children with disabilities has been created, consisting of boarding school specialists, volunteers, philanthropists and volunteer parents, where short-term groups of preschoolers with disabilities who are not covered by the educational system are organized.

The social rehabilitation program is aimed at:

Involving parents in the educational process;
-organization joint activities parents and children;
-cooperation and expansion of the field of positive communication in the family;
-reducing the prevalence of social disadvantage in families with children with disabilities;
- to create and use effective technologies and methods that ensure stable pedagogical and social effects in the work of teachers, volunteers, philanthropists, parents with disabled children;
-assistance in improving the quality of life of a child with a disability, protection and representation of his interests in various circles, creating conditions for equalizing the opportunities of children and adolescents, which helps their integration into society and creates the preconditions for independent life.

This approach allows us to solve the following problems:

  1. To attract public attention to the problems of families with disabled children.
  2. Involve students and parents of children with disabilities in volunteer work.
  3. Provide psychological and pedagogical assistance to families with disabled children and children with disabilities who do not have the opportunity to attend educational institutions.
  4. Enrich the positive social experience parents and children with disabilities, create a unified social environment at school, family and in society as a whole.
  5. Organize and expand the exchange of parenting experiences between families with disabled children.

The result of this work is:
1. Creation, with the assistance of volunteers, of a system of mutual assistance for families with disabled children, as well as conditions for ensuring day stay children with disabilities while their parents are employed.
2. Implementation of conditions that ensure the integration of children with disabilities of different ages among the hearing;
3. Participation of volunteers in providing individual and social support to families with disabled children.
4. Determination of the directions and content of the work of specialists organizing the inclusion of children with disabilities in the hearing environment at different age periods.
5.Gradual expansion of the integration space of life for children with disabilities and their parents.
6.Assisting students in choosing professions and self-realization in the world of work.
7. Preparation teaching materials for parents, volunteers and specialists working with children with disabilities.

However, when implementing our social rehabilitation program, the school staff faces such obstacles as:

  1. Geographical distance of families' places of residence from the school;
  2. Difficulty communicating with parents (many of them are hearing impaired);
  3. Social status of families (socially and financially disadvantaged families);
  4. The presence of children in the care of state or guardians;
  5. Illiteracy of parents on issues of special correctional education;
  6. Reluctance to cooperate with the school.
  7. Limited financial resources of the school.

Despite the difficulties encountered, some positive experience joint work of volunteers, philanthropists, parents and boarding school specialists in the organization social support families with disabled children: materials were collected, volunteers from among students of Stavropol universities were involved.


Organization of training for attracted volunteers for the development of volunteer activities aimed at the social adaptation of disabled children and children with disabilities.

Project Description

Project objectives:

Communication skills

Active leadership position

Social motivation:

social movements who are trained in courses ">

1..Introductory block


3 .


5. exercises"

Block of training sessions





Block practical classes


In the process of interaction “child - disabled - volunteer,” the latter often had difficulties in building communications and understanding the behavioral characteristics of children with developmental disabilities. Therefore, there was a need to conduct preliminary training for volunteers working with “special” children, to acquire theoretical and practical skills for working with this category of children.

Project for the development of volunteerism “Let's not stand aside!” on the basis of the Langepasssky BU rehabilitation center"is designed to solve several problems at once. Firstly, this is the inclusion of children with disabilities in social life through organizing interaction with healthy peers. Secondly, the formation of an active life and civic position among teenage volunteers, based on readiness to participate in the socio-political life of the country and government activities.

Project objectives:

1) Organization of training of attracted volunteers (volunteers) in innovative social technologies and models of working with children with disabilities, children with disabilities, their non-disabled peers and their families;

2) Development and implementation of models of integration forms of interaction between disabled children, children with disabilities, healthy children and their families;

3) Organization single space on the development of volunteer activities aimed at the social adaptation of disabled children and children with disabilities in the city of Langepas;

4) Assistance in conducting cultural and entertainment leisure, inclusion of disabled children and children with disabilities in cultural and entertainment activities, including those of an integrative nature.

The selection of volunteers is carried out according to the following criteria:

Communication skills

Active leadership position

Experience of volunteering - desire to volunteer

Social motivation:

Desire to improve the lives of people in society;

Following the tradition of helping people in need;

Desire to be a model of behavior for others;

The desire to show your concern for the problem; - application of one’s own experience, knowledge, skills and acquisition of new ones - self-realization, personal growth

, self-affirmation;

Doing work that brings pleasure;

- interesting way to spend time;

Mechanism of interaction between city and public structures for the implementation of program activities
The implementation of project activities involves the joint work of institutions, the development of a unified action plan for the integration of disabled children and children with disabilities into the environment of healthy peers. The institution has developed a system of interaction with city and public structures of the city to implement measures for the social adaptation of children with disabilities. There are agreements on interaction and mutual cooperation.
Volunteers and city volunteers were involved in the implementation of the project
social movements who are trained in the School of

1..Introductory block

volunteers" on the basis of BU "Langepasssky Rehabilitation Center


Round table “The role of volunteers in organizing assistance to disabled children”

Goal: To reveal the role of the volunteer movement in providing

family-centered assistance to children with disabilities and their families, in organizing a cultural and developmental environment for children with disabilities

– what is a volunteer initiative, its development; – providing assistance and support to families raising disabled children from society;- development

social activity

2.families; – social adaptation of disabled children;“Organization and content of correctional and developmental work with

different categories

children with disabilities" Goal: To develop knowledge among volunteers about the features of the organization and content of correctional and developmental education for different categories of children with disabilities.

– aspects of medical

social work

– main directions and stages of psychological and pedagogical correction; – principles and methods of psychological and pedagogical correction;– specificity

correctional work

with children with sensory defects and speech disorders;

– features of correctional work with children with musculoskeletal disorders;

emotional-volitional sphere and behavior.

– rules for accompanying a child during walks, accompaniment to places of treatment, education, and leisure; rules of behavior on the road;

3 .“How to establish contact with different categories of children with disabilities”

Goal: To develop in volunteers the ability to establish contact with a child with disabilities.

– acquaintance of volunteers with methods of developing professional observation and forms of communication with a child;

– practicing skills such as establishing contact with the child, non-verbal communication as a way of emotionally nourishing the child, physical contact with the child;

– close attention when communicating with the child.

4.“Organization of educational leisure activities for children with disabilities”

Goal: To form among volunteers a holistic understanding of the structure of organizing educational leisure time for a child with disabilities

– stages of organizing a child’s developing leisure time;

– basic story games with kids preschool age with disabilities;

– joint leisure activities as a means of harmonizing parent-child relationships;

– development of gross and fine motor skills, coordination of movements of the arms, hands, eyes through leisure activities, the use of toys when organizing leisure time for children with disabilities.

5.“Game as a means of education. Relaxing games and exercises"

Goal: To introduce volunteers to a system of relaxing games and exercises aimed at optimizing the process of raising children with disabilities

– aspects of the theory and practice of using games to provide psychological and pedagogical assistance to children with disabilities;

– principles of organization play activity, its content characteristics

Block of training sessions

Training“Communication with children with disabilities”

Training“Optimization of parent-child relationships in families with children with disabilities”

Training“Teaching games to children with disabilities”

Training“The influence of art therapeutic exercises on the development of sensory cognition”

Block of practical exercises

Working off theoretical knowledge obtained during training in practice.

Organization of mini-practices on the basis of groups of the day care department of the Langepass Rehabilitation Center, holding events and joint events using technologies: multitherapy, fairy tale therapy, play therapy, clay therapy.


Project results

June 8, 2018 “Volunteers for Children” campaign: holding game program“If you went out with a friend” .="">


11 volunteers were trained in 2017 . Joint events were organized: 06/06/2017 - Organization and conduct of the leisure event “In the Land of Childhood”, 06/16/2017, 06/20/2017, 06/23/2017 - Organization and conduct of the game program. 07/28/2017 - Conducting a social and educational event “We are different, but we are together.” 08/25/2017 - Organization and conduct of the game program. 04/07/2017 - Participation in the “World Health Day” campaign, 06/21/2017 - Organization and holding of a sports and fitness event, 09/15/2017 - Organization and conduct of a sports and fitness event.

Covered: minors with disabilities - 37, disabled children - 39 In the first half of 2018, 50 volunteers were trained,
the following activities were carried out:

02/17/2018 “Kindness Day” campaign

The event is aimed at developing in the younger generation the foundations of a good attitude towards the world around them and a willingness to selflessly come to the aid of those in need. 17 students and 5 volunteers took part.

03/15/2018 Conducting a master class on making characters and scenery for the cartoon “Planet Earth”. Organization of leisure time for minors, expansion of social contacts of children. The organization of the event made it possible to create a favorable atmosphere. 7 pupils and 4 volunteers took part. 03/21/2018 “Children of the Sun” campaign dedicated to International Day a person with Down syndrome. Distribution of information flyers among city residents in order to attract attention to the problems of people with Down syndrome. Volunteers distributed 55 flyers and yellow

Balloons . 7 volunteers took part. April 2, 2018 Social event “Launch of blue balloons”, dedicated to

World Day autism. Volunteers distributed 55 flyers and blue balloons to city residents in order to draw attention to the problems of people with ASD. 4 pupils, 3 employees, 5 volunteers took part. Organization motor activity

Project results

minors, formation

June 8, 2018 “Volunteers for Children” campaign: holding a game program “If a friend went out on a journey.” Volunteers from the “Fiesta” animation team together with minors made daisies. The event is aimed at creating positive emotions, expansion of social contacts. 9 pupils and 9 volunteers took part.
A collection of materials on working with volunteers within the framework of the “Let's not stand aside” project, booklets, and memos have been developed. The practice of attracting volunteers was published in the reference book Issue No. 1 " Best practics attracting volunteers (volunteers) to organizations social services Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Ugra."

As part of the implementation of the project "Let's not stand aside!" the following results have been achieved;

Formation tolerant attitude to disabled children and children with disabilities among teenagers;

Reducing isolation of disabled children and their families;

Social integration of disabled children into the environment of healthy peers;

Development of communication skills of disabled children.

IN modern conditions volunteer movement is one of effective means implementation government programs social work with the population. Despite the fact that today the number of children with special needs, it is necessary to change and improve approaches to the concept of “volunteering”. In particular, to involve children with special needs in this type of activity, because in the modern understanding, a volunteer is a conscientious citizen who actively participates in the life of the community.

Volunteering will allow you to focus, first of all, on developing the strengths and talents of children, and not on their physical or mental problems. Interacting with other children will benefit cognitive, physical, language, social and emotional development children with special educational needs. At the same time, child volunteers will demonstrate appropriate behavior patterns and be motivated to purposefully use new knowledge and skills. Volunteering will help to establish friendly relations between children, thanks to which children will learn to naturally perceive and tolerate human differences, to be more sensitive and ready to help.

Volunteer activities include the following stages of work:

  • Preliminary preparation stage - at which they will be formed general concepts about the essence of volunteer activity, its main types and forms, content, features, will be learned necessary knowledge regarding communication, diagnosing their problems and providing the type of help they need. In addition, volunteers become familiar with the rules of conduct, acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities;
  • Deepening knowledge and developing skills that are necessary for self-realization in the process of volunteering.
  • to practice skills and consolidate skills at this stage there are trainings and a role-playing game method - consolidation and improvement of skills in different conditions and transforming them into skills (practical volunteer activities). It is in the process of volunteer work that a person’s inner subjective world, his individuality is revealed, and the spiritual and moral qualities of the individual are revealed. In addition, volunteer work performs the function of social education - strengthening fundamental values ​​in society, among young people, such as: goodness, mercy, compassion, citizenship, freedom of choice, justice, solidarity, mutual assistance.

Socially- pedagogical Job With children And youth with special needs in rehabilitation institutions of the Department of Labor, Social Protection of the Population and Health Protection

Children and youth with special needs, unlike their healthy peers, have different biological, mental, social and spiritual development. At the same time, children and youth with disabilities in physical and intellectual development must have conditions for the development of their abilities, just like their healthy peers. Of course, this is a complex, multidimensional problem that requires specific means and methods of complex rehabilitation. To solve these problems, centers are being created social rehabilitation disabled children, where they provide day care, social rehabilitation, consultations and psychological support families.

The main task of these institutions is to create conditions for the formation of a socially adapted and socially productive personality, to help find their place in life.

In order to improve the quality of rehabilitation services, the centers create appropriate conditions for attracting people with disabilities to the team, where there is an opportunity to get rid of loneliness, overcome the psychological barrier of isolation, and gain skills in social behavior, communication and self-care.

When working with disabled children, center specialists use practical and visual teaching methods. During training, elements of various teaching and development techniques are used.

The premises of the centers are equipped with modern medical and recreational equipment, gaming equipment and rehabilitation means. In day care groups, disabled children undergo rehabilitation and social adaptation.

An important place in the work of the centers is given to psychological correction. The main goal of the work is psychological diagnosis of children and correction of deviations in their mental development.

One of the forms of work aimed at developing household skills in children is learning to cook. Training in self-service labor skills is carried out in specially equipped rooms for social and everyday orientation, which are provided with sufficient household equipment.

The main tasks of physical education for disabled children are to develop large and fine motor skills, adjust physical development. Physical education carried out during routine processes, morning exercises, on a walk, and special classes in health-improving physical education. The development of children’s motor activity continues in music classes.

The result of all correctional and educational work is children's holidays.

Specialists of the centers conduct surveys of the material and living conditions of families raising disabled children and monitoring of persons in need of social and pedagogical patronage in order to cover a larger number of disabled children with social services.

Assimilation of this meaning does not always happen quickly and easily: children do not know how to behave with a volunteer, how to speak, how to treat us. Often, direct work within the framework of events must be supported by personal conversations about what is acceptable and what is not in communication between the child and the volunteer. This process is usually labor intensive for both parties. However, most often it is possible to achieve the introduction of the volunteer role into recruitment social roles child. When asked by a third person, “Who is this?” the child answers, “These are volunteers, my friend.” The appearance of a volunteer correlates with the child’s expectation of new experiences and new practices.

Additionally, an important component of the value of the volunteer role is the unpaid and voluntary nature of the work. This phenomenon is often unique even to employees of institutions, who for some time cannot accept the fact that a volunteer does not receive money for his work. As for children, what is new for them is the fact that a volunteer works without obligations to them or to the institution (he is not an employee, not a parent, or even a student).

The second important form in which alternative social practices are transmitted to a child by a volunteer is the filling of sociocultural gaps through personal experience volunteer Very often, a future volunteer’s acquaintance with the specifics of work begins with surprise caused by the fact that certain social and moral phenomena, obvious to a person “from the big world,” are not at all obvious to a child in a child care institution. Such sociocultural and ethical gaps relate, first of all, to three main groups of concepts: firstly, family and personal relationships, secondly, material values ​​and property, thirdly, social duties and moral responsibility.

Often in the real experience of communication between a volunteer and a child, all these three groups of concepts are closely intertwined. For example, for a student of an institution, the concept of the cost of things, as well as the need to earn money through daily labor to buy this or that thing, is most often an absolute abstraction. Work concept, job responsibilities are also rather abstract, i.e. The very expressions “go to work”, “busy at work” are a kind of cliché for the pupil, which is conventionally accepted, but is often not understood, does not correlate with emotional experience (fatigue, busyness, concern, etc.), with the concepts of obligations and responsibility. This is also facilitated by the fact that most professions and activities are alien and unknown to the students of institutions. A similar situation is observed with the concept of family, which is undoubtedly familiar to children, but is also a kind of cliché that is not correlated with any real emotional experience, with the concepts of responsibility for loved ones, the peculiarities of life and relationships within the family, etc. It is natural that the most obvious ethical lacuna for a child raised outside the family is the concept of responsibility - moral, material, social, personal, etc. This is manifested in a lack of respect for material objects, in more pronounced childish egoism, in a lack of understanding of the requirements of honesty in communication with a volunteer, etc.

Partial and gradual filling of these gaps occurs in various forms: in the process of live communication and, rather, the child’s unconscious mastery of certain conventions “ big world» using the example of a volunteer, in the form of targeted conversations on relevant topics, in the form of events dedicated to certain fragments social reality(whether it be mass educational events or personal correspondence between a volunteer and a child, including stories about the volunteer’s profession, the meaning of his work, the characteristics of family life, etc.).

From all of the above, several more conclusions can be drawn that are more universal in nature. This is the importance of the figure of the volunteer, firstly, as a psychosocial experience of another, and secondly, as a carrier of social mobility.

Volunteer as a psychosocial experience of the “other”.

The significance of the phenomenon of “the other” in the process of cognition and self-knowledge by the individual was fully realized and proven by a wide range of socio-humanitarian sciences of the twentieth century, and was enshrined in a variety of artistic forms. Thus, today, the a priori necessity of the “other” in the formation of the “I” is an axiom. In the context of social and medical institutions for children, the “other,” although not completely excluded, is greatly reduced. The limited space of the institution contributes to a gradual decrease in the degree of “otherness” (at least social) in the figures of the students and employees of the institution. Other standard social roles, as mentioned above, are rather fragmentary and often absent altogether. In this situation, the importance of the volunteer as an absolute “other” is beyond doubt. For a child, a volunteer as an “other” is equally significant in both a social and psychological sense. If the social component was discussed in detail above, then the psychological component of development lies, first of all, in the fact that, by getting to know the “other,” the child gets to know himself better and more effectively: his preferences, manifestations of his character, his desires, abilities, etc.

Volunteer as a manifestation of social mobility.

This category - social mobility - is also important, first of all, for the development of the child’s personality, for his cognition and self-knowledge. While discussing the typical set of social roles within which the child’s primary socialization unfolds, we did not note another important feature: all these roles, as a rule, are strictly fixed and limited. For example, the role of an employee of an institution (teacher, director, doctor) is of an official nature, and the bearer of this role rarely (although this is not excluded) enters the child’s personal space, becoming, for example, his friend, mentor, or close person. On the other hand, a friend can rarely act as a teacher, mentor, or assistant. The role of a volunteer is much more fluid and socially mobile. A volunteer can act as a sponsor, as a guardian, as a teacher, as a friend, as an assistant, as an educator, as an official. All these manifestations are not fixed either by a mandatory sequence or by any other mandatory factors. Most often, the degree of mobility of a volunteer’s social role depends on the specific conditions in which his communication with the child takes place. For a child, this opens up significantly greater opportunities for learning about the world beyond the boundaries of the institution, as well as the possibility of self-knowledge.

The need to form an institute for training volunteers in order to actualize the sociocultural and psychological potential of the volunteer role in working with children.

Today, when, despite the official approval of volunteering, this institution still remains controversial, the accumulated experience of volunteering still allows one to judge the significant benefits of such work. The benefit is mutual - both for the volunteer himself and for the institution and its students. Benefit, which is largely due to the fact that this work is voluntary and unpaid, which is a significant factor not only and not so much from an economic point of view, but from a moral and social point of view. The actualization of volunteer participation should concern, first of all, the creation and strengthening of the institution of professional volunteering. Professional volunteering involves pooling the accumulated this moment significant experience in practical work, its conceptualization and systematization in order to identify and develop the most important and productive aspects, as well as to improve problematic aspects that also undoubtedly exist. Volunteer work can and has every reason to become an integral part of the psychological rehabilitation and socialization of orphans, children in difficult life situations, children with disabilities, bringing much more tangible results than the use of exclusively traditional methods.

Directions and forms of work of volunteers with children

The specific forms of volunteer work with children are determined by a number of factors:

    characteristics of the audience: age, health status, number of children in the group, etc.

    the role assigned to a volunteer in a particular institution/children's group: household assistance, assistance with studies, in organizing leisure time, in rehabilitation work, etc.

    mode and features of the institution’s work: these factors determine the number of working volunteers, the possibility/impossibility of certain forms of work in accordance with sanitary and other standards, etc.

    specialization of volunteer work: specially trained volunteers (specialists in a particular field) or ordinary people and so on.

    other factors: seasonality, geographical location, etc.

In general, we can highlight the following most common areas of volunteer activity in relation to children:

1. accompaniment of stay in medical institutions(hospitals, etc.): the possibility of such work varies significantly in different regions of the Russian Federation. In the Samara region, basically, this form of work is possible only in the form of providing material assistance (monetary or in kind).

2. facilitating family searches: cooperation with guardianship authorities, information work, formation of potential guardians from among volunteers.

3. leisure organization(on the basis of institutions or outside institutions): all kinds of leisure, developmental, entertainment activities - from holidays and hobby groups to organizing trips, etc.

4. rehabilitation work: activities using various rehabilitation techniques in accordance with age, tasks, health status, etc. (art therapy, fairy tale therapy, animal therapy, play therapy and much more).

5. material support: fundraising or in-kind assistance for the benefit of institutions, searching for sponsors, information work, etc.

6. post-boarding support, i.e. assistance to graduates of social children's institutions. This direction is perhaps the least represented both at the level government work, and from the outside public organizations, volunteers, philanthropists. Meanwhile, this is a very important area of ​​work, because graduates of orphanages and boarding schools, as a rule, are absolutely not integrated into society. More details about this problem can be found from the project of the Regional Public Organization of Volunteers of the Samara Region “Childhood House” “Concept of an Adaptation Center for Graduates of Children’s Social Institutions”:

« Every year, thousands of orphans leave Russian orphanages and boarding schools, who go beyond the threshold of state institutions into the big world... about which, alas, they know nothing. Today, a paradoxical situation has developed in the field of orphanhood: orphanages and boarding schools have already forgotten what material problems are - each has a plasma TV, donated by a sponsor, and a supply of educational games brought by public organizations. The children are dressed, well-fed, specialists and volunteers work with them, caring not only about their rehabilitation and development, but also that they have friends. Orphans are taken on excursions and even to the sea, they spend several hundred holidays a year, New Year showered with gifts. But... the time comes to start an independent life, and then it turns out that the most difficult thing is ahead. In the orphanage, the orphan was fed ready-made food - bread was always sliced, tea was always brewed. He was dressed in ready-made clothes - the size and seasonality, material, color and quality were selected. The orphan never managed his money on his own, did not make the necessary purchases for everyday life, he did not even know what his borscht was made from. For example, the story of two brothers Vova and Nikita S. from Samara, graduates of an orphanage, who came to their burned-out and uninhabitable apartment, in which they, however, are registered and for which they are obliged to pay several tens of thousands of debts, is, unfortunately, not unique . And if only everyday life! You need to study somewhere, look for a job somehow, collect some documents. You need to know where to go if the temperature rises, and who to contact if the roof is leaking. You need to know that you also pay for the light - and the more often you leave it on, the greater the amount. And so on and so forth. The whole world, which seems familiar to us, but still conceals many problems and mysteries, is a completely alien universe for yesterday’s orphanage pupil. Having tried to imagine this, you begin to better understand where the terrifying statistics come from that 90% of orphans become drunkards, end up in prison, engage in prostitution, and die.

There are many stories about children literally thrown into the big world, about which they know absolutely nothing. Yes, at the state level, assistance is provided to orphans up to 23 years of age, however, as the real experience of orphans shows, this assistance is unsystematic, is provided in a targeted manner and, alas, in an insufficient volume and often not in the most relevant areas. Post-boarding support is an area in which there is practically no work being done by public organizations, but at the same time the area is extremely in demand and difficult.

How do ordinary young people raised in families cope with the challenges of independent life? They learn independence gradually. And on initial stage They are helped, first of all, by their parents. The mother goes with the child to the clinic, the father helps him choose a university. Parents will talk to officials in an adult language that is not yet understandable to the child, and then they will tell you which service to request this or that certificate yourself. Children spend years learning in the family all those little things without which normal life is impossible. adulthood: how to defrost a refrigerator, how to plan a family budget, how to change a baby’s diaper, and so on. And in all these little things, the growing person is guided by his parents. Of course, the adaptation center will not be able to replace or even compensate for this natural process formation. But still, social parents (a special term that we are introducing to designate future specialists of the center) will be able to make integration into the adult world much less painful and more effective for orphans.

That is why the initiative to create an adaptation center for orphanage graduates of the Regional Volunteer Organization “Childhood House” receives approval and support not only from understanding people (public figures, the former orphanage residents themselves and those who work with them, for whom they are not indifferent). This initiative, announced in the report of the “Childhood House” at the off-site meeting of the Council under the Government of the Russian Federation for Trusteeship in the Social Sphere, held on January 30, 2013 in Samara, received full approval from both officials and representatives of large public and charitable organizations.

We consider it optimal to create such a center on the basis of an already existing and successfully operating organization. Why start from scratch and spend time, effort and money on this if we already have experience, have a team working in the field of orphanhood, have an office and certain developments. And what is perhaps even more important, there is a clear understanding of the urgent relevance of this large and very complex work. Of course, it is almost impossible for volunteers to complete it alone. In this regard, we encourage business representatives, patrons and philanthropists to cooperate. Moreover, today, when the topic of both orphans and volunteers is being discussed throughout the state and even the world, we call for attention to those true needs that are long overdue and that can be solved together - by the state, the public, business and the charitable sector».

Lecture 5. Volunteers and children with disabilities. (I. Kirillova)

Volunteering is becoming increasingly popular among the younger generation, being effective way obtaining new knowledge, developing skills for active social life, socially useful leisure. The role and potential of volunteering is increasing in such areas of public life as education, healthcare, sports, culture, landscaping and development of territories, and the implementation of urban, targeted programs. The reasons that bring a person into the volunteer movement are different: these are ideas about duty towards people who need his help, the universal human need for compassion and mercy, the acquisition of additional skills and qualifications, the expansion of professional experience, obtaining the necessary information and useful connections.

SGOO DIID "Sail of Hope" cooperates with volunteer organizations of various educational institutions of the city. Samara. The mechanism of interaction with the Center for the Development of Volunteering of the Samara Region, the Volunteer Center “DOOR TO GOOD”, organized on the basis of the Municipal Budgetary Institution of the city of Oblast, has been established. Samara “House of Youth Organizations”, Samara regional public organization “Swallows”, Regional public organization of volunteers of the Samara region “Childhood House”, the priority area of ​​​​work is the work of volunteers, the main value is the voluntary work of people who want to help children.

Parents of a child with special needs, members of youth organizations, students, and schoolchildren act as volunteers. It is impossible to provide for all options for volunteers to help children with special needs. In each specific case it may be something special.

It is important to organize such assistance and ensure that it is regular and not episodic. The development of the volunteer movement to provide assistance to families raising children with disabilities occurs in close partnership of the State Public Educational Institution “Parus of Hope” with the “Family” Center of the Industrial District. This interaction allows you to inform a large number of

families in this category about volunteering, identify family problems and, together with volunteers, look for ways to solve them. It should be noted that our volunteer staff has been resilient for a long time. Attracting volunteer labor allows us to expand the range of services provided: organizing holiday events, organizing congratulations at home for children who use wheelchairs, physical assistance in transporting children, accompanying them to school, training English language

1. Creative therapy is an important component of social rehabilitation. The amateur theater “New Generation” is open to teenagers over 16 years of age thanks to the initiative of student volunteers of the Faculty of Psychology of SaMSU. The actors are teenagers and youth with disabilities, students and schoolchildren of Samara Samara State University and Municipal Educational Institution No. 96 of the Kirov District. During this time, the integrated amateur theater troupe presented the performances “The Twelve Labors of Hercules”, “I Live Like in Pushkin’s Fairy Tales”, “According to Krylov’s Fables” at various city venues: D/K Zheleznodorozhnik, TTU Club, etc.

2. Since 2007 systematic work is being carried out between the State Public Educational Institution "Sail of Hope" and the Faculty of Special Education of the Volga Region State Social and Humanitarian Academy to prepare families to accept the services of student volunteers. For this purpose, families are identified that are the most socially vulnerable and require special help and support. These are families in which children do not attend educational institutions or are home-schooled, i.e. These are guys in any case, limited in communication, with little social experience. The coordinator for working with volunteers of the State Educational Institution "Parus of Hope" and teachers of the "Family" Center of the Industrial District hold preliminary meetings with parents, inform them about the role of a volunteer in the family, about the opportunities for the child that the volunteer movement opens up, supervise the work of volunteers, constantly supporting connection with family.

The volunteer communicates with the child in a mode that is convenient for him and the family: as a rule, this is once a week for 2 hours. Depending on the age of the child, his capabilities, needs, as well as the preparedness of the volunteer, various forms of interaction with the family are chosen. This could be communication, games, modeling from plasticine, drawing, walking.

3. Our organization has a very long-standing partnership with the Samara regional public organization “Swallows”, engaged in the organization, coordination and implementation of international projects to attract volunteer assistance to various organizations in the city and region. In 2001, the Swallows Volunteer Movement Center became a member of the ICYE Federation. International Cultural Youth Exchange or ICYE is a non-profit organization promoting intercultural learning and international volunteerism. ICYE organizes long-term projects and short-term programs in more than 34 countries around the world.

Currently, there are not many organizations in Samara that are officially accredited to accept volunteers and have received a certificate confirming their status and authority. These are SROO "Swallows", SGOO DIID "Sail of Hope", Waldorf kindergarten, War Veterans Hospital, kindergarten No. 325 for children with Down syndrome (Mekhzavod). They are united by the public organization “Salto”, which develops, organizes and finances volunteer exchange programs. The Alliance Française Samara organization has also shown interest in the problem of accepting volunteer help and is currently preparing documents for accreditation.

I must say that this volunteer help is in great demand. Volunteers from different countries come to Russia for various projects that are organized for them by the host country. As part of this work, volunteers come to many families to study or just play and communicate with children. Volunteer assistance to families raising children with disabilities is very important, since they have the opportunity for additional developmental activities and communication (after all, there are children who do not attend kindergarten or are educated individually school curriculum at home and experience an acute lack of communication). In addition, for children it is also an invaluable experience of communicating with speakers of another language, another culture, an opportunity to learn and learn something new and interesting. For parents, volunteer help also helps free up some time (while the child is occupied with a volunteer and is under his supervision) in order to do some things that they previously did not have enough time for.

4. In 2009, a collective decision was made to open our own editorial office of the youth newspaper “Sail of Hope” in the premises of the Family Center. The participants in the project were young people with disabilities and volunteers - journalists from the Volga Region State Social and Humanitarian Academy. By getting involved in publishing and journalism, teenagers and young people broaden their horizons, develop communication skills, and creative abilities. Gradually, the newspaper “Sail of Hope” became a participant and winner of various competitions. A special Diploma in the category “The Most Unexpected Information” was awarded by the radio station “Echo of Moscow” in Samara. In July 2010, the newspaper’s editors received a letter of gratitude from the Social Information Agency “For coverage of the activities of civil society.”

5. Currently, the organization has developed a mechanism for including parents in volunteer activities. why everyone’s capabilities are identified and created the necessary conditions for his activities. So a short-term stay group was opened for preschool children, the volunteer is a mother with a higher pedagogical education, the volunteer father is an instructor in a bookbinding workshop. Thanks to the activity of the parent community, the provision of transport, costume tailoring, and entertainment services was organized. Through public organizations, we send interested parents to training in fundraising, accounting, PR technologies, and then involve them in activities. The work of parents is indispensable in the work of the editorial team of the newspaper “Sail of Hope”. We definitely honor active parents, many of them received letters of gratitude from the Government of the Samara Region for their volunteer work, for winning the “Give a Smile to Children” competition, held as part of the city target program “We are different - we are equal”, there are those who received medals as part of the regional holiday “For the Glory of Fatherhood”.

6. Involving volunteers in organizing festive events: These are only 12 large traditional events on city sites, in which up to 14 educational institutions of the city are involved. Samara, for example: Neptune Day in Victory Park; “Youth smiles at spring; "Day of Knowledge"; "New Year", "Children's Day".

The established cooperation of the State Public Educational Institution "Sail of Hope" with the Family Center of the Industrial District, with the Volunteer Development Center of the Samara Region and other institutions allows you to keep abreast of all the events taking place at the level of Samara and the Samara region. This is participation in the annual event “Spring Week of Kindness”, “Volunteer Job Fair”, participation in the Volunteer Forum of Privolzhsky federal district"Good neighborliness". The administration of the State Public Educational Institution “Sail of Hope” makes entries in the volunteer’s personal book and always notes their work with letters of gratitude and respect for their work.

Volunteers represent youth, enthusiasm, and creativity, allowing parents to strengthen their belief that society is ready to accept an “atypical” child. On the one hand, a volunteer is as a senior comrade, as a friend on whom you can rely in many ways, from whom you can ask for advice and help, and on the other hand, a volunteer as a representative of the “big world”, as a person who is ready to share his knowledge and experience , a person who brings something different into the world of a child.

From 2003 to the present day, the State Scientific Organization for Foreign Affairs “Sail of Hope” has accumulated experience and technologies indicating that volunteering is an effective strategy for solving pressing social problems. Volunteers help us develop a variety of rehabilitation programs, thanks to which families raising children with disabilities no longer feel excluded from society.

On behalf of all the parents and children who were visited by volunteers, we express our deep gratitude! Their patience, understanding, work and care brought a lot of positive emotions and a lot of new knowledge into the lives of our children and ourselves. We wish you further creative success and will be waiting for new guys to visit.

Lecture 6. Features of volunteer work with children with special educational needs. (E. Brytkova)

On August 25 at the Russian State Social University with the support of social significant project"Ekoner" and the Resource Educational and Methodological Center for training disabled people and persons with disabilities held a round table "Disabled people and volunteers: aspects of interaction."

About 30 people took part in the event, including representatives non-profit organizations, resource centers and foundations, volunteer communities, leaders of various social projects. Together, both speakers and listeners figured out how to carry out interaction between volunteers and people with disabilities, how to teach young volunteers to provide “correct” assistance to people with disabilities, and people with disabilities to put their skills and abilities into practice, get education and work.

The round table was moderated by the head of the project “Econer: stimulating forms of participation of young citizens in social assistance people with disabilities physical capabilities» Elina Ibragimova. She greeted the event participants and said a few words about the activities of the project itself.

“As part of this project, we held a number of events, holding various master classes for children who have certain health problems. We are also developing methodological manuals that may be useful in your Centers and NGOs.”

Today, the quality of life of people with disabilities is a leading social task for the state. It is based, first of all, on the implementation and socialization of people with disabilities, on obtaining vocational education and employment. This opinion is shared by the co-organizer of the event, the head of the Resource Educational and Methodological Center of the RSSU for training the disabled and persons with disabilities Anna Karplyuk. She notes that the main driver in this direction could be the Abilympics professional skills competitions.

“Already today, 75 constituent entities of the Russian Federation have joined the movement. The movement covers the category of participants from 14 to 65 years old, and this year will gather about 1,000 participants.”

In addition to regional centers for the development of the movement, competency centers will be created in each subject. They will be responsible for the methodological component, form an expert community, and attract employers. According to Anna Karplyuk, thanks to such large-scale projects people who previously had nothing to do with the livelihoods of people with disabilities can now become involved in solving global problems related to their vocational education and employment.

Today is coming active movement on training to work with people with disabilities both employees of volunteer organizations and their leaders. Only such programs, according to the head of the RGSU volunteer center Leonid Nosonov, will be able to promote interaction between volunteers and people with disabilities, and not only in major cities Russia, but also in the regions.

“The decision was supported to transfer the volunteer training program to the regions. Currently, 60 agreements have already been signed with regions on the creation of volunteer centers based on the Abilympics project,- notes Nosonov.

Recently, a concept for the development of volunteerism until 2025 was created. The infrastructure for involving young people in volunteer activities is now being actively developed. Programs and social projects at federal youth forums. One of these projects was a social movement called “Together with You,” which is aimed at training volunteers to interact with people with disabilities. The project talks about the evolution of society’s attitude towards people with disabilities, about the problems faced by “special” people in Everyday life, and based on the results of the theoretical part, conducts a quest to understand the term “disability”.

“The idea of ​​the project is to conduct a two-day training seminar in the cities of the central federal district. We have already held such seminars in Tula, Kaluga, Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod. During the implementation of the project, we attracted more than 25 different organizations to participate: 8 volunteer centers, 11 public organizations and 6 government organizations“, - said the head of the “Together with you” program.

It is possible and necessary to train not only volunteers, but also people with disabilities. Anastasia Tarasova, art teacher of the Connection Foundation, told the event participants about how a person with speech and hearing problems can be turned into a creative person, why it is important to engage in such projects with people with disabilities, and how volunteers can help.

“The success of our projects is determined by several links, each of which is very important. The most important link is people with disabilities, to whom our attention and care are directed; I see in these people some kind of boundless desire to do something, learn, interest, optimism.”

“Quiet Don” became such a project of hope for adults with disabilities, which taught deaf-blind people how to work together and interact with each other and volunteers.

After the speeches at the Round Table and under the leadership of moderator Elina Ibragimova, a master class “School of Goodwill” was organized for everyone. Volunteer participants and disabled people shared their experiences of interacting with each other. Volunteers spoke about frequently encountered problems in working with people with disabilities, how they came to this field of activity and why. Disabled people expressed their opinion on how they can solve various communication problems independently, without resorting to outside help.

The topic of people with disabilities and the topic of volunteering will continue to be relevant in Russia for a long time. Until society overcomes the barrier in communicating with people with disabilities and learns to provide them necessary help Until citizens themselves want to be volunteers, and people with disabilities begin to help them overcome psychological barriers, such social and public events will exist, develop and gain momentum throughout the country.