Important rules of business telephone etiquette for outgoing calls. Topic VII

Telephone communication is a conversation between two blind people who build an image of the interlocutor in their heads based on their voice. Who is calling? Who is he calling? Is it possible for your interlocutor to talk? What if you pulled a person out from under the shower? What do you think the director's reaction will be to such a call?

The main thing at the beginning of a conversation is to create trust, and then conduct the conversation in accordance with the purpose for which you are calling. To do this, follow following rules communication by phone.


Before starting a conversation, think carefully about:

  • convenient time to call and its duration;
  • clearly define the purpose of your call;
  • make a conversation plan.

Consider your answers to the following questions:

  • What are you going to tell about yourself and the company you work for?
  • What questions are you going to ask your interlocutor to find out his needs and create the necessary motivation for a further meeting?
  • What objections might there be, and your possible responses?
  • How are you going to end the conversation and arrange a meeting?

Rule 2. Pick up the phone on the 3rd signal (if they call you).

Telephone business etiquette normalizes communication with the client. Based on compliance with business etiquette, the client judges corporate culture companies. Pick up the phone for the 3rd call: on the first call, put things aside, on the second, tune in, on the third, smile and pick up the phone. If you don't pick up the phone for too long, this indicates a low corporate culture of the company.

Don't make a fuss. Many people immediately pick up the phone. Any person needs at least a few seconds to concentrate and tune in to a conversation.


Remember, when you smile, your voice becomes more pleasant. So, smile more often. Some phone pros place a mirror in front of them so they can see their facial expressions while they talk. All this allows you to control the presence of a smile on your face.


Greet your interlocutor as kindly and energetically as possible. Come up with several ways to say hello. May you have various options, for people of different genders and ages. It is better to start a conversation with a client with the words “Good afternoon (morning, evening).” They are more lively and inviting than just “hello.” Remember that at the other end of the line someone also wants to be respected, understood and, perhaps, at this moment helped him...

Based on the content of the first words and the sound of your voice, the client determines your professionalism and chooses the style of communication with you. Your voice is your clothes, hair color, temperament and facial expression. Remember that during a telephone conversation you will not be able to accompany your words with facial expressions and gestures. What is most important here is the sound of your voice, the ability to correctly express your thoughts and, of course, as an indispensable condition, respect for your interlocutor.


State your first and last name clearly. Then name the company you represent. (“My name is... Three Whales Company”). Here are options that can be called extremely harmful and unsuccessful: “Guess who’s calling you,” “Don’t you really recognize me?” These questions create psychological discomfort in the other person. Put yourself in the customer's shoes and you will feel irritated. Don't be surprised if the client resists your suggestions after such a greeting. An unsuccessful idea could include the phrase “You are concerned about...”. After this phrase, the person on the other end of the line begins to worry. Try not to think about the lame monkey. Is it possible? The “not” particle is erased, and the second part of the phrase is perceived. You also become the culprit of this “worry”.


To do this, use the phrase “My name is... Excuse me, and how can I contact you? But don’t rush to find out the client’s name. It is better to do this after the buyer adapts to the situation. In future communications, periodically call the client by name. To pronounce a name means to show respect to a person. It should not be pronounced quickly, but rather with feeling and at the same pace as the conversation. If the client has an unusual or interesting name, comment on it with a bias in good side(Tell the person they have an interesting name, most people will like it).

The following options can be called unsuccessful: “Who am I talking to?”, “Who is this?”, “Who is at the machine?” And don’t try to guess: “Is this Ira? No? Tatyana Lvovna? No? And who then?” Or even worse: “Where did I end up?” To which there is a standard answer, said in an irritated voice: “Where are you calling?”

You can come up with a lot different options, like “Can I talk to Alexander Sergeevich?”
If you have forgotten the name of someone you last spoke to, it is better to ask, “Could you remind me of your name?”


It is very important! It is possible that at this very moment your client is busy with a responsible and important task for him. Or your conversation in this moment inappropriate for some other reason. Use the phrase “Is it convenient for you (or better yet, call your interlocutor by name) to talk now?” Remember, if you break this rule, you may lose your client forever. Your deal didn't go through. Call the right customers at the right time with the right offers. Business calls are best made at the beginning or end of the working day.

Speak the first phrases slowly, calmly and clearly, do not pour a waterfall of information on your interlocutor - give him time to tune in to the conversation. Emphasize with your voice meaningful words, change your intonation. Use short messages: i.e. one sentence - one thought. If possible, your voice should be deep and “velvety”, but be careful and do not overdo it. You can also adjust to the volume, rhythm, and tempo of the client's speech. The interlocutor will be pleased with this correspondence. The sound of your voice is determined by your posture, facial expression, and posture. Tune in to the conversation—literally and figuratively. Speech is not just moving your lips and tongue. The organs involved are the lungs, diaphragm, larynx, vocal cords, mouth, tongue and lips. Of course, a cigarette in the mouth, chewing gum, a lollipop, coffee during a conversation, noise in the room, music - destroy the rapport of telephone conversations.


You have a purpose for the conversation and a prepared plan. Don't try to solve all your problems over the phone at once. Especially avoid talking about the price of your products; money issues are best resolved during a meeting. Prepare necessary materials, pen, blank sheet of paper. Speak specifically and about the main thing. Listen carefully to your interlocutor. Ask the client questions, directing the conversation in the direction you want. Remember yours the main objective- arrange a meeting when you can discuss the details and sign the contract. To do this, you must create good motivation for the client.


They demonstrate your interest and involvement. “So...”, “I see...”, etc. Control the conversation time. Don't let the client get sidetracked. Answer most questions with questions and lead the other person to the meeting.


When arranging a meeting, make sure that your interlocutor understands you correctly and writes down the day and hour of the meeting. Ask your interlocutor if it is convenient for you to call him back the day before to make sure that the meeting will take place? All of these activities are useful so that your client can plan his time and adequately prepare for the meeting. When inviting your interlocutor to your office, give the exact address and tell in detail how to get to you. Use the standard phrase: “Do you have a pencil at hand, please write down how it will be more convenient for you to get to us”


“A conversation on the telephone lies halfway between art and life. This communication is not with a person, but with the image that develops in you when you listen to him” (André Maurois).


Knowledge of the basics of business etiquette and the ability to establish contacts are an integral part of the professional experience of employees. According to statistics, the telephone is actively used to resolve more than 50% of business issues.

Indirect negotiations differ in many ways from direct business communication. Failure to comply with the basics of telephone etiquette leaves an imprint on the image and reputation of any organization. What are the basic rules for communicating on the phone?

5 stages of preparation for telephone conversations

The outcome of telephone conversations largely depends on planning. Productive calls cannot be spontaneous. Preparation and planning of negotiations can be divided into 5 stages.

  • Information
Collecting documents and materials for conducting a telephone conversation.
Determining the purpose of telephone conversations (obtaining information, setting up a meeting).
Drawing up a plan for a business conversation and a list of questions to ask.
  • Time
Choosing a time convenient for the interlocutor.
  • Mood
Having a positive attitude is just as important as planning your negotiations. You can most often hear a smile, fatigue, or negative emotions, which the business partner can attribute to his own account. In order for the voice to be “alive”, it is recommended to conduct telephone conversations while standing and smiling!

Rules for communicating on the phone in business

  • At the beginning of a conversation, you cannot use the words: “hello”, “listening”, “speak”. The first and elementary rule: introduce yourself kindly when answering the call. For example: “Good afternoon. Manager Tatyana. Fortuna Company.
  • Negotiations should be brief. You cannot discuss a transaction or other matter on its merits. To do this, you must schedule a personal meeting.
  • Passing the phone many times during a conversation is bad manners.
  • Negotiations are conducted only with decision makers.
  • The promise to call back should be fulfilled immediately, as soon as the problem is resolved, or within 24 hours.
  • If a specialist is absent from the workplace, it is possible to exchange information with the help of another employee or assistant manager. The content of the message via third parties or to an answering machine must be planned in advance, observing the rules of telephone communication. Ask the secretary to organize the transfer of data and ensure that it reaches the addressee in any case.
  • Recording on an answering machine begins with a greeting, indicating the date and time of the call. After short message words of farewell follow.
  • Telephone calls should not be left unanswered, as any call can help get important information or make a deal. Pick up the handset quickly until the third ring.
  • Of course, you cannot answer two phones at the same time.
  1. Negotiate quickly and energetically. Presenting arguments clearly and clearly, answering questions without long pauses or vague phrases.
  2. The pause may, as an exception, last no more than one minute if the specialist is searching for a document. When the interlocutor waits longer, he has every right to hang up.
  3. Politeness is required when calling. Swearing and shouting in any case is a violation of the ethics of telephone communication.
  4. During telephone conversations, it is not recommended to use jargon, colloquial or profanity. It is also not advisable to use terminology that may be incomprehensible to the interlocutor.
  5. You should not cover the handset or microphone with your hand when communicating with colleagues, as the interlocutor will likely hear this conversation.
  6. Forcing a guest or visitor to wait while you are on the phone is a violation of business etiquette. In this case, you need to apologize, state the reason and set a time for a new call.
  7. If the connection fails, when the conversation is interrupted, the person who called dials the number again. When a company representative negotiates with a client, customer or partner, the representative calls back again.
  8. Concluding negotiations, it is worth once again voicing joint agreements and understandings.
  9. The one who called, or the senior in position or age, ends the conversation and says goodbye first.
  10. Sincere words of gratitude are indispensable when ending a conversation. In parting, you can orient your interlocutor towards cooperation: “See you tomorrow” or “Call me in...”.

Taboo, or What expressions should be avoided?

Unwanted expression Rules for communicating by phone
"No" This word, especially at the beginning of a sentence, “strains” the interlocutor and complicates mutual understanding. It is advisable to express disagreement correctly. For example, “We will accommodate you and replace the product, but it is no longer possible to return the money.”
"We can not" Refusing a client right away means sending him to competitors. Solution: offer an alternative and pay attention first of all to what is possible.
“Call Back”, “Nobody’s There”, “Everybody’s at Lunch” The potential client will not call again, but will choose the services of another company. Therefore, we need to help him solve the problem or arrange a meeting, invite him to the office, etc.
"You must" These words should be avoided, using softer formulations: “The best thing to do is...”, “It makes sense for you...”
“I don’t know”, “I’m not responsible for this”, “It’s not my fault” Undermines the reputation of the specialist and the organization. If there is a lack of information, it is better to answer: “ Interest Ask. Can I clarify this for you?”
“Wait just a second, I’ll look (find)” Deceiving the client, since it is impossible to get things done in a second. It’s worth telling the truth: “Searching for the necessary information will take 2-3 minutes. Can you wait?
"Am I distracting you?" or “Can I distract you?” Phrases cause negativity and complicate communication. These questions put the caller in an awkward position. Preferred option: “Do you have a minute?” or “Can you talk now?”
Questions “Who am I talking to now?”, “What do you need?” Phrases are unacceptable because they turn negotiations into interrogation and violate the rules of telephone communication.
The question "Why..." The interlocutor may think that you do not trust him.

7 secrets of successful calls

  1. The rules for talking on the phone with clients suggest that effective negotiations take 3-4 minutes.
  2. Posture and intonation are just as important as the information conveyed during a conversation.
  3. How does the interlocutor speak? Fast or slow. Successful managers know how to adapt to the pace of the client’s speech.
  4. It is preferable to replace monosyllabic “yes” and “no” with detailed answers. For example, if a client asks whether you will be there on Friday, you should not only answer “yes”, but also tell them your working hours.
  5. If the conversation has dragged on, then instead of apologizing, it is better to thank the interlocutor. The rules of talking on the phone with clients do not allow an apologetic tone.
  6. Taking notes and notes during telephone conversations in a notepad will help you restore the flow of an important conversation. A business person will not use scraps of paper or calendar sheets for this.
  7. The peculiarity of the phone is that it enhances speech impediments. You need to carefully monitor your diction and pronunciation. Recording and listening to your conversations with clients will help you improve your negotiation techniques.

When a client calls...

The client who gets through may not identify himself, but immediately begins to explain his problem. Therefore, it is necessary to tactfully ask: “Excuse me, but what is your name?”, “What organization are you from?”, “Please tell me your phone number?”

The rules for communicating over the phone with clients are based on the fact that you should only convey accurate information if you have the necessary data. A client who does not wait for a clear answer will no longer contact your organization.

Sometimes you have to deal with an angry or nervous client. It is better to listen to his complaint and not interrupt. He will be capable of constructive dialogue only when he speaks out. When you hear an insult, you need to hang up.

Calls in public places or in a meeting

Meetings and business meetings are times when, according to the rules, you should refrain from calling. Live voice is a priority. Negotiations that distract the attention of those present are unacceptable.

Answer call on business meeting or a meeting means to show the interlocutor that you do not value him and the time spent with him, that the person who called is more important.

There are also good reasons, for example, illness of a relative, large contract. The rules for communicating by telephone suggest that those present must be notified before the meeting or meeting and the receipt of the call must be coordinated with them. The conversation should be conducted very quickly (no more than 30 seconds), if possible in another office.

A person talking on the phone during a private meeting, in a restaurant, at a meeting looks uncultured and stupid.

Business conversation on the phone. Example

Option 1

Head: Satellite Center. Good afternoon.

Secretary: Good afternoon. Union consumer societies. Morozova Marina. I'm calling about a competition.

R: Alexander Petrovich. I'm hearing you.

R: Yes. You can book a conference room with 150 seats.

S: Thank you. This will suit us.

R: Then it will be necessary to send us a letter of guarantee.

S: Okay. Can I send it by mail with a notice?

R: Yes, but it will take three days.

S: It's long.

R: You can send it by courier.

S: So, we’ll do that. Thank you for the information. Goodbye.

R: Goodbye. We look forward to collaborating.

Business conversation on the phone. Example 2

Manager: Hello. I would like to talk with Ivan Sergeevich.

Exhibition Director: Good afternoon. I'm listening to you.

M: This is Vladimir Baluev, manager of the Maxi Stroy company. I am calling regarding negotiations to clarify prices.

D: Very nice. What exactly are you interested in?

M: Has the cost of an exhibition square meter increased?

D: Yes, I grew up. One square meter in the pavilion from September 1 it costs six thousand rubles, and in the open exhibition - three thousand.

M: I see. Thank you for the information.

D: Please. If you have any questions, please call.

M: Thank you. I will contact you if necessary. All the best.

D: Goodbye.


The ability to apply the rules of telephone communication with clients becomes an integral part of the image of any organization. Consumers prefer companies that are pleasant to do business with. Effective business communication is the key to successful transactions, and therefore financial well-being enterprises.

Business conversation– solving some production problems or establishing business contacts. Business communication by phone very specific, it is advisable to prepare well for it. When communicating with clients over the phone, you must clearly understand what exactly your interlocutor wants to achieve and what you want to get from communicating with him. If you know what you are going to do in the near future business meeting over the phone, you should prepare for this in advance.

Plan your phone call, think about everything in advance possible options its passage and solutions possible problems. According to the rules of business communication over the phone, the time of the conversation should be convenient not only for you, but also for your interlocutor. Do not allow a situation where you have to distract your interlocutor from solving important matters. If you choose the wrong time for business communication over the phone, this may be a significant obstacle for you in establishing a business contact. In addition, by phone, there is no need to combine business conversation with some other matters.

Excessively long telephone conversations are not acceptable. Remember, the time of business communication over the phone should not exceed 4 - 5 minutes. Another mistake when conducting business conversations is the use of gestures. If you demonstrate your reaction with the usual set of gestures, then only the person who is directly next to you, and not at the other end of the line, will be able to understand you.

There are several rules for communicating on the phone. Let's look at the main ones:

1. Before you start communicating with a client by phone, you should prepare for the conversation in advance. Before calling your client, clearly define the purpose of the conversation, highlight the most important thing in it and carefully think through the content of your conversation. The rules of business communication over the phone say that when preparing for a conversation, you should think about whether the interlocutor wants to talk to you, whether he has free time how much he can devote to this conversation, what techniques you will use to influence your interlocutor, and so on.

2. The second rule of communicating on the phone is that you should always remember names, dates and document numbers that will be relevant to the business conversation. Try to anticipate your interlocutor's reaction to the information you present, that is, you should think through all your answers to your interlocutor's questions.

3. During a business conversation, you should be brief; your conversation should not last more than 4 - 5 minutes.

4. During business communication over the phone, try to replace neutral greetings with informative ones. That is, you need to start the conversation by introducing your organization and yourself personally.

5. When talking on the phone, speak evenly, try to restrain any of your emotions, listen to your interlocutor and do not interrupt him during the conversation. At the same time, confirm your participation in the conversation with short remarks. Otherwise, the interlocutor will think that something is distracting you from the conversation, and you are not listening to him.

6. If you have a slight disagreement with your interlocutor, try to resolve it tactfully. You should not give free rein to your emotions, because emotional state The effectiveness of a business conversation depends on a person. Even if your interlocutor speaks in a raised voice or unfairly reproaches you, you should not respond in kind; be patient and, if possible, try to move the conversation into a calmer direction.

7. Don’t forget about intonation, tone and timbre of your voice, as they carry forty percent of the information in a conversation. If the audibility in the handset is not very high, then you do not need to raise your voice yourself, just ask your interlocutor to speak a little louder and ask him how he can hear you.

8. The eighth rule of business communication over the phone is that there is no need to interrupt the conversation with telephone conversations. You must first ask the interlocutor for an apology for having to interrupt the conversation and only then pick up the phone.

9. You should always have paper, a pen or something next to your phone. electronic device, which will help you save the information you need. During the conversation or after it, try to make notes that will contain information that is important to you.

10. The caller or an older person can stop the conversation. social status. If you urgently need to end a conversation, try to end it as gracefully as possible. Apologize to your interlocutor, say that you enjoyed communicating with him, and the like.

11. After you finish a business conversation, spend a few minutes analyzing its style and content. Try to understand what your mistake was, analyze your impressions. This business telephone etiquette will allow you to save time next time by reducing the duration of negotiations, and you will also be able to understand and correct mistakes made during the conversation.

Telephone communication has long become an important part of life. We discuss household chores with relatives, chat with friends and solve problems with business partners, colleagues and bosses. Conversation styles should be different, and business communication requires a special approach.

Phone in life modern man occupies an important place: communication with loved ones, friends, but, importantly, with colleagues and superiors.

Naturally, when talking with different people we use our own way of communication, and no one would think of talking to their boss in the same way as to best friend or even just a colleague. In this case, the conversation will focus on business communication.

Also business etiquette should be used by those employees whose responsibilities include telephone conversations, various social surveys and all other conversations that are conducted, as a rule, from the cool center, that is, the call processing center.

Unfortunately, some people behave rather familiarly when talking on the phone, not at all the same as in a personal meeting. Since employees feel at a safe distance, they easily hang up, and sometimes talk away from the invisible interlocutor with a couple of not very polite phrases, and this goes against the etiquette of telephone communication.

But sometimes it is a telephone conversation that becomes the starting point of good business relations. Here, unlike a personal meeting, a strict business suit, office decor, an on-duty smile and gestures are not so important. In fact, the image of an enterprise may entirely depend on the manner in which its employees conduct telephone conversations.

What to think about before talking on the phone

  • the goal you are going to achieve in the upcoming conversation;
  • Is it possible to do without this conversation;
  • how ready the interlocutor is to discuss the topic of conversation;
  • Do you have confidence in the successful completion of the conversation;
  • what specific questions you need to ask;
  • what questions you may be asked during the conversation;
  • what outcome of negotiations can be considered successful and what can be secured in case of failure;
  • what methods of influencing your interlocutor can be used during a conversation;
  • how will you behave if your interlocutor begins to object, becomes louder, or does not respond to your arguments;
  • How will you respond if they show distrust of your information?

Preparing for the conversation

Before starting a telephone conversation, you must do the following:

  • Prepare documents that will be required during the conversation: reports, prospectuses, correspondence, work certificates, etc.
  • To record information, prepare paper, a tablet or other device. If you use a voice recorder, you must warn and ask for consent to use it.
  • Have before your eyes a list of officials with whom you are supposed to talk in order to contact to the right person only by first name and patronymic.
  • Place a conversation plan in front of you, with the most significant points highlighted in marker.

Conversation plan

A telephone conversation should not exceed 3 minutes, according to at least, your opening monologue. This is what it looks like rough plan similar introduction:

  • introducing the interlocutor to the essence of the problem (40-45 seconds)
  • mutual introduction with the name of the position and level of competence in this issue(20-25 minutes)
  • discussion of the situation itself, the problem (from 1 to 2 minutes)
  • conclusion, summary (20-25 seconds)

If the problem has not been resolved completely, you need to arrange a second call at a certain time. At the same time, it is important to clarify with whom the conversation will continue - with the same person or another employee who is more competent in this matter or has a wider range of authority.

Telephone etiquette rules

Always greet the person calling you and use polite words when calling yourself. These could be words of greeting associated with certain time days ("Good afternoon!", " Good morning!", "Good evening!"). It is better to avoid such expressions: “Listen”, “Hello”, “Company”.

Watch your intonation. It is with the help of your voice that you can arouse the affection of your interlocutor, create the correct perception in him, and for this, of course, you need to speak kindly, calmly, but without unnecessary exclamations: excessive enthusiasm can also repel.

Be sure to introduce yourself. After greeting the interlocutor, name your organization so that the person knows where he has addressed. To make it easier for him to start a conversation, state your name and position so that the interlocutor can determine whether he can continue the conversation with you, or whether he needs to talk to a representative at a higher level.

When you call an organization yourself, try not to start the conversation with phrases like: “You're worried about...” or “It bothered you...”. Such expressions make the interlocutor wary, and your call may be perceived as unwanted.

After calling a specific interlocutor, find out how convenient it is for him to talk to you now. Once you are sure that they can communicate with you, immediately move on to the subject of the call: business people should be brief and not deviate from the topic of negotiations.

When someone calls your company, etiquette involves picking up the phone after the second or third ring. If you do this after the first call, the potential interlocutor may decide that your company is not too burdened with work.

If the caller needs some other representative of the company, there is no need to hang up, “cutting off” the caller. You need to use the hold function to switch to standby mode or switch to the right person. If the right person is not there, you can ask if you can advise him or provide other assistance. If he refuses help, ask what needs to be conveyed, what message to leave.

When listening to a new interlocutor, try to adapt to his speech rate: if a person speaks slowly, perhaps he not only perceives information, but also immediately analyzes it. If he speaks quickly and asks questions impatiently, he may be irritated by your slowness and leisureliness.

During the entire conversation on the phone, you do not need to smoke, chew or drink anything. Be sure to put aside your cigarette or sandwich, move away your cup of coffee or tea.

After finishing the conversation, say goodbye to your interlocutor, but before that ask if he has any questions for you. If you initiated the conversation, don't apologize for taking up the other person's time. It will be better if you thank the interlocutor with words: “Thank you for giving us your time. We hope for further cooperation.”

Instead of a conclusion

If your speech is not very developed, then talking on the phone aggravates speech deficiencies. Therefore, you should try to avoid words whose pronunciation you are not very good at, or words whose stress you are not very sure of. It is better to pronounce names that are difficult to hear by syllables or even letters.

Talking on the phone is truly an art that can and should be learned. After all, sometimes there is only one phone call can do something that could not be achieved in the process of preliminary meetings and negotiations.

It must be remembered that strong influence your partner can be influenced by a glance, a smile, facial expressions, friendly handshakes, but in telephone communication this is excluded. You can offend an unknown interlocutor with a careless word. Sometimes it is a telephone conversation that forms the first impression of a person. Try to get it right.

When two business people meet, everything is simple. They shook hands, smiled, and chatted. When you see the interlocutor in front of you, talking to him is much easier. But it also happens that the opponent is at a great distance from us, we have never even seen him in person. It's about about telephone conversations. According to statistics, business people spend from four to twenty-five percent of their working time on the phone. It's comfortable. Can be accepted operational solution, no need to go anywhere or send a letter. The telephone is ideal for obtaining information and consultations. However, in a telephone conversation, your only weapon is your voice and speech. True, you are deprived of the opportunity to track the reaction of your interlocutor by gestures or gaze. In addition, telephone conversations tend to be more time-limited than face-to-face meetings. But this type of conversation also has a lot of advantages. After all, the interlocutor does not see either you, your suit, or your office. He judges by the timbre of the voice and intonation. And now everything is in your hands! Or vocal cords...

Preparation comes first!

We are preparing the phone. There is no place for improvisation in telephone negotiations. Everything must be prepared in advance. And first of all - a telephone set. Even if the interlocutor is friendly in advance, poor quality connections will quickly ruin his mood. A self-respecting person will not shout over the noise, squeaking and squealing on the phone. Please use decent lines.

We are making a memo. Now turn to the topic of negotiations. It has already been said above that they require serious and painstaking preparation. And the presence of a telephone as an intermediary does not change anything. Quite the contrary. In a personal meeting, you can allow yourself a couple of interjections, a few sentences that are not relevant to the matter. On the phone you need to speak quickly, clearly and only to the point. You can’t let your thoughts wander, otherwise your interlocutor will very quickly get tired of your buzzing on the phone. And he also has things to do, he is also in a hurry somewhere... Make it a rule - before every conversation, make up a reminder for yourself: what you need to say and what you should never say. Your speech should be “polished” in advance!

Let's vote. Without a confident voice and clear diction, you don’t even have to answer the phone. Therefore, take the trouble to practice your pronunciation in advance and achieve confident intonation. Calmness, confidence, solidity in your voice are a guarantee of success.

Getting a job, say, at the Helpline, is not as easy as it might seem. After all, a lot depends on intonation. They will first check the “intonation pattern” of the candidate’s speech. Is there a hint of irritation or disdain? Sometimes our speech seems absolutely normal to us, but those around us hear something... In the “Helpline” people are trained in a special way. They try to select those with voices with a pleasant timbre and those with clear diction.

Getting ready for failure. In our crazy times, people sometimes don’t have a minute to have a very important conversation. Psychologically prepare for the fact that the interlocutor does not have time to talk now. Immediately arrange for another time. You must also be prepared for objections, which, as you know, arise during any conversation.

10 seconds that will save 10 minutes

Still, before you call to a specific person, ask yourself again whether you need this and what benefits these negotiations will bring. Are you convinced that the call is really necessary? Before you pick up the phone, follow a few simple steps.

  1. Once again, be clear about everything you are going to say.
  2. Think about the future interlocutor and what he would like to hear.
  3. Compose a short message in your head in advance to dictate if the other person is not there and the secretary or answering machine will answer you.
  4. Place all necessary documents on the table.
  5. Have paper and pen ready.
  6. Write a short summary of the most important names and facts.
  7. Before picking up the phone, relax and take a few deep breaths.
  8. Mentally imagine your future interlocutor.
  9. Think about something pleasant.
  10. Try to call only when your interlocutor is not busy and has time to talk.

How to write a memo

No matter what you say, a conversation aid is important. How many times have you found yourself in a stupid situation: the number was dialed, but everything you were going to say suddenly flew out of your head. And now the arguments are no longer so logical, and the interlocutor takes the initiative from you. After all, it only takes one minute to remember! Write down literally one sentence for each point of conversation. Number them. Write clearly, you won’t have time to sort through your scribbles. And only after making a clear plan, call without fear.

By the way, a separate point in the memo should be: “What exactly do I want to achieve.” Do you need to make an appointment? Or about the supply of equipment? And did you manage to achieve what you wanted? Check the memo and end the conversation. Business does not tolerate idle chatter... Remember: everything that can be said outside the phone should be said outside the phone. Using the device, you can arrange a meeting and make quick, clear and precise arguments. Make your interlocutor come to this meeting and take the bait on your offer. The goal is one: to arouse interest. Here's another reason to think things through ahead of time. But the main thing is that no one needs long conversations, just like unclear and vague deadlines.

By the way, the memo can also serve as a kind of condensed outline of the conversation. Such a detailed reminder is needed if the conversation ahead is complex and sensitive. For example, you need to apologize to someone. You will feel much more confident if all the “necessary” words and expressions are already before your eyes. This means you won’t get confused or become nervous. Which in itself promises the success of your mission.

By the way, it wouldn’t hurt to put a blank sheet of paper next to the memo. Sometimes it is simply necessary to record essential points and details during a conversation. Don't trust your own memory too much. There are already a hundred things to do in your poor head, why stress yourself over a telephone conversation? Put its essence on paper and forget about it with a clear conscience.

Confidence is the key to success!

An unsure voice is a guarantee of failure when talking on the phone. When meeting in person, hesitant notes can be masked with a smile, gestures, or something else. Only a voice can be heard on the phone. And the lack of confidence here is like death. But confident people can sometimes achieve significant success.

Another case that we talk about during trainings. It was about residency. Junior researchers were waiting for their exam foreign language. But for some reason the administration was in no hurry. It was necessary to negotiate with the department of another institute, but they simply did not need the extra workload. Then Alexander, the same junior Researcher, like everyone else, I decided to call this department myself. He had a pleasant, confident voice and knew how to play with intonations. “Hello, you’re getting a call from a research institute... Here future professors are waiting for an exam... Yes, at any time... Who’s talking? Alexander Ivanovich." That department agreed without hesitation, only asking for the necessary paper. The fact is that the person “at the other end of the line” mistook Alexander for at least the director of the research institute. He didn’t even feel comfortable asking who exactly was talking to him. This is what confidence in your voice means! And the residents passed the exam on a clearly scheduled date.

This is why it is necessary to pump yourself up with confidence before a conversation. Even the most relaxed person in front of telephone conversations feels a little uncomfortable. What if they don’t listen to him? What if they hang up after a couple of minutes? Of course, such thoughts do not increase self-confidence. So charge yourself with faith in your strength! Before the call, joke, tell an anecdote, laugh, laugh. And put a reminder in front of your eyes. You always feel much more confident with text.

Get ready for battle! Sit comfortably so that your diaphragm is free. There is no need to curl up in your chair; it is better to sit back and relax. Your voice is your weapon, so breathing should be as free as possible. Some people find it more convenient to stand while talking. For someone to walk, it creates a kind of rhythm. It is best to conduct the experiment in advance. Try to determine how you “speak” better: lying down, sitting or standing.

Learn to monitor your breathing, speak only as you exhale.

And remember: voice is power! People tend to attribute advantages or disadvantages to other people according to their first impression. Hearing a ringing melodic voice, we see before us a young and beautiful girl. Velvety bass creates the impression of a “voluminous”, confident boss. The whole problem is that very often the voice and appearance have nothing in common.

One of the visitors to our trainings told how she arranged negotiations with the director of a large company. Before that they for a long time talked on the phone. She was struck by his deep and pleasant baritone; in his voice there was a sense of confidence and possession of all the blessings of life. She was so interested that she decided to attend the negotiations in person. Seeing a stately, broad-shouldered middle-aged man, she walked towards him, smiling. And she was amazed to hear his high, shrill voice. The owner of the familiar baritone turned out to be a short, bald man, almost lost in the crowd of the delegation...

Voice, manner of speaking, diction, pronunciation are extremely important. Let's remember Bernard Shaw's play Pygmalion. How did the hero of the play manage to make a lady from a simple flower girl? Changing her pronunciation, diction and manner of expression.

Phone traps

What pitfalls await those who decide to conduct serious business negotiations over the phone?

Apparatus trap. Poor technique will ruin even the most brilliant speech. Purity telephone lines- first of all. Otherwise, your interlocutor will only have an ear ache.

Text Trap. I repeat once again: you can’t go anywhere without a reminder! 99% - preparation, 1% - improvisation. You need pre-written text! Moreover, when you speak on the phone, you should pay more attention to HOW you speak. WHAT to tell you should be written down on a piece of paper and be in front of your eyes.

Diction trap. Poor diction will obscure the meaning of statements. So, if you have problems with speech, it makes sense to use some other way of negotiating.

Failure Trap. It is also worth preparing for refusals in advance. And know what exactly you will say in this or that case.

The intonation trap. Irritation, uncertainty, boredom in the voice are always very noticeable. Please be kind enough to achieve the perfect intonation pattern. Who would talk to a bore who drags out every word? The interlocutor will not want to sleep by the phone or slowly sink into depression, he simply will not communicate with you.

If the phone rings...

Answering a business call correctly is, by the way, also an art. Which, alas, many business people do not own. All you need to do is remember a few rules.

  • You should pick up the phone immediately after the first ring. If you have a visitor, are writing a letter, or are busy doing something else, it is perfectly acceptable to answer after the phone rings two or three times. But it’s better not to delay. Remember: it is in your best interest to answer every call. What if there is a person on the other end with the most advantageous business proposal?
  • If you have difficulty hearing, do not shout into the phone. It’s you who can’t hear the caller well, not the caller who hears you. Ask him to speak louder, ask how he hears you.
  • “Yes”, “Hello”, “Listen” - all these options for starting a conversation in the business world are, to say the least, inappropriate. When you pick up the phone, you need to introduce yourself: say the name of the company and your last name. If the subscriber has the wrong number, the error will immediately become clear and you won’t have to waste time on unnecessary conversations.
  • Never answer rudely. You don't know who is on the other end of the line. But whoever it is, he doesn’t care much that you just had a fight with your boss or failed the annual report and you’re in a bad mood...
  • If they call your colleague who is not there, you should not abruptly reject the caller. After all, he needs to get through, he will call in an hour or two. Isn’t it better to politely ask who it is and what to say to your colleague?
  • Learn to “receive telephone messages.” By the way, there are special forms for recording telephone messages. It indicates who called, when they called and what they wanted to say.
  • Never say “no” on the phone. Look for positive language. Forget the phrases “I don’t know” or “I can’t.” You work here, it's your responsibility to know. And if it is impossible to fulfill the client’s wishes, instead of a direct refusal you can always offer Alternative option. If you need to step away from the phone for a couple of minutes, be honest with the person you're talking about how long you'll be leaving and ask if they can wait. The usual “I’ll just be a second” won’t work here.
  • Don't talk to anonymous people. If the interlocutor; I forgot to identify myself, politely ask who he is and where he is from. Otherwise, you risk making a lot of mistakes when accepting an order or providing information to him.
  • The person who called ends the conversation. To impatiently “round off” your interlocutor is, to say the least, bad form. Perhaps the interlocutor still has questions, and you have already hung up...
  • At the end of the conversation, assure the interlocutor that you are always happy to call and meet with him. Thank him if he helped you or told you good news. Wish you all the best and say goodbye.

I. Vagin, N. Kirsheva. Negotiation: Win every round. M. 2002