Flu vaccines provide protection against a dangerous infection. Pros and cons

A vaccination campaign against influenza has been actively launched in all regions of Russia. A seasonal epidemic of the infectious disease is expected in January-February, but doctors advise preparing for it now.

For most people, getting a flu shot remains voluntary, and debate about whether to get vaccinated continues. The most common arguments for and against, especially for AiF-Volgograd, are commented on by Tatyana Grebenkova, a specialist at the regional center for medical prevention.

Arguments for"

Useful even if you make a mistake

The influenza virus is constantly mutating, new species are appearing, and therefore the vaccine is rapidly losing effectiveness - this argument is often used by opponents of vaccinations.

Doctors convince us that this is a common misconception based on superficial knowledge about the production and mechanism of action of the vaccine.

A pure culture of microorganisms isolated from the body of a diseased animal or person and used for the manufacture of vaccines and serums.

“Every year a new vaccine is created in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization for the new epidemic season,” says Tatyana Grebenkova, a methodologist at the Volgograd Regional Center for Medical Prevention with many years of experience as an infectious disease doctor. - It is the same for the whole world. Yes, indeed, the vaccine is based on research from the past epidemic season, consists of its strains, but taking into account the forecast for the next one. And even when there is no exact hit on the desired strain, the effectiveness is still high.”

Firstly, the doctor explains, the viruses that were recorded last year also come to new season and do not lose their danger. And there is no guarantee that a person will not be under their threat. Secondly, there is such a thing as cross protection. For example, one of the most common types of influenza is influenza A. It is characterized by frequent change antigenic structure when exposed to natural conditions. But if a person has received a vaccine against one of the varieties, his immunity will be more resistant to others.

According to the doctor, despite the many vaccines with different names, the set of strains for each of them is identical this year. Manufacturers can only add some medications. So, for example, polyoxidonium has been added to the most common drug in Russia for greater immune protection.

Saves from complications

Vaccination is not so much protection against the flu itself, but rather against its dangerous complications, including death, doctors note.

“When a person receives a vaccine, the human body begins to produce antibodies. And subsequently, when it encounters pathogens during an epidemic, its cells are already on “combat readiness” and are able to give greater resistance to the flu, explains Tatyana Grebenkova, the mechanism of action of the vaccine. - The body has the ability to withstand a certain amount infectious agent while staying healthy. But if around a large number of spreaders of the virus, a person can get sick, because vaccination is still not a “body armor” against the virus.”

Another thing is that even surrounded big amount viruses, a person will avoid severe course illness and complications, explains the doctor. Namely, complications are the most dangerous consequence flu Among the most common are pneumonia, kidney disease, and cardiovascular disease, which often leads to death. And it usually occurs in people who have not received a flu vaccine.

According to doctors, there were no deaths due to complications among the vaccinated part of the population.

Helps create “herd immunity”

By getting a flu vaccine, a person not only protects himself, but also participates in creating the so-called “herd immunity.”

There are people for whom, due to age or health reasons, vaccination is contraindicated (in case of exacerbation chronic diseases respiratory, cardiovascular system, etc.). However, they also need protection from the flu. Moreover, they tend to be more vulnerable.

Vaccination is not so much protection against the flu itself, but rather against its dangerous complications, including death.

It’s worth remembering this not only for those who come into contact with such people. By getting vaccinated, a person with a high degree of probability excludes himself from the number of sick people and breaks the chain through which the virus can reach unprotected people.

Who should get a flu shot?

There are a number of indications for influenza vaccination.

Doctors strongly recommend vaccination for young children aged 6 months and older - babies have not yet developed immunity, and infection with the flu can be deadly. Vaccination is also necessary for everyone who is constantly near such children - parents and other relatives.

The flu vaccine is indicated for pregnant women, but only in the 2-3 trimester. Doctors emphasize: during this period, a woman especially needs protection from influenza infection.

At risk are schoolchildren of all ages, students and people over 60 years of age, as well as those who interact with a large number of people at work - primarily teachers, workers in medical institutions, public utilities, and transport.

Those who suffer from chronic diseases, including disorders of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, should get vaccinated. However, vaccination can be done only in the absence of exacerbations.

Arguments against"

“Vaccination causes disease”

One of the popular arguments against vaccination, in addition to doubts about its effectiveness, is the body’s reaction to the vaccine. Some people experience symptoms immediately after it viral diseases: temperature rises, sometimes up to 39 °C, weakness, sore throat appears, headache. Skeptics believe that the introduction of a vaccine only provokes the disease.

Doctors confirm that such a reaction does happen, but they urge you not to look at it as a bad sign.

“These processes only indicate that the body is reacting, producing protective antibodies. Although such a reaction is rare, says Tatyana Grebenkova. “But if there are no such symptoms and a person feels well, this does not mean that the vaccine is less effective. It’s just that each organism has its own characteristics, because we are not machines.”

All of these symptoms can occur together; the reaction may be limited to weakness or headache. But in any case, everything is normal within 1-2 days discomfort must pass. Prolonged illness is a reason to consult a doctor.

“The body gets hooked on the vaccine”

Another common belief is that the body must cope with the flu on its own. Having become accustomed to fighting the virus with a vaccine and subsequently not receiving the vaccine, he will no longer be able to resist the disease.

This statement, according to medical experts, has no basis.

Some people immediately after getting a flu shot experience symptoms of viral diseases: the temperature rises, sometimes up to 39 °C, weakness, sore throat, and headache appear. Doctors say: these symptoms only confirm that the body is reacting and producing protective antibodies.

“In principle, immunity does not become accustomed to a vaccine; it’s all fiction. In any case, the body produces antibodies itself, and it does not lose this function due to vaccination,” comments Tatyana Grebenkova. - Effectively combat pathogens similar diseases helps good immunity. It is determined by the number of antibodies in the body that can resist the virus. Vaccination is a trigger for creating such a protective block.”

Possibility of allergies and side effects

The influenza vaccine, like any other medicine, has contraindications and side effects. Among them is a possible allergic reaction up to one of the most severe forms- Quincke's edema. Doctors assure that cases of such reactions and other dangerous side effects are rare. One of the obvious allergens in the vaccine is chicken protein. A person, as a rule, knows about his intolerance himself. All other contraindications should be studied before deciding to get vaccinated. To do this, you need to ask your doctor for an annotation of the vaccine, and then consult if you have any doubts or questions.

Quincke's edema

Response to exposure to biological and chemical factors, often of an allergic nature. Manifests itself in the form of severe swelling of the face, hands or feet. Less commonly occurs on the membranes of the brain, internal organs and joints.

In general, according to the expert, the risk of getting complications from the vaccine is much lower than the risk of being seriously ill from the flu if you are unvaccinated. And the funds spent even on a paid vaccine are significantly less than those that will be required to treat influenza not in its most severe form.

By the way, the risk of getting a complication is not always associated with the body’s reaction to the vaccine - sometimes it can be due to improper storage of the drug.

Experts urge people to receive the vaccine only in verified medical institutions where control over proper storage vaccines.

Who should not get the flu vaccine?

However, influenza vaccines also have a number of objective contraindications.

Thus, the injection is contraindicated in case of an allergic reaction to chicken protein and vaccine components. As a rule, people know about it.

You cannot get vaccinated during the condition acute fever or exacerbation of a chronic disease (vaccination is carried out after recovery or during a period of remission). For mild ARVI, acute intestinal diseases Vaccination is carried out after the temperature has normalized.

Such influenza prophylaxis is not recommended for those who have had post-vaccination complications after a previous vaccination: temperature rise above 39.5 °C, swelling and hyperemia (increased blood flow) at the injection site over 8 cm in diameter.

In each specific case, consultation with a doctor is necessary - only a specialist will determine the advisability of vaccination and possible risks.

Also, children under six months of age and early pregnant women - until the second trimester - are not vaccinated.

When is the best time to get vaccinated and what to do after vaccination

“The flu vaccine should be done before the onset of autumn cold, when the body is still strong, nourished with vitamins over the summer and not unsettled by autumn temperature changes,” says Tatyana Grebenkova. - September is the ideal time, but vaccination should still be carried out in October.

Vaccinations are free

schoolchildren, students of higher and secondary vocational educational institutions, medical and educational institutions, transport, utilities, as well as people over 60 years of age.

The opinion that vaccination should be done closer to the epidemic season so that the effect of the vaccine does not wear off is incorrect. Immunity remains after vaccination for a year, and it takes 2-3 weeks to develop. It’s good if during this period the body is in comfortable conditions- without hypothermia and other stress.”

By the way, after vaccination you need to comply with some requirements within 24 hours. The grafting site should not be wet, much less rubbed with a washcloth. You should also not visit baths, saunas, swimming pools, exercise actively in gyms, or drink alcohol - that is, do not put extra stress on the body, but allow it to focus on developing immunity.

The pros and cons should be weighed especially carefully when it comes to groups of people at high risk of complications, the doctor notes. To do this, you need to get advice from a specialist competent in this matter.

“And if you still remain an ardent opponent of vaccination, then it makes sense to think about strengthening your immunity,” says Tatyana Grebenkova. - Healthy image life and proper nutrition, physical activity and peace of mind will help you build real protective “armor” against diseases.”

Will there be a flu epidemic this year?

Why do young children need to be vaccinated twice?

What to look for when choosing a vaccine? A specialist from the Institute of Vaccines and Serums, Professor, answered this and other questions of yours. Mikhail Petrovich Kostinov on Tuesday, October 28 from 11.00 to 12.00 Moscow time.

Transcript of the ONLINE CONFERENCE

- Good afternoon, today our guest is Mikhail Petrovich Kostinov, doctor mMedical Sciences, Head of Vaccine LaboratoryVaccine Institute Cticswe have serums. The first question is whether cancer patients can be vaccinatedm or people under observation for one year after treatment of cancer?

The fact is that all these difficult ones, which are called, we have been working with him for a long time on the problems of vaccine prevention, not only against influenza and other diseases. Ever since perestroika, when we had this big epidemic of diphtheria throughout Russia and the former Soviet Union. Regarding vaccination of cancer patients. Currently, all inactivated vaccines that are available in Russia can be used on such patients. Regardless of what stage they are at. There is only one thing - that everything depends on the stage and treatment and the vaccination regimen is selected. For example, if a patient receives polychemotherapy, of course, the vaccine is safe, this is an inactivated or killed vaccine, but it will not be as effective as it should be. Therefore, based on such considerations, such patients who receive polychemotherapy should be given two doses of the vaccine in order to achieve full immunity. If polychemotherapy has already been carried out, then, accordingly, the vaccine can be given once, but in order to know that this full, one hundred percent immunity was developed in such a patient, it would be better to determine immunity. If necessary, an additional dose is given. If more than three months have already passed after polychemotherapy, then here, I think, one dose is enough. Moreover, this scheme also applies to other vaccines of the drug. The same hepatitis B. These are very important patients of this category, because upon admission to the hospital, due to the fact that they receive many immunobiological drugs, they often become infected. Therefore, such patients, even while undergoing polychemotherapy, are vaccinated against hepatitis B. The scheme here is different, here it is divided somewhere up to about four doses according to special scheme vaccine dose. Sometimes the dose increases, not as usual for adults - 1 milliliter or 20 micrograms, but up to 40 micrograms. Of course, everything needs to be done before this, before polychemotherapy.

- But this is a seasonal event.

It's clear. The fact is that all inactivated vaccines, subunit and split vaccines can be used in such patients. Moreover, this is a duty. This is congenital, because against the background of polychemotherapy, accordingly, ...... and at this time any infections can attach themselves - including influenza, and acute respiratory infections, and so on.

- And who should not bet atcurls, in particular from grippa? Yes there ise groups of people?

The flu vaccine should not be given to those who have a severe reaction to chicken embryos, that is, well, an allergy to eggs. Moreover, severe allergies - Quincke's edema, urticaria. In such cases, you can’t do it. What is available today is any vaccine preparation. Moreover, there is such a category - people who previously, to the previous administration of the influenza vaccine, also had an incomprehensible reaction, a high temperature - 39-40. And the third group - you can’t do it in acute process diseases when the temperature is 39-40. Well, accordingly, the person will recover and after 3-4 days this vaccine can be administered. But again, I say, this is individual, because what we have in Russia, well, like in other countries, vaccination should be done 2-4 weeks after recovery. Accordingly, here the doctor chooses his tactics. Because vaccination can be carried out against the background of the course of the disease, but again the timing is selected. If the disease is expected to rise in two weeks, it will be done, that is, against the background of the course of the disease. But again the doctor chooses individually. If there is still a lot of time before the season, of course, it is better to leave it, let it recover and after 2-4 weeks give the appropriate dose of the vaccine.

- And if there is no temperature, but – snot, cough.

The presence of catarrhal symptoms is not an indication for vaccination. But again, I say - the doctor knows how to do this. Catarrhal phenomena and relapses of any disease do not serve as a contraindication for vaccination. Be it heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, and so on. It is not. Only the doctor here determines how to do this. I explain that the vaccine that exists is inactivated or killed. Therefore, first of all, this should be done to their patients. In practice, we often work with them, with adults, with children, with chronic pathology. That is, who relapse throughout their lives. Of course, if it’s in season, I do it even if I have a runny nose or cough. But, accordingly, I prescribe what is still needed. If time allows, you can wait as written in the instructions. But you can individually choose the timing of vaccine administration for each person, including in the presence of some catarrhal phenomena. This is not experience, this is just life showing. And this is how it is done in the world, everyone knows perfectly well.

- Lena from MMoscow askingaet. I believed that the effectiveness of flu vaccinations for children is 50%. K dwhat kids age does this apply and is it worth vaccinating a child twice??

This is when the child receives one dose of the vaccine. It is known that if the mother is vaccinated, then the children retain their... That is, they have maternal antibodies or have protection against the flu for up to six months. Here in Russia and in other countries of the world it is written that vaccination against influenza can be given to children from the age of six months. Other part. Accordingly, if the mother is vaccinated. Here in Russia, women who are preparing for pregnancy or conception, or God forbid, about vaccinations during pregnancy, have a bad attitude towards vaccination. Of course, vaccination can be done before pregnancy, during pregnancy, in the second half, starting at 6, 7, 8 months - there is no harm to the child or the mother. It's possible, it's possible. We are doing this. You need to read, you need to know what is happening in the world. And, accordingly, if the mother did not receive the vaccine, the child will be sterile from birth, from the first month of life. And those who have a dangerous vaccine, the flu, is dangerous, and ends in complications and death, especially in young children and older children. There are two categories. The third category is for patients who have a severe or chronic illness. Be it a child or an adult. And, of course, if vaccination is carried out from six months to seven years of age, then children are vaccinated in two stages. For those children who have not previously been vaccinated and have not had the flu. Why is it done in two stages, because after one dose full immunity is not formed. Exactly as the reader said, 50%, that is why such children are given a second dose. Well, the dose is selected, because up to three years of age, 0.25 doses of this inactivated vaccine are given, and over three years, up to seven years, two whole doses of 0.5 milliliters are given, as for adults. And from next year, these children, they should receive only one dose.

- Revaccination?

It is not a revaccination, because it is done annually, it is called vaccination, one dose of the vaccine is enough for him.

- And the interval between two vaccinations?

The interval ranges from 4 weeks to a month. But again there are violations, because sometimes the child has a runny nose, cough and cannot be done. And then this vaccine is pushed back to a month and a half, sometimes two. It does not matter. There is only one thing, that, of course, the child will not receive full immunity in time. But all the same, if you vaccinate two months after the first dose, you will only have immunity after about 2-4 weeks from the second dose. That is, it is believed that if a child is prescribed vaccination, it takes about one and a half to two months for full immunity.

- So, is this necessary in advance?

- Alexanderr from St. Petersburg asks, which of the many Are the flu vaccines currently offered the most effective? And on what you should pay attention to when choosing a vaccine? Here is Onishchenko banned vaktsinu griffin due to low qualityfood

I would like to say that this vaccine has not yet been thoroughly studied. And the fact that quality... This is ours domestic vaccine, this is a vaccine that is considered to be viral, it is a new generation vaccine, such vaccines are available abroad. Unfortunately, this is only the first vaccine in Russia, but it has not yet been fully studied. When it passes all stages of testing, I think that it will have its own loophole, it will be applied. But for now it is not possible.

- With what is it different?

By its construction. Because here in its structure these virus antigens are selected in such a way that they are similar to the virus. That is, they are so similar to influenza viruses. That is, in its construction it is closer to the influenza virus, but at the same time it cannot cause influenza disease, but in terms of immunogenicity it is believed that the viral vaccine is slightly more immunogenic than the usual split or subunit

- ReactionAm I on her maybe?

Common reaction. But immunogenicity, that is, means that immunity to these vaccines is slightly higher than that of conventional ones existing vaccines. This refers to inactivated split and subunit. And it is believed that this particular vaccine is very good for older people and the elderly. Because they have flu vaccination processes with the strongest vaccines, inactivated, split, subunit, immunity is slightly lower than in others age groups. But this must be so, this is how the immune system reacts. Yes, also, in Russia all the vaccines are good - choose according to your taste. And if the vaccines were not immunogens, then they are prohibited in Russian Federation. All the vaccines that are available Russian market, they are certified by the central, leading institute for the control of biological products. It's called the Tarasevich Institute. Therefore, if vaccines do not meet those immunogenicity parameters, and their immunogenicity is considered according to 3-4 parameters, then it is not allowed on the Russian market. Another thing is that there is more advertising here.

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Will the flu vaccine protect against the flu? Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Mikhail Kostinov. Specialist of the Institute of Vaccines and Serums Professor Mikhail Kostinov

- But cThey are different.

I think the price depends on the center. In theory, all those vaccines that are ours, domestic ones, are the same in cost. Cost is when, for example, a manufacturer spends on production of a vaccine. Another thing is that it depends on how it is produced. Of course, how is it promoted, for example, if you take the ampoule separately and the syringe separately, then this vaccine will be cheaper. If this vaccine is already packaged in syringes, the vaccine will be more expensive. If the production technology of the vaccine takes more time, again, it will be even more expensive. This is the first part. The second part, of course, depends on the seller. Because if you take some LLC or, say, some Insurance companies, there the money goes according to other parameters, of course, the vaccine will be expensive. But if you take an ordinary, simple center, which also has the right to engage in vaccination, then the vaccine will be lower. That is, all vaccines here are good, it just depends on how this client heard the advertisement.

- A fIs it French or Russian?, doesn't matter?

There are no significant differences. We are doing this, we are studying. Of course, every manufacturer praises their vaccine and says that they have the best vaccine in the world. But in fact, in terms of immunogenicity and safety, they are all the same. There is only one thing. Live vaccines that are used, and we have them in Russia, are good, such vaccines are only here and in the United States of America, good vaccines, intranasal, but there are restrictions on use, which cannot be done, for example, when there are lungs catarrhal phenomena. What can be done, for example, with a killed vaccine. There's just one thing. And so all other indications and contraindications are the same for all of them.

- ... the vaccine is only given in such specialized institutions?

No. The fact is that again it depends on how long it goes, this vaccine is sold at budget prices. Because its cost is lower than a regular, inactivated vaccine. Cheaper. Although, again, we have data that if in Russia this vaccine costs about 90-odd rubles, then in the USA it costs up to 40 dollars. And it is intranasal, there are no injections. That is, it is taken and made like a spray in one nostril, in the other - 0.25 each.

- So, this is not an injection?

No. We have. And it's the same with them. But again, I say that, of course, they are deactivated, because once in the 70-80s, when it was, then many people had acute respiratory infections, the flu. And of course she didn’t pass. But you can’t compare what happened 20-30 years ago and what it is today. Because any vaccine is constantly being improved. This is the market, on the one hand. Because the more effective the vaccine, the more it will be bought, sold, and so on. Therefore, all vaccines are constantly being improved and improved in order to conquer the market, on the one hand. On the other hand, of course, it is in favor of patients that he has a reaction and they are immunogenic.

- And the name of any vaccines that are alivee – intranahall?

Yes, this is what it is called, our domestic vaccine - a live intranasal flu vaccine. Foreign vaccines are not registered in Russia. There is also an intranasal vaccine in China, but for some reason theirs is not as effective as ours. But these vaccines are good, because it is believed that these are live, they are alive, inactivated, alive, the virus is killed, well, its special treatment, they also seem to be a little higher in immunogenicity, a little higher, not reliably, than the killed ones vaccines. But again everyone knows this, because it is natural. They form mucosal immunity very well and then local immunity Very great importance during the formation of ..... influenza.

- Experts say that already launchedproduction of a vaccine that is not made from chicken protein that is allergenic, therefore, it can be given to allergy sufferers, towho react?

No, these are just developments underway. So I contacted one of the manufacturers, it is expected that if it appears around 2010.

- Another two yearsA?

Yes. Because there is a development, it seems to have passed the tests. Then it will be carried out, it will take place again clinical trials, well, I think that in at least two years it will be. Accordingly, of course, it will be grown on kidney tissue and then it can be done for those with allergies who have a severe reaction to chicken eggs. But she's not there yet. Again we will have this vaccine in Russia, it will be a joint vaccine, that is, our production and foreign production. Again I won't advertise.

- Next question. Alexandra from Khimki writes. I don’t vaccinate, although at work we get vaccinated for free. Reasonson – after vaccinationand, literally a week later, I became very ill, with a fever, brittleoh bones, that is, all the signs of the flu. What am I doing wrong?

You never get infected from the vaccine. Because an inactivated, killed vaccine does not contain the virus. Accordingly, if there is no live virus there, it can never cause withdrawal symptoms, joint pain, and so on. The fact is that immunity occurs after a month. Accordingly, within a month after vaccination, a person will suffer from the same acute respiratory infections as he had before. Immunity will be present in at least 4 weeks and then you can protect it from the flu. Another thing is that it often coincides here. Why are we discrediting all vaccine products? Because I took the vaccine and immediately fell ill. I always say this phrase: if there is diarrhea, there is scrofula; we remind everyone that it was a vaccination. In theory, a vaccine is an immunogen, just like an immunomodulator. Can't compare with the immunomodulator that exists. When introduced into the body, immunity is formed not only to influenza or, say, diphtheria, tetanus, but all other parts of the immune system are stimulated. Because that's how it's built. That's right, you can call it such an explosion. This explosion depends on vaccines. Let's say, when there is a flu, they are not expressed, these explosions and, accordingly, increase... infections. Another thing is that at this time another virus enters, which is stronger than the immunogen that is administered with the vaccine. Because you can’t compare a live virus and a vaccine. This is heaven and earth. Take two men - one healthy, the other dead, if they fight, who will win? The one that is healthier. So it is here. The virus enters intranasally, it will act faster than the one that is killed. That's why. Immunity will only appear after 4 weeks.

- You still have to take care of yourself after all.e vaccinations?

After vaccination, no, we always say that the person leads a normal life. Another thing is that if he already feels some kind of discomfort, that he is starting to get sick, then he needs to take what he took before. It will not affect the formation of immunity in any way.

- That is, you can also take remantadine, And….

Well, if it is said that remantadine is not very desirable, because it has already been proven both in Russia and abroad, such as resistance to Theraflu or remantadine has already formed up to 50 percent.

-Are you getting used to it?

Addiction 50%. And when you need it during a severe pandemic, this will not help you. Therefore, there is no need to get carried away with rimantadine or other drugs that are prescribed specifically against influenza in order to neutralize the effects of these strains.

- That is, arbidol too there?

Well, arbidol has a different effect. There's remantadine and Theraflu. Already in Europe, in the United States, and in Russia, up to 50% of people who have used it develop resistance. That is, they are not sensitive to this drug. And, accordingly, when, God forbid, there is a pandemic outbreak, you take remantadine, there will be no point.

- Thuoh accept then?

You must first know when and in what cases these drugs should be used. Left and right are not allowed.

- Is it like antibiotics?

Well, of course. There are other folk remedies that boost immunity. I won't talk now so as not to advertise them. In theory, this is what doctors exist for. A person falls ill, he must seek treatment because he cannot self-medicate. Self-medication will just lead to something that is undesirable. If it were possible for us to heal ourselves, why would people study at the institute? We all study life, research it and don’t know, but a person who is far from medicine at all knows everything, treats himself and gives recommendations, etc. Of course, now we have another generation growing up, we don’t have a culture of health, we work until we fall, and then - what should we do? And if the culture is healthy, that is, I’ll work 6 or 8 hours, everything else doesn’t interest me, I’ll rest on time, I’ll eat what I’m supposed to. That is, rest, fruit, personal hygiene - then it will be good. And don’t work until you lose your pulse.

- ThatWill there be a flu epidemic this year? We alreadyWe haven't heard many opinions on this matter. Scientists scared howand some terrible strains of ordinary grisppa in this year.

Like it or not, there must be an epidemic. Another thing is that it is unknown how widespread it will be. We haven't had such big epidemics in the last 5 years or so. Because a very large number of people are being vaccinated due to both budget funds, and at their own expense. For example, last year about 31 million people were vaccinated in Russia. This is about 12% of the population, which is a very high level of vaccination coverage. Accordingly, the infection cannot develop in full force. The same thing, there are many institutions that received nonspecific agents protection, in other words, a drug that increases resistance to infection. In many kindergartens, schools and so on. These are vitamins and various medications. Accordingly, there were no such epidemics. But she may be. If we take it when it will be this year, no one knows. Supposedly in December. And it could be in February, maybe in March, maybe in May - no one knows.

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At what age can you get a flu vaccine? Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Mikhail Kostinov.Alexey EPIFANOV, Antonina PANOVA

- Usually they say after new Year.

Well, that's right, because the main sources of all infections are children. That's why it all starts with children. It has already been proven that if the child population is vaccinated, the incidence of the disease is significantly reduced. Often. The same thing in Russia shows that if a child is vaccinated, the incidence of influenza in parents is reduced to 40-45%. And if there are also grandparents in the family and only one child is vaccinated, then the incidence decreases from 7 to 20%. This is what vaccination is child population. What strains are expected this year? Yes, indeed, this year’s vaccine includes completely new strains that have not circulated or been observed before. There are two strains - Brispen. And one strain b is Florida, which has not existed for 20-25 years. Which means that the population does not have immunity to these antigens, to these viruses. Accordingly, if there is a flu, then it will be widespread. If previously a vaccine strain included 1-2 strains, which were repeated from year to year, therefore, immunity remained, that is, protection. And here there will be strains that have not circulated before. At least, for about 20-25 years... Accordingly, now even immunity during vaccination of the population will be slightly lower than in previous years. Why? Because these strains were not present, immunity, accordingly, is not developed. Therefore, no one knows when it will happen. But the main thing is that other strains are expected, indeed.

- Why is it scary?and this Florida and the second one?

The flu goes away, no matter what strain it causes, it goes away according to its pattern. As it was 50-100 years ago, so it is now. But another thing is that there is no protection. Accordingly, there is no protection, which means everyone here will get sick. Both healthy and sick. But especially patients who have chronic diseases. Because any acute respiratory infection causes an exacerbation of the underlying disease. This ends in complications and mortality. It is no secret that approximately 73-75% of the budget is allocated for influenza, if we take all infectious diseases as one hundred percent.

- Question from Dmitry from Moscow. If that year you injected yourself, got vaccinated, and in this no, then rather Total….

Yes, most likely, I think not. We also often recommend that after receiving the flu vaccine, immunity lasts for more than just a year. It can last longer - up to one and a half years. There are studies that after the flu, immunity can last up to 50%... and for up to three years. But the trouble is that there is immunity to the strains that existed before. And now there are completely different strains. Accordingly, there is no immunity to these antigens. If these are strains that will be repeated this year next year, then the person can be vaccinated if he is relatively healthy. And if he is sick, it doesn’t matter, even if the strains are repeated, they are recommended annually. This is not our recommendation, these are university recommendations. They are direct indications for vaccination of individuals or risk groups, or patients with severe morbidity, chronic disease, and so on.

- A to kwhen is it not too late to get vaccinated if we are we waiting somewhere at the end of December?

It's never too late to get vaccinated. Individually. Another thing is that for an organized team it is always advisable to do this before the peak of the incidence rate rises. And a person can individually get vaccinated whenever he wants. But again I draw your attention - the sooner the better. As soon as the vaccine appears on the market, it must be done. Another question: is it possible during an epidemic? Of course you can. But there won't be that effect. Because again, if an epidemic starts in Moscow, it does not mean that in two days it will cover all of Moscow. Of course, it will last about 10 days, two weeks. If a person was vaccinated in the first days of this rise in the disease, that is, there is a chance that he may have time to form at least some kind of immunity against the flu. But the sooner the better. But there are other technologies here. When a person is vaccinated during an epidemic, the doctor individually prescribes other means that protect against influenza-like diseases while he has influenza immunity. But this is again the doctor’s tactics - what medications can be taken, what doses, and so on.

- Each doctor has his own old-fashioned way of preventing influenza, which turns out to beis most effectiveeffective. You have thO?

I agree. A doctor who has his own experience has his own experience in treating influenza. But there is one thing. Specifically for the flu, only the vaccine provides immunity. ARI, ARVI - a lot, of course it’s possible. I always believe that any method is good as long as it is beneficial for the patient.

- For example, you eat garlice or honey?

I eat a lot of garlic. By nature, garlic and onions are my favorite food additives. Well, this is how the body is genetically built. But this does not mean that I take them only for flu and acute respiratory infections. Well, it is known that phytocides kill a microbe at a depth of about 20 cm. Therefore, when there is a smell of garlic on a bus or trolleybus, this is, of course, good. Of course, it’s unpleasant for others, but it has an effect for humans.

- Is it better to let it smell than to be sneezed on?

Yes. But the fact is that when the incidence of acute respiratory infections begins to rise, it’s a good idea for everyone to take a mask. He goes to work, why be embarrassed. In Asian countries, when an outbreak of any infection begins, everyone wears masks. All. In China, in Japan. And here everyone is shy. There is simply a lack of health culture again.

- How long is it sterile for?

You have enough. They are sold in pharmacies, they are disposable, cheap. There are paper ones, of a special material, this is not what they used to make, from gauze. Now they are so beautiful, blue, very pleasant - you put them on and throw them away - that’s all. For example, you will wear a mask for two weeks, but you will be protected from the flu. But this is not accepted here, because everyone is shy.

- Next question. In your ininstitute aboutthere was a vaccine trial against avianabout the flu. What is heoh is it over? When will there be a pandemic from bird flu in the world? In the USA they did not spare as much as 320 million for the fight with bird's grisliterally to the dayI.

The fact is that no one knows when this fall will happen; it has been expected for a long time, about 25 years, if not more. But she's not there. When it will be, no one knows. What we have, in the United States, in the Czech Republic, in England, are such vaccines - these are not vaccines, they are a prototype of a bird flu vaccine. What does layout mean? That these are approximately the same viruses that were present in previous years, and a vaccine is made from it. It is specially designed, how many doses of antigen are needed, how many doses of immunogen, then how it is tolerated by people - this was studied and it was shown that there is a model. To create such a pandemic vaccine, we will need approximately 3 months.

- Do you need to give the go-ahead?

Well, of course. The go-ahead. And from the moment this vaccine appears in the world, this is a pandemic vaccine for manufacturers, that is, it will take about three months to create this vaccine quickly. Again, grow the virus, make a vaccine and immediately apply it.

- How is this training?

This is a layout. It's like Russia's gold fund. Moreover, not only one vaccine was used, but several vaccines. They all seemed relatively good. That is, this layout is in no way inferior to foreign ones, it even goes a little higher. But no one knows what kind of virus it will be, and everything they did was a mock-up. Why the money is allocated is another matter. Because other layouts are being looked for. Developments are underway around the world to use a live virus. Because a live virus is much more effective than a killed one. The vaccines we made are immunogens, you need to take two doses.

- Listthose are for the child, for healthy person, for xchronically ill and for a pensioner - vaccinationWhat percentage does it give against the flu? protection against diseaseI?

Regardless of age, they give the immunogen vaccine somewhere around 73-75%, reaching 90-90-something percent.

- IN connection with what?

Because it all depends individual characteristics body. It is no secret that among the population there are somewhere between 5-7 percent, sometimes even more, who are not sensitive to these antigens. Of course, if we take 100 old people or 100 children, we will see that everyone develops one hundred percent immunity. And when you take a mass one, this percentage jumps out, indicating that the efficiency cannot be one hundred percent. This is how our immune system is configured.

- In St. Petersburg aboutannounced that a universal vaccine has already been invented, which You install it once and it lasts for five years.

It might be like that. But wait and see. There are such developments, I read the literature that there are such... a special structure, done there at the molecular level, which are like collecting so many antigens that, for example, circulate among the population of the planet.

- That is, it’s nothing more loading dose, A just a set of timesnew...

Yes, it will be a larger set different options flu, which may be. That is, so that by cross-reaction they can take such... This is a dream. We always dream and always hope... There are 135 influenza institute laboratories in the world, where they study in each country what kind of virus there was, what its structure is, what its genetics are, and so on. And every year in February, these scientists meet in all countries of the world and guess what the probability of the flu strain is expected for next year. And in February they are already giving a command to all countries of the world to prepare one vaccine for the northern hemisphere, and another vaccine for the other hemisphere. And somewhere in May-June there will already be a vaccine. Then it undergoes some testing and somewhere in August-September a ready-made vaccine appears.

- Tatiana RomanoVna asks if it’s true that everything is more and more more people refuse privto get rid of the flu scared, in particular, this Krasnoyarsk story last year... Why is this oopssno?

Whoever refuses takes responsibility. This is not justified. It is here that we like to inflate such passions out of ordinary phenomena. I remember in 2006 there were such cases of the use of massive Grippol flu. That's how it should be. Because Grippol has become widespread. Never, even under Soviet rule, have such a large number of people been vaccinated. Never. Accordingly, if the amount of the administered dose of the drug increases, the same reactions that occur to any vaccine occur. And when we went out to look, there were such unforeseen reactions, unrelated, let’s say that the child was allergic... Of the 30 children who gave a reaction in one region, when there was a commission from Moscow... I, as a scientist, need to know the truth - why and why... We did not find any allergic reaction in any child. One had an allergy in childhood - dermatitis. Earlier reactions on food products he didn't have, no one had any others serious illnesses. Moreover, it’s strange - if there was a severe adverse reaction, then this child would not recover from this reaction within 40 minutes, it lasts 3, 5, 7, 12 days. These children, who were considered a severe reaction, were all healthy after 45 minutes... It was such an unusual reaction... There are other issues that are associated with the nervous system. And so they calculated the percentage of these reactions that we had in Russia. This resulted in a quantity of 0.006. No, sorry, 0.003. There are other vaccines throughout the country from other countries of the world that are similar, that is, of this origin, much smaller. That is, this is how it should be. The main thing is that the doctor who sees the reaction reacts correctly. And the media to dictate them correctly. I repeat that we study all our lives and do not know all the moments. And suddenly a journalist or someone else comes and already knows everything... There may be a temperature reaction to the flu vaccine, there may also be a local reaction. The temperature reaction can be somewhere around 37-something after vaccination for 6-12 hours. Allergy sufferers may experience redness around the injection. There may be discomfort. But this is a true reaction, as it should be. This is how our body is built. We cannot say that this is a side reaction.

Every autumn before parents The question arises: “Should my child be vaccinated against the flu or not?” After all, parents must make the decision to vaccinate their child voluntarily. The flu vaccine is not included in the list of routine vaccinations, since children cannot be vaccinated without taking into account the individual characteristics of the body. The main reason for doubting the need for vaccination is that many parents do not believe in the effectiveness of the vaccine.

Like, even though they did it vaccination last year, and there was no protection against it, the child still got sick! Indeed, the effectiveness of immunization with modern influenza vaccines is about 80% and depends on the quality of the vaccine, the characteristics of the child’s body and the epidemiological situation in the place of residence. Therefore, we can say that the probability of contracting the flu in a vaccinated child remains about 20%, but at the same time he will get sick from it in mild form and without possible complications.

Flu- the most common infection, which can be caused by one of three viruses A, B and C. Children are very susceptible to these viruses. The peak incidence of influenza occurs in the autumn-winter period, and the disease often develops into an epidemic. Until the age of six months, children rarely get the flu; maternal antibodies protect them from the virus. The flu mainly affects the upper respiratory tract of the child and occurs with a high temperature that persists for a week.

U baby his health quickly deteriorates, he becomes lethargic, gets tired very quickly, complains of a headache, aching muscles and joints, and in some cases he may experience nausea and vomiting. The main signs that distinguish the flu from a common cold are the absence of sneezing, a rapid increase in temperature and chills, and discomfort in the muscles and joints. The most dangerous is the likelihood of a possible complication of influenza, most often in the form pneumonia - inflammation lungs or otitis - inflammation of the middle ear.

Sometimes otitis media goes over in meningitis - inflammation of the brain. The risk of complications after influenza increases especially in children with weakened immune systems and with diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Therefore, children who are at risk of complications from influenza should be vaccinated first. Even if the vaccine does not protect them from the flu, they will have it without complications.

The next reason for doubt Parents' need for a flu vaccine is that many parents are afraid of the consequences of the vaccine on the child's body. They believe that any vaccine can harm the child and even cause his illness. Previously, it was true that the flu vaccine often led to side effects and the child developed fever, lethargy and chills after vaccination.

Modern flu vaccines very different from those used before. They do not cause side effects unless the child is allergic to chicken protein. Today, there are more than a dozen types of influenza vaccines, the most common are Begrivak (Germany), Flu-arix (Belgium), Vaxigrip (France), Influvac (Netherlands), Agrippal S1 (Italy), Grippol (Russia).

Viruses for the preparation of vaccines, they are grown on chicken embryos, so if a child has an allergy to chicken protein, it should be abandoned. Influenza vaccines may contain whole viruses (live vaccines that are given in the nose), killed whole viruses (inactivated vaccines that are also given in the nose for children under 18 years of age), and the surface internal proteins of the virus (splint vaccines, which are given intramuscularly). ).

Golden standard in flu prevention They consider splint vaccines. All vaccines contain a residual amount of thiomersal, a substance that contains mercury, and a small amount of formaldehyde, which “kills” viruses. Vaccines produced without these harmful additives haven't been invented yet. That is why the decision to take or not to get a flu vaccine should be made by parents themselves. After all, who else, if not they, knows the state of their child’s health and can take responsibility for his safety.

In defense vaccinations against influenza, we can confidently say that the vaccine enhances the production of interferon in the child’s body and strengthens it general immunity. This is evidenced by statistics: due to mass vaccination against influenza, the number of autumn-winter colds has decreased by half in recent years. The fact that vaccinated children get the flu is explained by the fact that the vaccination is carried out against one influenza virus, and the child catches another type of virus.

Sometimes it's just baby immunity to the virus does not have time to form. To avoid this, vaccination should be done no later than 3 weeks before the onset of the flu epidemic. If a child is already sick with the flu, then vaccination is useless. After vaccination, the child’s body produces antibodies that can fight the viral infection for six months. Then the number of antibodies decreases, so your child needs to be vaccinated against influenza annually.

Contraindicated graft from the flu with a runny nose and other illnesses of the child. If the child was sick, then vaccination should be done only after 4 weeks after recovery. Vaccination is not recommended for children who experienced any complications during previous vaccination. Today, flu vaccinations are mainly given in kindergartens and schools; if desired, vaccination can be carried out in any medical institution. After vaccinating your child, ask the medical staff for a certificate stating the name and series of the vaccine, and the date of vaccination.

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Influenza is a disease that is recorded annually with the onset of the cold season. The risk of infection is high for frail people with low immunity, pregnant women, young children and patients with chronic diseases. It is for these categories of the population that influenza vaccines are being developed. Timely administration allows you to avoid infection, and in case of illness, transfer it in a mild form without complications.

For planned prevention Influenza vaccines today use 2 types of vaccines: preparations with live but weakened viruses and inactivated preparations in which there is no live virus.

Vaccines with killed viruses, in turn, are divided into three subtypes: with the whole dead virus, split or containing only the outer shell of the virus. Currently, live vaccines are used extremely rarely.

How is the flu vaccine given?

It depends on which drug is used and for which category of patients:

  • A flu shot with a weakened live virus is sprayed into the nasal passages.
  • The neutralized vaccine is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly by injection. The injection is given in the shoulder or subscapular area (in adults). The method of administration depends on the drug itself and what its effect should be. Intramuscular injection allows the drug to enter the blood faster, while the subcutaneous one works more slowly, allowing the body to gradually recognize the virus and begin to fight it.

When the vaccine is administered, some side effects, for which you need to be prepared. When using spleen vaccines with a neutralized virus and some additives, there may be local reactions- swelling and pain at the injection site. Preparations with whole cell virus cause a slight increase in temperature and swelling at the injection site. A live vaccine can raise body temperature to significant degrees, but this period is short-lived (one to two days).

If received routine vaccination, then the body’s immune cells are already ready and instantly react to the penetration of the influenza virus, beginning to neutralize it.

This is facilitated by antibodies produced after contact with live or killed virus from the vaccine. The patient's immunity lasts up to 6 months. Even taking into account the variability and mutations of the influenza pathogen, such a vaccination significantly reduces the likelihood of severe influenza and its complications. The vaccine is effective only for one season and is subsequently destroyed in the blood.

Who needs a flu shot and when?

This is especially important for the following categories of patients:

  1. Children under one year old.
  2. Children with diseases of the central nervous system.
  3. Persons with chronic kidney, liver, heart or lung diseases.
  4. Old people.
  5. Pregnant women.
  6. Patients who have suffered or have heart defects.

Doctors also recommend vaccination for people who, due to their professional activities, come into contact with a large group of people: medical workers, kindergarten teachers, teachers, trade workers. For them, the risk of infection is high. It is advisable for women planning a pregnancy to take care of their health. Previously acquired influenza is especially dangerous in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, and therefore it is advisable to undergo preventive influenza vaccination.

Is vaccination necessary if it was done last year? For the most part, the vaccine's effect wears off within 12 months, so last year's shot may not protect against a new outbreak. In addition, every year doctors develop a new vaccine composition, based on what virus causes the disease. As for the manufacturer of the drug, there is no need to change it if last year's vaccination was successful. Every year, the composition of the vaccine (killed viruses) is the same for all foreign and domestic manufacturers.

Timely vaccination among children prevents the spread of the virus in children's groups, and in children under 3 years of age it minimizes possible complications. It will be especially effective if at least half of the children in the group are vaccinated. This will provide not only individual protection, but also general immunity. It is especially important to vaccinate the following children:

  1. For those suffering frequent colds.
  2. Those with chronic respiratory diseases (asthma).
  3. Children with heart defects.
  4. Having metabolic disorders (diabetes).
  5. In immunodeficiency conditions or treatment with drugs that suppress the immune system.
  6. With diseases of the blood, liver and kidneys.

You may come across the opinion that weakened and young children should not be vaccinated against influenza due to the additional burden on immune system. This view is erroneous for several reasons.

  • The vaccine is not given during an acute illness, when elevated temperature and the presence of an allergic reaction. In this regard, vaccination does not affect the course of the disease and does not slow down recovery.
  • Vaccinations that contain proteins are mainly dangerous for children. chicken egg.
  • If complications arise after last year's vaccination, the child will not be given a new vaccination.

If parents have doubts about the advisability of influenza vaccination, they can discuss this with their pediatrician, as well as undergo additional examinations and tests. Children under 1 year of age and patients who have never had the flu before are vaccinated twice to obtain lasting immunity. For the remaining categories, one injection of the vaccine is recommended.

The advisability of influenza vaccination for adults

Unlike ARVI, influenza is dangerous disease because of acute course, as well as those complications that are common with this viral infection. If the patient has a weakened immune system or has chronic diseases, he becomes especially vulnerable and is recommended to additionally protect himself from the flu with an annual vaccination.

The most common complication of influenza is pneumonia, deadly for elderly patients, as well as those who have diseases of the respiratory system. They are the categories of the population who are strongly recommended to undergo preventive vaccination. It is advisable to vaccinate all employees of child care institutions, doctors, transport workers and pregnant women.

Regarding the compatibility of pregnancy and vaccinations, there is anecdotal evidence about the dangers of such vaccination. It is vaccination that provides the necessary protection not only to the expectant mother, but also to the fetus. If a woman suffers from the flu, especially severe before 14 weeks, there is a very high probability of giving birth to a child with pathologies and serious disabilities. It is recommended that breastfeeding mothers also be vaccinated. The vaccination is not dangerous for the woman and will not harm the child.

Despite the many positive points provided by influenza vaccination, this vaccination has both pros and cons. Doctors' opinions and traditional healers There is often disagreement on this issue. Parents are also ambivalent about the need to protect their children from this viral infection with annual vaccinations. General practitioners and pharmacists who offer this or that vaccine can explain the situation.

Both pediatricians and family doctors who care for elderly, frail and chronically ill patients are in favor of vaccination. Although vaccination does not provide a 100% guarantee that such patients will not get sick, it is most likely mild course flu Which will not lead to an exacerbation of severe chronic diseases. Pediatric doctors often recommend vaccination in kindergartens and schools. In this case, both personal and collective immunity are developed.

Those experts who find disadvantages of this vaccination are against the vaccine. Firstly, even with the active work of the international surveillance system for the influenza virus, there is no guarantee that the vaccine will carry the exact strain that will spread in a given season. IN best case scenario in such a situation, vaccination will be useless. However, this opinion can be partially refuted. Even if the epidemic is associated with another virus, they all have some common elements, which increases immunity against influenza.

Are there possible side effects from the flu vaccine?

The most common side effects are high temperature and general poor health are observed when using drugs with live viruses. Many patients ask the question: is there a risk of getting sick after getting a flu shot? Pharmacists can answer: even live vaccine contains a virus that is unable to reproduce, therefore, there is no likelihood of illness.

Some patients may experience an allergic reaction or post-vaccination complications to a vaccine containing impurities. In this regard, split vaccines, which consist of a split safe virus and do not contain chicken egg white, are considered the gold standard.

Useful video

Flu vaccination - Dr. Komarovsky School

Do I need to get a flu shot? - Doctor Komarovsky

Term "flu" comes from the French gripper (to grab, catch, seize). This name expresses the suddenness and rapidity of development of the symptoms of the disease, as well as its viral nature - a person “grabs” it, “catches” it. Flu- an acute infectious disease that primarily affects the upper respiratory tract and occurs with high fever (lasting for 3-5 days), with a pronounced deterioration in health, which is manifested by severe weakness, severe headache and muscle pain, nausea, vomiting.

What causes the flu

The causative agents of this disease are viruses flu three types: A, B, C. Susceptibility to these viruses is very high. Flu People of all ages and at any time of the year get sick. However, the peak incidence occurs in the autumn-winter period, when people spend more time in closed, unventilated rooms, the body is weakened by a lack of vitamins and is exposed to large temperature changes. Often diseases flu turn into an epidemic (from the Greek epidemia - general disease). Children become especially susceptible to the virus flu after six months of life, since by this age they have a decrease in the amount of maternal antibodies transferred to them in utero, and their supply from breast milk- babies begin to be supplemented, which reduces the frequency of breastfeeding. Viruses flu have the ability to change quickly, as they constantly circulate among people and exchange genetic material. Many contacts and development of transport in modern world contribute to the rapid spread of these viruses in the most remote parts of the world. Severe epidemics flu type A occur every 10-40 years, less severe ones occur every 2-3 years. Large-scale outbreaks flu type B are repeated every 4-7 years. Diseases flu C-types occur evenly throughout the year, rarely developing into a pestilence.

If the virus is "captured"

Upon penetration into the upper respiratory tract, the virus (regardless of the type) invades the cells of the outer layer of the mucous membrane, causing their destruction. Cells containing the virus are rejected by the body and enter the environment through breathing, coughing, sneezing, infecting others. This route of transmission is called airborne. Infection is also possible through toys, dishes and other objects of the patient. Within a few days, and sometimes hours, the virus, multiplying in the body, causes the first signs of the disease - malaise, chills, aching joints, muscle pain. Then the temperature rapidly rises to 39-40 degrees C (some children may develop convulsions against a background of high temperature), dizziness, headache, coughing, sore throat, and a clear and then purulent discharge from the nose appears. Having been ill flu(most often severe), the child acquires immunity to it. However, the problem is that the virus is changing all the time, so previously developed antibodies will not fully protect even a person who has already recovered from the disease. flu from a new variant of the virus.

How dangerous is the flu?

Virus flu suppresses the body's immune reactions, therefore the child's ability to resist diseases is significantly reduced. It is known that during epidemics flu morbidity bacterial infections respiratory tract increases sharply. Besides flu causes exacerbation and aggravates the course of chronic diseases (if any). It happens that a child’s chronic illness increases the likelihood of a severe course. flu and the development of its complications, which are the main cause of high mortality. Complications flu: pneumonia - inflammation of the lungs, otitis - inflammation of the middle ear (sometimes turning into meningitis - inflammation of the membranes of the brain), damage to the cardiovascular and central nervous systems.

Who is recommended for vaccination against flu

The World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended vaccination against flu as the only one real way protect the vaccinated person from this infection and the possibility of creating collective immunity. WHO has identified groups of people who need vaccination (with their consent, of course). This risk group also includes children:

  • often sick;
  • those suffering from chronic respiratory diseases (for example, bronchial asthma) and/or having malformations of the respiratory system;
  • suffering from diseases and/or malformations of the central nervous system;
  • with congenital and/or acquired heart defects, disorders heart rate;
  • with kidney disease ( chronic glomerulonephritis, chronic renal failure);
  • with blood diseases;
  • suffering endocrine diseases (diabetes);
  • with immunodeficiency conditions;
  • children being treated with drugs that suppress the immune system;
  • as well as children attending child care institutions.

Continuous improvement of vaccines

More than half a century of experience in the use of vaccines against flu made it possible to carefully analyze them and improve vaccine components every year to reduce the already insignificant risk of developing adverse reactions and complications. The variability of the virus forces scientists to annually analyze the circulating this moment type of pathogen and, based on this, determine the composition of the vaccine that will be used. That is, the vaccine that is relevant in a given season, in next year does not apply. It was for this purpose that a system of international surveillance of the variability of the virus was created. The problem is that it is impossible to predict with absolute certainty which strain of the virus will cause an epidemic in a given year. Therefore, if the forecast is accurate, the vaccine will be more effective, and if it is not justified, then less effective, however, in the second case, there will be a positive effect from vaccination, since different strains of viruses have common components. Statistically, vaccination significantly reduces the chances of getting sick. flu(although it cannot protect against flu with a 100% guarantee).

Vaccines against flu

For specific prevention flu Inactivated (not containing live viruses) and live vaccines (containing weakened, non-infectious viruses) are used. The latter are currently practically not used - a new generation of live vaccines is now being intensively developed. Inactivated vaccines have significantly less reactogenicity (the ability to cause complications). To date, three types of such vaccines have been created: whole cell, split vaccines and subunit. They differ from each other in the degree of splitting of the virus into its component parts: a whole-cell vaccine contains whole cells of the virus, a split vaccine (split) contains all the proteins of the virus (surface, internal), and a subunit vaccine contains only the surface proteins of the virus. Whole-cell and live vaccines can cause post-vaccination complications and therefore have a wide range of contraindications that sharply limit their use. Their only advantage is good ability build immunity to flu. Split vaccines and subunit vaccines, due to the fact that they do not contain the entire virus, but only its main elements, figuratively speaking, do not contain impurities that can cause complications, are the safest today and are especially well suited for protecting children in the first year of life, as well as for children suffering from immune deficiency. Which of these vaccines should you prefer? It is difficult to answer this question categorically, which is why many different studies are being conducted. According to available data, split vaccines are the golden mean. They are able to maximally stimulate the immune system and effectively protect a person from flu with a low level of adverse reactions. To date, 11 are registered in the Russian Federation anti-influenza vaccines. Here are just a few of them.

  • Inactivated split vaccines FLUARIX (Belgium); VAXIGRIP (France); BEGRIVAK (Germany).
  • Inactivated subunit vaccines: INFLUVAK (Netherlands), AGRIPPAL S1 (Italy), GRIPPOL (Russia; the effectiveness and safety of this vaccine for young children is still being tested).

How does the vaccine work?

Introduction of an inactivated virus (or its parts) into the body causes the production of antibodies (protective specific proteins) different types, directed against the pathogen, which makes it possible to create a multi-level system of protection against flu, and since, viruses flu have similar structures to acute respiratory infections viruses, then produced after vaccination anti-influenza Antibodies also protect the body from acute respiratory infections - with an effectiveness of 50-60%. Within two weeks after vaccination, anti-influenza antibodies accumulate in the body and it becomes immune to the disease. Protective proteins recognize the virus and destroy it, preventing it from multiplying.. Sufficient immune reactivity of the body lasts about 6 months (according to other sources - up to a year), which ensures its high resistance to the virus flu throughout the epidemic season. The effectiveness of immunization with modern anti-influenza vaccines is 70-90% and depends both on the specific vaccine, the conditions of its storage and transportation, and on the epidemiological situation at a particular time, on the characteristics of the baby’s body and other factors. That is, the probability that a vaccinated child will get sick flu, still persists, but at the same time he will get over it in a mild form and without the development of complications. Conducted studies indicate that under the influence anti-influenza vaccines increase the body's resistance not only to the virus flu, but also to other pathogens of acute respiratory diseases(ARD), the number of cases of pneumonia and exacerbations of chronic diseases decreases. Annual vaccinations in groups sharply reduce acute respiratory infections.

Vaccination scheme

All existing today anti-influenza vaccines are administered according to the standard schedule. Optimal timing Vaccination starts in September - October, then by the beginning of the epidemic season, which usually falls in December - January, sufficient immune protection is developed. It is necessary to have time to get vaccinated before the outbreak of the epidemic: if this is done later, the risk of getting vaccinated during the latent (incubation) period of the disease increases. Vaccinate children against flu Possible from 6 months. Previously unvaccinated and never sick flu For children, depending on the vaccine used, it is recommended to administer half the adult dose twice with an interval of 1 month. The injection is given intramuscularly or deep subcutaneously. When using vaccines in disposable syringes (syringe-dose), it is recommended to shake the syringe immediately before injection. Intensive development of a new generation of vaccines that do not require intramuscular administration is currently underway.

Vaccination reactions

Modern anti-influenza vaccines cause relatively few vaccination reactions (a variant of the normal course of the period after vaccine administration). Live vaccines rarely cause a slight, short-term increase in temperature. Inactivated whole cell vaccines can also cause a short-term increase in temperature and swelling at the injection site. Subunit preparations and split vaccines extremely rarely cause weak vaccination reactions in the form of mild soreness at the site of vaccine administration. Considering the weak reactogenic properties anti-influenza vaccines, their administration can be combined with the use of other vaccines (in different syringes).

When you can't get vaccinated

The main contraindication for use anti-influenza vaccine is intolerance to the components of the drug: egg whites and special preservatives contained in some drugs. It is prohibited to administer vaccines when acute diseases or during exacerbation of chronic ailments. After 3-4 weeks after recovery or subsidence of symptoms chronic illness vaccination can be done. Not recommended anti-influenza vaccination even if any post-vaccination complications developed after the previous administration of the drug.

Where can you get vaccinated?

Vaccinations can be carried out in any medical institution that has a license to conduct vaccinations (in a clinic, commercial clinic, immunological center). Vaccination is carried out by certified medical personnel in vaccination room or at home, when the parents enter into an agreement with a private medical company to monitor the child. After vaccination, a certificate is issued and the name of the vaccine, series, number, date of vaccination, name medical institution, Availability negative reactions. You should not purchase the vaccine yourself: the doctor has the right to refuse to administer a vaccine purchased at a pharmacy or somewhere else, since he does not have a guarantee of its correct transportation and storage, which can cause complications after vaccination or cause the vaccine to be ineffective. When vaccinating in specialized centers The suitability of the drug is guaranteed. To date, science has proven the effectiveness and safety of modern vaccines against flu, which is especially important for children at risk. You can discuss the advisability of vaccinating your child with a pediatrician who constantly monitors the baby and knowledgeable about the features of his body: how he tolerates vaccinations in general, how he reacts to an increase in temperature during ARVI, whether there are convulsions, etc. For insurance before vaccination, you can undergo at least the minimum medical examination- pass general tests urine and blood, consult an immunologist. We wish you and your child not to get sick.

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