Vaseline oil: instructions, description, application. How much and how to give Vaseline oil to a cat Vaseline oil for puppies dosage

Vaseline oil– a substance obtained from petroleum products by distillation. For for long years it is used in medicine and cosmetology. It does not contain harmful or useful substances, but is an indispensable assistant in the fight against certain problems in the body. In veterinary medicine, petroleum jelly is often used for dogs, usually for digestive and intestinal disorders.

The uniqueness of Vaseline oil is that it does not linger in the body, is not absorbed into the blood and has virtually no effect on other internal organs except the intestines. It will not cause harm to the animal's body.

Vaseline oil is not absorbed into the blood and has a mild laxative property.

Vaseline oil can liquefy feces, lubricate the intestinal walls and thereby produce a laxative effect and have a slight stimulating effect on the intestines.

Vaseline oil is used in the following cases:

  • as a laxative and in case of poisoning with certain substances, when you need to quickly cleanse the intestines;
  • to soften flaky skin;
  • if swallowed foreign object smooth shape so that it is excreted from the body with feces;
  • for cleaning ears, as it is not absorbed into the skin.

Directions for use and dosage

For constipation in dogs, Vaseline oil is given orally. The dosage for a dog is calculated based on the weight of the animal, approximately 5 ml per 5 kg of weight. That is, for a dog weighing 10 kg this is a teaspoon of Vaseline oil.

Vaseline oil for constipation is poured into the dog's mouth.

Open the dog's mouth and quickly pour in the oil, but no more than 1 tablespoon at a time. Let your dog swallow this amount first. You need to give Vaseline oil 2 times a day on an empty stomach. The oil will take effect 3-4 hours after administration.

Don't overdo it! You should not give your dog more oil than indicated in the instructions for use, hoping for a better effect.

An overdose can significantly reduce intestinal tone and negatively affect the process of food digestion. Another way to use this tool is an enema for a dog with Vaseline oil. This method is suitable if the dog has not had stool for more than a day. Moreover, constipation should not be caused with health, in this case it is better to immediately contact a veterinarian.

Enema with Vaseline oil for mild cases eating disorders can be done without the help of a doctor. The solution for such an enema consists of warm water(approximately 25 º C) and a small amount of Vaseline oil.

Note! The volume of liquid depends on the weight of the dog. For small dogs weighing up to 3 kg, the optimal volume is from 50 to 10 ml. For dogs weighing about 30 kg, the volume of liquid should be 500-600 ml.

Before the procedure, you need to lubricate the tip of the enema with Vaseline oil.

Contraindications for use

Even such a harmless substance as Vaseline oil may be contraindicated in certain cases.

This product should not be used:

Vaseline oil is usually called a drug obtained by processing residual products of the oil industry, processed at temperatures of 300 ° C and above.

Vaseline oil: effects and scope of application

The drug has a pronounced laxative effect, which is achieved by lubricating the intestinal walls, which leads to softening of the stool. As a result of the use of petroleum jelly, there is a mild stimulation of intestinal activity, as well as getting rid of accumulated feces and preventing their further accumulation.

In addition to being used as a laxative, petroleum jelly is also used as a base for creating multi-component ointments and creams, suspensions for intramuscular injections, and also as a solvent for some medicines.

In cosmetology, the oil is used as a base for the formulation of creams. wide range action, but only if it has undergone multi-stage cleaning and is completely free of foreign odors and impurities.

The peculiarities of the effect of this product on the intestinal walls, as well as its ability to dissolve all kinds of drugs, serving as an excellent base for creating external ointments, determined the specifics of how petroleum jelly is used. Instructions for use indicate that as a laxative, as well as in cases severe poisoning fat-soluble poisons (gasoline, benzene, kerosene, etc.) the oil is taken orally. The oil is used externally as an emollient and as a lubricant when inserting a catheter.

Vaseline oil: instructions for use (dosage, side effects and contraindications)

For long-term or chronic constipation, the oil is taken on an empty stomach no more than twice a day. The dose is 1.5-2 tablespoons, the general course of administration is no more than 5 days. When choosing the time of administration, you should take into account the fact that the laxative effect occurs approximately 5 (sometimes a little longer) hours after use. Another important factor is that the oil is not absorbed by the intestinal walls, and, having lubricated them, can pass through the anal sphincter.

Side effects only occur if too long-term use, as well as in the case of using low-quality oil that has undergone minimal purification. In the first case, there may be disturbances in the digestion of food and a decrease in the overall tone of the intestines, and in the second, irritation of the skin and mucous membranes with which the drug interacts.

Contraindications are also due to the stimulating effect that petroleum jelly can have. The instructions for use indicate that it should not be used during pregnancy, regardless of the trimester, since side effect may stimulate the activity of the uterus.

Vaseline oil: instructions for use in veterinary medicine

The unique ability of Vaseline oil to lubricate the intestinal walls has made it truly universal remedy. It is used not only in treating people, but is also a favorite remedy for many veterinarians. Vaseline oil for dogs is indispensable if it is urgently necessary to induce stool in an animal that has been poisoned, but there is no way to immediately go to the hospital. It is also very effective if the dog has swallowed an object that cannot exit the body on its own. The dose of oil for a dog is 2 tablespoons for large breeds and 1 for small dogs as a one-time medication.

As for how to give Vaseline oil to a cat, you can follow the following recommendations. In case of constipation lasting more than a day, enter oral cavity 5 cubes of oil using a syringe without a needle. Try to pour directly into the larynx without getting on the tongue. If there is no bowel movement in the evening, repeat the procedure, but do not get carried away. Two or three times is enough to treat even the most severe constipation, but if it does not go away, you should contact a veterinarian and get an x-ray - perhaps the reason lies in something else.

Difficulties or complete absence Defecation in a dog is quite a dangerous phenomenon. Feces remain in the intestines for a long time, and this can lead to intoxication of the animal's body.

At severe forms It is even possible to rupture the intestinal wall, which often ends in death. The owner must know why a dog may become constipated and how to help the pet in this case.

The surest sign of the onset of constipation is the absence of stool in the animal. Normally healthy dog bowel movements should be twice a day. Signs:

  • on a walk, the dog sits down and pushes, but nothing comes of it;
  • enlarged and hard belly, often purrs;
  • lack of appetite;
  • lethargy, inactivity, the dog is reluctant to go for a walk;

Important! If these symptoms are present, then you need to start treating your pet as soon as possible.

One of the most the best means for constipation in dogs Vaseline oil is a fraction of petroleum purified from kerosene by distillation. It is a colorless oily liquid and does not contain harmful substances and their connections.

Purpose of the drug

For constipation

Can be the basis for various ointments. The drug has neither taste nor smell, therefore dogs usually drink it calmly. It is effective, safe and inexpensive. You can buy it both at a regular pharmacy and at a veterinary.

The oil is used for digestive disorders and intestinal disorders.

The uniqueness of Vaseline oil is that it does not cause any harm to the dog's body, because it does not linger inside, is not absorbed into the blood, and acts primarily on the intestines.

The drug thins the stool and thereby stimulates movement through the dog’s colon.

With a foreign body

It can also be used if the pet has swallowed a foreign smooth object. With the help of oil, it is possible to remove it out along with feces. It can also be used for stomach ulcers as coating agent. Often used in the treatment of poisoning by toxic substances such as gasoline, kerosene, benzene, etc.


Although Vaseline oil is perfect harmless drug, but like anyone remedy, it has some contraindications for use.

These include:

  • individual intolerance;
  • dog pregnancy - Vaseline oil stimulates uterine contractions, and a miscarriage may occur;
  • inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity;
  • discharge of blood from the anus or mouth - signs of internal bleeding;
  • elevated temperature in a dog - above 41 degrees;
  • poisoning with phosphorus and its derivatives;
  • intestinal obstruction.

Instructions for use

For constipation, Vaseline oil is usually given orally, best on an empty stomach. Required dosage calculated based on the weight and age of the dog.


For 10 kg of weight – 1 teaspoon of Vaseline oil. If dog dwarf breed , then half a teaspoon will be enough for her. Should be taken 1-2 times a day on an empty stomach.

How long does it take to work?

The oil begins to act after about 5-6 hours, and the dog has a bowel movement. If you use Vaseline oil as an enema, the process usually happens faster, in about 5-10 minutes.

It is very important not to overdo it with the drug and strictly follow the instructions for use. For long-term constipation, treatment is carried out over a course, usually five days.

A one-time overdose is not dangerous for a dog, but if you give the animal oil for more than five days, it will is fraught with impaired intestinal motility and loss of intestinal tone. The absorption of vitamins such as A, E and K is also impaired, which leads to hypovitaminosis.

How to give correctly?

To properly give Vaseline oil to a dog, you need to open its mouth and Use a spoon to pour the drug closer to the root of the tongue. If the pet resists and it is not possible to give the medicine this way, then you can use another.

If the animal resists

To do this, you need to take a small syringe without a needle. Raise the dog's head a little and pull back the lip in the corner of the mouth. Then inject medicine with a syringe, inserting its tip into the space between the upper and lower teeth. After this, you need to stroke the dog’s neck in the direction from the throat to the esophagus. This will help the animal swallow the oil better and faster.

Healthy! It is most convenient to give the dog medicine together: one person holds the animal and opens its mouth, and the second person pours in the oil.


At acute constipation You can give your dog an enema with Vaseline oil. The medicine goes directly into the rectum and provides a quick effect. Before use, the oil needs to be warmed up a little. Optimal dosage For adult dog– 20-50 ml.

To make an enema, you will need a rubber bulb; its tip is lubricated with oil. Then you need to put the dog on the mat and insert the tip of the bulb into anus approximately 3-4 cm.

Enemas with Vaseline oil are also given to dogs. for hemorrhoids.

Is it possible for puppies?

Vaseline oil can be given to puppies for constipation, but naturally the dosage will be different for an adult dog. If it is usually 1 teaspoon per 10 kg of weight, then the puppy needs a dose of half a teaspoon.

You can also give puppies an enema with Vaseline oil. Only for this you will need not a pear, but two cubic syringe. The oil is heated to about 25 degrees, 2 ml is drawn into the syringe, the spout is lubricated with baby cream and inserted into the puppy’s anus.

The enema will take effect in 5-10 minutes, and the baby will be able to have a bowel movement.

What to replace it with?

How to replace Vaseline oil if you don’t have it on hand? Most often, it is recommended to use sunflower, flaxseed, olive or sea buckthorn oil instead. But since at vegetable oils consistency is thinner than Vaseline, the replacement cannot be complete. They do not coat the intestinal contents as well.

Reference! You can replace Vaseline oil with this: pharmaceutical preparation like Bimin, but it costs several times more. Therefore, so as not to have to look for a replacement, it is better to buy in reserve.

Causes of constipation

There are a number of reasons why dogs become constipated. They are divided into two groups:

Causes not associated with diseases:

  • excess food, overfeeding (food is difficult to digest);
  • rare walks (the dog has to endure it for a long time);
  • lack of fiber in your pet’s diet;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

Causes caused by diseases:

  • hit foreign body into the intestines;
  • frequent spasms of the intestinal muscles;
  • decreased appetite or lack thereof;
  • tumors in the perineal area;
  • back pain when bending the spine;
  • paralysis, paresis;
  • prostate diseases.


Preventing constipation in dogs includes some recommendations:

  • food should be balanced, and it is best to give special food;
  • if you give large bones, they should only be raw;
  • timely deworming of the animal;
  • daily walks 2 times a day;
  • Make sure your dog always has water.

Useful video

Check out this video from a veterinarian about coprostasis (constipation) in dogs:


After reading this article, you will know what to do if your pet has constipation, what Vaseline oil is and how to give it correctly.

In contact with

Vaseline oil (or liquid paraffin) is a highly purified colorless oily liquid obtained from the residues of distillation of kerosene from oil, odorless, absolutely tasteless. It does not contain harmful substances and is safe for small children.

Beneficial properties of Vaseline oil

When applying oil, a thin protective film is formed on the skin. Using liquid paraffin, you will reliably protect your baby's skin from microtraumas caused by friction with clothing or diapers. The moisturizing and disinfecting properties of this oil and its ability to destroy harmful bacteria are known.


  • Babies often have yellowish diathesis crusts in their hair on their heads. You cannot rip them off, because you can damage the delicate skin on the head of a newborn baby and through the damage, an infection can enter the baby’s body. To prevent this from happening, use Vaseline oil. Just brush all the crusts with it, wait a little until they soften, and carefully remove them (Read in detail);
  • Vaseline oil is excellent prophylactic against diaper rash and heat rash of newborns. After washing, lubricate all problem areas with liquid paraffin; it softens and protects the skin well. If irritation has already appeared on the bottom or in the folds, use the oil every time you change the diaper. (Details about and);
  • Mucus and dust often accumulate in the baby's nose, which makes it difficult for the baby to breathe. Lubricate the nasal passages with Vaseline oil, it will soften and moisturize the child’s nasal mucosa. Your child will breathe much easier and more freely. (How else is it possible);
  • Is your baby constipated and needs an enema? Apply liquid paraffin to the tip of the bulb. The tip can be easily inserted into the baby’s rectum without causing injury to the smallest children;
  • Vaseline oil will also be useful for the baby’s mother if she is breastfeeding. If hardening occurs in the breast (milk blockage), make a compress with liquid paraffin at night. It will help soften hard breasts, improve milk flow, and as a result, remove pain and discomfort.

The skin of a newborn baby must breathe, because for some time after birth the baby receives oxygen through the pores on the skin. To avoid clogging them, apply oil thin layer on small areas of the baby's body.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

High-quality oil is quickly absorbed. To avoid fakes or buy low-quality oil, purchase it only in pharmacies. Be sure to check the manufacturing date and expiration date. Remember that after opening the bottle, the oil must be used within 10 days.

Liquid paraffin does not contain fragrances or dyes, so you can use it for infants without fear of developing allergies.

Food for thought

IN last years Many pediatric doctors recommend using Vaseline oil with caution. The fact is that the film that it forms, even if it is very thin, clogs the pores of the baby’s skin. As a result, the skin stops breathing, and sweating stops under the film. As a result, a rash may appear and irritation may increase. The decision to use liquid paraffin should only be made after discussion with your child's pediatrician.


  1. If the child febrile state, the use of liquid paraffin is prohibited.
  2. At hypersensitivity It cannot be used with this oil.
  3. Vaseline oil is not used internally as a laxative for newborns.

Vaseline oil is produced in Russia and is quite inexpensive. So have this effective remedy V